i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 4:56:11 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]the familiarity of stepping on another battlefield does not carry the nostalgia of what it used to; the ghosts of his past still linger, but what remains in the present is far too important to him now. as is to reaffirm those thoughts king glances up, spotting the salamence and its rider.
his attention shifts cautiously to the other apex predator in the sky, feeling every bit the urge to make himself a very small target. . the absolutley massive space wyrm that heralds her approach would have any man thinking twice; doubly so if they've attacked her in the past.
no comms of his own to speak of, nor any real allies in the vicinity, he relies on himself for the time being. the HATRED of this ruinous pokemon courses through him, but decades of that emotion has tempered him. king pushes back with everything he has, snarling against the alien influence.
"smoke 'em out." king instructs the charizard. it responds with a jet of steam from its nostrils before that's replaced by a charcoal black smoke that slowly oozes outwards, suffusing, covering, and obstructing, as it adds to 's own.
if he couldn't pick a side, he'd make himself a hard target for either.




» is by himself on the ground[break]
» charizard uses SMOKESCREEN to add to 's own, though with more of an intent to cover the arrayed forces against the legendary (making it more difficult for them to act, or even spot him)


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 7:52:38 GMT



there is no spring in his step as he approaches the scene; it pales in comparison to prior events.[break][break]

being a distance away allows them a clearer view of the situation. he wonders why people are rushing in as recklessly as they are—even him, someone known for just that, questions it.[break][break]

he shrugs a shoulder.[break][break]

"yeah, i have you covered."[break][break]

a sharp whistle follows, piercing through the frigid air to send his charizard taking off. it rises into the air, flying above the scene as a cruel sun forms overhead.[break][break]

as it had once done above mount chimney, a DESOLATE LAND sprawls out across the route.[break][break]

however, matias himself, has the ability, DESOLATE LAND, which he can use ONCE A THREAD (size and scope determined by the moderator).

and at the same time, charizard's Z-MOVE activates, looking to engulf anything and everything apart from the ZAMAZENTA.[break][break]

charizard traps the target in a vortex of flames that BURNS and BINDS the target. this prevents them from escaping.

eFq|P_89 [break]
[x] [x] [x]


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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 18:09:28 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

Their comm is nestled against an ear they’re unaccustomed to. The other is still padded with bandaging under their half helm, muffling sounded and tilting their balance in a way they don’t care to admit bothers them. Sets them on edge. But Walsh’s message still comes through crisp and clear.[break][break]

They have their own misgivings, of course. The weasely feline stirs a familiar resentment and discontent in them that harkens back to each time they’ve traveled the border. It’s something they’d much rather repel from. The shield of Galar is something he’s only heard distant stories of. Tales from childhood that have long been forgotten float to the surface of their memory. But an order is an order.[break][break]

They’ll sooner defend zamazenta than the other, though.[break][break]

“What are you doing? the question blurted to doesn’t come through the comms, but over his shoulder where Fern hangs on behind him, having flown in together. Cold air whips at their hair and ruffles the clothing under their gear with a chill that can only be meant to cut to the bone. Given little time to coordinate, they do their best to work with what they can as icy snow begins to whip up around them when the other admin beckons their ride into the thick of the avalanche.[break][break]

Frosty stiff fingertips lift to their mouth in the moments before the roaring moon nosedives to whistle sharply. The sound lifts through the air above the tumult, and sends Cecilia sailing in from behind them to keep pace with the larger dragon. At their call, a swell of pale, glowing begins to gather around the dragapult’s lithe body as she summons old draconic power to her aid.[break][break]

Where the attack from ’s roaring moon seeks to uproot the earth under the clashing forces split them apart, Fern’s dragapult pulls down hunks of burning rock from the sky—air and earth on a collision course as a fury of DRACO METEOR plummets through the onslaught of snow and ice.


+ rides in with jayden on his roaring moon hehe[break]
+ reluctant to choose chien pao over zamazenta[break]
+ his dragapult uses draco meteor to cut through the avalanche




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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
694 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 19:01:02 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

For once, she was going into this with the right preparations. Well, she had prepared quite a bit for the space endeavour, but who could have actually prepared for something like that? It had been going to space. It was still kind of difficult to believe it had happened. And yes, she knew that it had not truly been space. But it was closer than what about 99 percent of people would ever get to. Vio was going to wear that like a badge of honour forever.
But this here? This was not going to end in them crashing down on the planet, at least. There were some remnants of the eternal winter though, as an Avalanche was coming right at them. Fortunately at this point, she was able to combine her ranger training and her experience with these kinds of situations to remain somewhat calm and formulate a quick and easy plan on the fly. Vio, dressed in proper gear and masked, would try to run towards one of the pockets that were either throwing attacks at the Avalanche and stop it from reaching them, or one of the friendly Wide Guards. There were pesky avatars going around, after all.
Vio did not have the powers of gods at her side. But even gods played by some of the world’s rules. And she did have her Frosmoth. It was probably pointless for her to assault either of those way too strong Pokemon right then, but other Rockets probably could. “Tail Wind. Going faster will be better here, one way or another,” she ordered the white flier buzzing near her. Might as well support as best she could. It still felt a bit odd, but in battles like these, she just felt as if being a team player was the better choice. Much less of a chance of making absolutely no difference that way, after all.


+ Seeks shelter among Rockets that try to stimy the avalanche/wide guard it, has Frosmoth use Tailwind to support her allies. FPMfU3SM



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  • Mawile Female Hypercutter Sucker Punch |Taunt | Iron Head | Play Rough | Endure | Hyper Beam
  • Frosmoth Female Icy Scales Quiver Dance | Bug Buzz | Icy Wind | Feather Dance | Tailwind | Powder Snow Ice Bug
  • Spiritomb Male Pressure
    Sucker Punch | Curse | Nasty Plot | Confuse Ray
  • Jellicent female
    cursed body
    whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap
  • Aegislash Female Stance Change traded aerial ace, automize, king's shield, power trick, sacred sword, swords dance
  • Zarude Male Leaf Guard Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth

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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 19:26:15 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Protecting the dogs was something Julia would gladly do. She wouldn't make the same mistake she'd made in that game. But "destroying" the Ruinous Pokémon, even if they were hostile... She wasn't sure if she'd have it in her. She was a Ranger who'd sworn to protect the region, its people, and its Pokémon. Sometimes—a lot of times, lately—that meant fighting, and she was okay with that. But going any further just felt wrong.

[break][break]She immediately recognized the two Galarian legends and the icy feline from Dahlia Goode's RVL route. The fourth combatant, a moose-like creature with a bowl on its head, was completely unknown to her, but it was the least of her concerns right now. The Chien-Pao exuded a chilling, ominous aura that hung over the battlefield. It made Julia's muscles tense and her heart pound in a way that wasn't from her usual eager energy.

"protect the dogs and prevent team rocket from seizing them for their own devices. team rocket may very well aim to seek the pokemon of ruin as well."

[break]Team Rocket. Of course Team Rocket would try to take advantage of this situation and seize the Legendary and Ruinous Pokémon for themselves. Whatever they planned to do with them couldn't be good, and Julia had to stop them at all costs.

[break][break]She recognized several of the people fighting alongside her. The faces of her fellow Rangers—, , and , to name a few—helped tamp down the hatred boiling in her gut. She thought she heard 's voice, too, though she didn't recognize him in his Sygna Suit. But then she saw two other people whose very presence made her inner fire explode into an enraged inferno.

[break][break]It was weird; part of her knew she should have been scared of and after they'd tried to kill her in the Ultra Deep Sea, especially given the former's Shadowy patron. But right now, all she could feel was anger. Hate for the couple whose "love" was obviously a façade over their cruelty. The one known as Cillian was targeting Zamazenta with his Shadow Delphox. That wouldn't do.

[break][break]"Lazuli, Water Pulse!"

[break][break]She threw the Lapras's Dive Ball onto the field with a lot more force than usual, her Mega Anklet already glowing. She only vaguely noticed that the light seemed different, somehow darker, but paid it little mind. That strange light cocooned Lazuli from the Laprasite around her neck, then burst open to reveal her Mega form. Her normally gentle eyes looked at the Delphox with an usual coldness before she fired her Water Pulse at it. It probably wouldn't be able to stop the Magic Room, but hopefully it'd get the fox's attention.

[break][break]A feline yowl blended with the scraping of metal on metal, like a sword being drawn. Julia looked toward it and saw the Chien-Pao summoning an Avalanche. Again, it wasn't fear that overtook her like she'd expected it to. More than anything, she was annoyed that this was happening again. , another familiar face on this battlefield, acted fast to erect a Wide Guard.

[break][break]"Thanks!" Julia called, voice more clipped than usual. She meant it, of course, but it was like her mind was too focused on other things to put her heart into it.





  • Chien-Pao's aura is messing with Julia
  • Sees and and is uncharacteristically pissed
  • Lapras Mega Evolves and use Water Pulse on 's Shadow Delphox
  • Mega turns used: 1/5
  • Uses 's Wide Guard to try to avoid the Avalanche


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 2:21:06 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Something felt off....Maybe it was due to his time in the Mechanical Kingdom with @makotokurmi, and that he felt it, the feeling that something was dissonant within himself. Though he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was there, just bubbling underneath the surface. Like a geyser ready to erupt, but for now he just brushed it off, it was probably nothing, but when dealing with legends, it was more than likely something. Everything was happening so quickly from the Avalanche hurtling towards them all the way to showing up on her own Titan of the Sky. Amor made a note to observe her in particular, he hadn't known that she had gotten that power, but his personal file on her would be updated.

"Flamethrower, get us to ." He gave the command to his Hisuian Goodra, who let out a torrent of flame in an attempt make his way towards the blonde, and help fight against the Sword-Tooth Tiger, or was it a leopard?

It didn't really matter he figured, but their orders were clear, they were to get both legends under the control of Rocket, and that was what he wanted as well. The more he could study them, the better his understanding of their workings would be. So many questions, and few to no answers, the black fragments weren't lost to him either, and like others, he would attempt to snag one as he defended from the tidal wave of snow, and ice baring down on them all.

A few other snippets of information were gleaned to him. @kyrenai was here, her red hair stood out to him, and the figure he recognized from their past few bouts. Which meant that he may wind up in a fight here if he wasn't careful. That creeping feeling began to burble up once again, that strange dissonance in him.

"Hypocrites....All of them...." came a voice in the back of his head, and for a second there was a pang of anger that spread through his veins, but it vanished just as quickly. Shaking his head he continued to trudge through the latest warzone in hoenn.

He had to focus on the task at hand, and any lapse in judgement would likely end in his demise, and the demise of those he cared about. All he could do was try to make sure that their goals were realized.


Hisuian Goodra uses Flamethrower to help counteract the Avalanche!
Amor feels something similar to the time he was in the Mechanical Kingdom!
Amor tries to snag a black fragment!

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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 6:00:39 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar



SERGEI ARRIVES AT THE SCENE WITH HIS CYCLIZAR AS HIS RIDE, the dragon shivering in sheer cold as the avalanche cascades from the piercing noises of clashing weapons. He heard about the rumors of legendary canines hailing from Galar arriving in Hoenn, but did not actually believe for it to be true.
That’s the first mistake that he did: taking gossips like this for granted and then coming unprepared.

The next is doing this without asking any friends. The open field is actually full of people: mostly, probably, League officials and rangers trying to control the potential damagea of the situation, but there are also those unfamiliar faces that just seems like outsiders, passersby, who just happen to be in the area. Like him.

”Volante, see if you can get past through the battle. There’s something going on there that we just have to know.”

In an attempt to go near the skirmish, the Sergei and his cyclizar DRAGON RUSH and blast through anything on their way. Only then does he notice trying to approach him.


- SERGEI arrives on the scene riding CYCLIZAR like a bike.
- may probably bump

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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
105 posts
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 7:09:42 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

Now what matter of bullshit is this. The first thoughts the race into Mirabella's mind she overheard statement as she arrived via her kirlia's teleportation. The Black Fragments could very well be corruption or from some other legendary who has given them trouble in the past, who knows.[break][break]

Not a bad idea one given the resourceful that their scientists could have a wonderfully kick out of it, not that she cared a dawn.  always seemed to understand what was going on. Legendary pokemon can died while then push come to shove murder them was better then end in the rangers' hands. [break][break]  Her own thoughts aside the strong effects of hated from Ting-lu and Chien-pao's abilities were great she could herself almost falling into a state of rage with bitterness grow in the pit of her stomach. But for the moment she managed to keep at bay.  [break][break]

An Avalanche just her and everyone lucky. The red head summoned out her Charcadet from it's poke-ball. The flaming knight seemed bold and brave as ever. "Lava Plume. Help stop that Avalanche." The pokemon snarled in respond both from the hatred being to pour into her tainted the pokemon and her trainer's order. The fire type unleashed a mighty blast of fire  at the upcoming for better or worst. They should be safe.

[break][break]  - Mirabella arrives via her pokemon teleportation 
[break][break] - Mirabella listened to a used of the members before  choosing to focus on the impending avalanche for the moment in time.
[break][break]  - miraebella used out her Charcadet who used Lava plume to trying to burn through some of the snow.[break][break]

[disguse/outfit] [break][break]



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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
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samuel carter
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 22:59:19 GMT
samuel carter Avatar


"...what a shit show."[break][break]

sam's reflection is given after his absol, hecate foresaw with a future sight the avalanche that was coming. he'd taken to higher ground by her warning and was safely watching the wreckage and insanity.[break][break]

the coms tell him that black fragments are scattered around and to collect them. initially, this sounds to him like something that will win them the war in the long run. a smaller battle. the more samples they have, the better research can be had on their end.[break][break]

hecate remains at his side, eyes glowing still.[break][break]

"see what you can of the fragments. we'll make that our prime goal for now. unless tides turn for the worst on a different front."

+ absol uses future sight to avoid the avalanche[break]
+ sam is, for now, looking to collect the black fragments



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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 4:53:37 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Illusions Zacian & Zamazenta - Pokemon Sword & Shield



MASSIVE WAVES OF SNOW AND ICE surge from the CHIEN-PAO'S power, the great rumblings of this avalanche a fanfare for its gathering momentum. It prepares to bury and sweep those beneath it.[break][break]

zips out of danger, his HISUIAN ZOROARK tearing out of the wave of the snow with its trainer in tow. Others are not so lucky. unties with ; however, as his CYCLIZAR rushes toward the Pokemon, they are smothered in the avalanche. Before is taken by the avalanche too, he would find that his ABSOL'S FUTURE SIGHT proves to be ineffective: no vision is shown.[break][break]

Like the valiant ZAMAZENTA, many aim to defend their ilk. summons his FROSMOTH, wings spreading to cast a WIDE GUARD against the snow. Behind this barricade, manages to mount their TOGEKISS—which manages to conjure a SAFEGUARD that shimmers across their area.[break][break]

Similarly, and hide behind the WIDE GUARD'S barricade. The engineer manages to order his IRON VALIANT toward the ZAMAZENTA, while 's CERULEDGE focuses on the canine. Flames burn from its spectral armors as it attempts to ALLY SWITCH with it... finding it difficult to shift such an incredible behemoth of armor and fur instantaneously. The CERULEDGE continues to focus as hunkers behind the defenses too.[break][break]

Before sends his CINDERACE toward the CHIEN-PAO, the WIDE GUARD begins to shatter from the sheer force of the Ruinous Pokemon's attack. The avalanche is not just snow. It is sheer malice: the ice surfs across this malevolent force.[break][break]

The shield breaks, causing shards of tough ice to batter his CINDERACE upon its ascent. Several sharp chunks narrowly miss .[break][break]

However, the PRYO BALL is loosed. It soars across the battlefield, melting snow in its wake alongside 's FLYGON which carves a cavity in the relentless snowslide....



'S GALLADE BRANDISHES ITS BLADED ARMS TO FORGE A WIDE GUARD FOR ITS ALLIES. As the snow soars against and around this psychic barricade, many take refuge. settles behind it as her FROSMOTH conjures a TAILWIND.[break][break]

Hastening winds blow behind who rides on his KOMMO-O. Managing to get close while avoiding banks of falling snow and ice, the Rocket eventually needs to order his dragon to PROTECT. The relentless avalanches courses above him.[break][break]

manages to be PROTECTED by her UMBREON. As the snow surges over her, manages to do the same. Her ELDEGOSS expands its COTTON GUARD to shield the Lady of the Iron Forge. Unfortunately, , , and their Pokemon are tossed about by the swiftly moving avalanche.[break][break]

Although and attempt to DEFEND against the avalanche with their Pokemon, the malice-infused snow and ice wears their respective bulwarks down. They are swiftly overtaken.[break][break]

would notice that his ABSOL'S FUTURE SIGHT, much like 's, is ineffective. No vision is granted—and the avalanche smashes into him and , while manages to shunpo away with her GRENINJA. The frog fires a HYDRO PUMP from its high altitude, the burst of water slamming into the ZAMAZENTA below.


THE ZAMAZENTA IS BOMBARDED BY ATTACKS. It yelps with every strike, its eyes squinting in pain, maw agape to reveal the bleeding gums behind its fangs. Still, it remains defiant. Although the tiniest grains and fragments scatter from its breaking shield, the ZAMAZENTA howls during its last stand.[break][break]

Thankfully, it is not alone. Before it, 's DRAGONITE redirects the FLAMETHROWER sent forth by ' SALAZZLE. With a billowing gale, the flames melt a segment of incoming snow, but they fail to reach the CHIEN-PAO.[break][break]

However, a ceaseless sea of flames comes for the dog. Against fire and ice, the ZAMAZENTA attempts to defend itself. With every lick of flame endured, 's HEALING SCALES swirl around it, healing the cracks. Healing singed fur and flesh.[break][break]

Though attempts to HEAL BLOCK such a power with his SILVALLY, 's WHIMSICOTT manages to TAUNT it. Its cottony body directs its attention, a mischievous rhythm to its movements.[break][break]

's IRON VALIANT defends the ZAMAZENTA, its robotic movements parrying a portion of 's HEAT WAVE. Yet, it is forced to retreat across the muddy field once joins with her IRON JUGULIS. The combined flames are too much—and as the defenses begin to peel away, 's HARPOON GUN is shot. The HARPOON latches onto the shield— but after narrowly evades the avalanche with his haste within his SHADOW MIASMA, the MAGIC ROOM his SHADOW DELPHOX has conjured promptly disarms it.[break][break]

The ZAMAZENTA'S RUSTED SHIELD is not disarmed by this field, but its constitution is indeed weakened by it thanks to the previous work of CHIEN-PAO & ROCKET'S ATTACKS. It allows and his IRON MOTH to cast a FIERY DANCE around the growling canine, forcing more of its shield to melt and chip.[break][break]

However, 's LAPRAS MEGA EVOLVES to stop the Underboss. A WATER PULSE bursts toward the SHADOW DELPHOX, distracting it enough to hinder its spell.[break][break]

Nevertheless, the burned ZAMAZENTA is unable to flee. After 's HISUIAN SAMUROTT lands a stunning blow, forcing 's SCALES to scatter, descends like a hellion on his CHARIZARD. A powerful FLAMETHROWER befitting a Rocket Beast's strength engulfs the ZAMAZENTA—and tears its mounted shield off its frame.[break][break]

Before the canine can retrieve its shield, 's WO-CHIEN emerges with its spiteful airs. A cataclysmic malice engulfs the ZAMAZENTA when the snail uses RUINATION, forcing a pained howl to leave the dog. The ZAMAZENTA can stand no longer. Without its shield, it falls to the ground.[break][break]

Without its shield, the ZAMAZENTA'S FORM shifts. On the ground where the golden shield should be, is a black, obsidian bulwark instead. 's CERULEDGE'S ALLY SWITCH finally works, bringing the ZAMAZENTA closer to her location. Though, such a triumph would be short-lived...[break][break]

In the mayhem, only and are able to grasp the tiny black particulate shed from the ZAMAZENTA'S SHIELD. They are defunct pieces of obsidian-like material; however, should these fragments come near , his body would absorb them.[break][break]

Curiously, after all, would feel an affinity for the shield and it's fragmenting material—for it is the same material that resides within him.[break][break]

Although 's FLORGES conjures a WISH for the dog, the healing may come too late... But its priorities may shift. For attempts to use BITTER BLADE to strike her down—and indeed, due to the chaos of the avalanche and the surrounding Pokemon, she may be forced to have her FLORGES take the hit for her.


OTHERS FOCUS ON THE CHIEN-PAO. The snarling feline of ice seems empowered by the welling hatred that surrounds it. Although the CHIEN-PAO desires to enter the ANCIENT TOMB—it does not mind a secondary prize: the shield the ZAMAZENTA bears.[break][break]

's LUNATONE manages to push force a hole through an incoming wave—but the avalanche over takes the Pokemon and its trainer. A PYRO BALL from 's CINDERACE courses straight through, however. expands the cavity. Her NIDOKING EARTH POWERS, a violent pillar of stone carving out space for projectiles.[break][break]

The attack strikes the CHIEN-PAO, but as it hisses the assault continues. takes advantage of the hole forced by and , his LUCARIO firing an AURA SPHERE through it. Above, on her IRON JUGULIS fires a trifecta of beams, a TRI-ATTACK spiraling out from her paradoxical abomination's heads. However, the relentless ice hinders her. As the AURA SPHERE strikes, manages to dive swiftly with his TALONFLAME. The fiery bird manages a nasty strike, diving in and out like a fiery scythe.[break][break]

rides in on his MANECTRIC swiftly. As he and his mount QUICK ATTACK around to distract the CHIEN-PAO from attacking the ZAMAZENTA further, 's dives down in his ROARING MOON. The EARTHQUAKE it uses rips the earth apart— separating the two Pokemon with fissure and razed ground.[break][break]

Behind him, 's DRAGAPULT unleashes a brutal DRACO METEOR. As the attack lands, it exposes more of the earth below. The ANCIENT TOMB happens to be more extensive than originally thought. Below, obstructed by much distance and rubble, an odd artifact that glows an ominous magenta can be seen...[break][break]

And the CHIEN-PAO sees it too.

However, the Ruinous Pokemon is suddenly drenched in smoke. and 's CHARIZARDS unleash a thick plume of SMOKESCREEN. It shrouds the CHIEN-PAO—and those nearby. Wisps of smoke are torn apart by and his MANECTRIC, but the smoke is unrelenting.[break][break]

and his URSHIFU are struck by the spiteful snow—but the bear is able to strike a massive chunk back. However, as the snow is hurled toward where the CHIEN-PAO once was, the smoke makes it unclear whether the attack had connected or not. does not encounter this same problem. His MAGEARNA unleashes a concentrated beam of pink from its center—and as it pierces the smoke, a cry from the CHIEN-PAO announces the attack's success.


IN THE AIR, and her reliable SALAMENCE, both who yearn for their old Sootopolan home, unleashes searing flames toward the CHIEN-PAO in the smoke. The flame illuminates the slender form of the creature as it skirts about in the plume.[break][break]

joins her in the air with RAYQUAZA. Demanding a stop to the conflict, the dragons' FLAMES melt the AVALANCHE. Every frigid snow bank begins to melt, drenching the broken ground and freeing those once stuck.[break][break]

Wary of the reappearance of the DRK TRIAD, orders his SMEARGLE to use IMPRISON. His keen eye has noticed that the CHIEN-PAO has been eyeing the tomb and so, he encourages to secure the perimeter. As GROUDON'S AVATAR summons a DESOLATE LAND, the muddy earth is immediately dried into crust. His CHARIZARD roars, as it unleashes a Z-MOVE HURRIFERNO. A vortex of flames surges around the CHIEN-PAO, preventing it from accessing the exposed chasm—or the ANCIENT TOMB.[break][break]

The smoke dissipates from 's maneuver, revealing a snarling, hissing CHIEN-PAO.. The feline matches eyes with 's WO-CHIEN: a feigned antagonism. A part of the script.[break][break]

Faced with no other option, the CHIEN-PAO channels its own RUINATION upon the broken RUSTED SHIELD. Using the same ancient magicks that cursed a sword into ruinous being, it imbues the black RUSTED SHIELD with its own power.[break][break]

Before anyone can react, the shield pulses with power. Everyone's heart beats back in response, and with a dreadful vertigo, every trainer and their Pokemon is siphoned into the RUSTED SHIELD itself, including the injured ZAMAZENTA.[break][break]


EVERYONE COMES TO, they find themselves in a frozen hilly landscape. Snow falls on barren trees. Ancient ruins stand around them, dilapidated yet regal in make. Those who know THE GALAR REGION would understand this location to be the CROWN TUNDRA... but considering the circumstances of their arrival, is this truly the real Galar?[break][break]

The region feels heavy with decay. After all, the region had faced an attack from NECROZMA months ago. The trees, the earth, the skies... all feel laden with the ichor of resentment and degradation. This is a dystopian world with little life, save for the lucky few.[break][break]

There is no sign of the ZAMAZENTA or the CHIEN-PAO.

Up a frozen slope, a worn entrance lies in wait. Behind it, a grand barren tree stands tall- though its branches are withered and gloomy at their ends. Entering through it reveals an icy courtyard. In its center, a wooden statue stands tall depicting an unknown figure riding what appears to be a GLASTRIER.[break][break]

Before it, an old wooden trough lies low and empty, save for some ice and snow.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


MAY 20TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has missed a round and is at risk of being kicked from the event should absences continue.[break][break]

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July 19th
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 5:21:46 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Chaos ignites. The battlefield devolves into sheer chaotic blend. Genny can barely make heads or tails of it all. Rocket keeps hammering down on Zamizenta, and the League gets more forces, liek a Rayquaza? Got is so cool.[break][break]

Being that the avalanche was coming, it pushed like a wave, encompassing all. Lady Bloom attempted her prayer in the Wish, but as Genny sees the wave of ice come, the Florges sees it before Genny can.[break][break]

The Bitter Blade from finds its mark, embedded within the chest of the Florges, Genevieve's face covered in red, as the snow slams into her.[break][break]



Her eyes finally open up to a snowy tundra, Genny pushing herself to a sitting position, and gripping to her arms. It was cold... where was she? But she knows all too well. She's from this region, well, originally. Hazel eyes scan the surrounding with intensity.[break][break]

Attempting to get to her foot, her cries are easy to hear, as she grabs at her leg. It was twisted. "Oh no... okay... it's okay. Lady Blo-"[break][break]

Hued in red, Lady Bloom lay motionless upon the tundra nearby, dyeing the spot she laid with the spillage. Genny's hazel eyes were wide with fear in that moment. Forcing herself to her feet, she closes her eyes.[break][break]

You were a gift from ... and I failed you. Her bottom lip trembles.[break][break]

No time to mourn though. She has to leave her. The mission isn't done.[break][break]

She pulls herself to her feet, beginning the desperate move up somewhere she can see. A slope? An entrance? Something is up there. She has to get there. Releasing Ms. Clean, Genny is scooped up almost immediately in the Galarian Darmanitan's arms, as she climbs for her. "Come on. We gotta get there."[break][break]

No time to mourn at all. They have to find something. Someone. They had to keep moving... when they reach the courtyard, now being carried by the snow gorilla, she finds the statue, and raises a brow. "Come in. Any League members. Cadet Cromwell... there's some statue on the hill. I don't know what it means. Um... requesting backup. Please." She has no idea if it can even be heard.[break][break]

Her leg hurts bad. She's not walking by herself anytime soon.




- Avalanche got her, and Genny falls unconscious, protected by Lady Bloom.[break]
- Wakes up in the Crown Tundra, finds Lady Bloom already dead. Can't mourn long.[break]
- Goes up the hill with Galarian Darmanitan Ms. Clean, and reaches the courtyard.[break]
- Sprained ankle.[break]
- Requests via communication for back-up.



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february 3rd
malie city
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5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 13:28:10 GMT
absalom steel Avatar

To his relief they had gotten completely clear of the avalanche. ”Good job, Mirage,” he said patting the Zoroark. As he took a breath the adrenaline started to fade out of his system. It was then that the hatred that the adrenaline had been keeping at bay hit him. A voice was trying to get him to join the fight to show those around him his condition wasn’t going to hinder him. He curled his fist into a tight fist the pain helping to center him. The pain in his chest from his out of control emotions also helped to do that.
Wincing he began to guide Mirage forward hoping to find someone he knew. They’re still a part of him that wanted to join in on the fight. And it was a struggle not let that part of him win. Without realizing it he had drifted closer to the battle. Close enough to start to make people out but not close enough to get caught up in the fighting. His gaze swept the fighters and he was a surprised to notice . He was hesitant to approach due to him being caught up in the fighting but so far he was the only one he recognized.
Before he could come to a decision on approaching it was like his heart reacted to something. It was like it skipped a beat. He frowned looking down and that’s the last thing he remembers. Because the next thing he knows is that he’s waking up in a place he doesn’t know. He groans from his spot on the ground having been unsaddled from Mirage and he was unsure why or where he was. All he knew was that it was cold, he wasn’t a fan of the cold since he didn’t fare well in the cold. Hopefully he could get warmed up before to long.
He was going to be in so much trouble when he got out of this. Not only for getting mixed up in the battle, even if he hadn’t fought, but for leaving Hoenn as well. The place had this eerie feeling to it that unnerved him. It almost made him forget about the tightness in his chest. Wincing he rubbed his chest before looking at Mirage who had finally woken up and come to stand next to him. ”Come on, let’s check to see if the others are okay,” he told his companion before clambering back against onto the Zoroark’s back.
Once on he urged Mirage to start moving. After doing some he began to look around for anyone he could spot. Especially if it was someone he knew. He saw a woman at a bit of a distance but was wary on approaching someone he didn’t know so resumed searching for anyone else he could find. He remembered seeing the Mauville gym leader so he decided to look for the gym leader first since he was the only one he had recognized.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Momentarily is affected by hatred [break] Ends up drawing closer to the fighting and notices [break] Before he can do anything he is sucked into the shield[break] Upon waking up realizes he doesn’t know where he is [break] Once remounted on his H.Zoroark notices at a distance but doesn’t approach [break] Decides to see about everyone else but prioritizes finding since he’s the only one he recognized
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
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I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 14:17:29 GMT
mint frost Avatar





Gnocci, unfortunately, isn't fast enough. Mint doesn't notice, busy nodding along to the comms as he heard fellow beast respond. What happened next is a blur. His Beheeyem isn't fast enough and instead moves to take the brunt of the avalanche. But the pair are still engulfed in it, tossed around all sorts of directions. [break][break]

The snow doesn't feel like snow. The chill in it pierces deeper than anything else within seconds. His emotions do his best to counteract, visions of his family and his past churning acid in his gut. [break][break]

They manage to pull themselves out even of Gnocci is clearly hurt, affected more deeply than Mint from the malicious energy. But before they can really assess each other, Zamazenta falls and Chien-Pao…glows? Another pulse of HATRED stops his heart damn near. It rings in his eyes, clouds his vision and he falls to his knees into the snow. When he looks up again, shaken from the dark energy, they aren't at the tomb anymore. [break][break]

He looks around. No sounds of conflict, and no sight of the legendaries. He checks his recording to make sure its still working and active. "Neon to all allies, conscious, no injuries, moving outwards to investigate the statue." He said into COMMS not waiting to help unearth bodies or otherwise. Wherever and night be, he knew they'd show up just fine sooner rather than later. "This feels fake, but we can still die out here." He added. It wouldn'tbe the first time he'd seen it. [break][break]

He sees a couple ofLeaguer ( and ) stuck in the snow, and for a moment he debates killing her before pushing forward. That's not important right now as he moved to the nearest big terrain feature. He sprints, grunting as he felt the soreness of new bruises. This place doesn't feel real. Much like GEOMANCY and CYBERCHASE, it feels surreal and dream-like. "Cover me, keep away anyone against Rocket. I'll clean out the trough." he said to his partner as they stood a foot to his back ready to defend from incoming League attacks. His Beheeyem obliged, and while still hurt, floats on standby using PSYCHIC to help clear the statue with Mint and also use it as a projectile against incoming League.



@any rocket | i am slowly grabbing my sprites weps [break][break]

- gnocci the beheeyem takes msot avalanche damage [break]
- mint tells rocket he's moving in, ignores league for now [break]
- mint makes sure he's still recording, and goes to clean the statue trough [break]
- gnocci the beeheyem prepares to defend with PSYCHIC snow projectiles [break]


it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

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samuel carter
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:01:46 GMT
samuel carter Avatar


each attempt to avoid the avalanche was futile, before finally hecate used a detect to take the brunt of the damage and protect sam. just after, sam could feel the cold surround him; but then flame. a massive flamethrower melting the avalanche for the most part just before silence.[break][break]

not surprising, he wakes with a start. his body jolts first as he twitches several muscles. there is a weight on his chest and as he opens his eyes he sees it is hecate. firstly he checks her pulse. she blinks curious eyes at him and he gives her a small pet or two.[break][break]

"keeping me warm?"[break][break]

she trills in her throat and gets up, allowing sam to sit up as well. he looks around, curious as to where he has woken up to. he can see a building, and he can see a statue with individuals checking it out already. beyond that, he doesn't recognize the place.[break][break]

but he can feel something wearily familiar about it. perhaps the lurking of death or the presence of war.

+ ABSOL uses DETECT to try and block most of the avalanches damage[break]
+ sam wakes up, searches for BLACK FRAGMENTS after fussing over absol



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:14:06 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Even across faction lines, when Isaac moved, others followed. He had no idea how to feel about that. All he knew was that, if anyone was to have his back, he was glad he could count and among them. It was just a shame it couldn't last. Even as he wormed his way into a gap in the avalanche, snow bore down to separate him from Amor and his Goodra. "Seraphim!" Isaac called, reaching back as if hoping to catch and ground his fallen friend.[break][break]

Unfortunately, before he could go running, Knuckles caught his arm. Even in his Sygna Suit, he'd be tossed around by the storm like a leaf in the wind. Besides, the Chien-Pao was about to do something. Something bad. Something dangerous. Something that left even her composed aura trembling.[break][break]

The Lucario tried to fire off one last Aura Sphere to stop it. However, it was to no avail. The Ruined shield snatched it from midair, swallowing it whole. It was the only shred of warning Isaac had that everyone else was about to meet the same fate. Before he could even process this realization, he was gone.[break][break]

At least he was able to clutch Caleb by the arm. The two of them would hurtle into the abyss together, Isaac's heart as full with worry for the one he could protect as it was guilt for the one torn away from him.[break][break]

The two woke in a frozen-ravaged hellscape. The Icelands? No, no. This felt different. More natural, and yet also more worn. Resentment, familiar resentment, burned in Isaac's gut. "Lis . . ." he murmured, the suffocating pressure squeezing his brain and smothering his lungs reminding him so much of .[break][break]

Fuck Declan Walsh.[break][break]

He wanted two legendary Pokemon. Now he had none. His greed, and his minions' blind obedience, meant they were all going to die in this frozen hellhole. Knowing his luck, if he stumbled upon anyone else from Team Rocket, they'd ask him to start beating Caleb into the ground. Because clearly the blood of their enemy meant more than their very survival.[break][break]

Fuck that. League. Rocket. They all died of exposure all the same. He was getting out of here alive, and he'd work with whoever he had to in order to make sure of it. If anyone had a problem with it, they could bite his shiny metal Sygna Suited ass.[break][break]

Perhaps Caleb would notice Isaac's frustration in the way he practically ripped him out of the ground. "Why do they always have to be like this?" he asked, exhaustion and anguish tearing at the ragged edges of his voice.[break][break]

He wasn't alone, at least. He had Caleb. He knew that Amor was here. He was always a pragmatic sort. Surely he'd see reason. There was , who he saw flying overhead before the Ruination left everyone separated. And these world-shattering events always had a way of bringing others together. If he could choke down the bile, he knew he'd find a team to work with.[break][break]

Right on cue, there was one of them. Bloodied, and crumpled in the arms of a Galarian Darmanitan, sat . "Genny . . ." Isaac murmured, his sabatons leaving heavy footsteps in the snow as he tried to hurry to her side. Luckily, Knuckles was a step ahead of him, speeding towards the girl to bathe her in the light of a Heal Pulse. It wasn't much, but it was better than leaving the poor girl to her pain.[break][break]

"Genny, its me," Isaac pleaded, hating the fragility behind her voice as much as the weariness behind his own. "Are you okay? What happened?"[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac clings to Caleb so they aren't wrenched apart like he and Amor were.[break]
He is furious that Rocket has Rocketed everyone into another mess.[break]
New mission priority: survive.[break]
Seeing Genny up ahead, Isaac directs his Lucario to try and heal her up.[break]
Poor girl keeps bumping into him in her worst moments.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP