i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2022 5:03:38 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

At this point the only thing he can do is to catch up—but seeing as Hideo had literally been spirited away by someone else, all he could do was stare in alarm, before gently slapping the Rapidash’s neck.

“Go after ‘em! I can’t leave Hideo alone, not now!” he hissed, crouching down low as the Rapidash broke out into the fastest gallop, spurred on by a very subtle Agility boost as he closed the distance; keeping his eyes squarely fixed on Hideo’s location.

Eventually, he would arrive, and then notice that the immediate area was… glowing.

Now if that ain’t some fucked-up shit, then I don’t know what is! he thought, quickly recalling the Rapidash and running as fast as he could towards Hideo.

How he hated being ignorant of the world around him, but that’s how he lived his life…

“Wha—are—are you okay?!” he asked the other once he was close enough, bent over double to catch his breath.

• Arashi is still headed in the same direction as Hideo
• Rapidash used a very subtle Agility to catch up to where Hideo had been Spirited Away’d
• upon arrival at the location, he recalls the Rapidash and runs to join Hideo
‘what the fuck is going on?!’


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2022 8:59:13 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Everything was muffled by the sounds of fighting and more explosions in the distance. To the cries of panic and emotions running high. Everything seemed so surreal. This wasn’t happening, right. This wasn’t real. This was all a bad dream to remind her of the dangers of being a Ranger. Yes, that had to be it. She would wake up any moment now, as she walked forward.

As with any dream, she would wake up if she felt pain, right? She pinched herself in the arm. Nothing. Why am I not waking up? She pinched again. Her steps suddenly felt heavy. Nothing. She fell to her knees. WAKE UP She slapped herself, the searing pain from the palm mark upon her cheek. Nothing. She was still caught here. “This isn’t real. It can’t be.” And that’s when she saw it. A divine red and black bird dived toward the person who seemed to be the main antagonist of this catastrophe. Like death itself, it swooped down to do its job.

But something more fear stopped it. She watched the Tree of Life transformed by the will of this monster, grabbing Yveltal, and though she did not know what Yveltal’s domain was. She felt it in her core that this should be impossible.

This was the real. This was the end. There was nothing they could do, they might as well lay down and die. A low chuckle emerged from her, which quickly evolved into full manic laughter. “There’s nothing we can do. We are all going to die here.” She didn’t blink, her eyes couldn’t move away from the sight that she beheld. Whatever this creature was, whatever name the feeble human mind granted it, be it Necrozma, Endbringer, The Scourge all of it didn’t matter. Soon they would be dead.

And in that moment of revelation, she found a sense of bliss. She would join Gon the Salamence soon enough.

Then she felt something violently yanking her from the ground before enveloping her in darkness. So this is the end. She accepted her fate. Little did she know this wasn’t death. But one of her Pokémon which had had enough of her wallowed in despair. Death was not to become their trainer if Cofagrigus had something to say in the matter. He would not let another youngster die. He swallowed Elinor up inside. Bathed her in darkness so her mind could rest at ease.

But Cofagrigus knew he had to do something to end all of this. For though Elinor saw despair. She saw the truth if nobody did something about this. But Cofagrigus didn’t know what to do. He was but a learned scholar, not a fighter. Maybe someone else here could help. He looked around, a strange feeling coming from the direction of maybe it was merely a ghostly premonition. But that was not the only thing. His eyes saw something he had thought he should never see. And he now understood why his trainer had felt such despair.

He wiggled another Pokéball out from Elinor’s belt as she was caught inside. Quickly he summoned his fellow ghost type Drifblim. “Look Master Yveltal is in danger. Go help. I will protect Mistress Elinor.” Though of course the words were spoken in a ghostly language only the two of them could understand.

The normally so aloof and uncaring Drifblim looked serious for once. It nodded. It spoke not a word but accepted its fate. It would gladly give its life for Yveltal. It flew as fast as it could towards the place where Yveltal was caught. Once within range, it did two things. First, it tried to bind the Destiny of Yveltal’s captor and himself together in a DESTINY BOND and then fired a sphere of black and purple energies (SHADOWBALL) aimed at releasing the bird from the grasp of Necrozma.

Meanwhile, Cofagrigus began to move. Knowing this would most likely be the last time he saw his friend. But what was a second death among Ghost-types? No, he would focus on his task hurrying towards and the weird sensation the area produced. He had no idea if it was good or bad. But either way, it could be no worse than simply laying down and accepting death.

- More despair
- Cofagrigus takes charge placing Elinor in his sarcophagus and telling Drifblim to go save Yveltal
- Drifblim tries to save Yveltal by using DESTINY BOND and SHADOWBALL on Yveltal’s captor.
- Cofagrigus makes his way towards with Elinor inside because of a ghostly hunch (OOC just a reason for them to join up with a group)


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,235 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 3:49:44 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]O Death.
Death always pursues its prey.
She doesn't even hear the choked scream that escapes her as she watches Jansky be skewered without mercy. All she feels is a racing heartbeat, her tongue growing dry as her breathing quickens. But most of all, she feels it -
That dread that builds up so quickly in her head and threatens to pop.
Nothing stops her from falling to her knees, a muffled cry lost to the madness whilst she tries so hard to cradle her head in her arms. The tears won't stop falling, her attention drifting as she curls up into herself.
Your choice doesn't matter...

She wishes it did. Anything that would make the world normal again, anything to make her head stop hurting, anything that would bring her family back - She wishes her choices held some kind of meaning if only to tell herself that she tried her best.
There's barely any strength in her to look up at danger, barely any train of thought that allows her to think of a plan. How to defend herself, how to help others, how to save those whom she loves...
Ḩ͝҉ó͟͝͠͝w҉̢̛̀͜ ̵̀t̨͟o̕̕͜͜ ͢͡ş̶̕u̢͟͡ŕ̴͠͠v̢̀͟͡͡i̧͞͝v̵̀́͘͘è̛͝͡͡ ́͠w̨͝ḩ͜e҉̛̛̀ņ́͟ ̴̧e̷̢̨͞v̢̛́͡e͘͏̡҉͝r̶̡͘͢y͞͠͝҉ò̴n̵̷̷e͘͝ ̛͘e̷̶l̨͞s̷̵͘e҉̷͘͢ ̶̡̡̛ḩ̴̸̢a͏҉̶s̴͘͏̧͟ ̛́͢d̴́͟͞͞į̷̀͢͠é̴̕͢ḑ͝.̷̡͟͟
Prayers are never heard by lofty gods, but by mere mortals themselves. A red glow produces a Reuniclus and Aron, each shaken but determined to help in one way or another. Remi starts by attempting to Split the Pain, holding Eris close to her and readying herself for any need to escape. On the other hand, Ron has rather a different idea - To search for help for his trainer, he must start by gathering those that can even provide aid.
So he rushes out, towards the closest group of people with a Protective barrier in tow. Hhe chirps at , and , recognition filling him up with relief as he beckons them to follow.
- rip Jansky...[break]
- gdi brain bubbles part 2: electric boogaloo[break]
- Eris is just useless, straight up collapses because of the pain[break]
- Reuniclus using PAIN SPLIT on Eris to try and relieve pain[break]
- Aron rushes towards , and to try and get them to help[break]
- Aron using PROTECT to keep them safe while moving into the circle
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


THE LOST[break]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,676 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 19:51:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The group was able to avoid the attention of most threats, though they could still hear ’s Blacephalon’s. And still, Hideo was aware of his Gardevoir’s absence - though he didn’t plan on jumping off a speeding Zebstrika to look for her, as much as he wanted to.

Yet he hadn’t fully evaded attention; someone ( ) atop a Zebstrika rushed towards them, running alongside them and . While the Medicham did Detect her approach, there was no actual attack incoming, so she hadn’t warned Hideo’s team of this being a threat. Yes, the other Zebstrika did nip at Hideo’s, earning his own Zebstrika’s ire, but it didn’t change where they were going.

His Wishiwashi could feel the seeds along her body begin to germinate, aware her efforts to remove her own had been in vain - and something bad was going to happen. The vines pricked the Medicham, her instinctively let go, the Wishiwashi falling behind as the seeds overtook it.

Hideo didn’t even know it had happened, only just getting a hold on what was immediately happening, his hold on his amulet tighter than ever.

Once at their destination, the Medicham helped Hideo safely dismount the Zebstrika, the two remaining Pokemon keeping an eye on the situation - and the other people on the circle ( , and ).

But there wasn’t a moment’s rest for Hideo; while he couldn’t notice his wrist sparkling or his amulet glowing with an even brighter radiance, nor could he see the bright sparks emitting from the circle beneath him, he could feel a pain build up in his head.

Hideo went to his knees, his hands on his head in some attempt to lessen the pain, but it only grew in intensity. Gritting his teeth did nothing, and his pained silence soon rose to a quiet groan, to a more audible moan.

Sightless eyes opened as the pain threatened to tear his head from the inside. A memory ran through his mind - of several people being injured during their big group meeting. Bleeding from the head, as he had to find out secondhand. Was that what was going to happen?

He could just barely hear ’s voice through the pain and the popping sound. He couldn’t even tell if it was blood or tears dripping from his eyes, but he was terrified all the same. His two Pokemon noticed his distress, but there was nothing they could do other than stay close to him. Even as the Tree itself was uprooted, as it became a truly massive monster, Hideo could only focus on the impending implosion inside his head.

He didn’t want this. He didn’t want any of this. He’d left home just to go on adventures, gather badges, battle the Champion. He didn’t plan on getting this amulet - he still didn’t know how he’d gotten it on the Soiree. He didn’t plan on finding and fighting a region-destroying monster. This was all beyond him, and he just wanted to leave it all behind and leave it to everyone else.

Yet the amulet remained clenched in his hand, that small sense of duty that he had to do something about the impending threat. Even as he lay on his side, clutching his head, screaming and crying as that very threat appeared before them.

It was all he could do.

Yet just as the pain reached its peak, as it felt like his head would split apart, it lessened. His screaming slowly reduced to choked sobs as he righted himself (with his Medicham’s aid). Though he couldn’t see it, his Pokemon informed him his amulet was peaking in brightness. And that he wasn’t the only person with the sparkling wrist.

Hideo could hear something massive move. And as he turned towards it to get a better hear of it, a familiar voice went through his head.


Hideo reaches the Western circle (thanks )
Wishiwashi falls behind, seeds sprout and she dies. Hideo unaware of this.

Oooh the pain.
Hideo goes to his knees, then groaning, then moaning, then eyes open crying. Then screaming.
Remembers 11th Hour, realizes what happened to several ppl there is about to happen to him.
Yet still holds on to amulet.
Pain lessens. Hideo still sobbing tho.
Looks towards Treecrozma, hears voice in head.

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 23:58:08 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Think, feel, act.

The words had rattled Felix's insides, exuding great pressure onto his movements and thoughts. Swallowing down a deep breath of toxic air, he left his slaughtered Bastion behind, as his sights were now set on a new target, a new person to protect.

Just as the trio crossed the lines written onto the dirt, the young girl had collapsed from the forces left unknown to the naked eye, and her pokemon had gone searching for help.

Throwing a ball into the air, a flash of crimson struck out from its jaws, releasing a hatterene near the center of the circle. While it materialized, Felix had already lunged forward, breaking into a dash towards the fallen child, eyes burning with concern. The sight had all but consumed him to the point where the bright yellow light that broke out from his wrist could go completely unnoticed.

"Eris!" He called out, kneeling to her side. Strong arms lifted her body up enough so that she could lean on him instead of the ground. "Are yo-fuck" before he could finish his sentence, a sharp pain whipped his head, over and over, each strike worst than the last.

make the correct choice.

It rang.

a choice will come that only you can make.

It sang.

There was no choice, though. He knew what he had to do. Arms still coiled around the young girl, Felix kept at his protective stance, doing his best to withstand the pain while still acting as a shield to rely on.

"Hatterene, use CALM MIND on her. Now!"

The pokemon, who knew of no pain, simply nodded. Out from her hands, a pink ring sprung, slowly encapsulating the duo. It did it's best to lick the eternal wounds they now shared.

And hopefully, it proved to work soon, as the shadow that clouded the corner of his vision looked all the more frightening than this damn pain he was feeling.

- Runs out towards Eris
- wraps his arms around her and has her sitting up against him
- Hatterene uses CALM MIND on
- he's going thru a lotta pain
- doesn't notice the light, but hes DOING HIS BEST TO HELP

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2022 2:17:20 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







His Comfey managed to shake off the spores and remove them from it's body, yet the rest of Bryan's actions weren't so lucky. He couldn't react to the solar beam coming at him, thankfully his allies are already making short work of it. "T-thank you.." he said to , unaware of who the man was.

He realized the error of his idea. He just..he just single handedly made the situation ten times worse as suddenly the crystal thorns jabbed and crucified Xerneas as it looked to Bryan in pain. 'You..must..flee..' [break][break]

Xerneas was alive but with that thing around who knows for how long, it wasn't long before Bryan began to feel even more affects of the dark spores and on top of that Xerneas's lingering life force slowly fading. He was pathetic right now, he could barely even speak anymore as he felt his eyes become heavy, the fear in his body boosting his adrenaline especially as he saw what became of the tree. "No. We're staying." he grunts as his gaze looks up towards the horrid sight befalling him.[break][break]

"SOLEILLLL!!" he shouted at the tree, realizing he has no idea what became of his sister's body. Did...Did Necrozma consume it? [break][break]

That..that bastard ass monster.."First you take chu-e, then you take my sister.." he muttered to himself as he slowly tried to stand up as he began.."Then you hurt Xerneas and take my tree. You're gonna fucking pay." he responds as he grabs a Pokéball, sending out a shadow comfey as Bryan began to give orders. "Comfey, you use floral healing. Smeargle sketch and heal xerneas. Keep him alive." he orders weakly as he refuses to fall over. [break][break]

"Eevee use Stored Power on that Necrozma! Illumina Comfey you use draining kiss on it! See if you can send that healing energy to Xerneas!" He orders.


notes about this post



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. Bryan stays in the same spot, next to Xerneas and .[break][break]
. Gets angry that necrozma potentially ate Soleil's corpse[break][break]
. Sends out shadow comfey to uses floral healing on Xerneas, Smeargle uses sketch and heals Xerneas as well[break][break]
. Orders Eevee to use stored power on Necrozma and also orders his Illumina Comfey to use draining kiss and attempt to send the energy to Xerneas as well.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2022 21:40:29 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Various others appear around him, their voices nearly lost in the din. Though he doesn't look away from the Tree and the figure that had once been , he addresses with chilling calm.

"I don't intend to die; I'm here because I want to live."

The swift support of 's DARKRAI is welcomed by Gavin and SHADOW LUGIA both.

's sudden entrance might have been more contentious if not for the Elite Four expressing his own support, the shadowy flames spit by his Pokémon reflected in the gleam of Gavin's amber eyes. Though they might fight on opposite sides, he can't help but to admire the brilliance of shadow.

"Most of my shadows are out of commission," he says, without further explanation. "Appreciate the assist."

Just as gets stabbed by one of Necrozma's crystal tendrils, Gavin spots nearby. There's a brief hesitation as loyalty to Rocket grapples with his love for the latter — but then Killian speaks, and Gavin's decision is made.

He sprints toward Temp as fast as the spreading DARK SPORES will allow, the lifeless bodies of his Skitty and Delcatty left behind.

"TEMP!" That they're meant to be enemies in the eyes of the League doesn't matter one bit to Gavin, not even with standing so close and the likes of and other potential League agents looking on. All that matters is the proximity of the man he loves to certain death. "What the hell are you doing here? This — this is the thing I fought in the Blackout, Necrozma, we need to—"

But they can't retreat. Least of all Gavin, whose loyalty to Rocket binds him here as effectively as the twisting tendrils that snake around his limbs. Blacephalon is growing larger, its sudden switch in allegiance eerily reminiscent to the reverence Gavin's Ultra Beasts had once displayed to... Oh, fuck.

The Tree awakes, and Lugia screams, her fury deafening in the mind of her avatar as she launches a violent SHADOW STORM directly at the hulking creature. They had fought before. She would not lose again.

Gavin, clutching his temple, resigns himself to duty.

"We need to be careful," he finishes, expression pinched with pain.

Another Pokeball is tossed, his shiny silver Corviknight appearing in a flurry of steel feathers.

"Get those spores off Lugia. Don't worry about me."

⁠— Gavin reacts to the presence of various characters (, , , )
— His Pokemon succumb to DARK SPORES; those on him and Lugia have sprouted into vines and spread.
— Noticing , he rushes over to him, not giving a fuck about their potential affiliation being noticed by others. (This was cleared with Yams)
— Yikes, Necrozma tree? Lugia is having none of it and acts of her own accord with SHADOW STORM.
— Gavin releases CORVIKNIGHT to get rid of LUGIA'S spores.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 16:21:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"uh-shadows?" there was little time for kazimir to register what was talking about, only that he seemed to react with his two pokemon using some strange moves that he knew they didn't normally know. that was the least of his worries however as his proud golurk suddenly fell on its side, unmoving as its body began to change. "gutsman?!"

as the elite four was ready to rush over to his pokemon's side the tree before them all suddenly...changed as well. it was a more drastic change than his golurk in a sense. as the tree changed into a cluster of black crystal it seemed to also come alive with its "eyes" glaring down at the people and pokemon around it. that's when all hell broke even more loose than it already had as pokemon started to sling attacks at the creature including the giant purple bird above seeming to take offense to it.

not wanting to lose all of his cards in his hand he took out a ball and returned his vulpix and cupped his hands together, "deva! give us some support! growlie! let's burn this guy's spores off!" his aggron managed to hear his words and ran from its charge to come to kazimir's side and fire off a stone edge at the strange creature known as "Necrozma". in the same vein his growlithe aimed its shadow fire right at the protrusions growing around as kazimir gave him a thumbs up. "A little hot i know but don't worry man, ain't gonna let someone get turned into...that..." he said as he looked over to what he can only conclude was his late golurk. no way he was going to let that happen to someone else if he could stop it.


    * rip golurk
    * is real close to gavin so hears about "the shadows"
    * calls back deva the aggron to his side, recalls the vulpix
    * has his growlithe use shadow fire on 's spores
    * has his aggron use stone edge on necrozma

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 21:28:00 GMT
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Locke's words are drowned out by the sudden crack of an ancient tree bough. While Skyler sees their lips moving with urgent instructions, meaning fails to materialize. Frustration melts into horror as a world-ending prophecy unfolds around her, giving her a privileged front row seat to the unmaking of life. Xerneas. Yveltal. The Tree of Life itself, slain from within.

Hoenn had been the stage to many a tragedy. But as threads are far-too-easily cut and life is siphoned away, Skyler finds her feet digging into the ground.  Foolishness, perhaps. But no amount of common sense had ever made a home in her thick skull, and today wouldn't be the day.

A calloused finger rasps over 's hand. Before their eyes, ruination takes a definite shape. "On a scale of one to I misplaced Sammy's favorite spatula - how fucked do you think we are?" 

She finds first - not because she'd been looking, but because the fallen Yveltal draws her eyes to the lone figure and the runes inscribed upon his limb - familiar, perhaps, from a shared venture into a desert ruin.

Her hand reaches out, summoning oceanic tides from some uncorrupted well within her, and AQUA RINGS are brought into existence to, perhaps ironically, attempt to heal the personification of death (Yveltal) - or stem the current of siphoned lifeforce.

"Klef, there." A FLASH CANNON screeches through the air, aimed to sever or damage the link between Yveltal and Necrozma.

From somewhere beneath the storm-tossed waters, a single unearthly wail makes its way to the surface.


Heralded by its ability, Drizzle, a large shadow moves past the gap in the rock that separates Sootopolis from the deep, unfathomable depths. A brief glimpse of infernal red peeks from in-between the troughs of waves, scant seconds before Kyogre's EARTHQUAKE makes contact.
- blobby post, very tired D: 
- skyler can't hear what has to say, too much happening. error.exe
- shit happens. we're fucked, . help it's again
- skyler uses her avatar powers to attempt to heal Yveltal or stem the current of escaping lifeforce via AQUA RINGS
- has klefki use Flash cannon on Necrozma
- Kyogre appears! it uses Earthquake to shake things up a bit (hah), but mostly necrozma

@ dawn of the darkest day
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 23:18:06 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Things aren't looking good. ' Aron meets them halfway and he can't help but coo at the cuteness of it all before realizing that this was NOT the place for a pokemon this small. As they settle near Mint, nad he gave one last check around for spores, he's relieved to see it's all missing. That relief is quickly killed when the Giant Necrozma bursts out of the Tree of Life. He gave a small glance at wondering how that was going to affect his Xerneas and their avatarship before moving his sheep into battle. "Felix, stay with her!" he said as Zucchera scuttled forward sparking.[break][break]

It's already raining fortunately so this made the next steps easier. "Thunder! Help the others beat that thing back!" he ordered the cotton ball of a pokemon as she unleashed a force of nature, borrowing form the storm Kyogre had already started. "We'll cover for you, right Jayden?" he asked turning to his friend who probably had a better idea of what to do in this situation.



tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- follow eris' aron
- taking a defense position in front of Eris and Felix
- sends out Zucchera the Mareep to use THUNDER as many times as possible
- panicking





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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 0:56:07 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

THINK, FEEL, ACT.[break]

When recites the words to him, Mars recognizes them right away, not because this prophecy has also been shared with him by deities, but because he has seen it. Ninth of April, 2022. HNN Mini-Volume 02. ”The Guardians gave that prophecy to .”
And then she had died because of seeking answers, hadn’t she? Just like he almost had died too. The girl who had drunkenly spoken of knowing the Lake Guardians back during Mossdeep’s Star Soirée, the one who had been asked by if she was their mother. What had she known? Why is her prophecy being passed on? Considering ’s fate, this does not bode well for …. Nor for , who apparently hears it too.
”...Fuck.” The curse drips with frustrated concern, and from behind a featureless mask, the admin’s gaze fixes on as she brings to the triangle point near which they all stand, noticing following close behind. The best he can do is catch them all up to speed, all while knowing well that he must keep his identity hidden from the children now present. Good thing his mask has a voice modifier. ”I may be wrong, but it’s very likely that this is the doing of the Lake Trio. Our intel shows that that charm the kid has was given by them, and the last time this symbol appeared, they prophesied the Tree of Life would be attacked… If we’re lucky they’ll show up and help.”
Since when does believe in luck? Has he lost that much hope? Does he not remember the vision where Azelf appeared to save their lives? The prophecy about the future being lost rings in his mind over and over again, and with it, there are painful reminders of the way he had felt back when seeking the truth had almost cost him everything.
It’s almost like a joke, because just as he finds himself thinking of all the pain he had experienced back then, he hears the boys screaming, and it all comes back in waves. It’s happening. And, the worst of all? and ’s wrists glow as well.
The response is almost instinctive. From a Luxury Ball, a Galarian Slowking is released. A pokémon Mars actually trusts to get the job done. It’s CURIOUS MEDICINE ABILITY begins to act immediately, hopefully bringing some comfort along with the steady HEAL PULSES it releases.
Bee.” It’s a whisper, and with it, he reaches for ’s hand. If only for a short moment, amber eyes meet cobalt ones, even from behind masks. And then, looking over Barnaby's shoulder, in the light provided by ’s dying illumina Sinistea, Mars sees it clearly: Yveltal, and the Tree of Life transforming into something… different. That's when he hears it; words he knows well, but also different.
N E W[BREAK][break]

Of course.
Does that mean that the message was actually GATHERING DARKNESS YIELDS YOU NEW ENEMIES? GATHERING NEW ENEMIES YIELDS YOU DARKNESS? What is it? What is the truth? Fate has changed from the vision he shared with and , but it's still the same in many ways.
”The Darkest Day is active. [break]
There are two. [break]
One will steal the foundation of life. [break]
One will kill the apparition of death.”

Mars knows the prophecy by heart, and it’s while watching the scene that he recites them. As he does as much, he realises that had been right. He had seen the reports about the Blackout of Slateport. The Darkest Day, this Darkest Day, is Necrozma. ”...It’s happening. That’s Necrozma.”
He can’t lose hope now. He has to do something more. But, what can be done?
”I know it’s hard, but I need you all to fight this. Things can’t end this way. It’s mostly meant for , , and , but it applies to everyone as well. Including his pokémon. ”The tree is gone. Priority one needs to change to defeating Necrozma. We can’t let it take Xerneas and Yveltal.”
If only their comms worked.
Medicham is called back, and in its place, a Malamar and a Persian of dark paws are released. Instructions are swiftly given in turn. ”Use FOUL PLAY on that thing, and you, go over to where Xerneas is and try breaking those spears with your SHADOW RUSH.”
Taking a deep breath, Mars watches the pokémon take off, hoping that dark and shadow attacks will work where light had not. Xerneas is closest to their location, and that’s why the Persian had been sent to help it free itself first – claws filled with shadow energy soon striking black crystal thorns. In the meantime, Malamar attacks Necrozma, and the Riolu that Mars had not called back looks up at him, gently pulling a dark spore off his leg with its paws. No command is needed for it to find a way to prove itself helpful.
...Where the fuck are our reinforcements?
And where is Azelf when it’s needed the most?!
It's then that the ground shakes, and a deep call can be heard.



[break]- Recognizes the prophecy Elisabeth shares as the one had written down
[break]- Explains that the symbol and prophecies are likely the Lake Guardian's handiwork
[break]- BIG 'oh fuck' when the circle activates + much worry :catcry:
[break]- Calls out G!SLOWKING to use HEAL PULSE along with its CURIOUS MEDICINE ABILITY to try provide relief
[break]- Another BIG 'oh fuck' when seeing Necrozma + Gavin was right
[break]- Hears words, tries to put the message together
[break]- Sends his pokémon forward
[break]- S!PERSIAN uses SHADOW RUSH on Xerneas' DARK THORNS
[break]- Riolu works on removing the remaining spores
[break]- Where are the reinforcements?!
[break]- Where is Azelf?!
[break]- Quick react to Kyogre appearing POG



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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 2:10:00 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
there's no better direction to take than to trust his silvally's wiring. the enemy is an unknown variable to all, perhaps maybe except his pokemon.

the mistake is made clear when an attack goes through. kyle is left with a choice of allowing his silvally to act on it, or to concentrate on the bigger picture. he goes for the latter.

"robin, tree! now! multi-attack!"

as he forces his pokemon to turn around, he takes the smeargle on his arms away from the crystal thorns. he sustains injuries on his arms as they attempt to make their to his pokemon, piercing and scratching his flesh, as the rush gets him to call out a move.

"don't stop the channel! baton pass!"

  • when in a pinch, close to death, or when killed, kyle can SUMMON A CALAMITY (an cataclysmic field of flame, thunder and rain) that scorches a large area around him.
  • kyle can revive others and pokemon from death, and he himself from death
  • in a limited area around him, kyle can choose pokemon and allies to REGENERATE HEALTH OVER TIME in the midst of battle and gain the effects of NATURAL CURE upon switching out.

waves of destruction come forth upon the switch, burning away crystal thorns that may attempt to get in their way. sacred fire burns the ground, permeating outwardly with each second.

the smeargle pops back into the pokeball before the solgaleo gets out. the infinity energy from the earlier geomancy manages to fuel it for another rematch with necrozma.

kyle falls to one knee as he attempts to shield the smeargle until it can make a proper switch in. the large pokemon stands in between its trainer and the tree. a quiet whisper instructs the pokemon of the next step.

By channeling COSMIC POWER DUSK MANE SOLGALEO can use one of two effects. This ability can be turned on or off at will but once the channel stops DUSK MANE SOLGALEO must wait THREE POSTS to use it again.

  • All AVATAR powers in the vicinity are voided until COSMIC POWER is stopped.
  • One player owned LEGENDARY or MYTHICAL Pokemon must retreat back to its Pokeball until COSMIC POWER is stopped.

same principle, different application.

the light from xerneas is the next best thing it can utilize after losing its luster during the last encounter it had with the same opponent. with its new power source, the solgaleo attempts to drive its abilities to the next stage.

the solgaleo suppresses avatar power within the area as far as the tree's influence with the aid of smeargle's geomancy. the infestation within the tree is likened to a legend's influence to a being. a brief opening is all kyle wanted.

"full offensive! fuck defending against that! the best cc is death!" he shouts the friendly suggestion to , and with him.

silvally had picked up the trainer's plot with intuition from the get-go.

empowered with the necrozma memory, a weird glow is emitted by the silvally's accents. it's different from the usual move's effects as it's specifically tailored to deal with a specific target.

the chimera deals a decisive blow to its prey.

  • kyle directs the silvally to the tree
  • kyle attempts to protect the smeargle from crystal thorns
  • kyle's avatar powers activate to clear thorns away
  • smeargle baton passes geomancy to solgaleo
  • solgaleo uses cosmic power to supress necrozma
  • silvally uses multi-attack on necrozma


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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 5:53:27 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex does her job, and she does it damn well. Hideo is safely delivered to the designated location by the admin. Unseen forces take hold of them, and soon is going on about some Darkest Day prophecy bullshit and blah blah blah.

Well, it’s not bull shit. It’s real.

As real as the black crystalline pokemon that towers over the congregation of trainers. It stands where the tree once stood. Did it swallow it whole? Or had the pokemon always been there? Corrupting the Tree of Life? Fueling the Seviper they saved Xerneas from?

Her fellow Beast’s deity was struggling, along with Adrian’s Yveltal. Roots continue to erupt from the ground and seem infinite. How do you battle something that is somewhere all at once?

Cut off the head of the snake.

The Zebrastrika is returned after Lex moves forward, horrified at the sight of pierced through by the dark vines.


“Shatter it.”

Two flashes of light erupt from two capsules. An Abomasnow and Golurk appears. The beast roars, a thundering step towards the darkness. SHEER COLD blasts form its open maw, seeking to FREEZE Necrozma.

“Finish it.”

The ghost titan disappears in a cloud of dark mist. He traverses the phantom plane, unseen, protected. He erupts beneath Necrozma in a vicious PHANTOM FORCE, a closed fist rocketing upwards to UPPER CUT the hopefully frozen Prism pokemon.

- Lex releases Golurk and Abomasnow
- Abomasnow uses SHEER COLD on Necrozma to attempt to FREEZE it
- Golurk uses PHANTOM FORCE to UPPER CUT Necrozma right in the FACE to try and SHATTER it
- WHAMMY! #skullcrusher

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 6:52:07 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



[attr="class","inner"] his eyes glimpse the sight of being surrounded by so many others. black crystals erupting around those that attack and skewering those who come too close. the sight of a broken beheyeem, raw and bloodied, beneath hands.

[break][break] something slots in jayden's chest at the sight of it all, something that his natural defense will put away for another day — another day to fester, to worry, to discern. but right now, admist the chaos of at all, he has no time to think about others.

[break][break] as the spores burrow into his skin, pain swells in his skin and sucks away his stamina. that pain threatens to distract him too, but he knows he's suffered worse.

[break][break] no. he, and have a duty.

[break][break] they run across the grass towards the glowing marks on the ground, following the sight of sparks in the distance. a kaleidoscope of colors flash as all the rockets aim their efforts at the tree, for better or for worse. bright light beckons in the distance as yveltal descends atop ; baked in moonlight, it is nearly enough to draw jayden's attention away, but not quite.

[break][break] it is easy to find , especially with the help of her pokemon who help to lead them along the way.

[break][break] falls, then does. jayden, bewildered, glances at mint.

[break][break] "of course we will."

[break][break] this time, his unknown and eevee combine their forces. the unknown's hidden power swirls with the eevee's light of ruin, aimed for necrozoma. his inkay's thunderbolt joins the several thunder attacks from mint's own pokemon.

[break][break] his fletchling, on the other hand, does his best to make quick work of the remaining spores that burrow into jayden's skin by casting small embers to the remaining spores.

[break] + they run to eris and while felix protects/heals her, jayden and mint play offense [break]
+ his inkay's thunderbolt join's mint's mareep's thunder attacks [break]
+ eevee and unknown k (who are closer to the tree) use HIDDEN POWER + LIGHT OF RUIN at necrozoma
+ fletchling removes spores with ember


B|A0T_p4 [break][break]


[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 6:59:19 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Inherit the nightmare...

[attr=class,bulk][break]It was cruel irony he should have such a bad idea of his own. Onyx briarthorns begin to blossom over his arm where he'd touched the Tree, spreading across his skin more quickly than he was comfortable with. High overhead, Yveltal finds itself outmatched as a crashing limb brings it collapsing to the earth. Its body shudders underneath this vice grip, and they both begin to feel themselves slipping, slipping away...[break][break]

Although they are soon-to-be assisted, panic grips them both, and they are quick to decide others expendable; Adrian holds his arm aloft as if it were some volatile contaminant, turning to his TYRANTIAR before hoping to shed the growth against its bristled IRON DEFENSE. In that same moment Yveltal, in its death throes, draws on that dwindling thread of TYRANITAR's to keep from exhausting itself. But it drinks too greedily, filling its cup too deep.[break][break]

Yveltal can absorb the vitality of your nearby pokemon to boost its overall strength. (Or in this case, vitality. Hopefully.)

Adrian manages to get a grip in time to realize the tree for what it has become, and the dormant glow now rekindled in the presence of this giant. That too had been an encounter with a wildly disproportionate golem, its size hugely augmented beyond what was to be expected. Their endeavors then offered a clue as to what was happening, perhaps. Or it was highly circumstancial coincidence, and he was himself being overly optimistic.[break][break]

But it made so much sense, or perhaps none at all: It was not infinity energy, so it burned him to harness it. And as he siphoned it from the golem, it crumbled, returned to its diminutive stature. And without the necessary instruments to guide this Dynergy, a Dynamax Band from Galar, Adrian could never hope for its potential to be realized even as he forced his own Pokemon to gorge themselves of it time after time.[break][break]

And, lastly, it glowed in the presence of this newest monolith.[break][break]

It was Dynergy, like that famously in Galar... He was convinced.[break][break]

But then, could the corrupted Tree of Life, or even the black crystals forming on them, be something akin to Wishing Stars...? What gave it that ability to focus Dynergy, if that was indeed the mechanism which drove its monstrous development into such an obscene, otherworldly sized threat?[break][break]

And could he imitate it with what latent power remained?[break][break]

Or was there another reason or purpose for which it glowed?


The Tree tries to claim him at a touch, but it costs him nothing to try this gamble upon his patron, YVELTAL, to see what fruits might be borne of this previous gambit. Raising an open-faced palm towards YVELTAL, and approaching it steadily, Adrian makes any and every attempt to see whether he can validate his suspicions.

tags [break]
tl;dr Adrian becomes a Chia pet or stalactite, not sure which.[break]
Yveltal and Adrian throw Tyranitar under the bus[break]
Skyler is helping them as well, which is nice[break]
Adrian fixates on the glowing of his arm[break]
Recalls the nature of the Regirock from before...[break]
Wishing I could Dynamax Yveltal right about now[break]
Updated positioning (map courtesy of Azul): [x]


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