i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 6:23:30 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The noise of disgust that escaped him as he followed the other down through the tubes—yikes.

Why did it feel like he was trapped in some sci-fi related… wait, this was the sci-fi related nightmare he belatedly realized he was living through!

Fact of the matter is that he thought he would be stuck inside; however with some surprise he’d fallen through the ‘fleshy’ membrane… and did not want to know what was going on down here. Everything was just horrible as it is; and that was before—


Okay, he was out of the tube. Although he did feel a little… sticky…

The ‘accoutrement’ on his right hand had vanished; along with it the ugly, noxious feeling festering inside of him after that… he wondered what was thinking of, now that the kid had managed to ‘locate’ Azelf in the flesh. Before he could throw a scowl in ’s direction, however…


His throat went dry—quick as it had, he saw a blob of blue fly towards his face and immediately attached to it.

“Wh—hey, Z-Zelle!” he would screech, muffled by the watery blob before he caught sight of an approaching Lucario; a pissy-looking Gyarados… a brief cackling before a pair of red eyes flashed in his shadow signaled the arrival of Loki; and thankfully, due to Kaguya’s immense size, a certain last companion of his went almost unnoticed as he quickly recalled the Tornadus first…

While there was still time for them to find their things, he would then recover what needed to be recovered before returning to all his waiting Pokémon outside.

“Okay, okay, oof… come on, let’s get the hell out of here!” he would tell his companions; recalling the rest of them but the Celesteela—for he figured, if the sound of whatever the fuck was coming from above them was going to attack, why not use his biggest companion to get ready?

He then clambered up on Kaguya’s shoulders, deciding to rest on that perch before keeping a bird’s-eye view of whatever was going to come crashing through and fight them.

At the same time, though, the moon princess would then use Autotomize to get ready to move fast if in case shit hit the fan—which, from the looks of things, would most certainly happen!


Frog where are you please come save your husband!!!
• finally makes way out of tube—eww, gross
• loses his Toxic Chain ability; however the blue blob that attaches herself to him after that happens is…
• !!!!!
• [insert quick lil’ family reunion here; recalls the Tornadus first to keep him as a secret weapon in case whatever shit comes crashing through there needs more legendary back-up]
• recovers his things, recalls the rest of his Pokémon but keeps Kaguya the Celesteela out
gets on board Kaguya because he feels safer up there
• Kaguya the Celesteela used Autotomize to get ready to move fast if in case whatever comes crashing towards them starts attacking with 0 preamble

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 6:43:41 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









Remiel scrambles to exit the fleshy tube as quickly as possible while holding Luka in one arm, pushing his way through the thin membrane before collapsing out with a gasp. He falls onto his side and ensures is still breathing before carefully setting her against a nearby wall. Then, with sheer bewilderment, the masked prince looks around to witness the multitude of Pokémon floating in the vats.[break][break]

When he spots his patron ZEKROM, however, he is shocked to find the BLACK YIN wrapped in TOXIC CHAINS.[break][break]

A glance is cast at the strange creature floating in a tank nearby (BLOODMOON URSALUNA) before he rushes off to free the dragon. Just as he steps forward, however, he spots AZELF across the room, distracted by the sharp glow of its RED CRYSTAL before it unleashes a powerful green ether into the breeding pit.[break][break]

Like many others, Remiel is struck by this power and falls to one knee as he feels the DESPAIR dissipate from his body. With it, the TOXIC CHAIN around his neck falls to the wayside and shrivels before his mask follows suit. He hadn't realized how desperate for breath he'd felt until now. His newfound freedom reminds him that his body hadn't always felt so drained.[break][break]

He reaches up to try and wipe his face clean of the mochi and sweat staining it. Then, grabbing his mask and the shriveled TOXIC CHAIN that had once tormented him, he pockets them into his tunic before standing up again. As he moves toward his patron, he notices and OGERPON, now freed from its TOXIC-CHAINED state.[break][break]

"I'm happy to see it saved," He remarks with a nod and a weary smile. Ahead of him, ZEKROM awakens from its slumber. "It seemed to have been suffering a fate worse than our own. Take good care of each other, Andrea."[break][break]

Just then, a bubbling roar precedes a loud splash as ZEKROM tears his way out of his tank, igniting the air with electricity as the TOXIC CHAINS around his body shrivel off and dissipate. Holding out his hand, a spark flashes between Remiel and the BLACK YIN before the former grins. "It's good to see you're okay, old friend. Let's get out of here."[break][break]


is slung atop ZEKROM's back, cradled by his wing as Remiel steps forward first into a SECLUDED ROOM. Once there, he finds a thin MEGALOPOLAN man donning his black CHARIZARD SYGNA SUIT. The prince growls as he steps forward, grabbing the man roughly by his collar before stopping to acknowledge a whimper below them.[break][break]

It is a little MEGALOPOLAN girl.

Another cannibal in the making, if one were to ask him. Though he cannot deny the fact that she seems so assuredly human. These people... they'd caused so much pain and anger to HOENN and his countrymen alike. They were, more than likely, responsible for the disappearance of years ago. They did not deserve his pity or mercy.[break][break]

And yet...[break][break]

A child was a child.

He sighs, loosening his grip on the scared man but keeping his glare firm. "My suit and my gear. I want it all back. Now."[break][break]


walks out to find and again after retrieving his gear. "Good to see CALYREX is okay, cousin." He nods, acknowledging the legendary with a nod before turning to regard ZEKROM. The BLACK YIN seems concerned. Something unsettling is coming. And, with a strong desire to know, the dragon lifts a hand before attempting to open the WINDOWS in the BREEDING PIT with its PSYCHIC power.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]



[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
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163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Knight Naito DOLLARS
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Knight Naito
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 8:13:01 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

The heat was unreal. Knight winced and leaned his head back from it though he was determined not to move his body in case he ruined the progress they had made. He was vaguely aware that people were fighting something else, but Knight couldn't let his focus slide this time.[break][break]

As the seconds tick by, the heat increases and the shield on his left hand grows heavier. Knight fell to one knee and let out a cry of determination. He gritted his teeth and refused to be defeated like this.[break][break]

Was this really the best he could do?[break][break]

Seeing Thea doing her part to help encourages Knight to dig as deep as possible and redouble his efforts.[break][break]

Though, if he was completely honest, it seemed like it was taking forever for others to find a way to stop Ogerpon and everything felt so heavy...[break][break]

There's a final flash of heat and Knight faints, his shield shrinking into nothing, though his armour remains as he laid on the ground. He just needed a few seconds to recover... Why was it suddenly so cold? And wet? This place was truly a nightmare.[break][break]

He missed the drama of everything that transpired before the floor collapsed, though it was the perfect thing to shake Knight from his deep sleep to find out he was falling through the air. Slamming into the floor below was less than fun. Kay let out a groan and rolled onto his back.[break][break]

As his vision focused, he noticed he was surrounded by six familiar faces, "Aw, I must be dreaming..." He reached out to pat Fitzwilliam on the head only to have his hand whacked by a very large leek. Wait, that felt a bit too real to be dreamy...[break][break]

Knight sat up suddenly (a mistake) and felt every inch of his body resist the moment and protest with causing him as much pain as possible. "Crap!" Knight groaned and it was a fight to get back on his feet. Which, he noted, took him a lot longer than it normally did. He felt like he'd be training with Thea for three days straight.[break][break]

Stumbling to his feet, Kay looked around for any familiar faces, "Perrin, can you fly around and see if Thea or Cass are nearby?" There was so much chaos, debris, Pokémon and everything else happening around their little group. Knight held an arm around himself since it hurt to breathe and, while he wasn't smart enough to know he has probably broken a rib, it certainly felt like that.[break][break]





used up all his strength with his shield; fell through the floor when it broke.[break]
has definitely broken a few ribs and is generally achy/in pain all over[break]
uses main action to send perrin to locate cass or thea (they can reunite in the next round woo, feel free to spot perrin and be led back to knight)[break]
yeah he can barely limp/shuffle his way around, womp



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[newclass=".knight .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 9:31:07 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Lusamine Encounter Theme


IN THIS BRIEF RESPITE, many tend to each other's wounds. The pressure from the upper floors is immense—and curiously, whatever is up there seems to be taking longer than expected to arrive...[break][break]

Care comes to those with strong bonds. calms in the dramatic aftermath, while and tend to each other as bros do.[break][break]

's GALARIAN RAPIDASH HEAL PULSES him, and relief finally graces his tired body. Similarly, 's HATTERENE heals her too as she is joined by , and . Those near are granted the same generosity by her GALLADE'S HEAL PULSE as well. In addition, heals with his TAPU LELE-given powers. When joins him, she too receives the blessing of this communal rejuvenation.[break][break]

The scales delivers across the entirety of the floor swirl into a beautiful blizzard. Megalopolan, human and Pokemon-alike are graced by this combination of TAPU LELE & JOHN'S INFINITY ENERGY. The breath becomes easier. Poison is expelled out of sweat and tears. The Megalopolans that are healed and can see him, shout to him with utmost gratitude.[break][break]

As these healing scales settle on , a broken , and , the maskless, malletless OGERPON cries happily. A HEAL PULSE from 's BLISSEY allows the green Pokemon to overcome its sleeplessness—at least, for now. 's WIGGLYTUFF, a fierce fighter and angelic aide, ensures can stand tall alongside her WORK UP utilizing HYDREIGON.[break][break]

's ROOKIDEE searches for his friends, his family. As his bones attempt to mend, he fights for reunion as clock ticks toward disaster.[break][break]

When finally freed, WO-CHIEN heals with the force of grudges. One may wonder how the RUINOUS BEASTS were captured. The answer is simple: they let themselves be. They worry little. Their plan is an infallible one, for as long as GRUDGES, HATRED, AND ENVY exist, they will forever live. Their cursed confidence is furthered from their origins, for in THE BORDER, where they were once sealed, they have seen their future purpose.[break][break]

With war, must come ruin.


THE MEGALOPOLANS "GUARDING" YOUR POSSESSIONS are harmless. They lack training. Willpower. Their paralysis in the face of peril betrays their status as civilians. However, one may wonder why they've been placed here to oversee these powerful, incredible artifacts. Relics of a world they should have never known.[break][break]

But fate has allowed contact between these civilizations. Pokeballs, Mega Stones, Sygna Suits... this exhibit of privileges and power belong to a realm still able to expand, to grow in spite of forces desiring to squash it.[break][break]

These accessories grant the Megalopolans here the chance to play. To practice. To taste powers they've never held. Wearing and 's SYGNA SUIT was equal parts play and futile practice: an opportunity to understand the tools they may use to overtake their home of Ultra Megalopolis.[break][break]

frantically pleas with everyone to spare the Megalopolans, like . Several of the aliens seem impassioned by their defense—but in the midst of chaos and impending battle, there is little time for nuance...[break][break]

asks a cowering Megalopolan about the cloned Pokemon: "they're going to be our pokemon... our friends like how they are in your world. with them, we can take back ultra megalopolis."[break][break]

inquires about the NEVER-ROT, his DRAGONITE coercing one to speak: "a pokemon of great power... cyllora made a deal with it. cyllora would be subjected to its power, while we remain safe."[break][break]

asks about the children and the peculiarity of their presence: "some were born in hoenn... the others," and indeed there are children of varying ages, "we came with them. not everyone was a soldier. it was a one-way trip, and we knew the risks. during the war, many of us hid in caves. in mountains. we knew how to survive. we've survived ultra megalopolis." [break][break]

questions whether the Megalopolans are hostages and attempts to uncover any technologies. He only receives an answer for the former. "we aren't sure... but, but we trust cyllora. we can't leave, we can't!" Regardless, he can fathom that this prison contains Megalopolan "shiny machines" and Beast Balls in the least...[break][break]

And the reason why they can not leave becomes abundantly clear. A PSYCHIC from 's mighty ZEKROM, and , , and open the windows situated around this floor. As the metal paneling shifts with a screech, a blinding shafts of light flood in. They bear witness to the gridded, iridescent expanse of ULTRA SPACE outside.[break][break]

This prison, this ship, has already launched. It has been traveling for "days". catches a glimpse of something green. Something petite. It flies past the window, tracing the ship's side.[break][break]

When attempts to kidnap a child, a horrid cry can be heard: "novina! novina! my child!"[break][break]

attempts to save the child from with her HISUIAN ZOROARK. However, for the first time in the waking world, she experiences the disorienting pang of TIME LOOPING BACKWARDS. Freed from the TOXIC CHAIN, she understands now, that time is flowing differently.[break][break]

When she had asked the Megalopolans for answers, she receives the following information: "the tera crystals... they helped us recreate the ship and everything within it. we're on our way home! the masks will bring light to our home again!"[break][break]

A young voice snarls, "AAGHHH!!!"[break][break]

manages to evade a nasty bite from the Megalopolan child; however, vines begin to wrap around her body. A FRENZY PLANT from and his recovered MEOWSCARADA snaps 's grasp from the kid. A Megalopolan bracelet snaps off the kid's wrist as the child runs back to their parent in a flurry of tears and screams. The bracelet is a familiar Megalopolan blue, each bead an angular prism-like shape with the phrase:



AZELF IS CAUGHT BY before it can hit the floor. In her hands, the body remains still. Witnessed by , , and , 's UXIE and 's MESPRIT attempt to heal their sibling with WISHES. As curative energies descend upon the Lake Guardian's limp form, is consumed by the resurgence of HATRED.[break][break]

A lethal beam of ice is fired toward ' head. 's MELOETTA SHARD shifts to protect from 's attack. It is struck briefly by the beginning pulse of frost.[break][break]

However, 's swift reaction prevents the songstress from incurring further harm. Emboldened by her reunion with her precious TRUBBISH, she commands her FLETCHINDER to TAILWIND. GALE WING winds blow the rest of the beam away, while a PSYCHIC from the MELOETTA throw debris and stone toward the Rocket Admin. Together, they effectively save .[break][break]

As and tend to the Lake Guardian to no avail, they fear the worst: AZELF MAY TRULY BE DEAD. However, the two know, regardless of the fate of the sprite, they must protect its body in case the slightest ripple of hope remains.[break][break]

and her LYCANROC inspire those around her, including the immediate . A Z-MOVE empowered howl fills the chamber and the pack unite for a last stance.
the user lets out a rallying cry in the form of a powerful howl, empowering nearby pokemon, and clearing negative effects such as taunt, sleep, confusion, or infatuation.

and are granted FUTURE SIGHT which is then conveyed psychically in vague bursts of sensation:
: alarm signals, the whole ship tilting, diving, gravity overtaking.[break][break]

: the opening of an ultra wormhole before a megalopolan cityscape.


ALTHOUGH POWER SPOTS CAN NORMALLY EMPOWER a limited amount of Pokemon, would be able to detect that there are more POWER SPOTS in the ship. He can also detect more DYNERGY coming from above...[break][break]

The following Pokemon DYNAMAX: 's GUZZLORD, 's AGGRON, 's SHADOW LUGIA, 's CERULEDGE, and 's GALARIAN MOLTRES. 's NECROZMA dynamaxes too, and when its appearance is made known, is not the only one who quakes.[break][break]

The Megalopolans who bear witness to the pillager of their light, the cause of their home's destruction, wail in horror at the return. Many scramble and plea for help. Hopelessness settles in their bones as they perceive the beast—and its Avatar—as omen.[break][break]


FROM THIS POINT ONWARD, no other Pokemon can DYNAMAX until otherwise stated.[break][break]

Please ensure you identify HOW MANY DYNAMAX BARRIERS YOUR POKEMON has and continually update the total as necessary.

THE DYNAMAXED POKEMON EXPAND and cause the entire floor to shake. Ceiling stone, metal and tubes are torn into by their growth. The CLONED POKEMON emerge from their tubes, birthing themselves from the trauma inflicted on the ship. They saunter toward the MEGALOPOLANS, already created with purpose.[break][break]

When reaches for the crumbling ceiling, his ORICHALCUM-MARKED ARM activates. A HARSH SUNLIGHT descends upon the chamber, dousing the whole floor in light. An ANCIENT PULSE THRUMS THROUGH the Rocket Beast—and empowers his Pokemon:
SPECIAL ABILITY: now has the ability, "Orichalcum Pulse". He can empower his own Pokemon and others' Pokemon with this primal sunlight.

The entirety of the spaceship-prison shakes from the DYNAMAX POKEMON's appearance... spelling concerns over its continued operation...


FINALLY, THEY ARRIVE. From above, everyone sees THREE FACES crash into The Breeding Pit. Boulders of rubble fall and those beneath them, including a limping , are saved by an ICY WIND from 's DYNAMAXED LUGIA.[break][break]

Before everyone, THREE DYNAMAXED POKEMON wield THREE, TERASTALLIZED MASKS. A DYNAMAXED OKIDOGI wears the CORNERSTONE MASK. A DYNAMAXED MUNKIDORI wears the TEAL MASK. Finally, the DYNAMAXED FEZANDIPITI wears the WELLSPRING MASK, and its severed wing has been reattached by a TOXIC CHAIN. Their masks have grown in size too and upon their sighting, the OGERPON would cry angrily.[break][break]

Behind and the Loyal Three, CYLLORA hovers, strung up like a marionette by TOXIC CHAINS. The chains connect to a Pecha-like creature still shelled and compact. However, oversized TOXIC CHAINS wriggle out from inside, revealing that the purple Pokemon possesses an inner chamber...[break][break]

"how? how were you able to shed your chains?!" The Megalopolan General speaks. "jules, smohke, philomera, velmos... they may have failed in finding our people a home, but me? i won't let your people get in the way again!"[break][break]

THE NEVER-ROT OPENS ITS SHELL. From it, its true form is revealed. A small, weary magenta face exposes itself, wailing as it fires MOCHI across the entirety of the chamber. The reason why the Wardens can dynamax and why was able to detect DYNERGY from the wardens is a curious one—but there is a reason why the DYNITE ORE was taken from the DUMMY WARD. The Wardens, fed by DYNITE-INFUSED MOCHI have been granted the ability to SAFELY DYNAMAX.[break][break]

The mochi fly and strike you and your Pokemon, exploding into sweet-smelling bursts of poison.[break][break]


CHARACTERS WHO ROLL 1-49 will be POISONED with their ACTIVE POKEMON in the next round.

Like a troupe of clowns, the Loyal Three bark, shriek, squawk with their masks.[break][break]

"stop fooling around! that's how we got in this mess in the first place!" Cyllora says to the Wardens. "you loyal, no! lousy three... i don't care what you need to do. use your chains. break your masks. kill. them. all!"[break][break]

The Lousy Three immediately get into formation. They prepare their attacks, their huge size slowing their movements.[break][break]

The OKIDOGI lifts the large CORNERSTONE MASK, ready to crush those unlucky enough to be beneath it when it descends.[break][break]

The MUNKIDORI spins the TEAL MASK like the sorting cups, its sharp edges cycling like blades, ready to cut those who caught in its arc.[break][break]

Lastly, the FEZANDIPITI beholds the WELLSPRING MASK. It threatens to charm everyone in the floor who may gaze at it to come forth to their deaths.[break][break]

DYNAMAX ENERGY swirls around their tools and themselves, for the masks act as their DYNERGY BARRIER SEGMENTS.[break][break]

feels time "loop" again.



IN THIS ROUND, your characters and your Pokemon must break the masks protecting OKIDOGI, MUNKIDORI, & FEZANDIPITI. Cyllora and PECHARUNT can not be attacked, for the Loyal Three and their masks protect them.[break][break]

Each mask/member of the Loyal Three has 25 BARRIER SEGMENTS to break, a seemingly impossible task.[break][break]

THOSE WHO HAVE HELD THEIR ATTACKS can choose which mask to break. Please indicate which mask or warden you are targeting.[break][break]



Furthermore, please be aware that MULTI-STRIKE MOVES will only destroy ONE SEGMENT of a DYNERGY BARRIER.[break][break]

However, other circumstances will allow for an attack to destroy TWO SEGMENTS in this event:[break][break]

  • If a character is wearing a Sygna Suit with an ACTIVATED THEME, their attacks will destroy TWO SEGMENTS.[break][break]This can be flavoured as one attack from the character and the synced Pokemon, or an empowered attack from the synced Pokemon.
  • [break]
  • Ogerpon, enraged at The Loyal Three, can destroy TWO SEGMENTS with an attack.
  • [break]
  • Stellar-type Terastallized Pokemon like 's UNOWN-K and 's SHAYMIN can destroy TWO SEGMENTS with an attack due to the Terastallization of the masks.
  • [break]
  • 's ORICHALCUM PULSE empowered Pokemon of choice and ONE OTHER POKEMON he may choose to empower, can destroy TWO SEGMENTS with an attack.

FAILURE TO BREAK A MASK'S DYNERGY BARRIER SEGMENTS may result in a devastating attack dealt by the Loyal Three. Other IC-elements may cause more barrier segments to be broken.[break][break]

REMINDER: This is a fixed point on the timeline. You CAN NOT USE SALAC BERRIES. Rolling a 1-49 means your character and/or your Pokemon will be POISONED.



  • please include TL;DRS and ideally, bold your vote!
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]


YOU CAN ONLY POST ONCE. Missing AT LEAST THREE ROUNDS will result in no rewards; however, due to the setting and scenario, characters will not be retconned from the event.[break][break]

, , & has missed THREE ROUNDS and will not be eligible for rewards.[break][break]

has missed TWO ROUNDS and will receive DIMINISHED REWARDS.[break][break]

, , , , , , , , , and have missed ONE ROUND.


MAY 23RD, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 12:41:25 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

Cast in the eerie glow of violet and black fire— 's Galarian Moltres as beautiful as it was a terrifying omen of power shifting—Greyson catches every word of the Ultra Space natives.

His suspicions had been correct—these few were not the ones responsible for their predicament.

A whipping branch catches his attention for a moment as @amelia's wrist is caught, child running back to a worried mother. He contemplates turning the full breadth of his attention to the woman, when something else, something far more pressing, consumes him.

The windows.

Outside the fathomless depths of Ultra Space goes on unending. Dread. Hope, a thin thread linking to an unmoving AZELF frayed further.

Surrounded by multi-story high Rocket avatars, confined to a ship no bigger than a blip in the cosmos—how the universe loved its cruel jokes.

But he was not a member of the Elite Four because of his combat strength alone. He needed to be a pillar of strength, even if his soul ached at what it perceived to be an undeniable truth—death would reap its fill of bounty here today.

His hand rests again atop the grass-types head, resignation squashed before DEFIANCE. He would not die today.

"We got this," he says to the Meowscarda, returning her to her orb. A comfey replaces her—not Ellie, but still, she would be invaluable.

His SYGNA SUIT activates, shining brilliantly in pastel pinks, yellows, and greens. His intent tethers to that of his Pokémon, but in the back of his mind, feels the subtle presence of two others.


He shakes free of wayward thoughts, instead, replacing then with unwavering emotion.

Determination. Defiance. Anger.

They're channeled at the man and Pokémon strung up as marionettes, though Greyson knew they were anything but—even now they were hiding behind the puppets they've so brutishly maneuvered till now.

From the corner of his eye he spots faces he recognizes: , , , , @yuina, , , and so many more. Here, more than ever, he recognized the shared defiance in the face of a greater threat.

Even with 's death the League stood strong.

Comfey's powers become his, and with a measure of will, a tidal wave of PETALS DANCE rages around him. It picks up the wind, whipping it like a hurrixane, until it's sent forth. The attack weaves through their collected forces, like a lithe Arbok through the brush after prey, until it washes over his enemies with enough intent to kill.


SYGNA SUIT (Adventurer, Healer, League). Links with and...?
Near to the Megalopolans, Greyson hears all the questions + answers. Leaves the bracelet if she wants :wink:
Teeters on the edge of hope, upon sight of Ultra Space, but had a modicum of faith in Azelfs plans.
Uses PETAL DANCE against the Wardens, but if I can only hit one, OKIDOGI TIME TO GO


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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,060 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 13:31:39 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

A Sygna Suited Andrea emerged from her makeshift changing booth, looking very much like a humanoid Hydreigon. “Alright, get back in, everyone! Time to get some rest!” All of her Pokémon were withdrawn, sans Chomper, Meatloaf, and the sleeping ogress.
Turning towards and , the draconic cosplayer smiled with gratitude. “Thanks for the healing, guys!” Additional healing came in the form of ’s unique abilities bestowed by a pink Tapu. “Wait a minute, Doug’s an avatar?!”
Before she had time to process that bombshell revelation, yelled the name of his mortal enemy, followed by his Walking Wake letting out a morale-boosting Dragon Cheer. “I dunno who Cyllora is, but we’ll show them our TOUKON, right Chomper?”
It was time for heroes to slay giants as foretold by the prophecy. The Loyal Three--no, the Lousy Three--made their Dynamax debut, along with the aforementioned Megalopolan General and the never-rot itself, whose mere presence stirred Ogerpon from her nap.
“Grrrrr! Pon! Pon!” The agitated Oni pointed at the thick vines sprouting from the floor--remnants of the Frenzy Plant used by ’s Meowscarada.
Andrea tilted her head quizzically. “You want those vines? You got it! But first, we need to get through those three idiots!” She pointed at the oafish retainers, who handled Ogerpon’s priceless masks like toys, further provoking her.
As Cyllora barked orders at the three wardens, the dragon-costumed woman finally exploded, so to speak. “YOU BITCH! Those masks don’t belong to you! They belong to Pon!”
Empowered by her RAGE and a Helping Hand courtesy of ’s royal rabbit, her signature Hydreigon lunged towards the Dynamaxed Munkidori.
Why stop there? Their Hoennian inventions allowed them to go further beyond. “Navy!” The girl hollered at . “Let’s use our Sygna Suits together!”
Should a third ADVENTURER join them, Infinity Energy would flow between all three, syncing up their RASH natures and boosting their Pokémon’s defenses.
“CHOMPER! KILL THE MONKEY! FIRE FANG!” Her fury reached a booming crescendo, as the avenging hydra channeled all of their combined hatred into its flame-coated jaws that hungered for the monkey’s brains.
Still remembering Ogerpon’s request, Andrea ran towards the vines, trying to cut a branch off, all the while doing her best to avoid falling debris from the Max Moves being fired left and right. “Hnnn… Little help here?”



- Dummy ward FREEDOM!!![break]
- SYGNA DRIP[break]
- INJURIES: Andrea has suffered burns on her arms from Hearthflame Masks's flame as well as bruises from Ogerpon's retaliation.[break]
- Returns all of her Pokemon into their Pokeballs, except Hydreigon, Salamence and Ogerpon[break]
- Ogerpon wakes up and goes "grrr pecharunt"[break]
- Activates the ADVENTURER THEME with (gotten player's permission) and one more character (tba)[break]
- Tries to cut off a Frenzy Plant branch (it's a surprise tool that will help us later!)[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) is boosted by Work Up used in an earlier turn[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) is boosted by Calyrex's Helping Hand and Walking Wake's Dragon Cheer[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) is boosted by RAGE (increases the strength of your pokemon; lowers defenses)[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) is boosted by RASH NATURE (increases the defense of your pokemon.)[break]
- Chomper (Hydreigon) uses Fire Fang on the Dynamaxed Munkidori



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 13:40:42 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

From up on his vantage point—it was like the time when the ‘battle for Galar’ happened in the pocket dimension where he’d accidentally Dynamaxed the Stormbringer happening all over again; but this time he was now on the back of his ‘moon princess’.

I feel safer up here… he thought; watching the madness break out—now that the masks were not obscuring their faces, he got a clear view of what was happening all around.

“Shit,” he quietly hissed as he looked skyward and saw that there was something descending on one side of the field where most of everyone from the Weakling Ward had gathered (or dispersed; from this high an angle it was hard to tell at times) and realized that—

“Kaguya, fly me low to where they are on the ground,” he would whisper; and before long the flight trajectory would switch ground ward; but still staying aloft.

Soon as he was as close enough to whoever was closest, he would point in the direction of the descending mask (that really looked like a gigantic fly swatter at this point) and yell, as best as he could manage, “Go for the mask! It doesn’t look like any kind of normal Dynamaxing barrier I’ve seen so far! Let’s stop it before it squashes us all!”

He hoped that whoever was nearest where he’d hovered for a few seconds would hear him, before the Celesteela shot back up towards the sky—and then realized something rather belatedly.

“Let’s get this fucker,” he would growl, pulling down the goggles perched in his hair before pointing straight at the closest part of the barrier they could reach.


The shiny Celesteela would then fly forward; swinging her rocket-arms wide in preparation for a dangerous, risky Heavy Slam attack at the closest barrier segment they could reach from their vantage point—with him hanging on for dear deer fucking life because of the impending impact of the attack that could send them careening if they weren’t careful!

And just in case, he reached for the chain where his bird whistle hung; and quietly pulled off the purple-and-green feather that was tied there.

While there was only one on his person at the moment, he would then point the purple tip at the direction of the Okidogi; before letting it fly from his fingers.

May the djinni protect us all.


how ‘bout a lil’ music to set the MOOD?
• Birddad™ up in the air, can see the monkas happening all over; flying closest to the Okidogi side
freaks out a lil when he sees the barriers, shit that looks WAY sturdier than the time he and practiced at Lilycove!
• he then asks his ‘moon princess’ Celesteela to fly downwards; closest to where they can (the Weakling Ward people if they haven’t dispersed yet) and delivers information about how much thicker the barrier seems to be as compared to normal Dynamaxing ‘barriers’ he’s encountered so far
• after delivering the message, Celesteela flies back up and gets ready
• has a faster moving speed due to the Autotomize from earlier
• Celesteela charging forward, using Heavy Slam to attempt breaking a barrier segment on Okidogi!
• pulling out one Tornadus feather; pointing it at the Okidogi’s direction and letting it fly! (HELLO, been a while since these feathers were last SEEN!)

anyone close by or who wants to hear him yelling about the segments lmk
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 13:45:50 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
words from and support from the likes of , and would have been met with the optimistic cheers one would expect from him had delirium not consumed the grunt.

the overwhelming warmth from his mark starts to overload his senses as the never-rot arrive. his arm hangs limp on his side, sweat rolling off his temple as he faces the adversary head on.

logic escapes him. only the will to pull his weight remains.

"end this!" he shouts. "the orders-!"

max ooze bursts out, covering the fezandipiti with toxic waste in an ironic twist of events.

equally large appendages reach out for the bird as the mouth on the guzzlord's stomach unhinged itself from its jaw. the aim to consume after attacking it with its stomach acids doesn't seem to out of character from the ultra beast's voracity.

  • delirious from heat + injuries
  • dynamax guzzlord uses max ooze at fezandipiti
  • guzzlord opens its mouth to eat fezandipiti
  • dynamaxes barrier 3/3


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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
298 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 13:46:09 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Noticing the dynamaxed Pokémon, he frowned. It seemed their fight wasn’t over her. Wasn’t that just great? Sure, he didn’t see an enemy in sight at the moment, but everyone sure was preparing for a fight, like their opponent was going to appear before them any minute now.
If that was the case, he needed to make sure those he had come to know. With the whole riot and the initial escape, he had lost track of more than a few of his friends.
, , , and were all around here somewhere. Just as long as he knew they were okay, he would be. As long as he wasn’t sure, he would only worry about it, which, if a battle was coming, wasn’t a good thing.
With Volt beside him, he would begin to make his way through the crowd, looking for those he had come to know. He would also keep an eye out for any of the kids that had been snatched. As they weren’t yet adults, he was especially worried for any kid that may have nabbed.
If locating any of his friends or any kids, he would ensure they were okay before moving on. He might decide to keep close to one of his friends if he had managed to find them all, choosing to fight side by side with someone he considered a friend.
If he didn't, he would stick to himself as he faced the newly resurfaced wardens and the megalopolan that was being used as the speaker. Or maybe she was one of the masterminds behind this whole thing. Whatever it was, he wouldn’t let it stand.
Some weird thoughts Was it a Pokémon? I shot purple mochi at him. Seeing it flying towards him, he tried to dodge but was unable to do so. Feeling the effects of poisoning take over again, he shot a glare towards the Never-Rot.
"Seriously, I just got over being poisoned, and now you're going to poison me again. What too much of a fucking coward to fight us with full strength, so you have to resort to breaking and poisoning us? Are you all really that scared that you can’t take us on without playing dirty? How pathetic can you be?” he said, not bothering to hide the contempt he felt for the Never-Rot, the wardens, and whoever sided with them.
Narrowing his eyes further, he turned his attention to Volt. Of course, Volt was poisoned as well, but one look at the electric type showed him he was more than determined to continue the fight.
Seeing his determination burning strong, he directed his attention to the Okidogi. “Direct your attention to the barrier surrounding the Okidogi,” he commanded tersely.
Having his orders, Volt moved closer to the barrier in the hopes of putting a crack in it while simultaneously paralyzing the cruel dog Pokémon. Whether or not either would actually happen was the question.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Looks for his friends and any children out of worry how they’re fairing [break] Gets poisoned again [break] Isn’t happy about it (wait when is he ever happy) [break] Zebstrika uses Discharge against the barrier surrounding Okidogi [break] Injuries: broken arm (left), a few broken ribs, a few cuts and bruises, a few burns, poisoned



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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
734 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 14:14:19 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

alive with love tonight




Okay, yeah, Beau was actually in worse shape than Eddie would have liked. Despite the 'thumbs up' Beau had flashed him earlier and the bouts of healing tossed around by some of the other prisoners, his broken arm definitely needed to be tended to now that they had both recovered their teams of Pokemon and their items, [break][break]

Shit, bud, that fall really did a number on ya,” Eddie fretted as he looked the other man over. He paused and scratched at his own short beard thoughtfully, “Hold on a sec; think I can finagle a sling for ya, but this ain't gonna be pretty.” [break][break]

If there was some small kindness that their jailers had granted them, it was the fact that their uniforms were a two-piece ensemble. Eddie shrugged off his shirt, and with a little awkward maneuvering and many quietly murmured apologies for any pain caused in the process, he managed to guide the broken arm through one of the sleeves and out the opening for the neck, carefully tucking the excess fabric under the elbow of the injured limb. Eddie stepped back to appraise his work, oblivious to some of the chaos happening around him and to what remained of his own injuries, and smiled a little. Thank Arceus for basic training and YouTube tutorials, [break][break]

“Alright, now we're talkin'!” he beamed. [break][break]

But before Eddie could waste any more time metaphorically patting himself on the back, there was another crash and the falling of rocks, and Eddie's head whipped around toward the sound of the collapsing rubble. [break][break]

Now wasn't this just the icing on top of the shit cake? Their wardens had grown much, much bigger, and some maniacal Megalopolan was monologuing at them like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. Eddie glowered at his most hated warden in particular, silently fuming at the sight of the oversized mutt and his CORNERSTONE MASK. That thing looked like it could pack a nasty wallop, and it was probably in their best interest to dispatch the Pokemon quickly. Without thinking, Eddie grabbed his Tera Orb, palming it nervously as he assessed the situation.[break][break]

Suddenly, an explosive flurry of petals surged through the air, whirling furiously towards those Lousy Three, and Eddie watched the spectacle in amazement. A sudden thought occurred to him, and he turned with a new wolfish grin to Beau, [break][break]

“Looks like someone brought the spring; how's about we bring the storm?” [break][break]

It took no effort to identify the Pokeball the other Beau belonged to, and with a flick of the wrist, the Paldean Tauros was at his side. The Tera Orb in Eddie's other hand flared to life as Beau the bull bellowed and charged into the fray, making his advance through the flurry of dancing flowers. Black fur kaleidoscoped into dazzling fractals of oceanic blue, because while he had the body of a pugilist, the Tauros, like Eddie, was born in a land tied to the ever-shifting and mercurial aspect of water, soothing in one instant and ruthlessly overwhelming in the next. Each stamping hoof-step landed with a spray of sea foam, and new churning currents of water swathed the bull's body as he readied himself for a powerful WAVE CRASH. [break][break]

When Beau the bull finally burst from the gale of whirling blossoms, he lowed furiously and struck Okidogi's barrier with all the force of a raging maelstrom. Eddie grimaced as plumes of thick purple erupted from the impact site; it'd be just his luck that he'd get poisoned again after just having been cured of it. [break][break]

7_vpaJb6 [break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
NOTES: [break]
+ Uses shirt to make a sling for Beau's broken arm after grabbing his stuff [break]
+ Sees 's attack, decides to use it as an opening [break]
+ Beau the P!Tauros gains the WATER tera type, uses WAVE CRASH on Okidogi[break]
+ Gotta love that low roll :^)


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 14:16:29 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Pretty soon, her elder cousin, regroups with her and his former fiancee. She looks up to the large black dragon that is with him and without the toxic chains that would’ve bound him. “I’m glad to see that Zekrom is alright too, cousin.” A warm smile is directed at both the prince and his patron since the ambassador acknowledged the presence of his legendary.[break][break]

The appearance of the masked Wardens of their wards would incite anger from the small green ogress. Elise begins to assume that those masks really belonged to the Ogerpon that her fellow minor league gym leader bonded with. A storm of petals comes from the Comfey belonging to as they would try to attack the Okidogi.[break][break]

“We should team up, cousin.” A resolute nod comes from the Galarian royal when her royal rabbit with his budded crown stands tall alongside the Black Yin Pokemon next to . Yelling comes from the Fortree gym leader, , who flies on a massive looking bamboo ship Pokemon.[break][break]

With renewed resolve from the despair that they were put in, it was time to put the curtain on that massive Okidogi…[break][break]

“Charles, let’s put an end to this. Psychic now!”


The bulbous crown on the shard of Calyrex’s head glows light green as he uses his power. A rainbow glob of Psychic energies is summoned forth from the hare king as it turns into a Psychic blast combined with the storm of flower petals sent by the Comfey. That attack from the shard of Calyrex aims towards the giant Okidogi![break][break]


Profound, righteous anger comes from the Galarian ambassador and princess that she shares with her shard. A divine punishment from the King of Bountiful Harvests himself is a fitting end for a canine Pokemon that subjected the royal Galarian princess to her torment and suffering in her cell. [break][break]

This was the chivalrous ideal of the ‘king’ that she sought for. Protecting the weak as the 'king' and creating a brighter future for her country as well as holding the collective hopes and dreams of her people.


@tags [break][break]

Weakling Ward WE'RE FREEEEEE[break]
♔ Elise and Charles (shard Calyrex) stand with and Zekrom[break]
♔ Proposes that she and Remy tag team together.[break]
Main Action: Charles (shard Calyrex) uses Psychic on Okidogi!


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
813 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 15:46:30 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The overwhelming desire to have a means to an end of connecting the dream realm, tera shards, and all other mysterious elements into a cohesive web is an ecstasy that evades her at the same time vines wrap around her and keep her still. She was lucky to have held the child in such a way as to avoid its bite, but that very focus had cost her her own freedom. She flicks her gaze backwards to see the culprit, and a twin feeling of worry and sickness bubbles inside her. [break][break]

She does not want to beef with the Greyson Connors. As the vine traps her, she releases the child and lurches against it, collapsing to her knees and gagging. They're under his protection... But she doesn't want to hurt the kid so much as guarantee a survivor -- for her own ends, sure, but it's not like she's a kid killer. [break][break]

Of course, she finds herself throwing up at the first attempt to articulate it. She tries to gather herself. Meanwhile, everyone and their mum has dynamaxed and the deities that had trapped them (all of them, if the Megalopolans down here were not here willfully - it's still blurry) and Ameena feels a shift (in the ship? in her own sense of equilibrium?) from the large-scale chaos. "OK, OK. Fight first, then see who can be saved." She still feels dizzy as she gets to her feet; Greyson's released her, though she doesn't think it comes from any optimism about her intentions. [break][break]

She grabs the bracelet that fell from the child. Then, with Edith the Espathra at her side, she finds steady legs. "That one," she says as she points at Fezandipiti, "is the one you take down at all costs." Edith needs no further instruction and uses lumina crash on the ugly warden.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – feeling sick from the constant poison-not poisoned-poison !!! [break]
action: picks up fallen bracelet, espathra uses lumina crash on fezandipiti [break]4DWp_S1|



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 16:19:14 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]"Wake up, Azelf."[break][break]

It's never enough.

"Azelf please!"[break][break]

Cold. Lifeless. Slipping right through her fingers.[break][break]

A forceful shove pushes her back into reality, and it is only by Mesprit's intervention that she doesn't fall flat. In the moment, she feels the chill of death brush past her, an ever-familiar specter hungering for the moment she falls.[break][break]

"Miss Melody- I-"[break][break]

She'd tried so very hard searching, praying that she'd one day find Azelf. That they'd be safe at the end of it all. What now? Her teary eyes paint the world in the exact way it should be: Distorted, blurry, uncertainty eating at her very soul.[break][break]

But what would staying here do? What could she even do? With her gaze flickering between and , she knows -[break][break]

You're never enough.


Don't let it end like this.[break][break]


A voice. So small and fragile, yet clear and bright.[break][break]

"I'm sorry."[break][break]

She should never have left. No, rather, she should've never left him behind. And now she sees the undoing of a man, the knots and tangles that have created a mess in his heart.[break][break]

Around them, a battle surges to life. Danger descends upon them as behemoths rock the very structure of this prison. There are so many things she wishes she could do, but she simply doesn't have the time nor power to do so. To talk to him after all this time, to let him vent all his frustrations, to just go up to him and give a hug.[break][break]

But in the end -[break][break]

"When all this is over, I'll come find you."[break][break]

- change is slow and difficult.[break][break]

"I promise."[break][break]

She blinks away those tears. Taking ahold of 's hand, she will not linger any longer. Safety comes in numbers, closest to those who would actively watch their backs. Right now, even if all hope seems lost, she must protect both him and Azelf to her very last breath.[break][break]

"Uxie. Mes."[break][break]

They must understand, better than anyone else here. For a brief moment, she senses a distinct lack of something before it reappears with the chitters of a certain pixie. That weight that sits upon her chest, melded into her own emotions and attempting to overthrow it all.[break][break]


"Hold strong, Mes."[break][break]


"We'll take them down."[break][break]

It starts from the red jewel, a crack slowly growing and spreading as a crystalline sheen takes over. Emotions may run high upon this field, but none will compare to the pure anger that seethes within the pixie's chest. Their howl fills the air, a war cry that will haunt the wardens to their very graves as they unleash a Stellar Tera Blast upon them.[break][break]

[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
[attr="class","nikki103"]fucked up
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
✦ begging azelf to wake up but heeheehoohoo amirite[break]
✦ meleotta shoving eris pulls her back to see [break]
✦ hesitates when seeing , getting overwhelmed by despair with azelf dying on her[break]
✦ thinks to run away like what Melody said to do, but hesitates when she thinks through it[break]
✦ she's sorry, she shouldn't have left him behind in rocket...[break]
✦ jayden, she'll come back for you, this is a promise, not a threat[break]
✦ leading away from deadly ice man and other danger, recognises that PROTECTING AZELF AND HIDEO IS THE MAIN PRIORITY - she will die protecting them[break]
✦ STELLAR TERA MESPRIT, their anger is super strong and can probably be felt[break]


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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
156 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 17:22:24 GMT
through the dim fog of her pain, maki hears the megalopolan civilians speak. she manages to stand to her full height once more, wobbling only a little. this is just in time to see the windows open, and finally... she feels fear, however distant it is against the foreground of her usually impenetrable defenses. they are a long, long way away from home, and she realizes just how bad the situation is. if she doesn't manage to return, what will happen to her family? to her sister?

the loyal three crash in. against the roar in her head, she doesn't hear much of what's going on. but it only takes her a few moments to snap back to reality. i WILL return. no matter what. no matter what she has to sacrifice.

maki looks at the group of megalopolans, now fearing for their lives thanks to the arrival of necrozma. "cowards," she states plainly. "either stand on your own two feet, or don't stand at all."

she turns away from them to confront her enemies. her houndoom follows at her side, always loyal. if she remembers correctly, most dynamaxed pokemon are covered by a barrier of some sort of energy... attacking up close right now will leave her at a disadvantage, so instead she commands her pokemon to use flamethrower. the fire type opens its mouth, and a massive torrent of flame escapes from it, aimed directly at munkidori. what she really wants is to get her hands on cyllora, but that will have to wait. if she could, she'd choke the life out of him herself.


calls the megalopolans cowards.
her houndoom uses FLAMETHROWER on munkidori.

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 18:13:23 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

When bestowed a ball of gauze by , Andrew somehow managed to catch it. In the time he had, he quickly, albeit sloppily, applied it to his injuries.

By the time he was done, their Wardens, the Megalopolan General, and the shelled thing, all descended onto them. He looked at them all, especially Munkidori, with rage.

"You fucked with us first, you stupid cocksucker! Go fuck yourself!", Andrew spat at the Megalopolan General angrily.

Mochi bombs were launched towards them, threatening to explode and poison them. The Metagross, thanks to his heightened agility, began to weave through the barrage of poisonous mochi, moving closer towards the generals.

"The monkey! Fuck that monkey up!", Andrew commanded the Metagross.

The Metagross complied, making its way towards the Munkidori, until it got just close enough.

"Meteor Mash!"

Extending one of its arms outward, the Metagross struck at the Munkdori, and its Teal Mask, with all of its might.


tags: @tag
notes: Andrew bandaged himself up
Andrew argues with the general
Metagross attempts to dodge the Mochi Bombs
Metagross used Meteor Mash on Munkidori

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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