i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 20:17:47 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]The familiar sounds of crashing waves, the feel of sand beneath their toes. One look around and the Greninja was sure they'd made it home, unscathed by the look of their trainer's returned limbs. A soft sigh escaped the Pokémon's throat, further hoisting Rowan's unconscious from onto his back. The soft footfalls of the Greninja led them to , looking the man in the eyes for a long moment, as if wondering whether or not what they'd done was right.[break][break]

"Gre..." Kotaro croaks, some unknown sentiment spoken to it's former master before the Pokémon turns their back on them. Sand scattered into the air as the Greninja leapt away, disappearing with their trainer, set to return to Sootopolis City.[break][break]

In his sleep, Rowan dreams. Flashes of blue, white and purple. Murky water becomes clearer, the clear water's surface reflecting growth. A path lies ahead, but will he follow it?

[attr="class","rowwttag"] [break]
Thank you for the event, Shiv!

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 20:37:48 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Crying out in alarm as his friend collapses to the ground, Gavin rushes to his side. He swats at the strings of data with his remaining hand, but nothing seems to halt the steady stream of information that infects like a virus. Having witnessed the slow corruption of , Gavin immediately assumes it to be hostile. Perhaps even fatal.

What do I do? He doesn't know.

The platform begins to glow, and the blinding, all-consuming light finds him on the beach. Where he'd stood beside Mars and their companions in and , Gavin finds himself alone but for a particular Pokémon.

Gavin locks eyes with the Greninja he'd once trained, now christened Kotaro under its new master. After a moment, he dips his head in gratitude. That those who'd been set for deletion had made it out was irrelevant — they should have died, and Kotaro's intervention in his brother's attempted suicide would be forever appreciated.

"Keep him safe," says the underboss softly.

As memories return, 's name burns like a brand in his thoughts. How could he have forgotten his own sister? The beach is a chaotic mess of Hoenn's reckless adventurers regaining their own faculties, and 's earlier aggression has Gavin wary. They need to get out of here before the councilman can cause another scene, this time without the threat of data deletion to keep others on their side.

Fishing his phone from his pocket, he attempts to place a call to his sister. As it rings, his gaze finds the calmed cobalt ocean.


He is uncertain, after all that's happened, the isolation of cyberspace shaking his ordinarily resolute faith. But he needn't fear.

I am here.

angst + gavin's trying to get 's attention

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 20:49:10 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- Just kinda disassociates during the whole "system failure" debacle
- Gets all his limbs and fear and junk back on returning to the Mirage Island
- Spots and runs up to hug her while bawling like a baby




She was gone.


She was gone and he couldn't do anything.


Locke found himself dropped from the grip of 's Dragapult upon their return. Sand-real sand-warmed the palms of his hands, while the rest of his body shivered from the cold drip of 's Life Dew, dispersed by the sudden reappearance of his missing parts.


But if his arm had reappeared…


No, came a quiet, fearful voice, newly-returned to the back of his mind. You'll only disappoint yourself.


But he had to look, because who else would?


They raised their reformed hand to wipe away the tears and search the crowd with blurry eyes, clinging to that small bit of hope that always seemed to linger despite everything-or maybe because of everything.


And was rewarded for the effort.


"Eris!" Her name finally left Locke's lips as they scrambled to their feet to race towards . They scooped her up without warning, holding their friend in a nearly bone-crushing hug.



"Eriiiss," they cried, unable to form any other words in their blubbering state.


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 21:08:57 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was not sure what being 'deleted' was supposed to feel like, but he did not expect euphoria. As his body was shredded into bits of data, he watched his fellow trainers fight amongst each other--to save the would-be martyrs or break down the system. Oscar cared for maybe a second, wondering if he had made the right choice. Then suddenly his thoughts became nonsense as his brain was scrambled into nothing, leaving behind only a pure feeling of beautiful nonexistence. Soon there would be nothing but light, and Oscar would cease to be...

For about thirty seconds.

Everything came back all at once; a forceful reattachment that left Oscar gasping into the sand. He lifted himself, staring as the familiar foam of the Hoenn sea passed underneath. Each grain of sand felt like knives against his palms, and as he came to a kneeling position his knees would scream through his jeans. Everything hurt him, from the wind that crossed the shoreline to the tears that forced their way out of his eyes. Was this an effect of being rebuilt, atom by atom?

Most likely, though it could also be a symptom of Oscar's discontent.  He knew not if their return was caused by the ten sacrifices or not, nor did he truly care. He had witnessed the vast artistry of the multiverse, and stared directly into the face of pure nihility--so appearing back in Hoenn felt bitter sweet. It all looked so drained--washed out. Small. 

Oscar slumped forward, his head rushing with a surge of bittersweet emotions. Eventually they would meld into one, and this feeling would consume Oscar as he stared begrudgingly into the horizon. That feeling was hatred.

"This world is too small..."

--Oscar feels mixed about surviving.
--Thanks for the excellent raid Shiv!!!
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 21:19:54 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Death comes with a familiar lullaby, one hummed between the duo as they huddle together in the light. As their last bits of vision fade out, as she breathes a 'thank you' to for pulling away, as she worries a little for how seemed so sickly, she finds something stirring in her heart.[break][break]

"M̴͍͒a̵̟̽k̶̟͆e̸̦̋ ̷͕̈s̴͎̐u̶̬̇r̶̡̃e̶͔̍ ̷̰̀t̸͓́o̸̪̽ ̶͓̄s̶̟̓ṃ̷̐i̸͔̔l̴̰͝ę̸͂ ̵͔͝ḻ̸̀ȍ̷̦t̴͚̓s̸͎̔,̵̡̏ ̵̟͛L̸̲͗ỏ̸̝c̷̩̊k̷̳͝ę̴̐!"[break][break]

Then, darkness claims them both.[break][break]

Where do people go when they die? It's a question that's lingered in her head for a while. She opens her eyes to an endless starry sky, a warm smile and embrace that needs no explanation. She hears a small growl, sees that beautifully sleek mane that has always remained in the corner of her vision, feels the nudges as she leans back into him.[break][break]

Her lips move to form words but she can't make a sound. She feels so drained but kept so secure and warm as the cosmos quietly wraps them up in a moment drawn to eternity.[break][break]

And when she blinks, they're gone.[break][break]

The white noise fades as the sound of crashing waves rouses her, hot tears falling on her shoulders as a loud sob mixes in with the chilling winds. Her attention flicks wildly, but she needn't look for long as a Luxray quietly joins in the hug.[break][break]

Despite her weariness, through the bone-crushing hold and her lingering trembles, she musters enough strength to hug back. Her smile is weak, her vision beginning to blur as she buries her head into his shoulder.[break][break]

"I thought I told you to smile, dammit..."
- 'S CRYING[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 0:08:02 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]ANGSTY BITS[break][break]
Pandemonium erupted all around Isaac. People rushed to their deaths with a rarely seen desperation. Others were hot on their heels, trying whatever it took to keep them alive. Some attacked each other, whether for their own good or just to twist the knife harder. Others turned their anger upon the digital world itself, tearing at the platform like a pack of rabid animals.[break][break]

Isaac couldn't understand it. Why would they do that to themselves? Why would they fill their last moments with such pain and strife? Fate was coming for them, whether they wanted it to or not. In fact, it was literally assigned. Ten would pass, and the rest would live on. No amount of struggling would change it, and if it did it'd only make things worse. Why not just sit back, relax, and accept the-[break][break]


Oh boy. That word was a lot scarier when you were staring it in the eye. Isaac's doppelganger stared him down, framed in the harsh glow of the digital world's light. A chill shuddered down his spine as he felt the crushing pressure coming from his own clone's intensity.[break][break]

Days gone by[break][break]

Isaac's gut dropped into his stomach. No. No, he couldn't. He wouldn't. It was too soon. He turned on his heel, burst into a run, reaching out towards somebody, anybody-[break][break]


-but he could feel his shirt bunching up behind him, pulling against his throat with enough force to take his breath away.[break][break]

Moments pass[/break][break]

Desperately, Isaac wheeled around, flinging a punch right at his own stolen face.[break][break]

Shattered glass[break][break]

Polygons exploded from the doppelganger, a scowl setting deeper onto its face in response.[break][break]

Hands of time[break][break]

And it answered the insult with a punch of its own, Isaac's world going white.[break][break]

Where's that chime?[break][break]

His ears rang. His head pounded. His vision swam like a drunken sailor.[break][break]

In my head[break][break]

Desperately, he tried to think of something, anything. But blow after furious blow rained down upon him.[break][break]

I'll just, I'll just, I'll just, I'll just-[break][break]


Isaac's thoughts were interrupted by coldness and tight pressure. A chill shot down Isaac's spine, leaving a shudder rocking through his entire body. As he tried to look down, his chin was stopped by something hard and gnarled. It was a finger. It was his own fucking finger. He was being strangled by his own doppelganger.[break][break]

Hands of time will wring my neck[break][break]

What happened? Wasn't he supposed to go into the light? Why was his doppelganger taking matters into his own hands? He looked around, desperately searching for answers, but each time he found his gaze wandering back to himself. His doppelganger stared down at him with pure loathing in his stolen eye. It was to such an intensity that a vessel in his eye had popped, leaving it flush with blood.[break][break]

Every little moment spells regret[break][break]

At least this loathing was something, though. It was more than the void that Isaac had become. He wasn't some enlightened wise man, above the petty concerns of mortal men. No, he was just some shitty coward who tried to take the easy way out and learned it was harder than he could've ever imagined. Now, while everyone else worked so hard to solve this problem, he was just going to die in the sorriest way imaginable; cold, alone, and by hands that were no longer his.[break][break]

But I don't have to feel this way[break][break]

Maybe it was best to just let it happen. Maybe it was best to put his money where his mouth was. This was what he asked for, right? This was what he volunteered to do? The hands he'd flung up to his throat to protect himself slowly, sullenly dropped to his sides. He tried his best to steady his heartbeat, even as it pounded with enough force to crack his ribs. It was okay. It'd all be over soon.[break][break]

As a voice inside my head.[break][break]

Isaac blinked, and he was alone. There was no doppelganger anymore. The denizens of Hoenn were little more than blurs to his bleary eyes. Cyberspace was cold, and dark, and empty, broken up only by the pillar of light that would guide him to his fate. Even without his doppelganger's weight bearing down on him, he was powerless to step away from it.[break][break]

The light's glow intensified to a fever pitch. It would consume him, and then he would be gone. It sounded so neat, so tidy, so easy on paper, like someone had just flicked the Isaac is Dead switch. The reality was far less simple, and far, far more horrible. Isaac could feel his entire body unraveling. There was no pain to it, because not a piece of him was being damaged. Instead, it was an odd, numb weightlessness as the server disassembled him bit by bit. He tried to move, say something, vomit, react to the feeling in any way, shape, or form, but it was impossible. Anything that would allow his body to move had already been disassembled, and now he was just some floating conglomerate of parts.[break][break]

Bit by bit, data was sheared off, small rips appearing in the makeup of his body. It wasn't some gory wound, but rather a gap like the one that had spread across Isaac's face. He wasn't injured, he was simply Missing. And more and more of him would become Missing, chipping away at the very fabric of his being until he was reduced to just Enough. His vision was framed in a shadowy haze. The only thing he could hear was an ever-present ringing sound. He could no longer even taste the inside of his mouth. The only sense he had left was his sense of thought.[break][break]

That, too, unraveled. And then, when Enough had been taken, so was the rest of Isaac. All it took was a single, unceremonious tug on his code, reducing an agonizing Something to pure Nothing.[break][break]


The second Isaac felt the warmth of the sun caressing his face, his eyes snapped open. Where was he? It was a warm, inviting paradise, surrounded by the smell of sea spray and the gentle chatter of birds overhead. Was this . . . Heaven?[break][break]

Wait. No. This was just Hoenn.[break][break]

Oh, Arceus. Was this Hell?[break][break]

It certainly wasn't continuous with where they had been before. Everyone who had run into the light was alive again, bleary-eyed and confused but truly and honestly alive. And that included him, Isaac-[break][break]

Right. He was named Isaac, wasn't he? He flung a hand up to his face, patting around, and sighed in relief upon finding that his head had been reassembled. It was only now that he was aware of what had been stolen from him. And that theft included the simmering feeling building up in his gut, burning through all of the numb acceptance that had taken its spot.[break][break]

Moldovia or Macarena or Malcontention or whatever the fuck his name was hadn't just sent them into another world for study. He dissected them from the moment they entered, taking away all of the little things that made them . . . well, them. He wasn't content with just body parts. He stole memories, hopes, and the very building blocks of personalities. The past, the present, the future, they were all just jokes to him. He used and abused his power over them, over everyone, in a world where he got to play god.[break][break]

Well, y'know what? He just made an enemy for life. If his smug-ass face showed up again, Isaac was going to make him regret it.[break][break]

He pried himself up from the sand, only to hear an excited bellow. Kiryu charged him like a freight train, the Aggron hugging him tight and letting out a string of concerned grumbles. Part of Isaac wanted to protest, wiggle out of her grip, focus on his quest for revenge while he was still so enraged. Another part of him remembered just what he had done, and how badly he had worried her. Maybe it was okay to simmer the fight down for a bit and reflect on what was important. ". . . Hey. I missed you too, buddy," he said, a weary smile on his face. "Sorry for being an idiot right there. I didn't even realize how out of whack that place got me.[break][break]

"But, that's never happening again, y'hear? Whatever the fuck he did to me in Cyberspace? It doesn't mean a thing out here. I'm me, and I'll be damned if he ever, ever takes that away from me. And I'm never going to take myself away from you, either. I promise."

He could see his reflection in the facets of her metal plates. Oh, god. His eye looked terrible. That burst blood vessel (the last bit of his conscious struggle?) was out in full force, a sight that left Isaac shuddering. Every inch of his body hurt, as if the gaps and pieces chiseled out from it were struggling to fit themselves back in. He just knew he'd be seeing the events of this excursion in his dreams, too. Overall, he felt like shit.[break][break]

But he was alive. And that was enough for today.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 2:42:37 GMT

it's okay. [break][break]

everything is okay. what's another ten lives to sacrifice, what's another bunch of people to be deleted? it's not like she hasn't seen life leaving the person before, not like she's unfamiliar with death. hell, it might even be a good thing, that they'll never be able to see the bodies. this is a good thing, isn't it? they'll be able to get home, they'll be able to be safe. it should be a good thing. [break][break]

but wendy's guilt begins to eat at her, though her fear of the doppelganger's smile overpowers what self-sacrificial thoughts she had. and she's relieved, then she feels guilty for being relieved, when doesn't take the chance. maybe she's selfish. wendy, when have you become so selfish? [break][break]

when the light dies, she's left gazing up at the bright, cyberscape of a sky - for all of five seconds, before she feels her body topple, and her mind go blank. when she awakens, the side of her head that seemingly vanished was back, right in the sand below. a groan escapes her lips as she slowly raises herself up onto her hands, knees dug into the sand as her eyes adjust to the light. she's a little dizzy, but it subsides before long. and as she's looking around, watching the people who seemingly reunite, she doesn't feel anything. [break][break]

if anything, she remembers the loss of a ghostly, bleached coral reef. [break][break]

everyone is having their heartfelt reunions, and something in marisol is dead inside. she lets out a shaky breath, lifting herself from the sand and brushing the particles off. one glance, and she sees that leonidas is safe. what a relief. [break][break]

she's about to approach as he rouses, until she hears a familiar, soft groaning of a cursola not too far away. her plate is still in the sand, though the ghostly ectoplasm is bent with the main head resting on the sand. then the ghost pokemon slowly raises up, curious. [break][break]

until she's met with the hands of her trainer, trembling, in a gentle hold. [break][break]

"c-carci.." she's hugging onto the large body, nestling her face against the ghostly pokemon. when marisol starts to tremble and whimper, it's a rare sight - but who can blame her, when another pokemon of hers died because of her? again, it died for her. the tears are foreign when they well up, and when the heat rises to her cheeks and when the ghost pokemon turns around, reaching up with ghostly branches to attempt to wipe them away. there's a soft whimper from the ghost. [break][break]

marisol is left sitting there, for a little while, but doesn't let go of the ghost. if anything, she only blankly (tiredly) stares at the sand through tears. [break][break]

".. lets go home."

[break]𓆙 mari just wants to go home

cyberchase conundrum

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July 9
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 6:13:08 GMT
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If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She lets out a loud gasp as they're suddenly freed from their cyber prison. [break][break]

Melody looks around horrified, what the fuck actually happen there? She couldn't understand what that was. She felt, numb, nothing, nothing at all. [break][break]

She felt like a monster.[break][break]

She looked over to see rowan was still asleep, his other friends and his greninja guarding him as he peacefully slept. She looked over to her hand, feeling Cobalion's emotions of worry as she had to go to him immediately as she called out her gardevoir to teleport her. "I'm sorry." she whispers to him before she leaves as her mental state was in shambles.

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July 07
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A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 7:20:18 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

(Angst Warning)
She entered the light, expecting to feel pain. But strangely she felt nothing as her body and mind were broken down into data as the process of mixing the original with the doubleganger began.

As the data of sight disappeared from her, she saw only darkness.

And then she found herself in a well-lit room. Midday sun shining in upon a neatly made king-sized bed filled with plushies. She felt the stinging salt of tears welling down from her eyes as she sat on the bed, wiping away tears in an eternal struggle, as her sniffles resounded throughout the room.

“Why are you crying?”

The voice made her look up. She saw a familiar face. Her own. Sharp and filled with contempt for herself.

“Why wouldn’t I? I’ve just died, haven’t I?” Johanna sniffled

“Oh stop your sniveling.” Contempt lashed at her like a whip

Johanna tried her best, her sobs halted, she wiped away the last of her tears and she looked up once more. “I am dead, aren’t I?” She questioned, then realized that something was wrong. Why did she have to look up at herself even if she was sitting down on a bed? She looked at her hands, they seemed rather small, then the self-same hands checked her hair, unbraided and much shorter. Her eyes moved to the mirror that pointed towards her. And realized her suspicion was right. Her body was that of her younger self, perhaps around ten years old or so.

“Do you think a dead person can talk? Much less have an inner dialog with a doppelganger?” Johanna spoke confidently, with no fear in her voice, even as she paused. “Or, wait am I the real Johanna now? I don’t suppose it matters, this is surely all just our data trying to comprehend the process” She looked thoughtfully down upon the younger version.

“I guess not, but you don’t have to be so mean about it.” Johanna quivered, lip trembling.

“Or what? We both know all that you are going to do is hide under your blanket and cry in fear as the world around you takes from you what it can. You are such a fucking disappointment.” Anger slowly takes over as the older-looking Johanna speaks.

“That’s not true!” She whimpered.

“STOP LYING TO YOURSELF!” Anger was raised in the older Johanna’s voice.

“I AM NOT!” The outburst made the smaller Johanna panic and raise her voice.


“STOP IT, PLEASE STOP, I AM DOING MY BEST.” The small Johanna covered her ears as she begged, and pleaded.


As panic and fear filled her tiny frame she tried to struggle. But what little force she held meant nothing against the overwhelming maliciousness of her supposed older self, was this the power of her self-doubt?. she looked up at her older face and saw not anger as she expected, but a calm determination.

“But don’t worry from now on things will be different.” And then she felt two hands tightly gripping her neck as she was pushed down upon the comfortable bed.

She kept trying to fight, to push her off. But she did not have the strength. And then darkness took her, as the sound of the heavenly oceans of the afterlife began to appear in her ears. Strange warm wetness began to envelop her form all around her save for her face.

If had thought he would get to keep the three Pokémon, then he would be sorely mistaken. The Mimikyu was quickly joined by its brethren Trevenant and Blastoise outside their respective Pokéballs, once everyone had been transported to the island.

As they saw some of the people who had gone into the light. They all began to feel hope. They began to cry out Johanna’s name in their Pokémon tongues as they searched the beach with great fervor. But it took longer and longer, and yet they saw not a hint of the bright blue hair of their owner.

Trevenant was the first to see it just at the edge of the water, far away from everyone else as if washed up from the sea itself. A wave washed over Johanna’s body as the three Pokémon ran towards their own, pouncing upon her as quickly as they could foregoing all thought of their body weight as they smothered her with happiness.

Trevenant gently raised her upper body so that Johanna was sitting, as Johanna slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she looked at was her hands as she felt a strange sensation from them, though quickly a smile formed upon her lips as she turned her attention to her Pokémon. “See, I told you I’d come back to haunt you all.” And so she was bathed in the salty ocean sea mixed with the happy tears of her Pokémon as they embraced her.

- Angsty scene
- Rejoins with her Pokémon on the beach.


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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 14:11:35 GMT
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Back to normal...ish.

He blinks and they're suddenly back.

They were back at the beaches of Mirage Island. His emotions were back, threatening to spill out as his body trembled, struggling to contain them. Because... his memories were back as well. His name, his family, his failures, his successes, his experiences inside the cloud... and the news of what was currently happening in Galar.

"...!" The man reached with a trembling hand for his phone, before realizing that it was not in his person. Rather, it had been inside one of his coat's inside pockets. The coat Zacian had utterly shredded.

His phone had likely been left at the cloud. He had no way of contacting his family from here. His hands fell to his sides, a deep well of dread rising in his chest. Mere seconds from hyperventilating however, the man quite literally slapped himself.

He breathed in deeply instead, before releasing a low exhale.

His father was wise man. Overly burdened by tradition, but wise nonetheless. His daughters were clever girls, much smarter than he ever was at their age. They would know better than to stay if the devastation made way for Freezington... they would be fine... they would be fine...

As he repeated this mantra to himself, the man began to look around for the people he had come with, and the people he had met with.

, , , , , ...

And of course, . Though the boy was close by already.

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 15:35:39 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The sounds of calm waves and the feeling of warm sand should have been comforting sensations, proof that they had managed to escape from wherever they’d been taken.

Yet Hideo just laid there on the sand, wisps of terror still clinging to his heart. He hadn’t been able to stop anyone from sacrificing themselves - and it sounded as if his Rotom’s interference nearly doomed them all.

Even with everyone back - he could hear ’s voice (and could remember her name) - that near-disaster gnawed at him.

And what was he supposed to do now? He didn’t know how he could stop that meteor, how to stop the destruction of so many alternate universes, how to deal with that “Dark Triad” or whatever got mentioned. Was he just supposed to sit around with the knowledge of their universe’s impending demise?

He could feel the tingly-sensation of a Rotom pressing against his cheek. “I’m…alright,” he muttered, sitting up slightly. His hands laid against his once-again-present belly, confirming it really was there again.

Is everyone else alright?” Hideo asked, his question aimed more towards , who he was pretty certain was still nearby.

Still processing everything
Aware they're out
Can remember 's name, can hear her, has his belly back
Asks if everyone's back

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 18:02:32 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
nothing really did matter in the end.

those that tried to stop the deletion of data didn't successfully wasted the sacrifice done by the others and the people that volunteered themselves all came back anyways. kyle's thankful he didn't use that much effort to try and solve things.

as they are reuploaded back to reality, kyle takes a moment to observe everyone else. he makes himself scarce and walks to the other side of the mirage island, away from the crowd, and lets catch up with .

facts were tested. he allows his smeargle to rip through space-time with its sketched spatial rend, which at least tells kyle that everything that happened was real.

the urge to tease the being responsible for space distortions was there, but he decides against it. he takes the third pokeball he hasn't used and reminisces about the event that just transpired.

it now has their address, right?

  • wanders away from the crowd for self reflection

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 18:08:52 GMT
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Her arms close on nothing.

is gone.

Ormr rattles his tail as he senses her distress, and she whips towards , eyes more of that of a beast than a humans'. If she wasn't so busy saving him, she could have actually saved someone she cared about!

"Ormr, k-" Her deadly words were cut off as the platform suddenly rocked, the incoming SYSTEM RESTORE keeping her from doing anything else.


And then they were back. All of them. The Salamance. The Ponyta. Alexei. With the calm ocean before her, she might have thought it was just a nightmare. Springing to her feet, Kaida fixed her eyes on Memo and stomped towards him. She no longer had murderous intent, but fury still drove her fist into the man's face. It was smaller than he deserved, but she had better things to do.

And just as suddenly, she rushed towards Alexei. She hadn't yet remembered her shame and threw her arms around him, "You didn't die!" And then her shame returned, and she jerked back as if burned. She did that without even asking! "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Somehow in the end, despite her happiness, she drew away again, still managing the words. "It...that person said this is all going to end...but it still looks nice out there, doesn't it?"

TLDR: Kaida is THIS close to killing before the SYSTEM RESTORE happens and returns everyone to the real world. There, she is ecstatic, punches , hugs , and then remembers her shame.

Pokemon: Ekans: Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Yamega: Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team. Can use Z-move Overspeed!
Araquanid: Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 20:37:06 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Some people ran to their arms of their friends, their Pokemon, their loved ones. Others couldn't bear to even face these cursed waters anymore, running for their lives at the earliest opportunity. Of all the group to have a wider perspective, it was none other than a kid. 's small voice cut through the crowd, asking if everyone was alright.[break][break]

Was he alright? . . . Fuck it. That was Tomorrow Isaac's problem.[break][break]

"I think it's gonna be a while before any of us are. At least, not all the way through," Isaac admitted. "But we're out of there. There's no god-machine picking holes in our brains and throwing us into life or death scenarios just to see what happens. We escaped. We're alive. And we're ourselves again. So y'know what? I'm calling that a win."[break][break]

Sure, Isaac had no idea what nightmares would arise from all of this. He had no idea if this would be the last time they'd have a run in with Moldy Cena or whatever his name was. And if he really wanted to be technical, he had no idea if he was even the same Isaac anymore or not. Maybe he really did die back there and he was just some kind of cybernetic reconstruction. Or maybe nobody ever left, and they were all just stuck in some simulated Hoenn.[break][break]

Yeah, sure. And maybe he'd win the lottery tomorrow, become the King of Hoenn, and hit a 6-foot growth spurt. Maybes didn't mean jack shit.[break][break]

Another person, , pointed out how nice everything looked outside. "He also said ten of us were going to need to die, yet here we are," he said. "Far as I care? When your argument relies on deleting parts of people's brains, piece by piece, just to start making sense, you're in the wrong in my books."[break][break]

Even with that mind breakage accounted for, his plan didn't go off without a hitch. People switched positions with their friends and loved ones as if they were playing a deadly game of musical chairs. Others tried to debate their situation, despite the majority being too panicked, worn down, and broken to listen. Still others tore at the very foundations of the Cyberspace to bring an end to this deadly game.[break][break]

"Besides. Even after he pulled all that junk, he still only got ten of us," Isaac said. "If that tells me anything, it's that Hoenn's got more fight to it than any of us could have guessed. Today, we proved him wrong. Tomorrow, we prove the prove the meteor wrong."[break][break]

Did the freshly bleeding eye make him less reassuring? Or did having such spirit even in the face of all that pain only make it shine brighter?


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 22:46:01 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was painful. Despite her words, not a single voice seemed to respond in even acknowledgement from within that chaos. It was as if the world was falling apart around them as every individual and their dissonant wills had conglomerated into an unholy mess--something that was far beyond the simple idea of disorder.

All she could do was watch the chaos spiral and spiral until inevitably, the words System Failure and System Restore popped up.

All she could do was stand powerless as the blinding light from then consumed everything.




The crisp noise of the waves crashing against each other and against the shoreline smashed into her ears as she realized that her feet were now firmly planted against a sandy shore. Her feet grew damp as they were covered and then uncovered by the rolling of the tides. But none of it felt as defining as the crisp sky and the presence of the sun off in the distance.

The world she and the others felt so unnatural. Despite all of the Porygon and Unown. Despite all of the towering skyscrapers and visions, it all seemed to lack something that only left it leaving a friction between her and it.

But as the sun moved towards the horizon, she could only feel for once that she was back.

And it was not just her. The parts of her body that she had lost had returned. The Pokemon who had been deleted in the unfathomable chaos were back in their balls.

But none of that seemed to register in the immediate moment.

"I remember."

Despite the fact that she had felt something patently important was missing, she had felt herself still being able to move. After all, when one carved away those things that she had lost, what was left behind was the blindingly brilliant person she used to be--a light that shone even in the aftermath of death. A young woman who was perfectly content fighting for something smaller.

A person who used to be so blindingly brilliant until it was blotted out by a series of events leaving behind a trail of blood and carnage.

Those events had happened to her. They were so intrinsically her, it could not be second-guessed.

And yet, they almost felt like no longer her. Whatever personality and memories that had been deleted had been restored, and yet Elaine could not feel somewhat distant to those aspects. The grandiosity. The ambition. The fear.

Was she the young woman who took care to not step upon the smaller things or the one who desired to erase all sin through absolute force?

Had the person she had been died unceremoniously in that space, leaving behind and even older self?

The sun shone upon her face. The breeze seemed to caress her cheeks as it rustled her hair.

And tears fell down her face.

Even knowing of being nearby, she asked a question to nobody in particular but herself.

"Really, who am I?"

  • Who is Elaine Highland now and who has she become?
  • Did a part of her die in cyberspace?

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing