rangers rising

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 23:15:12 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver didn't react much to Sacha's outburst. He simply shrugged as if to say that it's alright. And just continued to listen in and sit back and watch the fireworks. Although when whispered to him if this was normal, Ollie whispered back. "Beats me. I transferred from Johto eight-ish months ago, and this is the first major everyone come here meeting I've been to." And he admittedly hasn't had much interaction with most people here. So he just listened some more, with calling for order, in which thanked. One part of good news was that the Head Ranger didn't put up with this crap.

Which was probably why got away one of the lightest, because he apologized. Then he went into what he saw when he investigated something. After a really bold declaration that he needed to find and befriend Raikou, Josh sat back down and cried. In Ollie's mind, the man really should have remembered more, particularly the orchestrators of this thing. Nevertheless, he didn't say a word nor blame the man for his breakdown.

interacted with
Maintains an observer position
Doesn't think about/blame Josh much about his report, does think he should have remembered more about the head honchos and other important details.

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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
Know stars guide you through the darkest night.
126 posts
Talia Celes DOLLARS
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Talia Celes
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 23:32:11 GMT
Talia Celes Avatar
i'll chase the light of that distant star
Talia's restraint was palpable, her cheeks reddening with indignation as made comments to the effect of the entire Slateport unit being at risk of dismissal should anyone act up again. Hadn't she ultimately held her tongue when asked by ? It irked her, to be painted by so wide a brush, and for to be likewise chided publicly for speaking as he had.

Bureaucracy is an unfair thing, Talia. Deep breaths. Just don't make matters worse.

Still, the injustice of it all irritated her. Greatly.

When decided to share the events of Mirage Island, Talia found herself blessedly distracted and then intrigued; this was a voyage she herself had not undertaken, and she wanted to be more versed in the happenings of Hoenn. The future outlined was bleak, and the devastation of the Johto deities of Ho-oh and the three Mythical Beasts struck a chord in the Ecruteak City native.

In another place and time, she had been meant to be a kimono girl honoring those very legends through song and dance.

She was not squeamish, and the sight of the PSYCHO CUT wound didn't faze her in the slightest. She had been willing to listen to the detailing of events, but something in its conclusion struck an off chord with her.

It seemed to misunderstand some fundamental aspect of these beings she so revered and respected, and had all her life.

"...Thank you for sharing your experience, Ranger Devlin," Talia said softly, pausing before continuing. She did not wish to agitate the mental state of the distraught man any further, after all. "I would however caution against entrusting the fate of Hoenn in the hands of such legendary deities. They are living beings far beyond our understanding and ken. They act on their own accord, and for their own reasons. It is a mistake to project our own wants onto them."

It was a gentle rebuke, this time. One that Talia hoped he would take with the grace it was intended.

"If we want to change the future, we must do it ourselves. The blessings of godly beings are for them to give, not for us to ask for."

  • Talia annoyed that she's being lumped in with the pie tossing chaos.
  • Secretly doesn't think did anything wrong.
  • Very interested in the future outlined by , and upset because she's from Johto and v. religious about its pantheon.
  • Cautions Devlin against trusting Legendary Pokémon to fix Hoenn, when they are independent creatures with their own will.

+ others ● rangers rising ●
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 0:00:33 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida locked eyes with , only barely just remembering that he had been present. A small look was tossed 's way, in what she hoped was recognized as a non-hostile (for once) gaze. I will speak soon.

People had lost sight of themselves, their memories, and all kinds of parts of their personality there. Losing simple shame had been a lucky stroke, she likely had remembrance that quite a few people didn't have.

So as Josh finished his harrowing tale, Kaida suddenly stood up, stretching like a lazy feline.

"Thank you Josh...I know that kind of bond with a Pokemon, please, try to protect it." She firmly emphasized the word, not knowing the other Ranger enough to know pure admiration from simply wanting to capture the subject of his love. The gods were finicky things, bringing her to life one moment, battling her the next. Admiration should be careful, and understanding of their will and power. Instead, she focused on her own thoughts of the event. "I remember. I was there too, so was Memo. Someone else too, but he's not a Ranger. Let me try to add where Josh forgot."

Was it wrong to bring him into this conversation without asking? Maybe. The Rangers needed all the information they could get though. She could specify Alexei if needed, but for now, she thought it only important to get the Ranger's account.

"Everyone there, that person Maldacena told us that everyone there would be responsible for that future...or should I say futures?"

She brought a finger to her head, continuing to speak, "Parts of ourselves started being taken away when we were there, but I was lucky enough to only lose my...my shame. My memories were the same. So I remember. I remember what was said, and every Hoenn, everywhere in every...um...dimension? It'll all be destroyed, and it's supposed to start now...this meteor. Stopping it, I mean, makes everything be destroyed."

She swayed in place a few seconds, as if to sit down, then abruptly remembered she probably shouldn't leave such grim news in the air.

"It's ok, I don't believe it, much. And at least now we know, right?"

TLDR: Listens and recognizes the events that describes and adds in her own account, recognizing that she was lucky to neither lose her memories or important facets of her personality, and thus has a good account of what happened.

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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Caleb Harcourt
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 0:54:03 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


What the hell was going on here? One minute, the Rangers were receiving an important update on the safety of Hoenn; the next, pies were flying around the room. Caleb had just narrowly missed getting hit by the pie that clipped , the smell of cinnamon and spice rushing past. The real shame was that the pies had actually looked good. Caleb would have to ask for one later - after everything had died down. Which, eventually, it did - but not before 's unit was scolded, despite the majority of the Slateport Rangers having actually refrained from getting involved in 's antics. Good on Callie to shake things up, Caleb thought, but he hadn't wanted to make matters worse for .[break][break]
Tam didn't need more of a headache, no matter how childish many of the folks around Caleb were acting. It'll be a migraine before the end of this meeting if the mood around here doesn't improve. He stole a glance at his Captain, wishing there was more he could do for the other man. He'd volunteered to help, hadn't he? He was sitting with his fellow Slateport Rangers, wasn't he? He could have walked out at any time himself, but he was still here. Caring is dangerous, the familiar quiet, still-grieving voice whispered in the back of his mind, but he shrugged it off. People were starting to speak again - specifically . Something about the legendary Raikou?[break][break]
What the actual fuck? Does this guy really think legendary Pokémon are sending him visions of Hoenn's future? Caleb wondered with a frown that did not hide his incredulity. He wanted to open his mouth to protest Josh's hubris in making such absurd claims, but beat him to it - and her words were far more civil, and far more diplomatic, than Caleb's would have been.[break][break]
Still, Caleb felt the urge to speak...keeping Tam's reputation in mind, he cleared his throat and said, "Look, I agree with Talia. If we want to protect Hoenn, we have to take matters into our own hands. I fled the war in Kanto three years ago - I ran away rather than stay and fight. Sure, it would have been an impossible fight to win. But I guess a part of me still regrets that I...left." Left without doing anything to avenge the members of the Kanto resistance his superiors had forced him to torture and kill. Left without saying so much as a single word to about his decision. Left with so much blood on his hands, the grief of it all still an open wound that had not yet begun to heal. Did he really think he deserved what had offered him?[break][break]
"So, anyway, we need to do what we can to protect the people we care about. We can't rely on anybody else - legendary Pokémon or no - to do that for us." He shrugged and sat back down. So much for being any good at public speaking. He took a long sip of his beer.



+ Caleb earned a Move Tutor for bringing more beer to the meeting and speaking to two people (he's also about to grab some pizza)[break]
+ Caleb earned a Green Shard for reacting to the promotions and the Ranger news[break]
+ Caleb earned a gachapon ticket for reacting to the information shared by and sharing some thoughts of his own

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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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Julia Davis
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 1:47:12 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia breathed out a soft sigh of relief when the meeting was called to order again... and, admittedly, because she wasn't one of the ones being reprimanded. She felt sorry for , but she understood why it had to be done. He may have been defending his friend, but he'd kind of flown off the handle while doing so. Hopefully his punishment wouldn't be too bad... At least he was taking it gracefully.

[break][break]Then, with the floor open again, he called for everyone's attention. She could only listen, first with concern and then shock, as he recounted what he could remember from the events of the Mirage Island expedition. So this was what Josh had meant when he said he'd seen a future... but it had clearly been more painful than just that. Just the thought of seeing her own beloved Pokémon dead with her unable to do anything about it felt like a spike being jammed into her heart.

[break][break]Julia didn't turn away when Josh lifted his shirt to reveal the still-healing wound on his abdomen. She didn't consider herself squeamish, but she still gasped sharply when she saw it. She knew without Josh saying so that it had to have been painful.

[break][break]She'd been listening closely to his entire speech, but she sat up straighter when Josh said he could trust the Rangers with whatever he was about to say. And once he had told everyone his dream, how he hoped to change Hoenn's supposed future, he collapsed into his chair, sobbing. Julia's first instinct was to reach out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, a silent way of saying she was there for him. She still had questions, like what "derezzed" meant and just what kind of place he had been in, but those could come later. She was more focused on trying to comfort her friend.

[break][break]"I had no idea all that happened to you..." she said softly. "It must have been such a relief to come back and see your Pokémon alive and well again." Julia tried to voice the positive side of the whole ordeal, hoping that could help Josh calm down.

[break][break]She looked at as she cautioned against relying on a legendary Pokémon to solve all their problems. "I think you're both right. One way or another, we need to take the future into our own hands and do everything in our power to stop it from turning out like what Josh saw. If a legendary Pokémon helps us out, then that's awesome! If not, we'll just have to do it ourselves."

[break][break] filled in the gaps in Josh's memory, and they were even bleaker than what Josh had described. But... "That doesn't make any sense. How does stopping the meteor destroy everything else?" They were just sending it to one hostile dimension, right? So how could the other dimensions, whatever those were, be affected?




  • Earned a Gachapon ticket for reacting to Josh Devlin's speech
  • Julia's glad things are back on track
  • She tries to comfort after his recounting of the morbid events of CC
  • Agrees with both Josh and that they need to take the future into their own hands, one way or another
  • Doesn't get how stopping the meteor will doom the other dimensions like says


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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 2:39:08 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar


Jack glares resentfully at his empty plate. Eating had been a good excuse to not engage with the emotional speeches and the yelling and even the pie throwing. Unfortunately, he was out of food and the heavy tension in the room keeps him in his chair rather than allowing him to grab a second plate. He listens politely to the Head Ranger until the man reprimands Captain Fawley. Immediately, Jack's brow furrows at the pointed rebuke of the Slateport team. Captain Fawley is the only Ranger leader I ever see and now these assholes with a big chip on their shoulder want to throw their weight around?[break][break]

After years of practice submitting to authority and being the teacher's pet, Jack easily keeps his mouth shut but the words seem to bounce around inside his skull relentlessly. Yeah, the whole pie throwing was bad. Well, fucking unhinged to be honest, but still. Jack recognizes this loyalty toward the Captain may be somewhat irrational, but he had joined the Rangers to help people, and so far Captain Fawley had been the only one he'd seen helping with his own eyes. After he had witnessed those two thieves stealing Spoink pearls, Jack had felt called to join the Rangers but now he was sitting in a room watching leadership berate people for worrying about their families and friends rather than falling in line with the League's controversial plan. Controversial is putting it mildly. This isn't the career helping people and pokemon that I imagined.[break][break]

Light pressure on his leg shifts Jack's attention to Watts as the Boltund rests his head on his trainer's leg under the table. Jack pets the pokemon, feeling the sugary detritus of pie in the canine's fur. At least there will be less to clean up now, and if Watts throws up it'll be a good excuse to get out of here. Still, Jack was not prepared for the tale that Cadet Devlin shared with the group. He glances suspiciously at his empty plate, wondering if someone has dosed the potluck with hallucinogens. As the man proclaims he is going to learn to ride a legendary pokemon, thoughts continue banging around inside Jack's skull, desperate to be let out. What the fuck. With enormous self-control, he keeps his teeth together. [break][break]

Jack is taken by surprise when Caleb stands from the chair next to him, though the man's inelegant words provide a soothing balm for the incredulity churning in Jack's head. This definitely could have been an e-mail.



+ Jack thinks everyone is being kind of an asshole.[break]
+ Watts has been eating pies off the floor after the food fight.[break]
+ Jack thinks Josh Devlin's proclamation about Raikou is crazy.[break]

[newclass=.jackpost]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".jackpost .jackpkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,614 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 3:44:49 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","frlandslidetop"] Ranger Rising

And again comes the cussing as still seems pissed about being called out on his actions. And for the most part Razz was fine about taking it, his eye only narrowing when the other basically mentioned he should go blind before he tried to step out. Not before seems to come to his aide by attempting to throw a pie at his offender. While under normal circumstances he wouldn't have approved of it, it was a clear move to try and lighten the air after the coward's malevolent words.[break][break]

So when seems to give a 'can you believe this' look Razz shrugs, "Tensions are high and I think it was an attempt to lighten the mood," he whippers to her as it seems like everyone else saw to it differently. Razz taking his seat still clean despite the pie as Salem would have made sure to protect them from any pie. He only looks up when attempts an apology. "Your 'recruit' wished me harm, I'll accept your apology if that's what you want but," Razz offers, never having been that offended by the other's outburst at him, just his judgement and actions for a trainee. A single eye looks toward the door before looking back to the older man, "I owe your friend nothing." [break][break]

Besides that actions speak louder than anything else, and while he respects the other's leaving for a slightly better reason matching that similar to @arashi's. He still looks down on the action as this wasn't professional behavior. Though at least it seems like some captains like agreed with his view about other's complaints. Once again he keeps to himself until makes his little speech and there is some surprise there as he was called out for his apparent actions? He makes a fist in annoyance but it's Salem's meowing that gets his attention, and calms him, unclenching his fist as he gives a simple "tch," in response. Going to his phone and sending a message to his dispatcher. [break][break]

Once more he is quiet as he allows others the chance to share what they knew, sharing his experience in the Cloud. And while he does feel some sympathy for the other having lost his pokemon during it, he does roll his eye slightly at the remark about Raikou. This felt like the fiasco with again. "They're called the Drk Triad," Razz adds in to clarify, "They're a group of Avatar Hunters that apparently come from another world, they have already killed two of our own when they got their hands on Ranger Blair Ashton and ," Razz drops the names and while he doubt anyone but and Lavaridge's Rangers would know that name, he does hope that the name of a former Elite Ranger and Elite Four would ring some bells. [break][break]

"As it is would also be a target for them so there is no need to add another, not only that if you can't do the job without a legend on your side, you won't be able to do the job with them," he gives @senon a glance as he says this, because the memory of just demanding Tapu Bulu was still fresh. Not only that but hes speaking from experience himself, not that any but those in AQUA or the First Terminal would know. "And while in the Cloud by the sounds of it two out of three groups had to face down legends, guess who won?" he continues on to remind everyone in the room that legends weren't as invincible as they seemed.[break][break]

Annoying sure as proved with Lugia, but not invincible.



+ Outfit Ref
[break]+ Razz whispers to
[break]+ Accepts 's apology, but does not forgive @matt
[break]+ Glares at for being unjustly punished, part of him curious if its personal.
[break]+ Give information about the Drk Triad


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 5:16:03 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

This anger felt wrong. She disliked it. Like poison running through her vein, burning each cell it touched. And yet it had filled her for a brief moment, enough to call the unprofessionalism out. And though it tried to keep latched on, she pushed it away as she found her chair once more and sat back down.

The comforting weight of ’s jacked found its way to her shoulder. Its smell, though the owner was right beside her still eased away the anger that tried to hold on. She accepted the pocket cloth that he offered her in these trying times and used it to clean her face of what pie pieces she had not gotten on her first swipe. “Thank you.” She quietly spoke to him. She wanted to give him a kiss, but she had just berated everyone for being unprofessional, and so she had to adhere to her own demands.

And so she sat there quietly watching as her anger awoke . He called everyone to attention, explained to everyone in no uncertain terms that this was not all right, and even pointed out that anything she saw here, would most likely be informed to the rest of the council.

And from that, the next topic of the meeting spawned. This time they were to share information. She didn’t have a lot to share, luckily , , , and had more than enough for the whole lot of them. She listened with great interest as they regaled their tales, taking particular note of Josh’s experience. Though it had been but a vision, in the end, the pain of loss was real. Like a dagger to the heart, she felt his loss for it was a pain she was all too familiar with. And still, he stood here proclaiming his dream to the others, and that was brave, for she knew how self-conscious about it telling it, he was.

And so she decided to say nothing, only sending a very empathetic gaze toward Josh. She had nothing to add to that tale, and for now, would let the other Rangers discuss this experience.

Though for those who might be keeping their tabs on her. They might notice that the moment assassins targeting were mentioned, she would tense up and gaze towards her cousin. If anyone even dared try, then the anger she had shown before would be naught but a drop in the ocean compared to this.

OOC: Gachapon earned
- Accepts Callan's caring gestures, wants to send him kissies
- Goes on to listen to lars, speech.
- Then listens to the tales of Cyberchase with a particular focus on Josh's painful experiences.
- Assassins' no assassinating's Lars, plox!


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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Josh Dragomir
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 5:37:18 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

As nothing was going on except for more arguing, screaming and yelling, Josh had decided to sneak out amongst the crowds to take a tactical leak. When he came back, there was cream pie everywhere and Big Boss had just finished laying down the law.

Once the suspensions were handed out, the floor was opened. After a few choice words by his younger half, where Josh listened with renewed interest as he told his story, it seemed that was his cue. Josh had to wonder why he wasn’t called up by name considering his boss had summoned him here and requested he bring the goods with him, but he supposed it could be worse. Imagine if his name had been called while he was taking a whizz? Talk about embarrassing. And the Rangers had seen enough embarrassment for one day.

But he had one thing to note before he got started.

“Kid. I want you to listen well, and listen good. The future isn’t just capable of changing — it already has. You SAW the future, yeah? That’s knowledge that most likely you wouldn’t have if that future was still coming to pass. The future’s already changed. It can and will continue to change. Remember that and don’t let go of that possibility. Ever. Am I clear?” Josh called to Little Josh, in his best attempt to cheer him up. “Don’t you dare lose hope. Not now. Not ever.”

With that, he knew it was his time to go up and try to bring something less grim. Still, it was difficult to wipe the frown from his features as he was stuck thinking about what had said about the Avatar Hunters. The Lavaridge Ranger knew one of those names well… And with that, his thoughts continued to dwell on what had gone through. And he was sure the idea that people were trying to hurt his co-workers would weigh on the heart of young Devlin even more than it had already.

“Just as I was. Far too young to have to go through that…” the Senior Ranger whispered to himself. It had to end…

He would protect Hoenn and its people. These things he’d been forced to endure when he was Devlin’s age. The things the kid now had to endure…

“May I have everyone’s attention a moment?”

His tone was calm, but firm and booming. For a moment, his voice trembled, struggling with his thoughts… But he soon found his confidence. Because he had made his decision. He would NOT suffer a world where his own children would be forced to go through that level of hardship at a young age. That was his solemn vow. It shouldn’t have happened then… It shouldn’t have happened now. He would end this cycle one way or another.

“Ahem… Ladies, gentlefolks, non-binary friends, and Pokemon pals alike. Hi, my name is Josh Dragomir, not to be mistaken or in relation to the other Josh D in the room. Alongside my duties as a Senior Ranger, don’t let my boyish charms and youthful good looks fool you on that — and my long career as part of the world military in some fashion or another… I’m an executive vice president of tech company RaiCorp” he spoke up, perhaps a touch more deadpan than one would expect a company representative to be, but what did you expect after all the shit he’d had to deal with today?

“My original intention was to come up here all excited, raising my voice like, ‘HERE WE GO! WAHOO! PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR THIS THINGY! RA RA GO RANGERS!’ but that doesn’t seem to match the vibe anymore and you clearly all got your excitement out of your system when the pies started to fly. So I’m just gonna skip the theatrics and tell you what the hell I’m doing here.”

With that, Josh would reach behind his ear and tap it. The earpiece hidden behind his long hair would extend to reveal a pair of sunglasses that would reach to his other ear. He would reach into the air then, tapping invisible buttons before hitting one that would reveal a holographic interface for all to see. With a swish of two fingers, the interface would grow in size to be better seen by even those lurking in the back, nursing their pie wounds.

“May I present to you… Well, the name’s still a WIP, Head Ranger man was asking about it before I could file a name patent, so I’ll just describe it” Josh began his introduction, a small smile crossing his features as he began to slowly inject bits and pieces of humor into a conversation that desperately needed that calming balm if they were to get anything done.

He was thinking “HoloVision”. Would that be too on the nose?

“These sunglasses are a prototype of a RaiCorp product that I have been personally overseeing development on. They have been verified as being ready for the field, but obviously there’s the potential for bugs. Head Ranger Anderson and RaiCorp have reached an agreement that in exchange for field testing and providing feedback, I would supply Hoenn’s Rangers with variants of this prototype that have been modified for the purposes of the Rangers. While not perfect just yet by any means, they should serve you well in the coming months. And we need all the help we can get.”

He would hit a holographic button then, and the interface would disappear. “By default, this holographic interface can only be seen by the wearer. You can interact with it via touch or voice commands, similarly to our HoloWatch if anyone here has used one before. Like the HoloWatch, it has access to the internet, phone services, messaging…”

He would bring up the interface again, bringing up a map of the city.

“… It can access local maps, and yes, if I wasn't clear, you can choose to project it for others to see if you need it to” he conveyed as he would tap a building on a map. It would flash and text would appear stating “Lilycove Contest Hall”, just to serve as an example. “And then pop it back into purely your own personal sight at will, all in the perfect disguise of a simple pair of sunglasses. Where you can continue to pull up information on relevant Pokemon, and information on wherever you are. But…”

Swiping it to the side, he would bring up a new set of information on Lilycove. Some might recognize it as being part of the Rangers’ files.

“These glasses in particular are connected to the Rangers’ network and satellites. It can send and receive information to and from any Ranger base in Hoenn, including headquarters, giving you access to our files as is necessary. It can also transmit information to the devices of other Rangers, including sending a GPS signal to the nearest Ranger devices if you’re in danger.”

His expression turned somber for a moment. “Considering all that’s happened recently, I think everyone can agree that backup is the best thing that any of us could ask for in these situations. It may not look it right now. But we’re a unit. We need to depend on one another if we’re going to see this through. And that’s why I’ve done all I can to think up how to best ensure efficiency when help does arrive.”

He would hit a button and look around at the group. They would be able to see on the screen what Josh was seeing — all of them, highlighted in orange.

“For search and rescue operations. Whether for a civilian, or your fellow Ranger. This sensor detects heat signatures and shows enough of a figure for you to guess what and who it might be, and the level of heat allows the device to guess whether it be a person or Pokemon, or how well their life signs are faring. If they have a ranger’s version of the device, of course, it will identify them with it. Course, we’ve also implemented security measures and failsafes so that this doesn’t fall into enemy hands. The glasses are designed to be registered to a user, memorizing your face and voice. If someone tries to hack it, it’ll recognize it, send a report to the nearest base and promptly cut off its connection to the Ranger information network until maintenance can be done at base to restore functions.”

With that, Josh took a deep breath as he turned the device off, and the glasses would gently retract back into the earpiece. He would then pull out the box he had been hiding.

“All interested parties are free to come forward and take one to try out for their missions. They’re not perfected yet, it's meant to be very adjustable to fit different sets of heads and eyes, but some might take some getting used to. At the least, I can guarantee that they’re not gonna crush your melon if you adjust them right. Hopefully when they’re complete, if they work out, I would like to be able to give the option for custom orders to perfectly fit the wearer’s melon measurements.”

So with that, he’d set the box on the table. “So don’t be shy. Feel free to take one. Just one, please, you don’t need two and I shouldn’t need to have to smack your hand like a child caught sneaking one outta the cookie jar.”

- Josh reveals a set of super spy sunglasses with holo tech, modified for the Rangers’ use.

- You can all take one. There should be enough for everyone.

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 6:01:15 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Elinor’s attention was moved to as he began to reveal fancy new gifts for the Rangers. As he spoke and showed off these new spy glasses. She was reminded of ’s very own Holowatch. While she had intended to get one of her own, it seemed like she didn’t have to now.

She quickly went up, snatched one, and went back to her seat as she began to fiddle around with it. “This is neat,” Elinor commented as she finally figured out how to make it unfold. “I know you’ve mentioned security measures, and I will admit I am not much of a tech person, so I apologize in advance if I am about to make fool of myself here.” She paused as she thought about her wording.

“But what measures have been taken to make sure these aren’t trackable by unwanted parties? I mean, as fancy as they are. I wouldn’t want to make our Rangers into target practice for Rocket Ambushes.” Perhaps it was a bit of a rough wording, and perhaps GPS signals didn’t work like that, what did she know, but it was a valid concern in her mind?

OOC: Gachapon earned
- Elinor Snatches a fancy pair
- Then asks questions.



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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 18:35:34 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

He sort of just… detaches, from the meeting at large. It devolves into arguing and yelling and cheap shots and a whole roomfull of egos crammed together each trying to one-up each other. He realizes his points are going to be falling (mostly, not entirely, but mostly) on deaf ears, and it does seem like he and his team, such as they are (his, now), are going to be alone.

He gives a small smile. Not alone. They would have each other.

Everyone’s priorities lay elsewhere. Everyone’s opinions are varied. He shifts back, out of the meeting, out of himself, dissociating in a way he hasn’t had to do since he came to Hoenn. There’s a curl of dread in his gut, combined with the sort of sick satisfaction that comes from fine-tuning a survival skill that you hope you never have to use again.

keeps waggling the promise of equipment over their heads like a dog biscuit, expecting everyone to come to heel at the assurance of a shiny new toy. As though they’re all children.

It doesn’t work, unsurprisingly. But points to him for trying.

Someone leaves. Inconsequential.

Tensions are high. People are cursing. The Slateport crew wants to leave, apparently. Also inconsequential. Those with little importance reveal themselves in the brightest way.

says he’s right. Knock him over with a feather. He gives her the ghost of a smile.

He listens when begins to fill them in on Primal Points. This is why they’re here, after all. “Heard.”

brings up the Petalburg v. Fortree thing again and Memo has to resign himself to realizing not everyone has the context. He’d wasted enough time harping on that point to no avail. “I’d rather not leave things to chance. Call me a worrier.” Maybe he was picking up more from than he thought.

Then his cousin walks in. And it seems like he’s meant to calm everything down, but things only get worse, somehow. He makes brief eye-contact with to show that he’s not being ignored, then turns to as the Head Ranger speaks.

More preaching on unity and clarity (he’d already tried, it wasn’t new.)

(He was so far dissociated that he didn’t even realize was talking about his Cyberchase Hell and when Lars asked for reports he visibly winced in pain.)

Lars quickly goes to work with orders and assigning units in particular directions. When it’s time for his instructions, he says again, “Heard, sir.” Because of course he’s going to do his best to protect everyone, why else would he be here?

He can feel bristling from across the room like she wants to jump the table and rip his throat out with her teeth. Sorry, Kaida.

Things heat up again. Like a pot of water constantly being moved on and off a lit burner. Someone else leaves. Inconsequential.

The councilwoman chimes in, in particular councilwoman fashion-- repeating known facts in a measured voice to sound important. Inconsequential.

You’re still here. Your body is still here. Don’t go too far. Don’t.

Then someone throws a fucking pie. It’s the vulgar woman from before (inconsequential). What a joke. A sickly smile crawls across his face, a feeling like relief-- not exactly, but close to it-- worming over his skin. Not my monkeys, not my circus.

He has to tamp down on a series of delirious giggles that threaten to spill over. Pinches his lips shut and breathes measuredly, trying to think of anything that’s the opposite of funny. Verb conjugations.

The councilwoman yells in a surprisingly un-councilwoman voice. It drives him closer to cracking. Don’t lose it. Don’t lose it.

This is fucking crazy.

“This is our lives, now,” he whispers hoarsely to , turning his shaky smile on her.

chimes in and is trying to direct the meeting back towards productive rationalism. It seems like a losing battle.

“I think people are going to be panicked, no matter what,” he says, in response to the brunette’s theory about not needing evacuation. “I don’t want to rely on assumptions and then have it be too late.”

He looks at Lars, again. “Has the League tested this before? In a controlled setting? Would it be possible to see the reports, or run another test, to know what we’re jumping into, here?” His voice is calm and hollow.

Kaida looked at him and he cracked, a bit, but fell in the opposite direction. Instead of wanting to burst into insane laughter, he wanted to cry. Or puke. Or both. It was a mad dash to shove himself back out of his body, to float above it again.

Please, don’t, he shot back at her, mentally-- but obviously, she wasn’t a mind reader.

His name being mentioned is a knife at his throat. He can’t breathe. He has to breathe. He imagines the physical motion of hands pressing down on his lungs, forcing them to exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Kaida talks. He makes no attempts to include himself beyond the mention of his name.

Then, making good on his promise, gets up in front of everyone and dangles his shiny new toy in their face.

They’re neat. They’re very neat. What all they have to do with the situation at hand, Memo doesn’t really know, but they are, definitely, neat. He helps himself to a pair, body moving fluidly despite the numbness that’s settled into his very being. Funny how you can fall back into your habits. “Thanks,” he says to Josh.

He’s ready for the meeting to wrap up. He’s ready to get back home and… cry, maybe, he doesn’t really know. Probably not super great and tough and ideal, but, who gives a fuck. Maybe this wouldn’t have gone so ridiculously AWOL if more of them cried more often. His face falls into a mask of peace as he addresses Lars for a final time.

“We await your word on how, when, and where to set up the Primal Points, sir.”

> the boy knits you a sweater of his eyelashes and you give him PTSD
> to lars: asks if they can see reports/data from prior primal point usage or run a test run, if there's time
> to anna: welcome to the black parade
> takes a pair of sunglasses
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 19:55:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Holy hell were the meetings all like this? And he thought the ones in AQUA could get tension filled, then again did kind of exert that sort of presence that would cut down a man where he stood with one look. (Or make some fans hyped as all hell.) Still guess that's what happens when in a group with a looser leash when its tied to the league. Now he was part of that group, so it was time to make sure that this group didn't fall apart or tear any new seams along it. Or die trying anyway.

As people talked he walked over to @joshdelvin and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gave the man a supportive smile. "That's a tall order to place yourself on, so good luck with that. These legendary creatures sure are a bit of an odd bunch so...try to prepare for the worse that they'll throw at you if you follow their tail. That said..."

His eyes darted around the room to get a good view of all the faces here. "If anyone sees these creatures then we gotta start keeping a record on them. The Dark Triad that Razzy over there ain't the only ones looking to mess with avatars and legendaries, Rocket's also managed to somehow take that power for themselves and give it other people. Kinda ran into one of them who happened to share powers similar to before he upped and disappeared so for all we know they already got to him and took his powers and gave them to a few trusted men. Hell they might even send them after us while we're busy working on dealing with this meteor. So be on the lookout for people tossing around powers."

Would Rocket seriously try and hamper plans like that? Honestly Kazimir couldn't tell anymore so at the very least he could give them warning. He then looked back to with a look of concern before looking away as he imagined what Rocket would do to him if they managed to snatch him up if the Dark Triad didn't. They didn't need Hoenn turning into a literal ice age riddled region if they could stop it.


tries to help keep calm

talks about rocket and their avatar sharing powers

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 21:21:51 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
Orion is quiet, brooding, until the subject of Team Rocket comes up courtesy of . might notice the cadet stiffen at his side, but Orion gives his captain a glance he hopes is reassuring. I'm not going to cause a scene, I promise.

He stands up.

"I've had experience with Rocket." He's incredibly conscious of his prosthetic arm. "They kidnapped me, tortured me, and cut off my arm." He gestures with dark titanium fingers. "I never saw a legendary, nor one of their known avatars. They don't need legendary Pokémon to be a threat, so the thought of them acquiring more power..." His emerald gaze shifts to as he speaks. "What happened to you was unfortunate, but don't get yourself killed chasing dreams. We need every ranger we've got in the days to come."

With his piece said, he sits back down. Cool spy gadgets are temporarily ignored in favour of the exhaustion that overtakes him. I want to go home.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 1:32:28 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oh boy, now they were getting somewhere. Between others that were involved filling in holes, it was time for war stories about Rocket. Though there were also reminders that legends weren't invincible. Annoyingly powerful, but not the end all be all they appeared to be. If experience needs to be known, he'd also mention it. "Back in Johto, I was on the frontlines when Rocket did their assault. I know their threat level without legendaries. I can hold my own if they show up to screw with our plans, and I'm confident enough to deal with a legend if one arrives. Besides, I got a bone to pick with them as well...though maybe not nearly as bad as ." The red head gave a sympathetic look. Poor guy. Not that his own loss of his parents were light either, but he at least was never tortured.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 3:12:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar
i wrestled long with my youth
we tried so hard to live in the truth
but do not tell me all is fine
when i lose my head, i lose my spine

James was content to sit in silence and simply observe, until the pies started flying. His brows knitting, temper beginning to rise, he pushed himself gently away from the table, not to leave the room, but to get out of the apparent lines of fire. He limped towards the wall and leaned up against it, folding his arms stiffly across his chest as he continued to listen.

Rightfully so, punishments were dealt, and the room finally settled once more. Now on edge, he remained standing, shifting his weight from foot to prosthetic foot. began explaining his harrowing story, poor man breaking down in tears. His proclamation was...interesting, however, and James frowned at the thought. The others were right, it was near blasphemous to assume that the gods would simply give you things...He was not a particularly religious man, but that comment rubbed him the wrong way. He felt for the other, though, so he gingerly made his way over to Josh and laid a hand on his shoulder, kneeling to get face-to-face with him. "Hey...you're alright, ain't nothin's gonna happen. We'll get things taken care of, all of us. Just gotta work together. 'S what we do, right?"

James offered him a gentle, reassuring smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. They were all scared. No one knew what was going to happen in its entirety, and that fear of the unknown was practically palpable in the room. All they could do was support each other and the Pokémon and people of Hoenn. He gave Josh's shoulder a final pat and climbed back up to his feet with a grunt, leveraging himself up against his good leg.

Thankfully, boosted everyone's spirits once more, showing off his gifts like a Delibird in winter. Once a couple others had collected glasses, the Ranger limped over to pick one up of his own, peering through them curiously. "Huh...well, I'll be," he muttered to no one in particular, shuffling back to his vacant seat. These were pretty damn cool, he had to admit.
, mentioned • collected GREEN SHARD, collected GACHAPON TICKET.

tldr; james comforts Josh and grabs some sweet peepers


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing