i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 9:58:17 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
is the biggest tease. Temp is a flustered mess, even in the dark, and even if normally he would be all big game, right now he's just too enamored by the stars and being so close to his lover. Gavin won't get away that easy, though, so he leans over to steal a quick kiss behind his ear.

"You better take me to the West Wing right after this." A promise.

Then the excitement starts and Temp is staring at the stars, at dreams, and he sees what Gavin wants most and he doesn't understand.

But the mist reads him, too.

A view of Pacifidlog. The docks and houses are fixed up and in good condition. Everyone looks happy and healthy. Temp sits, legs crossed, on the dock with a little one in his lap. More children surround him, including @piper, as he reads from a book. Gavin is leaning against his back, peering over his shoulder in a casual embrace. They're both relaxed and happy, not a care in the world, just enjoying each other's time as Temp shares his community with his partner.

He sighs, pleased, tilts his head, face soft as he stares at the scene.

#9 i think
being gay with gavin
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 11:54:29 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

Instinctively, fingers fall from Skyler’s nape to slap firmly against the edge of cold stone, stabilising them both from taking a tumble over the edge. [break][break]

Idiot!” There’s no bite to Angelo’s bark, not when it’s laced with laughter, bubbling insolent and lively from the rush of a thundering pulse. Of being entangled in her, balancing precariously on the precipice, together. [break][break]

Amusement is quickly silenced by a meeting of crushed lips, of hunger igniting, when her legs squeeze tight around his waist. Fingertips press bruising indentations into the flesh of her back, keeping Skyler in his orbit, while he ignores the stars caught up in the planets own. [break][break]

Caught up in her, until the stars decide that they will be ignored no longer. [break][break]

This time, when the shattering of glass meets his ears, Angelo’s eyes peek open. Dark, passion engulfed cerulean overtaken by a shimmering of pink that drifts over the edge of the balcony in the form of a stray, dusk cloud. Spilling like a wave from above.[break][break]

Sky, d'you…?” [break][break]

Soft, cotton clouds rush forward to fill Angelo's lungs like he’d been dunked beneath the ocean surface. But even though his touch remains firm on his beloved, it’s anything but unpleasant. [break][break]

Not when in the corner of his gaze, teasingly drifting through the sparse distance between himself and Skyler, small feathers become entangled within the pull of a sudden breeze.[break][break]

Red and blue. The mist that trails after them tastes like dew and a crisp, ocean breeze. [break][break]

Angelo reaches, mesmerised. Fingertips touch a silky, cobalt vane but the feather barely lets him caress his roughened pad across it before it playfully flutters out of reach, twisting deeper into the mist… [break][break]

Something in Angelo’s head whispers, brushing like a gentle kiss of the wind against his ear – f o l l o w.




#19 [break][break]



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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 15:33:12 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

He’d heard glass break before, but nothing quite like the side of the observatory being rocked by a great meteor. It was like a thousand drums being hit at once, the dense glass bowing. He’d have already started vaping to stave off the panic, were it not for Dr. Holo immediately taking charge of the situation. She seemed to know what she was talking about.

Then it hits him. First, the ribbon of mist around Summer showing him these innocent, fragmented scenes. Everyone more or less escaping her father. What looked like a brother and a very good friend of his. And... he was there too. "I don’t know. I just know that... maybe I was supposed to that."

He bit his lip and thought for a moment. The mist more or less takes him next, because of how close they are. She’d see it all if she looked up at the cloud obscuring his face.

A big, olive-colored house on the edge of Fallarbor, bordering Route 114. The soil is a mixture of red and dark brown, from decades of volcanic sediment mixing with the soil. Two stories, with a large patch of fruit-bearing trees in the front. Everyone looked to be atleast thirty. He’d get to meet that brother of hers that he saw, for sure.

His Treecko, now fully grown, is tending to the field. Sceptile is being VERY patient with what looks to be a child with carnation-purple hair like his, and eyes like Summer’s. They’re wearing a big, violet tracksuit like him. Casey is inside, hair back in a ponytail, wearing an unbuttoned violet shirt with no undershirt, and matching basketball shorts. He’s working over a stove, both burners on, trying his damnedest to not only cook for them, but also what looked to be Danny with a healthy stubble, and... that girl he was with? They were lounging on what looked to be a couch with Summer, just out of the corner of his eye.

He blinked. A scene similar to half an hour ago unfolded, with Summer pulling Casey upstairs by the collar of a shirt that was falling apart. Both of them beet-red in the face. Thankfully, people talking at him and touching him woke him up just as they were both getting undressed.

Casey looked astonished, and tried to paper it over immediately by talking at Danny. ”...Havin’ a drink? Smells kinda strong. I hope you’re feeling okay, man. I haven’t seen you since we were in Slateport. What have you been up to since then?"
Hit By The Mist
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,456 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 17:28:34 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Anxiety flutters low in his stomach as Gavin stares into the face of desires meant to be buried deep. His hand finds Temp's in the dark, seeking reassurance from something his lover doesn't truly understand.

As the mist swirls around them, visions shift.

A soft exhale of breath as he recognizes himself, , @piper — as he realises what it is that he's seeing.

"We'll have all that and more, love."

Soft, firm, a promise meant only for his lover's ears.

Warmth spreads through him with the continued realisation that Temp desires him as deeply as Gavin desires control. And with this realisation comes a shift in the mist to show another of Gavin's dreams.

A wedding.

It's not a desire he'd been ready to confront; his stomach lurches with the memory of a proposal gone sour. Emma is there in this ideal vision, but not as his bride. He'd lost more than a fiancee with their split; he'd lost his friend. She sits with others that Gavin holds dear: Theo, Chu-e, Lulu, Marcel.

Another stab of loss. I should reach out to him.

But what hurts the most is the sight of the parents he's not seen since in well over a decade. Smiling, proud, as they'd never been in reality.

Gavin turns from the misty recreation of to the real thing and buries his face in the crook of the other's neck as if to hide from realities he's unwilling to confront.

post #11
his desires shift more wholesome
and then they get sad
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 17:43:54 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

At the mention of the words ‘Interdream Zone’, Alexei’s shaken.

While there was one word that was off, the way the voice crashed over the sound system made him suddenly look up and around—his eyes looking around wildly.

“M-Mattie,” he began in a hushed voice. “Mattie. Did the host just say—Interdream—”

The signs of the pink smoke—wait, was it smoke? It was more like gas—was swirling around everywhere.

He’d quite missed the shattering sound of what he thought was glass when some of the meteors had started crashing (for he had gotten too absorbed with his hand wandering around absently what he guessed was Mattie’s lap) but it was the words, the fucking words that made him look around, his thoughts, his memories suddenly jolted by that familiar word.

“I—Mattie. I—I can’t… I can’t just… sit here. I have… I have to check something out! he exclaimed, wildly looking around for where the bluenette had stowed the cane away.

There was also something else that was pulling at his thoughts.

Something unbidden, rising up—

That propels him into action.

• wait a sec, what the fuck
• :monkas:
• that hellish search from long ago sets off fucking alarm bells in his head
• apologizes to the bluenette, there’s something he HAS to do!
his outfit


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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 17:59:34 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer saw Danny approach them, her face red from embarrassment. From his comment, he must have seen what she saw, everything that she had felt and desired. She still didn't understand it all, and she turned to Casey to say something to him.

However, he was now entranced by the mist, and when she saw his desires unfold, she felt her heart do somersaults in her chest.

Because could she have this?

Could Summer Prescott be happy, have a family with Casey, and live a normal life away from crime and her father?

She had never thought about it before, and now that she was...

Perhaps a desire was stirring within her now too.

Summer reached out to touch Casey's arm again, ready to say something, anything about it. Like, was that actually true? Was she what he wanted in life?

However, Casey switched gears to talk to Danny, and she looked back at the other man. Of course, this wasn't the time or place for a conversation like that.

Maybe later.

"I'm... I'm going to grab something to drink. Do you want anything?" she said, looking at Casey and back to Danny.

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 19:46:24 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]"Punch!" Ruby would reply back to , a lazy smile on her face as her head had turned to look at him. She didn't really drink much, but her alcohol tolerance was next to nothing. [break][break]

There had to be more than met the eyes, there had to be. People wouldn't be talking about her babies and prophecies if there wasn't anything to gain from it. And yet right now, Ruby was certainly having a hard time focusing. Since when did the floor seem so close? Or more accurately, since when did she begin to sit on the floor? Her head was much, much foggier than she had expected. The eventual realization that she was making a fool of herself slowly began to cause her cheeks to burn.[break][break]

"I," she began to speak, wobbling back up onto her feet. "Am gonna go get some more to drink. Water! I mean, yeah, water." She'd giggle at her own slip-up, still very much in a silly state of mind. Just before she began to walk away from the group, however, the words over the intercom just barely pierced through the fog to her. Dream Mist? She completely misunderstood, in her mind thinking it to be some sort of game. Something the party had planned, was something silly for fun.[break][break]

She was very, very wrong.[break][break]

Pushing past the crowd and right into the mist, everything seemed to kind of swirl around her. "Ooooh," Ruby began positively entranced. "These, special effects. Very pretty." The annoyed pokemon at her side kept her stable and on her feet. Eventually, however, Ruby ran face first into an unknown figure and fell flat on her back. [break][break]

"W-woah..." She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Only to hear the voice of a man she hadn't heard in a long time. [break][break]

"You really should look where you are walking next time, Rubaloo." The deep, melodic voice was coupled with an equally energetic chuckle.[break][break]

Ruby's mental fog almost immediately snapped as she blinked, staring up at the face of her father. He looked almost like your typical lumberjack, with the kindest eyes anyone could ever see. Her mother and her long flowing pink locks stood nearby as well, both of them apparently dressed up incredibly fancy as if they were here to join the soiree as well. She blinked and then blinked again, not even sure what she was seeing. And yet, despite her silence, the kind older man grabbed her hands and helped Ruby back up onto her feet. [break][break]

"You know, when you first set out for this here region, me and your mum were worried." Those words alone caused Ruby instinctual panic. For the entire two years she had spent here in Hoenn, she had never quite told her parents just how dangerous it was. Never shared just how often she threw herself into the flames of battle, never told them about her pain. They would worry, they'd want her to come home, they'd panic, they would-[break][break]

"But why I couldn't be more honored to have you as my girl!" His loud, joyous laughter would practically echo off the walls. "The SAINT of Slateport, my daughter! I can't wait to tell the boys back home how much you've grown!" [break][break]

They would praise her, apparently. Tears immediately began to spill down her face, as she just looked up at the two. This wasn't real, it couldn't be real. And yet his gentle touch, his laughter, the joy in her father's eyes, it was too much to handle, especially for her intoxicated mind. Could it, possibly be real? [break][break]

"Oh, it's okay dear." Her mother would speak, a voice that sounded almost like that of a thousand angels to her right now. "You can cry, hun. Remember what nanna used to say? Sometimes, nothing helps better than a good cry and a nice nap." The older woman would reach over to gently brush away Ruby's tears. The affectionate gesture, after being away from home for so long, cracked any resolve Ruby had remaining. She didn't realize how much she missed her parents, how much she had struggled to support herself alone all this time. [break][break]

She was almost an adult, but the true face of the little terrified girl inside had been trapped under lock and key for years. With what appeared to be her parents, paired with her drunken state, Ruby couldn't control herself any longer.[break][break]

Ruby collapsed into her parents' arms, her arms wrapping around the two of them as they held her back. The sounds of everyone else's conversations just vanishing into the background as Ruby straight up sobbed loudly into her Mother's shoulder. [break][break]

"P-please be r-real, please, d-don't go..."


notes Ref: X


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 20:56:55 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar stepped out onto the main floor, his face hurting every at least an hour of--stuff. River had to head home, so once again he found himself alone. Oscar rubbed his aching chin, his mood taking a nose dive as he looked upon the ballroom. Seems a lot has happened, and he missed it all. Ugh, typical. Whatever, it was time to get serious about finding THE BOYS.

Oscar took a single step, and everything changed. He was no longer in the observatory, but rather in a pink misty void. Oscar blinked, "--What?" Oscar was pretty sure he wasn't drunk, so what the fuck just happened? The longer he stared into the mist, the more--normal it became. His brain started to get fuzzy, at first he tried to fight it but eventually he gave in as his surroundings took a more solid shape.

He was in his GMH office, later evening according to the sunset outside his window. Oscar nodded, looking around in search of something--out of place. It all seemed normal however, same office as always. Except--something was on his desk. A box made of some sort of fine wood--mahogany? It seemed familiar, but he couldn't place why. He stepped up to his desk, gingerly opening the box. His eyes brightened up as he saw what was inside--his greatest desire.

Genuine Alolan Exeggutro Leaf Cigars. 

They had been outlawed for years, and the ones available on the black market are incredibly expensive. Oscar picked one up, slowly examining it as if to confirm if it were real or not. He put the cigar in his mouth, and it lit itself. He took a long draw, releasing the smoke as a familiar and soothing feeling overtook his body. He leaned against his desk, indulging in his favorite vice for the first time in years.

(Post 5)
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 21:43:52 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “What the hell?” Rowan pushed himself up from the grass with purpose, watching as the mist coalesced in the area around them, seemingly having come from the fallen meteorite. “Adrian, are you…” Words stopped coming the moment he saw a familiar shape form in the haze, the flowing mane and twin ribbons of the Pokémon he’d seen on that fateful night in Sootopolis City. The one he’d been searching for was suddenly standing before him, after weeks of fruitless effort.

    With reckless abandon, Rowan charged directly into the mist, determined to uncover the identity of the enigmatic Pokémon one and for all. A connection had been forged when he looked into their eyes, a compassion that he’d never felt before in his life, the sensation that he was actually understood in his entirety. “I’m coming…”

Notes: Willingly entered the mist!
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 23:49:22 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



"Right." [break][break]

Killian took the card and eyed it from between his fingers. A stylish solid grey and tastefully thick. The golden logos of Silph Co. and GMH sat dead center. Below, perfectly spaced and written in gold romalian type font was . When he looked at the card from the right angle, the gold almost seemed to shimmer.[break][break]

The perfect business card.[break][break]

He'd be jealous, but that would make him a little pyshco, wouldn't it? Something less mundane nudged Killian toward crazy. [break][break]

Blue eyes found the mist in moments. The cardboard in Killian's hands was all but forgotten the second misty terrain's sugary scent hit his nose. He frowned despite the yearning whelming up inside him. This could just be more teasing, and he'd grown tired of being toyed with. Killian shoved the business card into his pocket and looked up. [break][break]

"No, nothing but I'll have something for you later." he said, clearing his throat. [break][break]

Shattering glass and what sounds like panicked cries echo from behind the door. Killian glanced over his shoulder. Strange. What's going on out there? He hoped Lex was - "Shit." Killian scowled, ready to stab himself in the eye. Trying to hustle Fernando for mist, he'd let slip from his mind. [break][break]

Killian looked back to Fernando. [break][break]

"I've got someone waiting on me. Are you going to help me out or not?"


notes about this post

's an asshole.[break]
Gimmie the mist [break][break]


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August 10
Hau'oli City, Alola
Travelling Dancer
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
104 posts
Eylyssa Kay DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eylyssa
Eylyssa Kay
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 3:37:37 GMT
Eylyssa Kay Avatar

[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME


[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]TO BE YOUR EVERYTHING


As she enjoys the beauty of the sky painted with the falling star, another woman approaches them and strikes a conversation. "I don't mind that, however, I can't say the same to my current partner here. From my short interaction with him, he can be quite moody" Lyssa answer with a smile and whispered the last sentence to her with the same smile, not wanting to hear it clearly. "Also forget about the brighter future thingy, I think I got swept away by the mood for a moment there" Lyssa laughed while her face reddened up for the slightest due to embarrassment. "You can call me Lyssa. Nice to meet you" She decides to quickly change the topic and introduces herself. [break][break]

Before the introduction finished, suddenly a piercing sound of glass rang loudly from the direction of the courtyard. Lyssa flinched after hearing it and both Thalia and Agni grovel feeling scared with startling noise. Lyssa reaches out to both of her pokemon but she has something new to be concerned about - A pink gas starts to cover the whole building and from the quick explanation from Dr. Holo - [break][break]

Lyssa falls into the dream mist [break][break]

Everything starts to blur, Lyssa tries to waves her hand to dismiss the pink mist but it is no use. Once her vision return back to normal, her eyes widened when she realized where she was. She is standing in the maze garden in the backyard of her old home back to Alola. She can feel that her ears ringing in rage and fear, from many places in the world, this place is the place that she doesn't want to come back. However, there is something amiss from the scenery - The greenery wall that made the maze never been in this poor state where she can see a burning mark on different parts of the walls. Lyssa walks out from the maze and sees an unthinkable scenery - Red fiery flame rose up to the sky, lines of butlers and maids scattered all around the place with a deformed figure resulting from fire take a lick to their figures. [break][break]

"W-what the hell happened....??" Lyssa gasped coughing out a question of disbelief but no one there has an answer.


Post #10 [break]
The mist showing her deepest desires that she wasn't aware of consciously - The destruction of her own family.

[attr="class","twobeetagged"] [break]



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 5:46:52 GMT



“ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS COOPERATE,” he reminds him. Puffs of cotton candy colored gas flares around his wrists. He wields them an appendage, able to contort it into distinctive shapes and movements. However, it dissipates after a few flexes.

Don’t make this weird,” he trails off, nose wrinkling in disgust. “Close your eyes and open your mouth.


- asks to close his eyes and open his mouth

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 5:57:12 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



"Huh?" Killian narrowed his eyes. [break][break]

Actually, no - he didn't have the patience to argue anymore. Getting what he wanted, what he needed was all that mattered. "Okay..." with a sigh, Killian shut his eyes and let his mouth hang open.


notes about this post

Gimmie the mist .[break][break]


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 7:07:59 GMT



THERE IS NO RELUCTANCE BEHIND HIS ACTIONS. As long as it contributes to his objective, no matter how shameless, Fernando advances with his best foot forward. Anything for the cause.

He leans in, mouth agape, planting his lips against Killian’s. It’s far from a kiss, more akin to some bastardized version of CPR. They lock into place and Fernando exhales. A thick stream of concentrated MISTY TERRAIN passes from him to his victim accomplice, forcing it down his throat with a heavy-handed huff.

had been patient zero. and had served as examples, subjects who have been exposed but never forcibly injected. But makes up the first to have been treated by Tapu Fini’s sway.

The overall experience should be unpleasant. Having his lungs filled with something sparsely considered oxygen should send his body into a panic. But his fumes act as both a relaxant and stimulus. Synapses are rewired in a way emotions can hardly compare.

extensive use of the fog can be used to alter a victim's personality (with consent). this can skewer their mental state. repeated exposure to this fog will prove addictive.


We don’t know her.

The lips of the devil provide a euphoria that cannot be replicated. Some other vices may come close—abstract augmentations that prove more detrimental for a short-term high—but none can mimic a pleasure that’s simply LEGENDARY.

What seems like hours of indulgence gets funneled into mere seconds when Fernando steps away. A pinpoint clarity will cut through his partner’s mind.

The voices are gone because the MISTY TERRAIN supports only one champion.


The one and only.


- locks lips with
- forces MISTY TERRAIN directly via mouth
- fernando's mental fuckery cancels out 's after effects
- two negatives make a positive?
- killians feels the most nasty jcink adjectives in his head
- fernando pulls away several seconds later
- the voices are gone; MISTY TERRAIN clears up his mental

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she / her
October 14
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But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 7:11:19 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]a sky full of stars
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]a heart full of wishes
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She doesn't notice him approach until he's within reach, placing a hand upon her head and beckoning her to follow. Without anything much to do, she's more than happy to take his hand, tightly followed by Reiner as they slink their way through the crowd.
When begins smooching , she does have the manners to look away, instead busying herself with watching the endless shower of stars.
Her breath hitches, her blood running cold as she turns to look.
"Eri, are the stars that pretty that you forgot to make a wish?"
It all rushes back to her, her vision blurring as her knees grow weak. That gentle scent of lavender, mixed with a hint of cinnamon and endless warmth; Those ocean of stars that shine in their gaze as moonlight bathes their figures.
"Eri, what's with the tears? Did you fight with that kid from down the avenue again? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"
Her heart. Her heart screams but not as loudly as her mind does. Her hands are quick to reach, their gaudy Ponyta nightwear and weird telescopic glasses be damned.
"Momma... pa..."
When she sinks into their warm embrace, she finds herself waking in a world where everything's alright. Again in that dream-filled bedroom and a sky full of stars.
"I've been having... a nightmare...
a really... long... and scary one..."
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || post #23

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