i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 0:05:25 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





SUMMER, MID-JUNE — THE TREE OF LIFE PROTECTS SOOTOPOLIS from harsh sunlight. the shadow it cast swallows the city whole. even the fish that have learned to avoid the fishermen’s nets cannot escape. all within the city’s proper will find shelter underneath.
until one fateful night.
deep at the heart, the root of where the tree first materialized, a lone figure stands before it. from a distance, the humanoid shape seems to fluctuate, fluid. what should have been a fine and lanky silhouette wavers between obscene and grotesque.
the constant gleaming of stars beyond the tree’s massive canopy are blanketed by a sudden darkness. it feeds on their light, engorging itself through the tree’s dense canopy. the spread is slow and insidious, with no end in sight.

by the time the people in the city can recognize this omen, the blight is already viewable from overseas. a black cloud hangs over the crater city’s opening, exposed by the sharp glare of a full moon.
the only known instance of something like this before was the unexplained BLACKOUT OF SLATEPORT.
street lights and other means of illumination still exist at the ground level. spared from the touch of whatever has plagued the TREE OF LIGHT, the city still functions as its citizens and occupiers look to find the cause.
at the source, a sporadic cluster of CRYSTABLOOMS reveal the unknown figure. those curious enough to approach will identify it touching the tree’s almighty trunk. from it, dark crystals emerge, protruding from the brass color bark, dry and decayed.




after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a NECROZMA appeared in SLATEPORT. several trainers managed to keep the pokemon at bay until it was dragged back into ULTRA SPACE by a MYSTERIOUS HAND.

while no one was able to document this pokemon, it left behind a DARK ROCK which was licked by the ROCKET UNDERBOSS . over time, CHU-E exhibited some physical and behavioral changes, eventually manifesting into something close to AVATARSHIP.

eventually, this killed CHU-E. since then, his body has gone missing.


the recently hatched LAKE GUARDIANS have visited several trainers, leaving them with CHARMS and cryptic PROPHECIES. the unknown phenomenon known as THE DARKEST DAY is mentioned repeatedly.

three individuals are given a vision that alludes to the breaking news about THE DARKEST DAY affecting GALAR.


a strange IVORY TREE shows up in a littleroot threatre. it grows out of control during a contest and is destroyed by those present. an extract of its BLUE MULCH has exhibited the capacity to resurrect some living things.

team rocket searches for XERNEAS and calls the energy it exudes INFINITY ENERGY. on an EXCURSION they find another IVORY TREE.

when team rocket attempts to take over sootopolis, several spatial distortions occur. the league uses PRIMAL QUARTZ SHARDS to teleport an ANCIENT TEMPLE. in its place spawns a massive tree dubbed the TREE OF LIFE.

eventually, team rocket investigates inside the TREE OF LIFE. among their many discoveries, they realize the TREE OF LIFE is from another world. when XERNEAS uses GEOMANCY, the tree grows exponentially.

coincidentally, CRYSTABLOOMS and breeding ILLUMINA pokemon appeared directly afterwards.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER. please include a TL;DR with every post to make this thread more accessible for other players.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for each round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

[newclass=".omgentop"]background-color:#89828d;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#89828d,#333333);font:800 35px Poppins;font-weight:800!important;line-height:30px;text-align:left;padding:45px;letter-spacing:-2px;margin-bottom:7px;border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:01:44 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The appearance of crystal blooms after the expedition into the Tree of Life were probably just a little preview of whatever the hell this was. He's morbidly curious, the change in the tree causing a stir amongst all of the residents in Sootopolis. Mint's already a little haggard, having meant to go back home and take off his disguise. But he's here, and he's so close. So why not? [break][break]

He found out quickly he should've gone home though. Whatever was happening to the tree was way worse up close. It looked like a rot was forming but he was watching it at 2000x speed. He's surprised it doesn't stink. Straciatella is at his side, lumbering protectively. He can see the black moving, spreading like ink in water. "Underboss Merlino?! I'm- I've finished up that errand for you but- well I'm at the Tree!" he began, narrating what he was seeing. A hand moved up to his glasses to hit record, just like when he'd entered the Tree of Life on the previous expedition. "Can you see this?" he asked before continuing on. "Tree's- The tree's changing, dying? And these weird crystals-" he cut himself off watching more bulge out of the wood. [break][break]

Why wasn't the Tree of Life fighting back? [break][break]

"I'm alone out here. Just my team on mission. One person? I think. I don't see any pokemon either." he added, holding fastt He did not know what that was, or what was going on. But the Tree had been hostile, and this looked pretty damn hostile towards the tree. He'd wait for back up. Surely others would show up eventually. For now, he'd wait for further guidance. He'd done his due diligence in reporting. [break][break]

Meanwhile Straciatella is already setting up cover because a lot of pokemon are going to die.

tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- mint on the scene, in disguise [break]
- straciatella the abomasnow is OUT [break]
- reporting on comms about weirdo @ tree alone, no pokemon, black crystals growing [break]
- fuck approaching that, just observing for now [break]
- straciatella the abomasnow ABILITY SNOW WARNING makes it hail (1/5) [break]
- straciatella used AURORA VEIL (1/5) [break]





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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:07:42 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar looked up as the sky suddenly darkened. It had already been night, but the stars that were normally visible through the top of the Tree of Life were suddenly covered in dark clouds. Oscar squinted at the sky, "Hm, forecast did not mention rain." 

Oscar was at the Tree to see , to whom he owed his life thanks to his generosity. He would often show up to the Tree of Life, uninvited, and deliver pastries and other various sweets that Bryan probably could not eat because it would kill his chiseled figure. Nevertheless Oscar would come attempting to chat or whatever, anything to show how much he appreciated what Bryan did for him.

Tonight he came with a nice pot of home made chili, he made it himself with the help of his pokemon. There was even enough for Xerneas to have some, if it desired. When Oscar arrived he could not locate Bryan, so he set his pot down and just waited to see if he would show--then the sky went dark.

Oscar stepped outside, looking upward to get a better look at the storm clouds. It was so bizarre, he could barely see the clouds themselves. The sky was just--dark. Oscar tilted his head, pulling a pokeball off his belt. Oscar's crobat, Nostra, would emerge after a flash of light. The bat looked to his master, waiting for orders. Oscar pointed upward, "Go as high as you can. See what's up with those clouds." 

Nostra nodded, flying up past the Tree's peak and out of view. Oscar's gaze was pulled away from the sky as a glowing aura appeared on the tree. He looked over and found crystalline flowers appearing across the tree's surface. Oscar's expression strained, "What the fuck..."
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:18:28 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

A worrying omen.

Gwyar and what remained of the Sootopolis PD stood at the top of the station's roof, their faces grim.

A dark cloud hung over the city, and with it, a sinking feeling that things were about to get worse.

"... I'll go." Gwyar said after a moment, turning for the door.

As protests filled the air from his fellow officers, the chief said nothing, staring into the darkness that slowly covered the city.

"... I expect a full report once you're back, Lieutenant."

Gwyar's lips turned up, offering the man and the group a smile as he saluted.

"Yes sir!" He began to say, a small yip following his words as Raki the Riolu followed up besides him.

Gwyar's smile softened as he looked at the puppy.

"... Not you, Raki." He said after a moment, slowly kneeling in front of the puppy. "I need you to stay here."

Raki's brow furrowed, first in confusion, then in frustration. His yiping turned to barking, his paws turning to fists as he sharply punched at the air in a show of dexterity and force.

He could do this! The whole point of being with Gwyar was to grow stronger! To fight!

"... No, not this one." He said, looking over his shoulder and at the dark sky.

His instincts were screaming at him. Years of experience were telling him- you might not come back.

If it was that dangerous, then...

"I need you to protect everyone here." He said to the puppy, slowly reaching up to take off his police cap, before placing it atop Raki's head. "Understood, Officer Raki?"

The puppy trembled in place, paws curled tightly at his sides as his teeth grit. Slowly he nodded, while small tear streaks began to pool at his chin.

Again and again...

"Thank you, Raki." Gwyar said softly, before slowly standing up, turning towards the stairs.

"Time to work."

-Gwyar is going.
TAG: @noonr

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 2:23:16 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The stars always shift and tell stories that have never been heard. They call to her on this chilly night, beckon her to take heart and brave the salty sea winds. And as she looks up to the sky, she sees why they call.
The stars are dying, the night grows darker than black. Perhaps, this marks the end of the beginning or does it signify the beginning of the end? She feels uneasy, something claws within her chest. Blood rushes through her veins and it feels like it's beginning to scratch and dig through her skin.
She's felt this before.
The stars whisper for her to come closer, their voices almost drowned out by her own rushing footsteps and ragged panting. Behind her trails an ever faithful Reiner, his ears tucked as he moves with purpose and fear.
The darkest day is active. There are two.

Up ahead, the unknown lingers in a slice of eden, hands rested upon the Tree of Life and watching as it festers and decays.
One will steal the foundation of life. One will kill the apparition of death.

Her fingers lace together in feigned prayer, words left unspoken for gods that will not listen. The unknown is unfamiliar but it breathes a voice back into her head. Her hands hesitate to reach for him and her head begs her to keep her distance but her heart knows better than anyone else.
"Give him back."
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 2:48:24 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
“Bijou?” Rowan wandered around his Sootopolis City home, glancing under and around furniture for his Alolan Meowth. Kneeling down next to his bed, he found the Pokémon finally. “Hey there, everything okay?” Reaching out a hand to retrieve them, Rowan could feel how badly the feline was shaking, afraid of something. “Whats…”

Amber eyes glanced upwards towards the nearby opened window, watching as storm clouds began to roll over the horizon, darkening the entirety of the city. Eden, his Roselia, looked towards the Tree of Life from her perch on the window garden, concern evident in the Pokémons eyes.

Something wicked this way comes.

“Mistral, lock up the windows and barricade the door. Don’t open it for anyone but me, okay?” Rowan grabbed his jacket and a series of Pokéballs before hurrying out the door. Fingers rapidly begin sending messages to the members of Team Rocket he knew were in the vicinity, , and . “I’m headed to the tree, I’ll be on comms. Be careful, I have a bad feeling.”

(tagged)⏤ @dotd

(notes)⏤ TLDR: Rowan’s Pokémon sense danger, he gathers his things and messages Gavin, Mint and Oscar that he’s headed to the Tree of Life to investigate.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 3:17:05 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The only known instance of something like this before was the unexplained BLACKOUT OF SLATEPORT.

For Gavin, who had been witness to the horrific realities beyond the Blackout, the darkening skies inspire an all too familiar dread. Then, as now, he had been disadvantaged against a powerful and unknown threat. Then, as now, Lugia remains a bastion between her chosen and his attempts to defy fate. He feels naked without his legion of Shadow Pokémon, still recovering from a violent blast.

But reports come in waves, first by , then , then other members of Rocket who reach out ⁠— out of fear, curiosity, wonder.

Rocket comes first.

Swallowing his fury, Gavin turns his back on the pursuit of vengeance.

He tunes into the comms.

"I'm en route to the Tree."

When he arrives, a chill runs down his spine... but he keeps his back straight, lifts his chin in defiance of the threat. Lugia's powerful wingbeats stir up winds that ruffle through his hair and tug at his clothes.

A spitting image, but this was not .

"We had a deal, parasite."
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 7:20:13 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

THERE ARE TWO. [break]

”Let the record show: I told you so. He had, in fact, told them so. , , , DECLAN WALSH himself. Yveltal’s own avatar (), Xerneas’ avatar (), and anyone who Mars throught should be privy of such knowledge and would listen. Everyone who had been present that fateful day back in January when the Lake Guardians had been summoned had known. So many people had known. Walsh had even increased security around the tree itself. And yet, even if all that was true, when the reports of a strange and monstrous creature attacking the tree had come, it had been all too unexpected.
Perhaps that was why Mars sounded so tired when giving his response over comms. He had been at his office in the headquarter’s north wing when the news had come, and after donning on a black mask that bore no features at all, he had TELEPORTED closer to the Tree of Life in the blink of an eye...


A single word overtakes Mars’ thoughts when witnessing the dark cloud that looms over the crater. An entry from the Unown Report, to which he had become linked by invisible strings when venturing within this very tree. Ironically enough, no Unown accompany the admin, for he knows all too well what he might face and he’d rather not put such precious pokémon in danger.
Or, does he?

This is not like the scene in the vision with and . This is different. This is another sort of danger. This is… , or whatever is controlling his body. Is this what the Lake Guardians had meant when they had spoken of a second Darkest Day? His thoughts are drawn to , to , to the people he knows are being affected by seeing the fallen Underboss again, and as he thinks of them, Mars knows well he can’t focus on making sure they’re okay.
They can take care of themselves, the tree is what matters. They need to protect the Tree of Life above all else.
”Kill.” Watching the scene closely yet from a safe distance, Mars switches to a private channel where no one else can hear. ”Are you here yet? We need to secure the tree.”
He knows as much, as his tone sounds resolute, but truth be told, as Mars speaks, it’s Azelf’s warning that he can’t stop thinking of:

Here’s to hoping the Guardians are wrong.



- TELEPORTED to appear by the Tree of Life[break]
- Thinking of dem spooky visions and prophecies[break]
- Calling Killian[break]
[break][break]HIDING IDENTITY | MASKED ♡


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 8:22:30 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The CRYSTABLOOMS are the first to catch his eye in that sudden dark. Shortly thereafter, a streak of BLUE LIGHTNING is cast downward, further obscured within the canopy of branches, until pinning itself near the base of the TREE OF LIFE in the form of a crackling stiletto.

From the balcony of his white-stone home, fastens a pack against his hip and a COMMUNICATION DEVICE within his ear before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The royal prince reappears in a clearing below. As the tail of his long coat settles, he swiftly assesses his surroundings and the glowing crystals therein. He pulls a luxury ball out, summoning a gloomy SHEDINJA prior to retrieving a flashlight and clicking it on.

Pointing its powerful beam towards the path ahead— the one running adjacent to the glowing crystals and, seemingly, towards their source— there's little more to do afterwards than simply follow it.

The comms come to life with the sound of familiar voices before long ( , , ) and, though he's come to investigate in his public persona, there is a sense of pride knowing his organization's comrades are here to support each other. SOOTOPOLIS was now their home outside of the Rocket submarine, of course. It was their job to protect and profit from it.

Of course, given the monstrosities they'd battled in that other world (GEOMANCY), the Tree of Life had naturally— or, perhaps more accurately, unnaturally— been the immediate culprit for whatever was happening now. Even so, that couldn't entirely prepare him for what they faced now at the end of his trail: the husk of a former friend twisted into something grotesque.

His sharp eyes waver, then he recomposes himself with a steady breath.

Standing away from it, about as far as and stand, sentiments manage not to keep him from performing some degree of action afterwards. Particularly when it touches the tree and spawns dark, lifeless crystals.

"SPITE it," He commands of his Shedinja, hoping it is enough to slow the entity's attempts. "We mustn't allow it to corrupt or absorb the tree's power."

It would be better off burnt into a pile of ash.


teleports near the base of the TREE OF LIFE
summons HADEY the SHEDINJA and follows a trail of crystablooms to the SOURCE
commands his SHEDINJA to SPITE the entity in an attempt to slow its absorption/destruction


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Shizu, Theo
44 height
44 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shizue Murasaki
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 9:25:48 GMT
Shizue Murasaki Avatar

Curious. Expected, but still curious. The tree was not from this world. Research and experience revealed that much. Hence, it stood to argue that it naturally would be related to more otherworldly experiences. That was just common sense. Yet, by nature it was impossible to predict just what these experiences would be. And this time, she was determined to experience some herself. For the last expedition, she had not been present. But now that darkness was spilling out from it, she came of her own accord. Others, like Whitney and Norman from the labs, were frightened, certainly. Yet Shizue was looking forward to this. She had set out on her own accord and was already close to the tree.

More and more people checked in, too. Which was good. Something had appeared and seemed to siphon something from the tree. It was the shape of a human. But that human had been deceased. Clearly, this was a Pokemon using the corpse or something similar. It could have also been a Ditto-like being, of course.

Naturally, someone went and immediately attacked it. Shizue could only roll her eyes. “Attacking without a plan is pointless.” She does not look at the man who had ordered his Shedninja to attack. But she addressed him nonetheless. Then, she actually does turn towards Gavin. “You know this being. This parasite. Best share now. Before the fighting starts in full.” Clearly, that man was angry at the entity. But being governed by emotion was an issue. Especially in a situation like this.

- Approaches the tree and observes
- addresses and
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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 13:45:05 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


Hair blew in the wind as she sat atop Gon her Salamence. Her smile was hidden by her flight mask which protected her from debris and other unfortunate things in the air. They weren’t in a hurry, and so the Salamence flew leisurely. They had decided to take a detour to Sootopolis City. Not because they had anything to do there, but because she wanted to see this Tree of Life, which she had heard a great deal about.
In the distance, the Tree of Life was reaching for the heavens, even in the night sky, they could see its silhouette. But something was off. A Darkness atop it, and growing hungrily consuming even the stars upon the sky.
“That can’t be right…” Elinor muttered, slightly confused. Maybe her Flight goggles were distorting her view?
Salamence’s expression grew serious. It turned its head slightly and growled.
“Turn around? If there is something wrong with the Tree, we should offer our help.” Elinor stated. Her ranger heart started pounding. Duty-bound to help those in need even if Sootopolis was Rocket Territory. Maybe she was just filling the empty void left behind by recent events. But She couldn’t overlook this.
The Salamence closed its eyes for a short second, sighed then growled acknowledging the order. Elinor scooted as close to the Dragon’s hide as possible in preparation. With a strong beat of its wings, the Salamence increased the pace, from leisure flight to homing missile flight.
Before long they landed at the Tree. People were zooming about, most likely not noticing their appearance. And she couldn’t recognize any of them, and even if by some miracle or was there. they'd definitely be too busy helping people to notice her arrival.
It didn’t take long for her to notice the dark crystals emerging from the dry and decaying bark. She jumped down from the back of the Salamence. Before quickly doing a once over on the casual black and white business suit she wore, once again reminding herself to buy an actual flight suit for these longer travels. With a quick hand, she pulled down her mask and goggles, letting both rests against her neck, before fixing her pink hair into something almost presentable Now, she was ready.
Meanwhile, the Salamence was looking around. Gut feeling telling it to get away from there, and take Elinor with him. Even arrogant as he was, he knew something was up. But he would respect his trainer’s wishes, for now.
TLDR: Elinor and Salamence is flying to Sootopolis. -> Sees the state of the Tree and decides to go see if they can offer any help.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 14:16:57 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
This might have been a poor night to be by the Tree of Life.

The prophecies the Lake Trio shared with Hideo and many others never fully left the boy’s mind. He tried to push them away, covering them up with his previous goals of just doing the gym circuit and traveling the region, but the looming, unknowable threat always found a way to worm back in. Perhaps he should have realized something was wrong when those Crystabloom flowers appeared. He’d only dealt with them once - a sudden appearance he helped defend alongside . And with them, an odd darkness that he only knew of from his Gardevoir telling him.


His Wishiwashi could, at the very least, light things up for his team to see. Why it lit up like that, he didn’t know, but it was a help he wouldn’t reject.

He followed the blooms, and as he approached the Tree, his Gardevoir notified him of a lot of people here. They both knew Rocket was here - but they didn’t exactly know who was Rocket and who wasn’t. And his Gardevoir recognized someone in the crowd: . If she were here, then this couldn’t have been a bunch of Rocket…

Hideo carefully approached, listening to Eris demand something from…someone. He didn’t know who it was. His Gardevoir didn’t recognize , so as far as he was aware, it was just some guy. But his talk with her, where she asked him if he’d ever stopped her if she wanted to hurt someone, came to mind.

Was this the one that took away her family?

And more importantly, the man was accompanied by a strange Pokemon. “What is that?” Hideo wondered aloud.

Hideo follows the Crystablooms, accompanied by his Gardevoir and his Illumina Wishiwashi
Notices in the crowd, goes towards her.
Hideo doesn't recognize . Yet.

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 17:14:56 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Last time ruin had fallen upon Sootopolis, Angelo had been caught upon its chalk white pathways from nothing more than simple happenstance.

Even if, in the end, Rocket's takeover had been but background noise to him, over the overpowering snap of bladed teeth and broken, stuttering heartbeats.

This time however, he walks through the panic ridden streets with pre-determined intent, a friend's words echoing within his mind. Omens now made tangible, in the dark maelstrom that dangles ominously over the Tree of Life above.

There was no hope, had told him within that sterile scented hospital room months ago. We're all gonna die and the whole world's just gonna end.

What had sat, eroding within his chest ever since then, hadn't been the promise of another untimely Hoenn demise. But the pilot's friend, exhausted and bedridden from the pressure of a world-ending prophecy on their shoulders.

Now that the day had apparently come, Angelo knew he wouldn't be able to stand comfortably by and leave the Delibird Delivery owner to it, when the rumoured 'Darkest Day' was now 'active'.

D'you see them?” He asks his Dragapult, the lone companion he keeps on the walk towards the looming, mystical tree.

Latios's absence, despite their connection not long forged, is gnawingly obvious in his chest...


- making my way downtown, walking fast
- keeping an eye out for
- open for interactions

@dawn of the darkest day
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 18:37:52 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre
The crystablooms at the base of the Tree of Life gave Elisabeth pause. She had gathered specimens across all of Hoenn -- from Littleroot to Petalburg -- but for some reason, had hesitated before coming to Sootopolis for the last of them.

The Tree of Life awed her, even now, in all its magnificent and terrible power.

For all her studies of botany and plant physiology, the Tree of Life remained a mystery to Elisabeth; rather than be drawn to its enigma, the florist had intentionally chosen to stay away, for fear of learning too much of what its impact might mean for Hoenn.

Or moreso fear, perhaps, that she would not understand whatever she might have uncovered.

Others had already gathered here amidst the dimming of the once star-cast sky. She stood cloaked as nothing more than a shadow among shadows, though she recognised several: and , each a comforting and worrying presence all at once, for neither would be here idly. However, it was the familiar voice of that drew Elisabeth forward, masked as he was; it was not enough to name him, perhaps, but enough to know him.

Her eyes met his masked ones, conveying her meaning silently: 'I am here. Let me know what must be done.'

Caution stopped her from doing more than this. She was but one pawn on a greater chessboard here, and on a day as dark as this, they had the misfortune of playing Black.


  • Kinda-Hiding Identity (Cloaked)
  • Came to check out crystablooms but then BLACKOUT
  • Silently conveying 'I gotchu' to
  • Recognizes and but responsibly isn't getting in their way

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit | |
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 18:48:12 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Even in the dark, his nonchalant hues of blue manage to catch the moonlight as he shifts them in the woman's ( ) direction. "So is doing nothing." He frankly responds, returning the scope of his attention to the entity but keeping an ear open for 's response to her as well.

He is, of course, quite aware that the efforts of his Shedinja are likely to be in vain against the dark entity standing before them. Regardless, the ambassador firmly believes that any chance of deterring or defeating it will be carved through the agency of suppressing its abilities. And the time to try was extremely limited.

These thoughts, however, bring to mind the strange ILLUMINA and LIGHT OF RUIN Pokémon he'd bred through the mysterious woman's hatchery... 

The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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