i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 16:07:01 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It was mildly shocking that pulled out a knife.

Officially, he became someone worth remembering for the Head Ranger, and the vigilante.

In the moment however, Sénon could only watch the kid flail like an angry magikarp. That kind of boldness and anger had uses when honed and focused but while it was just lashing out, it was useless.

The knife he wielded went into someone else and Sénon's point was proven. Had he made his point aloud a moment before, he too might have sounded cool just now.

At least he still looked cool, beat face and whatnot.

Instead, that shine went to Ji-Hoon who was spared the potential bleed out. He didn't look as frail as he did in the spring, but he still looked anemic enough.

Cait was disappointed but he wasn't so sure. "He'll be alright, he seems to have people batting for him." In the end it was all you could do for a kid.

At some point, they had to start batting for themselves.

Reaching around to put a hand on Cait's belly, he didn't miss a beat of the rhythm of their conversation.

-and her telling him not to get in any trouble was rich.

"Did I see Celebi doing a sky waltz with Tapu Lele?" Not likely he would ever forget seeing something as whimsical as that shit.

● notes: @starsoiree (Post 17)


Sénon's outfit

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 16:18:23 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
the woman craned her neck to peer up at the pair, 's legendary counterpart in the midst of partaking in a complicated dance with celebi. the pair appeared to be entirely preoccupied with one another, cait glimpsing a rare smile that tugged at the corners of the grass-type's lips as they continued unabated. 

"i guess you did."

as he settled a hand upon the swell of her stomach, she couldn't help but relax against him. 

they look like they're having fun."

cait shifted her attention to take in bruised face for the second time. 

i'm surprised you don't have a concussion to go along with that, baby. now tell me what really caused it."

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 16:48:53 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

Angelo hadn’t expected to pick someone up at the bar but here we are. [break][break]

Shit. Where d’you come from? You good, man?”[break][break]

A scarred hand reaches out to grab hold of ’s wrist after their collision sends the royal to the floor, Angelo helping haul the familiar face back onto his feet. Laughter tumbles from a whisky roughened throat, despite being shoved against the bar counter from the impact himself – clearly unperturbed. [break][break]

As the two familiar faces stand before one another, those at the bar who’d gasped and gawped at the Galarian’s elegant entrance are treated to another moment to keep their attention glued. Remiel stepping forward to smooth at the pilot’s unironed, blue shirt collar, singing honeyed words in his face. [break][break]

Water under the bridge. Here, handsome. I’ll get that for you.” Equally unabashed by the closeness, Angelo reaches out to pat imaginary dust off the other man’s arms. Their familiar antics soon making his straight-faced façade wobble, white flashing in a sharp smirk that Angelo cannot contain. [break][break]

At the bar? Five seconds. Here? Long enough to need another drink.” An arm is slung over his friend’s back, giving his shoulder a fond smack. “Whisky’ll do. I’ll take some of that fancy Galarian Highlands stuff, if you’re paying.”[break][break]

It was good to see him, their schedules were not the most… complimentary. Despite the literal running into each other, their encounter owed for a catchup. And not just because Remiel had offered to buy him a drink. [break][break]

Inky and Blinky return some moments later, looking bright eyed as they snake around the back of Angelo’s neck and settle on either shoulder. Their warbling chatters tickle against his ear. And they aren’t alone, a rather exhausted looking arrives alongside their motley Delibird crew soon after. [break][break]

Looks like you had a good time. Remy, this is Locke. Sure you’ve heard of Delibird Deliveries?” Angelo slips his arm away from Remiel’s shoulders, waving the hand casually in the teenager’s direction as he makes introductions. “And this is Remy. He does… Unimportant things. Politics, and stuff.





x ;^D


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 16:50:55 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He tickled at Pearl's snout as Chimchar returned with the empty premiere ball he'd lifted from Sénon's pockets. Holding the ball above his head with both hands like Link when he found like, anything.

"Don't play with me Cait, I know you've heard the song "Area Codes"." As if he couldn't have a punchy ex-girlfriend attending this party.

(Elsewhere might've had to fight off an urge to sneeze.)

Sénon actually didn't have an extensive dating history in Hoenn nor Kanto.

In Kalos though, there were a few places he couldn't show his face if he didn't want to get cut.

Speaking of, Cait gave his a second look over and he pointedly dropped the act. "I got hit in the face by a legendary hoof while we were both trying to save a demigod inexplicably falling from the sky." The other story was more believable.

● tags:
● notes: @starsoiree (Post 18)

♠︎ ♣︎ ♥︎ ♦︎

Sénon's outfit

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 17:35:50 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



“We’re trying to get the Unown, duh.” Rowan answered matter-of-factly to Serena. Like it was totally normal to be at a formal event on the back of your boyfriend's shoulders. Looking around though it seemed no one seemed to find it strange but her. "I forgot Hoenn was fucking weird." she muttered to herself before turning her attention back to her friend. [break][break]

“Where's your boyfriend? You should use his shoulders too.” Serena chuckled again and shook her head. "I think I'll pass this time." She said as she tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ears. It wasn't much of a disguise but her hair had been dyed darker with lighter blonde highlights this time and her contacts were darker than the normal shade of her eyes. In addition to the power of makeup, Serena was passable at a glance, for now, to the untrained eye. [break][break]

"Didja come with someone else tonight?" tonight Adrian asked as Serena's dark orbs turned towards him. "Yeah, my boyfriend's around here...somewhere." she said as she glanced around. Moments later the unown was caught and Serenity and Celeste returned to her with heavy hearts and heavy gazes. "It's alright you two, next time." she said as she patted their heads. [break][break]

"Hope you enjoyed Flying Malcolm Airways," Adrian said to Rowan with a smirk while he bent down to lower him from his shoulders. Serena rolled her eyes at the corny joke. They were cute as always but they wouldn't be heading that from her. What would she look like complimenting Adrian? She had a reputation to uphold after all. [break][break]

Out of the corner of her eye she caught movement. For a brief moment the dancer's and other's on the floor parted enough for her to catch a glimpse of Danny by a table of refreshments. However, his expression seemed...strained and complicated. It lasted only a moment before the crowd on the floor blocked her view once more. [break][break]

"Speaking of flying," she said as she turned back towards them, "I've gotta jet. I spy my date and he was supposed to bring me some goodies a while ago." she said with a playful squint in the direction Danny had been. "You two enjoy yourselves." she said as she turned to leave. "Oh, Rowan, if I don't see you again tonight, text me. I've missed our talks." she said with a genuine smile. [break][break]

She was finally feeling better, and if it was only temporary she wanted to check in with her loved ones while she still could. Waving bye to them she made her way through the crowd towards Danny. She was concerned based on his expression and wanted to check on him. She wanted to stay and chat with Adrian and Rowan longer but she believed this was priority. After all, she could always catch up with them later. [break][break]

As she approached she slowed her pace and adjusted the white fur shawl around her arms once more before carefully approaching. Even from where she was she could tell the situation was tense so she did her best to defuse it, if she could. "There you are," she said sweetly. "I thought you got lost somewhere," She said with an easy smile as she stepped towards him placing gentle but reassuring hands on his arm.

As if on cue, she took notice of his company, looking between them with a puzzled expression before smiling softly at him. "I...hope I didn't interrupt anything." she said with an apologetic smile. It was Greyson, if her memory served her correctly. This was Danny's best friend right? [break][break]

She wasn't quite sure what the tense atmosphere was for then. She gave Danny a gentle squeeze on his arm as she turned her big doe eyes up to him. She trusted him to be able to see through her and to read her intentions as he usually did. She wanted to know if he was okay and what was going on.


+ more tags: + + [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: Sorry for dipping so quick Fonz and Banished! She'll be back later. As for the Greyson situation, I'm going with the impression she's met him at least once before based on an ooc conversation we've had before. If you want me to change it let me know. | Finished talking to Adrian and Rowan, failed catching the Unown, made her way over to Danny and Greyson. [break]


you +

made by gimmick

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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 18:24:53 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

He'd gotten her to start talking about herself. Good. The most curious thing happened though; she became intentionally vague. It would’ve been so much easier to just move on, but he almost admired her for brute-forcing their conversation. "...You’re right. In fact, I need to make my own preparations to rejoin the public."

She settled down for a minute. Now, she’d talked about how her brain needed this sort of thing. She seemed like someone who worked out at the library. "I suppose you need that level of complexity and abstraction. You’re not so far gone as to be challenged by something like a newspaper crossword."

He tipped the bottle up and downed another fifth of it, slowing his roll a little. "......"

Casey didn’t drink very often. So, he was taken by complete surprise by the sudden onset alcoholic sweat. He peeled his suit jacket off and tied it around his waist. His face was red, and the Treecko he brought along had to climb on him and look at him.

Casey raised his bottle to her, though it was only a quarter full. "I suppose that we should, shouldn’t we. It felt like I drifted apart from everyone in the past... three months? New friends are more than welcome."
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 18:56:52 GMT
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kyle shrugs, returning his badge. "story checks out," he rules out.

and his good mate won't press charges to his other fugger friend . everything's fine and dandy.

eventually, they get to meet another friend of , or at least, that's what kyle assumed when he sees @deacon. they didn't look alike after all, as already said.

then he mentions brother and it makes sense now.

"nice to meet you, silph," he greets him, already forgetting his first name since his head was still a mess. "first question, on a scale of fern to yui fujin silph, fernando's sister, how silph are you?"

outfit || electrike outfit
open for interaction, but kinda slow so yea

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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
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Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 20:36:37 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar

After their little detour with the Unown-Q, Belial and Chai the Mienshao regroup. Their previous destination, the bar, appears packed from across the ballroom. Instead, the black-haired Stone snatches a glass of white wine from one of the passing waiters and strides towards the wide exits leading to the PLANETARY GARDENS.[break][break]

Reaching a beautiful fountain designed after the solar system, the man props a single boot atop its edge and takes a sip of his wine as he gazes up at the stars. His attempt at seeing constellations, however, are in vain. "That doesn't look like a Litleo to me at all... just a bunch of dots." He remarks in a slightly bitter murmur.[break][break]


+ heads outside to the planetary gardens[break]
+ stares up at space and fails to see constellation[break]
+ open for interaction![break][break]



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 22:16:20 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Her cheeks reddened, and that was amusing to him, of course he wouldn't press to hard, but perhaps making her blush more would satiate his need to mess with others. Her choice of words caused him to smile again as the word "partner" could be taken many ways, and she was just going to make this far to easy for him. So with him guiding her along the dance floor lost in their own little bubble he noticed that she had turned to observe around them as the strange misty dance floor coiled close to them, and he deftly danced them both away from it. The source of the strange phenomenon seemed to be from Fernando, and his dance partner, but soon they were lost to his sight, and he turned his gaze back to the woman currently in his arms. Adontis was finally cheering up, sparking his cheeks excitedly.

"Am I an important person?" he shook his head to her, to him it wasn't necessarily a lie. Not many knew of him in this region, and those who did he could count on one hand. To say that he was important wasn't entirely true, he had a lot of money, and had made many smart investments over his tenure in this region. "Not in the slightest, I am just a stranger in a strange land with a beautiful woman in my arms." A charming smile crossed his face as teal eyes pierced into her gaze. "Sort of like a fairy tale, where a lost prince goes to find his princess." Was he flirting with her, and as he dipped her down, his body hovering over hers he just smiled at her once more. "So Miss Kaida...Will you be my Princess? If only for tonight?" Amor knew it was cheesy, but he was having a bit of fun, and who cared if it was full of cheese? Sometimes you had to have the confidence to back up lines like that, and confidence was something he certainly didn't lack.

So while keeping her close, and staring into her eyes he wondered what sort of reaction she would show him, it was obvious that he was flirting with her, he wasn't about subtlety when it came to things like this. Why climb over the wall, or dig under it when you can just barrel through it at top speed, and announce your intentions from the get go? While he had plenty of social decorum, when it came to this Amor was just simply upfront, and blunt. Many women found that slightly off putting, and he couldn't blame them, but it still amused him.

-Amor used flirting on Kaida!
-Amor used Compliment on Kaida!

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 23:10:43 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''The unown was an outsi- Whatever. Just bugger off then.'' Peeling his eyes from a retreating , chocolate hues combed over the chaos. The megaed orbeetle was hard to miss, and even without seeing him around, it was certain was in close proximity. Some unknown dark haired boy () had picked a fight with .
Typically something he might have taken issue with, but everyone and their mom was on top of it already. The kid produced a knife, to which an amused exhale escaped him from his distant observation. Even he hadn't been so unruly to attempt to stab someone, and he was from Wyndon. It looked like Ji-hoon Ki () was going to get it too, until some stranger ended up in his place.
''Bloody hell. Look at this chavery.'' A hand was prodded at Epitaph, who's grin curled at the callback to their homeland. ''Attend me, Taph. Let's attempt demonstrate some Galarian diplomacy.'' The white gengar mystified, flowing into the dark folds of his trainer's clothes until he disappeared. The cane tapped once again as he maneuvered to the best of his abilites.
''Miss Eris,'' gingerly did he lay his fingers upon the girl's shoulder. He could see she was coiled like a snake. It was familiar place. ''Nevermind this shit. Might I have this dance?'' Tone of voice was controlled for charm just as had been hammered into him in the one year of finishing school he had endured. It was best to become unplugged from the situation.
If he could get her to come along he could grab Hideo and head outside, where hopefully there would be less foolishness.



, ,



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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
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6'5'' height
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boruta maher DOLLARS
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boruta maher
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 0:52:52 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
No one had been supposed to know about this kid.

This was exactly why.

Well, here goes the job (never mind the promotion), and the house, and the legally-made child support and security if there ever was any. He’d probably be on the run, too—but when he had eyes on the situation, it didn’t take him long to make a decision.

With not more than the quickest glance around, he lunged and grabbed the boy by the shoulders, yanking him back. His eyes found the wounded  ’s, just as his son’s name left his mouth, and there was suspicion, but he said nothing.

He was ripping away, then, moving at too quick a pace to let Roman's feet catch up easily. If this was the life he wanted to live, he was going to need to learn how to run fast. Good thing he had someone to teach him, huh?

“Pick up your feet, Roman! I can’t save you, now.”

I can’t save either of us.

As he pushed violently through the crowd, they would beeline for the closest exit.

Although he knew the League could see him from all around, he met eyes with no one, except for when they briefly burned into with something that felt, in that moment, way too much like hatred.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 1:28:11 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Mattis grunted, taking the treat that Alexei's pokemon had spun up for him and eating it. "Thanks, Carina," he said with a small grin. Arkose made a pouting noise behind him. "Hush, you act like you never eat!" he exclaimed, making the dog huff.

He grabbed Alexei's unharmed arm, trying to hold him up. "Okay. Come on, let's find somewhere," he said, trying to lead him away from the crowd.

Matt and Alex made it to a place outside, where less people were. "Here, sit down," he offered, pulling up a chair. It was definitely quieter here as well.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 3:01:56 GMT



THEIR EYES ALIGN LIKE STARS. A pair of lovers, crossed by fate, create a constellation from their resentment. It twinkles from his gaze, passed to her as a source of empowerment. And, like all great vices, it proves infectious.

The way her resolve curls past his ears earns his approval but he never voices is aloud. Indignation is cast from his stare and he sees it in the way she smiles. Such a sweet and sickly gesture that he almost feels the need to rip it right off her.

But he never gets the chance. A change in music ruins the mood. It doesn’t impede him, greater Silphs have tried, but it starts a cacophony of disarray as bodies cut through the ballroom. Even manages to part them, obviously intentional, as Fernando returns his huff.

Jealousy is a fickle beast.” The comment is made out of earshot and shared between damaged goods. “Not an appealing look for Mister Calcifet.

He takes her hand once more.


A sweep spread demands that she follows along. Scorn paints his face as he remembers his teacher’s words. One, two, twist. They sound louder now, the forefront of his attention, as he shows off just how glamorous the ex-Head Scientist can be.

A pleasure, Illeana.

The dance ends as the crescendo of @deacon’s clownery comes to pass. So too does the frantic rumble of the soiree guest as an Unown is captured outside.

Be sure to enjoy yourself tonight.

He thanks her with a genuine smile, all too comfortable with the awkward aftermath that will undoubtedly follow.

I’ll be off then.

And with that he departs to meet up with someone left waiting much too long.


The time for dancing and pleasantries are over.


- comments on cutting between them to illeana
- prompts her to conclude their dance
- oblivious that @deacon's music was meant for them
- leaves her to herself after their dance

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 4:53:17 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

A princess?

Kaida had no experience in romance, nor flirtation. Her developmental years having been far too chaotic and frankly, confusing for any exploration, followed immediately by her taking on the mantle of Ranger. She never received such unbashed flirtation, likely driving away any potential suitors with her general aloofness and choice of companionship in Pokemon. It was no secret (she hoped) that she cared about the likes of her family, the select few she chose to bond with...yet such affections never proceeded beyond that. She wouldn't try. But this...this was confusing.

"I'm no princess." She stated the fact bluntly, like it was ever a question. She had heard tales of magical princesses, surrounded by Pokemon big and small, never serpents though, "I'm nothing but a stranger too." Her eyes were narrowed in thought, seriously contemplating what her next move could be. In all sincerity, this place was probably safe. Ormr and Bragi would surely notice any danger (unrelated to the ridiculous commotion happening nearby). For the moment, she was safe.

She had already pretended to be a normal human so long. Why not adopt a mantle of princess for a little? Be somebody important?

"However, I accept Amor. I may not be much, but I will always complete expectations." She didn't think she was much of a princess (Arceus, she wasn't much of a human!), but her life had been strange enough this year. Surely, with a Litleo's starry blessing, she could adopt a royal stance with this man, if only for a day?

tl;dr: Dance dance! With


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 5:08:16 GMT
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starry nights[break][break]

head EMPTY[break]
running from the scene[break][break]

She's brought back to that memory of sitting in a car, swathed by scents of lavender and burning copper.
Why do they care if they get insulted? It's the same question asked when she's picked up for breaking another kid's bones. And on her tongue, it's always the same murmured response -
"I hate it... letting them think they can do such things and get away with it."
Her eyes stick to the ground, her grip loosened as she allows to drag her away. No matter how she puts it, she's just as responsible for allowing the fight to continue and getting her hands dirty herself. In fact, that cursed fire still rages in her belly, sinking its fangs into her heart and clawing its way out of her chest.
The moment she'd allowed the thought of nailing Roman with a paintball cross her mind, that moment when she'd clenched her fist and readied herself to take a swing - She'd lost control yet again, despite doing well for so long.
's invitation to dance only provides a brief moment of distraction, one that provides her a chance to hide awayBut perhaps, that control should be shattered. Perhaps, she shouldn't need it. The glint of a knife is an transient being, rekindling the flames Chu-e had just smothered. She's not fast enough to act, not fast enough to see where this is headed. All she sees is a shadow, another throwing themselves in the way and one that'll haunt her for days to come.
She's pulling against Chu-e's hold, biting her lip till rust coats her senses. It's her fault that things escalated and it's a bitterness she can't shake. In the end, she can't bear to look at it, her fists clenched as she closes her eyes and bolts through the crowd. It's warped, that burning sensation in her chest; It tells her to get as far away from others as possible.
The more viciously something burns, the more likely it is for someone to get hurt. And when that light burns out, she's left in the dark and breathing smoke.









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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing