i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 1:37:28 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Mint took his time nursing the next shot. His stomach felt warm but kind of uneasy and he hesitated to pound them as quickly as he had during the Festival of Champions. He didn’t need to drunk text ANYONE tonight thanks. He was hesitant to go in on the next one until his stomach settled a little bit. Fortunately, there’s plenty distraction around him. Mint perked up as a taller woman joined him, smiling as she offered to keep him company. “’Course! Take a seat hehe~” he said as he lifted his own shot in response. “Come here often?” he asked, delaying the drink as long as he could. [break][break]

The mood is more or less interrupted when he noticed an argument near the bar. “Oh, I think we’re not the only one getting into our cups-” he began as he pointed out the fight to . And then there’s a fist in the air and Mint just barely caught the sight of blood as another person staggered back. Then chaos more or less and he’s eyes wide sipping that shitty little shot, and barely noticing the taste as security descends and cameras are pulled out. The woman is furious. A lover’s quarrel? “This feels like a soap opera, don’t you think?” he asked his drinking buddy not making a move to get involved. He didn’t need to. The girlfriend probably had it. Still maybe they should offer napkins or-… a look down at his drinks and the feeling in his stomach is enough not to move, just passively watch. [break][break]


snaps him out of his people watching and he looked up at her. “Oh Luka! I- Hello!!” he began before she swapped out his terrible drink for another one after arriving with . This one with the promise of sweetness and he nodded, still wielding the lemon drop before knocking it back. He still shivered but the taste and aftertaste weren’t as bad. It’s still alcohol but he wasn’t forced to cleanse the palette right after. “Luka! This was so good!” he said, surprised by the flavor possible. He didn’t know a lick of anything about shots but he made sure to remember this one. “Luka, this is my drinking companion ah-“ He stopped before looking at the ginger woman. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. I’m Mint. This is my good friend, Luka.” He said introducing them before looking back at the pinkette. “We were just watching that fight go down. How’s your soiree been?”


+ + i saw while rereading the last page and BOY DOWDY THIS IS NEAT LMAO - post #10 [break]

tl;dr [break][break]
- chillin' w/ bo [break]
- wondering if they about to start a bar fight [break]
- where tf is gelatto [break]
- loves lemon shots ty luka [break]
- with the gang like BUT CAN WE DISCUSS WHAT HJUST HPAPPENED THO [break]





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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 4:09:49 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","lyrics"]MY HEARTS IN SPADES

[attr="class","name"]MICHAIL VOLKOV



at first, jayden doesn't notice it. the situation escalates so quickly and immediately that there isn't time to think — just the impulse of drawing his pokemon out, swapping himself into the spot of .

[break][break] it's instinctual. the rocket loyalty in his veins runs deep, regardless of whatever it is that is going on around him.

[break][break] he barely notices it even after, when the knife stabs its way through his stomach. the silver glinting beneath the moonlight, fingers grasping around the sharp metal edge. his gaze locks first with that of , the one who stabs him.

[break][break] roman, the boy that he had met not all that long ago, but a boy that he had forged an immediate connection with. maybe it had been because they had met each other at perfectly vulnerable points in their lives — when jayden's own life was falling apart all around him, when roman's life was one that he was trying to run away from. the two of them - somehow - had met and tried to piece their lives together, stitching together whatever remains were left.

[break][break] the boy that he'd offered to live with him, to set foot into a piece of his life that he had never allowed anyone else.

[break][break] the boy who held the other end of the knife that was now imbedded into him.

[break][break] his knees buckle. he drops to the floor.

[break][break] it's with a gasp that is lurched out of his chest, just as his eyes meet that of . the moment is brief, but before jayden can even think to grasp on the subject, his mind grows foggy. the knife is pulled suddenly and sharply from him, leaving a gaping wound that he tries to fill by placing his hands it. pain surges immediately through him, breath choking, as his hands soak with blood.

[break][break] he can't die here, not now, not yet. not when he hasn't gotten to —

[break][break] and it's true. it isn't jayden's time. not yet, anyway.

[break][break] lada, his umbreon, leaps into action. her body glows with the power of MOONLIGHT, just as she paws at her trainers belongings to release his gothorita. lugh immediately leans over his trainer's body, using the power of HEAL PULSE to stitch together the wound in the boy's abdomen together. it isn't a perfect fix, but a temporary one, as jayden's mind fights its way to clarity.

[break][break] "t-thank you," he says to his pokemon, pushing his way to his feet. the wound isn't fully healed, as it still pulses with pain, but at least he's not in danger of passing out anymore. luckily for all of them, there is enough going on in the ballroom — childhood friends turned enemies, thinly-veiled threats, and the punching of one league lieutenant ( ) — that even jayden's stabbing does not draw as much attention as it ordinarily should.

[break][break] of course, that does not take into account the emotional trauma of the two children involved. runs away, and jayden's gaze flickers to the direction she fled briefly. but, no, chu-e would take care of his daughter. instead, his feet lead him over to and .

[break][break] he glances briefly at , only to make sure the other man won't attack him, before leaning down towards the young boy.

[break][break] it's a panic attack. jayden is keenly aware, considering that he had experienced his own not that long ago. he thinks of , and hopes that he is only able to help the young boy as much as gavin had been able to help him.

[break][break] he places a hand on the other's back.

[break][break] "try to breathe slowly."


+ tldr jayden's pokemon heal him with moonlight and heal pulse, at least enough that he can try and follow and .


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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
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boruta maher DOLLARS
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boruta maher
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 5:01:53 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
Roman fell, crumbled, and Bo was so far off that he only stared in exasperation. And then was there, healed despite the blood on his clothes, caught up with them. A hand on Roman's back.

Bo missed a beat. People didn’t just comfort a kid like Roman. Roman didn’t typically take it. To top it off, this guy didn’t seem to have any hard feelings about just having gotten stabbed. Pretty odd.

“Dude, who are you?

He didn’t wait for an answer though, bending over to grab Roman up on his shoulder forcefully and haul him in the other direction. He had already committed to their swift escape from further chaos, and he wouldn’t be derailed.

“We’re not staying here,” he called over his shoulder to , for reasons he was conflicted on. “If you’re worried about him, keep up.”

Maybe he'd get some answers. Either way, this place was too packed. Rocket was here, and everything seemed too coincidental. Not the place to be, for too many reasons.

Why had Roman had a knife out to begin with? Bo had missed that part. Who had it been meant for?

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caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
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caden maher
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 5:32:21 GMT
caden maher Avatar
[attr="class","littlejay"] tonight was a night for the stars.

[break][break] the main theme of the event was dr. holo's precious litleonids, which was apparant from the way that the crowd dressed. dazzling jewelry, glowing dresses, breathtaking tuxes. the whole floor was filled to them.

[break][break] but of course, caden's gaze was only directed to the beautiful lady on his arm, his smile easy and warm as he asks her to accompany him to the dance floor. she agrees surely enough, pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek as he does so. as his gaze sweeps the ballroom, he thinks he may have caught a snippet of and his attractive date . he may have even seen his eldest brother , with an equally beautiful partner ().

[break][break] even with the changing music tracks that no one can hope to take advantage of, caden leads them to the dance floor and makes sure to twirl , so everyone can gaze at her and all her splendor. after all, she deserve to have everyone look at her, the beauty that she is.

[break][break] he tells her as much, as he draws her close, cradling her in his arms. "you're beautiful tonight," he says, whispering into the shell of her ear.

caden compliments and flirts with toni as he dances with her

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,051 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 6:35:00 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
"You been thinking about getting it off me a lot then, have you?" And he's teasing, grinning with a brow raised as he plucks some dainty little scrap of fruit and sugar from a table. After popping it in his mouth he winces a bit, the sugar too overpowering for what he hoped to gain from it, but still swallows it down.

A flute of champagne with a thin stem is picked up next, which he sips to wash down the flavor. Another is offered to .

The promise of a waiting bedroom does light a soft fire of flush under his skin, but Temp just smirks and leans over to steal a quick kiss.

"You going to try and deflower me before marriage? Shameful." Another long sip. "Of me. It's working."

- flirting with gavin by the drinks
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 7:04:25 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lost in her own thoughts, the red head doesn’t even notice the other woman slide into the seat beside her at the bar. Lex is obviously distracted; a manicured figure taps rhythmically against the bar top. As hard as she tries, her thoughts wander into dark places. What the hell is up to?

The woman’s voice pulls her back to the present, just in time for a bartender to stop in front of them to request their orders, “Two old fashioneds, please,” she addresses the bartender before turning slightly towards . There’s a moment of silence as her ever-critical glare gives the woman the once over. The familiar, and comforting, scent of cigarettes tickles her nose. It’s subtle, but there.

There’s a bitterness the tightens in her stomach at the question. Regardless, she plays nice, letting a small smile cross dark red lips, “It seems I am now,” her gaze floats back over towards the West Wing. She’s been promptly ditched it seems.

“Hm, unfortunately no. I was in the West Wing,” she too was not present for the Unown chaos. A quick glance around confirms it must have been quite the spectacle.

Chattin’ with since ditched her =(

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 9:47:57 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




It was a voice he hadn't heard in quite some time. Oddly enough, the prince couldn't mistake it. Though to hear the word 'wife' come out of her mouth in that context certainly surprised him. Quickly, he shifts his glance towards to gauge his reaction. Was this true?[break][break]

Regardless, Remiel turns his attention back onto and her dollar store smile before long. "Certainly, Miss Dross," He answers, eyeing the bottle of tequila in her possession with a judging raise of his brow. "With your exemplary manners and charming demeanor? You can have them believing you're the bloody queen." Sarcasm wasn't new to Remiel. He was only particular about when to employ it.[break][break]

Despite the unexpected confrontation, Skyler's arrival was at the very least made brighter for the young man that arrived with her: . Remiel smiles, returning the wave with one of his own. "Kingsman. Good to see you again."[break][break]

Some attention is spared to the cats these two have brought, with the Galarian Meowth reminding Remiel of his own. When Angelo brings up an old promise, however, the prince reengages with the small group and spawns a fleeting smile. "Waiting for you in my cellar, of course. Perhaps now you can come pick them up in your plane... or hire Mr. Jamison here to run a delivery." He adds, turning towards the lad ( ).[break][break]

It's in that moment that his butler Sinistea, Earl Grey, returns from his hunt for the Unown. Encircling the group, and expertly evading the paws of any cats that dared to try and swat it, the little teacup eventually presents itself above them with a proper bow.[break][break]


— SUIT REFERENCE HERE (minus the jacket): x[break][break]
TL;DR — Remiel throws some sarcasm back at Skyler, greets Razz, then suggests to Angelo that he pick up his wine in his plane or have Locke make a delivery. Afterwards, Earl Grey returns from his hunt for the Unown.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 10:01:39 GMT



HE CUTS IN THE MOMENT THE DOOR OPENS. A foot slip in, inserted to keep it ajar should someone else be on the other end. None of it matters since it’s Killian but good habits means follow up even when unneeded.

Not really,” he scoffs, pulling on his coat lapels to readjust their crease. “But business is business.

His eyes fall on the desk.

I’ve take it you use your time wisely to review the report I crafted for you?


- fern enters room 342
- pompous as always
- asks if he's read the report already
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 12:39:46 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



"Shame. Reyes certainly seemed enthralled with you." to the point she'd turn down someone like . A far better dance partner, in Killian's opinion. [break][break]

Killian followed Fern's eyes to the desk and nodded. "I have." his mouth straightened to a placid line. "It's interesting, to say the least." more than that, but letting Fernando know gave him more power than he needed. [break][break]

"How do I know any of if it's legit?" he stepped over to the couch. Plopping himself down onto the beige cushions, Killian crossed his legs, eyes hardening on the tycoon. "No offense, but I wouldn't put something like that past you."


notes about this post

Chit-chatting with Fernando.[break][break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 15:41:52 GMT
Deleted Avatar

giselle was mildly oblivious to the activities going on and about at the moment, that is until it started to be such a major commotion she couldn't be either. her gaze drifting across and over to see if there was anyone she recognized in the hubbub. hearing 's name shouted in the midst of it all she hoped that he was alright. after all he was her friend and she didn't want him to get into any trouble. "oh... these parties are much more lively than the ones like this at home..." but she needed to focus once again. "do you stare at the stars often? since you have your own equipment and all to do so?" at least she assumed that was what he meant about it. she wasn't the most well versed on it.

 - chats with @zan about the moon, sorry, i lost everything in the massive posts and kind find the old posts so this one is sort of scattered while trying to remember what they were doing :/

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it's whatever
2 height
2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
victor evans DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victor
victor evans
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 17:10:46 GMT
victor evans Avatar

he resisted the urge to roll his eyes and yawn at the idea of this kid thinking he was about to worm his way into his business like this. there was no way in hell he would have this sort of conversation with him in attendance. it would have to wait until the two of them left the party. "it's nothing someone like you would be interested in." he was of course talking to @elliott . "after all, i'm sure you've got plenty of other things to do right now." none of them were probably important but there were certainly other things.

bothering @elliott

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
0 height
0 height
I'm not the kind that uses pencil or rule
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 17:11:03 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

The blue-haired man agreed to the company and Bo downed the shot without a second thought. It was always nicer to drink together than alone -- not that she was much of a drinker. ”Come here often?” She laughed at the man’s question. ”Do I fit in that well?” She motioned to the bartender for another.

Her attention was drawn towards the commotion as her new friend pointed towards the argument. ”I think you must be right.” She said distractedly -- her attention stuck to the group. Had she just seen blood? She must have been mistaken. But then someone crumpled into themselves and another was yelling for security.

"This feels like a soap opera, don’t you think?" She nodded and absent-mindedly lifted the shot that had appeared in front of her without her noticing. "Huh, yeah I'd say so." she mumbled into the shot. Her senses slowly came back to her and she downed the drink as a couple approached the bar and her new friend.

Bo cleared her throat as her friend introduced her to the couple. "Oh, sorry, I'm Bo. S'nice to meet you." She glanced toward the couple and panic spiked through her very existence. For a brief moment she mistook 's soft demeanor and pink hair for _

She fumbled the shot glass, dropping it onto the bar, and realized this was not Avery -- the woman she’d disappeared on years ago. ”Woops, haha,” She hastily set the shot glass upright. ”Butter fingers -- or drunk fingers maybe.” She laughed again - hoping desperately that she wasn’t coming across as awkward as she felt. ”Are things always so lively around these parts?” Bo quirked, glancing back towards all the commotion as someone hoisted a boy onto his shoulder and fled.

TLDR >> Bo's drama spectating. She introduces herself to the group and almost has a heart attack. , ,
OUTFIT >> This but ginger
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 17:19:11 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Not one to leave a challenge unanswered, Dorado puffs up even more in an attempt to appear bigger - and consequently taller. Claws sink into Skyler's shoulder as he stands on his tip-toes, grinning victoriously at 's cats.

"Not my best moment, I'm afraid,"
 Skyler tells with a wry smile, memories of that night resurfacing in the shift of darkening, storm-tossed eyes. One blink, however, and it fades back into the depths.

"I hope you gave Angelo a run for his money while he was a courier. I distinctly remember at least two of my parcels arriving a day late."
The tease slips unashamedly from her tongue, deftly ignoring the fact that it'd been technically her fault since she'd been the one to keep him from his duties.

Ah, details

Her attention is easily drawn by 's appreciative glance, boldly meeting it with a wicked curl of her lips. Something feral slips between the cracks to brush against his awareness, molten silver following a path down the column of his throat and lingering where tanned skin disappears beneath fabric.

"I clearly married you for your cooking, Angel," the captain replies casually, without missing a beat. "Just as you married me for my sunny disposition," Her smile widens, troublesome, "and my obviously demure demeanour."

As if to immediately contradict this, a sharp bark of laughter escapes tequila-stained lips. "I'm flattered, Ambassador."

Standing next to like a pirate entertaining royalty (which wasn't that far from the truth) only serves to highlight their differences. Skyler seems to bask in it, raising the bottle he'd been eyeing in a mockery of a toast. Her head tilts back, looking at the royal from beneath dark lashes. "Then perhaps next time you should bow, princeling?" 

Tequila burns a path down her throat, and she embraces it with reckless abandon. 

Ray of sunshine indeed.


- oh no dorado
- talks to locke, teases angelo and mocks(?) remiel
- idk she's a mess

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 22:06:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @soiree

well it seemed that kazimir had managed to fall asleep or not pay too much attention of what was going around him so now he was on his own once again and decided to have a look around for a few more familiar faces or for something to do to pass the time till the large event went down. in doing so he cracked open a fresh zapsi that he had managed to sneak in and take a sip in order to keep himself wide awake so that this wouldn't happen again. or it probably will depending on outside forces affecting his judgement.

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 23:04:45 GMT




Fernando refuses to mince words with a mere rat. The idle commentary he denotes is an astute observation but left unanswered. There’s no point.

And neither do I.

He scoffs, moving toward the desk to glance over the papers once more.

But there’s no where else in the world except Silph Co. that could break down such a phenomenon.

They crinkle under his fingers and he shuffles to them together. They’re separate from the other papers, aligned with a quick tap against the desk.

But when you get the equivalent of fifteen PHDs in different fields, let me know.

MISTY TERRAIN flares in the palm of his hand. Nothing more than a globe of glitter, for now, whirling in place.

We’re hiring.


- fern states killian will have to trust it
- uses silph co.'s prolific background as credibility
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing