i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 1:58:00 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
Wet. Cold. Bruised. Pain.

These were the prominent senses in the forefront of Michael's mind as he and the other prisoners shuffled back to their cells. It all felt like a blur as his consciousness faded in and out. The only details he recalled, despite the memory being hazy, were the ominous tubes that pulsated and writhed.

Finally, back at his cell with , Michael stared at the single cot. Then, his eyes locked onto the cold cell floor.

"We might both be able to fit on the cot," Michael sighed. "If not, I'll take the floor. They're trying their damndest to test us."

Whatever decision was made, the Cadet of the Rangers somehow drifted off into a slumber after eating a single Mochi to keep up his strength. Maybe his pain would subside by the time he awoke, as sleep would help the body with its repairs.

A bright light blinded Michael's eyes through his closed eyelids. Wincing, he forced himself upright with a grunt. He realized in that moment that the weight of the mask was gone. With his eyes opened, he soon understood that he was not in the prison cell anymore, but in the middle of a street of some sort of city.

Michael spotted his cellmate to his left. Strangely, was not in his prison garments. A quick self inspection revealed that the Cadet, too, was in his normal Ranger uniform. Were they dreaming?

Michael nudged Josh's shoulder to help him wake up.

"Hey," he urged, "something's going on. I don't think we're in Hoenn anymore."

At that moment, one of the Megalopolan Guards arrived. Michael instantly recognized the mask. A fire of rage roused the Cadet to stand as he glared at his jailer.

"What have you done to us now?" he demanded with a snarl. "Our punishment wasn't enough? You have to give us false hope that we're free?!"

The Megalopolan raised his hands in defense.

"Please," he begged, "we never the Toxic Chains! We don't even know who the Mega-Rot is! You have to believe me!"

Michael fought against every instinct to grab the guard by the collar and hoist him up into the air. Alas, Michael was the kind of person to want to believe that there was sincerity in the guard's voice.

"Okay. Humor us, then," the Cadet relented. "What do you know? If you are prisoners like we are, how do we help you? How do we destroy the Toxic Chains?"

-Michael opts to sleep on the floor.
-Upon 'awaking' in the Dream, he realizes he is with .
-Michael confronts a guard and demands answers: What does the Guard know, how do they help, how do they destroy the Toxic Chains?

Punished Pokemon:
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 3:09:23 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the trip back feels weird. people were not acting themselves after the mask, and everyone is either too dazed or aggressive to talk to. he keeps mostly to himself, happy that they finally have something better for garbs.

he reaches the cell with , where he promptly takes the cot. his cellmate doesn't seem to be the type to be assertive, but priam helps oil up the situation.

"hehe, the bed's open if you wanna share," he offers, snickering as he pats the cot. he lies down, scooting to a side to make ample space, if that was even a possibility for two grown men. "and it'll be there all night!"

tiredness and fatigue settle in. priam closes his eyes, and the dreams take hold sooner than expected.

"big guzzy!"

priam yells at the display of an oversized guzzlord in front of him.

still high from his vision from the mask, priam's false disposition of being a happy-go-lucky go-getter remains in its peak even within the dream. enthusiasm reaches off the charts the moment the ultra beast he never thought he'd see again appears.

this was the same guzzlord that trampled over mossdeep years ago, one that had been mentioned on old prophecies during their days of galar.

"oscar!" he shouts, voice echoing throughout the streets of megalopolis. "oscar! mister ! you around?"

instead, it attracts the attention of a megalopolan.

"hey!" priam calls them, friendly as ever. "you guys have been here longer, right? do you know how to take 'em outta this thing?"

this is a dream for priam. nothing is real and everything is imaginary. the appearance of a megalopolan doesn't surprise him since it goes with the theme of his giant guzzlord and the setting of a futuristic city.

  • takes half the cot. offers the other half to greg.
  • sleeps
  • thinks it's an actual dream instead of lucid dreaming
  • sees giant guzzlord
  • asks megalopolan if they can take it out
  • feel free to notice him being loud

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 4:35:40 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]Dream Thread[break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ Greyson protects Nomi [break][break]✦ Nomi starts to become affected by DESPAIR[break][break]✦ Nomi tries to make clever observations about her surroundings, but her brain seems to be functioning more sluggishly than usual[break][break]✦ Tells Greyson he can have the one cot in their cell, for sleeping, since he helped her earlier


I watch your back, you watch mine.[break][break]
She blinked down at the hand around her wrist. His hand. Her mind felt sluggish, but she soon realized Greyson had pulled her away from the creature that had knocked her prone. He'd protected her, even though she was a Rocket.[break][break]
He's my ally after all, she marveled, but as the welt on the side of her head throbbed beneath the mask, a sudden bout of cynicism choked out the blooming hope like an invasive weed. For now. He's my ally for now.[break][break]
The water that rained down upon them was frigid, which was unsurprising, as it only added to the overall feeling of misery that permeated their surroundings. Nomi shivered, huddling closer to Greyson out of instinct. She made no moves to strip or scrub, too exhausted to care. In an effort to afford the others around them some measure of privacy, she watched the glass bowl in the center of the room with an intense scrutiny. The beast that gorged itself of its contents was the same creature that had attacked her.[break][break]
There was something...sad, about the way it hunched over the bowl, clearly starving. Its orange skin? fur? reminded Nomi of something, but she couldn't quite articulate it. Who are you? she wondered, abandoning the intellectual exercise of guessing its nature far quicker than she normally would. And why are you also a prisoner here?[break][break]
Despair clung to her as tightly as the sopping clothing now plastered to her skin.[break][break]
They passed the great, bulbous tubes, and Nomi had to force her brain to focus on them, tired and aching as she was. The pulsing was unnerving, the energy moving...downwards? Feeding tubes? She wondered. But to what end?[break][break]
Back in their cell, she turned away from Greyson out of propriety, replacing her wet clothing with the freshly pressed peach-scented set. If Greyson noticed her nakedness, she did not register it. She felt numb, incapable of mustering even a pinprick of embarrassment.[break][break]
She stared blankly at the cot, mochi in hand. One bite at a time, painstaking. Did the TOXIC CHAIN feel tighter all of a sudden?[break][break]
"You can take it," she murmured to him. "I owe you for the help earlier."




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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 11:35:44 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Premiere Prisoner


There was nothing. Forget about being able to desecrate the human remains for anything that could he hidden and used as weaponry, she had to question whether he could call these thinsg corpses at this point.

She had seen it. It had been only one of the corpses but she had seen but that person was definitely beaten. But being beaten like that should not have left in that state. Bones were long and broke into sharp pieces. Even if they were beaten to mush, there should have been something sharp or hard within.

But those masses of flesh bore nothing of the sort. There was some sleight of hand here but Elaine was unsure where. Was the person she saw getting beat to death not real in the first place? Did his corpse never even end up here? Or had parts of his body been exhumed before they arrived in a place that seemed to not be covered by that watchful light?

Those questions ran themselves through her head as she finished up the work that was called punishment. Simulations of each of those ideas ran through her head but she could not eliminate anything. Not yet.

And then, it came to an end.

The close of the punishment was heralded by the beast being yanked back into a separate room by flying chains.

As the sprinklers emerged and ice cold water flew out, Elaine took every chance she had to scrub down as best she could. While she did, she moved herself to a corner to take stock of whatever injuried she had sustained...or at least the ones that were visible on her skin.

No lasting bruises...

But as she ran her hands across the places where she had collided into something or something collided into her, she couldn't help but find herself writhing as shocks ran up those areas to her spine. One on her left ribs. One on her upper spine. One on her shoulder. She couldn't tell how injured she was, but she clearly was damaged underneath if she felt this much pain on contact.

Physical trauma was a powerful thing, after all.

After finally scrubbing her body and hair down, she tried to dry herself away from the water as best she could.

While she was hardly a fan of being stripped down in public (or something resembling the public), desperate times called for desparate measures. Once she had dried herself as much as she realistically could, she donned the same clothes she had just taken off. Damp, but still not unbearable.

While being corralled by their wardens and led back, her eyes trailed over the each of the grotesque looking tubes. As Elaine tracked their interwinding paths, she found herself reminded of arteries, steadly pulsing and pumping blood. She couldn't help but wonder--was the facility they were all trapped in alive? What was beneath all of them? What were they consigned to facilitate here?

But, she would not be recieving those answers. Not yet. After what felt like an eternity (enough to at least dry her off a good amount), the group had ended up being returned to their own wards and corralled back in.

"Don't worry about me." Elaine smiled. Even though Ever would never see it, she still did it anyway. "Funny enough I've had worse. It hurts, but it's still not as bad as the time I smashed into a meteorite. That was dreadful. How about you? You got hit pretty bad too."

She lied through her teeth. She had been tackled, slammed, and thrown into the ground with supreme amounts of force today. It may not have been as bad as the injury she spoke of, but she was pretty sure something was still broken, even if it wasn't broken enough to prevent her from moving around.

“You should change out of those wet clothes; it wouldn’t do to get sick on top of everything else. I’ll turn my back on you and give you some privacy.”

For being such a pessimist, her cellmate was quite considerate. Soft at the core. If it weren't for the dull ache in her chest, she would have definitely chuckled.

Taking him up on her offer, she changed into the freshly pressed clothes while he still had his back turned and discarded the old, damp clothes as instructed. After eating her mochi as well, she, too, decided there was no point in trying to stay awake. There was nothing new to investigate at this point and nowhere to evaluate. Better to rest and be able to deal with the next day with a fresher mind.

But before she could say much, Ever had already taken to sleeping on the ground.

"You know. We could probably share the cot if we don't move around too much." Elaine said as she took a seat on the bed. Once she had finished, she rolled onto one side of the bed. Making the offer and leaving it open was all that was necessary. She did not need to force him into it.

"I know we're all weaklings here, but..." She muttered. She wasn't sure if Ever heard her, but that was fine. She did not need to be heard here. This was something she needed to say. For him and for herself. "Never forsake that simple kindness you have. No matter how strong you...become..."

The last things she remembered, she was in a prison cot after taking a beating. The next thing she knew, she was standing in a brilliantly lit city. It was a far cry from the prison she had been trapped in mere moments before.

Moreover, she was not only bereft of a toxic chain and her mask, but she was also wearing her usual clothing. It was strange. She had never felt such a sense of gratitude over what was her typical clothing.

But she still was missing her trusted partners. Her Pokeballs remained not at her hip.

She was, at this point, no stranger to waking up in a completely new location with different clothes, but she sighed and shrugged. It was better to take what she had when she could.

Taking this moment, she found herself traversing the grand megalopolis, one that was clearly alien to her. As she did, she weaved through major arteries and streets, observing its residents and the world itself. As she did, she eventually came across a building resembling a daycare. Beyond its glass displays, she found something that was lacking amongst the dreamscape--Pokemon. More specifically, her own.

"Siegfried! Stark! Tiamat! Ginga! Ériu! Jeanne!"

She shouted out each one of their names as she banged her fist against the window. But nothing happened. The Pokemon remained in the same state. The window would not budge.

For all she knew, they were merely an illusion. But still...

"I promise." She pressed her head against the window. She muttered. Once again, it didn't matter if anyone else could hear. It didn't even matter if what she was witnessing was not even real. "I'll save you all. We'll escape this together."

After one last, deep breath, she turned around and walked away. She needed to pull out as much information as she could. She would question as many of the Megalopolans as she could and continue to search for anyone else. Be it Ever, Violet, or Kyr. Perhaps even one of the other prisoners she had never met before.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Elaine questions everything with regard to the corpses
  • Elaine strips for shower to take stock of her injuries.
  • Elaine sleeps on the cot
  • Elaine finds her Pokemon in the dreamland but fails to reach them
  • Elaine begins questioning the people walking around while looking around for anyone she knows (or doesn't know)

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
199 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 15:44:26 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Andrew groaned in pain as he lay on the ground. Thankfully, they pulled the monster back as the grueling task was finally completed. Andrew simply laid on the ground as the cold water rushed over him, in far too much pain to move. Even if he wasn't in such agony, he wasn't taking off his uniform regardless.

Andrew barely found the strength to get up as he was herded through the door. The journey through the corridor seemed to never end, Andrew just barely pushing himself to follow the group. He had to wonder if his perception of the journey was the result of his battered state.

Finally, they emerged back at the elevator. Upon reaching their Ward, the Megalopolans offered him a new, dry and clean uniform, which Andrew covered himself up as best as he could as he swapped clothing, handing the soaking wet uniform to the speaker.

Andrew had no energy to resist. The streamer silently ate the mochi he was offered, before collapsing on the floor, falling asleep. This cleared the way for Ettie to get the cot to herself.


In the dreamworld, Andrew staggered up to his feet. The Rocket grunt was no longer in pain, and instead of the green prison uniform, Andrew instead found himself in garb he usually wore. A white long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and white trainers. Andrew looked around, when he spotted a pink haired woman approaching him.

"Yo, what the fuck, Desiree Bloo-", Andrew began, before the woman kicked him in the midsection, and ran off. The kick was enough to knock Andrew to the floor, gripping his midesection.

"Ow, what the fuck was that for!? You fucking bitch!!!", Andrew shouted in her direction, before getting back to his feet, and moving the opposite way.

Andrew couldn't help but admire the neon city he found himself in. Despite the language barrier present from the signs, this was his vision of the ideal future. He had to question what sort of 'cool stuff' the city had.

It was then he ran into a familiar figure. One he had encountered twice, a few years ago.

"Yo, I fucking know you! You're that fucking bitch that fleeced me for a flight to Slateport three years ago!", Andrew greeted the woman angrily.

notes: Andrew lays on the floor in pain as the cold shower washes over him
Andrew barely makes it to his cell
After eating, Andrew collapses, and falls asleep on the floor
Andrew is in the dream
Desiree kicks him
Andrew roams the dream city
Andrew runs into Violet, accosting her for three years ago

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 16:15:19 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Huh?” Violet turned towards the stranger, blinking for a few moments. Then, she simply burst into laughter. It was loud, bright and clear, without malice and with just a hint of the refinement she had conditioned herself for. But it was still only half that acquired taste, half that of the real person beneath it all. Then again, what was real? Was the person she had decided herself to no longer be the reality and this the fake? Or had she simply changed, and changed her own reality with that?
And what about this place. As she looked at the furious man, her eyes partially drifted upwards, trailing across a dreamscape of a futuristic city towards a fake sky. Yet, a city like this still felt, in a way, closer to daily life than the prison she had woken up to before. Even her Pokemon were here, supposedly. She had seen them in one of these daycares, but soon realized that they were non-interactive parts of this city. In fact, everything was- aside from people. So, were they real? Or were they just as fake as she had assumed the Pokemon silhouettes from that probably faked ‘execution’ had been?
No. Yes. Both.
Violet returned her focus towards that man. She had not seen him in the crowd before, though masks made that difficult. Still, her hair and statue were more unique than his, so he might have recognized her beforehand, had he been there. By then, she had already calmed down some, the laughter ebbing off. “Pardon me. While this cityscape is certainly surreal, you just kind of gave me whiplash being so, um, hare-brained comes to mind? But it certainly does not truly encompass all that is, well, you right now.” She half-shrugged her arms there in a surrendering pose. “But frankly, if I remembered any random guy I took for a ride three years ago, I would be almost as stupid as those that I pulled a number on.” Translation: him. “But if that truly is the only thing that matters to you after the day we’ve just been put through, then I guess being an idiot does have its perks.”
Honestly, Vio herself did not know whether she wanted to disengage this or agitate the man. It didn’t really matter too much. This was a dream. Well, one of these things was. And frankly, giving her current theory about all of this, she simply utterly disrespected any potential threat he might poise. Instead, she took a step towards him. “Well then. You want to punch me for that? Go ahead, if hitting a girl makes you feel good, that is between you and Arceus. Or do you want me to make it up for you in….other ways?”
Honestly, she was probably just trying to provoke a reaction. In part to see if that could influence their surroundings to fuel her observations.

+ off-screen return to cell and stuff, since not too much agency there anyway. Vio arrives, finds Pokemon but also no way to interact with them. Finds Andrew though and relieves her own stress by messing with him



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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 18:26:36 GMT
Ettie Avatar
In chilled quiet, as things resolve, Ettie returns to her ward with the rest of the Dummies - and soon to her cell. A fresh outfit, some food - though when collapses, she blinks a bit. Ah... He must be tired as well. Carefully, Ettie rolls Andrew into the cot - and once there, she snuggles in with him.

The cold will make them both hungrier faster, Ettie knew this well. Even if she isn't wholly sure what she felt about him, she at least knew that they'd both benefit from sharing bodywarmth like this, to keep their hunger at bay a little longer.

(Though, perhaps it's a sense of loneliness that also prompts her to do this. She doesn't want to sleep on her own. She wants to know that there's something - anyone else - there with her, as she pushes down the pain in her shoulder and heart...)

. . .

... As sleep slowly takes her though, reality is replaced by a strange and surreal dream. The cityscape is nothing like Ettie's ever seen before - and she isn't sure how to even begin to consider the sights around her... All she can do for now is wander, unsure and honestly a little bit listless. It's overwhelming, after the reality she had been brought through.

Will she find the comfort of someone familiar, out here...?
- Ettie is Dummy Ward
- When Ettie and return to their cells and Andrew collapses, Ettie rolls him into the cot and snuggles up to him. Because cold = hungry faster, so she wants the both of them to stay as warm as possible by sharing bodywarmth.
- (She's also feeling lonely w/o her pack, and wants the comfort of being able to feel that there's another person next to her, even if she doesn't know how she feels about Andrew.)
- In the dream, she's a bit overstimulated and just wandering somewhat listlessly.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 19:35:14 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

The situation overall was demoralizing and painful. Thea took a moment to recover from the beating, with 's approach being the main reason she managed to snap back to reality. Listening to his voice, and feeling his gentle hug, Thea clung dearly onto her cousin, holding him close. "Of course... I-I'm glad you are alright, Kay..." She leaned away, looking at his eyes. "You would do the same... We are looking each other's back. I didn't want you to get hurt." Thea explained, getting back on her feet and staying close to her cousin as she watched the horror unfold further.[break][break]

Even the little girl she was so worried about had escaped her sight at that point, and Thea could only hope everything would be alright. Her eyes slowly turned to as well, seeing her friend's state with concern. "I am alright... And you?" She looked at her friend's eyes, and mustered a small smile. "I saw what you did. It was very brave of you, Cass." It gave Thea hope. In fact, the brutality was horrible, but what they did, kept fighting despite all the odds. It showed her the fighting spirit was still there. They were still defiant, they could still fight them off. But they couldn't be so hasty. Discipline and eventually outsmarting them would be the turning point.[break][break]

When everything seemed to be done... The fierce icy bath startled Thea at first before she calmed down. Her wounds stung as the shower clashed against them, but it was when the stupid moments she decided to train under a waterfall suddenly had an actual practical use. A mere shower didn't bother her too much, as uncomfortable as it was. She didn't miss Cass shivering, and she was worried Knight wasn't going to take it that well. Thea did what she could to not let her clothes get too wet, and upon listening to Cass' offer. "... Yes, actually. I would love to." She smiled weakly to her friend. A hint of normality in that horrifying predicament they were.[break][break]

She allowed herself to be at Cass' care, and whenever they were done and were being guided to somewhere else, Thea tried to stay warm with the clothes she tried her hardest to keep as dry as possible. Of course, it was a hard task, but whatever she had managed was a win.[break][break]

Cass' reaction to the grotesque scene wasn't missed by Thea, and when her friend leaned on her, Thea would embrace her closely with an arm, while using the other to keep her cousin close as well, trying to comfort them as they walked away. She felt safer with the two of them near her, and she wasn't willing to let them go, no matter what happened. The pain was still there, making Thea struggle, but her senses were still wary, and with the two people she cared the most near her, she had the privilege of being able to distract herself and take a look at her surroundings. "Look at me." She called for her friend. "... Let's focus what is in front of us."[break][break]



  • Thanked her cousin for the concern. Complimented Cass' bravery.

  • Has a small hint of hope growing in her. She feels they still have some fighting in them.

  • Accepts Cass offer to clean her hair.

  • When Cass leans on her, Thea embraces her. She also embraces Knight, to keep those she care close.

  • Tries to keep the attention of her friend and cousin on her, to keep them away from seeing any more horror stimuli.

  • Post 2 Coming later





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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 22:02:08 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Knight is frozen for a second as he tries to comprehend everything that was happening. It all seemed so odd and just... Well, unreal. Even if everything felt real, Kay was starting to wonder if maybe this was a weird dream after all.[break][break]

Nothing made sense.[break][break]

It took him a second to realise Cass had spoken up and Knight nods in thanks for her answering his question. He didn't have a clue about RKS stuff so he'd have to ask her more about it later. When they got out of here.[break][break]

If they got out of here.[break][break]

He gasped when a sudden downpour of cold water washed over him and he shuddered, chilled to the bone almost instantly. He did his best to try and clean himself up without removing any clothes (it didn't seem appropriate and if others wanted to, Knight didn't comment). He crouched as he scrubbed at his body and hair, though it didn't really feel like he was getting clean without some kind of soap.[break][break]

"Huh, hm. Thanks." He smiled at Cass and stood again once it seemed like they were being herded some place else. Not that he had much of a choice as his toxic chain tightened and forced him to move. He looked back as they left but, due to his height disadvantage, wasn't able to see anything of note.[break][break]

The weird tubes that jutted out of the wall earned a cringe from Kay and he did his best to avoid them, sticking close to Thea and Cass as they ambled along. It felt like a rather endless walk and Knight was tired after everything that had happened.[break][break]

He was thankful when they made it back to a platform and he suspected they were being taken back to their cell. A fresh set of clothes were shoved into his arms, and Knight thanked the Megalopolan Speaker almost automatically. He shucked off his soaking wet clothes and left them in a pile and hurried to pull on the new set.[break][break]

"Do these... Smell like peaches?" He mumbled to Thea and Cass, wondering if his brain was playing a cruel trick on him. [break][break]

And then he was reeled back into his cell without much of a chance to fight.[break][break]

He coughed when he fell to his knees, shaking his head and struggling to stand once again. Stupid toxic chain! He tugged on it but it didn't budge a bit.[break][break]

As the guards left, Knight watched them until they were out of sight and then turned to his cell-mates, "Well, you two could probably squeeze onto the bed together?" Thea looked a little worse for wear since she had taken that hit for him but maybe sharing the bed with Cass would keep her warm at least?[break][break]

Knight moved to sit down in front of the bed, "I can sleep here, easy-peasy." He grinned at both girls, hoping to put them both at ease.




still hopes this might be a weird dream sob[break]
gave himself a good scrub, still feels dirty.[break]
avoided the weird wall tubes :/ they're freaky ok.[break]
changed into his new clothes (yay) but got forced back into his cell (boo). [break]
suggests that thea and cass share the bed while he sleeps on the floor next to them.[break]



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[newclass=".knight .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 22:37:06 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Cass somehow musters a smile at Thea's compliment, even if it also turns out grim, the concern and worry not quite fading. It'd take some time longer for the apathy to stop clinging to her, but maybe- maybe it'd be better that way, too. "I can't ... it's hard seeing it like this," she replies, before it's time for work- and then for a shower.

She'd get to Knight's hair first, smiling faintly as she sorts it out neatly, "Now it's all flat like a bob," she comments with a quiet laugh that gets drowned out by the water pouring down on them. Then, it's Thea's turn, and she gets focused on her friend's hair, too - laying it out flat and neat, with nothing else but water and oil sticking to it (she couldn't do anything about the grime-grime until they've maybe gotten shampoo ... but probably not).

It's a few moments of normalcy that she indulges in, figuring out for a moment that there's a whole person inside of her. It's scary, now that she thinks about it, how quickly she's come to compartmentalise, but ... nothing surprising. (Everything to survive.)

Walking back with Thea and Knight by her side, she feels herself slip away again, but it's nice, knowing and feeling these two close. She's walking close to Thea, welcoming the embrace, while also holding out one hand to grasp Knight's hand somehow. A pile of three, with her eyes fixed on these fleshy tubes ... She turns to Thea, swaying slightly as if indecisive. "But maybe it'll be better to know ..." she says, but does as Thea says - most of the time. Her gaze is still drawn to the tubes, until they reach the end of the hallways.

She looks back again, but is quickly lured away by fresh clothing. "I think so too," she agrees with Knight, frowning slightly. "I'm not sure I'll like them much after this ..." For now, it's nice, however, and she changes clothes. Almost feeling clean and alright, but the wet mess of her hair reminds her of the dire situation. They're also quickly herded back to the cells.

"Will it really be alright?" Cass murmurs, despite also already taking place on the bed. "Maybe we can figure out to squeeze us three up here?" she suggests, but ... yeah, it's a tight fit. "We're not that tall, after all ..." And it's a horrific time. While she wouldn't want to give up a bed if (most likely) both of her friends offer, she also doesn't want Knight to be cold and have an unrestful night ... whatever this night might be.

Ultimately, she'd be too tired to argue or think on much, and she'd drift off to sleep soon enough. Her arms are wrapped tightly around whoever's sharing the bed with her (whether it's one or two), recovering from the ice shower and the tiring, exhausting day.

She wishes for a dark, black dreamscape, but instead ...

A city?

tl;dr dummy ward
- washes knight & thea's hair
- walking back through the hallway, upon thea's insistence, she'd not stare at the fleshy tubes too much (but she still stares)
- changes clothes, gets back into the cell
- ultimately takes a shared (with thea and/or knight) spot on the bed and falls asleep
- (dream city time, but she's not gonna ask anything of importance)
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 0:04:19 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Although Beau couldn't think of anywhere he'd less like to be than his current situation, he could neither help but feel a pang of something - sympathy? - for the creature stalking the chamber and assaulting prisoners indiscriminately as it was, at length, chained up and dragged off. The profusion of Toxic Chains obscuring its head from view made him feel that the thing was no more at its own liberty than he was, and he wondered - not for the first time - what exactly the aim of these people was? Were they all going to end up like that thing?
Eddie's presence at his side was quiet and reassuring, much like the man himself, as Beau continued to throw himself into shoveling mochi, slop, and who-knew-what else into the bowl at the center of the area. It was probably wrong of him to take comfort from the notion that his friend was here too, but, somewhat selfishly, he was more scared at the thought of the state he'd be in if the other man weren't here.
Better never let that one slip, brah.
The voice sounded from above, startling Beau out of his stupor, and he could have cried. A shower? He'd never wanted one more in his life. Granted, he swiftly discovered that the water was icy, the pressure intense, and the whole affair felt more like needles trying to flay his skin than an opportunity to cleanse himself of the absolute filth he'd accumulated, but he couldn't care less. The uniform they'd been supplied was so thin it did laughably little to keep him from getting wet, so he scrubbed on and through it - he needed to feel fresh, or at least fresher, and he wasn't going to walk around in clothes that smelled of this place's offal.
He can't help but look around as the group is herded callously back through the revealed hallway, though looking does his sodden self no more good than if he'd been completely blind. What the hell were those things, and where were they, actually? He wasn't a geographer by any means, but he knew of no place in Hoenn that was riddled with pulshing, fleshy tubes. Were they in another one of the Ultra Wilds? They'd really be in for it, if that was the case.
The fresh uniforms were a blessing he hadn't expected, and the soft peach scent buoyed him so much that he didn't even mind being corralled back into his cell, only too ready to shuck his dirty, sopping pants and kick them into the corner with a wet 'thwack'. He dropped the freshly-laundered bundle of clothing to perform the same action with his shirt, and - the wet fabric hanging off one arm - turned his head at Eddie's voice, snapped from his scented reverie to realize that he was not, in fact, alone.
"Hell no, brah," he countered, chucking the sodden shirt into the same corner as his cast-off trousers. He was already mid-change, anyway, and figured his mask would do a fine job of hiding the warmth in his cheeks as he tugged on fresh pants. "You take the cot, I'll take the floor, I'm the one that tackled you down there, remember?"
He shrugged his shirt on and gave a conciliatory tilt of his head. Sleeping on the floor was the least of his beef with this place, if it meant he could actually sleep, and he wasn't about to have the other man undergo the same when there was a perfectly serviceable cot ready for an Eddie-shaped sleeper.



Feels bad for the monster.[break]
Showers clothed![break]
Grossed out by the hallway, thinks they might be in an Ultra Wild.[break]
Excited by fresh laundry, disrobes while Eddie tries to start a conversation.[break]
Is having none of said conversation and tells Eddie to take the cot instead.[break]




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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 3:10:22 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Jack retreated into himself as the pain became too much. Not just the beating, but the feeling of betrayal from the ugly ward that the cold water could not sluice away. It was easy to be subsumed in the persona of Pamplemousse, to put the personal aside and focus on the mission. Stoically, Pamplemousse took in as much detail as he could from their surroundings, watching and waiting as ever.[break][break]

Relief washed over both Jack and Pamplemousse as they were reunited with Diamandis. Pamplemousse gave her a reassuring nod but it was clear his cellmate's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't blame her. In the dark recesses of his mind, Jack agreed. Instead of talking, Pamplemousse settled against the wall near the cell bars, keeping watch until he finally drifted off to sleep.[break][break]

Even the comfort of darkened sleep was denied them as Pamplemousse blinked fuzzily at Ultra Megalopolis surrounding them in brilliant scale. Mentally battered and bruised, Jack knew this was no ordinary dream, more akin to the strange dreams he had experienced back in October, or his misadventures in the Kingdom of Sylvis. At the sound of Diamandis' voice, he turned to find her at a window display.[break][break]

"Lucid dreaming, eh?" Pamplemousse responded, his voice even and unsurprised. Searching for answers in Diamandis' face, he agreed, "No need to ask, we both seem real enough."[break][break]

Whatever insight his cellmate could have provided was lost as she spotted something in the distance. Pamplemousse hesistated as she sprinted away, thinking of calling after her when a flash of red hair caught his eye.[break][break]

Jack was pounding down the street without a thought, her name falling from his lips in whispered prayer: "Aurelie?"[break][break]

We've got to look for things before it ends.



dummy ward[break]
– in pain mentally and physically, jack leans deeper into the pamplemousse persona[break]
– he is relieved to be reunited with desiree again and falls asleep on the floor[break]
– he confirms to desiree that he thinks the dream is real before spotting what he thinks is and chasing after her[break]



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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
406 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 8:07:16 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


As Leon dove between her and the Ogerpon, Aubre felt her heart twist. ”Leon!” She started with an attempted scold, one muffled in the lines of his tattoo. His eyes were so worried. He was willing to die for her, and here she was trying to make him. “I didn’t need you to—” Tears pricked at her eyes. “Why did you—?” Her words end in a sob.

Some part of her wanted to drink in this moment (without the pain). This knightly side of his was always so hidden. If anyone had looked now, they’d see it too. The real him. CRACK! She felt and heard his rib break. Her breath escaped in a worried rush as she sat up beneath him. By the time the water washed over them, she’d given up at any attempt at cleaning. Though it made her shiver, the water helped clear her head.

It lent clarity to just what she’d put him through.


“I’m sorry,” Aubre murmured to her battered husband. But she didn’t say she wouldn’t do it again. Because they both knew she would. In fact, the doctor would do it again tomorrow. She saw something in pain, and she’d take any amount of it to fix that. After their time on the floor, the redhead helped him to their feet. Every bone in her body ached, but those green eyes were keen.


She noted the layout of the hallway and the Megalopans around them. Her eyes slid across the machinery as she noted all of the technology on display. It really didn’t make sense. Why opt for dusty old cells when you had this?


With notable shyness, she swapped one outfit for another. “Thank you.” This small bit of gratitude was granted to the guard who’d handed it over. If offered his top, she’d insist he leaves it on. Still, she did use her taller husband as a changing screen. She didn’t want to show strangers her—well—private parts.

Her lips furrowed in worry as Leon offered a look of disgust at the cot. She laid upon it for a moment as he stretched out on the floor. Any attempts to argue went nowhere. But those earlier comments made her think it was more about pain than not wanting to be beside her.


She tried to find something to say. But all of it felt so contrite--like a cheap motivational poster. There was no guarantee they were getting out of this alive. Finally, she settled on a simple, “I’m glad you’re here.” Not in this hell but with her. She didn’t second guess herself, though. He knew what she meant. When it came to understanding her, there were few people better. “But you could spread the chivalry around.” Her attempt at humor is as weak as her right hook.

Too guilty to take the high ground, Aubre crawled from the cot to lay beside him. The pillow is laid between their head as the ratty blanket is pulled over them. Her hand pauses above his chest before dropping between them. She tries to find something to say. A way to try and acknowledge the chasm between them is closing. “Good night.”

When she awakens, it is to an unfamiliar city A dream?. The bustling metropolis puts her on edge. She’d never trusted cities. And, last she checked, Aubre didn’t dream about them. She chewed at her bottom lip. The strange script around her seems to have rhyme and reason. The doctor felt surprisingly in control—something missing from her typical dreams. “Where am I?”

Another person passes by, and that catches her attention. They're blue. When they smile at her, shark-like teeth show back. She swallows. The place feels so loud. Is Leon here?The absence of Leon beside her feels like a missing tooth. Apparently, however, she’d taken his outfit instead. In place of her typical clothes was a designer’s woman suit. The only sign of color is an emerald blouse.

It’s a welcome change from the shorts and kimono top. But she can’t help but notice that the sleeves are too long. Every few seconds, she finds herself pushing them up again. Still, that mundane issue is almost comforting. After a moment of debate, Aubre sets her course for the tallest building on the horizon. It was visible from all directions, and she hoped Leon would head there for a better look.

"Excuse me--" The redhead's words become a stream of apologies as she tries to weave through the crowd of Megalopans. "Pardon me, sir." Occasionally, one brushes her shoulders. "Can I just squeeze through here." It made her shiver.[break][break]

As she pushed her way forward, it didn’t take her long to find the first of her Pokemon. A familiar blob of pink bobbing in a vat of blue. Her voice fills with hope as she lays a palm against the glass. “Maggie?” Her voice is soft and hopeful. But as time passes, the tapping turns to slaps. "Can you hear me?" She clenches her fist. “Where are you?" But the normally hyperactive powerhouse just snoozes on. She reaches out to ask the nearest Megalopan what the tank was, but they just smile back like she's a child spouting gibberish.

Sure, this was a dream, but so was Father Winter. The ramifications for that still impacted her.

That’s when she notices and . Without the visor, the kingmaker from earlier disappears. Her hands feel sweaty. But she remembers their words as they pronounced pain for the other side. Because they're not blue, they stand out in a sea of bodies. Unlike , these two were upfront about it. Before she can stop herself, the redhead’s striding toward them. There’s a tremble to her limbs but her eyes are clear.

The talk of swindling earns a frown. Suddenly. She is an arm’s length from them. For a moment, she hesitates but no longer. Her lips press together as the barely five-foot girl tries to look stern. “You two voted to forsake.” There seems to be more confusion to her last word than anger. Almost as if she can't wrap her mind around it. “Why?”



Thanks Leon for helping her[break]
Curls up with him on the floor of their cell[break]
Finds Maggie in the dream and sets her destination to the tallest building in the area[break]
Confronts and for their votes[break]
Asks where Maggie is and where she is[break]

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
713 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 11:41:20 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




Hell no indeed; Eddie's stubbornness reared it's ugly head in reply, [break][break]

“The hell kinda logic is that? Seriously, man, you take the cot,” he insisted firmly, following Beau's lead and tossing his own pants into their growing pile of wet clothes, “And I ain't takin' no for an answer.” [break][break]

But this back and forth was going to be rather pointless, wasn't it? Eddie didn't fume, exactly, as he slipped into his clean new clothes, but this was a little hill he was determined to die on. It wasn't like he had much other agency in this place, [break][break]

“Fuck, this ain't gettin' us anywhere.” [break][break]

Eddie sighed with impatient frustration as he looked back to the cot. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him, [break][break]

“Here's an idea; how 'bout we just try ta share the cot instead of spendin' the rest of the night bickerin' about it?” [break][break]

Despite it's narrow size, the two of them could probably squeeze their way onto it if they laid on their sides. It was an ingenious solution, or so Eddie told himself in his bullheaded resolve as he moved to the bed. Positioning himself just so, with his back to the wall and facing out to the bars of the cell and ward beyond (because like hell was he going to keep his back turned to whatever freaky shit was waiting for them out there), Eddie was surprised to find that there was, in fact, just enough room for Beau to do the same. [break][break]

Eddie watched Beau expectantly, propping his head up on one hand and letting the other arm drape across his side, [break][break]

“And if I catch you tryin' to sleep on that gross-ass floor, I'm haulin' yer ass back up here myself.” [break][break]

And so, with some cajoling and strong-arming, the two cellmates would go on to share the cot for the evening. [break][break]


Eddie was certain that he'd fallen asleep, but maybe instead those cruel jailers had teleported him somewhere outside of his cell. He awoke in an unfamiliar cityscape of bright lights and shimmering neon, and couldn't help but be dazzled by it's bright fluorescence as he rose to his feet. So awed was he by the metropolis of light and sound that he hadn't even noticed his mask was gone for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, [break][break]

“What the- ?”[break][break]

This was probably a dream after all, Eddie realized, because he couldn't fathom any context in which their captors would be kind enough to remove their bindings. He looked around, eyes straining against the brilliant artificial light that surrounded him, and scoured his immediate vicinity for anything of interest.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
Fights with Beau over who gets the cot [break]
It's called BEDDIE bcus they're sharing a bed :^) [break]
Wakes up in Arkham Horror's The Dreamlands (but cooler)™️


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 11:50:51 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Zev normally did not remember his dreams. When he did, the recent ones were filled with stardust and supernovas, memories of Necrozma conveyed by its alien thoughts. That night, however, he dreamed of a city he'd never visited, yet nonetheless felt eerily familiar. [break][break]

It was a lucid dream, he realized upon running into . Not only did both men have full awareness of their situation, but they were dreaming it together. [break][break]

Capitalizing on this revelation, Zev shared what information he deemed appropriate to tell the underboss. And when they went their separate ways, he looked for others who might also be caught in the dream realm. [break][break]

The next person he ran into was Bee (). Their conversation took a different turn, however, when Zev remembered his agreement with . [break][break]

Finally, in an abandoned daycare center filled with glass displays of their Pokémon, he found . In the privacy of that macabre place, they talked freely: of their strategy for surviving and their visions seen in the mask. [break][break]

They parted ways to maintain their false tale. Zev hated to leave her, but if the dream was truly just a dream, they'd wake up in the same cell before long.

TAGS & ugly ward[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD.[break]
– Traveling through the dream world, he talks with , , and .



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