i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 17:26:02 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Nothing in here could be simple, now could it? The snake was dead, but whatever it was doing with the blood was still active, causing that stuff to rise from the ground and try to snatch them. Violet barely stepped back in time from one of those, all but running into her Pokemon that way. But that was good. That was kind of what she needed right then. “Teleport….to the portal,” she rasped out, her trusty Fairy type nodding and, while touching her shoulder, beginning the move.
To her, this always felt a bit weird, like her stomach very briefly turned upside-down or something. But it was certainly better than whatever those hands were planning to do to her, that much was for sure. Everyone else seemed to be trying to evacuate too, after all, so it was probably best to follow suit. Violet herself was not going to leave anyone behind if she could help it. But she could not speak for everyone in that regard. Far, far from it.
Thus, they would move right up to Gavin and the portal, ready to help protecting it if need be, but also to step into it in a heartbeat if it became necessary. This truly was a case of helping for as long as she deemed it feasible, not any longer. "If you see an opportunity to help, do it from here with Psychic."


+ Has Guardevoir teleport her to the portal to escape the bloody limbs, will try to defend it with her if necessary/possible using Psychic, but is ready to leave asap, too.




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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 0:50:00 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



The moment the bloody copy dropped was when Serena felt all the adrenaline and energy leave her body. She dropped to her knees panting as she held her stomach. The blows she'd traded with her copy were starting to catch up to her. But it seemed that things would be in order soon. Meanwhile Serenity closed the distance between them as she came to check on her trainer. [break][break]

"I'll be fine." she said as she offered her a smile. She had to be, she still needed to get out of here. Glancing back it seemed that Mars and the unknown he had managed to get the portal opened. All around her, her team managed to wrap up their conflicts and it was time for all of them to get the hell out of here. [break][break]

It was shame though, that this excursion wasn't completely spotless. They'd managed to lose some people along the way, which was regrettable but inevitable. Serena herself recognized she needed to continue to grow and practice and intended to go back to the grind as soon as she was done with everything here. [break][break]

Finally mustering the strength to stand she was about to ask Serenity to teleport her to the portal but before she could a looming shadow was cast over her. Her stomach was uneasy at first, she had let her guard down for a moment and wasn't prepared to face anything else. Luckily when she looked up it was Yveltal and her brother that she saw. [break][break]

The god of death quickly scooped her up within it's talons and Serena reacted quickly, returning Serenity to her pokeball as they all headed towards the portal. "T-Thanks for the ride Yveltal." Serena said sheepishly. He probably only did it because Adrian had asked but she still appreciated it anyway.

+ more tags: + (just cute lil mentions)[break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Serena gets a ride from big death birb ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 1:57:00 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



After its attack, Deoxys re-entered its host. [break][break]

The admin's attention is pulled in so many directions at once. Chaos. Its noise overwhelmed, and he failed to see a bloody copy. He's not its focus, but it swiped widely and caught his left side. Barely a scratch, or so he thought but taking his hand away from his waist revealed skin slicked in crimson. [break][break]

"Fuck." [break][break]

He stumbled, lightheaded. [break][break]

Deoxys' worry and anger ran like water through his veins. As if Killian didn't know this was bad. "Son of -" He took a step, but a searing pain prevented another. "Indeedee, Heal Pulse." The pain subsided as the pulse washed over him. But something about the creature prevented it from fully healing. [break][break]

At least the bleeding stopped. [break][break]

With , , and others felling the Seviper, it was time to leave. Killian ran at half speed to the portal, but he made it. He passed with an exhausted, half-smile. "Glad your alive." [break][break]

Not seeing Lex, he waited for her.


  • Got sliced in the side by one of the blood copies.
  • Oh fuck I'm bleeding.
  • Indeedee used Heal Pulse to stop the bleeding.
  • Headed to the portal, is waiting for Lex before leaving.


notes about this post


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 6:00:52 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar


They are successful in slicing off the giant serpent's tail, and Zekrom emerges out from the ichor and chunks of snake meat with a ferocious roar of victory. Their flight trajectory leads them back in time to watch its body limp and unfurl after its head shatters.

Worry is cast towards Underboss after seeing them surrounded by bloodied hands. Though Remiel's attention shifts when he sees a vaguely familiar face down below: his own blood copy, of course. Persistent as ever. Quite the annoying prick.

Strangely enough, Zekrom descends to meet this False Prince. Bolts of lightning keep the sea of crimson hands away as Remiel slides off the dragon's back. Then his clone shifts into a sprint the moment his armored feet touch the thickly wooded ground. In a bid to meet this challenge with just as much fervor, the royal sprints forward, too.

Just as he forms a lightning bolt in one hand, his clone assembles a spear of calcified blood as well. The two cast their respective attacks at one another, but the lightning bolt splits the blood spear apart in mid-air. Even then, its aim remains true. And, when it strikes, it forms a roaring pillar of lightning at the point of detonation.

Rendered a bubbling pool of static-inflicted red, what remained of his clone's torso and head persisted, seemingly out of sheer spite alone. Remiel stepped closer to gaze upon it with pity, flanked by his Smeargle as it hastily painted the scene on canvas. "What are you..." The prince muses out loud, surprised to receive a unintelligible gurgle in response:


A sense of dread washes over him. Then a revolting sickness follows it, prompting him to summon another bolt and reduce this insult to his bloodline to mere remnants of what it had been. "Perish."


Though many events transpire around them, Remiel can count on his Smeargle to document the most impressive as the blood clones are purified and his pair of UNOWN return to his side.

Their frantic chimes are met with a serious, cobalt-hued stare. Though it follows their line of sight to the glaring portal afar. Then he understands.

Smoothly and with well practiced motions, he returns both of his Unown and his Smeargle. After reaching for Zekrom's customized ball, however, the prince pauses to place a hand over his heart and bow. The black dragon nods in understanding, his face stoic even as the ball's light devours him in a flash of gold.

Immediately afterwards, Remiel's other hand draws out the reinforced ball strapped to his hip before summoning his SHADOW DRAGAPULT again. A swift command is made afterwards, and the beast summons a fleet of miniature Dreepy to eat away at the flesh keeping a black scale tethered to the snake's corpse.

When said scale is set free, it sinks into a shadowy portal (PHANTOM FORCE) far before it has a chance to sink through the massive tree's branches. There it hangs, suspended in a dark limbo, before FAUST swoops off to carry Remiel towards the portal with haste.

But wait... where was ?

As he nears the entrance to the portal and, consequently, , Remiel shouts. "Del Mar! Can your Gardevoir sense Underboss Choi?! A swift TELEPORT may need to be in order!" But was there time?


🅞 With the portal opened, both of Remiel's UNOWN swiftly return to their master

♔ Remiel returns Zekrom, Smeargle and his Unown, then summons his SHADOW DRAGAPULT

SHADOW DRAGAPULT ferries a BLOODY SEVIPER SCALE within the limbo of its PHANTOM FORCE before escaping towards the portal as it carries Remiel


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 6:08:14 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

bone chipped off the crumbling serpent beneath darkrai’s wrath. rocket had nearly overtaken it. and then, the head shattered under the foot of . the bringer of nightmares hovered high above the blood copies below, watching them ravage those that couldn't be saved. these beings were familiar.

even as her blood copy had nearly cut the distance, she hovered there with the minior, hoping it might do something.

no portals, but there was the glitching. she watched, thrilled and horrified as its surface began to blacken with dark moss, its strange instability reminiscent of the assassins from the soiree.

’ curious stare was met for the briefest moment before screams pulled her out of a trance. she turned as the portal opened up, as though it had been waiting for the battle to end—but this realm wasn’t done with them yet.

she watched the hands reach. she was closest to the portal. she could step right through, but her brothers…

was that bird on a suicune? her eyes squinted, brow furrowing—but ’s scream spurred her to action. seeing him close with others, she watched and hoped for the best for another moment before taking the escape, her pokémon following.

• darkrai finds blood copies familiar
• lulu is very interested in glitchy black moss
• looks back at her brothers briefly before going into portal
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December 29th
Cyllage City, Kalos
Motorcycle Dealer
fearless hearts ablaze, no more time to waste
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Dante Telos DOLLARS
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Dante Telos
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 6:18:13 GMT
Dante Telos Avatar

A blur, just like before.[break]
The difference was that he hadn’t been privy to whatever happened after the fact.[break][break]

Like everything else, the going had been tough, and whatever occurred had happened both swiftly and relentlessly. As a means of further insurance and safeguarding, the choice of having the drake beneath him use its Protect had been some means of precaution- but as the woman accompanying him readied a Teleport of her own to deliver them to their destination quicker, he’d managed only a short lived glance over his shoulder in order to gauge the distance between them and their clones.[break][break]

A flash of red had been all he’d seen before the rest had darkened.[break][break]

A blow, delivered promptly and strongly against his head upon impact. To and those within closer proximity at the time, the sight of the man being flung from the impact would’ve been seen, and upon proper teleportation, those closer to the rift would have seen him properly hit the seemingly invisible ground above the treetops. Unmoving. Breathing, thankfully enough, but seemingly bleeding from the head, nonetheless. The nearby Life Dew from surely would’ve helped to alleviate the wound as quickly as it opened, as well as to soothe any other internal injury that may have happened before it escalated too much, but to have been struck hard enough to warrant the sight, altogether, was already concerning in itself, and the aftermath would only remain to be seen when he awoke.[break][break]

Until then, his Dracovish seemingly sought to give a number of panicked screeches at the sight before hurriedly scrambling over and picking its trainer up between its flippers. As it nudged him, the Unown he’d released caught up, and in a similar bout of both curiosity and concern, seemed keen to flutter around them before ultimately following in tow towards the portal (though not without the drake frantically glancing over his shoulder towards the woman remaining upon its back, almost as if it was seeking some sort of council or guidance regarding what to do.)[break][break]



--dante gets hit hard enough by his clone to fall off his dracovish during the teleport. he is rendered unconscious but alive at the moment, with the caveat that the resulting trauma would be enough to blind one eye and leave a notable scar around it.[break]
--martin's life dew, icly, is essentially what helps him retain some semblance of sight and help open wounds heal. shoutout to him. real homie hours :sworddoggofast:[break]
--dracovish picks dante up and hurriedly rushes him to the portal, looking to mielle for some sort of comfort, or...whatever she wants to do in her post LMFAO[break]
--unown joins the three in going through the portal[break][break][break]

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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
90 posts
mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 6:40:34 GMT
mielle Avatar

it happens quickly, and she's the first to jump off the drake to the man attacked by his clone. [break][break]

dirt still clinging to her skin as they teleport to safety, mielle is slightly frantic and panicked seeing the damage he sustains. luckily, a life dew from martin helps to alleviate some of the injuries, and she catches the faint pink glow of a HEAL PULSE not too far from the distance. and so, she makes quick work to COPYCAT to act as a healer, once again. anxiety is only put at ease when she sees that the major injuries have started to heal, though the pinkish glow persists as she carefully lifts the unconscious man back onto the worried drake. [break][break]

the bounsweet whistles at her feet, worried, but unsure of what she could do as her trainer tries to keep him against the bipedal dragon. everything is happening at once, and she can only pray that the portal will take them to safety, to offer them a moment's respite. "thank you, for the life dew." she tries to wear a smile in this situation, towards , misplaced as it is, as she hops onto the drake's back. she' careful to keep the man secured, between both herself and the dragon. the bounsweet returning to its ball.[break][break]

"we need to get out of here, now." she lowers her voice to the dragon, anxiety raising as she hears the chaos from behind. "and we need to get dante to a doctor.." she urges the dragon to the portal. she doesn't know where it's going to take her, but she knows (hopes) that it's safer than here.



mielle COPYCATS (man she's been doing that a lot) HEAL PULSE to speed up DANTE's recovery[break]
mielle tries to carry dante to put back onto DRACOVISH's back[break]
she hops onto dracovish's back and has it run through the portal and (hopefully) to safety.[break]
BOUNSWEET is recalled

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 6:47:25 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
When the dust settles and the blood that stings her eyes is rapidly blinked out of them with an exhausted, exasperated expression, Remi can see that the battle has been won. Somehow, in some way, they've all managed to survive. Perhaps it has something to do with the Unown working so hard for them that they make it out of this alive.

Whatever the case, Remi doesn't feel like sticking around for long to second-guess or fart around. Well, maybe a little farting. She is a looter, a smuggler, a thief. If there is anything of particular interest, like a piece of tooth or a leftover scale or something physical for her to grab and stash, she grabs and goes.

The woman's Unown returns to her and she blows a brief kiss. "Thanks, babe," is quipped to the happy Pokemon, and she returns both it and her Krookodile while making a break for the portal. Admittedly, the woman does pause to look back. What a wild ride this had been. Who knew chasing her brother to Hoenn and finding him murdered would have landed her here? With Garchomp blades for arms and blood in her teeth.

This was the hardest she'd fought, by far, to stay above the water. And damnit, she was proud. These were fine trainers and people out here, even if they all worked underground and snuck their dirty laundry beneath their fucked up closet doors.

"Fuck yeah, we lived."

And after all of this excitement? She was definitely gonna get laid tonight.

- survives, somehow
- smuggle ability activated: looking for anything to take with her through the portal
- inner monologuing about how far she's come to survive an actual hellscape
- jumping through the portal after returning her unown and krookodile
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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 7:27:29 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

as cossack and his rotom hover above the tree branches he's able to see all that happens around him. it seems like the efforts with taking down the serviper proved to be fruitful as he watched the snake go down...only for it to suddenly rise back up again. below the doppelganger was still pressing forward reaching for cossack's feet with its ugly arms. "tch. this is annoying. we need to leave as soon as possible. mr prog. if you'll join me." aiming a finger at the copy the swanna transformed rocket fired off a jet of water gun at the copy while his rotom followed up with it with a shock wave to combine it with the water his trainer expelled to try and make their final move a bit more effective.

    [*] rotom uses shock wave on the blood copy!
    [*] cossack uses water gun on the blood copy!



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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 7:52:41 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar




[break]+ Raphael calls it bullshit when the blood seems to take on human forms of even those that sacrificed their pokemon's blood.
[break]+ Calls on his Lucario to read and record the aura as him and his new Melmetal fight.
[break]+ At Seveper's finally attempts the blood clone gets stronger while blood comes to grab at his leg, Pryde's metal arm gets destroyed. The rotom detaching itself with the camera piece it keeps attached to being the only surviving thing.
    + Pryde's arm is destroyed and he will be armless for a bit

[break]+ Pryde returns the Melmetal and has his Lucario aide him in escaping through portal.

[break][break]+ sorry don't have the energy for a real post, ty shiv for letting me do this. Hope its clear enough.



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 20:12:29 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]"Where's pa?"
It's the first thought that comes to mind when she sees everyone fleeing. Against her better judgement, she has to whistle for Ame to turn back, head towards the tail to check for 's whereabouts.
"Pa?" Her calls are sharp and dripping with concern, her attention sweeping from one end to another before she finally spies him. Heading down towards him, Eris nearly stumbles with her landing, her Yanmega quickly swapped out for Reiner. Her palms emanate a pinkish hue of a Heal Pulse, both firmly grabbing hold of him as the blackened crystals press into her skin.
"We gotta go! Now... not the... time... to be... dozing off!" She yells, tugging at him with all of her might. Luckily, Reiner does well in his attempt, tugging Chu-e onto his back and beginning to book it towards the portal with a Wild Charge.
Tl;dr -[break]
- Swapping Yanmega for Luxray[break]
- Eris using Heal Pulse on Chu-e to give him some strength back[break]
- Luxray using Wilc Charge to BOOK IT towards the portal[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]geomancy: outta the woods



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 2:42:44 GMT
Deleted Avatar
the titan falls. blood soaks the land and miracles happen and all the woman can do is shake. dragon comes back down, exposing her back, but looks over at her master when she does not clamber aboard. something grabs at her ankles and allrianne is drawn from her psychosis. she steels her fingers and dragon rips her free from the earth. 

but the threat is neutralized soon after. water spurts; greenery blooms over red stains. around them, rockets are rejoicing. 

she moves as though through a haze. admins are calling for an evacuation and like a good girl, she follows orders. the portal beckons and she squeezes her eyes shut as dragon slithers through it. 

and they emerge into the real world once again, forever changed.
// hoennians r wack
// leaves
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2022 17:46:32 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

With quite the dramatic blow, Lex is successful in shattering the head of the snake, thanks to and Suicune for freezing it solid. As the flesh shatters, she falls with it, landing with a heavy thud onto the treetop alongside the jagged pieces of flesh, skull, and frozen blood. Her eyes fixate on her pale green hands. Perhaps having some sort of power isn’t so bad . . . as long as you can control it.

A sharp screech from the Braviary cuts through the air. Her blood clone, boiling and melting from the previous HEAT WAVE, staggers toward her with malintent. From the air comes sharp talons. The CRUSH CLAW grabs ahold of the clone before it reaches its target. The raptor’s strong talons rip and tear, shredding the imposter Lex into a mess of crimson across the shards of the Seviper beneath them.

A bloody Lex smiles, nodding in approval, “Let’s get the hell outta here,” she can already see near the portal’s entrance. With one swift motion she leaps onto the Braviary’s back and two rise into the air, diving towards the Portal that hopefully lead back to their world.

Lex is like “hell yeah”
Hops on Aubie and gets the f outta there

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 0:50:12 GMT
shiv Avatar




"Conflict Resolved" - Pokemon Legends: Arceus OST


THE PORTAL AWAITS. However, some scramble for scraps. Though they will lead to little back home, they serve as sentimental trinkets. Souvenirs of their time in the tree.[break][break]

 's confluence with SUICUNE is a sweet one, but fleeting. The Pokemon steps forward to him, purple mane billowing behind it despite the absence of wind. Though it does not speak or provide proper answer, it presses its muzzle against the other's hand. A wintry breath and a gracious lick against the fingers is its parting gift. Curiously, it does not remain within its home.[break][break]

Instead, it leaps into the portal had manned. It runs across Hoenn now— and who knows when or if their paths will cross again?[break][break]

Despite its shed antlers, the XERNEAS remains regal appearance. With its X-shaped pupils, it thanks , and before she leaves, for the healing they have provided. Xerneas is too tired to speak. Having been feasted on for eons— the deity of life in this world dies a particular death. Retirement. Physical departure. 's GEOMANCY has allowed the tree to flourish on its own. Nature can heal itself. Sustain itself, for the serpentine parasite is gone. Perhaps, there are other reasons for its leaving...[break][break]

Later, XERNEAS would share that the SEVIPER had come from a rift in the sky. It shares this horror story with 's YVELTAL too— and although they are not borne out of the same planes, they still find ancient connections in the branches of their histories.[break][break]

Unbeknownst to , he has already received XERNEAS blessing. A few days too late for his sister.[break][break]

[attr="class","chosen"]YOU ARE WORTHY
xerneas has chosen , the lifebringer, as their avatar.[break][break]

bryan receives the following perks:[break][break]

  • bryan receives 10 infamy.
  • in a limited area around him, bryan can choose pokemon and allies to HEAL TO FULL in the midst of battle and cleanse ALL STATUS CONDITIONS once a thread.
  • bryan possesses SUPER STRENGTH and PASSIVE REGENERATES HEALTH, gradually healing any injuries he incurs. unbeknownst to him (for now), he is IMMORTAL for as long as xerneas lives. however, should xerneas be weakened, he too, will be weakened.
  • bryan has the ability to cleanse STATUS CONDITIONS through physical touch.
  • bryan can animate any nearby trees very briefly and is also able to TREE STRIDE with his POKEMON, able to enter a tree and move from inside it to inside another tree of the same kind within a fair distance.
  • feel free to add xerneas to your party and choose its moves like a gachapon pokemon.

TRAVERSING THE RIFT proves to be a harrowing experience. The initial entrance into the tree allows one to ease themselves into another realm. Teleporting back is a disorienting bender of space and time. The portal opens conveniently, right before the tree itself.[break][break]

And as everyone's feet graces Sootopolis stone, they find their bodies reverting back to normal. However, the scientists of Rocket will soon surmise that the bioenergies (INFINITY ENERGY) of Pokemon and humans may be affected by the bonds they share...[break][break]

The stone they stand on is darker than they remembered it to be as well. In fact, the whole city is. Should everyone look up, they would see that the Sootopolis' crater is overcast by shadow. The TREE OF LIFE HAS GROWN TO A GARGANTUAN SIZE & HEIGHT, masking the city from the air. Skylight cuts through in beams in between branches and leaves.[break][break]

THE ROCKET BOSS, DECLAN WALSH, reconvenes with the expedition team. The grunt he had saved is in medical care— but he is more curious about their findings. He reiterates the importance of using INFINITY ENERGY for the expansion of their operations. Not only is utilizing it to rejuvenate NEW MAUVILLE, it can further power their SUBMARINE-HEADQUARTERS. is their new battery now, for XERNEAS must rest until its antlers grow full.[break][break]

would soon realize that the words used to unlock the rift were not random. POKERUS. VESTIGE. Just what has TEAM ROCKET introduced to Hoenn unwittingly? Something similar to what lives inside 's flesh and mind? Words and letters continue to nibble at as he quickly begins to realize that THE UNOWN REPORT'S COUNTLESS WORDS ARE FOREVER EMBEDDED INTO HIS PSYCHE, AS IF HE HAS A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY OF ITS CATALOGUE.[break][break]

And , as she contends with her odd, black and mossy MINIOR—the product of dangerous dimensional tampering—may begin to surmise under this Sootopolan shadow, that WALSH is getting jealous of her bond with DARKRAI...[break][break]

Furthermore, as witnessed with 's SHADOW LUGIA— such energy may allow for the subduing of powerful Pokémon for Rocket's aim. The ETERNAL FLOETTE in Rocket's hands is a limitless battery, albeit a smaller one. He looks to as its upgrade. XERNEAS needs time to heal, and over the days, where its antlers once stood proud, are growing nubs...[break][break]

Sadly, NO MORE BLUE MULCH, a fertile soil that can revive the dead, can be harvested. The Tree of Life has been poisoned for too long...[break][break]

A brief service for the dead is held in Sootopolis' bay, empty pokeballs filled with petals and candles sent to float among the waves. Later, when dies (and his body is mysteriously unable to be found), another ceremony is held too in remembrance.[break][break]

OVER THE DAYS, space-time distortions begin to ravage the region. The TREE OF LIFE and its expansion into this Hoenn may seem like a miraculous product of nature— but it is a foreign entity. Something not meant to be here. As space and time begin to unweave behind the scenes, Hoenn enters a new era of multiple possibilities...



CONGRATULATIONS! You have made it to the end of the event. PD & INFAMY rewards have already been distributed; however, feel free to add the following items to your PC immediately:


[img src="" title="500 POKEDOLLARS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="15 INFAMY" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X INCENSE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X LEVEL TUTORS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X TM/TR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X EGG TUTOR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X PREMIUM GACHAPON TICKET" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X FIGY BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" TITLE="1X KASIB BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" TITLE="1X EGG - HATCH BY COMPLETING ONE THREAD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"]


PARTICIPATING ROCKET CHARACTERS also receive ROCKET ENDORSEMENTS for their service to Team Rocket.[break][break]

Reasons for endorsements come in a variety of reasons: leadership, support in battle, sacrifice, or risk taking. For example, Walsh applauds for unparalleled ice support, for their healing, 's impressive show of strength, etc. All characters who do not previously have this award have been awarded it due to the nature of this raid's narrative.



THERE IS NO NEED TO POST for this round. However, you may post your various epilogues. You may decide to write about the immediate aftermath or any time afterward. Feel free to post multiple times. This event thread will be ARCHIVED IN A FEW DAYS.[break][break]


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 1:44:46 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
In the midst of escape, a silent moment was shared between Rowan and Suicune, an unspoken answer to the plea he’d made before. A hand caressed their snout, accepting the affectionate gesture with graciousness of his own. This wasn’t the union he’d been anticipating, but he couldn’t fault them for wanting to roam free, much like he’d done when he’d escaped Galar. As Suicune dived into the portal ahead, all Rowan could do was offer a parting wave to the legend, unsure if he’d ever see them again. “See you…”

On the other side, Rowan helped tend to the injured and deceased, occupying his mind for the time being. This wouldn’t be the end of his search, knowing the Pokémon was out there in the wilds of Hoenn only made him more determined to reunite again one day, when the time was right.

, and  were alive and well, that was victory enough for today. Tomorrow would present more challenges for him to face, another day to conquer. Sea Mauville was next, and he wasn’t going to fail.

(tagged)⏤ @geomancy

(notes)⏤ prologue post
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing