i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 17:27:48 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Letting out a groan and rubbing her hands across her face, Aurelie blinked blearily and looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings in consternation. The last thing she remembered was getting protected by the COTTON GUARD and gathering some BLACK FRAGMENTS from the ground. Then, Aurelie's heart had pounded with a sudden dreadful beat, she'd glanced up at the RUSTED SHIELD as it pulsed with ruinous power, and then utter blackness and unconsciousness had claimed her.

Now, the red-haired smith struggled to her feet and shivered a little. Wet flakes of snow fell across the hilly, frozen landscape, which Aurelie didn't recognize in the least. Thankfully, she wasn't alone here at least, as she saw other figures wandering about nearby and heard voices on Rocket's comm lines.

Apparently, they were somehow in Galar now–but perhaps not the real Galar. Aurelie shook her head bemusedly. Well, I did always want to visit Galar, she thought wryly, but this wasn't exactly how I thought it'd happen.

A cold gust of wind blew past, making Aurelie shiver even harder and pull her hoodie tighter. She looked longingly up toward the dilapidated—but still partially intact—ruins atop the hill and started climbing toward them. Even if Aurelie had no idea where she was, at least a roof and a shelter out of the wind, with maybe a chance to build a fire, would be welcome.

At the thought of fire, she quickly thanked her ELDEGOSS for her timely help, before recalling her and releasing her DELPHOX to light her way with her flame-tipped wand. "Can you use a little MYSTICAL FIRE to melt away some of this snow?" she quietly asked the DELPHOX, who nodded, waved her wand, and breathed a jet of brilliant fire to thaw the snow and ice in front of Aurelie.

As she hiked up the hill, Aurelie heard the familiar voice of on the comms, announcing that he too was heading toward the courtyard of the ruins atop the hill and commanding all Rockets to bring him any BLACK FRAGMENTS they found. She rolled her eye a little at Zev ordering them around but shrugged, remembering he was a Rocket Beast now. Then Aurelie looked down at the BLACK FRAGMENTS she was holding and frowned, eyeing the glassy obsidian-like shards speculatively.

With a quick, furtive movement, Aurelie shoved half the BLACK FRAGMENTS into the inner pocket of her hoodie, saving them for herself for later study by herself. Then she entered the courtyard, where several figures were already assembled around the tall wooden Glastrier statue. Most of them were masked or disguised, though, making Aurelie hesitate with a confused frown.

Clearing her throat, she held out her hand full of fragments. "Here, I've got some of those BLACK FRAGMENTS..." Aurelie started to say. Her voice slowly trailed off, though, as she came near.

Were the BLACK FRAGMENTS starting to rise into the air of their own accord? And were they swirling toward one person in black tactical gear and a mask in particular? Were they...starting to meld into his clothing? Aurelie gaped silently at the sight, wondering what was going on.


- Wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, sunglasses, and a dark hoodie with the hood pulled up all the way
- Hides half her BLACK FRAGMENTS in her hoodie pocket
- Summons her DELPHOX and clears some of the snow along the hill with MYSTICAL FIRE
- Joins , , , and in the courtyard at the Glastrier statue
- Starts to hand over the other half of her BLACK FRAGMENTS to , who already starts absorbing some of them

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 19:13:59 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

The feeling of safety cracked along with the Wide Guard protecting Julia and the others. Before she could react, the barrier shattered. A sharp gasp forced itself into her lungs as several large shards of ice narrowly missed her. Not everyone else was so lucky.

[break][break] called for the people around him to form a perimeter around Zamazenta, and Julia was all too willing to let herself be drafted. "Roger!" she answered. As she advanced, she kept her eyes on and , but they were too late. The Galarian canine's shield was torn from its body, and a strange snail-like creature attacked it with a terrible malice, tearing a pained howl from the dog before it collapsed.

[break][break]That chilling feeling of hate burned like a cold fire in Julia's chest. Every time... Every time Hoenn was faced with disaster, Rocket took advantage of it and made it worse. Why?! Didn't they realize this was their home, too? If it was destroyed, what would they have left? Nothing! They were willing to let the region burn and rot for... Arceus, Julia didn't even know anymore. Power? Money? Some sick sense of satisfaction at watching people suffer?

[break][break]Evil. That's all Rocket was: pure evil. And it had to be stopped before it hurt more innocent people.

[break][break]"Lazuli," Julia began, "use—"

[break][break]A dreadful pulse, answered by the beating of her own heart, stopped her words cold. Vertigo made her instinctively cling to Lazuli's neck as the rusted shield, imbued with Chien-Pao's ancient magic, began to draw everyone into it.[break][break]

[break]This time, it wasn't the cold of a ruinous power that enveloped Julia. It was a more mundane chill, yet it still seeped under her skin and sent her shaking. The only comfort was a familiar feeling wrapped around her: Lazuli's neck, curled protectively around the Lapras's trainer. Without even thinking, Julia reached out to stroke it as awareness returned to her.

[break][break]"Where are we...?"

[break][break]Lazuli whined in response, just as unsure as Julia was. Slowly, the girl pulled herself to her feet, snow falling from her uniform, and looked around. It was some sort of frozen hilly landscape dotted with ancient ruins and laden with some unpleasant feeling that it took Julia a moment to identify: decay. Nobody else seemed to be nearby.

[break][break]Julia's communicator crackled to life with a message from , eliciting a sigh of relief. She squinted over the stark-white terrain and saw the statue he mentioned behind some sort of worn, regal entryway with a grand yet gloomy tree.

League channels:
[break]"This is Ranger Julia Davis. I think I'm okay, but I'll keep an eye out for anyone who's injured on my way to the statue. Over."

[break]And for Rocket, she thought bitterly.

[break][break]A shadow unfurled in the wintery skies above, and Julia looked up to see... Shadow Lugia. She swallowed hard and forced herself to move forward, a worried Lazuli sliding through the snow after her. This wasn't the time to be scared. She had to find the others and figure out how to get out of wherever the heck this was.

[break][break]She almost didn't see the white Pokémon in the snow, but its red-and-blue spots and the saddle on its back made it clear just who it belonged to. "Akero, El!" Julia called, running toward them. Her gait was awkward in the snow, making her stumble a bit on her prosthesis, but she didn't let that stop her. "Are you oka—"

[break][break]Akero's jaunty whistle did nothing to ease the dread that stabbed into Julia's heart upon seeing who else was under the Togekiss's protective wings: .

[break][break]"El, get back! This guy's dangerous!"





  • Mega turns used: 2/5
  • Tries to join in forming a perimeter, but they're too late
  • Sucked into the shield before she can give Lazuli another command
  • Answers and heads for the statue while keeping an eye out for anyone injured
  • Finds with and tells El to get back


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 2:43:32 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
like every normal person, the first reaction he has upon waking up is take his phone out. being alone, his instinct brings him to quickly go over a number of people he knows came to this event.

. . .

the people he knows that would answer their phones in the middle of a raid do not answer. he rings up ' number, which surprisingly connects, but before he can wait for the other side to pick up, his radio sounds.

, and have their calls received, and later on, 's as well.

"i'm heading over there then," he says over league channels. "ah, can you guys bring out fire-types too? hypothermia's gonna kill us before anything else will at this point. thanks. you guys are the best."

multi-tasking while chatting over the radio, he had been typing a text message to while talking.

i think you can go all out as long as there's no friendly fire? this place reminds me of mad max or something.

it's not like they're on hoenn soil where laws apply for them.

kyle wakes up his smeargle before they travel to the supposed rendezvous point. along the way, he sees and his iron valiant. he runs up to him and tries to buddy up.

"going up there alone? that's ballsy," he commends. kyle wasn't, that's why he's tagging along. "well, anyways, hi."

he keeps the mood lighthearted, trying to be brave in the face of the unknown. he needed to, after all, especially if he's going to do something that challenge the forces that got them in this situation.

increases the strength of your pokemon; lowers defenses

"spatial rend."

the smeargle attempts to rip through space with a swipe of his tail, directed to where the statue was. if they were going to reconvene somewhere, he might as well put his little science experiment in display.

it could alert palkia to fix spatial distortions for them, or it could just disturb space enough that it triggers another warp that could maybe bring them back to where they were earlier.

kyle doesn't really have a degree in quantum physics to know what will happen.

  • in a sygna suit
  • smeargle's imprison is active
  • responds to comms
  • bumps into colton on the way
  • smeargle uses spatial rend for science



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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 3:26:36 GMT



it's hot until it's suddenly not.[break][break]

he shudders when he wakes, arms dragging across the snow-covered ground as he stands. a moment is spent looking around, to take in the odd place he now finds himself in.[break][break]

voices crack through his earpiece but he pays them little mind. his charizard is recalled, and the DROUGHT that forms overhead is telling of what's to come.[break][break]

"if there are any league forces by the statue, i'd recommend leaving."[break][break]

he really just means in particular.[break][break]

the moment groudon emerges, his hands are already weaving to manipulate the earth. infused PRECIPICE BLADES erupt out of the ground, traveling in a jagged line all the way to the statue in an attempt to tear everything asunder.[break][break]

and then comes the DETONATION.[break][break]


- DROUGHT forms overhead[break]
- matias warns league forces around the STATUE[break]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,877 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 4:42:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
When Josh came to, he found himself at the bottom of a snow bank, experiencing a mild tang of pain from a deep scratch across his SYGNA SUIT. He felt himself being dragged, unable to see due to the pile of snow covering his visor. As the white of snow gave way to a sky of decay above, the first sign of life Josh saw was his Manectric, Saber. "Saber... thank you. You saved my life yet again," the Mauville Leader acknowledged as he crawled to his feet. There was one thing that neither Saber nor his suit could save him from, though, and that was the biting cold.

"Saber, return!" As Josh withdrew the electric-type, the hum of his SYNC STONE ceased. He called on the assistance of Aslan, his Shiny Pyroar, instead. It wouldn't have taken long to find him. "Absalom!" Josh greeted the young man. "What are you doing here? Were you conscripted into this mess, as well?" As he and his fire-type steed bound toward the village, Josh noticed more familiar faces. " ? ? Why are you here? Never mind that. If one of you doesn't have a fire type, hop on Aslan's back behind me and he'll keep you warm."

Regardless of arrangements, Josh heard 's voice over League comms, followed by a giant explosion in the distance, further followed by the sight of PRECIPICE BLADES detonating. The person that ruined his life was here. He grew visibly uneasy, the source of his HATRED nearby. "That fucknut's here, isn't he..." he audibly mumbled, which may have been a shock to hear from the friends around him. Normally professional, that kind of foul language meant the Gym Leader was truly upset at something--or someone.

It took every bit of heroism within his heart to quell his hatred for within. Hatred that would lead to his death in the presence of the Beast of the Land.


- Josh's Manectric gets him out of the snow. He withdraws the Manectric for his Pyroar. This DEACTIVATES his SYGNA SUIT.
- Josh and his Pyroar run into , , and , wondering what they're doing here.
- Josh sees the carnage by the distant statue. Knowing that Groudon's presence meant was nearby, he attempts to fight his hatred and avoid lashing out toward him.

{WC: 321}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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July 17
Driftveil City
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
224 posts
soyeon kwan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @soyeon
soyeon kwan
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 9:19:57 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
Like many other Rocket members present, Soyeon had been sent out to capture both of the mythical canine Pokemon, although her approached was slightly less aggressive than most others here. instead of being on the front lines, Soyeon rested comfortably sitting in the back and watching everybody else fight. Her attention had been locked onto the group of people fighting when all of a sudden, her vision would grow blurred. After some confusion and a little unconscious spell, she'd open her eyes to be met with a terribly cold icy blast, jolting her awake. "Wh-Where am I?" she mumbled to herself, swiveling her head around. This wasn't the Route that everyone had been fighting on. Instead, they were transported to...someplace else? Was this some sort of dream or just a kind of transportation spell of some kind? It was incredibly strange, but the scientist would have to think less on that later. For new, she'd need to find help.

A transmission went off in her radio, the leader signaling to the underlings about the situation. It was some sort of relief that she wasn't alone in this little side adventure of hers, but with the fierce winds pushing the cold through, things would get a little worrisome very quickly. Thankfully Vacoule was back at her lab and not out in this cold, otherwise the poor thing would freeze. She reached for her Pokemon belt and tossed about Ignis' ball, the Charizard's heat starting to warm the area around her somewhat. It was a welcome heat source, one that took her attention away as a voice would catch her ear, the woman turning around to see a silhouette approaching!...


- Soyeon sits back and observes League members present for information that can help
- Thrown into some kind of Tundra
- She's wandering around after a radio transmission and searching for others to try and find a way back
- Currently gathering warmth near her Charizard
- Suddenly, somebody sneaks up on her!
- I wrote a big post and lost it because of an error code, so this is what's left
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 10:02:08 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield,

Only could make the traumasnail sexy. Effortlessly so. [break][break]

The avalanche is as punishing and unforgiving as all the malice and resentment and other fucking emotions that these stupid Pokemon conjure. Cyg curses under her breath and is forced to pull up as the deluge of ice, rock, and hatred pummels down on them— but she isn’t fast enough, not entirely, and something hard and cold strikes her and her vision goes black for a bit. [break][break]

She’s whirling above looking for a route in to hit the danger weasel when there’s a lurching of the world and her ears pop; her skin feels like it’s stretching for a second and then she’s laying in the snow with Sima snuffling her, nosing over her face with her cold metal heads. [break][break]

“Shit… what the fuck…” she pushes herself up, shivering, realizing belatedly the snow around her is bloodied. Her vision swims for a second, tasting iron in her mouth. “Cool. Cool cool cool.” She tries to swing up onto Sima and yelps, the metal of her Jugulis gone burning cold. “COOL.” [break][break]

She swaps the beast for Rose, the Valiant cocking her head. “Find ,” please,” Cyg requests, voice warbly with nerves and apparently head trauma. The Valiant triangulates for a second and sets off in a direction, great strides eating up the tundra as Cyg stumbles to keep up. [break][break]

“What’s cooler than cool?” She shoots back over the comm link to . “The Crown Tundra.” Though her voice cracks on the joke. Eventually she and her Valiant stumble upon and in a little dip of snow and Cyg slides dow the slope. [break][break]

“What a time to be alive. Ev’ryone okay? Ah, shit.” She makes the switch from Valiant to regular-grade Gardevoir so Kanaya can help heal . [break][break]





hit by the avalanche and sustains some pretty decent head trauma which makes her silly haha[break]
too cold to ride jugs so she has valiant find Isaac and co [break]
swaps valiant for regular gardevoir and uses heal pulse on Benny [break]




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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
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Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 16:27:12 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
The world is vast.
Even if you were the ace of a national-level competition, some faced hardships that make your bone-breaking training feel like a walk in the park in comparison. The chaos of the battlefield was overwhelming, but the masses of snow served as a reminder of nature's wrath commandeered by the Pokemon of ruin.
Even so, perhaps there was a silver lining in their action. Without the streak of flames cutting through the cold, there might be more casualties. Or so Lucas told himself.
He paid the price already by not being strong enough. But, then again, perhaps this is what he wanted when he departed Unova.
Lucas watched with a disappointed cry as the flaming ball - one that managed to cleave through the avalanche - stopped by a sudden earthly pillar. Who would be foolish enough to help one who would destroy them with the slightest provocation?
And yet there was something familiar with the spontaneity.
However, perhaps Lucas shouldn't gaze that far ahead. The avalanche descended, diminished yet still deadly. Amidst the snow, he can see his partner's body engulfed by the same all-encompassing whiteness.
And then, darkness.

Once he stirred, the white expanded as far as the eye could see. Lucas tried to stand but found out one of his legs failed him. It couldn't even stay straight. The fall might have dislocated a bone or a dozen of them.
He gritted his teeth and supported his body weight with only one leg. He had been through the same thing, and Lucas won't let it stop him again.
There's a faint trace of red nearby, and Lucas digs into the snow with his hand to reveal the form of the fire bunny, still breathing. His fire-type seemingly acted as a shield from the potential frostbite.
Even when unconscious, he has a self-satisfied expression on his face. Lucas scoffed, but he'll live.
He reaches into his belt for the Pokeballs. They're still there. Falling to his knees, Lucas tosses one of them to reveal his medic. Carne has her usual warm smile and understanding nod before releasing a Heal Bell at their wounds.
"Still, where the heck is this?"
He reaches into his pocket for his communicator, but his luck runs out. All he can hear is static and a faint makeout of buzz. Still, that means someone tried to contact the League personnel. It's a shame he cannot make out anything they said.
Even with the attempt at healing, he'd need to feel the sensation on his right leg back. He opts to instead walk briskly instead of running. Returning Zico to his ball, he tries to reach a vantage point to observe his surroundings.
The snowcat or the shield wolf is nowhere to be found, but he can make out a gatehouse of sorts in the distance.
But then, distant explosion.
Lucas tries to scout from an elevated position while breaking into a light jog. Who knows, maybe he'd find the snowcat. Putting two and two together with the avalanche and snow isn't hard. Even a football player can do it.



+ Switches Cinderace to Blissey[break]
+ Blissey uses Heal Bell at Lucas and Cinderace[break]
+ Comms is FUBAR'd[break]
+ Lucas jogs to higher ground to scout, his priority is finding the Chien-Pao[break]



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played by


June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
17 posts
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 17:36:14 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

All of the moves being thrown at the dog with the shield by the other Rockets were able to weaken it a bit though most of the other Leaguers were targeting the ice feline which was a bit annoying since Team Rocket had been trying to push back those annoying league people from helping the dog. The shield from the dog pulses as her heart beats in reply to it before her consciousness goes to black. Kotaro had been by her side when Lucette would come to another area filled with snow around them as she dusts herself off.[break][break]

Kotaro frets over her a bit and tries to see if she was hurt, but the pink-haired young woman tells her water type that she’s fine. Though she knows of Galar a bit due to having taken some trips to Hammerlocke to see her childhood friend, , she doesn’t know this snowy area well and goes over to talk with . “Are you okay? I don’t know where we are, but we should stick together.”[break][break]


@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette gets isekai's to Galar, but doesn't know where she is.[break]
- Talks to a bit.



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 17:40:29 GMT

Fear and hate intermingled as all those present were sucked into the RUSTED SHIELD and transported to areas unknown. Barnaby attempted to spur his CHARIZARD on, away from the pulling force that gripped at them, but to no avail.[break][break]

Amidst the cacophony of battle, all turned to black.[break][break]

awakened to the cold feeling of snow beneath his body. It had begun to melt and soak in in places, leaving him shivering on the ground. Once realization hit, however, he sprung to his feet, head on a swivel as his mind processed what exactly had just happened. Taking in those nearby, too. And their surroundings.[break][break]

The first thing the admin noticed was his CHARIZARD, unconscious beside him; he returned the dragon to its Poké Ball. The second was that was nowhere to be found, nor other ROCKET operatives like . Lastly... the Legendary Pokémon were also eerily absent. All around was simply snow and ice and – a vaguely equine-shaped statue within a ruined cathedral. The only landmark for miles within the Crown Tundra.[break][break]

Without Lucien to carry him across the snowy wastes, Barnaby released his SPECTRIER instead and vaulted onto their back. Once mounted, he'd respond to the comms that had begun pouring in, "Bee here. Also uninjured. Heading toward the statue now."[break][break]

Barnaby urged his SPECTRIER forward. As he advanced, he noticed several things along the way: in the distance, the exhilaratingly familiar face of , a LEAGUE ranger known to be on the ROCKET hit list... with and beside him. Helping him, even, along with another woman that Barnaby didn't recognize as being a part of ROCKET. He took note of the encounter, but continued without interrupting the group. For now.[break][break]

He also noticed LUGIA in the sky with below her, a number of ROCKETs gathered around him. And fucking trying to immediately ham-fist the situation. was there too, also fucking around with SPATIAL REND.[break][break]

"Matias and Kyle at the statue! Incoming attacks." A warning that would hopefully reach , , , , , and in time.[break][break]

Seeing GROUDON unleash its PRECIPICE BLADES, Barnaby ordered his SPECTRIER to PHANTOM FORCE to a safer distance – still within proximity to the cathedral, but out of blasting range.[break][break]



• hidden identity (masked)[break]
• call sign: bee[break]
• returns CHARIZARD & releases SPECTRIER[break]
comms: he's okay, going toward statue[break]
• is that caleb?? 😈[break]
• wait why are isaac & cygne with caleb..[break]
comms: tries to warn about matias & kyle[break]
SPECTRIER - PHANTOM FORCE away from GROUDON's attack[break]


[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-words] padding: 10px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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played by


January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 19:23:37 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

Their attack was successful it seemed, and alongside so many others it proved effective against the canine fighter.

For a moment Gerald felt a surge of confidence. Only for everything to be utterly washed away as Chien-pao’s power hits the Rusted Shield causing it to pulse with power. Before he even knew why, he latched onto his Iron Moth, and then it happened. Gerald, like so many others, was dragged into a world unknown.

Gentle beeps and boops awaken Gerald. His frosty breath emerged into the air as his eyes slowly opened.

“What happened?” Gerald voiced as he pushed himself up from the ground. Gaze darting around to get his bearings.

Worried beeps and boops escaped the Iron Moth as it noted a frozen slope with a worn entrance up ahead. And it wasn’t the only one that had noticed as far it could see. It gently prodded Gerald to turn his attention toward it.

“Guess we should head there?” He mused. “But keep a Fiery Dance at the ready.”

The Iron Moth nodded and so they both proceeded toward the entrance, and through it toward the icy courtyard until he stumbled upon a statue of some sort of horse Pokémon.


- Gerald and Iron Moth is sucked into fake!Galar
- Gerald wakes up and takes a moment to look around.
- He then heads for the courtyard.
- Iron Moth is keeping a FIERY DANCE at the ready in case of any aggressives.

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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 19:33:42 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 Even the god isn’t immune to the feline’s RUINATION. Eva’s finger grip tight into the emerald scales of her patron. The force of being sieved through space and time threatens to tear her off the deity’s back, but the way the dragon curls into a ball around her keeps them together.

They all crasht through the rift. The balled serpent slams into the snow, bouncing at it unfurls to take to the skies once again. Eva sucks in a sharp breath. Her lungs burn at the shock of the bitter cold. Her mind snaps to one place: Kyurem’s realm. As they rise, she peers over the edge of her patron to see the Crown Tundra expand beneath them. A courtyard, and barren tree seem to be the only centerpiece.

Rayquaza levels out before they are too high. Keen golden eyes scan over the scene below. People and pokemon gather around the statue. The earth thunders with their sibling’s PRECIPICE BLADES. They do not interfere, but they welcome their brethren to their fight with a roar that echoes across the snow peaked mountains and alerts both their allies and enemies that they watch carefully from above. A certain abomination does attract their attention. The Shadow Beasts wings unfurl, their chaos rippling into the air - a chaos that disrupts their balance. It should not exist. Therefore, it must be eliminated. A deep, low growl rumbles through Rayquaza’s core, marking ’s Shadow Lugia for destruction.

FOCUS hums back through their tether from their avatar. There are more important things at the moment. Eva’s numb fingers fumble with the comms.

Morales here, we’ll act as your eyes in the sky: No sign of Zamazenta or the cat yet. Steer clear of the statue. Shadow Lugia is now on the field. If you need assistance, call us. Otherwise, we will be searching for the legendaries and a way home.

Eva is discomforted by the fact that she doesn’t rush to heal the wounded as she typically would. They seem to be in good hands. After all, Eva is no longer a support character in this story.

After silencing her comms, she finds , happy to see that she is well and still with them after their forced exodus into Galar. She points towards the South, asking Freya to do a sweep of that area while Rayquaza and Eva snake over the North.

+ Not the frozen wastelands again…
+ Notices Shadow Lugia for later
+ Roars to make sure every knows they're there because, let's be honest, Rayquaza has an untamed ego
+ Eva and Rayquaza survey from above with to see if they can spot Zamazenta or Chien-Pao or anything that could help them get back home

1x salac

[newclass=".eva"]--accent:#298A08; position:relative; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:40px 70px; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote b, .eva blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass] [newclass=".eva .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:470px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #298A08; [/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:25px; right:41px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222, 1px -1px 0 #222, -1px 1px 0 #222, 1px 1px 0 #222; text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:bold[/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,169 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 19:58:08 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

when she comes to, lyune is grounded. his left wing groans. the chien-pao's icy avalanche had done some damage, but with a quick assessment, she decides he's still able to fly. so they rise back into the sky. her armor chills immediately and she grimaces. 

she has no fond memories of frozen wastelands. 

relief is a warmth when she hears eva crackle over her comms. other league voices come to life. among them. as they call orders and devolve into violence, she looks for a mess of blue hair. 

even if she finds him, they don't have a primal shard to get them home this time. 

at eva's orders, however, lyune banks. he can handle himself"confirmed. morningstar watching our south side. i'm not seeing any sign of either."
current arrow count:

flying on lyune
watching southern point!
looking for dog or cat OR primal crystals
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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 20:11:29 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]as the avalance consumes king and his charizard, the world shifts and all sense of direction is obliterates.
the feeling was something akin to opening your eyes underwater; no real sense of time has passed, but the motion itself is both physically and mentally jarring.
king stares up to find the hovering form of his charizard, breath heavy and wings covered in thin layers of ice. vax's protection would not go without reward when all was said and done. patting the cream-colored belly of the dragon, he returns it to the safety of its ball.
the cold sweeps over him in the absence of such a large source of heat, and he steadies the muscles of his jaw so as to not chatter his teeth. explosions sound in the distance and the outline of groudon is clearly visible.

that direction would clearly be trouble, then.
king moves quickly to avoid the confrontation that would no doubt ensue if the two lock eyes. instead, his eyes drift upwards to find the two dragon tamers conversing once more.
"help me out 'ere." king requests of the creature that appears in-front of him. "let's both not freeze ta death, ye?"
while his body warms, he maintains vigilance in the face of a potential unknown threat. whatever ran this strange world would not catching him lacking.




» is by himself on the ground with no comms[break]
» charizard faints, incineroar takes the field. king and his cat crowd close for warmth, watching for threats.


[newclass=.char-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.char-main] padding: 25px; font: 12.5px Poppins; text-align: justify; [/newclass]

[newclass=.char-pkmn] margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 15px; display: flex; [/newclass]

[newclass=.char-words] padding: 10px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 20:43:28 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
It was almost like what happened with the Primal Shard on, Mt. Pyre, they had made it so close to , but right at the end, his fingers slipped through, and he was swept up in a crushing, cavalcade of ice, and snow. His suit protected him from the worst of the damage, but he was clearly going to have some injuries. Already he could feel the bruises on his skin as the pressure threatened to consume him. Orira with it's steel typing was buffeted along with him, but it didn't take nearly as much damage. Still, the problem lingered in that they were slowly being consumed by the pressure.

Everyone always talks about the cold, how cold it is, but that isn't the worst part of being trapped in an Avalanche. It's the all consuming pressure, the slow lingering vice-grip on your body, that reaches to your heart to leave you paralyzed, and unable to do anything. Unable to defend yourself, unable to act, unable to live....It's the pressure that is the worst, the feeling of your lungs constricting, and nothing but a white landscape in front of your vision. The helplessness....Amor hated it. He hated himself, hated the ice, the snow, all of it.

Adrenaline surged into his veins as he began to claw his way through the depths, because he wouldn't die here. Slowly he made his way up, and when he felt his hand break the surface, everything became topsy turvey.

Even with all of his intellect, all of his planning, he had no idea what to think when up became down, and he found himself falling straight down. Of course he had no idea what was going on, just that his Goodra was next to him falling, and they were going to become a stain on the ground if he didn't act quickly. So he pulled out two pokeballs. Using one he returned his Goodra, and in the other his Dragonite appeared.

Draco sped up to catch him on it's back, and soon they were taking off to the ground, with his powerful wings beating, Amor saw their landing destination. It was , , and all gathered around some girl, that he didn't recognize.

"Bury him...." Came the order to his Dragonite, when he saw Dougs hand glow, and shoot out some strange mist in the direction of Isaac, and the girl. Having no clue that he was trying to heal the bystander. So his Dragonite landed powerfully, and imposed itself between , and the rest of the group. His Dragonite's claws lit up with flames, and it aimed to smite his opponents Orbeetle, with a Fire Punch.

"Are you both okay?" came the robotic voice which was a bit hazy since it had been damaged during the avalanche, but it still hid his voice well enough. Already his hand was on his sword, waiting for an opening so he could cut off a limb from his opponent.

It was the league afterall, they were nothing but a bunch of hypocrites....No one would miss someone like that.


Amor got isekai'd, by Avalanche-Kun
Amor swaps out H-Goodra for his Dragonite!
Dragonite superhero lands in between the group attempting to impose itself between , and , and to keep the latter two safe!
Amor saw Doug use his Healing Mist thinking he was trying to attack the two rockets!
Dragonite is attacking Orbeetle with Fire Punch!
Amor asks Isaac, and Cygne if they are okay?
Amor is in his MK.II armor!

, , @epicbugcatcher

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP