i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 15:46:20 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]

The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




When one of the staff answered ’s questions, the royal diplomat doesn’t find it difficult to read that the maidservant appeared to be extremely fidgety when she talks. The way that the maid suddenly changes her mind did make the maid to be a little suspicious… Maybe she is hiding something from Lutgarde. Elise’s own experience with her meekness really shone with her being able to read people like an open book.[break][break]

“I see, thank you for your input, madam.” A nod came from the Galarian Ambassador when the maid finishes talking and that the other woman helpfully gives information on where to find the other servers. “I’ve noticed that you appear to be very anxious. Are you sure that you do not have any other information that you can give or I would assume you are leaving out important details that you are not telling both Lutgarde and I?” [break][break]

As ambassador of the royal kingdom of Galar, she puts effort into politely speaking to the maid like a well-bred royal lady.[break][break]


@tags [break][break]

♔ Thanks the maid for her input.[break]
♔ notices the maid being fidgety and asks if she's not leaving out any important details.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".elise"]--accent: #D0BDF0!important; [/newclass]
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
410 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 12:39:34 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
A notebook! This reminds the ranger of the notebook they've started to keep, which ... unfortunately is in their bag. But gladly, Elise got them covered there, even if ... there's not much to write down at the moment.

The blackhaired is about to thank the maid and turn away, being oblivious to the maid's fidgeting hinting at something until Elise points it out. They look surprised at their colleague, impressed that she could have figured that out - but then again, they, themselves, are probably really too trusting.

And the absence of Sylv doesn't exactly make anything better in that regard, either - he'd have figured it out, probably.

However, they can't dwell too long on that, and they smile instead after Elise spoke. "Any bit of information can help us a lot to solve this mystery," Lutgarde adds with a gentle tone, slightly lowering their tall, intimidating frame a bit. "We just want to help you and also your Mistress by figuring out what happened here."

- did not figure out the maid could be hiding anything lol
- adds some gentle encouragement so the maid hopefully will tell them things :pray:
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,137 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 3:02:41 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"SCORE!" Howard's eye widened as he began to peer at the plundered pocket book. "What the...?"

The admin's eye grew to the size of a plate as he read through the pocket book. Names danced in his mind. Were some of these... surrounded in hearts? What did this mean? Could it be...? A million thoughts ran through Howard's head at a million miles a second. He knew what this book was. Unlike , Howard Slayte wasn't entirely hopeless with women. He had almost killed one, once, but that was normal in Rocket.

Besides, he wasn't sure if he counted as a woman or a force of nature.

"Holy shit...!" Howard gave a hushed whisper. "I've got someone's journal of sexual conquests!"

He did a fist pump. Hell yeah. He could sell this to someone in Rocket for a pretty penny. After reading through the names, he started looking around the closet with renewed vigor.

"Who knows what else is in here?" Howard let out a fervent murmur. "Hopefully nobody is looking for me."

He kept inspecting the closet.


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played by


jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
156 posts
part of
TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 18:00:28 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DUPLICITOUS MASQUERADE



continues to investigate around the body. The chef's shoe, she can see, is clean on the bottom-- meaning he wasn't the one making the prints. If she looks closer at the prints themselves, she can see the sole of the shoe was likely flat and sensible, roughly the size of a men's size eight. There's a spilled bag of flour on the floor nearby, along with a little bit of white powder on a shelf in the immediate vicinity. The flour trail itself leads towards the door, but by then the substance had mostly come off on the bottom of the show, so it can't be followed any further. The fridge itself is clean-- but that doesn't rule out the possibility that it was used as Elaine suspects. The murder method was not one that would leave behind much debris. The only thing that indicates any sort of struggle may have happened is the presence of a couple bottles on the ground.[break][break]

. meanwhile, heads to question the servers. The two of them are hanging anxiously by the bathrooms, looking somewhat ill. One of them answers Josh's question, though they don't seem too happy to be doing so. "J-just before dinner started," he mumbles. "He remade the soup after it was spilled... I saw him working on it." This would have been between 6:45 and 7 PM, when dinner officially started. The blackout happened at about 7:15. Is this when the chef was killed?[break][break]

The other server anxiously taps his foot. "Do you know if anyone's in the men's bathroom?" he asks suddenly. "I haven't been able to get in since this... uh, game, started. I think Ruby might have accidentally locked it after cleaning again." The only female employee here is the maid, so Ruby is likely her.[break][break]

and continue to question the maid, Ruby. She furiously shakes her head. "No, no, please..." She shuffles her feet and refuses to look either in the eye still. "I don't know anything, I..." When Lutgarde continues to question her, though, she finally caves. "I-- I saw the chef walking toward the kitchen around 6:30ish! But he should've been in the kitchen at the time...!" she finally blurts out. Then she grabs Lutgarde's sleeve. "P-please don't leave me alone somewhere... I don't want to be next...!"[break][break]

continues to look around the closet, possibly hoping to find something just as valuable as what he just found. Instead, upon digging through the area, Howard checks behind a few of the longer coats... and finds a pair of shoes, black and non-slip, the sort that might be worn by someone working who is still expected to present themselves well. On the tip of the shoes is a white powdery substance. If he inspects the inside of the shoe, he'll see they are a men's size eight... They were buried in the back, as if someone was trying to hide them.[break][break]

The intercom comes to life with a crackle. It's Maki's voice that you all hear. "I'd like everyone to report back to the dining hall," she says. "Please finish up what you're doing and return within the next ten minutes. Thank you."[break][break]

You have ONE POST per round to choose what to investigate and investigate it. Please ROLL at the end of the post and I will determine what information you have gleaned from your investigation. You have about four days to post. THIS IS YOUR FINAL INVESTIGATION ROUND. PLEASE WRAP UP AND MOVE BACK TO THE DINING ARFEA.



  • only VIP WINNERS can participate.
  • your pokemon have been checked in at the door and are inaccessible.
  • please provide a tl;dr with each post.
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in this thread. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • missing more than three posts will result in a disqualification from rewards at the end.
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.




MAY 24TH, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 3:02:01 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Duplicitous Masquerade VIP Room

"Ten minutes..."

The group had (or at least she had) spent a decent amount of time investigating. A lot of her focus had been the immediate area surrounding the body, something the others had seemingly wanted to avoid catching sight of.

"I hope the others were able to find something else useful."

If they were to start putting together the full picture in 10 minutes, Elaine was going to have to rely on the others to get a fuller picture of the situation. She had only hoped they were able to piece together the whereabouts of the victim before the murder and the whereabouts of any other potential suspects.

Perhaps someone had found the size eight shoes that had stepped in the flour trail.

"Well, if I'm going to have to be investigating here only, let's make this as complete as possible."

She focused her attention to the pantry again to comb over and make sure she hadn't missed any further clues.

  • Elaine's Dress and Mask
  • Elaine closes off the investigation with the final investigation of the pantry
  • Elaine hopes the others were able to turn up more details

Tags: None


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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:50:51 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]

The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




When her fellow ranger is able to get the maid to cave in, the ambassador takes note of the maid’s words. The chef was definitely on her suspects list since he probably wasn’t supposed to be there around the time. “Thank you for your help and your time, miss.” She nods towards the maid and tries to figure out if there were places to investigate. [break][break]

“What do you think we should do, Lutgarde?” As Elise begins to ask her fellow ranger, she doesn’t know what the others had done while they were both questioning the maid. “I am thinking we should investigate places that weren’t investigated thoroughly, so I will be investigating the kitchen.”[break][break]

She feels that would have everything handled on their side, so the ambassador in her formal dark dress leaves to do an investigation of the kitchen itself in search of clues that the chef might have left behind.[break][break]


@tags [break][break]

♔ Thanks the maid for her lead.[break]
♔ goes to investigate the kitchen.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".elise"]--accent: #D0BDF0!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".calcifet"]--bg: #222; --accent: #D0BDF0; --url:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/35/fe/f935fefd78075c4d09e8fb3f5568c068.jpg);[/newclass]
[newclass=".calcifet"]width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #222; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; position: relative;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calcifet b"]font: 500 12px/15px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".calcifet b"]font: 500 12px/15px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".calcifet .mcredits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; right: 9px; bottom: 55px;[/newclass][newclass=".calcifet .mcredits a"]font:bold 13px/13px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; transition:0.2s all; color:#38383885; [/newclass][newclass=".calcifet:hover .mcredits a"]opacity:1; transition:0.2s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
410 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 11:13:53 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Lutgarde smiles reassuringly at the maid as she finally confesses what she's seen - and isn't that a curious detail indeed ... They look pensive for a moment as they look around, recall the layout of the house ... does that mean the cook's been coming from the direction opposite from the dining hall, so ... east? "Don't worry, no harm will come to you," Lutgarde promises, still thinking this is a game and nothing actually serious - however, the maid's severe reaction do seem ... hmm. She must be a really good actress.

They turn to their colleague, and nod. "I think we should, yes," they agree with , then look over at the bathrooms. "I'll have a look around the bathrooms - I think the servers should be there, too, still, if no one else questioned them yet." They nod as Elise makes way towards the pantry. "You can come with me, Ruby," they tell the maid, before they head off towards the bathrooms themself, encountering there, talking to the servants.

"Hi! Found out anything interesting?" they ask, but oh- there's not much time left to investigate. "I'll have a look at the bathrooms before we return," they tell Josh, before investigating - after making sure no one's inside, of course. They'd also make sure to keep an eye on Ruby while looking around the bathrooms. Their specialty lays with drainage systems and sewers, so their focus is especially on those hidden tubes leading away from the bathrooms ... before realising they probably should generally look around, too.

"Ruby, let me know if you notice anything out of place, too!"

- reassures the maid ruby & keeps her with themself
- parts with elise to go investigate the bathrooms
- meets josh there, does a quick chitchat
- investigation: especially interested in the drainage system, but also realises there's more to bathrooms, asks ruby for help/anything out of place as well
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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 16:53:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

was quite the gumshoe, zeroing in on the circumstances surrounding the murder, as well as its timing. Why were the two by the restrooms? His questions would be answered quickly, but they didn't seem proud of it. His eyes widened when he heard Ruby had locked it. Why were they speaking so quietly? Did the murderer lock them inside the restroom? He had to make sure. "Thanks so much. I think it might be time to tag Ruby down and see what she knows."

With that, the Gym Leader would perform a sweep of the VIP Room in search of Ruby. Provided he could track the maid down, he would get straight to the point. Their time was very limited, after all. "Ruby, I need you to describe in detail where you were, what you were doing, and what you saw between 6>45 PM and 7:15 PM tonight."


- Josh does a sweep of the VIP Room in search of Ruby. If he finds her, he will question her about where she was and what she saw and did between 6:45 and 7:15.
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,137 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 4:39:51 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Howard Slayte, Admin Fox, the guy who unceremoniously kept Regice locked in an industrial freezer in Dewford Town, five time winner of 'best boss of the month' in the monthly Team Rocket Grunt Magazine, walked out of the closet with a hip new fit.

"So this is how the one percent dress..." Howard picked at the two extra layers of jackets he was wearing. Hey, if he was going to pilfer through Maki's secrets, it was probably for the best that he had a few extra pockets. Who knew what other things he'd find? Maybe another book of secrets, Maki's credit card, or one of 's Rainbow Feathers.

For now, his pockets simply held the book of names and a nice pair of shoes covered in flour.

"Man, I'm starving." Howard wandered past the trembling staff and his fellow investigators towards the pantry. "Is there bread in here?"

He squeezed past to look for bread. A murder mystery wasn't going to stop Howard from carbo-loading.


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played by


jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
156 posts
part of
TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 18:47:23 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DUPLICITOUS MASQUERADE



leaves for the kitchen, hoping to pick up anything that may have been missed by the previous investigators. Unfortunately, she finds nothing much of value, other than a pilfering the kitchen in search of bread and finishing up her investigation. Like before her, she treads over the trail of flour... not like it matters that much now.[break][break]

Elaine, too, doesn't find anything more in the pantry other than the spilled bag of flour. Howard squeezes past her to look for bread, and finds a loaf of it in the pantry. Score! Howard just keeps winning today. Though he might want to hurry back to the dining hall so he doesn't get dragged back by Maki when she comes to look for him.[break][break]

busies themself with searching the bathrooms. There's three of them, each one occupant only: a men's bathroom, a women's bathroom, and a "family" bathroom. One might wonder why they bothered to separate them by presumed gender at all, given only one person can be inside at a time, but that's a question that'll have to wait for later. Interestingly, though Lutgarde doesn't find anything of note in the open bathrooms, the family bathroom itself is locked. They can't get inside, so they'll have to resign themself to head back to the dining hall without having found anything there.[break][break]

Josh, meanwhile, finds Ruby, who is alone now that Lutgarde and Elise are done questioning her. She jumps at the sound of Josh's voice and whirls around, her eyes still puffy from crying. "Wh-what I was doing...? Um... Let me try and remember..." With everything going on, she didn't really keep track of the time. "I think... I was tidying up inside the bathrooms..." Bathrooms, plural. She doesn't mention if any of them were locked or not. Were they all unlocked at the time of the murder? "That's it, really. I wasn't doing much... I'm sorry I can't be of much help..."[break][break]

With the rest of the evidence gathered, it's time to return to the dining hall. Everyone is welcomed back and seated at the table once more. The two servers and the maid are there too, fidgeting anxiously, clearly uncomfortable. "Thank you for your cooperation," Maki says gravely. "I want us to go around the table and each say what we found. Please don't leave anything out." She takes a seat at one end of the table, with Seiichi lounging at the other end. "Once that's done, we can begin to discuss our theories and try to arrive at a sensible conclusion."[break][break]



  • only VIP WINNERS can participate.
  • your pokemon have been checked in at the door and are inaccessible.
  • please provide a tl;dr with each post.
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in this thread. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • missing more than three posts will result in a disqualification from rewards at the end.
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.




MAY 31ST, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 3:30:54 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Duplicitous Masquerade VIP Room

After resuming her investigations at the pantry, Elaine had not found much left. Beyond the odd sight of entering the pantry with a new (two?) blazer(s?) with pockets filled with something and scouring for a loaf of bread from the pantry, there was not much else to be found.

I swear he ate during the dinner. Wasn't he eating caviar?

Elaine sighed as the remaining few minutes passed and took off the gloves she wore throughout the investigation. "Well, come on. We have to go."

After warning Howard not to dawdle, she headed back to the dining hall. As she did, the others eventually trickled into the room, taking their seats one by one. Elaine had taken her place back where she had initially sat down before.

"If we're going to disseminate all the information we found, allow me to go first then." Elaine crossed her arms as she stood up from her seat. "I focused primarily on investigating the body and where it was discovered. The body of Chef Kawasaki was found in the pantry today at 1920. Upon its discovery, I examined the body in the state it was found."

Elaine took her arms and began to gesture at her neck as if she was closing a loop around her neck.

"The cause of death is strangulation. The victim looks to have been garotted, but the weapon was not found at the scene. Most likely, it has been disposed somewhere. Possibly, the trash or maybe even flushed down the toilet or sink. The remnants of that are merely the thin, blue-purple bruise circling his neck."

She then took her hands and shaped them like claws before once again gesturing at her neck. "There are also notable linear excoriations perpendicular to the loop around his neck, indicating that he may have resisted and as such was fully conscious when he had been killed. The kitchen had been mostly cleaned down, but there were a few bottles lying on the ground indicating that there had been a struggle. Meaning, from what I could see, that the kitchen was a likely site for the incident."

But that was hardly all. There was far more to what she had caught onto.

"Next thing to note was that the body was flaccid and unnaturally cold. Normally, rigor mortis sets in in stages. There's a whole load of physiology behind that involving the breakdown of the sarcolemma leading to released calcium leading to sustained binding of the myosin-actin complex, but that's all irrelevant for us. The point to remember is that corpses move over a stream of warm and flaccid to warm and rigid to cold and rigid to cold and flaccid. In other words, cold and flaccid is the final stage of rigor mortis, typically ocurring 36 hours after the time of death. But people had seen him and he cooked our meals. In other words, the other conclusion is that the culprit attempted to disguise the time of death. Rigor typically begins to happen about 2-4 hours after death, so if the body was discovered too late, the time of death could be narrowed down a bit more."

Elaine then gestured with her hands as if she was opening a door. She was going to rip off the bandaid on this one at some point so she might as well do it now. "So, I surmise that the culprit hid the victim's body in the fridge. I had said that the culprit attempted to disguise the time of death, but it could have also just been a happy side effect for them as their main objective was potentially to hide the body until the opportune time."

As she brought her hands back down to her side, she continued to explain her findings. "Which leaves one last clue I had found. From the pantry out, there is a trail of flour. One of the flour bags was likely broken when the victim's body was left in the pantry. Moreover, there were footprints in the flour reminiscent of a Size 8 men's shoe. Of note, the victim's shoes had not even a grain of flour on them. Which means there is a pair of size 8 men's shoes here covered in flour and belonging to the culprit."

Elaine brought her hands to the sides of her dress and took a gentle curtsy. "Simply with the state of the body, this level of reasoning is possible. What do you think, everyone?"

Case Notes from Elaine:
  • Elaine's Dress and Mask
  • Elaine spoke quite a bit so let's summarize the points here.
  • The victim was garotted and was conscious when it happened. Given the signs of a struggle and the fallen bottles in the kitchen, one may surmise that was the likely site of the murder
  • The body was flaccid and unnaturally cold, but that meant that the corpse had likely kept in a cold storage location until it was left out to be discovered
  • The trail of flour and the footprints indicate the culprit had stepped in it and that their size 8 shoes are somewhere on the premises
  • With the state of the corpse, this level of reasoning is possible for Elaine Highland. What do you think, everyone?


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 14:08:01 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

was first to act at the dinner table, putting so much information together that was tricky for Josh to follow it all. Was this how others felt about the Gym Leader's saddle skills? Everyone had their specialty, and Elaine's was being one of Hoenn's greatest gumshoes. What Elaine didn't have, though, was a timeline. The inquiries Josh had gone about were focused on putting a timeline together. And that didn't require a criminology Ph. D.

The Gym Leader stood up once Elaine was done and contributed what he could do establishing such a timeline. "The servers for the dinner stated the last time the victim was seen alive was between 6:45 PM and 7 PM." From Josh's facial expression, and others may have been able to tell he was suspicious of one of the servers not being forthcoming. They would have had access to the kitchen, too. Even if they weren't the culprit, they could easily have been an accomplice. "Then, I talked to Ruby to try to piece together where she was at the time of the murder. She said she was cleaning the restrooms during that time. As in more than one. None of the people looked too happy to speak to me, either... especially not the servers."

With that, Josh sat back down in his chair. "Elaine did a very good job putting the cause of death together. I think now we need to focus on the events leading up to the murder. Anyone else have anything else to say about the timeline?"

- Josh reports that the soup had to be remade last minute because it was spilled between the hours of 6:45 PM and 7 PM.
- Josh asks if she noticed any soup being spilled.
- Josh reports Ruby was cleaning the restrooms at the time of the incident.
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sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 20:40:17 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much to see in the bathrooms before being called back into the dining hall by . Lutgarde promptly follows, noting down the curiosity of binarily gendered bathrooms and the locked family bathroom. Is this one private, or just a way of saying unisex? And it's not like there's been actually much difference between these two that the ranger could tell from a glance ... but bathroom questions aside, they sit down at the table with a chipper look on their face, curious what the others might have found out.

They also look reassuringly at Ruby, glad to see her alive - but well, why wouldn't she be, indeed?

's report is thorough and reveals a lot of information - a bit too much for Lutgarde to properly process. They take out their own notebook now, marking down some of the important bits and pieces that they gathered. They nod, pensively as they recall the information they gathered, as was the next to share his information.


"I think Ruby said that she saw the cook walk towards the kitchen at 6:30, if I remember right? He would've come from the East." They look at both Ruby and who's been with them during the interrogation. "Ruby, I also have a question for you, actually, still. I went to the bathrooms to take a look, but the "family" bathroom was locked - was this one also locked when you cleaned them? Do you have the key?"

- returns to the dining hall, sits down where they sat before
- takes out their notebook to make some notes during elaine's report
- information the cook walked towards the kitchen at 6:30 according to ruby
- information the "family" bathroom has been locked; asks ruby for details about the bathroom situation when she cleaned them
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 0:35:00 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]

The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Inside the kitchen, the royal diplomat had been searching for a lead once she had gotten the information from the maid that the cook wasn’t supposed to be there. Unluckily, Elise is not able to find any sort of clues that could help the others and she gives up on looking there. Was there somewhere that she hadn’t looked at? That was a question she could answer if there’s a place that wasn’t investigated yet.[break][break]

A cause of death is pinned down by the other young woman. Now, they would have to put down the timeline of events that led up to the murder. “I think if I got the information from Miss Ruby down along with Lutgarde… Perhaps the time of the blackout would be a little later after the soup was served around 7 PM.” This was the best that Elise can contribute to the timeline, but she wasn’t confident in her sleuthing skills. "I did not find anything else in the kitchen unfortunately, but I did find out a piece of information over Miss Ruby speaking about the chef along with Lutgarde."[break][break]

did raise a little point over the information they had gotten too.[break][break]


@tags [break][break]

♔ Elise does her side of the deduction over the timeline.[break]
♔ She discusses things from her investigation in the kitchen.


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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 5:32:49 GMT
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"Holy shit..." Howard walked into the main room with all the grace of a disheveled Spikemuth alcoholic. "This bread..."

He spread his hands gracefully, like the royal he was masquerading as. "Impeccable. You can taste the flavor of each peasant who sheered each stalk of grain."

His impression was pretty solid. Maybe next he'd spit on some poor people before recording his royal coronation to the millions of Galarian citizens who were still on food stamps. The struggles of royalty. Truly, Howard's life was one of many struggles and great tribulations.

"I found some shoes!" The archaeologist pulled a pair of shoes from one of his many pockets. Flour smeared them, though the admin was careful to not disturb the smears any further. "Size eight men. I think I can fit in these, actually."

Howard looked around at the somber masks of his fellow party-goers.

"Can I keep them?"

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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