i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 2:28:43 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

"It's the Crown Tundra," Caleb muttered in response to 's guess regarding their location. He was glad to see her recovered; it seemed she'd had several benefactors invested in her survival, and all of them had made it to her at the same time.[break][break]
One of the people who'd arrived was none other than , Isaac's girlfriend. Caleb had saved her once, too, in the Ultra Deep Sea. He flashed her a wry smile as if to say good to see you up and running, except wouldn't you know it, we're right back in hell. He had a feeling she'd understand the sentiment.[break][break]
It was at that moment that someone tried to attack them - well, Caleb, specifically, as well as the other League folks who'd crowded around the girl and her Galarian Darmanitan. Caleb tried to move away, only to trip, falling backwards into the snow. Lyra trilled with concern, nudging Caleb with her nose. He reached a hand up to allow the Lapras to pull him back up, only to then realize that was yelling.[break][break]
Not just yelling. Throwing a goddamn tantrum.[break][break]
It seemed Isaac had finally cracked.[break][break]
Before Caleb could intervene, however, an unfamiliar Pokémon (riding on some kind of icy horse) appeared. Several trainers - League and Rocket alike - were lifted into the air, animated by psychic energy, made to speak on behalf of the rider. Caleb had encountered his fair share of legendary Pokémon before (crazy how that kept happening to him...), but this one was totally unlike the rest. A king? It did feel that way. It wielded a power that seemed a thousand times more potent than anything Caleb was familiar with.[break][break]
Caleb was in over his head, but as the Calyrex addressed them, one word in particular stood out to Caleb: memory. This was some kind of memory? It was the dream mist all over again. Caleb grimaced, feeling a profound weariness. He didn't want to relive more of his own horrible memories. He wanted nothing more than to finally leave his past behind him.[break][break]
It was with those thoughts in mind that Caleb forced his way through the snow so that he could get a better look at the Calyrex. He met its gaze and didn't care that it could annihilate him with the flick of its royal wrist. The Ranger's blue eyes were suddenly filled with a desperate brand of grief, fed up with faction wars and takeovers, burning with the potent shame only someone who has stabbed their own brother could feel.[break][break]
A question? Yeah, he had one.[break][break]
"How do I forgive myself for all of the terrible things I've done?"[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Everyone is healed! Good. But now is having some kind of meltdown. Bad?[break]
Calyrex appears and says all kinds of weird shit. The only thing that stands out to Caleb is the fact that they are in some kind of memory. It reminds him of the dream mist, and the memories of Kanto he was forced to relive.[break]
Maybe Isaac isn't the only one having a mental breakdown...[break]
Asks the Calyrex for the secret to self-forgiveness



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 2:32:51 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
The kiddo was fine, thankfully. Just...underdressed for the weather. At least Oliver had a ranger's jacket on. Probably the only reason he wasn't as freezing as most others. That, and he was used to the Ice Path by his hometown of Blackthorne City. He did kind of found it sad that a child had a pretty good idea about Rocket. "Doesn't look like it, though that latter one wouldn't surprise me either. I've been to the Icelands, this doesn't fit it. I would hazard a guess to be either the Crown Tundra in Galar or Route 217 in Sinnoh. Hard to say which..." He wasn't too familiar with either place, having never been, but seen videos about them.

Then all hell broke lose. Freaking ! He'd never actually interracted with the guy, but already seemed like a zero to one hundred thirty type! The kiddo answered his question, nevertheless. "I'll switch to my Dragonite. We're pretty far, even if you booked it, I don't think you'd make it in time. He already has a saddle on him if you're interested in the flight. It'd be much faster. I'll help you up on him, if you'd like to go that route..." Very much faster...his Dragonite had outflew 's, even when it was using Extreme Speed. The offer was on the table at least. He returned his Chansey and released his Dragonite again. The dragon knelt down to help Hideo up if he chose to. Oliver would do the same and off to the races they went, where a battle was sure to be going on.

When the got there, a new Pokemon was there, talking. He barely heard what it was saying as Dragonite was slowing down next to another kid ( ). Just why were these children here?! Neither of them should be here! Well, either way, getting off, he would ask his own question. "Where is Zamazenta and Chien-Pao?" Dragonite's fists were engulfed in flames for Fire Punch, just in case any of those Glacial Lances came towards them.

Talked to , offers him a ride to the Statue
Switched Chansey for Dragonite
Upon Arriving, hears the strange Pokemon
Stops and unloads near and
Oliver asks where is Zamazenta and Chien-Pao
Dragonite readies Fire Punch for any Glacial Spears towards them.


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 6:55:55 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El smiles with empathetic amusement, nodding when mentions the cold. Having grown up in Lavaridge, they weren't any better - in fact, they were probably among those least acclimated to the cold that nipped at one's skin out here. Rocket or League - in a situation like this, factions and allegiances were probably the last thing that anyone should be worrying about.

Akero did well in keeping the duo warm as she waddled along though, continuing to happily whistle. It seemed that the trip up to the mysterious building would be a smooth one...

... At least, that was until showed up. Initially, they open their mouth as if to greet her - but when she calls for El to get back, the ranger blinks owlishly in response. But before they can try to reason with their fellow ranger, Temp is already speaking.

El is only further distracted - and perhaps a bit bewildered by the situation - when they're clapped on the back; they end up stumbling from it, until Temp suddenly pulls them closer! It'd likely be clear to see that they were more or less going with the flow - albeit less on purpose, and more just simply because they had no clue what to make of the situation otherwise.

If they had a nickel for every random Rocket they have had positive interactions with, they'd have three nickels - technically maybe four, not that they knew that. Which, something told them that that number was only going to grow, whether they liked it or not.

But, soon explosions would rock the building further up the slope - clear signs of fighting of some form. And with it, Temp began moving - handing a scrap of paper to them in the process.

As the rocket begins walking up the path though, El glanced to Julia. "Sorry - I... think we're safe, at least for now, though." They spoke in a soft and hushed tone, adding "I'm not sure what's going on up ahead, but... There's no point in us fighting, when we don't know what's even going on here... Right?"

With that though, Akero would whistle and continue to waddle along - gesturing with a wing for Julia to come over! If she obliged, she'd end up being treated like a penguin chick as well - being ushered against the togekiss' warm fluff next to El, and ferried along.

As Temp introduced himself though, and asked about the note, the ranger's attention turned back to the front. "Oh - my name's El. And the note..." Their gaze drifts down to it - taking a moment to read it. "It looks like it might be from a diary? I think it reads... 'There is no rest for the black knight. We do not know if it really is cousin or foe. Every battle with the skeleton does more harm than good'."

But that raised a question - who was the black knight? Who - or what - was this skeleton?

Their thoughts would be cut off by Temp's excited gesturing towards Lugia - and though he might find the sight a comforting one... El can't help but blanche a little at the sight - feeling a certain pressure to the presence of so many gods in one place.

And yet, it was where others appeared to be gathering - so when Temp runs on ahead, Akero is not far behind - even if the togekiss makes a somewhat unsettled coo.

But once the togekiss arrives, El is met with the sight of a pair of pokemon. One - Glastrier - they recognize (albeit not by name) from when they had played through an otome route with , a few months ago. The pokemon on its back is far less familiar, however - and it doesn't take a genius for them to notice that the Calyrex was suffering, much to their chagrin.. That, and in a state of wavering lucidity - Glacial Lances flying every which way..!

El is quick to bring out Midas - having the gholdengo use Protect to try and weather any attacks that fly their way. But as they do, a question escapes their lips. "This note -- it mentions a black knight, and a skeleton. Where did the note come from - and what is it talking about?" They call to the psychic-type, hoping for answers of some form.

When the time comes for Calyrex to be put out of their misery though, they look away -unable to bear watching the poor king's decline any further, even if this is ultimately a mercy.
- El apologizes to - but emphasizes that doesn't seem to mean any harm right now, and that there's no point in fighting each other right now.
- They introduce themself to , and reads the note out loud (with less ye olde english) to the both of them.
- Togekiss invites Julia to snuggle with her for warmth while she keeps waddling.
- El and Togekiss are a bit spooked by Lugia - but they keep moving, cause the others are probably in the building.
- El recognizes Glastrier's species (albeit not by name), not so much Calyrex.
- Gholdengo comes out and uses Protect in hopes of weathering the lances. Will be the yote-ee if roll doesn't cooperate.
- Tells Calyrex about the note - and that it mentions a black knight + skeleton. Asks it where the note came from + what the note is talking about.
- When execution time comes, El looks away - unable to bear watching the psychic-type suffer any further, or its death, even if they recognize it as a mercy.
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 9:17:07 GMT



attacks soar his way but they never find their mark. a sudden burst of PSYCHIC ENERGY saves him, lifting him up into the air where he is left suspended for moments.[break][break]


he tenses, struggles, but is unable to break free. to be at the mercy of its whim frustrates him, and it's frustration that only grows once he's finally dropped because who else would he land on?[break][break]

peering down, he blinks, recognizing instantly.[break][break]

"you're the fucking bane of my existence."[break][break]

he tries to shove his hand into her face before pushing himself back to his feet. there are more important things to tend to at the moment, unfortunately.[break][break]

anger carries him toward the CALYREX, and as everyone else bombards it with questions, he does as well.[break][break]

"any final words?"[break][break]

his hand waves, manipulating the earth to form an EARTH SPIKE that looks to impale the CALYREX.[break][break]


- DROUGHT active[break]
- matias lands on [break]
- matias gets up and ignores lol[break]
- matias asks the CALYREX for its FINAL WORDS[break]
- matias tries to EXECUTE the CALYREX[break]


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 11:22:28 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"oh, i've seen this before," he concludes at the scar left by the spatial rend, with as his only audience. "i knew it felt similar."

he increases the crowd of his ramblings as he makes the connection, tapping in on league's radio.

"just a heads up, we're not in the real world. i've seen something similar in the border where there's no direct escape, and the only way out is through peace of mind from a living nightmare or something. we're not in the border though, so the rules might be different."

43 stumble into a monochrome labyrinth of fog, an epiphanic prison, together or individually. the only way to escape is by having an epiphany of some kind: enlightenment, confession, mastering one's fears. threats may manifest in the labyrinth that represent each character's guilt, regret, etc.

he moves on to where they were going to meet up, only to reach a view of the aftermath of a fight, alongside a strange pokemon sitting atop a glastrier in its glory.

carnage follows after. fury fills the pokemon in random intervals, and with his smeargle having its imprison active, he calls upon it to disable the move. "sketch!" so does the smeargle attempts to seal the pokemon's move by adding it under the bracket of moves it has.

adrenaline surges. the feeling of boldness prompts him to turn off his sygna suit to avoid side-effects. his heart pounds, and he finds himself stretching, warming up to make the next move.

"limit its movements if you can, guys," he requests to no one in particular. "better to slow it down and dodge than attempt to tank its hits, i think!"

the toxins were, as he would suggest it to be, incurable, comparable to the poison that turns shadow pokemon into aggressive beasts. if it was the only answer to the ailment, then it was inevitable.

his question leaves his mouth. "so, what happens next?"

kyle readies himself for the execution, ready to dash and shadow step to its range at the moment of its demise. one can say his body is acting on its own, entering the fray with nothing but a hero play in mind.

  • kyle may choose to DISINTEGRATE INTO ASH INSTANTANEOUSLY before rematerializing again in a different location.
  • kyle can revive others and pokemon from death, and he himself from death (consult staff).

  • deactivates sygna suit
  • smeargle's imprison is active
  • conveys intel to league comms
  • smeargle sketches to imprison glacial lance
  • kyle asks people for help
  • asks a question to calyrex
  • kyle readies to blink upon calyrex death for revive


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She/Her; They/Them
Ecruteak City
Fond of girls
26 height
26 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @serendipity
Saki Shitachi
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 11:47:45 GMT
Saki Shitachi Avatar
A stranger, bleeding out before her eyes. Standing in her way, and for some pointless reason. Malice coursed through her, a rare genuine emotion that sank into her bones as readily as the biting cold did. Or was this just her paltry attempt at imitating what had come before?

"I know that I'm small, but can I go one week without someone mistaking me for a child? I'm a member of Team Rocket. And if you aren't, I might kill you for that remark." Imitation or no, it did feel good. Addictive, even. In fact, this wasn't nearly enough.

Before she could vent her frustrations by mutilating her nominal ally though, she snapped back to her senses. Shadow Lugia meant safety and order, so in the absence of more amusing alternatives, Shadow Lugia was where she went. Her Metagross landed with a powerful thud, but she lacked even the time to greet her allies. Although as a mere grunt, perhaps greetings would have been out of line.

Her eyes lit up. Beneath her comparatively warm facemask, she grins sharply. Kill it if she wished? Well, that'd be fun, but something else dominated her soul at the moment.

Unlike 9/53=17% of those present, Saki was among the remaining 83% that did not hate themselves. However, that lack of hatred did not equate to love. It didn't equate to anything. Her own life was as devoid of value as any other.

And yet there were things in this world that did have value.

"Kuon, I know you're not gonna like this, but..."

Her Metagross grumbled.

"And Kuon says it's a-okay! Let's go, partner."

With its speed still drastically enhanced, Saki's Metagross soared in. Damn the consequences. Closing into melee range, against a foe pelting her with lethal spears, and with everyone else blanketing that foe with their own attacks... none of that mattered. She needed to be heard. Hence, of course, she was still riding her Pokemon, even at this suicidal stage.

It seemed like an ice-type. Actually, was it even one Pokemon? It could have been two, but it could have been one. Regardless of what it was, Saki's mount flung out a flurry of Meteor Mashes, attempting to not just pummel the Glastrier, but latch onto it, so that the trainer could hold her insane conversation.

"How might I subjugate that beautiful cat monster? How can I get more of that wonderful feeling it gives me?" She leaned closer in her mania, trying to get her face as close to Calyrex's as possible. "How can I win its heart, so it can bring me to life, then take these faded worlds and paint them all red with me?"

Saki threatens for her crimes against short people, then proceeds to Lugia and pals.
Metagross uses Meteor Mash on Calyrex/Glastrier.
Saki wants to know about Chien-Pao; the cold and the pain have her weirder than usual.
Still using lethal force though.

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
1,306 posts
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samuel carter
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 11:47:47 GMT
samuel carter Avatar


the cold nips at him mercilessly as he searches. it doesn't take him long to pull out nyx. the houndoom follows him and sniffs around with him. a chunk of purple ice catches her attention and she gives a small snort to sam, who moves over to investigate.[break][break]

"i've not seen anything like this before." he admits, brows furrowed as he glances around. being that he doesn't have gloves, or anything to really pick up the frozen shed feather of purple.[break][break]

being that he didn't want to melt the new addition to his inventory, he instead picked it up and put it in his pocket, the one furthest from his houndoom. it was then that he heard the commotion of others, and then an explosion, helping him to make the decision to head toward the statue.[break][break]

nyx came around to the shadow lugia's side, keeping it warm. which brought sam closer to as they approached. the questions asked were sufficient to him, so instead of asking his own, he carefully guarded the item in his pocket with a hand over it while moving the other out to give nyx a silent command.[break][break]

steadying herself in the snow, nyx let loose several inferno to protect from the incoming glacier pieces.

+ brings out HOUNDOOM to keep warm[break]
+ begins to search and finds FROZEN SHED FEATHER OF PURPLE[break]
+ hears the explosion near the statue as well and approaches[break]
+ keeps it and heads over to the group containing , , , & [break]
+ hisHOUNDOOM close to SHADOW LUGIA() to keep the shadow creature warm with her natural heat[break]
+ approaches to help in melting the attacks before they hit with HOUNDOOM's INFERNO


x2 salac berries used[break]

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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 23, 2023 15:32:01 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
laid out a pair of possibilities, both outright stating they had been sent to a different region. "Between those two…if this has anything to do with Zanzameta, then we're probably in Galar." For a moment, there was the slight hope that might show up here; it'd been so long since they'd talked.

But that also might mean they'd encounter Necrozma. Not a fun occasion.

Just as he turned his thoughts away from that monster, the sound of battle rang through the frigid air. Whatever was happening, they had to get there quickly - and unfortunately, Hideo hadn't brought any fast Pokemon with him. "Yeah, I think I'll hitch a ride with you," he said, turning around and walking over towards the Dragonite.

Though as he walked, his foot met with an odd bump. Out of curiosity, he knelt down, picking up the half-eaten carrot. He'd thought to just discard it, but Uxie rushed him along, the boy instinctively holding onto it as he climbed up the Dragonite.

It wouldn't take them long to get there, but it seemed like things were getting messy by a massive statue - that a bunch of people just destroyed. Though the Pokemon that came out was difficult to hear from atop a speeding Dragonite, Uxie was able to keep Hideo aware of the idea of what it was saying: it was poisoned, the statue was the only thing staving off the poison, and it now wanted to die.

"Fucking Rocket," Hideo muttered. They would be the only ones he'd expect would try destroying a statue for no reason - and getting an innocent Pokemon killed in the process.

He could hear clearly as they landed - just as the Pokemon told them to ask any questions before killing it. Hideo rushed off the Dragonite, carrot still in hand, past and . He couldn't shake the sinking feeling, knowing the Pokemon asked for death because of what Rocket did, and he had no intention of harming it - and no way to stop anyone from doing so.

He wanted to ask if Azelf was here, but couldn't speak it amongst so many Rockets, not without revealing he was involved with them.

He felt a small pat on the head from Uxie - it would handle it, asking the question into the Calyrex's mind - as well as Hideo's so he'd know what was asked.


Finds a half-eaten carrot. Holds onto it out of instinct.
Hitches a ride with 's Dragonite.
Believes Rockets were the only ones attacking the statue (and effectively killing Calyrex)
Won't attack Calyrex, but unsure how to ask a question without outing his involvement with Lake Trio
Uxie asks for him (mentally), asking Where Azelf Is.
Carrot x1
Salac x1

Taking the 4 (It's as good as it gets :sadge:)
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 0:41:28 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

As soon as Zev touched the black fragments in ’s hand, they sank into his skin, burrowing into his flesh. Colder than the snow and wind of this strange Galar, he shivered as they melded into his body. The unnatural sensation soon passed, however, swept away by a sudden and affirming rightness. As if he’d just reunited with a missing limb.[break][break]

An explosive noise drew his attention away. ’s PRECIPICE BLADES tore through the courtyard and its statue, scattering stone and wood across the WIDE GUARDS Zev and had set up.[break][break]

The Beast summoned his crystals to cover his entire body from head to foot to further protect himself, the action not reflexive yet. Clothed as he was, the crystals weren’t clearly visible, their void-black color blending in with his tactical gear and mask.[break][break]

Zev had no time to counterattack the League’s Avatar, however. Something lifted up his fellow Rocket agents and Matias into the air, prompting to shout an order to hold fire over the comms. And soon the cause of such a strange sight made itself known.[break][break]

The Pokémon was one Zev had never seen before. It offered answers and begged for death. Zev spoke at the same time as , asking the same question:[break][break]

“How do we get back to our own ‘memory’, then?”[break][break]

Meanwhile, his Toxapex loosed a PIN MISSILE at the strange Pokémon as GLACIAL LANCES careened toward them.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask[break]
Absorbs the black fragments Aurelie gives him and crystals up to protect against the PRECIPICE BLADES despite having WIDE GUARD up too[break]
Asks Calyrex how they can return home[break]
Toxapex uses PIN MISSILE on Calyrex [break]
Salacs used: 6



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 1:53:23 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

The King of Bountiful Harvests.[break][break]

An insufferable prick, more like.[break][break]

Elisabeth's whole body went rigid as the creature psionically lifted her among the others that had dared defy its sacred ground, locking eyes with of all people. Indignation built in her at this unwanted imprisonment with an unwanted inmate, only to crescendo after they landed in a less than ideal position.[break][break]

...On top of one another.[break][break]

Hateful carmine eyes glared up at the Elite Four, palpable resentment seething from her entire body at this uninvited proximity.[break][break]

"The displeasure is all mine, Silph," she retorted dryly, shoving him back to throw his hand off-balance as it came to strike down on her. "Go fuck yourself."[break][break]

Rolling over, she resumed her place beside Wo-chien, the Tablets of Ruin on its back glowing with the reminder of her GRUDGE against the man.[break][break]

But in this one respect, they were the same. There were, alas, more important matters to attend to than the League's most volatile soldier.[break][break]

No pity stirred in her heart for this strange monarch's plight. Instead, curiosity whirred in her mind at the Calyrex's words and she crossed her arms, considering the implications of the notion.[break][break]

"What poisoned you, exactly? What is strong enough to kill a god?" she asked the Calyrex, before deciding to answer her own question.[break][break]

Wo-chien hissed, and a RUINATION radiated out towards the Glastrier and its regal rider, seeking to end its miserable existence with cruel, devastating calamity.[break][break]

They'd killed one god together before. What was another to add to the list?[break][break]


  • Ew, is gross.
  • Elisabeth asks Calyrex: "What poisoned you, exactly? What is strong enough to kill a god?"
  • Wo-chien uses RUINATION on CALYREX and GLASTRIER. Shiv said it could feasibly kill with teamwork so, POG??
  • We pray to RNGsus, ig. (ETA: YESSSSSSSS.)

[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 2:38:09 GMT

Fire and stone erupted all around, but try as Barnaby might to avoid the destruction some unseen force stalled his SPECTRIER's PHANTOM FORCE and skewed its destination. He ended up closer to the ruined cathedral, nearly buried under fallen rubble. A few gashes served as a reminder of his narrow brush with mortality.[break][break]

Once the fighting died down and CALYREX appeared astride their frozen steed, the ROCKET admin joined those congregated around it, listening intently as the creature spoke through several people - including key operatives like , , and . [break][break]

It was unsettling, but short-lived. Barnaby moved to stand beside once she and were done hissing at one another. He said nothing, allowing his proximity to suffice as communication. I'm here.[break][break]

Using the statue's decapitated head as a mouthpiece, CALYREX continued, asking for questions before begging for death. Voices rose from the crowd one after the other in response. Soon enough, Barnaby contributed his own:[break][break]

"What do you mean 'forever paranoid and forever your foe'? Will this affliction not kill you?"[break][break]

He was reminded of the horrid, half-alive Megalopolans within Lesser Megalopolis. Driven mad in the unnatural darkness. Was this a similar ailment? [break][break]

SPECTRIER whinnied a sorrowful cry, stepping forward to meet the rotting body of the once-great King of Bountiful Harvests and the GLASTRIER it sat upon. The equid felt a distant kinship with this CALYREX, as if connected somehow across the expanse of time; seeing it in this state was a grave and tragic circumstance. [break][break]

"Do it." Barnaby ordered his Pokémon to use DARK PULSE, nodding to the king. SPECTRIER understood. This would be a mercy killing. A parting gift to a shadow of an old friend.[break][break]



• hidden identity (masked)[break]
call sign: bee[break]
question: what do you mean 'forever paranoid and forever your foe'? will this affliction not kill you?[break]


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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
886 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 4:34:39 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
Two become many. Others caught in this freezing memory emerge and gather around the beacon that is . Hitoshi’s old amber eyes stay on the taller blonde. He’s grave, grim, wishing he had the words to convey the depths of his emotions.[break]

What if Clean Wash said to put the cat over Brownie, Blondie?” He doesn’t pretend to know this man, but he knows love. Simple, unconditional love. The love that blossoms when someone accepts you for who you are. Love that comes from the hand you are meant for finally gripping you. Using you as you were always meant to be used.[break]

I know who I’d pick.” The right blade can parry the world itself. He prays there will never come a day where the hand that holds him and the hand that holds that hand should come to clash.[break]

But there’s a world of other concerns before they reach that point. They’re blessed with a reunion. Despite the severity of his words, he smiles a boy’s smile when he sees the husbands brought back together. Love can warm anyone’s heart.[break]

’s voice addresses him. He looks at her, eyes cool as the snow beneath them. Hand on his katana, he looks the part of an old samurai as he humors her request. Closing those eyes, he shakes his head.[break]

No can do, Four-Eyes. You want my advice, stick with us. We’re stronger together.” Whether she chooses to listen or not doesn’t matter. The explosion draws their attention. Hitoshi runs off with the underboss’s host. Once more unto the breach. Another face in the conflict. He thinks to don his straw hat once again.[break]

Frankly, he doesn’t understand the scene before him. A frozen northern wind blows snow onto the edges of his hakama, coating his dark clothes white. Ceruledge’s flames melt the snow. Were it not for the ghostly knight, Hitoshi would be freezing.[break]

A dog stands before a king and the gathered champions of the realm. They ask questions. They beg for answers. They all chomp at the bits to be the one to end his li—[break]

Why does he care? Death is just one of those things. His trade. A business, like any other. Yet, as he sees the way six people trip over themselves to end this creature…[break]

He finds he does care. Very much so.[break]

A dog trots forward. His brief moment on the stage. A moment to yap and bark before a being far beyond him.[break]

Oi. A king spends his life helping other people.” He states a far oversimplified version of things. “You’re wanting to help us by dying before you can hurt us. So…I just wanna ask. Besides killing you…” This place must be messing with his head, to make him want to ask this.[break]

…is there anything I can do for you? Anything you want?”[break]

He asks before ruination and terrible energies fall upon this creature. Hitoshi turns to the woman that visits this ruination upon the creature. . He does not know this woman, but he knows she is another being far above him. If this wounded Pokemon is a king of light, then she is the queen of some dark place beyond his understanding. Wicked. Rotten.[break]

He grits the teeth at the sight of her, like a dog about to snarl at a threat. It would do about as much good as a dog barking. Hand hidden in the folds of his flowing robe, it goes for his katana. Drawing it and attacking her would do nothing but mark him as rabid. He would be killed. He would break his promise to Yumi.[break]

He backs up, hovers behind . Eying the woman with silent amber eyes, some beast caught between dog and wolf, hiding with his tail between his legs behind the leader of his pack. Observing her. Waiting for a moment of weakness so that he can take out her throat.[break]

He hates this woman. Hatred should not exist in a dog’s world. It is a decidedly human thing.


Hitoshi talks to Cil
Hitoshi tells Xenon 'bro chill, stay with us'
Hitoshi sees the fustercluck at the broken statue
A dog asks a king a question
A man decides he hates a woman
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 16:31:03 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The harsh bite of cold surrounding Elaine could only have been kept away by the warm spectral flames of her current partner. Despite parts of her legs being exposed, the young woman was hardly shivering. Rather than focusing on the temperature, she was fully focused on the world around her.

Unfortunately, there was not much to be said about the tundra blanketed in snow. Despite any attempts to find anything else, she had been served with a whole lot of nothing. Beyond the occasional footprints on the mountainous path leading towards the location of the statue where everyone was conglomerating, there was little to write home about.

However, the dilapidated settlement on her other side was a different story. What should have been a lively settlement with cozy houses and a rows of crops was anything but. Snowed over so even weeds wouldn't grow. Wood of the homes eaten away by the elements or time. If she had the time, she would have loved to have gone and investigate the location.

"It's too far away." She muttered as she placed a palm over her eye and forehead.

Whatever was important was likely happening closer to the mountain top. For the time being, straying too far away from that would be more dangerous. As much as she wanted to head down there and investigate, she stifled the urge and placed the existence of the town on the backburner.

It was only then, as she was bringing her hand back down to her side and sighing that she saw someone. It wasn't much. She had hardly seen a full silhouette, but a flash of a white sleeve on a backdrop of white and a set of footprints made it obvious that someone was within the area. Moreover, the fact that they had made a point to hide rather than show themselves meant they were enemy. Moreover, despite the events she had gone through with the league, she was hardly a famous figure who anyone would be aware of, meaning that the enemy knew her and was probably someone she had met before (though that hardly narrowed down the list to a manageable number of options, unfortunately).

However, unbeknownst to her, she was already a step behind. had already seen her and had set up a trap for her. Yes, only one of them was truly aware of who the other was.


But before she could fully call out to the stranger, however, a deafening roar reverberated from the site of the statue. She would leave her back completely exposed to the hidden enemy as she saw the end result of the Precipice Blades as chunks of wood and stone flew everywhere. Even if it was a fellow League member who had taken the action, she could not help but stand aghast at the brazen display of what could have been called iconoclasm.

The visage of the dying and rotting king upon his grieving steed stuck in her. And as his steed began to go berserk, she could not help but think. Of his last dying request.

There's no way I could...

She was not a killer. Maybe her past self would have done that without hesitation. But even if it was hypocritical of her now, she could not bring herself to behead someone or something like that who had, to her knowledge, done nothing wrong--even if it would bring him some solace.

Besides, she was too far away to do so. Jeanne's blades would not reach from this far.

But she was not too far to ask a question. She held her hand behind her as she faced the king and his rampaging steed.

"What happened to the people who were here? What caused this entire area to become this desolate?"

He called the statue one of the King of Bountiful Harvests, so she could presume what the answer was. But even so it was still something that needed to be asked.

All the while, she kept the presence of the other person at the back of her mind, hoping they wouldn't take advantage of this opening she had left for them.

  • Elaine's outfit, not well suited to the cold but such are the casualties of fashion
  • Elaine notices but hasn't seen her full form yet
  • Elaine leaves her back open to her and focuses on what's going on at the former statue
  • Elaine unveils herself by asking a question as well
  • Question: "What happened to the people who were here? What caused this entire area to become this desolate?"


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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
17 posts
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 17:17:47 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

Though Lucette knew the other fellow rocket grunt had also been transported here by some odd way, the red-headed woman replied back to her question in a kind of bitter way. “I doubt we’re in a dream of some sort, but it does feel real in some way. I’m happy to look for clues with you.” Her response came with a small nod before the commotion came from some attacks from the other Pokemon trying to deal with some strange smaller Pokemon saying it was the high king and needed people to mercy kill it.[break][break]

Kotaro moves in between the spears of ice that were flying in directions from the white Pokemon and its equine mounts. “W-Wait! Uh…if I had a question to ask you, what will be our next action to do?” Luce would give her question to the weird looking rabbit-like Pokemon with a little plant crown on its head though she feels that the Pokemon would be able to answer some before it perishes from the relentless attacks by the other Team Rocket members.[break][break]


@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette replies to and is happy to search for clues.[break]
- Asks the high king a question while Greninja tries to protect her.



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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 18:00:51 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia outright scowled as pulled close to him, acting like he was actually going to protect her fellow Ranger. He was the one who was a danger here! "Friends, my—!"

[break][break]The summit exploded, blasting apart old stone with new. The sun, once merely a suggestion in this frozen nightmare, shone bright above the remains of the ancient structure. Had that been Groudon, then? Of course, Rocket must have started a fight up there. So much for being "friends."

[break][break]Despite her fear of the Rocket trying to get all buddy-buddy with her and El, she tried to wedge herself between the two under the warmth of Akero's wings. Oh, wow, that was way better. Adrenaline and determination had kept her moving forward, but that could only stave off hypothermia for so long. She wished she had Momo with her... Wherever she ended up in the Togekiss's embrace, she'd keep a suspicious eye on Temp for any funny business.

[break][break] spoke sense, but it was hard to trust someone who'd tried to kill her just two months prior. "Just keep an eye on him," she whispered back. It felt gross to say that when she agreed that they should be working together, but she didn't want El to get hurt. She didn't want herself to get hurt again, either. Despite Akero's warmth, she shivered.

[break][break]She didn't introduce herself to her former attacker, but she did listen as El read the note. "It sounds like a fairytale," she said.

[break][break]As they drew closer to the summit, a familiar voice shouted out for people to stop. Was that ?

[break][break]Suddenly, peeled away, excitedly pointing to the ominous Shadow Lugia. "Safe?!" Julia near-shouted in disbelief. His "husband" had been the one to give the kill order! Something else managed to crawl into her thoughts, too: He seemed so excited to see his husband, even darting away from Akero's warmth to go see him. Julia shook that notion from her head. He probably just wanted to be close to Shadow Lugia's Avatar and away from League "do-gooders."

[break][break]She stayed close to and their Togekiss as they made their way to the summit, where everything somehow got even weirder. A withering king atop a glacial steed used first the voices of others and then its own beheaded statue to speak. The statue had been the only thing holding its affliction back, and with it destroyed, the king was visibly withering away, being consumed by a poison that would render it forever paranoid and forever their enemy.

[break][break]And it wanted them to kill it.

[break][break]It would be an act of mercy for one suffering so, but Julia didn't have it in her to do it. Others were asking the more obvious questions, like how it had gotten poisoned and how they could leave this place. Julia shouted one of her own: "Isn't there some other way we can help you?!"

[break][break]The glacial steed erratically shot out Glacial Lances as it lost control of itself. Julia quickly swapped out Lazuli for Snaily and had the Goodra use Protect.





  • Mega turns used: 3/5 (paused after swap unless Shiv says no)
  • Begrudgingly joins and on the way to the summit
  • Thinks she hears , but then everything gets weird
  • Her question: "Isn't there some other way we can help you?!"
  • Swaps Lapras for Goodra-H; Goodra-H uses Protect
  • Salac x1
  • Oh well, guess Protect won't quite work!


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP