i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2021 21:37:10 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



Through his Rotom's scans, and close up camera for him to exsamin, from a distance Pryde can see what the others are experiencing. With the ground near the fangs being went with what seems like blood. Pryde can't help but think of gums of a mouth. Though at the very least the charge beam of 's voltorb didn't seem to do much to the fang or the possibility of anything it belonged to. "Get a sample," he would order his Rotom who would grab a [break][break]

Though the reactions of the others near the shrines causes the scientist to look over and move with fascination in his eyes as he witnesses his fellow Rockets go through some sort of metamorphosis. And while the logical part of his brain says he should just ask how the process felt. Another part of him is like, these idiots lack the vocabulary to give him a proper scientific analysis of this transformation. Calling his Rotom back to his arm Pryde calls out Subject 8. [break][break]

On subject 8 is a prototype helmet he has developed to record the aura the Lucario could see for studying later. And it there was anything that needed studying it was this. "Be sure to record," he orders the Lurcario before he takes a slice of his wrist to offer his own blood from his real arm. It wasn't much, but enough for the shrine it seems as he can feel himself sink into the ground and the way his body's molecular structure turn.[break][break]


Though unlike the others it seems the ground completely absorbs him down into the ground becoming a pile of sand. It takes a minute but the sand around seems to move and shift before the Head Scientist is able to get moving proper again. Building himself up from the ground up literally as Pryde seems to have to reform himself. Its interesting really, it seems like the alter has given him the body of sand like some Spiderman villain. [break][break]

While he doesn't grow anything new, his form is now taken up in the shape of sand giving the man a texture to his look rather than skin. [break][break]


How facinating.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + mention bug type
[break]+ Rotom attempts to grab sample of dirt
[break]+ Taking interest in whats going on in the shrine Pryde calls out his lucario
[break]+ The lucario is equipped with a helmet to help with Pryde's aura study so it can see what is going on while the transformation is happening.
[break]+ Pryde sacrifices a bit of his blood.
[break]+ Pryde becomes a sandygast



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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
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mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2021 22:10:51 GMT
mielle Avatar

she glances back to her companion, smiling shortly after she's offered her pokemon's flesh to the bowl. "your guess is as good as mine~" she chimes, a smile to her lips, before turning her attention back to the little one who stands with her by the shrine. [break][break]

the girl suddenly stumbles, and Mielle's first instinct is to reach her arm out to try and catch the little thing. she was forcing her smile - mielle's seen a similar one too many times - and it's all too obvious that the little girl is reaching her limit. was she in pain from earlier? though she tries to catch her, mielle feels a sudden throbbing at the sides of her head, and it hurts, as the moist soil digs its way into her ankles. [break][break]

though she's in pain and lowers herself to the ground, she tries to keep an arm up to keep the little girl standing. when she comes to, the air feels cleaner, and it's somehow easier to breathe. and there she opens her eyes, feeling a.. tail? ears? they twitch, and she's curiously reaching her hand up to feel the cream coloured ears atop of her head. [break][break]

and with a soft gasp, she glances back to her partner, ridden with anxiety and confusion when she speaks "w-what's happening?"



small talk w/ [break]
witnesses 's transformation. intrigued and curious.[break]
attempts to support eris and keep her up, but she grows disorientated too[break]
she comes to, taking on the features of a leafeon; ears and the leaf tail appear on her[break]
panics a bit and looks to in confusion

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 0:01:13 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
no one would ever

change this animal

I have become

A scolding from wasn't enough to deter Rowan from his goal of satiating the blood-thirsty forest to see what would happen, certain that he could handle anything that this place threw at him with the arsenal he'd brought along. Nothing could prepare him for what came next, however. Soles of his shoes began to sink into the earth, casting his glance downwards with curiosity. "The hell...?" Before there was the chance to say more, an all-encompassing pain wracked his body with the force of druidic transformation.

Flesh contorted and molded itself violently into an agonizing new form. Rowan could only watch as the pigment of his skin slowly turned various shades of blue while his hands became hardened yellow claws. A similarly colored crown pierced through the skin on his head, forming into one reminiscent of a Prinplup. Dyed hair transitioned colors into a deep blue to match the new form, his eyes losing their pupil and taking on the same color, while ears elongated to an almost elven point.

Heavy breaths were drawn in once he'd taken on this new form, unable to reconcile for a moment what had just happened. Rowan opened his mouth to respond to Adrian and Gavin's concerns, but only Bubblebeam came out, the watery orbs slapping into the earth. A claw reached up to cover his mouth, eyes wide at what he'd just accomplished.
"What the fuck just happened?"
He spoke through his fingers, bewildered.


(notes)⏤ Rowan painfully transformed into a Prinplup, accidentally used Bubblebeam when he tried to talk and is attempting to gain his bearings on this new form.
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 1:03:13 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



It seemed didn't need much of her help or her healing assistance so she waved Serenity away before rolling her eyes at Adrian. "For now anyways," is what he had said and she didn't feel like getting in an argument with him over it so she just brushed it off. So long as she maintained focus and due caution she believed everything would be fine. It had to be.[break][break]

That's when things started to change. Her amber hues widened as she watched those that had offered blood to the unknown blood gods begin to shift and change. They began to morph into other beings and even resembled some familiar pokémon. In this case, she was staring right at Rowan. "Rowan—!" Adrian called out in alarm but Serena was completely fascinated. [break][break]

So by offering their blood and flesh to these shires they were able to acquire new power. She frowned as she tapped a finger against her chin. She was hesitant before but this could actually be a boon for their group. Sure, they didn't know if it had any unknown side effects right now but who knew what sort of terrain or other blood-thirsty killers they would run into. With this sort of power they could have more of a change. [break][break]

Not to mention, anytime she stood to gain she would take it. Even if that meant she had to commune with the forces of evil in order to do it. Survival of the fittest. If sacrificing her soul was the price then so be it. Her mentor appeared in front of them as if on cue. He too was changed, or rather transformed. That seemed to be the final nail in the coffin to push her to do what she needed to do. [break][break]

Her ambition would not be quelled. [break][break]

Silently Serena separated from the group. Turning around just as she heard Gavin begin to check up on Rowan. She headed for the shine to the east. Looking around at everyone she quickly took a knife from her pocket and held it to her hand. Serenity looked at her with concern and Serena just smiled at her. "I'll be fine, don't worry." she said as she reached to pet her head gently. [break][break]

Turning back to the offering bowl she quickly sliced her palm and winched as she let her blood pour into the bowl. She bit her lip as she stepped away after a moment, wondering when the change would take place. Serenity quickly moved to her side and took her palm and held it to her chest as she used LIFE DEW to treat her wounds. "Thanks," she said as she offered her a weak smile. [break][break]

After a moment of anticlimactic nothingness, Serena felt a sharp pain throb in her head. Clutching her head she stumbled backward as she begins to feel stretching and pulling, even a burning sensation on the top of her head. Slowly but surely Serena began to change into a form befitting that of a Tsareena.[break][break]

Her short black locks had changed into long, plump tendrils of green. Looking down at her body she wondered if this was her flesh or a change of clothes. But the main thing to note was the change of feeling in her legs. They seemed...lighter some how? It almost felt as if she could jump higher or run faster if she wanted to. But she wouldn't be sure unless she tested out her little theory.


+ more tags: + + [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Reacting to the Transformations, Decides to sneak away to undergo some transformation of her own in anticipation of what was to come. Probably the dumbest idea she could've done but sue her. Serenity(Shiny Gardevoir) used LIFE DEW on Serena, Serena took on the qualities of a Tsareena xD ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 1:27:13 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Unown rotate around the fang, their ever blinking eyes watching as bloodied mud begins to be absorbed by stone. Curious. Worrisome. On the bright side, at least Mars had chosen to wear some more excursion-friendly footwear for this trip to the Tree of Life (within the Tree of Life?), anticipating that he definitely wouldn’t be too pleased if something like this got stuck to his nicer shoes. Priorities, am I right?
What’s even more worrisome is the way the fangs soon begin to glow, their brightness coming paired with the loud and agonising sounds coming from the shrines. People are changing… Transforming… Turning into pokémon?
For a moment, the admin does no more than watch the process, considering the option while attempting to predict the consequences. At least they seem to maintain their consciousness, but who’s to say the transformation won’t continue until there’s nothing left but the pokémon side of them?
Is it worth the risk?
In the past, Mars had always considered himself to be a cautious man, and that little voice inside his head screams at him not to get involved in this, yet the sight of people using their newly acquired abilities is all to tempting, and despite reason telling him to avoid the shrines, there’s something within him that says he should experience this. Instinct? Hope? Lust for power?
”Phemonoe. Follow me.”
The Northern shrine is his choice, of course, because what else could possibly be chosen by a man who named himself after the seas?
Del Mar… Of the sea…
How ironic is it then, that when he reaches into his coat to retrieve a pocket knife and makes a small cut near the thin scar made by a Sylveon’s bite (despite how he had called others knife-happy before, ever the hypocrite) the traits his spilled blood earn him are those of a creature that dwells within lakes instead…
Brunette hair turns blond, flowing long and luscious and dipped in red towards its tips. The right arm that had recently been covered in strange ink markings is now covered in beautiful red and blue scales instead, and held in his hand appears a fan, one so reminiscent of a Milotic’s tail. His outfit? Fabulous, of course.
The pain is there despite the presence of JUNGLE HEALING, and with it comes a throbbing headache that to Mars is all too concerning despite how it soon fades away, but beyond it, the transformation results to be… fascinating. Just as fascinating as it apparently is to the Unown that soon circle around him.
Meanwhile, the Gardevoir takes it upon herself to use FUTURE SIGHT, perhaps in preparation for what may to come.




[break]- Mars watches the fang absorb the bloody mud and then how it begins to glow
[break]- The transformations distract him and he turns his attention to the shrines
[break]- Decides to throw caution aside out of instinct and approach the NORTHERN SHRINE
[break]- Gains characteristics similar to a MILOTIC (long blond/red ombre hair, scaly arm, holding a fan)
[break]- Unown are like WTF???
[break]- Gardevoir uses FUTURE SIGHT (if as a vision or a delay attack if enemies come is up to mod)




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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 2:17:07 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
People have been cutting themselves open, or sacrificing dead Pokemon in pokeballs, in order to fill up these bowls stained with old blood.

Naturally, she joins in.

The fang at her foot doesn't budge, but it doesn't deter her. This entire place is a weird-ass shit show, and if the people who had done it first hadn't gone up in smoke... then it should be fine.

And if not, then they'd all die in three turns and that would be that.

Unfortunately, she doesn't quite get the hint that the blood sacrifice thing is a bit odd and is turning people into half-breed monsters. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but it's the truth. Just as she is finishing up with hoisting her Teddiursa onto her shoulder and bleeding her palm into the western shrine bowl, she turns around to note how Lulu has now risen off of the ground and has obtained several more eyes.


And then her own body begins to contort and shift. She feels nauseous, and then like she might shit herself, and then all of a sudden she is catching a Teddiursa by the hook of the bear's claws with her own claw. Remi gasps, horrified, blood turning to ice, as she looks past the dangling baby bear to the fin-like arms she's obtained.

It appears as though she has taken on the characteristics of a Garchomp. Ironic and unsettling, given one of them had been the reason for her missing eye and sexy eyepatch situation.

"What the fuck is happening right now."

As she speaks, her teeth elongated into sharp points, and the odd ear-shaped cones on a Garchomp's side of the head cauliflower and bloom where her ears used to be. She has turned into an abomination like the others. Teddiursa squeals, however, but she seems overjoyed by the sight of her Pokemon-like trainer.

"I'm gonna puke."

And, like Lulu, she throws up.

- chose to sacrifice some blood at the western(ground) shrine
- turns into a GARCHOMP mutant
- ptsd and overstimulation from the transformation and she throws up
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 3:59:20 GMT
mint frost Avatar

may have a point. Trees were living beings of course, but this thing seemed lie ka giant animal in disguise. “I wonder where it gets all this blood…or…did it show up in Sootopolis to take advantage of the chaos form the raid and suck up all the corpses in the city?” surely for a tree this big, the root system ran deep. He looked over at Prince, grinning at him for a moment. “I’ll look forward to seeing you in action then.” With that his eyes are once more on Rayne as he offered a small sigh. “Doing good as anyone stuck in a carnivorous tree. You?” he offered as he adjusted his glasses, taking a moment to make sure the damn things were still working alright and recording what they were supposed to. He let out a small laugh at his friend before his attention drifted. [break][break]

And then the transformations began. Bodies began to warp and bulge, twist and squeeze. The pain is evident by the grunts and the screams some people let out. “Tell me this is a shared hallucination?” he said out loud, a manic grin on his face as he strained to capture every excruciating detail of the morphing human bodies. “Rayne?” he asked noting the shift and change in his body and the lack of pain at all form the barista. “How’re you?” he asked watching the swirling sand at the man’s feet. [break][break]

Glance at Prince and he can see that his companion has also transformed. There is the slightest bit of hesitation within him as he considered joining the group in transformation, but this may prove to be useful. Perhaps this is the bit of good fortune he’d earned with his horn. Quietly, he picked up the bloody and sandy horn and wiped it clean. He did his best with his hand and his pants before grimacing as he licked the man thing and spat out the blood on the ground. “Keep it, you creepy piranha tree.” He said as he pocketed his horn. [break][break]

“Stracciatella, one Razor Leaf.” He said looking up at the Abomasnow. She hesitated before holding her hand out, a lone blade sharpening into a weapon. Mint held out his hand, allowing the dual type to rake it across his palm. It’s sharp enough that it stings as it sliced flesh but its not excruciating. Before he can begin to doubt himself, Mint clenches his fist, moving to the Northern shrine and squeezing tightly. Drops of crimson pool and form droplets that fall delicately into the bowl. The Abomasnow let out a small whine of concern as her trainer gave her a thumbs up. Noting seemed to happen as he shook his hand and moved back to her. [break][break]

And then he doubled over as his heart thudded sharply in his chest. His breath hitched, catching in his throat, and his body began to shake as he felt himself heat up at first in searing pain before a cold overtook his body that seemed ready to fragment his very skeleton. His eyes seem to glaze over for a moment before Stracciatella moved in to catch him as he dropped to his knees wheezing and coughing. He felt like he was turning to ice from the inside out, short gasps coming out in white, sparkling puffs. The pain searing his entire being moved and began to concentrate onto a point on his head and his shoulder. He let out a scream despite himself as hard growth speared out form flesh, as if extending his skeleton out of his own body. It burnt it hurt. Everything was so sensitive, and he was in agony as the protrusions solidified into place. The blood that dripped down his face and arms pooled onto the ground and sank into it like every other time. He’s panting as Stracciatella lifted him to his feet. [break][break]

Mint swallowed watching breath come out of him in small cloud, Frost gathered around his sleeves and his shoes. His fingers were slightly webbed, and the nails had elongated slightly, coated with thick ice that ended in sharp points. Despite how disorienting it all was, he at least didn’t feel dizzy. As he wiggled his fingers, testing them despite barely recognizing them, a small sphere of glowing colorful light began to bob and float in the palm of his hand.


+ @rayne | Lapras | hydration | hydro pump, ice beam, confuse ray, sing, rain dance, body slam [break][break]

talking to giona, prince, and rayne in that order [break]
watching people transform, thinks its sick and twisted ( and also cool ) [break]
bandwagoning into sokka vc: water tribe [break]
body horror time i have yearned for u even if its only a tiny bit.... [break]
bard mint time. feeling good, feeling fresh, practically gliding back to his friends [break]




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December 29th
Cyllage City, Kalos
Motorcycle Dealer
fearless hearts ablaze, no more time to waste
102 posts
Dante Telos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dante
Dante Telos
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 5:20:34 GMT
Dante Telos Avatar

Truthfully speaking, there was something about the scenery around them that struck a chord with him.[break]
Rightfully so, he found out, as everything else began to progress in the way that it did.[break][break]

Having been near enough to note the changes of the little one, altogether, a sense of surprise and concern briefly overtook him as the aforementioned child seemed to waver faintly; his brows raising slightly at the sight of her falter, and although he, himself, hadn’t extended a hand like his companion had, his lips pressed faintly as he witnessed what he did. As the ever vigilant anomaly by his side merely ignited within another burst of energy, its trainer sought to gaze between the girl, and then the woman, and then between the shrines of which they’d interacted with, prior.[break][break]

He’d only managed to think to himself for a moment before the assumptions he’d made in silence were nothing less than confirmed. Instinctively, he crouched alongside her with a narrow of the eyes and placed a hand upon her shoulder, watching her and her condition as she seemed to find herself winded, as well, even if momentarily. ”Not entirely sure, myself,” he murmured, side eying the newfound attributes gracing her form, ”but by the look of it, it’s got something to do with the shrines...”[break][break]

And then came another bout of silence. Another bout of thought. His eyes remained upon her for several moments more (all for the sake of continuously ascertaining her condition, and although a quick glance towards her and those around them only proved to spawn questions within his mind, he was at least relieved to see her expression soften and relax just as quickly as it had strained), but before long, he slowly rose to his own feet, once more. Passing by those that seemed to extend their own offerings as a means of reference, he stopped for a moment to survey the nearby shrines before idly settling his attention upon that of the west.[break][break]

He shifted his attention towards the others yet another time, noting the sort of gifts and sights beheld of them.[break][break]

Questionable as it is, it could be pretty useful… he mused to himself with brows furrowing as he directed his gaze towards the offering bowl, once more. After some pondering, he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, lifting a hand to his lips. Might fuck me over. Might help me live. It’s really a gamble, but may as well…[break][break]

With just a moment to brace himself, he took the more supple amount of flesh upon his thumb between his teeth; a grimace briefly settling upon his face as he bit down. Soon enough, the taste of dull iron filled his senses loosely, and before it could flood them, altogether, he opened his eyes before stretching his hand towards the bowl, watching a small, yet steadier flow of crimson join the prior offerings placed within.[break][break]

He watched it, following the fact. He braced himself. As the his draconian companion seemed to catch up with him, he glanced towards the side briefly to acknowledge it while waiting, and although the effects hadn’t harbored him immediately, it had only taken a number of paces’ worth of time back towards the woman he’d arrived with for him to feel a discomfort within his body. A worried, gurgled roar sounded from the genetic anomaly by him as he found himself falling to a knee; widening his eyes slightly at the sudden sensation burning within his chest as he shut his eyes once more. The feeling of foreign structures raising from his skin, however, were noted by him immediately. A weight of bluish, fin-like structures upon his forearms sprouting. The weight behind him rendering him faintly imbalance as a scaled, finned tail seemed to manifest from his body at a gradual rate.[break][break]

A low, hissing sigh sounded under his breath as he felt other, incoming features continue to settle upon him.[break][break]

Yeaaaah… Shoulda figured it’d be painful… he thought wryly to himself, taking a deep breath as the Dracovish by him only seemed to fret more and more. Not as bad as I thought it’d be, but fuck me, I guess…[break][break]



dracovish used dragon dance // attack/speed up x3[break]
expresses brief worry over and [break]
ends up examining the west shrine and makes a blood sacrifice[break]
currently in the process of gaining attributes akin to a garchomp[break]

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 5:25:40 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Blood splatters and those around him begin to transform.

His eyes are drawn to , she's hard to miss when she floats over the crowd. Blue skin, anchor arms, armored skin, melting into sand... Chu-e is very glad he only tried to offer dirt as he watches what his team become.

is not on his mind, which isn't her fault, there is just a lot happening. Her sudden transformation so close, since he had been standing next to the Western bowl, has him start. His hand nicks against a bit of loose previous unearthed by his Mawile, blood spilling into the bowl.

He feels dizzy before hunching over.

He groans, unable to bite back the pain, but find his voice rising.

A half-formed Sludge Wave spills from his mouth, staining the ground next to Remi's vomit, as blue plated armor scales shift and grow over his skin. Blue spikes line his spine, a large blue horn in the middle of his forehead, sharp clawed hands with digigrade legs that lead into sharp points. Razor fangs and ears transformed into large, round ones.

A fresh set of tits.

The pain slowly subsides and Chu-e sighs before he looks over himself. Then fondles himself, or... herself.

He tries to pat 's back with his new hand.

"I think my dick is gone." And his, her?, voice is now very different. Like a woman's.

A pause, before he charges over towards and sadly (probably) breaking up the bonding happening with


- Chu-e is like 'wtf' at transforming, then notices the others around them having it happen, too
- Startles when turns into a Garchomp close to him and slices his hand, which goes into the Western bowl! Hooray!
- Chu-e turns into... a Nidoqueen! And spontaneously gets a sex change.
- His form is based roughly on this and this
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 5:34:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
slowly but surely, some of companion's were beginning to transform; at least, the ones who had offered anything to the shrines were. 's question pulled them from their own shock, and they offered a shaky smile, despite the scales popping up across their face and hands and anywhere, it felt like. "i don't think it is." they hoped it was; they really did, but the fact that it hurt told them it probably wasn't.

fuck this tree. prince was tempted to cut it down after this was over.

if they even could; their hands hurt as thin webbingformed between their fingers. everything hurt, actually. especially their back, along their spine- and as time passes, it only seems to get worse. they're tempted to just curl up there until it's over, but the worst of the pain shooting down their back ends just as abruptly as spines force their way through prince's back. as focused on their own transformation as they are, prince doesn't notice mint's own until their owwn was mostly over. they felt sore, and knew they were probably bloody, themselves, but their new companion seemed worse off than they were. are.

"mint? how are you feeling?"

as they ask it, they tilt their head in discomfort; they suppose their transformation isn't over, apparently, but it's fine. they'll be fine. even if their ears are turning into finns or- whatever they're called. prince isn't thinking about technical terms right now.

- talks to mint
- whoops they're still undergoing transformation. scales, spines along back, webbing + fangs and the vaporeon finn ear things.
- checks on mint after his transformation

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 5:51:11 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

It’s not surprising protests when she sacrifices blood to the WESTERN shrine. Honestly, she wasn’t thinking. It seemed logical at the time. After witnessing the earth literally absorb the Zangoose’s remains, it didn’t take a genius to guess what the shrines want.

“It’ll be fine, Killian,” she mumbles beneath her breath, letting amber eyes trace up to that joined in on the sacrifice. As the last bits of warm crimson drip from her pal, she lets wrap the shirt around her wounded hand, “You didn’t need to do that,” she speaks softly, just to him. There’s enough pokemon spitting out Heal Pulses to quickly take care of the wound.

suddenly defies gravity and Lex if caught off guard. The thief steps away in surprise, not sure whether this is a fun new trick the avatar has learned or if it was something to be worried about. Unfortunately, Lex doesn’t have much time to dwell on it.

She gasps, keeling over as bones crack and bend. She grows taller, broader, and a wave of teal in various shades washes over her skin. Her tattoos brighten from their ink black to earth brown, outlined in dark teal against a lighter shade that now replaces her pale skin. Long teal hair that fades to a lighter shade now floats in wisps behind her on still air. The ghostly appearance is similar to the Spectrier’s own mane and fetlocks.

Bright yellow eyes glance up towards her King. Perhaps he was right. This was a terrible idea.

Lex painfully transforms into a lady GOLURK
Her skin has a soft teal hue
Her tattoos are a darker teal, outlined in an earthy brown
Her red hair changes to a dark teal that fades into a lighter shade


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 6:28:44 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he waits and sees the effects the shrines have on people. painful alterations to their bodies did not seem to faze majority of them from trying. priam voices out his main concern that will most likely fall into deaf ears.

"uh, guys, what if that's permanent?"

the risk of not being able to work with in her lab, or just getting out without attracting unwanted attention in general, stops priam from trying it out. suspension of disbelief will probably bring things to an optimistic conclusion though.

a breath of relief comes when decides not to join them as well. while the part where he called him 'my love' somehow did not give much reaction from his part, priam decides to play along in humor.

"yah. i'll go scout too, then. have fun sweetie!"

while everyone busies themselves now that the rush of the escape is done and the expedition was in a state of preliminary lull, priam takes out his braviary and hops on its back, ordering it to fly high up.

he takes out a small single lens binoculars from a small pouch where he kept important things, such as stickers he stuck on the genesect, and takes a survey of the land from a height. they need a direction to go to, instead of just playing around on anything they stumble upon on.


  • gabite in, braviary out
  • flies in the air on his bird
  • surveys surroundings with binoculars


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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,478 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 6:38:46 GMT

lucario's senses fill with the information of the tooth, investigating its large, hollow canal-like tube inside. there's something inside; not living per-say, but definitely has remnants of life, or biological energy signatures. his face twists, maw curving up into one of caution and confusion, fangs gleam beneath an artificial sunlight.
when he pulls away, xen turns towards king.
"what is it?" king, still in a crouching position, pushes himself to his feet. his lucario holds out his palm, and king grasps it, as a feeling transmits between the two. it's uncertain, vague, but there's a deeply rooted sense of confusion, and anxiety. something feels off. king's brow furrows, and he releases the grip, "extend yer senses to as far as they can go and tell me if ye feel anything else 'ere."
lucario nods, then does as his trainer commands, EXPANDING HIS AURA SENSE TO ENCOMPASS 1 KM. if there was anything else out here to DETECT - he'd find it.
then, the weird shit begins to happen.
"the fuck?" was all he could get out, turning to face the new members of the twitter furry fandom. his face pulls and twists into disgust as the flesh is made anew, and he takes an involuntary step back. he spares a look at theo, recognizing the man had at least been sane enough to not undergo a similar transformation.
"the fuck did i sign up fer?"

[attr="class","ooc"] | | [break][break]
⊕ Lucario shares a vague sense of what he discovered in the tooth, making himself and King uneasy.[break]
⊕ Lucario EXPANDS his AURA SENSE to DETECT anything within' 1 KM/half a mile. Looking for signs of life, anything strange or threatening, etc. [break]
⊕ King looks at the new rocket furries and is like 'wtf', and decides NOT TO TRANSFORM himself.[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-lucario"]

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[newclass=".snubis123 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
20 posts
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 20:06:06 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

what happens before him is...well its both intriguing and horrifying. everyone is a little too gung-ho about offering up pieces of themselves to these shrines even after the absolute near mauling they got from the bamboo forest. it shouldn't be too surprising when he collects his thoughts about it and watches them all.

it was all in the glory of team rocket.

he should at leas share some of that team spirit shouldn't he? as he looks over to the shrines he moves over to the northern shrine and runs a hand along its wooden frame, making sure that its pressing just hard enough for a splinter to draw a drop of blood from his finger. with an all too enthusiastic grin he takes the bleeding finger and smears the blood along the inside of the bowl and watches as it evaporates in an instant. then he feels it, the tingling sensation that shoots up from his feet and up along his body, his skin feeling like its moving along his whole body as he starts to scratch at his back.

he can't contain his wails of pain as he feels the new wings this opportunity gives him to soar on.

unlike the many who's transformation looks like a mutation his takes on a different aesthetic. its almost metallic in some kind of way as if instead of changing his body the transformation is giving him a suit of armor in the shape of a graceful bird. his magneton can only split apart and circle around him ready to lift him back up to his feet once he's done undergoing this new change.

but cossack can rise up on his own feet.

no...rise up isn't right.

cossack can now soar for the glory of team rocket. soar on the new wings and power that he's gotten himself.

    [*] moves over to offer to the northern shrine

    [*] takes on the form of a swanna

    [*] reference guide for reburst cossack >here<!



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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2021 1:02:35 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



He's quick to show concern once the others start to transform. Killian knew offering up blood was a bad idea. "Lex - " there's nothing he can do to stop the process, only watch, wincing as turned into something else. [break][break]

Killian frowned and placed his hand on her back once the transformation finished. "You look like a ghost. feeling okay?" [break][break]

There's only worry for her safety. No interest in taking part in whatever magic has bewitched Lex and the others.


notes about this post

Worries about Lex.[break][break]
Killian DOESN'T TRANSFORM like the others.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing