i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 0:06:37 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","textarea"] "M-NEON!" Jayden snaps towards the Beast, but his words are muffled by the explosion of PRESIPICE BLADES that score the earth. Explosions sound in the air with the ferocity of mortar and fire, as the statue that they had only sought to merely unearth was detonated by none other than .

[break][break] and 's combined WIDE GUARD luckily saved them. But Jayden's hand goes quick to the hilt of his blades, hand wrapped into whitened vice-grip, hatred blown in pupils of indigo-violet as he spotted the Groudon avatar only a few feet away. His chest burned with resentment, not just for all the Rockets that had been lost at the hands of the Elite Four, but a GRUDGE too —

[break][break] This time he would kill him. This time it was personal.

[break][break] Because in the Ultra Deep Sea, Fern had been hurt. He'd been —

[break][break] Before Jayden can so much as make a move, however, a chilling NEIGH breaks across the courtyard. His veins go cold watching PSYCHIC ENERGY immobilize them all into place, stopping the battle, but more importantly:

[break][break] "Fern!"

[break][break] He grits his teeth, resentment burning in his gaze. It should be a testament to the Admin's self-control that he doesn't immediately sprint onto the screen; putting aside his own wants and needs for the sake of the majority was practically second nature to him by this point. But it doesn't change the haunted feeling of watching his partner lifted in the air like mere puppetry, speaking in a voice that is them and yet so exceedingly not them.

[break][break] Relief billows in his chest when they are replaced for the decapitated head, and that's when the string that held Jayden taut snaps. He sprints forward, rushing past anyone in the way, to catch on his descent downwards.

[break][break] It's only when they are back in their arms that he can feel secure again, but even as Jayden lowers them to the floor, the tension in his shoulders don't quite leave. His hands reach for theirs in a tight grip, before looking back to the Calyrex, the last of the king's words echoing in the courtyard air.

[break][break] The King grants them a rare choice: knowledge in exchange for death. It's as compassionate an end as any, rather than living a lifetime of pain and suffering.

[break][break] As others voice their questions, Jayden takes the time to consider his options. He returns his Doublade, and instead replaces them for his Ceruledge. His SYGNA SUIT turns on with a click of his wrist, and the energy vibrates between him and Czar — had once told him of the soulsiphoner's abilities. Any cut from a Ceruledge sword would leak life energy — if there was something that could destroy the last vestiges of this creature's existence, it would be this.

[break][break] When the last of the questions cease, Jayden takes his own turn.

[break][break] "What - or who - caused the calamity? Is it an inevitable end of our worlds?"

[break][break] He thinks about what they were told in Cyberchase, and all the moments since. had told them to subdue both the dogs and ruinous beasts, but he had not said to stop it. In fact, he had only said that leaving it in the league's incapable hands was sure-fire disaster — the opposite he had said when it came to saving Hoenn from the meteor's destruction.

[break][break] In other words:

[break][break] How did you cause a calamity of mass destruction?

[break][break] Power gathers in the light of his Ceruledge's sword, before it rushes forward in an attempt to plunge a BITTER BLADE into the heart of the king's crown.





— jayden is disguised as YORU [break]
— catches , before asking his question [break]
— wearing his SYGNA SUIT (activated) + Ceruledge uses BITTER BLADE to kill calyrex (chooses 88) [break][break]

— with , and


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 0:26:58 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor still didn't know if they were in danger or not, as the Orbeetle responded, but before further battle could be done, a Lucario would interpose itself between his Dragonite, and the Orbeetle, followed by a Thunderbolt that struck the ground, and that caused him to sigh internally, but it wouldn't do any good to fight back at the moment. That was when Amor heard Isaac use some interestingly colorful language, which caused him to quirk an eyebrow.

"Interesting choice of words for someone who doesn't care.", however Amor made no further move to attempt to fight . However that is when everything went to hell, quite literally as the Leagues most volatile member blew up what appeared to be a very important statue, and Amor let out a very annoyed 'tch' sound from beneath his suit. "They need to learn to keep their dog on a stricter leash." Watching the strange magic show playout in front of him as some of the Leagues strongest members were just used as puppets for, some weird bunny thing to speak. It would seem that this creature was a God around these parts, and someone just nuked it's shrine.

Things were moving so quickly, he hoped that his question would reach in time.

"What is the origin point?" It was something he heard about countless times, something that the Dark Triad believed would be the cause of the multiverse ending. It all started in their dimension, and that meant if he could figure out what it was, then maybe they could figure out a way to prevent the multiverse from ending. If for a brief moment. When the God asked to be killed, Amor would nod to his Dragonite. "Do it quick, and with dignity. Cleanly." Draco flared his wings, and then used Extreme Speed headed towards the King in an attempt to behead him, and not prolong it's suffering.

Amor would rather gather more data on it, and ask more questions, but he was not afforded such a luxury this time.


Amor stops attacking
Amor asks "What is the Origin Point"
Dragonite uses Extreme Speed in an attempt to give Calyrex a quick, and clean death.
Attempting a death blow
Salaac used x2

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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
132 posts
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 1:20:59 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar

That was all Colton could focus on as he stomped his way through the snow. His teeth chattered and his body shook as he desperately rubbed his hands together and blew warm air on them. No place on Earth had any right to be this cold and he could only wonder what time of insane person would ever choose to live in a frozen wasteland like this. And yet, his destination was proof enough that people did live here, at least at one point. ”Backwards, unhinged lunatics, all of them…” be muttered to himself angrily as he fumbled at the Pokeballs on his waist. With a couple of clicks, Optimus is returned, with MM quickly taking its place.

In an instant, the natural heat the Fire-type produced brought blessed warmth to the area close by, the snow even melting at his feet. He sighed in relief, rubbing his arms gratefully before continuing his trek upwards. All was quiet around him bar the crunch of snow beneath his feet and the hum of his Pokemon’s body, so much that he was beginning to believe he was alone in this frozen hellscape save for random crackles of his radio indicating their were in fact others somewhere, when he saw two figures in the distance. His pace sped up, one hand waving in the air as he opened his mouth to call out to the figures, now revealed to be a man and a Smeargle now that he was closer.

Only for the sky to suddenly rip open above him.

Colton couldn’t help but cry out in surprise, falling backwards into the snow as he stared awestruck by the sight. The sky was soon filled in by an inky black fog, as if it was trying to fix the wound in it, but couldn’t quite figure out how. His radio sparked to life again, and the voice of , brought him back to reality. It didn’t take much for Colton to connect the dots that he was the figure just up ahead and his Smeargle had, through whatever means, opened up the hole in the sky. And that same man was already walking up the hill again.

”H-hey! Wait for me!” he called out, scrambling back to his feet and stumbling through the snow to catch up to the other man, MM floating behind him casually. It seemed a being born from dreams had no issues existing in a space that didn’t really exist. However, as he reached the top of the hill, he returned the Pokémon back to its ball, Optimus taking its place once again, along with the cold MM had kept at bay.

Colton was gasping for breath as he finally reached the crest of the hill, though his eyes were still very much fixed on the Glastrier and its rider trotting around, massive spears of ice being tossed out in every direction. He could see the spark of intelligence in the rider’s eyes, though the clarity it held would come and go, the engineer’s gaze flicking towards the damaged bulb on its head. He looked around at the others nearby, some of which were already readying attacks to kill the injured Pokemon, without so much as asking if they could help save it.

”We can’t just let it die! Isn’t there something we can do to help cure it?” Colton said, directing his Iron Valiant forward with one hand. ”Put up a WIDE GUARD!”

Optimus’ eyes glow as it leapt forward, placing itself in the path of the attacks and forming a barrier to absorb the blows. Would it work? Colton doubted it, but he wouldn’t feel right if he didn’t at least try to save it. There had to be something they could do…

- Colton is in awe of the Spatial Rend tearing open the sky
- Iron Valiant attempts to defend Calyrex and Glastrier, Colton refusing to believe simply killing it is the only answer

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 2:21:11 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]the frozen world is of little interest to king so, while others contemplate regicide, his eyes survey the surrounding area for threats or pieces of interest.
a voice pulls him from his isolation and king gives an appraising look from his peripheal.
"dick measurin' contest i suspect." despite his easy-tone the man keeps a guard-up; you never knew when someone would move to take advantage of a situation like this.

his eyes lift up to to gauge her question as well as her assault on the strange pokemon. her hatred ran deeper than most knew so, he reserves his judgement.
finding only snow, he turns the majority of his attention to the high-king.
"kyn!" he yells in alarm, but the cat is already aware of the pending threat. an ICE LANCE is upon them before the mist of his breathe can properly dissipate.
reaching out the incineroar grabs the lance between calloused paws, the momentum of the attack forcing the fire-type back as he slides across the snow's surface. between clenched digits a FLARE BITZ burns like a crimson star as the lance slowly begins to melt. before it could, however, it shatters outwards in a contained explosion. ice-shrapnel embeds itself in trees, fur, rocks, and more.
when the heated vapor dissipates, kyn's left breathing heavy as he leans on one knee. the growl is irritation in king's throat is no different than a predatorial animal.
"son uv'a bitch." the incineroar disappears into light only to be replaced by a lucario. he points a thumb over his shoulder.
"wipe that fucker off the earth."
blue highlights the snow around them beneath the flying aura sphere. the outlet of his rage was enough; the kill meant nothing.




» replies to [break]
» kyn takes the ICICLE LANCE; heavily-injured and returned to his ball; lucario comes out
[break]» lucario uses aura sphere on the king to outlet his rage (kill doesnt matter)[break]


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 2:59:40 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







As soon as he has autonomy of his body again, Bryan immediately leaps back. What the hell is this thing? [break][break]

he had never seen it before but he wondered if any of the 20 galarians here would recognize it, seemed like none of them was a legendary but it was so weak. "Xerneas, Return." if there was poison here and Xerneas was hit by it they would both be in quite the pickle. "Audino." he says as he sends out his audino and begins to watch the mad king begin to rampage. Offering them all knowledge before he loses his mind entirely and begins to unleash an icy barrage from hell. [break][break]

"Can my ability save you?!" he shouts at it as he STANDS IN FRONT OF HIS AUDINO WITH ARMS OUTSTRETCHED, intent on protecting his pokemon as he witnesses try to stop the attack. "Help him! Use helping hand!" he orders as Audino cheers on his WEEZING'S HEATWAVE Maybe it'd be strong enough to take the fuckin bastard out. [break][break]



notes about this post

Withdraw xerneas, send out Audino. [break][break]
Stands in front of Audino to protect it from a potential lance. [break][break]
Asks if his healing abilities can stop his early death.[break][break]
Uses helping hand on 's weezing's heatwave

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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
105 posts
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 4:01:56 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

Mirabella almost sighed while any help was better than some. There was nothing that could be done. "Fine." She didn't have the energy to make an argument. Then the king appear how interested. It seemed they has screw by destroyed the statue. Wait the poison? Our foe! This wasn't ruination or the corrupt beast at all. Calyrex the king of galar which to die before anything. [break][break]

Yumei moved between the spear of ice with nimble however he didn't aim to the king Calyrex. He didn't see killing this legendary as a prize or honor as it would when they found that stupid feline. Only firing shadow ball after shadow ball to make use none would reached his already annoyed trainer. Final a question named into the girl mind. "Who else has our "foe" poisoned beside you?"[break][break]

Mirabella is just a brat and complain[break][break] 
She wondered what the heck is happens as the king shows up [break][break]
Decided to ask him a question even if putting her hisuian zorua at risk [break][break]
the hisuian zorua tried to avoid the ice and protect his trainer by repeating using shadow ball hisuian zorua [break][break]



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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 4:07:59 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

The grass whistle sings through the air, above the din of clashing forces. It is when they begin to sink in the air, and the solar beam veers off course that Fern realizes his dragapult has drifted into slumber. As they plummet, he recalls her and readies the release of a new Pokémon to guide him neatly to the ground below.[break][break]

Before he can do so, however, he does not find himself colliding with the earth, but instead being suspended into the air despite the thrash of his limbs before they are stunned into stillness. He is not alone, but that does not make the immobility less tolerable. Calyrex pulls words up his throat to roll off his tongue in syllables that are not his own. The mangled union of four voices clashing into one sends an unpleasant shiver along his spine. The moment cannot end soon enough.[break][break]

And when he sinks back down to the ground, is there to collect him. He releases a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Thank you.” No more than a murmur amid the questions asked of the calyrex as its steed sends out uncontrolled pulses of ice and snow.[break][break]

He has no questions for the creature who took his voice and controlled his movements. Irrational anger sputters to life as they glide over the opportunity to ask anything of the king of bounty. Nimuë springs forward on release. “Burn them down.” The ruff of flame around the hisuian typhlosion’s throat flares with brighter light as she sets loose and INFERNAL PARADE on calyrex, uncaring if it is quick or painless. Spectral bursts of flame hurtle toward its rotted head, one by one in procession.


+ falling before calyrex hoists him up[break]
+ then caught by uwu[break]
+ skips the ask me anything with calyrex and jumps straight into attack - releases h!typhlosion who uses infernal parade[break]
+ 1x salac used




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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 4:48:20 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

The inscriptions upon the statue found themselves murmured under his breath as he leaned in for a glance, his brows briefly furrowing before his gaze shifted towards the source of a familiar voice only some ways behind him— . He watched as she and her own fluttered over upon the back of his companion, to which he reached out and gently ran his fingers through his feathers as he glided into reach. He looked back towards the words as the other attained a proper look before giving her a second glance.[break][break]

”Could be; could not be…” he murmured, breathing a sigh as he began to peer around the clearing once more. ”If it did, though—”[break][break]

—a remark never to be finished, of course.[break][break]

Not within the wake of chaos and clamor, even if distant. Sounds of collision met his ears before long, and thus had his gaze strayed upward in search of the source, finding naught but a mere direction at first. His eyes scanned the higher sceneries before settling upon the small flashes and the like that seemed to be lighting afar—mixed with the audible conflict that accompanied it—before narrowing his eyes and looking up towards his bird after eying the Gardevoir’s form begin to glow within the midst of its Psychic.[break][break]

”...I’m gonna hope that reached the right people, if anyone at all,” he sighed before hastily sounding a quick whistle. At once, the avian gave a small, almost shrieking sound of affirmation before lighting down just enough to allow his trainer to mount atop his back, all while said trainer quickly extended a hand down to the person he’d helped ferry, to begin with. ”We gotta go, though.”[break][break]

A simple statement— and one he wouldn’t let linger for long once she’d pulled herself atop the bird’s back, once more. As soon as his companion would be settled in, the Stone would have let another, louder whistle into the air, prompting the Talonflame to flap his wings and embark into the skies, once more. With minor direction, he began to careen towards the point of note—the summit—as the conflict grew louder and all the more noticeable, and seemingly just in time to witness the onslaught of Glacial Lances being thrust out.[break][break]

Another direction, and he’d find himself holding onto his avian companion as he tucked his wings in briefly, attempting to weave his way into the fray and unleashing a barrage of Steel Wings towards the oncoming structures of ice in an attempt to shatter them and stave them away from their targets.[break][break]


  • Leonidas notes the inscription alongside Marisol.
  • Leonidas notes the conflict as Marisol relays the inscription.
  • Talonflame ferries Leonidas and Marisol above the the summit.
  • No questions on account of being Fashionably Late(tm), but Talonflame uses Steel Wing on some of the incoming Glacial Lances to intercept them from their targets.
  • Total Salacs used: x2

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 6:04:52 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Javlins bounced off the joint walls of protection. Together, with , they'd had done well in protecting their own, but what worth did that bring? Destruction still found its way through.

When the king first appeared, Felix's veins swelled, bursting with sweltering rage. Then, a beat later, relief flooded. It was dying. And fast.

Why don't you fuckers just get back to where you came from, he wondered, scoffing to himself.

Others took to that moment to corral around it like a flock rising to its shepherd. Felix didn't. His eyes were preoccupied with a certain pair of kindred spirits.

and .

Though he stepped forward to help, hesitation shackled his ankles to the ground. There was no knowing how the elite four would react. And Elisabeth? She was a wild card now. How fucked was that?

So, again, he failed her. He had to. At least for now.

While others continued to stare out toward the preacher, Felix's fingers reached down to his wrist, activating the gem embedded into the metal.


From there, everything else fell into place. Shifting through the crowd of chaos and drawing curiosity, Felix's orders to the mega-evolved Gallade were simple.

Aim for ' neck.

The Gallade kicked forward, blade bathing itself in scarlet red. SACRED BLADE made way for its mark.

Hand reaching for his side, at the same time as the attack, Felix whipped out his secondary pistol, taking aim at his leg.

This was war.

Whether knew it or not, today, on that battlefield, he embodied more than just a man seeking an individualist's glory.

He represented the blight that was avatars. How it corrupts, rotting even the most valiant from the inside out.

He represented the destruction that overcame Littleroot. More than Rocket's efforts, the admin could remember the screams following his groudon's blades. What if that were Petalburg? What if those screams were that of ? How could defend against something like that?

This bullet, this blade - it acted as a means to an end.

- ignores everyone basically, including calyrex (though internally asks the question WHY)
- attacks Matias while he and everyone else is distracted
- mega evolves gallade and attacks Matias w sacred sword, plus tries to shoot him in the leg pew pew
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 6:37:37 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



The hatred and rage of both parties had lead to this. The desecration of an artifact, the ruination of a king. So much pointless suffering. Luka glares up at the four beings held aloft by the oversized rabbit, and for the first time she can't bring herself to feel pity. They'd done this to themselves.[break][break]

Guilt spider-steps up the length of her spine— she hadn't stopped them.[break][break]

It's futile to think the league and rocket could ever truly get along, but isn't it obvious how much this conflict has twisted their souls? Their actions had doomed an uninvolved party to a grisly fate. And still, the only thing they seem united in now is causing the death of an innocent.[break][break]

And despite their earnest plea, she can't allow that to happen.[break][break]

Love balls change hands, and soon her Clefable replaces Whimsicott. "Sorry, Cupcake," she says with a regretful smile. "B-but this poor thing is suffering, and I think we can help without killing them."[break][break]

They don't have much time to make a decision. All around them, others are going in for the kill. And though the king had proclaimed themselves their enemy should they survive, she's confident that this group could find a way to cure them, if they're not too busy tearing themselves apart.[break][break]

Clefable nods in understanding, her little hands clasped just as her trainer's are. Underneath the light of a frozen moon she summons a lunar dance, ethereal and solemn, as though paying homage in the court of a great ruler. Luka reaches up to grip the lunar wing around her neck; her prayers have never been answered, but she'd received a blessing once before. She can only hope that that's enough to save the poor, cursed creature in front of her.[break][break]

But if all else fails, she should at least inquire something of them. There are so many things she can ask: some of them selfish, some of them curious, some of them practical. They jumble and fight each other for attention, words pushing against her closed lips, so thick she almost chokes on them. What do you mean by a memory? Is there any way to save you? How do we get home? What happened to the canine with the shield? Will I ever be strong enough to protect the people I love?[break][break]

She shakes her head and pink curls go flying. The other questions asked pass in a blur; she catches bits and pieces of them but some come too quickly or too quietly to register. While Cupcake sacrifies herself for the forlorn king, she asks them: "What happened to the shield dog, and how can we help them defend against that creature from before?"[break][break]



- has a sygna suit on (not active!)[break]
- clefable uses lunar dance on calyrex[break]
- tries to summon a lunar blessing with the lunar wing[break]
- used salac x1


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
26 posts
Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 6:58:40 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

Trailing her Sigilyph towards the hailstorm of various attacks and defenses flying towards the king of a bygone era, Rhydia spotted a familiar face ( ) for only a fraction of a second before they were gone, vanishing in a blip.[break][break]

If she’d known they could’ve been reunited here, she would’ve brought along a portrait as a gift. Instead, all she had to give was a smile she was sure would go unseen.[break][break]

’If this keeps up, surely the king will fall…’ A smile spread across her face as she reached the outer ring of the conflict, recalling her airborne psychic type back into its pokeball, only to replace it with Zoroark Smeargle. [break][break]

She drew out her sketchbook briefly, taking in the sight of the battle from where she could see, picking out several standout figures on the canvas.[break][break]

continued his destructive path, and attempted Regicide by his own hands. attempted the same, bringing out the same RUINATION that seemingly brought them all to this frigid tundra.[break][break]

They were warped souls, really. So willing to kill on a single request, a single plea to swipe the final stroke on the canvas of another’s life.[break][break]

Rhydia could only see such wills as beautiful, like a pair of impossible stars comprised of nothing but black fire, burning everyone and everything that even attempted to come close.[break][break]

While the pair of them as humans shined as stars, a looming god looked down upon them all and passed judgement while asked a silly question about preservation.[break][break]

”You’d preserve the memory in your own mind, of course. People die, but legends persevere.” She was merely a face in the crowd speaking to in passing, but that was the beauty of it all in her eyes.[break][break]

A stage set of gods, heroes, and villains. A beautiful piece of the full range of humanity, gathered all for a single dying king.[break][break]

”Make sure this scenery isn’t ruined, Smeargle~”[break][break]

The ZoroarkSmeargle rushed forwards with speed greater than normal and let out a snarling, distracting howl an impassioned cry towards ‘s troublesome Iron Valiant.[break][break]

It was a TAUNT, and a clear challenge. She’d never allow such beautiful art to be prevented from developing any further.


Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Rhydia smiles at , her sister.[break]
- Swaps from Sigilyph to Hisuian Zoroark. Illusion disguises it as Smeargle[break]
- Pulls out her sketchbook and starts on a drawing of and , but stops to respond to [break]
- Zoroark uses TAUNT on ‘s Iron Valiant to stop the Wide Guard.[break][break]



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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 17:16:54 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


Rusted Shield

…Just kidding. Of course the ebb and flow of their war would mean things wouldn't play out as smoothly as that. Misfires and interference diminished the spectacle that tried to unfurl, leaving it… disappointing, put frankly. Fortunately, something infinitely more interesting was about to happen, heralded by a cry that managed to chill Alba's very bones.[break][break]

A false hatred born from a humble spark simply could not compare when pitted against the fervent desire of a man who wanted to unravel each and every mystery laid at his feet. The appearance of an unknown pushed all else to the sidelines. Even the biting cold, harassing him through an outfit meant more for summer than winter, became barely an afterthought.[break][break]

"Telekinesis, and a form of telepathy through controlling others… But not only can it speak using the vocal cords of others, it can use something like a statue as an instrument… Interesting! It really is a shame you're about to die, but seeing as you are, I'll stop wasting time—"[break][break]

A single question. What a cruel limit to have. The scientists tried to pick out as many questions being asked in the cacophony of voices and death blows, striking through his options as he did. No point in doubling up, right?[break][break]

"Who are you?" Simple. If it even had enough healthy grey matter to remember its own name, that was.



Currently concealing his identity with a mask.[break]
Asks Calyrex "Who are you?"[break]
Using x1 Salac (my only one :sadcat:)

[break][break]@shield gang



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[newclass=".albaTemp .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 8:34:41 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Battle! (Calyrex) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


ICE CRUSTS OVER THE CREATURE’S PAW AS IT STRUGGLES TO MAINTAIN CONTROL. Its mind is addled, pulsing bright with the poison that now dribbles sloppily past its green bud.

:[break]"Oi, rubs me the wrong way to have someone get killed before they get to introduce ‘emselves, what’s your name?"

"i am calyrex. i once was a high king. i ruled over galar in times of yore.” The Pokemon's reply is strained, as if the vocal cords itself were attempting to constrain the toxin back in its throat.[break][break]

A GLACIAL LANCE IS THROWN. It arcs toward , her SALAZZLE emerging from its pokeball to shield its trainer. Immediately, it is knocked out, its slender form grappled by Galarian ice. 's IRON MOTH suffers the same fate. Its trainer's question goes unanswered as ice smashes against its metallic wings. Another lance flies toward 's HATTERENE, causing the tall Fairy-type to topple unconscious.[break][break]


:[break]"How do we stop the ruination?!"[break][break]

/ UXIE:[break]"Where is Azelf? Are they here?"[break][break]

:[break]"Do you know anything of the Dark Triad?"[break][break]

"How might I subjugate that beautiful cat monster? How can I get more of that wonderful feeling it gives me? How can I win its heart, so it can bring me to life, then take these faded worlds and paint them all red with me?"[break][break]

"What - or who - caused the calamity? is it an inevitable end of our worlds?"

"I possess no knowledge of what a ruination is who or where Azelf is.” The Pokemon responds, though some may find it odd that the second answer is given to a question unspoken. "The DRK Triad is not a court that I am familiar with, nor am I familiar with this 'cat monster'.”[break][break]

Unnerved by 's odd mannerisms, the CALYREX moves away from her—if she hasn't moved already from the incoming barrage of attacks.[break][break]

To , the CALYREX answers: "This world's calamity begun since time immemorial. The Skeleton rose from what seems to have been epochs of slumber... is this world not the only one we live in?”[break][break]

ANOTHER GLACIAL LANCE IS HURLED ACROSS THE COURTYARD. After 's ambush on , the latter's GALLADE jumps out of its ball. The lance clashes with the GALLADE & 'S SPIRITOMB, knocking them out with a clamorous chill.[break][break]

's CERULEDGE warms , spectral flames exuding a heat that follows the man's body. A GLACIAL LANCE strikes its armors with a loud clang, causing it to faint. With vengeful flight, 's TALONFLAME darts through the air. Its feathers, hardened by a STEEL WING intercept another lance soaring toward and their GHOLDENGO.

:[break]"This note -- it mentions a black knight, and a skeleton. Where did the note come from - and what is it talking about?"[break][break]

:[break]"Shoot! I forgot about those! Uuuh! Judgement is delivered from the creator’s hand'..." Doug read to the King. "Do you... know what this might mean? It's from an... 'ancient' poem. Most of it is lost—"[break][break]

'so came the unknown hero[break][break]
the black knight[break][break]
who in his great humbleness[break][break]
returned from whence he came.'[break][break]

"Uh... Yeah, that. Does.. does that mean anything to you?"

"The Galarian people still persist. They live quietly and in hiding... and in cities still standing. One intrepid chronicler must have written that note... as for the black knight and skeleton?” The Calyrex sputters poison and another segment of its bud peels away. "The Black Knight and Skeleton came from the heavens. The Skeleton came first. The Knight came afterward. Their fight brought forth the Darkest Day.”[break][break]

Seeing 's PORYGON-Z and the literature on its screen, the king replies: "I do not understand. The Black Knight is still here. I do not know of these verses in current time...”[break][break]

THE GLASTRIER SHRIEKS AS IT MARCHES CALYREX AROUND, its reins controlled by the throbbing poison eating away at the king's very existence. As its hooves drum against the old stone, heavy GLACIAL LANCES are tossed as if they are nothing. One slams into 's GALARIAN DARMANITAN and another is caught by 's TYRANTRUM'S STRONG JAW. However, the momentum of the lance does not stop, drilling forward until the dinosaur reels away. Both of the lances detonate, knocking each Pokemon out.[break][break]

Another slams into 's INCINEROAR despite the intense flames billowing from the wreath of its waist. Another slams into 's ZOROARK, its SHADOW BALL split in half like a ghostly fruit before it is fainted by the GLACIAL LANCE too.


:[break]"What happened to the shield dog, and how can we help them defend against that creature from before?"[break][break]

"Where is the dog and Chien-Pao?"[break][break]

:[break]"Why do you believe we are worth saving?"

"The creature from before? Mayhaps you are speaking of The Skeleton? The dog you speak of is The Hero of Many Battles. It must be resting after its battles with The Skeleton. It is interred in stone, biding its time, somewhere in this realm. I haven't a clue as to what a 'Chien-pao' is."[break][break]

A horrible cough leaves the Calyrex's throat.[break][break]

"Our people have lost their hope. Their luster for life. They have been beaten down... and lack heroes to inspire new stories. Might you be one of them?"[break][break]

THE CALYREX ROARS, LOSING FURTHER CONTROL. Its GLACIAL LANCE strikes 's HISUIAN GOODRA'S PROTECT, but another soon follows it to force the dragon to the ground. An AURA SPHERE from 's LUCARIO strikes the CALYREX & ITS STEED, but the king swiftly retaliates.[break][break]

A GLACIAL LANCE smashes into the LUCARIO and 's HISUIAN SAMUROTT. Another javelin of ice smashes into 's GALLADE, leaving a tail of snowflakes in its trajectory.[break][break]


:[break]"What do you mean,'this memory'?"[break][break]

:[break]"How do I forgive myself for all of the terrible things I've done?"[break][break]

"What is the origin point?"

"This world is as real as what is remembered." The Calyrex says in cryptic fashion. "Even as a king, I may not have the answer to your plight. I have failed many times... and this is why I stand before you all like this today. But your feeling of guilt is a sign of you becoming who you want to be. Do not forget that."[break][break]

SEVERAL ATTEMPT TO PROTECT THE CALYREX. By now, it is clear that the Pokemon is on its last, clear synapse. It struggles to answer : "That is something I possess no knowledge of..."[break][break]

attempts to protect the poor Pokemon. His IRON VALIANT is sent forth, avoiding the GLACIAL LANCES as they fly. However, 's ZOROARK is quick to stop it. With a conniving grin, it TAUNTS the Paradox Pokemon, preventing its WIDE GUARD from ever materializing.[break][break]

A GLACIAL LANCE spears 's MUSHARNA, forcing it to faint in a cloud of pink smoke. Another crashes into 's MAGCARGO before narrowly missing , even from this distance.[break][break]


"How can I ensure your story lives on? Your knowledge?"[break][break]

:[break]"So, what happens next?"[break][break]

:[break]"…is there anything I can do for you? Anything you want?"[break][break]

"How do we get back to our own ‘memory’, then?"

"By killing me. Do not let the people know of my blunders. Of my wretched state. They do not remember me as I am right now, nor do they remember me in my golden years. Being forgotten is the best for my story... lest you desire to fabricate the events of this tragic stage."[break][break]

The Calyrex replies to the others, tears filling its bloodshot eyes as the poison begins to take over the last remnants of lucid thought it has.[break][break]

"Go to the final standing settlements of Galar: Circhester, Hammerlocke, Motostoke, Ballonlea. There, create stories for Galar. Create stories that will be everlasting. Ones that will be sung in every tavern in the land... This will help awaken our hero dog and put an end to this memory for you to... leave!"


"What poisoned you, exactly? What is strong enough to kill a god?"[break][break]

:[break]"Any final words?"

"The Skeleton... falling stars..." The Calyrex wails. The final words come: "Which of your stories... will you prefer...?"


's GARCHOMP erects STONE EDGE SHIELDS around the CALYREX, but the king can not withstand the toxin any longer. Howling, it smashes the stones and GLACIAL LANCES the dragon. Another slams into and his AUDINO, the trainer's strength not enough to prevent the Pokemon from fainting.[break][break]

However, a HELPING HAND manages to leave the AUDINO'S PAWS to assist 's WEEZING. The HEAT WAVE scorches the CALYREX before the WEEZING is lanced. Similarly, 's PORYGON-Z is overcome by Rocket's attacks. Its LAST RESORT is a defiant last stand before it FAINTS from the onslaught.[break][break]

While and escape danger, summons a GROUND SPIKE that spears the CALYREX. The GLASTRIER whinnies as its king is impaled off its back. In the process, and his MEGA GALLADE attempt to strike during the distraction.[break][break]


Although the CALYREX is pierced through and separated from its steed, the residual energies from its union manifest as sudden, sputtering GLACIAL LANCES. 's HOUNDOOM is able to melt a few of these, while 's GOLURK manages to punch through an icy javelin too.[break][break]

's FIRAGARIF sinks its PSYCHIC FANGS into the CALYREX'S NECK—but the teeth can not break all the way through. However, the teeth manage to hold the king in place as GLACIAL LANCES fly from its paws. Eventually, the FIRAGARIF faints from being struck by these, but before it can, it is able to provide pivotal anchoring for the king's execution.[break][break]

's CHARIZARD blows a sweltering INFERNO on the king. Combined with 's WEEZING and 's RAYQUAZA's attacks, the flames burn away what's left of its green bud. 's CERULEDGE dashes in, bladed arm engulfed in spectral fire. It sinks its blade in, forcing the CALYREX to yelp, poisons sputtering from its mouth.[break][break]

The CALYREX growls fiendishly as if in midst of demonic possession. It flails on spike and blade as 's WO-CHIEN engulfs it in the torturous deluge of RUINATION. However, it is who takes the kill. His HISUIAN TYPHLOSION summons an INFERNAL PARADE. The barrage of spiritual fire burns through the CALYREX who finally stills within the flickering shape of its attack.[break][break]

When attempts to revive it... THE CALYREX DOES NOT STIR. His power does not seem to work...


WHEN THE CALYREX DIES, the white pistil on its head withers too. From it, several RADIANT PETALS emerge from the last remnants of its INFINITY ENERGY. As soon as they land, they create small beams of teleportation: one for each aforementioned location. CIRCHESTER, HAMMERLOCKE, MOTOSTOKE, BALLONLEA. Should one step into them, they will be warped to their location of choice.[break][break]

It is clear that the teleportation beams will not last long... An image of each location can be seen in each beam as if one were peering through a window.[break][break]

The GLASTRIER remains on the outskirts. It is in mourning—but , with the half-eaten ICEROOT CARROT may be able to coax it over to his side. Should feed the GLASTRIER with the carrot, or allow someone else too, they will be able to use this noble steed for the event.[break][break]

AFTER EVERYONE WARPS AWAY, the CALYREX would eventually stir once more. The resurrection would have taken some time... but whether this was the right decision remains to be seen, for the king will not be able to return to who it once was.


Your character must indicate which location they would like to go (either verbally - or oocly, in which case, the calyrex will forcibly send them there). Assume other characters or the CALYREX itself have described the locations to them should they not know what each location is like.[break][break]

Choose your location wisely. The characters who go to one city may not be able to meet others in another city for some time.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


MAY 29TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has missed a round and is at risk of being kicked from the event should absences continue.[break][break]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,412 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 13:15:47 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian has to purse his lips to suppress a laugh at 'Clean Wash', and it's with grave sincerity that he replies to , "I should hope he knows better than to attempt to pit me against my husband."[break][break]

It wasn't a direct answer, yet it was answer enough.[break][break]

Cillian's attention shifts to as she speaks.[break][break]

"I wouldn't wander off. Have you any idea the size of this place? You're more likely to freeze to death. Best that we gather our fellow Rockets before searching for a way out."[break][break]

He turns to Hitoshi next, inclining his head to agree with the man's position. Seeing his reaction to , he says, "She's one of ours."[break][break]

A grateful look is spared to as the man's Houndoom draws close, its hellish fires keeping the chill at bay. Lugia seems grateful, too, her luminous red eyes blinking down at the Dark-type without their usual malice.[break][break]

is met with less warmth, though Cillian is not openly hostile toward her or . It was not the time for petty squabbling; not when they were all desperate to figure out a way home. Practicality keeps him peaceful, his claws sheathed. Lugia, too, is passive in the face of the unknown dangers they were up against — she meets the fierce stare of 's Rayquaza, unflinching. Silent agreement is communicated between that look: she would not engage so long as they did not.[break][break]

Our Galar insists; he wonders where she's from. Cillian Quinn, child of Circhester, cannot resist the call of his homeland when it's dangled before him like a carrot on a stick.[break][break]

"I'm going to Circhester," he tells those he's with, his gaze particularly intense on . would also hear, had she abandoned her obsession with the cat. "We can stick together, or we can go our separate ways, but I'm set."[break][break]

Over ROCKET COMMS, he says, "I'm going to Circhester."[break][break]

He leaves out his codename in the presence of their League companions, trusting his deep voice and accent to identify him well enough to those who mattered.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



Cillian is with several other people, tags above.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA is out, kept warm by and grateful.[break]
Cillian advises not to wander off, assures that is on their side. Acknowledges the presence of and without hostility; similarly, Lugia acknowledges 's Rayquaza.[break]
Picks CIRCHESTER and invites those he's with to come along before announcing his decision over ROCKET COMMS.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 14:11:35 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

every action he took didn't surmount to anything meaningful, but he had to try. as soon as calyrex expires, kyle moves on to the next person on his list. like , he holds a finger gun and aims it at . a silent "bam" marks the start of his avatar ability in action.

kyle can choose to make the ash manifest as raikou and suicune to aid him in battle. they will act as separate, additional entities in threads/events before fading away after a period of time.

raikou separates the groudon avatar with the gallade with a reflect. suicune covers for him with a thick mist.

"i'm heading that way by the way," he briefly tells as he points to the portal leading to hammerlocke. "if you have other plans, well, take care."

as he takes one last look at the calyrex he had attempted to bring back to life, he decides to give one last parting gift before he moves on to the story. "roar of time."

picking up the smeargle, he starts running towards while the pokemon tries its best to shoot his shot at the reminiscent of the memory, calyrex's statue.

kyle dives into the mist, using his connection with raikou and suicune as a marker for the elite four's location. he pulls the man to his feet and drags him to the portals, all while kyle's will is manifested in ho-oh's influence.

in a limited area around him, kyle can choose pokemon and allies to REGENERATE HEALTH OVER TIME in the midst of battle

two figures then dart out to separate portals, one with the trail of lightning going to motostoke and the other of cold winds heading straight to ballonlea.

as soon as kyle gets to his destination, the curtain of mist dissipates. it all happens in a snap, like a thief in the night. after all, they can't delay everyone just for this little show.

  • deactivates sygna suit
  • smeargle's imprison is active
  • summons suicune/raikou to protect matias
  • raikou uses reflect
  • suicune uses mist
  • kyle runs and bails matias away
  • smeargle uses roar of time to repair the statue
  • raikou > motostoke and suicune > ballonlea as decoys
  • kyle heads to hammerlocke


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP