i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 14:50:43 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


The display is brutality given form. And Paxton believed it is still intended to send a message. After all, looked like he was still breathing. The tera crystals display other wards and he steeled himself against the prisoner's dilemma. He felt some sympathy, and cast glances as those within his ward took a loss. [break][break]

People begin to speak up and he mulled over their thoughts before adding his own two cents. “We have to work together to get out of here. The only rewards for heroes and martyrs here is death.” He began, cutting into the current conversation. [break][break]

“Think with your head, not your heart. This is meant to divide us. This Weakling TRUSTS for now. And if we are forsaken, that determines our relationship moving forward. For now, we can only rely on each other. Our survival depends on it.” He speaks directly to his own ward, turning away from the tera crystals.that may be broadcasting him. Ideally all 3 wards get out alive. But if it came down to it, he would act for his own ward before another. [break][break]

He levies as harsh of a gaze as he can at those in his own ward showing their self sacrificial streak. Particularly, . “Remember that you can't save anyone if you're fucking dead.”



+   [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- grimaces about the beatings which will continue until morale improves
- tries to get qeakling ward on the same page [break]
- says try to think critically, not self sacrifically [break]
- votes TRUST [break]
- tells weakling ward, mainly ever to stop trying to die for others [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 15:03:05 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




It was almost funny, really; for all of Eddie's good intentions and self-righteous desire to protect, all it had done was jeopardized his safety more than anything else. [break][break]

He yelped indignantly as he was hoisted into the air high above the rest of the ward, a bulky marionette tethered by chains. When they constricted his body with vice-like intensity, what choice did he have but to drop the contraband shard and send it plummeting to the ground below? Eddie distantly hoped that this would be the end of his punishment, to be made a spectacle of alongside his fellow dissidents. But no, he realized with horror as he watched a Pokeball be crushed, the image on display across the glassy sheen of the large Tera Crystals looming above. It wasn't enough for each person to suffer; the ones they loved must suffer too. [break][break]

When he saw the familiar image of a Copperajah flicker onto the monitor's display behind the hammer-wielding Megaplopolans, his heart dropped, [break][break]

“Leave her alone you fuckin' animals! She didn't do nothin' to ya! Bash my fuckin' brains in for all I care, but you leave Stella the fuck alone! [break][break]

Muscles ached as they strained against chains. Eddie bellowed and screamed until his throat was raw; not Stella, once the tottering Cufant from his distant home, gifted to him by a boss he loved like family. Not Stella, stoic and imposing but unwilling to hurt a fly. Why her? Maybe she would have wondered the same thing herself; the image of her coal-black eyes watched him with cold judgment as her Poke Ball was crushed into nothing. Eddie screamed long after the next ball was smashed by the cruel figure, and only stopped when there was no air in his lungs left to carry his fury and anguish. [break][break]

When he was dropped back to the floor, Eddie wasn't exactly cognizant of what was asked of him next, too stupefied by his grief to even consider the question until one of the guards roughly jabbed him in the side. [break][break]

Trust or forsake, huh? At first brush, Eddie couldn't even fathom the implications of the decision, or initially muster the energy to care. He was too hurt to give a shit; they were all stuck in this hell anyway, doomed to suffer and toil. What difference did any of this make? [break][break]

But there still was a difference to be made, Eddie realized with some exhaustion as he looked around the room of other prisoners. No one should have to suffer more than what was necessary; no one should have to face the bottomless cruelty that their wardens were capable of. Maybe he could still do something to help, even if he had spectacularly fucked up his previous attempts to do so, [break][break]

“TRUST,” he choked out, voice croaky and rough, “I choose TRUST.” [break][break]

He curled in on himself some as he sat on the cold floor of the ward, willing away the presence of anything and anyone else around him. To put faith in those unseen others was the last bit of human defiance Eddie could muster up.

Eddie gets yoinked [break]
Falls into deep, deep despair when Stella, [break]
his Copperajah, is chosen to get squished [break]
Votes to TRUST to try and spare others


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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 16:37:19 GMT
her theft does not go unnoticed, but then... she didn't really expect it to. everything here is an experiment, as she tries to decipher the rules and regulations so she can figure out just what sort of situation they're in and how to get out. the toxic chain isn't even necessary to get her to oblige removing the shard, and as she's hoisted in the air, she uses the opportunity to take a good look at the rest of the ward. her expression is blank as she scans it, looking for any signs of weakness.

then the screen lights up. maki watches with indifference as the pokeballs flash through, each being crushed until it reaches her own. her aurorus shows briefly, just moments before it, too, is smashed. the cries of pain and dismay can be heard around the ward as each ball is smashed, but maki remains silent for hers as she ponders this.

when she is released, she falls to the ground and then sits up, still thinking. "...either it's all a show of force with nothing behind it, or... our pokemon are indeed here," she muses quietly. either way, she sees something of a positive in this. one of her pokemon may be gone, but she has five left. if she can just determine a way to reach them, then she can fight back.

the trust or forsake game gives her pause. she rifles through her list of "appropriate reactions" in her head, but comes up blank. 'forsake' is obviously the correct answer, but saying as much goes against her disguise as the yukimura's caring young daughter. her cellmate votes to forsake, and maki stands up. "i won't participate in such a barbaric game," she states, turning away. there. my vote has been cast as forsake. with nobody the wiser for it, too. let them think she's truly an idiot, if they must.

maki tries to get a good look at the rest of the ward.
her AURORUS is smashed to pieces.
she abstains from the vote, making hers a vote to FORSAKE.
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 17:21:30 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar did not hear Navy's earlier thanks. He was far too busy polishing as many crystals as he could, continuously sliding more and more into Navy's pile to make it seem like the ill man was doing more than he actually was. Oscar did not know what was possessing him, this effort was likely futile. After all, the wardens may be fully aware of his trick--and once again what did he care if Navy died? Oscar shook his head to dismiss his negative thoughts, he was beyond that point now. All he knew was that Navy got the short end of a really shitty stick, it was unfair and unjust. If this man was to die, he should at least be able to regain his full strength so that he could actually put up a fight. Though, was that even possible here?

Their warden ceased their work with a staggering shriek, and Oscar would finally allow himself to rest. His hands already felt stiff, and he would attempt to massage them as the results of their labors were announced. Apparently Ugly did the best, as they all stayed in line like model prisoners. Oscar grimaced behind his mask, almost ashamed of his own complacency. It was alright, the time to rebel would appear soon enough.

Insubordinate prisoners were punished, and Oscar would recognize a handful of them. The traitors and discernible from their hair alone, and poor could never hide his mangled body. He gained no satisfaction from watching the 'thieves' suffer. As far as he could tell, it was all showboating to keep the prisoners in line.

The chains of those within the Ugly Ward began to meld together, with Oscar's fusing with Navy's rather snugly. It was time for them to claim their 'reward', so Oscar would provide support for his ailing companion so that they may join the others. While supporting Navy with one of his shoulders, Oscar would grab a hold of the first outreaching hand he came across. Unbeknownst to him, this was the hand of his closest friend: . So close, yet unaware--such a tragedy.

As the prisoners gathered, the Ugly Ward would be presented with a choice: Which of the other wards deserved to be punished? Before Oscar could even think about it, Navy would announce that the Ugly Ward should be punished. Oscar suddenly felt a lot of cold eyes on him, and sweat began to fall from the top of his forehead. Sure they were looking at Navy, but Oscar was the one propping the guy up.

A voice that Oscar recognized as belonging to reprimanded, and Oscar found himself wishing to defend his chosen charge. After all, if Navy's head was on the chopping block--well it did not spell good things for Oscar. "He's really sick, been hallucinating this whole time. Poor guy hardly knows what's happening." Oscar chuckled nervously as he pulled Navy closer to his head to deliver a whisper.

"Hey I know you didn't ask for my help, but try not to make my efforts pointless by putting a target on your back. We gotta survive to make it to the other side, y'know?" Having heard the vote for the stranger whose hand he grabbed, Oscar nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Dummy sounds good."

--Oscar feels like a chump for being well behaved.
--Oscar helps get around and unknowingly grabs the hand of best boy Priam.
--Oscar is put off by Navy's noble words and tries to course correct to save both of their asses.
--Oscar votes for the Dummy Ward.
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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 17:57:29 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
's words left a permanent, chilling awe in the back of his mind after the initial shock subsided. Now he understood what had his superior so upset; to have a Legendary Pokemon taken away after such trials could leave anyone broken up over their loss. Before being forced to work, Michael gave an understanding nod to his cellmate and made a quiet vow.

"We will escape," Michael assured through a whisper to Josh who worked beside him. "We have to hold on to Hope. It might be the only thing that will help us in the end. Hold it tight, never let go."

The Okidogi's resounding howl echoed throughout the Weakling Ward. A signal to cease their labor. At least, that's the impression Michael got as he witnessed the other prisoners bringing their work to a halt. Silently, he prayed no one noticed the smuggled shard. He sought to keep it for nothing other than protection. Sure, a stray rock might have been better, but in the throes of his stress and survival instincts, Michael didn't think things through. He didn't realize how closely the Warden and guards watched the other prisoners. It would be a misjudgment he'd come to regret.

The TOXIC CHAINS forced Michael and the other thieves to produce the SHARDS they attempted to hide. Beatings commenced on all of them. Michael simply did his best to curl up defensively. Despite this, the Okidogi's brute strength sent shockwaves of pain through each connecting blow. The Cadet could swear that he felt his insides being torn to shreds by each concussive force. A spasm in Michael's diaphragm forced blood-coated saliva to spill into his mask with a cough. It seemed like this would go on forever.

The chains then hoisted the thieves up into the air like abused marionettes. Blood trickled down Michael's clothes and down to the ground below as crimson rain while a soft hint of iron wafted within his mask. He and others were on display for all to see as a reminder of the gaol's lack of tolerance for misbehavior.

Michael watched the crystalline screen through weary eyes. Tied up and suspended in the air, he remained powerless to stop the horror that would transpire. Each smashed Pokeball sent pangs of guilt and sorrow that felt like railroad ties being driven into his mind.

"No, stop this! They're innocent!" he begged.

Then, through tears that misted his visor, he saw the silhouette of a CHARMANDER; Eimyrja. A deep pit grew in his guts. His mind raced as he tried to struggle against the chains that bound him, damning the pain that tried to restrict his movements.

"Eimyrja, no...NO!"


A raging storm of anger and resentment rolled into Michael's mind, washing away the fear and sorrow that plagued it before. He could not remember the last time he felt this deadly combination of emotions. He couldn't recall ever being truly this angered and rage-filled in his life. Most of all, he felt guilt. His actions led to his very first Pokemon, the Charmander who began this journey alongside him, being murdered. But despite what he saw, he refused to believe it was true. Be it out of hope or willful ignorance, the Ranger Cadet refused to take what he witnessed as the gospel. And yet, doubt remained.

Michael collapsed on the ground soon after the diabolical display. Still, he forced hismelf to his hands and knees. Tears continued to roll as his body shook with rage. When it came time to vote, Michael answered firmly and without hesitation. In his heart of hearts, he knew Eimyrja would make the same choice.

"You may try to break us, you may beat us until we can no longer move...I refuse to let you believe we are as horrible as you say. I will not condemn my fellow prisoners, no matter what you promise us with your honeyed words. I choose TRUST!"

Michael so desperately wished to collapse and wail a plaint of his sadness. But he knew he had to stay strong. Eimyrja would want him to stay strong no matter what. If she did truly perish, he needed to live. He refused to let her death be in vain.

-Micahel is beaten to a pulp
-Michael is forced to watch in horror the death of his STARTER Pokemon
-Despite everything, he chooses TRUST
Punished Pokemon:
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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 19:50:08 GMT
Shred Avatar
No sooner than you hit the ground does the noose around your neck drag you upward. Yet it's not quite a hanging, is it? No, because as close to death as you might be, you've very much alive. The Toxic Chain provides just enough support to stop you from suffocating, but not enough to let you breathe clearly.

Limbo within limbo within limbo within limbo. You're shackled to the border, refused the freedom to live or die, forced to march to the beat of a drum you can't even hear. It's a real pain in the neck, not to mention all the other parts of you that hurt.

But the agony of your body is nothing compared to the agony that comes next.

Your chin is forced upward to face the ceiling of Tera Crystals, and your eyes go wide. Images flicker upon the glassy surface, projecting a scene so close yet so far. Though it may be wreathed in a facade of high-tech bullshit and Megalopolan aesthetic, your soul can immediately recognise it was for what it - Gallows. An electric chair. A guillotine. And as Pokeballs are brought to the chopping block, you catch a glimpse of the all-too-terrible future, and your eyes go wide with panic.

You struggle. You struggle and struggle and struggle. And yet, despite that, the future refuses to change. One by one, the Pokeballs are smashed to bits. And before you know it? It's your turn.

The screen flickers. A familiar hexagonal shape appears.


A Pokeball is placed within the bowl.


The hammer rises.


"m-mr shred...?"

Smash. The hammers falls. The Pokeball is crushed.


Emotion tears through you like an explosion. Your howl of sheer pain echoes throughout the prison, and yet, it will never reach the outside. As the grip of the Toxic Chain loosens and you fall to the ground, a dozen emotions all wrestle for control of your volatile state of mind. Yet in the end, it's all too much to bear, and by the time you hit the stone floor, you're driven catatonic by the mania.

More than anything, in this moment, you want to die. You want to land on your neck and die in a instant. Alas, instead you land on your beaten back, and simply lay there like the corpse that thought you were.

And then, as though your suffering were nothing more than a diversion, things are quickly moved along. A question is asked - Trust, or forsake? You don't answer. You can't answer.

And yet, for the cruel things that hold your chains, that alone is answer enough.

TL;DR - Shred gets punished. Does not take it well. Meltan is no more. Goes catatonic from emotional overload. Votes Forsake by default.
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 22:01:41 GMT

odd. [break][break]

it's funny, but she isn't laughing. to a degree, she should have expected this sort of punishment under the watchful eye of the enemy territory. she doesn't understand what lapse in judgement clouded her ability to think straight - especially considering the circumstances. she already established that this wasn't a dream, didn't she? it's such a shame that it's so uncanny, and the last time she slept, the dream was so vivid and realistic. [break][break]

realism just makes it harder to differentiate it as a delusion. [break][break]

unlike some of her other culprits, marisol doesn't scream nor fight the pull as the shard and piece of mochi are forced from her body. rather, her eyes gaze upwards to the tera crystals. when the brief glare is given, her eyes turn back down to the void beneath her. there's little she can see outside the mask, but the vantage point from above. [break][break]

observe, marisol, and take in everything as quickly as you can.[break][break]

even while the other pokemon flashed by the screen - and she knows that her pokemon is next. was it cruel for her to disregard them, for only a moment, for the sake of being able to capture as much information in the ward? how many guards were there in the weakling one? were there blind spots? how many tera crystals were above? [break][break]

call her heartless when a familiar sylveon shows on the screen. [break][break]

she knows what's coming next, but it doesn't cushion the sting. [break][break]

especially not when she sees the image of her beloved pokemon on the screen. there's a spark in her dead eyes, and her limp body is on the verge of struggling as the air leaves her lungs. she wants to scream, and to cry, because her beloved sylveon did no wrong (the monster was her, but they know this is the best way to punish one). [break][break]

crushing echoes throughout the chamber, and though the megalopans' cackle and laugh at their suffering, the nurse's dead eyes only grow colder. it's now when she realizes she's been thrust from one hell from another, and these monsters get off from the wails of despair. they're trying to break them, trample them and rule with an iron fist. they want to batter the rebellion out of the strong. [break][break]

maybe that's why she's the weakling. [break][break]

she's dropped unceremoniously, but there's no shock after her SYLVEON's perceived demise. she'd argue that her mind has never been clearer. [break][break]

a "dilemma" is posed to the prisoners, punished and spared alike. now, after witnessing a punishment, they want to put the wards against one another? funny, because this isn't a game - and yet so many people are eager in her ward to vote to trust the other ward. were they hoping that the other ward would also trust, and it would lessen the punishment on both? "hah." she can barely laugh, weakly, as she picks herself off the ground. [break][break]

if they wanted to survive, they should forsake them. it's obvious that this is what the prison wardens wanted. [break][break]

this entire prison should be forsaken.[break][break]

gives such a lovely speech, and marisol narrows her eyes. she wants to FORSAKE the other ward, however after hearing so many vote to trust.. perhaps that isn't such a good idea. [break][break]

"i'll trust them." it's short, sweet, and so lacking in sincerity.



- stuck in the WEAK ward[break]
- drops the ore and shard - damn[break]
- scanning the WEAKLING WARD while she's high up above[break]
- SYLVEON is punished[break]
- votes to TRUST the other ward



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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 22:29:46 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

some sembleance of a plan, pitiful as it may be, begins to form. her cellmate's the engineering type and as she grows excited at the prospects, she achingly reminds her of . just as quickly does she burn away the budding likeness. wondering about the whereabouts of her loved ones will not serve a purpose here.

only working and waiting and planning for opportunity. in the end, they don't take from the pile of stones, an agreement made of practicality. they fear the retribution, having no idea the rules of this place, and when their fears are realized, freya closes her eyes and wishes she could unhear their screams.

"it's freya, by the way. my name. freya morningstar," she admits to her partner, an invitation to a pact.

but before all that - before the dripping viscera and the crowning of their accomplishments, she sees a mark of her own making. silver and rough, in the shape of her own teeth, and then it takes only a heartbeat to remember him.

as he was -

they stand on a patchy knoll. grass tries and fails to grow through the rotted soil, this far from the inner walls. bodies lay around them - twisted limbs and macabre shapes that bleed more poison into the earth. her hand drifts from an iron crown on her head and down, without looking, to find his. they don't talk much, the two of them. they never do. but sometimes they reach for each other.

a small comfort for the touch-starved souls they are.

as he is -

an amalgamation of hatred, god-touched and stripped of what little humanity had once remained. rocket's wolf had died in galar, but that fading watercolor ink had been his resurrection. the memories on her conscious are riddled with holes. too long she's gone without reminding herself of the history, tracing logs in a blood-stained diary.

he's better off forgotten.

the hours blur together and firstly, she clasps hands with her cellmate, trusting her because who else is there to trust? "stay close to me," she urges and then another's hand slips into hers. she knows him before she sees him and emotion burns way to logic.

he has the strength to get us out.

she turns her head and behind her mask, golds glimmer. wordlessly, she squeezes tightly, holding onto him as though he were a figment to a forgotten world, just as he had been in that faraway dream.

their warden presents them a game. two stand out to her with their familiar voices, both fighting their inevitabilities. frustration knifes through her. indignation and refusal has come back on others seven-old. do they not understand that there is no fair here? that they might make it worse yet for them all?

"the weakling ward," she says loudly, voice thick with conviction and so very staunchly, recognizably freya.

her decision is made with ease. had that been up there in the dummy ward, beaten within an inch of his life?

ugly ward
tells aurelie her name
mostly fluff about jayden hey bestie
angry with yuina and navy (though she doesn't recognize them)
chooses weakling ward. feel free to recognize her.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 22:56:17 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Touched by her cellmate's trust in sharing her name, Aurelie vowed to be worthy of it as best she could. The name rang a bell, though it was hard to place it in the confusion of her mind. For now, she answered, "I'm Aurelie Lefevre. I only wish we'd met in better circumstances..."

Much to Aurelie's relief, the Ugly ward managed to finish their work of cleaning and polishing the tera crystals without incident. Fleetingly, she wondered, Who else is here? What is this never-rot they keep referring to? Who's watching us?

With the announcement of the Ugly ward being rewarded with a trip to the Chamber of Desires, though, all questions were forgotten in a flood of thankfulness. The transformation of the Toxic Chain now connecting her to her fellow prisoners continued to revolt her. But then the crystals in the ceiling began broadcasting images...

Gazing at the images displayed across the ceiling, the red-haired smith winced. Several people from the other wards writhed in their Toxic Chains, which tormented them into giving up their stolen crystals. Behind her mask, she squeezed her eye shut at the sight of two brutally beaten bodies hanging limply in their chains.

But then, Aurelie's eye spasmed wide in shock and outrage as the ceiling tera crystals showed two Megalopolans smashing a series of Pokeballs on an assembly line with wooden hammers. A broken cry escaped her lips at the last image: the very Gigaton Ball of 's that she'd helped repair, being crushed to bits.

"You bastards! You monsters!" she hissed furiously, her eye filling with tears at the memory of her handiwork being ruthlessly destroyed. "That ball was art! Oh, and there was a living being inside it, too. How can you do this?!"

It wasn't the last of the horrors being inflicted on them. Her grip on her cellmate's—on Freya's—hand tightened as the sadistic choices were given. Were there any displays of democracy or voting in Hoenn that didn't turn out to be horrible?

When forcefully abstained, though, the redhead went cold all over as though she'd just swallowed ice. She remembered another vote and her own abstention, and how pointless her gesture had been. I don't want that to happen again, Aurelie thought, where terrible things happened and I let them, when I could have done something. Anything.

Others began to vote, including Freya. Aurelie swallowed, looking back at the now-blank tera crystals in the ceiling. Aloud, she said, "I vote...Dummy. Better that fewer people should suffer, even if it's not a very large difference."

A choice she would never have made if she had known who was in that ward. But she didn't know. She hadn't clearly recognized anyone from the images; all she knew were the number of people in each ward and what their members had done.

Besides, a darker, more cynical part of her thought, I'd much rather have weaklings on my side than fools...


- Ugly Ward
- Tells Freya her name in return, doesn't place Freya yet as a councilwoman
- Horrified by the punishments and destruction of the Pokeballs, especially the Gigaton Ball
- Determined not to make the same mistake of abstaining that she'd done two years ago at the Rocket summit
- Votes DUMMY ward

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 2:11:42 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Diana’s hands felt raw and scraped to the bone from cleaning. The tera crystals she had found herself loving before were spotless, but her clothes were bespeckled in dirt, mud, and blood. Tears burned in the corners of her eyes as she held them to her chest, shaking. However, and thankfully so, work was over.

Though the torture did not end. The bodies were disposed of, landing down on the ground below with a disgusting thunk. She felt nausea crawl in her throat. ”Is this it for us?” she spoke softly. ”Are we going to meet the same fate?”

She looked at her cellmates, a despairing look in her eyes. It didn’t last long, as they were able to peer up at the shards above and spot the other wards. ”There’s two more. It’s not just us—”

. She could recognize that hair anywhere. ”What’s he doing here.”

They were pulled from their cells. Holding hands with and , Diana followed the group, though not until she witnessed the grotesque display of power that the wardens performed by smashing Poke balls. ”I should’ve stayed in Galar.”

Diana stood with the rest of her group, her hands bound with theirs through the toxic chain. They still ached, and the sickness she felt from earlier was easing. However…

”I agree with them,” she spoke, nodding toward and . ”If we want any way out, we have to protect ourselves first.”

So, she votes with her fellow Rockets, and in some way, she tried to protect Remiel. ”Dummy Ward.”

[attr="class","dianatag"] & | ugly ward
- realizes that there's more wards
- spots 's hair
- agrees with and
- votes: dummy ward
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.diana] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.diana b] color: #A59DED; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.diana i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.diana u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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December 25
Cascarrafa, Paldea
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucia
Lucia Aldrete
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 8:47:25 GMT
Lucia Aldrete Avatar
Lucia continued to help chip away at the load of crystals alongside the rest of her ward. There was very little that anybody could do in the motion of escaping from this hell. She was just being quiet and hoping that she wouldn't attract any unwanted eyes. A couple of the other people would received some meaty hits from the canine Pokemon, which she winced at each time.

"Please be safe, wherever you are, Hero..." she mumbled to herself while sweeping up the rest of the tera shards and crystals from the ground.

Her heart worried about her party and wherever they may be. If they were busy doing tedious labor such as this, would everyone's Pokemon be subjected to the same pain? Lucia whimpered at the idea of any of her friends being treated like everyone had began to treat them. All anybody could do was to work their jobs and be good little workers for the wardens.

The colorful Pokemon let everyone know that their work had come to an end now. The Weakling Floor had not been one of the three to do the best job when it came to being the prized Wooloos. What they did have, however, was a front row seat in which some unfortunate people with them now would be subject to the worst possible fate. Not being beaten to an inch of their life...

But having their Pokemon killed in front of them.

Every Pokeball crushed with a wooden mallet on the screen above them was another horrifying fear swelling in her heart. Would her team be next? What about any other person here? The sound of metal crashing against flesh into a mushy paste had filled the child with so much dread and fear. She stumbled back away from the monitor, her face painted with absolute despair.

"Pl-Please stop!" she called out fruitlessly to the screen, "They can't even do anything like this! Punish us!"

The fleshy sounds wouldn't leave her ears as Lucia clutched the sides of her mask in some vain attempt to muffle out the discomfort. Her tear ridden cheeks only continued to soak up the moisture leaking from her face. So much so that when the vote was made, she was far too inconsolable to cast her vote.

- Lucia continues working and collecting crystals
- She watched as several people have the Pokeballs crushed into a fine, messy paste
- Unable to take the cruelty to the others, she breaks down once more, reduced to a crying mess
- Lucia can't vote in this mind set and thus votes for FORSAKE

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 14:54:12 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


ft. a whole lotta noodle arms, dummies and uggies.

"Shove it." He snapped at bluntly. "So far, we ain't thinking past what's in front of our noses."

The grinding of his teeth had hurt his jaw. The burned man's thrashing and screaming was still ringing in his ears. There were limits to what he could compartmentalize for the sake of a mission.

The carrot and the stick, a trick as old as time, was being efficiently wielded to beat both the spine and common sense out of all of them.

Shut up, keep your head down and play along while the warden was watching...

That was the plan. But, if he continued following it to the letter now, a woman who's voice he could recognize as would lead them all straight into the gallows. Of all things, a rocket underboss had to be with them. Given that rockets didn't usually have enough of a spine to openly go against their superior's words, they all may have already been well screwed.

Only time would tell what the Rocket-to-common-sense divide in the room was.

"Haaah... Are we so full of ourselves we think we'll win every time? Are we forgetting what's going on right now?" He said in his obviously fake and exaggerate galarian accent, raising his voice to be heard. He wasn't much of a public speaker, but whatever. "We're missing the forest for the bloody trees. As we speak, the other wards are having the most direct kind of communication we could have in this place."

Their voting? That was a two-sided comm. Whatever each side chose, it would communicate their intentions towards one another perfectly from here on out. And who was out of that conversation? Who would only get to deliver a sucker punch to either side?

"If Dummy and Weakling play nice here— and we come in and bust either one of their balls, guess what? That's an alliance with an obvious enemy. We become the odd ones out. We become the valid target for both of their wards moving forward. Anytime this happens again? We're forsaken. Nobody's ever trusting us. And whatever extra punishment's coming down? It's on us, too."

And they were not going to win every time. Hell, they were probably gonna lose most times. They could count the amount of people on the other wards from here— they were outnumbered, and now that lessons had been beaten into them, probably outdisciplined, too.

"We ain't doing ourselves any favors by being short sighted." He finished bluntly. "I vote Ugly."

And why they were all so eager to walk into what essentially sounded like an Opium Chamber, he had no clue.

ACTION: -Doug used Foresight.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 15:56:48 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary did not realize the true folly of his judgement. At that moment, he was yanked up by the mask and chain with others-- his shards he tried to conseal fallen from him. And now, he was to be punished. He didn't understand at first, but soon it was clear... as the screen soon displayed Pokemon, with a generated picture of the species. It was followed by a cruel smash! Zachary froze, fear in his face-- and soon he saw it as he clung on to the chain. The pokeball with the XVIII -- the Moon. THe screen soon showed it, an Epsion. [break][break] Anubis![break][break] "No... NO!!" Zachary cried as he struggled, but soon saw as the ball was crushed. And the image went black. His mind went blank, outrage, regret, fear. They killed him. They killed Anubis-- his friend, because he choose to fight back. And they would do it again... to his other Pokemon. They would do it to Tarot, Prophet... Dizzy, even Happy! [break][break] As he was soon dropped, and then kicked by Dokidogi once more, he stopped. He couldn't afford to no longer act hastily. He had to think things through before he act. If he didn't, the same disaster would happen again. His mind was still on Anubis, the pokemon he met in the ruins. Their time had been brief, but he loved his Umbreon. ANd now... was he really gone? [break][break] He tried to remember how strong Anubis was-- and more over, what he would do. Zachary couldn't afford to give up now, but he didn't show it. For now, he held his pain, knowing his partner was gone(presumably). [break][break] They soon were released and now they had to do a trust exercise? What the heck was that about? He had to be smart and work with the others. He KNEW others were there he knew, and they were all in the same boat. Despite the rattled state he was in loosing Anubis-- he had to answer. [break][break] "Trust... Trust..." Zachary murmurs, tears showing through his mask at the death of his Pokemon. Behind those tears, rage was silently burning in him. He had to make them pay! He had to avenge his friend! But if he stepped out of line before he find his Pokemon-- they would all be killed. [break][break]



Weakling Ward.[break]
Witnesses Umbreon/Anubis get destroyed (I pray its a trick) .[break]
Zachary is devastated and angry, despite trying to think and Okidogi kicks him.[break]
Zachary joins the group and casts vote.[break]
Zachary votes to Trust

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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 17:36:43 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



as expected, the ugly ward comes out on top like the good prisoners they are, their TERA CRYSTALS shined and polished and spotless.[break][break]

the chamber of desires awaits them.[break][break]

he cares little for the theatrics; the violence and bloodshed flashing across the screen; but he watches out of obligation, unflinching even as pokeballs crack and squish under hammers.[break][break]

'i vote for the dummy ward.'[break][break]

having spent far too much time with her, theo recognizes 's voice instantly, and as it always does, it irritates him, but this time in an amusing way that almost brings comfort from the familiarity of their grating dynamic.[break][break]

some may bicker but his decision has already been made.[break][break]

"let them be idiots," he whispers to , ignoring the infighting present even in their winning ward. with her hand in his, he looks over at her briefly to reiterate, "vote."[break][break]

his hand squeezes hers hard as he casts his vote.[break][break]

"the dummy ward."

ugly ward[break]
. theo is a good prisoner[break]
. elisabeth's voice irritates him in a good way but he recognizes her meow[break]
. theo holds anna's hand[break]
. who wants to hold his other hand? :shy:[break]
. theo is still bricked up by fezandipiti[break]
. theo stays close to his pookie annalise[break]
. theo votes dummy ward


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 17:59:22 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo hadn't asked for help - but he wouldn't refuse it being given to him freely.

The first voice, 's, he didn't recognize. Even up close, where it was easier to hear past the mask, he didn't know who it was, though she sounded young - younger than him. "Thanks," Hideo said, just as he heard 's voice speaking to him, encouraging to keep a cool head. "Don't worry; I'm used to this kinda stuff."

He just stuck with his work, even when it sounded like the Okidogi beat someone ( ) to near-death. He kept working until he was told the job was done.

And then he found out what would become of people trying to smuggle shards. He didn't know if it was simply them getting caught from unsubtlety, or the guards here had some supernatural sense, but he'd made the right call holding off.

It was the consequence of being caught that really sent a chill down Hideo's spine; he could recognize the sound of a Pokeball being smashed (thanks, Melmetal), but that meaty bit added to it told him what his eyes couldn't; those were people's Pokemon getting smashed.

Each *crunch* had Hideo grip his shoulder tighter. Had the consequence for disobedience merely been getting hurt, then he'd take a risk at some point. But with his Pokemons' lives on the line?

He couldn't risk their lives. He wouldn't let himself be responsible for any more of their deaths.

He'd play these games for now, until he could get his team back. Then free as many people and Pokemon as he could.

Then he'd burn this place down.

Presented with their next choice, Hideo could immediately recognize what they were dealing with. It was something to get his mind off the potential deaths of his Pokemon. "The Prisoner's Dilemma," he said. "I…know about this one. Best outcome is if we both choose to Trust. The consequences for Forsaking are so much worse."

Both Forsaking would be a far worse punishment, and one side Forsaking while the other Trusted sounded like a slightly less worse punishment for the Trusting side. The punishment for double-Trust was explicitly survivable; no-one had to die.

And he would not let himself be responsible for more deaths. "I'm saying Trust."

Though it sounded like the girl that helped him earlier wasn't taking the choice very well. He walked over to her, following the sound of her crying, and reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder. "We gotta stay strong for them," he told her. "We'll get them free. We just need to get through this, alright?"

Thanks for help, homies ( , )
Damn sounds like he got his ass beat
Feels validated for assessing things before trying to smuggle
Not a fan of the consequences. Scared his team could get killed if he gets caught doing something bad
Wants to free everyone first, then burn place down
Recognizes the Prisoner's Dilemma
Chooses to Trust
Tries to comfort

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP