i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
283 posts
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 3:05:44 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

The only reason he was here was because had literally taken a mad dash out from the secret base that they’d set up so long ago—thankfully the tree’s roots were so thick that it was hard telling where these kids were coming from!

Unfortunately, the moment Arashi had emerged into the night, a rank stench hit his nostrils and he gagged. He thought he recognized the odor of decay, but this was much—much, fucking worse…

“Hideo!” he hissed as he tried his best to keep his eyes on the other kid—because if were here the other would do it.

But alas the other one was busy elsewhere on business, so it was up to him to keep an eye on the other kid this time around!

However, a split-second later he realized that the entire place was prime Rocket real estate, so he quickly reversed his red overcoat for the black side to face outward, and undid the braid in his hair just so he didn’t look familiar to anyone else that may recognize him from the criminal syndicate…

He then unballed a Charizard, and much tempted as he was to fly straight to the source and see what was going on, he shook his head.

“We stay on the ground… for now,” he began quietly as he then broke out into a run, attempting to keep an eye on Hideo as best as he could, Charizard following closely behind him.

• Arashi chillin’ in the Follies’ secret base when Hideo suddenly just up and leaves (agreed upon with Hideo’s writer privately!)
‘where the hell is he going?’
• decides to follow the other kid out and keep an eye on him just in case shit goes south
‘what the fuck is going on?!’
• realizes that Sootopolis is ‘prime Rocket real estate’, changes parts of his appearance so he doesn’t look as familiar to any Rockets with prying eyes
• summons a Charizard who runs alongside him as he takes off after Hideo

& (as the two people he would most recognize, mostly)
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 3:16:39 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
224 for @darkest day
It felt too soon. They were supposed to have more time than this.

While everyone else was focused on the Tree of Life, Locke scanned the skies, searching desperately for the Pokémon they knew was fated to be here. They had no plan for what they would if they saw it. Fight back against whatever otherworldly being sought to destroy it without any power of their own? Try to convince it to leave? They weren't even sure if the god of death had an Avatar to reason with, much less if the legendary itself would listen to a mere human's warnings.

But the urge to do something pushed them forward, even as they watched the sky they loved grow endlessly-dark.

Beside him, Shi-Shi raced to keep with her trainer, even as the Absol's fur bristled and her eyes flicked wildly about at the danger all around them. She stopped suddenly and, before he could even ask what was wrong, bolted through the bustling town square. Locke chased after her, following the path she carved towards the tree until they both reached the very front, where a dark but vaguely-familiar figure stood amidst the corruption.

But she had said-

Forget Yvetal. Forget the Darkest Day. Forget the end of the world.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and called into the growing crowd.


- Is looking for Yvetal, who they know might die here
- His Absol leads him towards front of the crowd, where they see
- Decides the end of the world can wait until after he finds and calls out for her
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 3:41:47 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar










"Whoa, little brah, chill." Beau stands closer to the front of the assembly, having received the alert and gunned it to Sootopolis as fast as his pokémon would allow. His attention, however, is not on the Tree, nor the figure standing before it - beyond the occasional glance over his shoulder to ensure that not much is happening from that quarter - but instead on the assembled populace likewise gawping at the unsettling sight.
His statement was directed at a skinny boy, by the look of him scarcely qualified to be called a teenager. Beau's arm blocks his attempt to squeeze forward to get a better look at the Tree, and he claps the boy firmly on the shoulder, his usual carefree countenance pulled into a grim frown. "Go back home, find your parents. This ain't the place for you right now," he rumbles flatly, causing the younger male to blanch and disappear deeper into the crowd.
Beau sighs in relief, scrubbing one hand across his face and turning to regard the Tree and its attendant fully. He suppresses a shiver, able to survey the tableau for only a moment before he forcibly wrenches his attention elsewhere. A sense of wrongness hangs in the air, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't give him the creeps.
He perks up slightly at the sound of a familiar accent inquiring about finding the person in charge, and he's off - not nearly because he's anything remotely approaching authority in this situation, but because it's information he himself is curious to know - whether he can, in fact, be more useful in this situation than keeping stragglers from drawing too close to the scene.

  • Working crowd control, attempting to keep too-curious onlookers from getting closer than they should.
  • Attempting to find Gigi, a familiar face, and figure out what exactly is going on.
  • Massively creeped out.





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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 4:10:46 GMT

what the hell is going on?[break][break]

"i don't know."[break][break]

the last time matias had been at the tree of life, he had encountered death and decay. would this time be any different?[break][break]

's comfey wraps around his wrist, securing itself as a source of support.[break][break]

matias looks around, scanning the area for familiar figures and faces only to come up short. he scowls, calling out a pokemon.[break][break]

"keep your guards up. i have a feeling rocket isn't our only enemy today."[break][break]

in an attempt to coordinate with some of the league members present, matias activates the earpiece that's tuned into the official league frequency before speaking.[break][break]

"team seven on scene."

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
using the league intercom[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-mr-mime"]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 12:59:28 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

things always looked their bleakest when the sky turned dark didn't it? at least that seemed to be a thing that was happening around hoenn recently. still that didn't mean that the darkness had its beauty but you'd be hard pressed to have it explained by kazimir. he didn't really take any stock in thinking like that, instead he looked to cut through the darkness with his little joltik jumping around in front of him being a little flashlight while discharging some electricity from its tiny body.

all he wanted was to get some sootopolis sea salt crackers.

so when the darkness started to encroach and surround the city he knew his snack time would have be put on hold as he and his joltik came racing down the streets to where the once beautiful tree of life once stood. there he could already see people gathered around it as they watched a strange figure approach, a figure that kaz was familiar with and hadn't seen in a very long time.



    * went to buy crackers
    * has a joltik out for a flashlight
    * is that chui hoenn pog

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 14:53:23 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Happenstance had put Skyler close enough to watch the first of the evening stars being blotted out by an encroaching darkness. By the time it'd folded over Sootopolis like a giant hand come to pass judgement unto all, the captain was already prowling through the city's narrow passageways.

Slateport came to mind then, wracked by both horror and tragedy. Grief had taken the shape of freshly dug graves in those first few days, and of those who'd stayed behind to deal with the aftermath.

It'd been awfully close to Lilycove then, more than she'd felt comfortable with.

But Sootopolis was right at her doorstep, decked in the beloved scent of ocean brine and sun-soaked rock. Not quite home, but close enough that she found herself - against all manner of common sense - closing in on the colossal tree that reigned over the crater-city whole.

Opting to stay hidden for the moment, the captain watched the scene unfold before her, a few figures taking center stage. Breath held captive in her throat, fingers fidgeting with a carefully held dagger. Waiting.

She'd shape herself to what the conflict demanded of her, be as ruthless as needed.

To protect. To defend.

Behind, a Dhelmise anchored itself to the shadows, disappearing from sight.
@ dawn of the darkest day
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 16:37:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar



I know I'm no sweet prince of love


It didn't take a genius to figure out that whatever the darkness was, it was bad. It also didn't take a genius for Miette to know he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to deal with this. Capuccino was safe at home, curled up in a mess of pillows, because if he lost the Minccino he wouldn't know what to do.
The same went for all his Pokemon, obviously, but Capuccino was his therapy Pokemon. She was built for this sort of stuff, and it wasn't like he would have money to get a new one if he even wanted to. He didn't even know where he'd go for stuff like that in Hoenn.
But it was fine. Because she was safe, and Miette himself would probably be safe, even if arriving on the scene caused a lump in his throat to form. One that made it hard to swallow.
It's fine. Everything would be fine.[break][break]


[attr="class","ion-star"] ELGYEM

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 17:53:45 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
a pokeball on the holster on his hip shifts uncomfortably at the presence before them.

responsibilities for aqua bring him to sootopolis. he guesses and were the same, but they could just easily be adrenaline junkies for all he knows.

kyle recognizes the familiar feeling, though he hopes for the best despite knowing the worst was to come. he's had the experience before, and having it happen the second time makes his skin tingle.

"a raid boss," he answers casually despite the pressure the scene exerts. "if it's like the slateport blackout, expect fighting blind. just survive and things will work out in the end, i hope."

despite his words, kyle felt pessimistic. the comfey wraps comfortably around his wrist, thankful of its presence.

as an arm calms down the pokemon within the ball, kyle's conscience brings him to tap into the communication system before it breaks. it was inevitable during the previous iteration of the blackout, and he won't be surprised if it happens again.

"oh, yeah, feel free to back off if you're not ready to die, officers. just saying, you know, so i can remind you guys in the end that i told you so."

his silvally stands beside him, necrozma memory active in its rks system.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 22:25:32 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



The air around the tree of life is heavy with malaise. But amidst the terse, scattered conversation and the buzzing of confused unease, a voice rings out that is kittenish and syrupy.[break][break]

finds himself engulfed in a cashmere embrace as soon as Luka descends from her Altaria. There's an apology on her lips, though it's muffled against his chest as she squeezes tightly. And though this isn't the time or place for such a display, she doesn't care.[break][break]

"You can't just disappear like that," she admonishes gently. "I was so worried..."[break][break]

And for good reason.[break][break]


A short call not long ago had interrupted their otherwise peaceful evening. Luka had seen her boyfriend's face tense, then darken. He'd apologized, kissed her, and vanished with a blink of his stiletto faster than she could think.[break][break]

Admittedly, she hadn't heard much of the conversation. But the muffled Sootopolis was all she needed anyways. Whatever might have happened, she refused to let him face it alone. It could be dangerous![break][break]

Her method of travel was far slower than Remiel's: teleporting with Gardevoir to the nearest city, then flying in on her Altaria. By the time she arrived, she knew she was far too late to drag Remiel out of whatever mess he was getting involved with.[break][break]

The best she could do, then, was stay by his side.[break][break]


And she does, clinging to Remiel's arm as she finally takes a moment to get her bearings. There are others around him: and the unfamiliar among them, but she pays them little mind. Instead, her gaze is fixed on the tree, on the stars that wink out one by one like burnt out streetlights. Fear of the dark is a primal, ancient thing, and it settles deep into the marrow of her bones as she tries to squint through the oppressive gloom.[break][break]

"Is this it?" she whispers to Remiel, hands white-knuckled around his arm. "The..darkest day that told you about...i-it's happening now?"[break][break]

Amidst shades and shades of black, two vaguely familiar shapes swim into view. she has only met once, and admittedly she pays him little mind. No, what catches her eye is and her Darkrai. Though the woman's face is imperceptible at a distance, the shape of her Pokemon is not. The lunar wing around Luka's neck suddenly feels much heavier.[break][break]

"Be careful," she continues, her voice dropping even lower, "I think there's a rocket member here..."



[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 23:48:51 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]contractual agreements don't bring her here. no, there's a different reason behind her appearance. it has something to do with the sky, with how clouds darken and darkness descends.

she arrives because of a myth, a legend, a god. and she finds nothing but darkness and decay.

prayers won't help her here, even if she sends them up to the gods of time and space, of antimatter and creation. she'll come to find out there are no gods here, only death.

she settles between , , and with the fading flaps of her flygon's wings. upon landing, she flashes a tight smile. there's anxiety in her skin, fear in her bones. it reminds her of war, of a cursed assembly, and the weakness of them all. she despises it.

her head swivels slightly to survey the scene. there's bodies everywhere. living, breathing bodies yet all she sees are corpses. it's an uncomfortable concept that merely festers with familiar faces. the face of isn't fully recognized but she'd know him anywhere. he towers over the others and her eyes linger on him for longer than they should before finally dragging along to the rest of the bodies.

she doesn't recognize , , or and perhaps it's better that she doesn't. there's one she doesn't see entirely, however, and the lack of is unnerving for a plethora of reasons. she doesn't bother to indulge them.

's comfey, a welcome and familiar little creature, wraps itself around her wrist after a moment. she moves her healing wrist to pet its petals gently, mindful of the brace. the comfey mewls softly in response.

"best guess is it's actually death." the stench is familiar, unfortunately.

she shifts to release another pokemon with a small flash of light. the figure that rises beside her is comforting, even if it's not the same gallade that has protected her before. it's named in his honor but... perhaps its fate is the same as the predecessor.

slowly, pink healing mist begins to bleed from open pores and scar tissue until it crawls upon the ground. the radius is still small. a mere five feet maximum but it'll be enough. it has to be.

"try to not die on me, boys." the smile she wears is grim. "i can heal but only so much."

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- gallade & flygon on standby
- psychic terrain/healing mist is active via illie

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,037 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 3:14:29 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Temp was (basically) living with his fiance. Why wouldn't he be in Sootopolis when some shit went down? hadn't been home, leaving Temp bleary eyed in bed when shit hit the fan, but the upset growling and howling of the dogs had woken him. At first he had thought they just had to piss. Then he got a good look outside and had to groan into his hands as he rubbed sleep from his eyes.

Yeah, his idiot husband was out in that shit. 100% chance.

When Temp arrived on the scene, his clothes still sticking up weird and his clothes were crumpled. Still, he ended up crossing some paths. Some paths crossed. Because we're pulling threads in here. , , and ? We're a gang now. Darkest Day Gang. can also join the COOLEST kids club if she so chooses, but I will leave that up to her.

Temp has his silver whistle in his lips, occasionally blowing it at random civvies who happen to wander too close while he's looking for his fiance. He's gotta pretend to be responsible! Bite Bite chases at his heels, the Manectric yipping occasionally as she helps ward off anyone who comes too close.

"Hey! I don't think you can... Oh! !" Even if Yams was slow as fuck, Temp had met this guy a few times! And he even liked him! He jogs up and raises a hand to wave, offering a smile before he remembers where he's at and it drops. Gotta be somber. "Dude, do you know what's happening?"

He's about to ask more when he spots . His whistle is blown, loud and shrill, as he tries to flag her down, taking a step or two away from Angelo for the moment. "Hey, I don't think we can be here!"

Temp is about to try and gently guide the two away, gotta be a good League Official and all that, when he spots the back of a third person.

"Hey, we can't- Oh, fuck." That person just happened to be and also happened to outrank him. Well, damn.

The whatever-the-hell-it-was was doing... very creepy things and the tree was dying. Temp didn't come out here much, didn't know (or even like) Chu-e, and in general was not at all equipped to deal with this situation. His Manectric growled and her hackles raised at the threat.

- runs from his house to look for his fiance
- still sleepy ruffled
- ends up meeting up with , , and cause i'm forcing myself on you all
- can also join Team Darkest Day Gang is she so chooses
- has his Manectric Bite Bite with him
- was trying to help npc civilians away from the scene but he found some pc civvies instead (and an e4 member) oopsie
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played by


the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 3:28:46 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

katherine is pissed.
no, she's livid. she's not calm, she's not happy, and she's certainly not in the mood for any of this.
she hated this place. her region, her home, maybe even this universe. but it mattered so little. she could not afford to waste her day away at lamenting about her misfortunate fate.
she's here. she has a duty. and if hoenn is to survive, she'll still have a promise to her god to fulfil. so, as expected of her, she arrives on the scene. ... just a tad bit late, though, but not enough for something major to have happened.
her sour mood turns gloom when she realizes just how familiar this was to her. she'd seen this before; she experienced firsthand the BLACKOUT OF SLATEPORT.
"the warning's appreciated, lopez."
by some miracle, or perhaps sheer luck, katherine also brought one of those old earpieces along. she's utterly grateful for it. knowing that kyle was on the scene is a relief. a weird one, but a relief all the same. nevertheless, she's not one to hang around a team. unless she has to.
regardless, katherine's gallade, arthur, continues to shadow her steps. it projects a soft psychic aura to maintain a field around them, which (should) alert it of any foreign presence.
slowly but surely, they follow the path of CRYSTABLOOMS. she even recognizes it.
it's where the TREE OF LIFE was located, wasn't it?

💎 kat's gallade is currently shadowing her steps.[break]
💎 it also projects a (small) field of psychic aura around them to detect any foreign presences should someone try to approach them.[break]
💎 also thanks for his warning

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]

@ @taggoeshere

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,611 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 3:29:27 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

visiting his home is something he does at least once a week. Taking on his 'Ashton' persona to easily blend in as the Rocket Grunt had hired. Made sneaking in easy. Though today the darkness made chills go down his spine. The shame type of darkness that took over the Blackout of Slateport. [break][break]

And sadly despite the horrid memories of that day he knows action has to be taken as he steps outside. Pausing as he recalls those he had lost and then orders several of his Pokemon that it was their job to just keep people safe. He might not have his best with him right away but in some sense I'm his head they'll be safe. [break][break]

With that he does take the Marowak with him to use her flames to fight the way to toward the tree. The ranger making sure to put on a mask as he has little doubts he will have to use his abilities.



    + Razz heading toward tree with his Marowak with a mask on.



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,739 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 5:29:44 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas wasn't sure himself what compelled him to visit enemy territory that day. Under the guise of Daisuke Hayashi, he managed to sneak into the city as a visitor. He was going to attempt to scout the area, while avoiding . Of anyone, he was the most dangerous, considering his Shinigami Eyes could see through his disguise, something he knew all too well.

Of all the days to scout enemy territory, it had to be when shit went down.

As 'Daisuke' watched it all go down, he thought back to the reports of the Slateport Blackout, an event that he missed. Not wanting to sit by idle as another threat besieged the region, no, the world, 'Daisuke' brought out two of his Pokemon. An Incineroar and an Inteleon. "Jaeger, shadow me, and be ready to provide supporting fire. Saijema, stick close!", Thomas ordered the two, before rushing over to the Tree.

tags: @tag
notes: -Thomas was in Sootopolis, scouting under his fake identity
-Thomas noticed the events going down
-Thomas sent out Inteleon and Incineroar to support him, Incineroar staying close, while Inteleon shadows them from a distance

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 6:30:02 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex isn’t the sharpest knife in the kitchen. She doesn’t stay up to date on all the end-of-the-world gossip that seems to plague Hoenn. It’s just another day, another threat they have to deal with.

She’s beat down, exhausted, weary, but the call comes and it’s concerning. They sound frantic almost. The tree is under attack.

Naturally, she expects another League attempt to procure samples. As the sky darkens and utter helplessness falls over the city of Sootopolis, the mood changes, and she finds herself shivering beneath the cold weight of death. This is different, very different.

The air beside and shifts, thrumming to life as the phantom stallion steps through into their plane of reality. Mounted on his back is Lex. The Beast glares up towards the dark figure, her face twisted into a snarl. Without taking her eyes off the disturbing scene before them, she slides off War’s back, promptly returning the tired stallion to his pokeball. He’s in no shape to fight. B-team it is.

“What the hell is going on?!” that seems to be the themed question of the day. Looks like she’s not the only clueless one.

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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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