i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:20:09 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Rusted Shield

Goodbye Galar

A lot went down in the span of a few minutes, but Doug had dahlia's orders stitched to his frontal lobe: Help Zamacenta, Defeat the Ruination. Get home in one piece.

"Amazing foresight, Ms. Cherne! Thanks a million!" Doug said, smiling hurriedly as he threw a thumbs up 's way. As for , there was no time to bless whatshismaskedface with a reply. "Everyone okay?!"

The shield had held up, mercifully. (Thank the RNGods) Everyone behind the shield was fine. His gaze fell on , his earlier question finally registering.

"Lt. Colonel Sullivan— Mission objectives: Protect the dog, Destroy the cat!" There was no time to give him the detailed rundown, the young officer sweeping his arm over everyone in their group. "Consider yerself temporarily drafted, y'all! We must form a perimeter around Zamacenta!"

, , , ... He would've liked to have as well since numbers never hurt, but they were soaring high already. Hopefully his voice had reached them.

He began advancing towards Zamacenta, hoping to get close and form a protective formation around it.

Things were not going well for the Shield dog. Team Rocket was blasting it from all sides, and his healing couldn't keep up. It never could when it counted. It felt like it was never enough when it came to saving other's lives—

A feeling that was at its peak when the Dauntless shield finally, inevitably collapsed underneath the constant, overwhelming abuse.

He felt it rise within him yet again, watching the canine fall. An anger he could explain, a fury he could justify, a hatred he could wield, if he would just let himself.

Earlier before, when the ruination had attempted to bring it to the forefront, he stamped it down, with practiced ease.

The past 3 years of conflict had poured icy water on the fire burning inside. Victory had lost its luster, defeat had gained unbearable weight, and loss of life had become prohibited.

But seeing Zamacenta collapse... seeing him fight so hard to protect the world against what they all knew was yet another existential threat, and yet, seeing them still attack him...

It was always like this. Always some stupid shit like this!

He felt it in his gut— a cauldron of oil being poured on the dying embers of that fire, that hatred. It burnt in his chest, in his limbs, in his head. It needed to be let out, a scream of frustration, a maddened lashing out.

It was always rocket. No matter what otherworldly nonsense attacked them, the only thing he could be certain is that Rocket would make it worse.

How could he afford people who would reliably, confidently choose to burn the world with any kindness? Any mercy? For every single one of them, , , , , , DORIAN WESTCLIFF, DORIAN WESTCLIFF



"Hoooo..." Breathed out the youth slowly, cheeks red with the imprint of his own hands. "Keep it together."

. . , , , — gotta remember... Not all... Gotta remember why you're here. Why win or lose, you're always here.

Not to end lives—

"To save them." He muttered to himself, brows furrowing together in focus as he gazed at Zamacenta.

That was a life in danger.

He broke into a reckless dash, his hands gathering together in a sparking, neon glow.

Lepyrax soared above him, keen to keep him from getting himself killed as he flew into the danger zone, reeling his arm back as before hurling the healing scales towards the dauntless shi—

All turned to white.

Doug fell to his knees onto snowy soil, his balance thrown off by both the swing of his arm and disorientation. He scrambled back to his feet. What the hell was going on?

He had only been to Galar's hammerlocke. The Crown Tundra was entirely new, and entirely unwelcoming.

Shit. The situation had completely changed. Where was Zamacenta?!

"Lepi, return! Good work!" He said hurriedly, before palming another pokeball. "Omega, Scan!"

His Orbeetle took to the scene, it's eyes widening ever so slightly at the sudden snow before it and the unknown geography that greeted its senses. This was not Hoenn. At least, the geography was not like any it had scanned within the archipelago.

But it had its instructions, rising spreading out its senses to locate enemies and allies whilst Doug reached for his earpiece, looking around him for any of the folk he had tried to recruit.

He saw the statue in the distance, a notable landmark if there ever was one. Omega informed him that it could not locate Zamacenta or the cat... but the rest of his allies (and enemies) were around.

Doug swallowed. Hard. Zamacenta had been seriously injured... They needed to find him, and quick.

He wasn't letting anything or anyone die on his watch— not if he could help...!

League channels:
Lt. Colonel Sullivan here! We've lost all sight of Zamacenta or the ruination. Is anyone injured? We need to regroup; I can see a statue from where I stand; it's the only landmark, so Rocket is sure to gather around it as well, though! Over!

Even so, he began to advance towards it—

League channels:
"Come in. Any League members. Cadet Cromwell... there's some statue on the hill. I don't know what it means. Um... requesting backup. Please."

League channels:
Lt. Colonel Sullivan here! Already on m'way, Cadet! Over!

And on his way he was, trudging through the snow until he reached the area of the courtyard. Interesting statue, and someone might've been there, but gods themselves wouldn't have been able to stop him from reaching someone injured.

He saw , and his hand was already glowing pink.

"There you are!" He said, sprinting off towards her, his Orbeetle following behind him with eyes aglow, its psychic power lurking underneath the surface, ready to repel any attack with its expanding force. "Sorry for the delay, cadet! Beginning treatment."

Treatment being chucking a splash of pink dust at her like tinkerbell.

"... It works, promise." He said after a moment, giving her a small grin he hoped was uplifting. He wished he was in moments like this— the guy was weirdly good at cheering people up!

He stood up and surveyed the area. "... Where da hell are we, anyway?"

He flicked open his pokeNav, brow furrowed with worry.

pre mass teleport:
-Thanks luka
-recruits everyone behind the wide guard
-inner struggles.jpg
-blasted healing scales at Zammie's unconscious body. Dunno if they reached him.

after mass teleport:
-Ooups all snow. Thank god he brought his jacket.
-comms chat.
-Orbeetle's out, prepped with Expanding force to repel all evulz.
-Healing Genny!

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:21:35 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Chaos reigns as Cillian narrowly avoids being crushed by the avalanche, the sharp cry of his Delphox alerting him that something was wrong. He turns toward her, noting and her Lapras with narrowed eyes. He clicks his tongue, intent on revenge.[break][break]

But as the fallen shield pulses with dark power, Cillian's stomach lurches.[break][break]

He blacks out.[break][break]

When he wakes, he's freezing.[break][break]

Adjusted to the cold as a true child of Circhester, the frigid air bites bone deep without layers of clothing to protect against its chill.[break][break]

The Icelands? is his first thought, before his wary gaze cuts across the hills and ruins and recognizes. This is Galar. How the fuck...? And, with a deep sorrow, he's reminded of his sister's disappearance. Heat stings behind his eyes, blinked away before the gelid air can freeze tears upon his lashes. Sorrow resolves into stubborn bitterness.[break][break]

But where were CHIEN PAO and ZAMAZENTA? More importantly, where was ?[break][break]

Recalling his Delphox, Cillian tucks a heavy beast ball against his palm and tosses it high into the air. SHADOW LUGIA's wings unfurl like dark banners, a beacon in this unfamiliar snowscape for all that might seek the Rocket underboss.[break][break]

Snow crunches beneath his boots as he approaches the ruins. He taps his earpiece, wondering if it had been damaged due to the dimensional shift. There was one way to find out.[break][break]

"Harbinger to Rocket. Whether simulated or real, this is Galar's Crown Tundra."[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



Cillian is alone, for now.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA is on the field. Anyone who knows of Cillian, Rocket or League, can reasonably infer from this that he is around.[break]
Cillian tests the comms, wants to let Rocket know they're not in Kansas Hoenn anymore.


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:34:46 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","textarea"] his shield's WIDE GUARD protects them from further damage, even from the recklessness of jayden's actions.

[break][break] 'what are you doing?'

[break][break] fern's words calls to him as they descend into madness. not even jayden knows, he just knows that he will defend rocket from the league no matter the cost. it blinds him with how deep his hatred is.

[break][break] the league have taken everything, and they are still taking more. the names of all rocket's defectors repeat like an incantation in his head, a forever unfurling scroll of names.

[break][break] is a blur in the distance as jayden locks eyes briefly with the gym leader before his Roaring Moon crashes down with terrifying intensity. as earth crumbles away, the glimmer of something hiding beneath the ancient tomb is revealed. but the sight is short-lived, for minutes later, they are all are all being sucked into the pulsing shield.

[break][break] their heartbeats reverberated as one.

[break][break] terrifying, just as it was in the ultra deep sea.

[break][break] the last thing jayden sees is bright sword-teeth and eyes of glimmering jewel before he is drawn under.


when he comes to, it is to the feeling of ice-cold bitterness. it takes him a moment to realize that they are... home?

[break][break] he blinks, grimacing as a pile of snow is thrown off of him, and looks wildly about for . he finds their hand in the snow, gripping tight.

[break][break]"are you okay?" he asks fervently, looking along their person for signs of injury. seeing nearby, he asks the same. "are you injured?"

[break][break] only when he is sure they are safe does he look around, realizing where they are. he blinks.

[break][break] "we are in... the crown tundra."

[break][break] it was a place that he had never been to himself, only had heard about from tales spoken around a fireplace. in his last moments, grandfather had been fond of spinning tales of mystery. it was how jayden had heard about the two hero dogs in the first place.

[break][break] hearing and through the comms, he responds. "YORU here with ALOPEX and OMEN. no signs of either canines or ruinous beasts. approaching the courtyard now."

[break][break] eventually, the admin makes his way towards the only direction forward. up the crest of a hill, where much to his relief, he recognizes his friend's neon-blue uniform.

[break][break] seeing him to begin to clear the snow away, he decides to assist. this time he calls forth his doublade. hearing their trainer's sharp whistle, they release a SPRINGTIDE STORM towards the statue and anyone unfortunate enough to be standing in the way.

[break][break] should there be any leftover BLACK FRAGMENTS, he'd attempt to collect them for .






— jayden is disguised as YORU [break]
— saved from injury (pog ty ), struggles with hateful feelings and self-control [break]
— wake up with , then sees NEON () and tries to help him clear/defend the statue with SPRINGTIDE STORM (doublade) [break]
— with (and maybe ? man's silent as a statue)
— YORU (jayden), ALOPEX (fern), OMEN (felix)


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 15:54:34 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

A surge of triumph filled Zev as the shield protecting the dog clattered to the ground. Its golden color blackened as if seized by a sudden, rapid necrosis — an effect with which he was now intimately familiar.[break][break]

Without taking his eyes off the shield, Zev directed his Charizard to land nearby. He slid to the ground and walked toward it. At this distance, he could easily see the dark fragments that had flaked off the shield. Instant recognition flashed in his eyes, and he extended his hand as if to summon them into his body.[break][break]

Before he could reach them, however, a terrible shudder ran through him. The artifact pulsed with ruinous power, then the world spun, and everything went dark.[break][break][break][break]

Zev's eyes snapped open. He shot upright and found himself seated in deep snow. It wasn't the snow of the earlier AVALANCHE, however; he didn't recognize the dark landscape around him or the decayed ruins up ahead. He did, however, recognize running up the slope as the other Beast's voice crackled over the comms.[break][break]

"Ghost here, no injuries," Zev confirmed as he stood. Beside him, his Charizard spread her wings, shaking off snow. But and his Pokémon were nowhere to be seen.[break][break]

Then 's and 's voices came through with information on their surroundings. Galar? Zev thought. Despite the snow and the cold wind that blew through the area, he barely felt the chill, all the light he'd consumed in the past month keeping him warm.[break][break]

"I'm heading uphill. And by the way, if you picked up any black fragments, bring them to me," Zev said as he climbed onto his Charizard's back once more. The reptile took wing. From above, he could easily see a group of people around a large, wooden statue.[break][break]

Charizard landed beside Mint's Beheeyem and Zev jumped off, then recalled his Pokémon in exchange for another: his Toxapex. While , , and addressed the statue, Zev gave the Brutal Star Pokémon a silent command. A WIDE GUARD shimmered into existence around the group.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask[break]
Recognizes the black fragments and tells TEAM ROCKET to bring them to him[break]
Joins Mint, Fern, and Jayden (and Felix?) at the courtyard/statue[break]
Toxapex uses WIDE GUARD to protect Zev, itself, and their allies



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[newclass=".zev2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 16:18:32 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Fury and flames rain down as the Avalanche barrels overhead. It rattles Temp and Trigger to the bone, the deafening sound of hundreds of pounds of snow crashing around them. When it stops, the two of then pull themselves out of the ice and slush and try to find their baring.[break][break]

The rusted shield crashes. It's not too far from them.[break][break]

Pushing Trigger forward, the Kommo-o dips down like a Raptor and charges at the shield. Temp doesn't notice that the icy feline is preparing an attack.[break][break]

Then blackness.[break][break]

They wake up alone in frigid winter.[break][break]

Temp's earpiece crackles and fizzles in his ear. It shocks him so he tears it out and shoves it in his pocket in frustration.[break][break]

The Sygna Suit he wears helps but does little to shelter him from the chill. Trigger seems to be faring much worse. Sighing, Temp hops off his ride and calls her back into a pokeball. He shakes in the deep snow, flicking at pokeballs as he tries to decide his course of action.[break][break]

In the end he calls out Compass. The reliable pokemon makes his Sygan Suit flick to life and thrum with energy. Even if it's not activated yet, the added warmth will help him survive.[break][break]

"Hey? Hello?" Is called out, loud, but his words are eaten by the icy wind blowing through dead trees.[break][break]

There is a flicker of worry.[break][break]

Temp pushes it down.[break][break]

"Look for anything useful." Is instructed to Compass. The Firagarif chuffs but does just that, using her tail and the twinkle of her Thief skills to track down what she can find.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 before tundra: temp tries to make a break for the rusted shield to grab it[break]
🔗 blasted into the tundra[break]
🔗 wakes up freezing and alone[break]
🔗 his comms are wrecked, too[break]
🔗 no idea where the fuck he's at[break]
🔗 kind of freaked out[break]
🔗 kommo-o is freezing to death so he calls out his firagarif[break]
🔗 decides to search the area for anything useful[break]
🔗 firagarif helps with a Thief[break]
🔗 lowkey looking for the shield LMAO


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]·
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 17:45:41 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
One moment, El was in the air with Akero - having been preparing a Life Dew to aid those who had been injured, including the Zamazenta. The shield had been struck - and something in its reverberations had made them flinch back, something in their chest almost seeming to match it, and then--

The next, they were amidst snow and decay. A hilly landscape, characterized by falling snow and barren trees - which though El expected for deciduous trees to have shed their leaves in this cold... What about the evergreens, who also appeared to be missing their needles completely? And why did the air feel so thick with... Not quite tension - that wasn't the word they were looking for - but nonetheless some form of ill?

Glancing about, they noticed that they were the only one to wake up here; there was no sign of anyone else in the immediate area, aside from Akero, who was shaking the snow off of her feathers. The fairy-type glanced around - letting out a puzzled whistle, as if wondering where everyone else went - before glancing over to El, waiting for their input.

Which, with how ungodly cold it was, El stepped closer to Akero. Her thick feathers, large size, and the inherent warmth they gave off made her a bit of a natural space heater - and she was more than happy to provide! "C'mon, Akero..." They murmured to her - climbing into her saddle. "Let's - let's see if we can find anyone else out here..."

Taking flight, the two stayed low - avoiding exposing themselves to the freezing open air above. But even at this height, El noticed a building off in the distance, up the slope. Surely, they weren't the only one to have seen it - that was probably where the others would be gathering... But more importantly, Akero chirruped at the sight of a couple people down below - a man and his farigiraf.

"Good eye, Akero," El praised - stroking his neck, before directing him downwards.

The two would land near - and it didn't take a genius, for El to realize that this was one of the Rocket members that they had seen in the chaos before. Briefly, they hesitated - certainly, members like (or as they knew him, Blackjack) or were friends; but the same couldn't be said about every other Rocket member. Though, given that they hadn't seen him attacking Zamazenta or any fellow League members like some of the others had been...

"H-hey - I'm not here to fight. Are you or your pokemon hurt?" They'd call to Tempest - sliding down from Akero's saddle, and carefully leaning on their cane as they added "My togekiss here can heal - and if you're cold, she can, uhm, keep the both of us warm."

With Tempest's agreement, Akero would go at this much like a penguin might, as the saddle wasn't made to hold two people at once. Both trainers would be pulled in close as if they were her chicks - one wing wrapped around El, the other wrapped around Temp - to allow them both to snuggle up and nestle into her thick, fluffy, and most importantly warm feathers.

Even just standing next to Akero was better than braving the cold beyond - but if you asked El, cuddling up to her like this was practically heaven. "Did you see the building, up the slope?" They questioned - glancing over to Tempest. "I - uhm - saw it while flying on Akero. I think that the others will probably be moving that way, too." Both League and Rocket, more likely than not.

And keeping with said penguin analogy, Akero began to waddle through the snow to ferry El and Temp along - heading towards said building. All the while, the fairy-type whistled out a jaunty tune, as if this were some sort of jovial journey...
- El and Togekiss attempted a Life Dew, but get succ'd by the shield
- The two wake up alone in the snow - but Togekiss' thick fluffy feathers, size, and warmth make her a natural space heater.
- El notices the building while flying low - but also notices , who they land to offer aid to.
- (Probably obvious that El uses a cane + favors their left leg)
- Togekiss snuggles El + Temp as if she were a penguin and they are her chicks, begins waddling up the slope to the building.
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 0:21:47 GMT

The hatred lingers in the air. [break][break]

Marisol would be affected by it - were it not for the fact she's felt it plenty. the nurse barely notices, though does feel the spite growing (the spite is towards herself; it's always towards herself, always in fear of misdirecting it to others. this horrible habit has come to help). [break][break]

But why is it taking so long?[break][break]

He usually gets his work out sooner - is it because it's a large pokemon he isn't familiar with? Ah, that'd complicate things. Still, it's better for the injured dog to get out of that situation sooner, and for her to be able to treat it while it's out of danger. The ceruledge continues to channel, and focus, though it comes a bit late - and only after the canine has lost its sword in the carnage. [break][break]

when it appears in front of her, it's only a crimson dog with scars littered on its body. the canine is collapsed, and her first instinct is to start running towards the fallen pokemon - the others can focus on the white feline. "hold on!" she shouts to the legend, paying no mind to the dirt getting on her pants as she skids along the ground. [break][break]

it's littered in burns - severe burns. the nurse clicks her tongue, taking a better look now that she has the chance. They need to soak the dog in cool water for the burns, need to clear the fur, and check the full severity. she'll assume it's not as bad because of how sturdy these pokemon are, but you can never be too sure. "neuroma, life d--" she's about to pull out the pokeball for her clefable, until her heart pounds. it's hard enough for the air to be knocked out of her as she holds it. [break][break]

vertigo returns, and this time it's the same feeling she had during cyberchase. when she has a grip on her surroundings, the ground is covered in snow, and her body is frigid and shivering; she was dressed for the summer and not the freezing cold. the nurse's first instinct is to hold her arms, and her second is to perk up, looking for the dog. [break][break]

ice is horrible for burns. [break][break]

but when she realizes, there's nothing there. there's only her ceruledge, still quite a few ways away, but already returning to his trainer and melting the ice with bitter flames along the way. He returns to the trainer, who can see only snow, and ice, as far as the eyes goes. most importantly, the dog is gone. [break][break]

"i-it's cold.." her hands slowly rub together, before breathing into the cupped palms. it's chilly, she wishes she brought a winter coat. "c-come here." she shivers, standing close to the flaming armor in hopes to find warm respite. [break][break]

but it's still not enough, so the pokemon tries to carry her on his back - he's shorter, but somehow still able to keep her up. the purple pokemon's flame approaches 's talonflame, specifically so she could have a better chance in the cold. still, her ceruledge's flames burn - probably due to the lingering resentment that floats in stagnant, frigid air. [break][break]

cold as it is, it's peaceful; she could fall asleep at any moment. she doesn't. [break][break]

her ceruledge, however, still keeps an eye out for any black shards that could have been brought into the shield as well. its as hard as his armor, though he has to wonder why he's this alert. was it the hatred?




  • marisol's running over to zamazenta once it's switched over
  • looking at the poor guy's wounds, about to start with healing
  • sike bitch it's christmas
  • mari's cold and being carried by her ceruledge
  • ceruledge is looking for and picking up any remnants of the rusted shield

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 1:07:55 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Shards of ice like a thousand tiny knives ripped into Caleb's exposed skin. Thin lines of red appeared across his cheeks, the backs of his hands, his neck. As his body was pummeled by hail and snow, Caleb fell forward onto his knees, unable to make it any further towards his intended destination. Kuma's COUNTER had not been enough to prevent the avalanche from engulfing them. He returned the injured bear to his Pokeball, defeated.[break][break]
Isaac ... I'm sorry.[break][break]
Except ... was that a hand on his arm? Caleb blinked, dazed. He looked up to see Isaac holding onto him, a mix of emotions on the younger man's face. Caleb opened his mouth to say something but then --[break][break]
The world when black.[break][break]
When Caleb came to, he was lying on his back in...more snow. Seconds later, Isaac pulled Caleb up, muttering words filled with anguish and fury. Isaac seemed so angry, so fed up. Caleb had been there. He knew that exact brand of helpless rage.[break][break]
There was nothing he could say to comfort Isaac, so instead, he looked around. Their surroundings were ... strange. Vaguely familiar. Not because Caleb had been to this place before, or the region it was from, but because he remembered seeing something similar in ... a book? A textbook. Artifacts of the Crown Tundra.[break][break]
"Are we in Galar?" Caleb asked incredulously.[break][break]
Isaac didn't answer - because the blond was running away. "Dammit," Caleb growled, rushing after him. Then he spied what Isaac was running towards. A girl. A girl who looked like she'd been through hell.[break][break]
Caleb didn't know her, but clearly Isaac did. It didn't matter. Caleb released Lyra. The Lapras trilled, perfectly at ease in their wintery landscape. Caleb pointed at the girl.[break][break]
"Help her," he commanded. Without hesitation, the Lapras began to shower all of them - Caleb, , Isaac's Lucario, , and the Galarian Darmanitan in a shimmering shower of healing LIFE DEW.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Caleb and Urshifu get wrecked by the avalanche. Ouch.[break]
Caleb returns Urshifu, then feels somebody grab onto him just as he gets sucked through the portal into...Galar?[break]
Realizes he's with which is good! But what the hell is going on?[break]
Caleb releases Lapras. Caleb orders her to assist Isaac in helping the injured [break]
Lapras uses LIFE DEW on all those in her vacinity (Caleb, Isaac, Genevieve, their Pokémon...)



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 1:32:21 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
While Oliver's attack did manage to work to some extent, only melted a section of the Avalanche. Dragonite had to avoid the rest of it, but the bottoms of his feet and a good portion of his tail got nicked and scarred. It wasn't enough though, as Zamazenta fell to the other multitude of attacks and the others being too slow to react. Damn the luck! Then things got worse.

With a blinding light, Ollie blacked out.

When he awoke, Dragonite was near him, likewise just waking up. They sure as hell weren't in Hoenn anymore. Getting up and sighing heavily, he could feel the anger and hatred bubble up. Like always, it was Rocket. But he had a job to do, Rocket can wait. "Well, so much for plan A." With a flap of his wings, Dragonite was hovering a little. Poor baby...returning Dragonite for his buddy to rest, he took out Chansey. He probably should have had Boltund with him instead of Galvantula, but it was what it was. Soon, he saw 's Shadow Lugia. That was a tempting target. But his first priority was Zamazenta. 

Hearing 's cry for help, he was about to do so when radioed in. That was good. Looking out...he was far away from anything, and had the high ground. "I see the statue, but be advised, you guys are going to get a lot of company real soon. Also be advised, Shadow Lugia is in the air. I'm...not exactly close to be of much help here, so I'm going to see if I can find Zamazenta." Not that anyone without eyes couldn't see it. 

Walking down the hill, he saw a small figure. Really smol. The red headed punk ranger loudly trotted through snow towards the child. "Hey kiddo, are you or your Pokemon hurt anywhere? Chansey will heal ya right up..." Chansey made a cute noise to confirm that she was well and ready to help out with Heal Pulse. "There's a statue that everyone is gathering at, but we're pretty far out. I'm a Ranger, Cadet Oliver Shrakes. I'm personally going to try to find Zamazenta...what about you? Might be best to stick together, yeah?" Oliver didn't know the kid, or anything about him. But he did hope that he wasn't going to the battlefield...


Dragonite's feet and tail got injured by Avalanche due to dice gods not being nice.
Oliver sees Shadow Lugia and a lot of people heading towards the Statue, warns Doug and Genny.
Returns Dragonite, releases Chansey. Starts walkin.
Sees , offers assistence in the form of Chansey's Heal Pulse.
Introduces himself, and his intentions.

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
886 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 1:38:37 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
All the evil of the world cascades towards them. This evil does not care about sides, loyalties, affiliations. Humanity and its civilization are powerless, now and always, against nature’s cruelty. White rage threatens to take them all.[break]

Dogs little understand or notice such grand notions. All this creature notices is that first blood goes to Rocket. Jubei’s blade finds purchase. It sinks deep into the flesh inside the flower, painting the ground and its trainer’s face crimson.[break]

Damn it.” Rocket’s blade curses. To , this must seem a great tragedy. A trusted partner loves the woman enough to die for her. It’s just a setback – like aiming for the brain and only catching a hand. Professional pride spurs him to finish the job. Drawing the blade, he steps forward...[break]

…only to have Jubei grab him by the stomach. Seeing the Pokemon as but an extension of himself, the dog jerks around. Anger fills amber at the edges of his eyes. Rage at someone getting in his way.[break]

What the hell are you—”[break]

And then, he sees it – in all its terror. A dog with its dull understanding of esoteric civilization sees the white death coming for them all. He thinks he knows red rage. Watching the white, he understands…[break]

He doesn’t even know pink. What he feels in that avalanche is every shade of red. Scarlet, crimson, maroon, the little colors that dot the line between red and its neighbors on the color wheel. Whatever this creature is, it hates them. It hates them with such malice that Hitoshi’s first instinct is to abandon the mission, grab , drop this pretense of climbing the underworld, and run far far away.[break]

…there are things out there far more dangerous than both the League and Team Rocket combined…[break]

’s words, the words of a nameless prisoner in this dog’s world, run through his head. He trembles. When faced with the choice to fight or fly, he stands stock still. Watches what’s coming, slack-jawed.[break]

Jubei is his salvation. Using his capacity to produce fire, he launches them both into the air in a gout of flame. It’s hot, burning the edge of his getup. The dog doesn’t yap. He’s too busy gawking at the cat.[break]

He wants to kill it.[break]

For once in his life, he wishes something dead. He understands a truth the accumulated grudges, fear, envy, and rage of the humans will prevent many of them from seeing. For all the poisoned promises of power it could offer them, this monster is an existential threat. It will ruin them. They will all die. Yumi will die.[break]

He will die, and by so doing, he will break his promise.[break]

So, the dog resolves he will kill this monster. [break]

Before he can act on this newfound resolve, he is pulled far, far away. Down into the darkness of the shield. Hitoshi screams but finds his air has no lungs. He thinks death has come for him.[break]

His last thought is of her, all alone. Her tears when she thought he died. He can’t die here. He must simply live.[break]

So, he simply lives.[break]

He pulls himself out of the snow and finds he is somewhere else entirely. Coughing, he pushes snow the heat of his body has melted into water out of his lungs. Throwing off his ridiculous hat, he sees his breath in the air.[break]

It is so…[break]

So, so, so…[break]


Struggling to his feet, he calls out. He finds he doesn’t know anyone’s names.[break]

Heeeey! Is anybody out there?!” There is nothing on his comm network. It has been broken. He is on his own. The cold starts to seep into him. All he can do is sheath his sword, keep Jubei close, and get to moving through this new snowy land.[break]

He can’t shake the feeling he is in this creature’s domain now. It hates them all so much. It wants to kill them. He feels like he is being hunted. A lone wolf will die. He has to find others.[break][break]

Only adrenaline and the heat of his body as he runs staves off the cold. He doesn’t notice Jubei by his side. He’s only focused on running forward. Finding someone. Anyone.[break]

Up above him, he sees a familiar creature fly. Dark wings that might strike terror into the hearts of many make the dog’s heart soar.[break]

Blondie?” He asks to no one. “BLONDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!” Running through the landscape, he finally sees him, .[break]

…without his own loved one.[break]

Oi, Blondie!” Hitoshi waves, trotting through the snow in his clogs. They soak the socks he’s wearing. His feet are freezing.[break]

Blondie. Where’s Brownie? Is he alright?” His tone is caked with concern for ’s well-being. “Blondie, we gotta kill that cat. It’s gonna kill everybody. Yumi, Brownie, everybody.” Such banal things as how the cold is freezing his blood, or how frost will soon start biting at his limbs, or even where they are, doesn’t matter.[break]

What matters is that he play a role, that he be a sword, that he kill the monster.


Hitoshi's like "damn I only killed a pokemon"
Ceruledge saves him from the Avalanche
Feels the big legendary sword cat's malice
Says "man we should kill that thing"
Gets isekai'd
Man it's mfing cold
Comms busted
Goes to find someone
"Man let's find temp and kill that cat, fam"
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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 4:17:35 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

Her best efforts aren't good enough, she must push harder and faster if she wants to survive this catastrophe. The chill snow hits her and Rhodium head on without mercy, any of the black flakes they had managed to collect are scattered about the battlefield as each of the little vials in her jacket are thrown from her possession and into the freezing cold, but that matters little in the face of the much greater threat presented to her.[break][break]

She and Rhodium manage to escape the avalanche, but hardly unscathed as a thin layer of frost clings to her arm and bites into her bones, she can already feel frostbite setting in as she hurriedly brings the limb close to the mechanical dragon's flames to try and prevent serious injury. The battle had only just started after all, who knew what the future would hold?[break][break]

The battlefield is sheer chaos as waves of flame and psychic energy sweep through the lines, healing energy glancing across the dog's shield for scant moments before malicious psychic energy completely restricts the restorative effects from taking effect, fire is redirected and then enhanced as its thrown back to its original target, not even Xenon's superior brain can calculate everything happening at once as her eyes dart in every direction to try and measure the future. Monsters of the League evolve beyond their limits to contend against shadowy mutations of the natural order, but finally the chaos reaches its peaks as a Beast of Ruination emerges and utterly destroys Zamazenta with a powerful pulse of primordial evil.[break][break]

And that's when everything truly goes to hell.[break][break]

The world goes black as a wave of darkness washes over her and Rhodium, she feels like she's floating in the void for an eternity, yet only a second passes as she blinks and finds herself in a world of snowy ruin. A painful chill runs through her frostbitten arm and she pulls it close to her, clinging tightly to Rhodium as she tries to discern just where the hell she was, where everyone was. The legendary beasts were gone, all that was left was snow and the people who had just been trying to kill each other without hesitation. [break][break]

"Well, what's past is past. Time to move on to the future." She mutters as she directs the Iron Jugulis to start moving towards and his Shadow Lugia, any Rocket with a lick of common sense would know that's the spot to gather and any League with an ounce of self preservation would know to stay far the fuck away. "The Crown Tundra huh? If I recall correctly, isn't everyone in Galar like uh... fucked?" There's a dark tinge of amusement in her voice as she approaches and , waving at the two with her uninjured arm, then immediately flinching as the pain runs up her very injured arm once again. "Xenon here, any pretty boys around here got a pokemon that can heal me? Or am I fucked?"[break][break]



+ Iron Jugulis and Xenon get fucked up by the avalanche, mainly Xenon as she takes a hard hit to the right arm. [break]
Transported to snow hell dimension, very cold and very injured[break]
Heading for and to inquire about healing, mainly to gather strength in numbers while all the other Rockets fuck off to do something else.



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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 6:31:11 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton's face broke out into a wide grin as he watched Optimus make his way up the slope, successfully reaching Zamazenta and casting his barrier. It wasn't much and the legendary dog had already received much of the Rocket's combined attacks, but every little bit counted. His excitement, however, was short lived as the Wide Guard gave way to the assault, with his Iron Valiant being forced to beat a hasty retreat to avoid taking too much damage. For a being with such a mighty golden shield built into its mane, the Zamazenta couldn't have been more defenseless.

And, surprisingly, he could only feel a burning anger at that notion.

Colton couldn't explain it, but there was sense of hatred rising up in his chest. It wasn't even particulary focused on anything, just a sense of contempt for everything around him. Hatred towards the Rockets for the misery and pain that seemed to follow in their wake. Hatred towards the League for not doing more to stop them. Hatred towards Zamazenta for being unable to defend itself despite its might. Hatred towards Chien-Pao for this whole damn situation. And hatred towards himself, for being too weak to really make a difference.

"Damn it all..." COlton muttered to himself, following behind as he began to push his way forward to reach Zamazenta as it lay in the rapidly melting snow. Optimus joined his side again, having taken a wide berth to give itself as much space as possible to recover. The Iron Valiant looked a bit scuffed up, but really no worse for wear. Every cloud had to have its silver lining, after all, but it was not going to last long.

One final attack from the Chien-Pao landed on Zamazenta and its effects were devastating. The golden shield that had been attached to its mane had been knocked free, rendered as little more than a hunk of metal.

And then, all Colton could see was darkness.


Colton came too slowly, rubbing his head as he sat up. His back and pants felt damp and cold and all around him was fresh, undisturbed snow and a entire group of people slowly getting to their feet and taking in their surroundings. Optimus stood next to him, its robotic gaze appearing almost quizzical.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto..." he said as he got back to his feet and dusted the excess snow off of his lab coat. The thin garment did little to provide warmth but it was certainly better than nothing at all. Colton looked around again, trying to find a familiar face somewhere in the crowd, really to no avail. His best bet in that moment, he felt, was finding John Sullivan again. The guy had recruited him to his little Zamazenta Defense Force right before everything went to shit and he really had no better ideas.

"Let's get up to that building up there. Keep any eye out for anyone we may know or any attackers," Colton said to his Pokemon, pointing towards ancient structure with the statue of a horse and its small rider in front. The Iron Valiant's eyes flashed in confirmation and the pair began their trek upward.

Radio chatter confirmed that convening there was the obvious choice for most, as it was the only notable landmark nearby, but at least he would be able to meet up with other League members again. Even beyond that, there had to be a reason they had all been sent there when the Chien-Pao had attacked Zamazenta's shield and the best place to look for those answers had to be in that building.

- Colton and Iron Valiant began to head towards the building, wary of any oncoming attacks
- Colton ponders just why they were sent to this place specifically, even if he isn't exactly sure where this is

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 7:25:35 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

It seemed that Elaine had been one of the fortunate ones. The plan to carve out a niche in the avalanche had worked like a charm. The grand wreath of flames that Tiamat had let lose had been enough to allow them a single spot of safety in the monstrous deluge.


Though she was able to protect herself, she could not extend that warm blanket towards anyone else. After all, she had found herself separated from the rest of the group. Though she had little time to wallow in regret. After all, if barely keeping herself safe was already a herculean task of its own, then being able to find and protect any others would have been even more arduous.

For the time, she just had to count her blessings on the fact that she remained safe for now and move on.

She was nothing like the woman who commanded Rayquaza in the visible distance after all.

"Well, at least now I know where everyone is. Lets get going that way."

But she would not be able to move even a single iota. The rusted shield pulsed with its now corrupted power. Though Elaine would not be aware of this truth, she would be swallowed up by the phenomenon all the same as her consciousness would distort before all vision and thought would finally shut off.

And then...

It was cold. It was biting at her legs. "GAH!"

The young woman, the moment she had even cracked open the darkness with even a semblance of consciousness forced herself off the ground and onto her feet while wiping away at chunks of snow that had stuck to her legs first and then her clothes.

Was this a dreamscape? The young woman had almost been unsure as to whether she was still asleep until she heard multiple voices in her earpiece. It was only at this moment that she had realized that she had a similar experience before. Upon an uncharted island that turned into some crazy virtual death game.

Still, she had to focus. She was stranded in some location she had never seen before and she was still alone. The fact that communications worked somewhere like this was at least a blessing.

"We're going to need to lay low for a bit Tiamat so get some rest. We can't have you flying around and alerting an enemy."

The dragon rubbed its head against her cheek. Taking that as a vote of acceptance, she returned it to its ball before tossing another one out, unveiling the a spectral knight.

"Keep close, Jeanne. Let's make our way to this statue but try not to draw too much attention for now. Best to keep our cards close to our chests."

She had already made the mistake of reckless procession once. She was not going to do it again. For the time being, she needed to scout out information about this area without getting caught and then relay information to the rest of the League. Rather than heading straight to the statue, it was better to explore a bit more while keeping the focal landmark in the periphery. She was already separated. Best to turn that into an advantage.

League Comms:
Detective Highland speaking. Gonna gather info from the periphery and relay any findings. Be careful.

  • Elaine's outfit, not well suited to the cold but such are the casualties of fashion
  • Elaine remains mostly safe and wakes up still separated from the rest of the group
  • Elaine switches out Flygon for Ceruledge
  • Rather than rejoining the League, she opts to attempt some recon
  • Communicates this and hopes that nobody unveils her


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 10:16:34 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The ensuing chaos wasn't easy to understand, especially without a Psychic Pokemon out to guide him. He was pretty sure he heard someone ( ) shout in his direction, but he didn't recognize the voice - and a flurry of attacks drowned it out.

It sounded like his Magearna landed a solid hit on the feline, even blasting through the Avalanche well enough to keep them safe, but it was hard to miss all the attacks that sounded like they were hitting the dog.

A disgruntled groan came out of Hideo's throat. Only Rocket would be dumb enough to attack a literal guardian over a ruinous creature.

They really were only here to destroy his home, weren't they?

Before he could stew in his anger for long, a strange sensation ran through him, his heart changing pace against his own body. He had only a moment to realize something bad was happening before the vertigo hit.

Just as everything went blank for everyone, a small pixie emerged by Hideo. Uxie couldn't do anything to stop what was happening, but it did take the chance to disguise itself - it merely had to Skill Swap the Illusion ability from Hideo's Zoroark.


As Hideo came to, it was impossible to notice just how cold everything had gotten. The snow under his boots couldn't be missed - nor could he fail to notice the weight on his head.

"...please tell me you got a disguise up," Hideo groaned. The last thing he needed was Uxie getting outed amongst the Rockets with the fewest strands of common sense.

A mental confirmation confirmed it - and told him what Illusion Uxie had assumed: that of Hideo's Joltik. Best it could do with that little time. "Better than nothing."

Before he could even think about what to do next, he could feel his phone buzz - the name "Doug" read out as the source. He was quick to retrieve his phone, the message read aloud by his text-to-speech app.


His answer was quick, activating the speech-to-text app as he spoke his own text out: "Yes, I'm ok. It's cold though. Did we get sent to those icelands or whatever?"

The message sent, he pocketed his phone, feeling the cold touch of his metallic Magearna. "I'm, uh, gonna put you back in your ball. I think you're just gonna make me freeze faster." A disappointed noise came from the Magearna, but it didn't resist being called back in.

A shiver ran through him. The striped sweater that eternally marked his presence helped a bit with the cold, and his favored boots would help keep his feet dry. His shorts, comfortable and easy to wear as they were, did not help. "Would've dressed warmer if I knew this would happen," he muttered.

A different voice called out to him. This time, it was approaching him. The voice was familiar - enough that he didn't put his guard up in preparation for a fight.

"We're all right," Hideo answered. "But I got no idea where we are. We didn't just land in the Icelands, did we? Or did Rocket just screw everyone over and cause an Ice Age?" He wouldn't be surprised if Rocket caused something like that: all they did now was destroy lives for a crumb of power.

As for his own plans? "I'm gonna try to meet up with a friend. He's probably gonna hunt me down if I don't find him first. I'll go see if he's by the statue." The statue he was going to rely on Uxie to guide him towards, because he had no idea where to go. "If you wanna stick around with me, go ahead."

He was gonna have to make that walk, whether or not he wanted to.

gdi Rocket
While everyone's blacked out, Uxie comes out
Uxie uses Skill Swap on Hideo's Zoroark to change its ability to Illusion
Uxie assumes the appearance of Hideo's Joltik
Magearna recalled
Receives 's text, answers it.
Aims to head towards the statue via Uxie's guidance

Salac x2

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She/Her; They/Them
Ecruteak City
Fond of girls
26 height
26 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @serendipity
Saki Shitachi
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 10:40:43 GMT
Saki Shitachi Avatar
Her partner's speed proved woefully inefficient. Immediate action was perhaps Marisa's only weakness, a lot like her trainer. Simply being able to fly was not a guarantee of safety, to their collective chagrin. Durability, by contrast, was one of the steel-type's strengths, and ice was no threat to her metal exterior. That was the plan, at least. The unadulterated negative energy just beneath that frozen wave was far more dangerous, ripping into the Metagross's sensitive mind. Still, the beast endured.

Saki was less fortunate. Most trainers would have their Pokemon act as shields for their fragile human forms, but laying atop their ally as they were, in Saki's case it was the other way around. With a psyche as vulnerable as their psychic-type's, and a body of fairly delicate flesh, Saki was left screaming.

By the time they'd found her bearings again, they lay on their back in an unfamiliar land, staring up at the sky with dull eyes, which slowly came to a close.

Their mouth feebly curled up into a twisted, shaky smile. They laughed, quietly, to theirselves. To stir emotions in their empty heart... what an indescribably, profoundly beautiful experience. Exhilarating beyond words. Saki let out a dreamy sigh. It felt good.

A nudge from their Pokemon brought them from their reverie. Concern and kindness, even now. Even with their ragged breathing, it probably had looked like they were dying, admittedly.

"...thanks, buddy... help me up, won't you? Legs aren't working so good... brain's not working so good either..."

Telekinesis lifted Saki's limp body up, lying her comfortably atop her Pokemon before holding her snugly and securely in place. Upon seeing Shadow Lugia... a small part of her wanted to ignore that call. To explore this strange Galar and see what wonders it had to offer. All the bodily pain kinda got in the way of that urge, though.

A quiet "thattaway" was all her Pokemon needed. Pausing for a moment to bolster its speed, her Metagross tucked its legs under its body and flew off towards its trainer's superior. Careful and precise use of its psychic power helped stop the acceleration from mutilating Saki any further.

Saki's having a bad time already.
She's loving it, though.
Possibly more than she can remember loving anything.

Metagross adds Agility to its ongoing buffs and flies to the group of , , and .
Bringing Saki.
She's strapped to it like it's some kind of exoskeleton.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP