i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 18:18:12 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Poor, poor Elaine. A great detective, but apparently a terrible operative. Violet would have imagined as much judging from what she had seen of the other so far, but she almost felt bad taking advantage of it all.
Well, almost. Work always came first. Rocket had given her a family when deep down she had needed one. Unless and until the girl in front of her became family as well, she would have to come second. Vio would not be entirely opposed to that, but this was neither the time nor the place to even think about that.
Instead, she and Spiritomb went to work as planned. She had not rescinded the order and the other’s Pokemon had come close enough. It just happened. The ghastly form sprang forth from its vessel, elongating as if it was simply becoming a stream of smoke, and it rushed and crashed right into an unprepared ghost of the detective’s own. The grand proceedings from the town did not deter it. This was her more single-minded Spiritomb, the one that immediately fixated onto tasks put in front of it. Plus, it loved fighting. Or maybe just hurting others. Violet never questioned it. The hangups of the dead were for the dead.
The hangups for the living, well, they were for the then and there. Her attention was split between her current ‘prey’ and the broken king. Though just from the distance between them, she did not think that she could do much of anything there. Heck, with the amount of legendaries and avatars gathered near it, she did not feel like she could do much to sway the outcome in either direction at this point in time. That realization saw her sigh saddened once more, feeling a shiver for the first time since being transported here.
But fortunately dear Elaine was there to help with all that. Though Violet did make sure to try and put her voice as deep and unlike her normal one, just in case, while her Pokemon sought to hit the other fair and square. Though she did remain as hidden as she could. All to hopefully ensure she would not be caught after all. “For a great detective, you lack instincts. Do not waste your time asking questions when the enemy is at hand. If you join a fight, mean it. If you are to soft for it, leave.” Those words were certainly harsh, but Vio kind of felt like the other needed them. If this was any other Rocket, that Sucker Punch might have aimed for the trainer, not the Pokemon. Elaine could be lost here in this soot-covered wasteland with no one ever knowing.[break][break]
A sobering thought. But it only served to reinforce Violet’s line of thinking. In fact, her demeanour just darkened a bit more, along with her tone. “Besides, you must know what happened here already. It is the same as with any calamity befalling our dying world, the great and powerful Pokemon succumbing to madness, disease or the wiles of man.” That was probably her talking out of her butt a bit much, but hopefully it sounded foreboding and grandiose enough to discourage Elaine. It was probably hypocritical for Vio to think this way about the other but… she kind of just wanted the other to stay safe. Probably.


+ Sucker Punch and talking down to Nd9Cx5M9



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  • Mawile Female Hypercutter Sucker Punch |Taunt | Iron Head | Play Rough | Endure | Hyper Beam
  • Frosmoth Female Icy Scales Quiver Dance | Bug Buzz | Icy Wind | Feather Dance | Tailwind | Powder Snow Ice Bug
  • Spiritomb Male Pressure
    Sucker Punch | Curse | Nasty Plot | Confuse Ray
  • Jellicent female
    cursed body
    whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap
  • Aegislash Female Stance Change traded aerial ace, automize, king's shield, power trick, sacred sword, swords dance
  • Zarude Male Leaf Guard Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth

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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 21:13:10 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
“This is some next-level shit.”

Even if he did deal and handle stories threatening to be lost to history and time, to see mass… chaos… on such a level was unprecedented.

Was there some kind of in-fighting going on as well?

“Geez, man, are you seeing this—” he continued in the redhead’s direction before he belatedly realized something.

“You… you only brought Dragon-types with you?!” he exclaimed a few moments afterward, saving a little internal scream for later. Just before he could continue with his little tirade, a great big something came crashing in on an equine mount—one that looked more like ice than anything else.

And then the reverberation of the multiple voices cut across the clashing chaos. He could only stare up quietly with his mouth slightly open, unable to believe that the bulb-headed creature was doing all… all of this.

Get to work, you shithead! he mentally screamed at himself as he began taking down every single scrap of detail to memory. He would definitely have to find some down time (between everything happening) to write this all down in his little tome, because what sight can recall, the mind can forget…

Turning to face the redhead, he then asked, “…are you going to join in with them killing? I mean, there’s a lot of them doing it already…”

The Incineroar growled, a warning that there were Ice-type attacks headed their way. He was going to risk it—and ask a question.

“Why were we brought here, to this—to this place, what else do you need for us to do for you?!” he called out.

Though small, he hoped that his voice would reach the strange, bulbous-headed Pokémon—and his Incineroar prepared a steady burst of Flamethrower to keep the cold at bay.

Holy shit that was very cold!


+ mostly, again
+ nope they’re not in Hoenn anymore that’s for sure!
+ Jack.exe is just gaping in surprise at everything going on around them
+ he then realizes that he better get to scrawling down every single detail about the ice horse (Glastrier) and its rider (Calyrex) before he forgets
+ decides to risk it and asked one question
+ at the same time, Bas the Incineroar loosed Flamethrower to keep warm—or to keep the incoming Ice-type attacks away!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,878 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 1:35:09 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As awful as it was being stranded in the cold wastes of the Crown Tundra, Josh had so far managed to maintain his composure. With astride the Shiny Pyroar, he was warmer than most. He was calm and methodical about his exploration of the unknown environment, assessing the situation and forming a plan of action alongside those who meant the world to him. , , ... the list went on and on. The moment PRECIPICE BLADES shattered the statue of regal mount and rider, that all changed. was here.

"YOU!!!" Josh screamed toward the man who had taught him much about Avatars.

While Chien-Pao may not have been directly present inside the shield, its HATRED still permeated the Gym Leader's very soul. As the exchange between Calyrex and the Volatile continued to escalate, the young man's mental state began to deteriorate. A horrific war cry left his ears as he spurred Aslan toward Calyrex with pain-inducing force, the lion giving everything he had to reach the legendary as fast as he could. In a violent gallop that tested every bit of Josh's riding skill, Aslan entered the fastest DOUBLE TEAM he had ever achieved, attempting to snatch Calyrex away from , , and those attempting to execute the royal Pokémon.

Once he was close enough for his scream to be heard, Josh would voice his question. The past Josh would have asked where Raikou was and how he could gain the Beast's trust. The present Josh was a different man. A reformed man who had realized the error of his ways. His question was much more selfless than any his past self ever would have asked a god.

"How do we stop the ruination?!"


- Josh sights , his HATRED of him causing him to cruelly spur his Pyroar to maximum DOUBLE TEAM speedl
- Josh and his Pyroar attempt to snatch Calyrex from their murderers.
- Josh's question: "How do we stop the ruination?!"

{WC: 287}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 2:55:07 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
The ginger-haired woman forced a smile. It was hard with the back of her head pounding. “That’s me, yeah.” ’s concern received a shrug in response. “Not much I can do about it now. I doubt the weasel dropped us near a trauma ward.” And, honestly, she was scared she wouldn’t get back up if she laid down. They’d find her frozen in an ice casket somewhere—pervy boys joking about the size of her tits.

Saki’s comments were met with a sigh. “Somebody pissed in your psych-O’s, huh?” It wasn’t like she’d assaulted her or anything. She just wanted the kid to not blow herself up.

Unlike the others, she feels no awe at Cillian. Ranks and stuff never really mattered much to her. Everyone bled and loved. Money and power were just ornamentations. “Yeah." Seeing him puff away makes her light up too. "This isn’t our Galar.” It wasn’t just that it didn’t feel like home either. There were little things here that bugged her. The way the needles lay on the trees. “Place might be a shit hole now, but it’s not this bad.”

When she finds the ground continues, Madd pauses. Blood drips between her fingers. The snow is painted pink. With a grunt, she tugs herself back onto the cliff face above her. “Yeaaaah.” She mutters, her cigarette frolicking against her lip. “Place seems to go on forever.” The explosion makes her jump. For a second, the redhead’s the scared debutante all over again. The world is a big, terrifying place. Her fingers curl into a fist at her side as she forces herself to hold her ground. Sure, she didn’t care about a big wig, but she didn’t exactly want to seem like a coward either.

That fear spiked when five bodies—powerful, self-assured people all— jerked into the air like discount marionettes. Their mouths stretched open, moving in eerie unison. This display of power took Madd back to a dark time in her life. Father’s Malamar glared at her as he forced shaking hands to pull on ballet slippers. The muscles of her face stretched into an unnatural smile.

The earlier recited riddles didn’t hold her attention, though she did acknowledge them. By the time Calyrex finished its speech, Madd was a mess. Goosebumps crawled up her arm like an ant colony. “Well, that was creepy as hell.” Though it was hard to feel bad for it after the display, its deteriorating skull was met with a wince. Not that she could kill it. Hell, the ginger struggled to kill fruit flies—much less something that spoke and begged.

Can we save you? That was the question she wanted to ask deep down. But its head started to rot, reminding Madd of a forgotten apple. Would she want to live like that? Fuck no.

“What’s with the riddles?” The earlier reading came back to her. “Will those help us find Zamazenta?”

As the glacial lances approached, Moxxie unleashed a stream of fire at them.



  • Madd asks about the riddles
  • Tells Saki to chill
  • Puts her exploration to the end
  • Acknowledges Cillian



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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 5:21:22 GMT

there's something in the snow. [break][break]

it catches her attention so, after hopping onto talonflame back, she gently taps at the feathers. "lower us a bit, altair." she asks the bird, who clearly looks slightly reluctant - but she still does ask to lower down by the mound of stone. when they arrive, her shoes land in the snow and she carefully approaches.[break][break]

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙'𝖗'𝖘 𝖇𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊. 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍, 𝖜𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖋'𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖙𝖍 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖒 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖝𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖛𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖓.

what does this mean? she doesn't know, and she's a little too cold to be thinking deeply about it. the warmth of 's talonflame keeps her safe, with the soft light of the ceruledge helping to melt away some of the snow that might cover up the written message on the stone. she reads it, to herself, audibly even, but it makes even less sense. [break][break]

she looks across the clearing, and it looks like is starting to catch up. they were supposed to meet up again at the building, but this looks important. "Hey," she starts, instinctively holding and burying the lower half of her face against the feathers of the talonflame's wing "take a look at this." [break][break]

"the roteth plaguing our realm intoxicates the psyche of valorous men.." the words are recited, her brows furrowing slightly "... refers to the beast that fought the zamazenta, doesn't it?" she can only assume; hatred has its way of worming into the hearts of even the kindest of people. she's no different. [break][break]

her tongue clicks, and brings a gardevoir out of her pokeball, while recalling the ceruledge back into his ball. though she initially lets out a happy cry, she pauses at the cold, and holds her arms against one another. "you can use psychic to forward this information, right?" she asks, pointing to the text they find in front of them. the gardevoir stares, before nodding, eyes glowing blue to act as a satellite to whatever mind may have wandered.[break][break]

with information conveyed, she shivers slightly, hanging onto the talonflame's feathers. "it's cold." she grumbles, taking one side of the bird's side, putting it between herself and its trainer. [break][break]

"so walk with us instead. we aren't that far anymore."




  • IN THE COURTYARD, GARDEVOIR uses PSYCHIC to forward the image of the words to whoever else might be around
  • mari, still cold as hell.
  • ceruledge flares up the fire to also warm up
  • starts walking with talonflame and to the manor

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,170 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 14:25:44 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

it's a frozen wasteland, pockmarked with purple columns rising upwards into the heavens. freya's never been to galar, but she can't imagine it's meant to look like this. the cold works its way deeper into her flesh, turning pale skin pink. her armor affords her some resistance, but not much.

with no sign of the chien-pao or the zamazenta, she makes to return. quite remarkably, all hell has broken loose. 

save , there are none here she would consider an ally (which is a strange thought in itself), is as close as it gets and when she recognizes him on the field, and seconds later realizes he's being attacked, she does not think twice. lyune draws his wings in close, rocketing towards the ground, but she sinks her heels into his metal stirrups, forcing them back open. 

they catch the wind like sails, buoying them above the man as he's protected by . her eyes narrow at the assailant ( ), but more pressing issues command the battlefield.

"we're here if you need us, doug," she calls from above.

figures are lifted into the air. among them is one that makes her lips curl, satisfaction stoking muted anger and resentment. another puzzles her. she's a familiar shape and freya may have been able to recognize her voice were it not joined in unison with the other puppets. 

alas, 's identity remains unknown to her, just like the rest.

ask all that you can... then kill me.

a sentiment she is deeply familiar with. how long she had spent wanting to be used. how angry she had been when no one would grant her the satisfaction. fernando lied to her. alex abandoned her. emma left her. king refused her. 

and then saved her, and molded her, and held her, and loved her. pulled the stopper on her bottled feelings and weathered her storm. 

it begs for murder and she thinks, let us save you! but has killed it. has killed it and put them all in harm's way again. 

and oh, how quickly they all turn to this enigma. these small, frightened, inconsequential people fighting an unknown war with a sick desperation to survive. kill me, it - a god? - orders. absolutely, they answer.

lyune roars; freya's own voice curdles in the war cry. and so all faction lines are forgotten as the glastrier assaults them with frenzied glacial lances. she sinks deeply into her frustration, lets anger hook its acrid claws in her bones. 

"why," she gasps as purple light gathers in lyune's maw, "do you believe we are worth saving?"
salac x4 - using 74
salamence's intimidate is active as it roars over the battlefield
salamence uses dragon pulse on calyrex from above
asks: 'why do you believe we are worth saving?'


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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 17:57:14 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
HOLY FUCK—THEY REACHED THE STATUE. The redhead and his Garchomp scrambles out of the ground and leans closely to inspect the wooden figure: a bunny with a bulbous crown on its own royal steed. And then a horrified gasp escapes his mouth as the effigy catches flame.

And then he sees everything around him: the Groudon, the Wo-Chien, the volley of attacks from both sides, and the materialization of the bunny creature in-front of them. Sergei watches as some malevolent energy lifts up these people, possessing them with his spirit to communicate with the lot, and then eventually with its decapitated wooden head.

"Bitch, when I brought my dragons the last thing I expect is to be teleported into this winter fuckhole," he turns to , air-quoting with his fingers, "and then 'die.'"

The creature speaks again and offers an opportunity to grant them its final wisdom. It was a risk he is willing to take. "But while we're at it, let's not get stupid."

The redhead instructs Valiant to use STONE EDGE and protect them from possible attacks, as he attempts to ask his question as well.


When he hears the creature bids them to finally end its life, and seeing other trainers do so as well, he can't, out of his good conscience, actually let it happen. Before Valiant can even complete his move, he makes the dragon redirect his attack into the CALYREX's direction. Stones erupt from the ground as it creates a barricade against the onslaught of that comes to target it.

As a researcher, it is not his obligation to obliterate problems but to find solutions for them.

Moved by his own hero complex and call of morality, he turns to in that split second so he can answer his question. "I know, I know. This is stupid."


- SERGEI is happy to reach the STATUE for closer inspection before it gets destroyed
- When the statue is destroyed, it gives Sergei the opportunity to check upon his surroundings
- Tells he did not expect to be teleported with a team in a disadvantaged terrain
- Readies GARCHOMP to protect them from possible incoming attacks
- When SERGEI sees the barrage of attacks coming to CALYREX, he cannot in his good conscience allow people to really kill it and makes GARCHOMP redirect his STONE EDGE to create stone shields for CALYREX

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March 02
15 height
15 height
Unleash the Beast
124 posts
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TAG WITH @akira
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 18:33:20 GMT
akira Avatar



Eventually she was able to see the light of day- or, what she thought was day at least. She could hear the confused noises of Golurk, and- well, the semblance of a familiar mask standing on the surface of the snow.[break][break]

"-Thank -you -uh" ...shit, she didn't know his name, did she. No, wait- wait! "-Isaac.."[break][break]

Upon fully being out of the snow, she realized real quick that pure chaos was ensuing. What was this voice? Jesus, why was everyone throwing hands- wait, that was a stupid question. This was the freshest hell that she did not even want to bother comprehending. She was just too cold...[break][break]

As she begun to pull out a very familiar Charizard blanket from her backpack, she would throw it over her head and shoulders and begin to mutter quietly to . "-I have no idea what any of that means. But- shit, I'm cold. What are we even supposed to be doing anyways?" It seemed someone still lacked a semblance of tact.[break][break]



- yes, she'd been under them the last five minutes, [break]

- Akira is freed from the snow, and has no idea what in the fresh hell is going on[break]

- She stays close to Isaac, just incase she needs a meat shield.[break]

- Golurk stands vigilant, prepared to take any hits for Akira.



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,791 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 18:36:56 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 The earth below them rocks with the violence of the volatile. The reverberation of discomfort hums through their tether, a mutual feeling. Ev refrains from looking down, instead her eyes sweep over a poisoned wasteland, a particular interest settles on the MAGENTA BEAMS. A sickness stirs in her stomach, an unshakable, vile dread. This could too easily become their world, their Hoenn. Hope seems lost for this universe’s Crown Tundra, but their Hoenn remains unafflicted . . . for now.

Could this be the fate of the ORIGIN POINT?

Eva guides Rayquaza down with a sense of urgency. It seems ’s rash actions have again put them in danger, hindering their ability to glean what they could from this world. A flash of anger burns through her, ’s words echoing in the depths of her mind: INFANTILE.

Yet, she can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of protectiveness as he’s raised from the ground in the vice grip of the poisoned god’s PSYCHIC. It’s clear this is the pokemon from the statue: the benevolent king, a story forgotten to time, knowledge lost with no record for they have burnt its vigil to the ground.

The serpent’s long body settles amongst the factions, an oppressive and warning golden gaze bouncing amongst the legendaries present. The faction war means little to them right now. Even Eva sets aside a boiling hatred for the ones she knows that are present (, ). The affliction she witnessed infecting this world is bigger than them.

Snow crunches beneath her boots as she dismounts with a purpose. She moves with a stiffness through the frigid cold, each step drawing her closer to the WOODEN HEAD of the speaking Calyrex. There’s pity in her eyes that mingles with the fear of the unknown and the helplessness not being strong enough to save them. For they are good. She can see it, she can sense it. They don’t want to be their foe, they want to help this ragtag group of lost souls preserve their world.

To lose such a soul, such a wealth of knowledge would be a tragedy, “Tell me,” she speaks softly, not a demand, but a pleading, “How can I ensure your story lives on? Your knowledge?” For knowledge is power, a power for the GREATER GOOD when placed in the right hands. The faction war means little to her anymore. Survival demands it. For without Hoenn neither The League nor Rocket could exist. Eva reaches out, ready to accept whatever answer they may provide.

Rayquaza’s jaw hangs open as they loom over their diseased kin and their mount. Scarlet flames drip from their mouth in anticipation of the FIRE BLAST ready to grant them their final wish.

+ Eva fears this may become the fate of their Hoenn
+ Eva asks to preserve their knowledge so that it may live on
+ Rayuqaza ready to grant them their last wish with FIRE BLAST


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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 18:38:11 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

Like many others Gerald had been on his way to the shrine. He had been approaching somewhat cautiously with his Iron Moth ready to attack. But then a powerful attack burst from the ground as PRECIPICE BLADES skewers the statue and trough that had just gotten into Gerald’s field of view.

Gerald’s eyes shot wide as he jumped behind his Iron Moth to save himself from any shrapnel.

By now he had seen enough reports to recognize a certain legendary Pokémon’s signature attack. Before the Iron Moth could send the prepared fire flying, Gerald halted it from doing so. The flickering flames petered out into the cold win.

For now he figured aggression would be unwise. Though he half came to regret that decision when a Moonblast rocked the entire courtyard followed by a CHILLING NEIGH sending shivers down his back.

He moved closer and closer. Just in time to see the King of Bountiful Harvests appear. Bringing them ill tidings through possession of some unlucky few there. It even allowed them to ask questions, but honestly he didn’t even know what to ask.

And so he went with a more personal question. “If I survive all of this,” he paused. Suddenly his mortality felt really close. “How do I, AND only I obtain unrivaled wealth and power quickly?”


- Approaches the Calyrex situation
- Asks Calyrex for a "Get Rich and powerful quick" scheme.

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 19:19:41 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Rusted Shield

Goodbye Galar

The fire punch was repelled by his Orbeetle's expanding force; a Lucario was quick to interpose itself between them shortly after, saving Doug the trouble of a messy fight with whoever the cyborg ninja () was.

Not that he disagreed with what'shisskullface (), but Doug felt he was being wrongly accused here. He had yet to do anything!

"Sounds good to me." Doug said flatly as he began to walk away, his Orbeetle following behind him and letting the Lucario serve as his shield. "I was just here for our cadet so— Bye. Don't get yourselves killed, or whatever."

Raising a dismissive hand as goodbye, he gave a nod, before raising his gaze greet the new arrival; and her dragons backing her up were very appreciated.

"'ppreciate it, Ms. Morningstar! I'll let'cha know if things go further south." He said, glancing over to the statue to see it go up in flames and stone. "... Like that, yeah."

Aw shit, here we go again.

He rejoins the rest of the group at the remnants of the statue just in time to see the most chaotic of the bunch get puppeteered and ragdolled about.

A pokemon unlike any he had seen arrived at the scene, riding atop a Glastrier. It spoke through the pupeteered trainers, and Doug couldn't help but feel a pang in the bottom of his stomach to learn that they hadn't been in this place for longer than a couple of minutes and they had already fucked up.

Yet another pokemon sacrificed on the altar of the League's and Rocket's unending conflict.

"Is there nothing we can do to help ya?" He said to the dying king. His hand raised— "I can heal! I've dealt with poison before!""

His hands were already glowing neon pink, reaching out towards the King. Killing wasn't an option— it was something you were forced to do.

From then, it became a matter of asking questions, surviving the occasional tantrum, and pondering (some more deeply than others) whether to kill the pokemon before them or not.

It wasn't until spoke that Doug's attention was briefly diverted from his attempts to heal the rider.

"The black knight...?" He echoed, confused, hands still extended towards Calyrex. Where had he heard that before...? The skeleton told him nothing. It was Galar related though, right? What did he even know about Ga—

"Oup!" Doug's eyes widened as his cellphone suddenly floated out of his pocket, and in front of his face. He tried to look around it, to the King. "Zeke? Get— outta the— Oi!"

The floating phone floated in front of his gaze everytime, his Porygon-Z's synthetic voice echoing out.

"KEYWORD RECOGNIZED. REMINDER:" The screen fleeted through several photos briefly, before finally settling on the pictures taken by over a year ago.

Oh. Right! The poems!

"Shoot! I forgot about those! Uuuh! Judgement is delivered from the creator’s hand'..." Doug read to the King. "Do you... know what this might mean? It's from an... 'ancient' poem. Most of it is lost—"

His Porygon-Z shot forth, grinding to a halt before the King, it's screen shown towards it.

'so came the unknown hero
the black knight
who in his great humbleness
returned from whence he came.

"Uh... Yeah, that. Does.. does that mean anything to you?"

Regardless of the answer, the end was the same. Several trainers attempting to kill. Some where even league members. What the fuck?

"Wait– WAIT!" He shouted, eyes wide. What the hell were they doing?!

His hands glowed a familiar Magenta, the youth reeling back to throw the healing scales at the rider.


The Porygon-Z's body glowed as it took in the various attacks coming its way and quickly realized normal measures would not be enough.

Fully sentient despite its robotic language, recognizing his trainer's desires as its power built within.

"LAST RESORT." Its power burst forth to defend against the many attacks coming towards the king.


-takes the easy out given to him by and peaces(hue) out from an unnecessary fight.
-thanks <3
-sees shit going down. awshitherewegoagain.jpg
-rejoins the group
-tries to heal Calyrex.
-while healing, heals mention the black knight.
-while wondering what that is outloud, his Porygon-Z registers the words and reminds him.
-himself and porygon Z read the poem outloud for Calyrex.
-awshitherewegoagain2:thesequelnobodywanted.jpg as folk try to take it out.
-wedon'tdothathere.jpg, tries to mitigate the damage with healing. Killing is the big naw.
-Porygon Z registers Doug's maxed out stress levels— tries to protect Calyrex with Last Resort.

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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
38 posts
Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 19:35:40 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
As Lucas scales the snow-covered grounds, the clearing reveals the shrine and the courtyard overlooking it. The legendary figure of the giant ground lizard and his would-be opponents are clear from the vantage point, but Lucas only gave them half his attention.
The ruination Pokemon is nowhere to be found, but he can see the peculiar object encased in ice. He had never seen a feather of that color before, but he might get a better idea once he's out of this frozen wasteland.
Well, if he's out of this frozen wasteland. But he likes to remain positive.
Another rumbling follows as he picks up the frozen feather and pockets it. This time, the tremor creeps up quickly into the elevated ground. Even on a platform high above the shrine, the platform would shake with great force.
Before long, a beam of concentrated sunlight barely misses Lucas, instead melting the platform below. Even if he wanted to stay out of the fighting, it seems he has an uncanny ability to attract collateral damage.
The rock beneath him gives way, and - in a bout of deja vu - the crumbling ground threatens to trap him beneath another avalanche.
Picking up his Blissey, Lucas tries to scale down from his vantage position. Alas, his path down gradually crumbles before him.
"Carne, Teleport!"
The Blissey looks at him with a head tilt and her usual cute quip.
"Anywhere! Back in solid ground, preferably!"
Space-time blipped in that area, and the pair disappeared. Hopefully, the Pokemon understands the urgency.



+ Picks up the Shed Feather of Purple and pockets it.[break]
+ Blissey uses Teleport at both Lucas and her to blink into more solid ground.[break]



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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 19:49:42 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield,

Cyg skids down the small slope, stumbling at the bottom and throwing her arms out to catch her balance. She wobbles and Kanaya reaches out a hand to steady her without taking her eyes off of . In her woobling, she notices the Golurk trying to dig out the tiny human. “Ah, shit. Hold on.” And she stoops to help free . [break][break]

There are explosions in the distance as and the other Admins and Beasts really fucking get to kicking the hornets nest. Cyg just feels tired. She helps up and squeezes her eyes shut at the way her vision swims. “Arceus on a Ponyta, dude, zip up and put your dick away. This isn’t a pissing contest,” she admonishes , wiping blood off her forehead. [break][break]

Kanaya finished healing , gave and a brief once over, then threw out her hand and summoned a piercing thunderbolt that struck the ground between ’s Pokemon and ’s Pokemon, a shattering request for silence and an end to this bullshit. ’s proclamation came neatly in its wake. [break][break]

Cyg would’ve applauded his rousing speech but she was busy squinting her blurring vision and trying to decide if she was hallucinating or not. Everyone is asking questions. How do we get home? How do we save the world? How do I… forgive myself?! [break][break]

“Arceus H, Caleb, go to yoga, my guy,” Cyg slurs, stepping closer to the Calyrex, even though she doesn’t know what the fuck it is. “Have a prostate orgasm. Do some hallucinogenics. Don’t waste your question on that, fuck.” She’s cold. Her head hurts. Her friends are in danger.
“How do I protect everyone I care about? And stop them from getting hurt?”





i gotta go back and see if i made the roll cutoff but im on mobile and this is hard[break]
cyg helps Isaac dig akira out. Kanaya uses thunderbolt to stop Amor and Doug from being silly and then Isaac gets on his soapbox [break]
Cyg tells Caleb to grow a pair [break]
Using x1 salac




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[newclass=".cygshield5 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]·
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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 22:02:07 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
When the Lunatone's glowing eyes fade back from the distance they've been peering into, its tone is one of defeat, a soft whir that does not hide its own disappointment. Kyrenai smiles softly as she takes two pokéballs from the reinforced holders on her belt; one is Jaci's, the other a partner yet unknown. She looks at the Lunatone and extends its portable safe haven to it.

"That's enough Jaci, good work."

Yet as soon as the Lunatone disolves into red light her expression turns pensive. Why did the Future Sight fail? Was something actively blocking Jaci's psychic abilities to look into the future? Or did this realm perhaps have no future left to peer into? Was the decay they saw before them not just the tip of the iceberg, but the entire iceberg outright? Part of her wished to know so she could prepare, while another dared hope they would never find out... how pressing it made things.

Not wishing to linger, she tapped the other pokéball in her hand. From it blue scales, white manes and a silver crown beckoned the calling of her shiny Tyrantrum, Mori, who makes itself known with an eerie silence as it stretching itself to its full length. A shadow now looms over the assassin, but the tyrant beast looks at its trainer for orders rather than to rally ahead or make itself known.

She gets unto its back, and with a few taps guides it towards and his Incineroar. It's only when she nears them that she sees the man dodge a brick hurled his way from further ahead, making her wary of what's happening at the statue.

"Impressive dodge," Kyrenai starts, only to have whatever she was planning on saying cut off by battles erupting in a deafening crescendo of explosions and beams. Then, silence, and a unison of voices speaking; the assassin's not sure whether she can see what events are passing beyond, but she remains alert.

When the voices fade, the fighting starts anew, as if each and every one is trying to surpass the other. What overbears all chaos however is the way spears of ice seem to go rampant all around; to all and no-one in particular.

"What the fuck is going on over there?"

It's not a question she expects an answer to, nor does she expect any of the lances being hurled their way either; but when it does, Mori is prepared. The Tyrantrum's been eyeing the fighting suspiciously, and will attempt to Crunch through anything thrown its or its trainer's way.

Literally or figuratively.


- Recalls Lunatone
- Wonders whether this realm(?) even has a future left to see
- Calls forth Tyrantrum
- Moves towards
- Rhethorical question; X
- Tries to counter the ice lance with a Strong Jaw-powered Crunch


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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 22:51:05 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Dropped, controlled, stopped.
Kouji couldn’t hide the frustration that all of it had caused, was causing, yet he was too busy dragging himself out of the snow once more, Absol hopped to his side; but the pokemon growled and hissed at the strange creature behind it. A bulbous head, a face like a rabbit, yet ever so sick.
”Looks painful.”
His astute observation was all that he had to offer to that creature, his hand on the neck of the disaster pokemon, struggling to hold the aggressive, prideful creature back. Yet, his ears focused on some of the questions asked, many passed, many for this creature, and spears of ice were its replies.
Still, violence would erupt, but it wasn’t the violence he sought. He looked at the Silph, then back to the noble rider, even sickly; he could tell. Perhaps it wasn’t just him, his eyes went to the black dog he had interacted with only a few times, to the other rockets, and let out a sigh.
This guy would die.
”Oi, rubs me the wrong way to have someone get killed before they get to introduce ‘emselves, what’s your name?” He didn’t really care, he wasn’t the one pulling the knife, nor swinging it. That was for those who wished to fell a God, he had a long ways to go before he tried to do the same, he shook his head.
The myriad attacks, the many that fell, the cold that nipped at his skin; there was a lot to think about. ”Absol, keep yourself sharp. Use Detect, can’t have anyone try to jump us.”
He turned his eyes from the carnage, it wasn’t something he disliked, it was the opposite; but this wasn’t a fight. Golden eyes brushed over those that had collected here, it made sense yet it was strange. Almost like a messiah and his flock of followers, almost everyone had come together, for the opportunity to fell one who was half dead. It was impressive, the mix of attacks that were thrown, but most of it, the blackness that caused a shiver to fall down his spine. They were united in the idea of killing the one who had embarrassed them, or perhaps it was an act of mercy to he who had acted as a ruler to stop the carnage they were about to release on each other.
How long would that last?



-Drops on his ass[break]
-Holds Absol back[break]
-Asks Calyrex their name[break]
-Tells Absol to use detect.[break]
-Notes how everyone is gathered, wonders how long that will last[break]




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP