i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:52:28 GMT
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it was terribly difficult to hold her tongue as katherine parted ways with one last verbal barb, but sénon's presence soothed her present state of emotional turmoil her by a considerable margin. cait had feared she had embarrassed him with her rampant display, but he simply wrapped an arm around her and remained silent. 

"i'm sorry.

her words were directed toward her fiancée, the apology meant only for his ears as she forced herself into a partial state of calm. she wilted a little with each steadying breath, ultimately aware that she had likely disappointed her betters - avoiding meeting the gazes of  and  as she sat.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 6:04:14 GMT
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He rubbed at her arm with the intention to soothe her in the same ways her words and presence always soothed him.

It seemed despite starting the altercation Katherine had gotten the better of her and it felt like she deflated a bit in the aftermath of her outburst.

But unlike the rest of them he knew where Cait came from and what she stood for. It was only natural things escalated as they did. He still didn't understand the full goings-ons before the two former leaders of Mauville but he understood Cait.

Tucking the speaking side of his face behind her curls his playful tone expressed his pride in her. He spoke lowly to avoid any ear-hustling. might hear but for the moment he was still playing too cool for the room. "I think Lord Celebi would be quite pleased."

His somber mood over Kanto's loss a bit elevated in the need to show he was on her side, regardless.

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 6:14:33 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

her eyes rounded in response to his words words, the corners of her trembling lips tugging upwards into a tender smile. 

'i want to go home,' she realized. 'with him.' 

cait turned her gaze back to the meeting at hand, considering katherine's words in that moment. the woman had dismissed the idea of being a 'housewife' - but celebi's avatar found no shame in  craving the simplicity of such a life. 

"i think they will be," she affirmed. 

their speculations were confirmed as she experienced a bewildering warmth, celebi genuinely pleased by her willingness to openly defend their honor. 

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
613 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 6:20:46 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]AN AQUA ASSEMBLY





AS SOON AS LIQUID IS SPILLED, her mr. rime pops out of her pokeball to clean.[break][break]

dahlia taps her pen on the contract, still waiting for yeas or nays on the decision to have the contract be renewable every five years. she hoists her laptop bag off her shoulder; it's large, housing more than her device.[break][break]

during the chaos, she takes the time to connect her laptop with an HDMI cable (it's quite out of the way) for she sees and attempting to hold the universe together within this very spot.[break][break]

"how do you know?" dahlia asks the latecomer. "how do you know that every chosen one will assist hoenn?"[break][break]

tapping her laptop to shock it awake, the glass-like screen reveals an mp4 of the press conference. she hums as she scans the timeline, searching for a 'delilah swanson'.[break][break]

she presses play, the trackpad clicking firm.[break][break]

“i-is it to say that the pokemons don't really choose t-the league... since there are those that choose the side of... sorry for the word. 'evil.'”


dahlia maintains her smile— but it's inward. soft in curve, yet unwilling to relent.[break][break]

"the public is uncertain, desmarais. thanks to ms. swanson's question, the fears of renegade avatars have resurged to the forefront once more. i'm sure we understand the power of the press, yes?"[break][break]

dahlia raises three fingers. as she speaks, her fingers count down. her nude nails tap against her palm with ever descent.[break][break]

"i want to point out three issues. one, we are assuming all avatars will help hoenn in times of crisis. second, we are also assuming that the avatars are being treated as 'cannon fodder'. third, we are assuming that avatars will experience the same level of work hazard as our rangers and police officers."[break][break]

she speaks with a solid timbre. refusing to rush her words, the rhythm she maintains allows her to craft the fluency of her ideas as if she were writing in the tongue of academia.[break][break]

"at the risk of sounding like a broken chatot, first, how do you know? second, your efforts as well as 's and many others around here have been recognized as instrumental in the ultra beast war. should anything of that magnitude occur, would we be using avatars as simple farm fodder, if we are investing in them and ensuring that they are properly equipped when the 'chosen' go to help 'hoenn get back on its feet'? lastly, the avatars, as proven due to their valiant efforts within the megalopolan conflict, have engaged in high risk situations, moreso than the average soldier or ranger."[break][break]

she remains comfortably in her seat, despite the desire to stand.[break][break]

"and for this reason, i am offering those who are already making a difference better support. holistic support. the traumas you have all faced require community and pillars to lean upon. such an investment is something you all deserve."[break][break]

electricity tickles her flesh. hairs rise. the golden curl dahlia seeks time and time again to wrap around her ear begins to fray. "serena, do you not understand your current position? nevermind the tardiness, you clearly do not have your avatar powers in control! right now, you are affecting every single one of us in the room. stop it. now."[break][break]

her stoutland cowers beside her. static tarnishes the coat of her dog, causing wisps of fur to lash out like nihilego tentacles. nearby, her mr. rime tosses soggy paper towel into a rubbish bin.[break][break]

"we are running high on emotions, that much is clear. however, no one is forcing you to sign. the opportunity is here to decline— or judiciously alter the contract to all of your needs. be kind to yourselves, please. you are surrounded by good people."[break][break]




This is a contractual agreement between all signed parties, THE HOENN LEAGUE (THE LEAGUE for short) and the AVATAR. A contractual party is taken to mean that group or individual, any being(s) alive or otherwise that the contractual party has dominion over, hereafter referred to in aggregate in this contract as each signed party or as AVATAR, meaning those who have signed below.[break][break]

An AVATAR is an individual who has been recognized by a significant Pokemon who possesses (1) bestowed powers from said Pokemon and/or (2) possesses or can summon said Pokemon.[break][break]

The aggregate of signed parties hereafter referred to as The Avatar Quality and Universal Action (AQUA) Initiative. All AVATARS signing this document are bound to its terms, regardless of the name used to sign this contract.[break][break]

The AQUA Initiative is a program designed to help AVATARS transition into their new lives as empowered individuals, while facilitating the development of their skills for the good of Hoenn. The AQUA Initiative will offer protection and insurance to these AVATARS who sign this contract for their services.[break][break]


AVATAR is not currently represented by THE LEAGUE, but acknowledges that he has had the opportunity to consult with THE LEAGUE of their choice and enters into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. THE LEAGUE and AVATAR each acknowledge that they are entering into this contract of their own accord and without duress, coercion, or pressure of any kind; that they have fully disclosed to each other all information pertaining to their respective capabilities likely to influence their judgement herein; that they have given due consideration to such provisions and questions, and understand them clearly; that the arrangement embodied in this contract is in all respects acceptable to them, being consistent with their respective capabilities; and that accordingly they assent to all the provisions hereof.[break][break]

THE LEAGUE agrees to enter into this contract in order to provide resources and support to AVATARS, in exchange for their services for the good of the Hoenn region.[break][break]

It is hereby agreed that, in exchange for the powers and abilities offered to AVATAR herein after, AVATAR shall perform certain services for THE LEAGUE. Said services are more particularly described as follows:[break][break]
    i. THE LEAGUE may time to time, demand the summoning of AVATARS to protect Hoenn and its constituents from regional threats (e.g. Ultra Beasts, domestic terrorists, natural disasters, aggressive Pokémon, etc.). AVATARS may provide their services if they deem the situation to be appropriate according to their own judgement and within the legal grounds without the summoning of THE LEAGUE.[break]
    ii. THE LEAGUE agrees that it shall not demand the performance of services and/or tasks more than once per week, with the issuance of a new service and/or task by THE LEAGUE does not release AVATAR from their obligation to complete any previous, as yet uncompleted, services and/or tasks.[break][break]

Below, the duration of the contract has been outlined:[break][break]
a. The contract is in power until[break]
    i. the death of the AVATAR[break]
    ii. breach of agreement[break]
    iii. or mutual termination of the agreement.[break][break]

In case of breach of agreement, the contract is in power until the remedies detailed in Section IV. have been carried out in full.


All AVATARS who sign this contract will be provided with a salary of ###, ### pokédollars paid bi-weekly, alongside government benefits and insurance:[break][break]

    i. health insurance[break]
     - can include spouses and dependents who are not AVATARS.[break]
    ii. life insurance[break]
    iii. Pokémon insurance[break]
    iv. property damage liability insurance[break]
     - all damages incurred by use of AVATAR powers and/or their Pokemon in a legal fashion or while working for THE LEAGUE will be paid for by THE LEAGUE.[break]
    v. government pension plan.[break]
    vi. access to League publicists and stylists.[break]


Upon THE LEAGUE's determination that AVATAR has violated any of the terms and/or conditions of this contract then AVATAR shall be liable to punitive terms as described herein.[break][break]

Minor violations will incur a monetary fine that will be determined depending on the nature of the violation. However, if AVATAR commits a major violation of this contract, which includes actively working to subvert THE LEAGUE, collaborating with THE LEAGUE's enemies, seeking to be released from this contract except as expressly authorized herein, or otherwise subverting the purposes of this contract, then THE LEAGUE may exercise any or all of the following remedies:[break][break]

    a. Immediate expulsion from the AQUA Initiative.[break]
    b. Revoke any granted benefits including pension.[break]
 c. Demand multiple services and/or tasks be completed, notwithstanding any other provision of this contract to the contrary.[break]
    d. Imprisonment.[break]
   e. Impose any other penalty THE LEAGUE deems fitting, so long as to do so would result in irony due to the nature of the AVATAR's violation.[break]


The following are changes to this document, that modify the terms for all signed parties, after such parties have signed. No addendum may be entered into this document before first being agreed upon by an unanimous vote of all signed parties. Any signed party may propose an addendum at any time, it will then be voted on at the earliest convenient time when all signed parties are present and in a sound and calm state of mind, as to cast a well considered vote.[break][break]

contracts will be renewed every five years (should this motion pass).


I hereby certify that I have read, understood, and agreed to all of the terms and conditions provided herein above and I expressly agree to be bound by each and every one of them. I understand that this contract cannot be revoked by me after signing, except as may be expressly provided for herein. I expressly acknowledge that I am entering into this contract freely and voluntarily, without duress or coercion of any kind.[break][break]



THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENT introduces the "AQUA INTIATIVE," a program and task force that bands together the avatars of Hoenn. This thread will present your characters with a choice of joining the AQUA Initiative or not. Acceptance and declination will spell different possible plot points for your characters, so have fun with it![break][break][break]

Read through the contract. Characters may ask questions before signing, etc. However, try to limit your questions or collectively decide on questions to ask, for (I) will not be able to answer every single one.[break][break][break]

There will be rewards for participating. If you would like your character to be present, but you do not feel as if you can post, please make a quick post saying that your character is present and whether they will sign the contract to join the Aqua Initiative.[break][break]

There are no deadlines to post yet; however, will publish moderator posts when appropriate.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
8,926 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 6:48:41 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Fernando never stops writing. Each line of the document is glossed over again, pen pressed against the paper to keep track of his placement. Occasionally, he’ll scratch out a word or line he deems unfit for his own terms, but otherwise he remains placated despite the altercation between Cait and Katherine.

It’s simply not his place.

Mostly because, at the end of the day, their little spat is inconsequential. Whatever personal vendetta they have between each other means little to the League. They can work around one or two people. It’s who comes in next that causes him to wince, blinking, only a moment’s pause before he continues printing.

So, contribute constructively or get out,” he chimes in nonchalantly as an afternote to ’s address. “If you’re here to try and flex that your brain is bigger than your ego, or weasel your way into confidential information just so you can write some slant piece because you’re so desperate to catch up to HNN, then leave.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 7:14:50 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
The mention of her powers pulsating in the room is not a matter of surprise but fascination. Dahlia is correct to assume that she has not explored the full capability of her powers. It doesn't mean, however, that she's not aware of how to use it.

“Don't get me wrong, I know everyone here is good. That I can attest since I know of their stories during the Megalopolan War,” save for a few others like who have just arrived after. “Which is why I believe they will help Hoenn in the face of a great peril even without this initiative. As for the renegades, I'm not sure how this project follows for those who choose not to affiliate themselves with the League.”

Her smile matches that of the commissioner—ice-cold and hard. “Are we suggesting that this initiative will determine who are the 'good ones' and the 'bad ones' even among those who choose not to put their name on the contract, regardless of how we say 'no one is forcing anyone' to sign?”

Her thunder shrinks back, cautious of how Tapu Koko's blessings may effect other people's demeanor.

“This initiative won't stop them from doing what they want to do. So, how exactly does this initiative address that issue?”

She pauses when her eyes meet , the slightest curve nudging her lips.

“And just to be clear, it's not my problem if you think I'm more intuitive than you are, Councilor Silph. I've been summoned into this meeting even when my opinion about the matter has been explicitly obvious beforehand.”

Then her eyes meet 's.

“I assume even my grave reservation is of value when discussing this ambitious initiative, hence why I'm here. It's such a shame that the League is so thin-skinned when discussing politics. What, aren't these legitimate concerns and questions that need to be addressed before we bind into an agreement?”

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
613 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 7:25:14 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]AN AQUA ASSEMBLY





KEEPING THE SCREEN ON A SINGLE FRAME OF THE PRESS CONFERENCE, dahlia answers quickly to the journalist. her mr. rime arrives with a cold glass of water from the bar and sets it beside her laptop.[break][break]

"again, we are making assumptions. a journalist's desire to seek the truth is one to be admired— but there is technique required in the craft. it is not a game of throwing things at a wall until something sticks." she is swift to direct her finger like a dart at serena's copy of the contract.[break][break]

"your silence on everything i have responded to speaks volumes. let's take advantage of that quiet and engage in some reading time. to dangerously come close to electrifying in the room before you have read through the contract is enough of a concern for me. thank you, desmarais. now read."[break][break]

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
8,926 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 7:47:31 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Rewriting text is always easier than creating something from scratch. That allows him to multi-task with ease, attentive to the words of both women while his hands copy every other word on the document in front of him. There’s a few words he skips, intentionally, but that’s how amendments work.

What happened to ?

Fernando stops his writing for a moment, rotating his wrist, a minor cramp forming from his constant scribbling.

I heard Tapu Lele and have deserted the League and remain missing. Why is that?

It’s not verbatim by any means but who remembers a conversation word for word after several months? Fernando fills in the blanks with his own account, cemented by his own depiction of Selena.

Even if they share the same answer both questions clearly have different purposes. One looks for the truth, open and objectively, while the other approaches with a forced narrative.

He clicks his tongue.

Asking rhetorical questions and dropping them the moment you look stupid is not intuitive.

And then he clicks his pen.

This isn’t difficult, Desmarais.” And although Fernando addresses her by name this proclamation is made for everyone in attendance, thinly veiled so as not to embarrass them. “I’m concerned about line X because it’s too vague, is open to abuse, etcetera. This also worries me because of Y. So, with that in mind, you should rewrite it to address Z instead. That's literally all you have to do.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 8:51:17 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"...mario kart," he responds weakly.

he looks up to , and then to beside him, and then back to the newly appointed gym leader. "i'm against bots, so i guess i am." the interaction ends swiftly as the councilman distracts zac, though peace doesn't resume immediately as enters the room.

he reads the form, going over it multiple times to try and get loopholes he can abuse if he was going to be forced into this anyways. he finds none as he rereads the contract multiple times for as long as the cat fight happened.

he ignores everyone, from the petty squabble between the former gym leaders of mauville, to the exchange of both desmarais and silph. "excuse me," kyle walks up to dahlia like a student when he spots a correction on a test paper, "i don't think i fit the criteria stated here of what is defined as an avatar. can i be excused to this whole thing?"

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 13:02:07 GMT
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[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




an aqua assembly

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

The conversation devolves from talk of drinks and dinner after the meeting to.. a witch-hunt.[break][break]

She barely catches the smile extended her way by and several other friendly faces before Dahlia has the chance to instill the beginnings of a catfight. Cait's wrath bubbles to the surface not quite as a result of the contract, but in relation to it. [break][break]

It's hard to say who or what exactly, the woman was most upset with.

Stormy finds it difficult- no, impossible to intervene. This has nothing to do with her, and Cait did not need to be defended. This was the same violent, distrustful reaction she had seen when she'd first confided in her about Katherine's avatar partnership. [break][break]

Her reaction had only cemented her own distrust for the woman and her intentions.[break][break]

But the topic of discussion does not settle on the two women for long. Katherine's barbed tongue and inflated ego are overpowered by Selena's daftness. Stormy shift her gaze to read over the amended contract, pausing on the blank space where her name was meant to go. Only one person had signed, and she couldn't help but feel that this was not something that should be accepted so readily.[break][break]

She shifts her weight in her seat, purse straddled across her lap. It lies open, phone upturned at the top of various items and bobbles. The screen is black other than an idle green blink indicative of unread messages. [break][break]

Cait lowers to her seat next to her as a result of Kim's intervening and Senon's soothing. Her own hand extends to her sisters, her palm warm, radiating her support and her own degree of comfort. [break][break]

But words elude her and she remains uncomfortably silent amidst the arguing and confusion. [break][break]


notes: ...



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,203 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 14:38:29 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]war, responsibilities, rage. the gritting of teeth follows a poor attempt at holding accountability. she’ll bite her tongue, if only to keep attention away from herself. her mind is not as kind, though.

the loss suffered from the last war was personal as fuck. there is no getting around that for her. and to have it used as an example of responsibility? no, unacceptable. knuckles turn white around crumpling pages. the catfight between and fades like static on a tv, nothing but white noise in the background of anger. avatarship stripped after being pushed to the limit to ensure the goddamn safety of multiple avatars in this room. the death of love throwing that feeling of responsibility right out the window.

illeana keeps her head down, eyes trained on the table if only to keep herself from breaking.

and yet, when begins reciting questions from memory, her head snaps up. her eyes narrow, shifting from the councilman to the pink haired avatar.

”i can assure you i’m very much alive,” she tries to keep her tone even. ”thanks for your wrongly placed concern, .” if one could even bother to call it concern. as far as she can tell, it’s an accusation, a fake narrative placed on the shoulders of a woman who lost more than selena could know at the hands of war. her stare is pointed, words unspoken conveyed with the mild snarl of a lip. it’s old news. keep it that way.

her hands release the death grip they have on the paper and her head goes back down, no longer interested in anything else but mindlessly staring at paragraphs. until she’s needed, she’ll resume the role of observer. besides, she’s simply a witness here, nothing more.


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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,526 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 16:39:39 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"No, I wasn't given a letter. Though I was shown a letter.", he told the Champion, clearly not pleased with the threat of legal action being attached to the thing.

Thomas would spot other familiar faces in the room, either pouring in, or already in attendance. Thomas would nod to , , , and . As the Commissioner would arrive, Thomas would stand to attention in respect, sitting down when the told him that they could take a seat. He would give a nod as well.

When arrived, Thomas would give her a nod, as well as a friendly smile as she sat with him. From there, he would pass down the document pile as he picked up his own contract to read over. For the meeting, Thomas remained silent as he poured over the contract, and allowed the others to bring up their objections and questions to the contents of the contract. The bickering that took place did not please him in the slightest, tempting him to pull out his flask of whiskey, and drink from it.

Seeing as was helping himself to the bar, while offering the girls drinks of their own, Thomas saw no reason to hold back. The Elite Four member would undo the flask, and begin to drink from the contents of it, calming his nerves, before he potentially contributed to the ugliness.

Finally, when Kyle spoke up, Thomas interjected. "But then, how was it that you were able to summon Raikou and Suicune to aid us on the Mauville Warfront? For that matter, how was it that you were able to tame Entei? The fact that all three of the Legendary Beasts of Johto all aided us on your beck and call is something that would suggest you're potentially an Avatar.", he inquired. Though he didn't like the idea of putting Kyle on the spot, someone would've brought it up, sooner or later. The fact that he not only had Entei, but had summoned Raikou and Suicune to aid him was a reported fact of the Battle of Mauville. Balder, Cait, and Katherine could all attest to the moment.

"At the very least, could there be a way we could find out for sure?", he inquired.

He already knew the answer, of course. His Shinigami Eye allowed him to see the brilliant aura of an Avatar surrounding the Champion. But to which of the Trio, was unknown. And given his own interest in not outing himself as one of Yveltal's Chosen, he wanted to see if there was another way they could find out for sure.

Either way, he shot Kyle an apologetic look. If he were angry with him, he'd understand.

Though he wasn't happy with how was being dredged into Fernando and Selena's bickering, it did bring to mind a wider concern.

"It's unfortunate what happened between Reyes and Tapu Lele. But it brings up a wider concern, as far as all Avatars. What would prompt other Legendaries from severing their ties with their Avatars? I understand the benefits of the contract are there to sweeten the deal for the Avatars, but if the Legendaries themselves are not happy with the arrangement, what's to stop them from severing their ties with their Avatar, and finding a new one?", he inquired.

"And while those who had received the letter are known Avatars already, for those unknowns who would choose to sign on, and make themselves known, I'm worried about our enemies Rocket or otherwise, finding some sort of leverage against them, to try to turn them against us, or do their bidding in some capacity.", he would add.

Leverage meaning loved ones being threatened or taken hostage. Dirt being dug up, and dangled over their heads. The threat of any business or political arrangement being ruined otherwise.

"My question is, how would we go about preventing such a situation, and if an Avatar were to fall into such a dilemma, how would we go about treating it after the fact, depending on how much damage was done?", he asked.

tags: @tag
notes: tl;dr

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professor zen
june 20th
hoenn region
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seek out the truth.
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zenji jabami DOLLARS
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zenji jabami
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 16:54:07 GMT
zenji jabami Avatar
[attr="class","light"]the ghetto.
thee ghetto.
this was just so ghetto.

was he in a room full of professionals? was this a circus? did he hear the circus music play when he entered? was he at some zoo? am i having a stroke? zenji thought to himself. what on god's green earth happened?

he expected to walk into a room full of experts. people who, with high reputation, held some form of dignity. from the women arguing to the sudden assault on . there wasn't much he could say or do. he simply kept watch of the scene that unfolded. if he had some tea right now he would take joy in sipping some. luckily, he had no need for it because the tea here was piping hot.

zenji would simply lean back in his chair. his hands clasped together and placed atop of his thighs. eyes shifted from one person who spoke over to the next. it was then that , another avatar, was put on the spot. poor guy seemed innocent and looked as if he held little desire to be apart of this. unfortunate he was burden with such a responsibility. to be so young he seemed the most mature out of least by personality.

note: hi, + everyone.

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Thirty One
November 13
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with Cait Alfric
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 17:02:04 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"the avatars, as proven due to their valiant efforts within the megalopolan conflict, have engaged in high risk situations, moreso than the average soldier or ranger."

Sénon coughed on his nachos, at the statement. Only half exaggerated.

He knew what he'd done at Lilycove and henceforth. If the League was willing to handsomely compensate avatars for their 'valiant efforts', it seemed they had funds flush to spread around to those appropriately accomplished.

After instrumental involvement in thirty-five confirmed missions in six months and collaborative efforts in no less than sixteen of the league's impromptu Poison Patrols across Hoenn to counter and recon the megalopolan threat, an un-chosen drone like himself was looking at some kind of pay bump.

Just for the hell of it, he began making his own alterations to the document.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 17:06:10 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Why is everyone hesitating? They were already going to protect Hoenn, right? Why not get paid for it, get support, and develop new Avatar powers? Sounds great! Besides, what's the alternative? 
    For Zac it was an absolute no brainer. What was he missing? He looked over at , who was vaping nervously in the corner. The rest of the room was a little tense too. Like a bunch of first timers at a nudist beach. 
    Was that it? Were they afraid of being exposed?
    Zac lived and breathed in the public eye. Hell, he'd been livestreaming 80% of his life since becoming an Avatar just to show how committed he was to changing Hoenn for the better. But he was in the minority there. Many of the faces around he hardly recognized, and those that he did...well, he barely knew anything about them. Nothing personal, certainly. 
    Many of these people had worked hard to keep their private lives just that. 
    "Hey Dahlia," Zac asked, raising his hand again, "I don't see anything in here about anonymity, or about the release or personal details. What's the go with that?"