i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 21:50:02 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The good thing about this situation was that he was airborne, and was mostly out of harm’s way with what chaos was happening on the ground.

Unfortunately, though?

The reverberation that rippled through the entire space where they all were—was nothing short of pure, abject terror. While they remained airborne for the moment, the longer the strange noise rang out, the more…

(Unfortunately, he’s unable to put this into words; and much as he wants to scream, it hurts it hurts the sound is driving him crazy and the snide laughter’s picking up again—)

The loud scream of the Braviary momentarily shatters him from his little spiral, and to his surprise they’re being pulled towards the ground—he attempts to make a hasty dismount before they both crash into the muck—

And then, nothingness.


Good news: he’s already been to Galar, exactly once before. He’s sure that he told the story about his one visit here to , because it involved William the Wooloo.

The bad news was that he’d only managed to reach the glowing shroomy place (Ballonlea) because he was accompanying that time and—

“Where—are we?” he coughed, spitting out dirt as he looked around. This place was… definitely unfamiliar. As his brain finally kicked into gear, he realized—

“Remy!” he shouted as he pulled himself up and off the ground. Never mind that he didn’t do the precursory checking if he was injured or what, the good thing about this was that he’d somehow managed to recall his Braviary in time before they both became pancakes.

“Where… what is this—place?” he asked the other man, pretty sure that the Galarian was familiar with this place.

And just for reassurance, he summoned his Lucario, Vincent, who immediately stood beside him and then threw out his ‘aura’ trying to pick up any strange, unknown—or even dangerous presence/s nearby.


Birddad™ has a little internal breakdown because of that ringing noise
• upon being pulled towards the ground, he attempted a hasty dismount and recalled his Braviary
• the next thing he knows he’s somewhere. Somewhere in the homeland of his boyfriend with zero clue
• (look he’s only been to Ballonlea and this is definitely not it)
• immediately gets up and makes a beeline towards wherever had landed (or fallen) and asks where tf they are
• summons his Lucario who immediately tries casting out and picking on any unfamiliar / dangerous presences nearby

@tags up above but mostly Remiel!

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 23:16:16 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]You grasp ruin in your hand.[break][break]

Kuchinashi has brought back her spoils, black fragments in fine particulate almost like sand caught in her web. It rings hollow, devoid of its purpose, though you get the feeling it once carried the aura of a king. You slip off the bandana covering your face and fashion a small pouch to pour the fragments in, to inspect later. Frankly, for the fact that anyone else had coveted even the remains of something beautiful, it has worth.[break][break]

Though, you just think it's ugly. [break][break]

"Good girl," you coo, assuring her. [break][break]

The Ariados quivers with anticipation to your words. At first, you assume it's an eagerness to get involved more seriously, but as you gaze up and stare into the eyes of an Atrocious pokemon with mouth gaping wide, you realize that she's preparing to attack.[break][break]

Nothing can be done. You couldn't speak an order quick enough if you tried, you cannot switch to a more apt pokemon to contest it. And she, your Ariados companion, is not the type for a direct confrontation. You are weak and powerless against this, a Gyadaros in all its glory.[break][break]

All you can do is stand, and face death on your feet. [break][break]

You won't go out without even trying. You refuse to. Even as stones begin to tear through the skies, headed straight for you, you stand and stare that pokemon straight in its bloodshot eyes. You don't know who it belongs to. There's no way of knowing. Whoever it is, they're a terror, a menace. Someone who doesn't care for collateral. You can't blame them for that. [break][break]

Maybe this is all karma, coming back to get you in the end. You told before, people like you don't get happy endings. [break][break]

Not after the things you've done.[break][break]

You stare into its eyes til the last possible moment, as rocks fly toward you. Only at the last possible moment do you flinch, letting the fear in your heart take hold. It's like the world is split in two, the cataclysm that descends upon you. Everything goes black, and you feel your feet falling out from under you. [break][break]

This is the end of the world, the end of your world at least. And it's so startlingly quiet. [break][break]

In the dark abyss you still hear it as if it was calling for you all along, right beneath you. A single thing among the quiet at the end of eternity, a heartbeat, ever-familiar, that splits your psyche wide open.[break][break]


Cold air and the smell of smoke. [break][break]

You feel it sting your cheeks. [break][break]

You can't move, can't do anything but open your eyes. You fear what you'll see as you do. It's so unlike you. That realization and that realization alone is provocation enough to defy your instincts, to open your eyes as if defying that voice in your head. [break][break]

A humongous stadium comes into view. Laid out below you, it's like those shots of sporting events from a Rotom drone, or a flying pokemon. But you're all the way up here, not moving, as if you're floating. And you can't move your limbs at all.[break][break]


She clicks her mandibles to get your attention. Kuchinashi clings upside-down from the ceiling below you, looking down at you, suspended there. A fine thread wrapped around you, impossibly strong for how fine it is, keeps you suspended. [break][break]

"... Nice work."[break][break]

You give a deflated grunt of acknowledgement. [break][break]

"Fall woulda hurt lesser girls, y'know."[break][break]

You try to make light of the situation, but you're not sure what's even going on. You're getting used to slipping between dimensions when you sleep, but this is a new one.[break][break]

With a sigh, you simply accept it. That's all you can do. That, and appreciate your pokemon's quick thinking. She's a try-hard, always. You're thankful. But still, she's incapacitated you even while she's saved your life. You're really not sure how you're gonna get yourself free without falling.[break][break]

Glancing up at the ground, you can scarcely make out the figures out on the field. They seem scattered all over, wandering around aimlessly. Whoever they are, they don't seem like players or attendees of a game, so you can only figure that whatever reason you're up here, they got here the same way. [break][break]

As you watch helplessly, you hear a familiar croak. [break][break]


It throws you for a loop. Only the clothes and pokeballs on your person slip through dimensions, which means, if he's here...[break][break]

"What're you--? No, no, nevermind. I don't care. You're just the frog I'm looking for, in fact! Hey, help me down." [break][break]

He seems eager to help. The threads are cut to ribbons easily, as he attacks the points where they're fixated. You feel queasy as you're jostled around, spin a bit, but it's over quick enough. He's made enough headway that he can pull you onto the edge of the roof, where he starts freeing your arms and legs. [break][break]

"If you're here, where's Navy?"[break][break]

Before you can even finish your question, he seems to know the first thing on your mind and points down to the green. You peer over the edge and adjust your glasses with your newly-freed hand. Next to him, you recognize that guy who was in the Rider suit, tossing his helmet aside.[break][break]

You're sure he's a Rocket. You wanna scream, and warn Navy that the guy next to him is a Rocket. But your voice won't carry that far, will it?[break][break]

"... Fuck..."[break][break]

You take in a sharp breath, and...[break][break]


+Tsubaki slips off her bandana.[break]
+Tsubaki pockets some Black Fragments, wrapped in the bandana.[break]
+Tsubaki stares down 's Gyarados before it stones the Ancient Tomb.[break]
+Tsubaki falls from her perch atop the tomb, hears a familiar heartbeat before fade to black.[break][break]
+Tsubaki is saved from the fall by Ariados's Sticky Web, suspended from the rafters.[break]
+ 's Greninja gets her loose, pulls her onto the roof.[break]
+From the roof, she recognizes and , watching the latter shed his suit and take on a new disguise. Roll is how loud she screams.[break]



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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
468 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 0:12:28 GMT

was quick to learn that the protection afforded by commonplace Pokémon could only do so much. Whatever meager safeguard GREAT TUSKS had given their group was shattered by a fear so thick in the air that it dragged them to the ground. Moments later that fear was realized.[break][break]

All went black. [break][break]

The professor came to in a wholly different place. As his eyelids fluttered open, he was met with the ragged feeling of ruined turfgrass on his cheek. Then, as he righted himself, a view he would have never expected: Wyndon stadium, skewed into a dystopian caricature of its former architectural glory.[break][break]

"What the..." 's voice pulled him away from his marveling. "Yes, I'm here... but how...?"[break][break]

The how would have to come later. For now, there were other things to take note of, like how they hadn't traveled here alone. From what he could tell, everyone from the previous battlefield had also been transported, many of whom were gathered around something at the center of the stadium.[break][break]

A statue. A familiar one, stoking Gideon's memory of mythical tales involving an ephemeral horse and its kingly rider. But what was it doing here? In the middle of the pitch? The professor was deeply curious, yet not enough to wander closer. There were too many already congregated around the statue. One he recognized almost immediately...[break][break]


His blood ran cold. In that moment, he was endlessly appreciative of and and their protective presence.[break][break]

"J-Johnny?" A furry paw suddenly gripped his hand, unyielding in its hold as the URSHIFU followed after .[break][break]

"Uh, right. Let me just..." Gideon used his one free hand to recall his GREAT TUSKS, whom was much too large to fit into the stadium's vomitorium. The professor's ROTOM emerged instead, ready to THUNDER WAVE any potential threat that may come their way.[break][break]

was none the wiser - for now - about 's abilities, though he did wonder why the pilot needed his hand held too.[break][break]



ROTOM - THUNDER WAVE if anything attacks


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[newclass=.gideon-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #d49f3a; [/newclass]
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 1:23:19 GMT

There was no preparing against the capricious twists of battle. A blanket of night stole away Penelope's sight far before she would ever realize it, and even when she had, it was only because of the suffocation that followed. The blinding suffocation of pulsing emotions.
"What the," she breathed, light pouring back onto her in buckets. More than dilapidated features arching over them, casting shadows in the basket of dim light, Penelope's eyes first moved toward the curling warm entangled between her fingers.
It was .
Hesitation came in the way she stared at their fingers together. How tightly woven they'd become, like stitches preparing a long-forgotten tear.
Then, without warning, a surge erupted deep inside. With one pull of the puppeteer's sting, she felt herself yanked back to reality. Another sting, another pull, and her eyes were already back out toward the open field full of ghosts and blank faces. And then there was Chi-yu.
The ruinous beast only stared back at her, wide eyes emptied and lifeless. It offered no assistance to this battlefield they'd found themselves treading, and yet, the oddities of its looming presence secured a weight of uncertainty onto her. Like a child cranking an old jack-in-the-box, Penelope's heart only pounded louder with each cycle, until it all became too much to handle.
Kicking herself into gear, the councilwoman pressed forward without regard for anyone or anything. Movement would offer her an escape from thought.
"Livy here. All league personnel is recommended to find the nearest partner available.  If one cannot be found, follow 's signal. We're treading through the unknown right now, and it goes without saying that safety isn't guaranteed. Keep all eyes and ears open."
It wasn't too long after that she found , alone and browsing the outskirts of the stadium.
"Eery, right?"
The typical humor had already bled from her face, leaving her words to act as a lifeless depiction of the stress building up inside. Again, lives were piled up beneath her directives, and again, anxieties wondered if she'd be enough. Or would she fail again?
"I wonder if it's still here, waiting somewhere."

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- wakes up holding hands w pog [break]
- chiyu tells her to BREAK IT UP. she does.[break]
- calls out into the mic, telling people to be careful n find a partner (aka follow 's moonlight) [break]
- finds and hangs out

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 2:52:42 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
She had been so, so very close when the stone spikes of a Stone Edge are erected in the Tomb's entrance, barring all and any of the glimpse they so desperately wish to see. Yet all the Unovan does about it is swear, moreso due to being startled by the Gyarados' sudden attack.
Yet she doesn't have time to worry about where it came from. A sinister bass resonates across the field of battle, forcing her and Spica to the floor like a ragdoll, and try as she might, Brynnhildr cannot seem to rise from the sensation of dread overtaking her. It's an oddly familiar sensation however; the crippling fear one she has lived through one too many times to forget. In the end, faced with the memories it brings, she does not even try to fight it and remaining completely still on the floor, her heart rapidly shifting into a frenzied beat.
Her Riolu picks up on the turmoil in her trainer's emotions and fights back against the pressure, managing to rise to its knee before the earth underneath them starts to rip itself apart. Like a natural tomb it starts encasing them, Brynn's Riolu struggling that much more to cross the little space between mon and trainer. Spica reaches Brynn, but as the ground closes around them feels how its trainer's arms wrap around it instead, pulling it in a protective embrace as the darkness takes over.
In the darkness her heart pulses,
and then, it stops.
Vertigo follows suit, yet she can't make out what happens in its wake.
When her heart finds itself again and picks up its latent beat, the Unovan is uncertain; for a moment she entertains the new surroundings as a dreary afterlife, but it dawns upon her soon that it's all but. The Riolu still craddled in her arms stirs and breaks free from her arms, looking sternly at its trainer, worry apparent in its crimson eyes. Spica taps Brynns chest and keeps the woman on her knees as it tries to examine her, only allowing her to stand once its certain she's 'fine'.
It does not trust the situation however, and is scanning the area in search for a friendly face. As many flock towards the statue in the middle of the stadium, a familiar head of blonde hair catches both their attention, Spica practically grabs her hand and drags her along towards , barking at the knight to get its attention.
When the man turns, she greets him with a weary smile. "H-hi," Sheepishly is the most fitting way to call her reaction and subsequent greeting. "Sorry, I, uh... kinda snuck out. Against better judgement. Again." she mutters softly, reading herself for any potential scolding. Still, being around Gwyar seems to bring a sense of ease and sanctuary to the Unovan, and the dystopian stadium suddenly feels a lot less intimidating.
If asked or checked; a few superficial cuts aside, the Unovan seems completely fine, and actually acts as such, writing the sudden fatigue off as a side-effect of their odd teleportation.
But as her eye falls on the regal statue and the trough with water, she feels like she's supposed to know it too. Something about a noble king and its mighty steed in a story her mother used to tell her... then again, they'd nearly all held those in regard. And not all were actually based on myths or legends of yore. So she turns towards the one who she thinks does know about it, and asks him.
"Gwyar, do you know what the story behind this statue is?"




+ Brynn starts running bad_memories_&_crippling_fear.exe[break]
+ Covers Riolu, protecting it from harm[break]
+ Brynn is experiencing heart palpitations[break]
+ Physically Brynn appears fine; has internal damage[break]
+ Does not recognise Wyndon Stadium 2.0[break]
+ Joins at the statue + asks about it[break]



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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 3:04:32 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] the metronome triggers an accidental SILK TRAP, gossomer threads spinning in the shape of a shield that fortunately defends them from the FEAR that reverberates from the ruinous creature like a terrifying gong.

[break][break] pressure mounts in ollie's spine before he's pressed to the ground with the same ferocity as the rest of them are. , , and himself all are thrown into the earth, tunneling deeper until they are suckered in by the calamitous SWORD.

[break][break] when they come to, the first thing that he notices is the fierceness of which his hand is gripped around another's. he doesn't have to look to know that it's 's — after all, he's thrown himself over her the moment it had all went town. she'd been his chief concern, no matter what it was that she was going through.

[break][break] "penny?"

[break][break] as he comes to, the evergrande captain lets out a groan of pain. it felt like he'd drunk too much and woken up with an ache that rang through his bones. blinking blearily, he only notices the emptiness of their hands as untangles herself from him without a backwards glance and pushes herself up and away from him.

[break][break] something cold and empty makes his heart ache, before ollie realizes the situation and where they are. or more accurately, where they weren't.

[break][break] wherever it was, it wasn't hoenn.

[break][break] with another groan, he pushes himself to his feet and briefly checks himself for injuries. luckily, other than some bruises, he seemed relatively good to go. his togekiss who seemed to be also flattened into the earth flutters up to him, chirping towards her trainer that she - too - was okay.

[break][break] "c'mon jellybean. let's find the others."

[break][break] speaking into his LEAGUE COMM, he starts up the path after .

[break][break] "captain morales here — no injuries. walking up towards and . i can also heal anyone who's injured too! just meet up with us if you can't find ."

[break][break] he finds himself catching up to and .

[break][break] "are you guys both okay?"

[break][break] behind him, his togekiss trills a greeting before releasing out a SAFEGUARD around them.




• ollie follows to walk up to . his togekiss uses SAFEGUARD to protect the three of them.



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,540 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 3:10:00 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She spots for a moment as she instinctively feels the urge to attack him. But before she could event decide what to do, TING-LU's attack rings out and she has to react to it. She falls to the floor managing to narrowly avoid the lethal force behind the attack. [break][break]

Before she can collect herself, she was absorbed into the attack and sent to this...alternate region?? She didn't recognize the area but it was easily identifiable as a stadium. She stands up and brushes the dirt off of her Syngasuit she looks around and hears a comm buzz in from . [break][break]

She spots him in the field "Navy!!" she shouts as she waves and runs over to him while also spotting and . "Come with me navy, it's better we stay together." she says as Melody leads him over to Penelope and Katherine. "You guys ok?" she asks as her Smeargle continues to glow as energy fills it's body. [break][break]

She wonders where went and hopes he was ok, unsure of why she was worried. Did some part of her know he was trying? She shook her head, not wanting any of them to realize she was distracted. "Do any of you know where we are? Today seems full of surprises." [break][break]



notes about this post

Ew it's rowan fewking Wrynn [break]
Lands near , leads him over to and . [break]
Wonders where ended up.[break]
Smeargle still buffed by TAKE HEART


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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
74 posts
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 3:17:20 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

[attr="class","header"]The Huntress Is On The Prowl...


This place was more of a warzone then she had even seen but seeing zacian despite everything stood up against the courage to hoping for the best. Only for such wishful to lead to be for not once zacian rusted sword was now gone. "Zacian!" A pained expression formed on her face but no once soon did she further other words fear seemed to overwhelmed her. Was this how it was post to go? She felt terrible for legendary pokemon. Her turmoil clouded her better judgement. [break][break]

Did it's other half suffer the name fate? Was there anything they could do about or was the end? The dark thought seemed to present as every was sucked intosword. For a moment adel blacked out only wake up on the cold hard ground. Her ralts was tremble beside her. What remained from FEAR Ting-lu had broken her Wii for the time being and that would not do. [break][break] "Return to your pokeball for now." In a flash the fairy type was gone in exchange her luxray took her place. The headstrong feline was she needed by her side right now. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. From the looking of things some Team Rocket seemed more keen on fighting Rangers than the bigger problem. Who was more foolish in this situation? [break][break]

Wait. There was no mistake they were in Wyndon staduim. They were just in hoenn not too long ago. Was this the effect of the corrupted sword? Maybe they had to find the key to fixed it. "Why are we here? This did we get to galar? Is then even more." The rookie stood up around see other speaking among them. She sat down and rode her luxray looked at the mess and destroy. Was this no different than what happened in a different or so was told. They need to regroup to figure what was going on she could see moved towards her.  Would go with formalities of how to address the royal of galar properly if the situation wasn't so dire. "I don't think this is the real galar either. Everything is blank I remember Zacian sword being destroy then we appeared. think we're instead the sword itself!?  Is this galar caused by the Ruination? A fate world caused by sword? And the statue...what do this all means. It is the remain power?" This was a lot of danger in going for a closed look with lyn being on guard.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + [break][break] -Adel watch in horror what happened to zacian and let sorry for the beast [break][break] - Her ralts will is "broken" from the lingering fear and she switch out for her luxray [break][break]-  After calming down Adel and her luxray looks around in dismay before finding  speak a bit of her mind[break][break]
-adel after that she heads towards the statute to see what up. Her Luxray is rolling out for the first sight of trouble[break][break]



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 3:26:34 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


A meticulously manicured hand ascends to caress Katherine's lips, holding back a yawn that threatened to escape. Greyson's words danced past the councilwoman, trickling down her back akin to gentle droplets of water on a ducklett's back. "I'll scatter as many as I need to if you continue to behave like a brat. You have orders to follow. You will be made aware when they become suggestions, but until then, do as you're told."
A shiver of distaste coursed through her being, yet it served as an unmistakable reminder that could never truly step into her shoes. No one will. The universe has a funny way of confirming that with the arrival of , "The feeling isn't mutual," she's quick to retort.
It isn't long before the Ting-Lu's fateful RUINATION unfolds and they are all absorbed into the Zacian's sword in an ethereal embrace. A haunting sense of vertigo consumes Katherine's consciousness, tempting her to slip away into her own realm. Yet, before her wavering resolve solidifies, destiny seizes control, leaving her no choice in the matter.
When the Malevolent opens her eyes again, she is met by an unfamiliar sight and unknown turf. It takes her no longer than a moment to deduce that they're no longer in Hoenn. As Katherine finds herself in this unfamiliar region, an overwhelming sense of desolation seeps into the air, saturating every corner with decay and barrenness. "This place feels dead," she voiced the glaringly apparent truth, confiding in her fellow councilwoman. "And there are still Rockets around. People were fighting each other before we... Got here."
How did they get here? Why? These questions ring and echo in her mind whilst she sweeps the area with her eyes, searching for a sign—
The brewing conflict between , , and is worthy of her attention. Their investigation will continue once this is settled. Her Mimikyu is replaced by an ILLUMINA SABLEYE that claps its ghoulish hands excitedly upon emerging on the field, elated to share the stage with its trainer.
"Be a dear and shine a light on that man."
needs not ask for support, for he is already worthy of it. A SPOTLIGHT shines upon , seeking to concentrate and focus attacks on the presumed rocket from friend and foe alike, should it be successful. Glances are exchanged with and before Katherine continues, addressing the officer through her league communication device.
"You've got cover, agent Cassidy."


- is drawn to the conflict between paxton and all the rockets.[break]
- swaps her mimikyu with an illumina sableye. it uses SPOTLIGHT on to focus attacks on them and redirect them to him potentially.[break]
- kat also lets paxton know he isn't alone.


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


[newclass=".katherine1"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
339 posts
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blue murtagh
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 3:53:17 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


[attr="class","star2"]The order is there, cut and dry. Blue nods, and turns back again. “Got it.” she can do this, she can be of use.[break][break]

Before she could utter any sort of directive, though, a pulse of power rolled off the strange deer pokemon. And then she’s smacking against the earth as if her legs decided to crumple underneath her of their own free will. The collision with the ground drove the air out of her lungs, and beside her she could see her lucario forced down too—his guard rendered useless.[break][break]

Then there was dark nothingness. Like a swift, rabbit punch jab to the back of the head.[break][break]

She’s groggy when she comes to, rose eyes slivering open as she slowly registers the change in the air. The feel of turf grass under her, the side of her face pressing against the green. Her ribs ache, but Blue pushes upright. “Theo..?”[break][break]

In her disoriented state, she doesn’t register the lack of formality given to . “Where are we?” The stadium is lost on her. She’s hardly traveled outside of Hoenn, and even her childhood in Goldenrod didn’t yield much recollection. Blinking slowly, she does her best to pinpoint on their task again.[break][break]

But the dog is gone. As is the bowl-headed creature. The fear lingers, though. Or maybe it only held fast, rooted in the center of her chest. “What now? Should we figure out where they went?” Was that even possible?[break][break]

First, though, she attempts to rouse Fang from where he remains on the ground like a sack of rocks. Until the lucario slowly wakes and uses a HEALING PULSE to recover the damage he took when that beast knocked him back.[break][break]

+ suggests scouting for the target Pokémon to [break]
+ lucario uses HEAL PULSE to pep back up again.


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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 4:01:53 GMT



it takes him a moment before he responds to .[break][break]


unfamiliarity breeds uncertainty, and as the cool, frigid winds of galar beckon at their backs, he taps at his earpiece, ignoring the brief static that follows.[break][break]

"remember our directive. we're here to subdue the dogs and the creatures of ruin. do not engage anyone else unless you have to."[break][break]

but it appears some fights are unavoidable. he looks at the SPOTLIGHT on .[break][break]

from afar, his milotic intervenes with a PROTECT, ready to fend off any attacks that may come their way. the water-type coils back down after, severely weakened by being previously struck by TING-LU.[break][break]

he glances back at .[break][break]

"try and find them, blue. i'll provide cover."[break][break]

|uy8UJAw [break]
[x] [x] [x]

- SYGNA SUIT active[break]
- with [break]
- MILOTIC using PROTECT on over [break]
- theo tells to find the dogs & ruin creatures


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[newclass=.rouxcredit]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]···
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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 4:20:53 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar

So close, yet so far away. With the webs removed from the entryway to the tomb, it wouldn’t have been long before he, alongside others, found their ways inside— or so he thought, at least. Having been caught amiss by the sudden, lingering fear and paranoia that struck his core was already bad enough, but the series of events that followed?[break][break]

Being blocked by a sudden barrage of stone?[break]
Being forced into the ground beneath him?[break]
Literally anything and everything that ended up happening?[break][break]

And to top it all off, that damn beast let out another, nastier ring that resonated throughout the route. For a second time (much quicker than he thought it could’ve happened again, much to his chagrin), he felt the strength leave his body all at once, crumbling onto a knee and instinctively burying a fist within the ground beneath him as a means of support. His breath left his lungs as quickly as he tried to retrieve it once more—shakily—as he grimaced beneath his mask; a worn expression that only found itself amplified as the feeling of earth encasing around him folded itself around his form, though not without jutting violently against his chest in the process. What was lost had been found, and soon lost once more as the air found itself forced from his lungs within a brief, crushing sense of pain.[break][break]

He hadn’t even had the chance to see what was happening beyond before a darkness enveloped him.[break][break]

For how long, he hadn’t known— just that when he came to, once more, the crushing feeling had left him, and that he found himself upon what seemed to be…grass. No different than the route before, but as he lifted himself with a soft, hissing breath, he gazed across the painted lines along the field while holding his chest.[break][break]


He hadn’t known how he’d found his way there, and frankly, he couldn’t have cared less. Though home was where he thrived, he still had mixed feelings at the thought of Galar (something about the people and the system there burning, for all he cared— a bit morbid and ironic thought, given recent events). Something about shitty upbringings. Something about bad experiences.[break][break]

He eyed his surroundings—and by extension, the people around him—for a short while before inhaling deeply as the ache allowed him to, watching as his Cinderace found her way back to him before tapping her Pokeball and the one by it, recalling her in favor of sending out a familiar Gallade.[break][break]

”Give us a ‘lil somethin’,” he sighed, a careful and watchful eye upon those around as he gradually began to circle towards any and all he may have recognized from the Rocket base. He side eyed the dual type as he gave a nod, conjuring forth a Life Dew in addition to any other means of support and reprieve that were thrown out.[break][break]


  • The Drip(tm)
  • cain gets an Ouchie(tm).
  • cinderace is recalled.
  • gallade is sent out.
  • gallade uses life dew for nearby allies, 'cause y'know, extra healing never hurt anyone.

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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castelia city, unova
gym trainer
10 height
10 height
hello world, i'm your wild girl
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 4:21:03 GMT
athena oswald Avatar
“Oi, what the FUCK?!”[break][break]
Her Stoutland’s attack had hit— teeth sinking in deep and frost spreading. But that moment of triumph was quickly dashed by ’s interference. If looks could kill, the woman might be dead. But for now all Athena can do is put her right at the top of their shit list.[break][break]
“Don’t fuck around with me,” she mutters, fingers clenched in her dog’s fur and eyes flashing dangerously. “C’mon, let’s get-“[break][break]
But just as she aims to attack directly with her Stoutland, a deep ringing forces them both to the ground. The sound reverberates so deeply it makes her teeth ache; she can feel the vibrations in her bones, in her very soul.[break][break]
They’re prone, but thankfully uninjured. Chalk it up to a tough spirit and even harder head. After a moment, Athena tries to stagger to her feet, but the earth shifts like sand beneath her and she can’t find purchase. Even after using Stoutland for support, all she can manage is a half-crawl before being sucked into sword along with everyone else.[break]
The teleportation does little to help her growing headache. Athena groans but this time manages to regain their footing, a few wobbling steps quickly gaining stability. She glances around, vaguely recognizing Wyndon stadium from some of her favorite matches, but can’t quite remember the name.[break][break]
It doesn’t matter anyways, does it? This sucks. This whole situation sucks. It’s fucked up and disorienting and really goddamn bizarre, and why the hell isn’t everyone else freaking out about it? It’s almost as though it’s normal to them.[break][break]
Fuck this, she thinks. “Fuck this,” she says aloud a moment later, because it bears repeating.[break][break]
But Athena is a fighter, not a thinker. So she simply does not think about it. All she knows is this place fucking sucks and she wants to get out as soon as possible.[break][break]
There are signs of a scuffle around the weird statue up ahead, and it’s almost enough to distract her. However, snippets of the conversation between and entice her back.[break][break]
“Ya’ll lookin’ for a way out?” she asks them- and , by extension. “All right, bet.”[break][break]
With a quick flick of the wrist Stoutland is exchanged for a Drilbur. The mole Pokemon understands quickly enough when Athena asks him to dig, and happily dives into the earth to do what he does best. Hopefully, his digging around in the tunnels will reveal some kind of exit— or at least something interesting.[break]



Joining , , and . Drilbur uses dig to look for an exit


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 5:32:52 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Just one more time before I go...

Crushing despair grips them with the beast's dreadful timbre, a force not unlike gravity pulling him against the earth, mashing his body as it was ground against the cold earth. In a moment the earth swallows him up, gripping his body in its vise. It might have killed him then, if not for the world shifting around them. It's not a wholly unfamiliar sensation, this plane shift, as it leaves him with an overwhelming sense of disequilibrium.[break][break]

He would've been vulnerable in the time it took him to find his feet, unsteady, battered and bruised as he was—but they had all of them been jolted from the... alteration of their surroundings. He would not be immediately aware of its cause, and it was not readily apparent, and so it was asked. "What... happened?" He might've been asking anyone who could hear him—but he seems more preoccupied clutching at various sores on his body. Clothes felt sticky against his skin, and if he'd bothered to look, he would've uncovered several abrasions clotting poorly as he spoke only to the ash and dust in his wake.[break][break]

The Unown seemed to be missing from his side, though it was a fickle thing, and he did not find it overly troubling... But there was a shakiness in his limbs that he failed to suppress, and as the wave of adrenaline subsided, he all too keenly familiarized himself with his various wounds.[break][break]

He realizes this place is some twisted form of Wyndon Stadium—any trainer should recognize it. But the strange effigy at its center, and the desolate landscape are something new, making it almost seem... unreal. But that wasn't for him to say, and he certainly wasn't going to treat it like it wasn't. Unleashing his Vileplume, Rover, Adrian sits in the glow of its MOONLIGHT, mustering a brave face as he contemplated the only real options left to him...[break][break]

Adrian sneezes unceremoniously, wincing at a pain in his side. ()[break]


tags Adrian takes it easy, conserving his strength and observing the fieldgoers, releasing VILEPLUME & basking in the MOONLIGHT to possibly heal[break]


template by punki

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 5:50:30 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
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There is a flash and a rush of fear that flies by as the legends clash with one another. All Razz could really do is brace himself as even Salem retreats back enough to keep close to his trainer thinking the worse would happen now that they successfully blown off the other Rockets. Though as they're all sucked up into the sword as someone slurps up ramen noodles Razz is forced to readjust again. [break][break]

Being born from Kanto he isn't familiar with the Stadium around him, so he can't really piece together just where they had been sent. Just can understand that from around them everyone who was there before was now here. Its from his comm that he hears other members of the league agreeing to meet toward the statue with the ghost horse. Because that wasn't ominous right? Razz didn't trust it but safety in numbers he supposed, especially now that he sees also heading there. [break][break]

Razz heads toward the statue not far from along with to keep an eye on things and make sure that she didn't become a target or others. Though it seems like actual dedicated Rockets seem to try and get close and along with the healing many are producing for one another Razz has Salem add a HEALPING HAND to add to their power for both defense and offense, while Razz himself gets close to Eris. [break][break]

"Oi," he says to get her attention knocking her on the head slightly with his knuckle, "You and I both know you're breaking a few rules already, things are going to get crazy but just stay close and keep your head on your shoulders alright?" he tells her in some ways to hopefully calm her down from what was no doubly going to be a shit show. [break][break]

When it looks like tries to get close as well to order to PROTECT a fireball conjures within his hand as he knows the full threat of the once Admin. What was one of the lessons the old admin taught him once upon a time? Aim for the trainer? With that thought in mind Razz fires a FIREBALL close to and the Rocket next to him (). [break][break]


[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ Regroups with most of the league toward the center, thinks its the wrong move but oh well putting himself near .
[break]+ Salem the Meowstic uses HELPING HAND on allies to boost their attacks aimed at the closing Rocket, and those healing the leauge.
[break]+ Tells Eris to stay close and to limit the stupid
[break]+ Aims a FIREBALL close to and to have it hopefully explode between them and cause some burns.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing