rangers rising

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Zuzu (Josh only)
she / her / hers
april 17
Lavaridge, Hoenn
senior ranger
always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
412 posts
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TAG WITH @izumi
Izumi Yamamura
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 23:00:26 GMT
Izumi Yamamura Avatar

“Hey, you got this.”

Those were her words of comfort to her better half. The chaos wasn’t definitely missed on her, that’s for sure.

Thank hell we’re small but mighty, she added to herself as she watched her husband take to the stage. Hopefully to lighten the tense atmosphere in the room.

She couldn’t help but gigglesnort for a few moments at what was supposed to be his original introduction. Hey, wife privileges, don’t bat an eyelash at that!

She’d actually helped him condense the information—well, as much as she could anyway, because a lot of the technical mumbo-jumbo flew over most of her head—but for the parts where ease of functionality and usage were all concerned, she couldn’t help but grin.

“As Josh—well, my husband over here said, the custom builds are still in the prototype stage on the most part. We aim to strike a balance between design and function, so a custom monocle order isn’t too far off.”

Or, in the case of , an entirely new racing helmet of some kind.

“Further down the road as the reports from the field tests that everyone here can run—please do help us out—we may be able to expand further connectivity to additional information networks covered by the League as well. We get first dibs to test these out though.”

• waifu cheering her better half on
• adds on that expansion to cover other League-centric information network feeds is possible, given enough field testing time

+ other tag mentioned above!

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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2022 1:44:12 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

”what the fuck…” slateport rangers were wild. bo could only stare at first, hoping this behavior would not reflect poorly on all of the rangers present. his people (npcs) were behaving, at least.

then, a pie sailed towards someone in his ranks. granted, had plenty of authority to handle such a situation herself, but he finally rose from his seat involuntarily. same thought as initially: not his monkeys, not his circus—until they started messing with his family. then it was high time to talk to the ring leader.

”fawley—” his voice was deep and loud, and a certain rage wrinkled into his face that most would not have seen before.

then, before he could get any further, beat him to the punch. of all the people bo was in charge of at rustboro, she was a special case for now a multitude of reasons. councilwoman and relation to , her authority lived in her voice, cracking like a whip over the chaos. he sat back down, licking his own unspoken words off his lips. when spoke, bo noted the lack of apology with a shake of his head.

then they moved on. there was ’s recount of the cloud, something he’d been made aware of, but he listened closely still. when hope was offered to the young ranger, they moved on to ’s introduction of raicorp's gear.

for the first time during the meeting, bo would finally voice an opinion, adding onto the concerns elinor had already voiced.

”yeah, these sound great—but i’m also skeptical about using prototypes in the field at a time like this. i don’t wanna lose contact with my unit if there’s a malfunction during an emergency—especially if i’m keeping track of people a city over.” he got up from his seat again to go pick one out of the box. ”we’d still rely on our old comms while we’re testing these, right?”
ranger meeting / + regular gachapon ticket
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February 14th
Icirrus City, Unova
Does it matter?
Slateport Ranger Capt.
Ranger Captain
166 height
166 height
Don't know, don't care.
518 posts
Tam Fawley DOLLARS
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Tam Fawley
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2022 10:21:52 GMT
Tam Fawley Avatar

Every single ranger here must need an ear exam. That’s the only logical explanation Tam can come up with as to why they would all choose to ignore the fact that what had drive to act as she did (wrong as she may have been), was that insulted the disability of a ranger who, in Tam’s own opinion, has done more for this region than most people here combined. Do they really care so little for him just because he works for Silph Co or some bullshit? His respect for the few of them he actually did respect is lost, and it's lost fast.
Yet, true to his nature, Tam doesn’t bother with meaningless retorts. He doesn’t bother with arguments to which he sees no point. He addresses one person and one person alone:
”Kingsman.” Usually, he’d just call him ‘Razz’, but this time there’s a stern note when the Slateport Captain turns to look at from where he sits. ”Thank you again for everything you do for the region. Don’t take what one cadet said to heart. You've earned your place here, more than most of us have.”
That’s it. He adds no more than that.
He goes back to silently listening to what everyone has to say, a hand calmly petting the Yamper who sits by the table. He pays attention to every single word of explanation about his tech, he follows ’s intricate tale about the place their reports had described, and he says nothing of his opinions on all of that. He doesn't take a pair of glasses, but he also doesn't explain that this mostly due to believing that this is not the time for their budget to be spent in such a manner.
Only once speaks up is Tam pulled away from perfectly stoic silence, for he knows well that there is no way that sharing what Team Rocket had done to him with this room full of strangers could have been easy for the man by his side. So, when Orion sits back down, the simplest of questions is asked – quietly so no one else hears:
”Are you alright? You didn’t have to tell them all that, Orion.”
He didn’t have to, yet as Tam sees it, Orion is right. Just like , , , and everyone else who had shared such a sentiment:
Team Rocket doesn’t need legendary pokémon to be dangerous, and rangers like them also don’t need legendary pokémon to be able to help Hoenn.



[break]- Talked to Razz
[break]- Listened to what everyone had to say, kept his opinions to himself
[break]- Quietly Orion if he's ok
[break]Will be keeping interaction and participation minimal from this point on. Won't respond to most tags. Thank you for understanding.


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2022 17:15:42 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
There is too much to relay to. But in small gist, Callan listens to 's speech with some sympathy and to 's 's comments on contingencies and evacuations. As , , , , and caution Josh Devlin regarding trusting legendaries, Callan was inclined to agree, though what was said was enough, and he needn't provide further advice to the young ranger and upcoming Gym Leader. Callan instead focuses on Josh's new inventions, and after an extensive explanation as to how they function, Callan moves forward amd picks one up. "Very cyberpunk," Before folding the item into his pocket.

"I was also at Mirage Island where we entered into the Cloud. I'd like to give a brief summary of the important facts we've learned in that mission. I've sent a report also to the Head Ranger, but maybe the facts are more relevant now than ever."

Callan cleared his throat, sipping a small amount of water before continuing.

"There are four major events I believe I've learned in the midst of the Cloud.

First, our universe is slowly unravelling due to constant conflict and changes in our reality. From Ultra Wormholes to Primal and Dynamax energy, the stressors are ripping through our fabric of reality and causing our particular timeline to come into a collision course with other timelines.

Second. If the meteoroid is successfully deflected by our attempts, we will essentially cause what Maldecena calls the 'destruction of all universes', where the rest of the timelines will unravel, save ours. Cadet Devlin and I were both in the terminal where this future was shown.

Third, in the coming future, it's probable that both Dialga and Palkia will have a role to play, given that the "present terminal" showed particularly around the dome that currently surrounds Hoenn in a deadlock. We should probably have some degree of preparation that several of the upcoming legendaries will make an appearance around Hoenn as a result. They were also seen bound by some entity in gold and white light.

And finally, whoever the Dark Triad member is, his conjecture doesn't have to be true, even if there is some seeming truth to it. The future can be changed, this was shown when Martin Del Mar managed to get us out of the Cloud without us having to make a sacrifice. These are all predictions."

Callan paused. "That's all I can remember from the top of my head at any rate. There are others here who can corroborate my experience, but this is what I know from what I've experienced and from the account of the others that I talked to."
rangers rising

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2022 19:48:13 GMT
Deleted Avatar

She would have thought the rangers would have been more put together - more united, but everyone seemed to be at each others throat and the hostility made Leilani uncomfortable. She was happy that seemed to be able to keep a level head and had some sort of appease for most of the rangers in some way or another. She couldn't help but feel a spark of admiration for his strength outside of the physical form. Despite the mayhem, this was a good place to remember some important faces. She would not yet soon forget the fierceness and authority in @elinors voice as she scolded them for behaving so foolishly at such an important meeting. Even if she was not one of the ones misbehaving, she still felt small and embarrassed at her lecturing.

Maybe Leilani had overestimated being a ranger. She had thought being a ranger meant she would have a better chance at saving the environment for all future pokemon generations to come and defeating those whom try to harm it. But this? This is what it truly meant to save the universe. She was just grateful to had come out of the mayhem of food being tossed around unscathed and without a hair out of please. The concept of this..."cloud" had her all confused. This was not information she was privy to having really just finished her proper training and being entered into what she guess she could now call "line of duty." Her eyes had been locked onto the gym leader/ranger as he told his telling recounts of his mission. His scar would be engraved in her brain for days to come. She shuddered and longed to pull out her turtwig to have some sense of comfort. While she was a little skeptical at his idea of obtaining Raikou, a part of her was hopeful in his idea. A legendary surely could provide more strength than any of their pokemon could have - right? A legendary could gather other legendries? Maybe she was naïve to believe such a thing.

It was a struggle to absorb all this information, her brows furrowing especially at 's HoloWatch - entirely sure she wouldn't remember his explanation of said object. She would merely figure it out later as she followed the rush to grab a pair before returning back to her seat. Clearly the meeting didn't seem to be wrapping up anytime soon as she listened to account of the cloud. Her lips parted to ask a question, clearly in astonishment that the life she knew could very much well be on the edge of the destruction, but she found her pursing them shut before a sound could leave. What could she say? She was all so knew to this. No experienced or expertise could have possibly prepared her for what she had truly gotten herself into.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2022 22:54:43 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Well, at least his wife was supportive.
Izumi stood up and did her best to help with providing additional context, perhaps in hopes a pretty face would better the reception and allow for people to actually listen and try the things out. And actually report feedback so they could be their best. Reactions overall were mixed. Some liked them, some didn't care, some acted distasteful over it. After the pie had been thrown however, Josh had to admit that he had expected this. So he wasn't holding his breath that it would be some magical cure-all to the sour mood that had been rampant throughout the room.
Elinor would ask a question meanwhile. Josh would brighten up at the opportunity to continue to talk about the tech. You had to give him one thing -- he was passionate and proud of his work. “You’re observant, Miss Elinor and I admire that. You are correct, the GPS could provide a potential risk. But as it’s server-side, the only way that happens is if the high-security Ranger servers themselves are compromised, there’s no net encoding that would allow one to get into it through hacking the device. But the tracker can be toggled to only be on when using the glasses, and in the rare emergency that the Ranger servers are compromised, there is an option to disable it entirely" Josh made clear right away, getting the most important part of that out to start. "Now that you’ve brought it up however, that does remind me that I wish to continue working with our superiors on improving security between the server and device" he brought up, then. Preferably starting with looking into a mass shutoff switch for the trackers for if there is ever a need. "Obviously I'm open to ideas and feedback. Whatever gets this at its most efficient and safe to use, I want to pursue it."
Some of that work on measures, of course, wouldn't all be known to the rank and file to prevent leaks from causing too much damage. It wouldn't surprise Josh if this leaked, and that was fine. Being from the worlds of business, film and military, this was more than the norm to him. Another good question came from Boruta, however. "Aye, I recommend you keep your comms as a backup plan" Josh agreed at that. "I've tested them myself, but obviously my experiences are going to be different from yours. That's precisely why I want to do this test. Any remaining hiccups, I want squashed right away."
Clearing his throat, he would then do his best to wrap up. "If this works out and we can roll out the final version, I'll be offering custom orders, including for the Ranger versions. If the field test goes well and it fits into the budget, it's been agreed that interested Rangers may be able to procure a set better aligned to their noggins, as well as ones with lenses that can allow those with visual impairments to use them the same as they would their own prescription glasses, so long as we have the correct details to make that work."
With that, barring any other questions, he would thank them for listening and return to his seat and grab some more food. And drink. He wished there was something strong here, but he doubted that. So he would stress eat his social anxiety away instead. There were more speeches to come, so he wanted to settle in a bit before he tried to process all of this.

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- Thank god for
- Answered question of
- Answered question of
- Bits and pieces of future plans
- Time to drown his stress in food!

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 3:04:50 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
annalise can feel the tingle of nervousness in her fingertips as other rangers deliver their own news. she's a passive observer, tapping a nail against the table as one goes after another. her eyes slide toward periodically, as if trying to summon the courage through whatever wink or smile or thumbs up he might flash her way. [break][break] she waits for a lull in discussion, then presses her palms against the table and pushes herself from her chair. [break][break]"i have something i'd like to bring up." she begins, turning toward . "two weeks ago, i was tasked with a mission to meet with ms. about relocating her dragons. she and her pokemon lost their home after team rocket took over sootopolis and, like, her solution was to keep them on the islands near pacifidlog."[break][break]
"but the water pokemon populations there are nearly depleted from having so many dragon pokemon in one place, so i plan to relocate them across many routes to deal with the issue of overhunting." her pitch sounds rehearsed because it is — written out, repeated over and over. [break][break]
"one of ms. morningstar's main concerns was her dragon pokemon becoming isolated and unsocialized away from people, so we struck a deal: rangers will oversee the care of these dragon pokemon for the foreseeable future — monitoring, supplemental feedings, socializing, et cetera — and ms. morningstar will lease them out to us for ranger work."
in the wake of grim meteor talks, haunting recounts of the cybernetic world beneath the sea and team rocket attacks, it feels like a difficult sell. [break][break]
"i think this'll be great training for cadets, too," annalise says, stepping off the pier of rehearsed lines and taking the plunge into honest speaking. "most of these dragons are trained and predictable compared to their wild counterparts, so newer cadets can get used to understanding body language and, like, dealing pokemon through non-violent methods."[break][break] "plus any work we do with these dragons will, like, help get them ready for when ms. morningstar goes back to sootopolis."
the implication of her return trip hangs in the air like morning fog.
"so, um, if it's okay with you, lars — and the rest of you guys — i would like to make this an official ranger initiative."

[attr="class","annalooc"] + peddling dragon initiative to & co but mostly lars cuz he's the man in charge[break]
+ horizon for ref about the freya-annalise agreement

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 20:57:15 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

So this Maldacena was from a group of Avatar hunters called the Drk Triad... and from the sound of it, they'd already killed two of Hoenn's Avatars. Goosebumps ran across Julia's skin, and she barely suppressed a shiver, though her raised shoulders gave away the tension she felt. If Maldacena was from this group, then Julia didn't trust him, no matter what kind of "future" he tried to show.

[break][break]Still, others seemed to believe it and, more importantly, were determined to change it. Even if Julia had her doubts about the veracity of Maldacena's claims, she could never doubt the efforts of those fighting for a better future. 's words may not have been meant for her, but they still stoked the embers of her heart and made a lick of flame dance behind her eyes.

[break][break]Then, Big Josh drew the attention of the entire room, and that was when Julia realized there were two Josh D's in the room. That could get confusing... She couldn't help but snicker at the sudden change from a deadpan, rehearsed voice to the excited shouts of someone trying to hype up their product, but she was legitimately disappointed that said hype had been quashed by the sour turn the meeting had taken.

[break][break]She watched with fascination as Big Josh's hidden earpiece extended into a pair of sunglasses, and that turned into awe when they projected a holographic interface. "Whoa." She listened with rapt attention as he explained this prototype technology. It sounded like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it was a real, tangible thing that he was demonstrating. Not only that, but they were available for field testing! Julia was totally grabbing a pair once she was sure Josh—Devlin, that is—was okay. (See, it was already confusing!)

[break][break]She caught 's smile from the corner of her eye and turned to smile back, but her expression was quickly replaced with clear concern. Her captain didn't look okay, to put it mildly. She couldn't blame him; this was his first official day as captain (as far as she knew), and he was already having to deal with all of this. Julia silently swore to support him in any way she could.

[break][break] noted that Team Rocket had somehow managed to steal Avatar power and give it to their own. Julia's mouth folded into a tight frown. She really didn't like the idea of Rocket having that kind of power on their side. Kazimir also said they might try to attack while the League was dealing with the meteor. Would Rocket really try to interfere with the League's plan, even if doing so would also doom Rocket itself? She honestly didn't know; she never could get into the mindset of a criminal. She just couldn't understand how people could think and act that way.

[break][break]Her eyes widened for a moment when explained what Rocket had done to him. So that's what it was... Under the table, a fist clenched. The more she heard about Rocket, the more disgusted she was with them. And the more she simultaneously wanted to take them down and keep as far away from them as possible.

[break][break] proposed a Ranger-wide initiative to help care for some displaced Dragon-types. Julia wouldn't be able to approve this, of course, but she still wanted her voice to be heard: "I'd help with that, yeah!" She was kind of glad for a lighter topic to discuss.




  • doesn't trust maldecena or this drk triad
  • is inspired by 's encouragement to and awed by the cool new holo-glasses. she's totally taking a pair.
  • smiles back at but is clearly worried about him; silently vows to aid him
  • not a fan of rocket having avatar powers or possibly trying to stop the league's anti-meteor plans
  • shocked by what rocket did to and disgusted by rocket as a whole
  • offers to help with 's propsed initiative


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 20:56:06 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He could only observe quietly at what was going down—and was there, something, he couldn’t determine what—changing in the room.

As the reports started trickling in with regards to what those present in ‘the Cloud’ as had mentioned, the entire region was now going to have a bad time.

“Damned Murphy’s Law,” he hissed under his breath as he massaged the sides of his head.

As it was—there was one previous attempt. And he was there to see it go down.

Turning to , he pinched the bridge of his nose for a few moments.

“Be it safe to say that yes, there have been tests run. As to how many, I really cannot say—word’s tight-lipped on that. However, I can confirm, that there have been instances when the crystals have been brought out for a test run.”

What brought to the table though set off an alarm bell long-forgotten in the back of his head… holy fucking shit, how could he have clean forgotten about those?!

“When did that happen? Your—your encounter?” he turned to ask the Pokkénger the PokéRanger. “What exact powers did you see?”

If that had happened, well, he’d have to be careful too. Who the hell knew what would happen if someone got ahold of his powers and turned the tropical region into a frozen hellhole overnight?

He then turned to , , as well as .

“Can you send me a written copy of your reports as well?” he asked the three. At least, they were the ones who had the most to contribute regarding what had gone down, a ‘vision’ of the future. A terrifying one, but nonetheless, something that they could change.

’s proposal made him turn his head and focus his attention on her.

“How many dragons are we talking about, here?” he asked her.

“I ask this, so that we can allocate an even number of them across the region. Also, yes, having the dragons around can and will help our other Rangers who don’t have experience handling Dragon-types to get training in alongside.”

• throws out answers (please see tags)
• addresses the events of Cyberchase as well
• already asking for ideas about the proposal—good idea ty for trusting the Rangers with your draconids


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 23:12:20 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Paxton listened quietly, looking over at as he announced his fixation and end goal. As other ranger spoke up he added gentle reminder. "Devlin, moving forward, reconsider expressing projects this important so openly in public." he said pausing as he tried to smooth out his words. "The entirety of the Ranger Corps isn't top secret." [break][break][break]


"But thank you for trusting us." [break][break]

His attention turned to , eyebrows furrowing a bit more at her description as well. "Can you elaborate on the...'everything destroyed' part?" His head then eventually tilted towards as he spoke more of the Drk Triad and then eventually back to as he presented tech. It's exciting. The end of the world was making the League pull out all the stops. He stepped forward when directed to pick up a pair of glasses before nodding his thanks to the elite ranger. "Thank you for the specs." [break][break]

He put them on testing them as spoke up, explaining more about the Cyberchase. He drops what he knows on the Drk Triad. "I've personally fended off Drk Triad assassins' attempts on the lives of League personnel. Commissioner , as well as councilman were targets. However, sightings of the members have dwindled. But I would say it's important to keep in mind, you don't need to have an avatar to get attacked." [break][break]

The concern of Rocket is brought up as well and he adds, "While Rocket is always a concern, I don't think they're stupid enough to interfere with the region's survival. If League fails, they die because of the dome." he said before continuing. "Some are smart enough to consider cooperation when mutual destruction is on the line. During my work with the Crystalblooms, I had an encounter with the terrorist . I was able to find him once more and broker a collaboration on Crystalbloom research. However, after they stopped being an imminent threat, collaboration on the project ceased. Considering our dire circumstances, perhaps the League would reconsider cooperating again. Until the threat of the meteor has passed anyway." [break][break]

After a while, when announced the new initiative for dragons he nodded in her direction. "If you you need any cover, I'll probably have some time."


+ lmao im not listing these tags [break][break]
- tells josh to do the aaron burr, sir [break]
- asking for clarification form kaida [break]
- taking some glasses [break]
- talks about his interaction with the drk triad [break]
- warns high level league personnel may be in danger [break]
- does his clown dance and suggest collaging with rocket [break]
- volunteers if needed for dragon initiative [break]




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,922 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 0:26:11 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Unsurprisingly, there were two very deep and divided reactions to brave, determined, and possibly deranged Josh's announced bid to befriend the legendary Pokémon he felt he had a connection to. , , , , and especially seemed to have their doubts that the racer's efforts would be fruitful; if anything, some of them seemed to imply it would be detrimental to himself and even the League as a whole if he continued with the chase he felt was his destiny. Of course, the only way there was to find out was to keep going. He had been ridiculed by others in Johto in the past for his AMBITION-filled goal. Though it was slow, he was gradually supplementing it with INSIGHT he had built from his experiences as a Gym Leader and as a Ranger.

On the other side, there were those who felt Arceus' most sacred creations had much more wavering and malleable hearts. , , , and @oglethorpe had nothing but encouraging words to say to Josh. 's gaze did not go unnoticed, either; he felt compelled to text the councilwoman for a meeting to discuss his account of the events of the Cloud privately, particularly with how he felt it was related to his idol, the Beast of Thunder and the fastest set of four paws in the world.

Josh tilted his red face up at all the support he had just gotten from his friends. He was expecting only those in his inner circle to defend him, but he got so much more support from others. Even from people he had never met before. "All of you...thank you. I mean it. I had to have sounded crazy. It's something I've set out to do for years now. I've lost track of how many. But when I set off to make my impressions on Raikou, I knew there would be no going back. No getting off this train." He sniffed one more time and breathed a deep sigh. "Thank you."

Josh turned his attention to the bigger Josh, playing around with the glasses' functionality in a controlled environment such as this one. There was even a speedometer functionality, which amused him. He could not wait to use them when riding his Pokémon, and see just what kind of dangerous speeds he could get them going to. "These are sweet," he complimented Dragomir. "We'll talk about a special order for my visor later, but for now, I'll have to see if I can fit these under my helmet or something. Worst case, I'll just have to be careful. Can you box up a pair for Matt? I see him regularly and can deliver them to him if need be. Otherwise I can bring him up here, but he probably won't be too happy about it."

brought up the idea of a dragon initiative, which immediately got Josh's attention. "This is right up my alley. While Speed isn't a Pokémon type, the Pokémon types best known for their speed are electric, flying, fire, and dragon. I've raised many dragon Pokémon before. As a former Blackthorn Dragon Clan member, count me in. Send some of those missions my way. I can handle 'em."

Next, had grabbed his attention, requesting an account of what he saw inside the cloud. "Absolutely," he answered the Head Ranger. "I will get you a full report and then some in the upcoming days." He might end up burning the midnight oil working on it, depending on when Lars wanted the young Ranger's probation hearing to be.

Lastly, called him out. He seemed openly supportive of Josh's efforts to befriend Raikou, but not letting everyone in the room know. He stood back up and walked a few of seats over to meet him. "Oh hey, nice to see you again!" Josh greeted Paxton, it having been quite some time since they worked together extinguishing an out-of-control blaze in the Petalburg area. "The reason I even said it the way I did is because we're all Rangers. Everyone here can be trusted. Of course I never would have shared it otherwise."

It seemed like Avatars were the targets of Team Rocket attacks. While it was scary for Josh to think about, like he had said to himself before, there was no getting off the train he was on. Plus, he already was on Rocket's radar from the Radio Tower Takeover incident back home. Even if he were to live his dream and join the ranks of the Avatars, would it really put him in any more danger than he already was?

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good

{WC: 736}
{PC: 7}

- Josh takes in the mixed feedback of supporters and critics, particularly from , , , and .
- Josh loves the new tech and requests someone box a pair up for MATT VICE
- Josh offers his services for the Dragon Ranger Initiative led by .
- Josh agrees to send a full report of his account of the events in the Cloud.
- Josh privately explains to his reasons for going public with his dream.
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 3:28:25 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

ollie gives a brief nod towards when he speaks of the evergrande police force. he knows that, should it come to it, all the league forces would come together to protect the people. still, he appreciates the officer's words.

[break][break] the captain opens his mouth to speak, when head ranger takes the stage. ollie nods in agreeance with what his old friend has to say, knowing better to speak up against him. while ollie may have personally found the reparations harsh, he knew that they were necessary. this was not the time to squabble amongst each other — not when the fate of the world was in their hands.

[break][break] as the meeting shifts into their third topic, amber eyes flit to young , curious to see what he has to offer.

[break][break] well, he wasn't expecting that.

[break][break] "i'm sure we can all relate to losing a pokemon, or someone important to us," he says empathetically to . "but i agree with the others. exercise caution — i'm sure we can all agree that pokemon, let alone legenderies, can be fickle at best. and the last thing we need is to lose one of our own." he gives a nod towards the other who have already spoken up, notably and .

[break][break] it still feels alarming all that had happened - not just to josh - but others as well. his gaze flickers towards , and he grins at her, flashing a quick thumbs-up. he knew she had something to bring to the table as well.

[break][break] but first — the equipment that brings. curiousity flicks through ollie's eyes as he steps with the others, trying on the new equipment. he makes a small, audible gasp as he presses the button and the glasses flare out. cool.

[break][break] he nudges with an elbow and a smirk. "maybe this'll help you from getting lost."

[break][break] with the others, he agrees, "i'm sure raicorp has gone through the necessary testing. but i don't think there's any problem in being cautious."

[break][break] the meeting sobers as several people bring up all the concerns they're facing. as optimistic as ollie prefers to be, he knows there is harm in being reckless, especially when it came to rocket. he's been told it enough times. he finds 's words particularly alarming. "thank you for sharing," he says to the former councilman. "i'm glad to hear you're alright." his words bleed with empathy — as they would for any of their own.

[break][break] and finally, when annalise takes the stage, ollie grins. has come a long way, and as nervous as she is to present this all, he can't help but feel a burst of pride.

[break][break] "i think it's a great idea and evergrande is more than happy to help. plus, i'm sure having such a mobile force will prove incredibly useful when we're protecting those installation points."

[break][break] to , however, ollie can't agree. he shakes his head. "it's fortunate to know you escaped the encounter unscathed, but i think we'd invite too much risk to openly collaborate with rocket. unless they come to to us directly." especially considering what several others had shared, including all that info about the dark triad. "though, it's up to the big guy here — " he says, jerking a thumb towards . "i'll do whatever the rangers need."


[attr="class","ooc"] + ollie responds to people!!!! thank you everyone for sharing your cool things!! [break]
+ ollie disagrees with 's proposal to work with rocket

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]

# rangersrising

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 4:25:42 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"I'll write up a report and send it to the captains." Callan replied to . Whether or not they decide to cascade that information to the rest of the rangers was on them. Callan paused however to address something he felt was more important, turning towards .

"Josh," Callan begins, his voice shows a hint of concern, "I'm concerned about this focus of yours with Raikou." It was not the first time he had mentioned the legendary Pokemon, and when he spoke of it, there was an intense singlemindedness to it that would shatter the boy, if his dreams did not come to pass. "A Legendary Pokemon chooses the trainer, not the other way around. And no amount of effort or justification will be able to change that. You can spend the rest of your days chasing a legendary Pokemon and it may never come to you... Kind of like dating, now that I think about it."

Callan paused, to let the words sink in. "Commit to your actions if you need to. Just have an understanding that even if you are to set yourself to it, there's a chance it'll never come to fruition. And you need to be okay with that, otherwise I'm concerned that it will do some serious damage to your mental health."

Having addressed the lingering thought in his mind, Callan turns back towards 's conversation at large regarding open collaboration with Team Rocket. After speaks, Callan continues. "I agree with Captain Morales. I think members of Team Rocket are capable of reason. At the same time, their agenda is the upheaval of the Pokemon League within the region. Even should we have saved the region from Rocket, the possible consequences for collaboration are dire." In other words, Callan didn't think that they required Rocket assistance to achieve what they set out to do.


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 4:39:19 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]RANGERS RISING




with all of the pressing topics out of the way, the meeting draws to a close. some rangers have taken advantage of the potluck and are ready to go home and slip into a food coma. others are frustrated, whether by unpleasant news or conversation, and wish to see themselves out to process things on their own. [break][break]
everyone is invited to take some of the potluck home — the fridge here simply isn't big enough to accommodate everything everyone brought. those with any last-minute questions or concerns are welcome to field them to , but everyone else is free to conversate or head out. [break][break]




below is a very brief, very rough list of information shared in round three, feel free to reference or research further on these topics![break][break]
  • firsthand accounts about cyberchase including: mirage islands, "the cloud", maldacena, the instability of hoenn's universe due to conflict and stressors (energies and wormholes), hoenn's universe getting closer to other universes, the deflection of the meteor will cause the other universes to be destroyed, events of terminal five and terminal six, participants losing parts of themselves, participants saved from the cloud by , most injuries/losses undone at the end of cyberchase (exception witnessed: 's), potential importance of dialga and palkia in the near future. referenced here: link, link, link
  • 's plan to chase raikou, referenced here: link
  • drk triad including: that they are a group of assassins from (apparently) another world, that maldacena works with them, and that and ranger blair ashton were assassinated by them. has targeted avatars and high-profile figures such as and . may be on their hit list. referenced here: link, link
  • team rocket's avatar sharing powers including: the mechanisms behind it are unknown, ran into someone with 's avatar powers, concerns that they might send those with stolen avatar powers after the league during the meteor. referenced here: link
  • 's capture and torture by team rocket, referenced here: link
  • team rocket's general strength in johto, with no legendaries. referenced here: link
  • 's encounter with the infamous including: their collaboration on crystabloom research, showing that team rocket has the ability to cooperate with the league on emergent issues. referenced here: link
  • raicorp prototype including: name still a work in progress, is an ear piece fitted for the right ear that expands into holographic glasses, interface only seen by the wearer by default, interactable by voice and touch command, similar app features as holowatch, connects to rangers' networks and satellites, specific search and rescue features like sensors for vitals and heat signatures, potential to expand connectivity to other league information networks, has made prior agreements to field test. referenced here: link, link, link
  • 's initiative idea including: the relocation, socialization, and care of 's dragon pokemon across many routes, dragon pokemon will be leased out to rangers, potentially good for cadet training, alluded to plans to return to sootopolis. referenced here: link



  • take food home
  • wrap up the meeting with any final thoughts/questions/concerns

fulfilling one or more of the prompts listed above will net you this round's rewards:


FURTHERMORE, characters who participate throughout the entirety of the event will also receive an additional reward(s).[break][break]


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 5:58:58 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
All right? No, Orion is far from all right. But he doesn't correct , offering only a tight attempt at a smile before he sits back down.

is more attuned to his discomfort. He might not talk often about the loss of his arm, but he wore his trauma on a titanium sleeve and he's sure everyone in Slateport's squad has some inkling of how poorly he's adjusting.

"I'm fine," he says, soft but appreciative of the concern. "It needed to be said."

It wasn't the time to get killed playing hero.

Talk of potential collaboration with Team Rocket makes his blood boil, but apart from squaring his shoulders and clenching his jaw, he does not speak out against those in discussion. He was not going to make a scene.

At last, the meeting seems to be coming to a close. Orion accepts a container of leftovers; he wasn't a good chef, so he's quietly grateful for the opportunity to not worry about meals for the next couple days.

He looks to his captain.

"You probably want to head out as much as I do."

Tam wasn't social, either. In his words, a question: or did you want to stay a bit longer? Orion wants to go home, but he'd made a silent promise to see this through.

- Offers Ollie an awkward smile for his kind words
- Steams silently about the thought of collabing with Rocket
- Takes some leftovers b/c he can't cook
- Asks his captain if they can go home (antisocial lmao)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing