i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 3:05:08 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar
[attr="class","glizzy cadet"]

Cadeyrn winced in pain as his arm was treated, the throbbing reminder of his reckless bravery. He had messed up—seriously, badly—but deep down, he didn’t regret a single moment. As Elise’s chosen knight, he was honor-bound to protect her, yet in the heat of battle, he had lost sight of the love that fueled his every action. The thought of her safety had eclipsed the bond they shared, a bond that felt fragile amid the chaos of their world. One day, when the war settled and the ashes of conflict had cleared, he would make it up to her. For now, honesty was all he had to offer.[break][break]

“Of course, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight,” he said, his voice steady despite the pain. A smile broke through the grimness of his expression. “We are a couple, after all, and that’s what couples do. I will always be there for you, no matter what.”

In that moment, it felt as though the world around them faded, leaving only the two of them—together, united against the chaos. But just as their connection deepened, a shadow loomed over their tender moment. [break][break]

Cadeyrn’s heart dropped as he noticed the ambush. The masked Team Rocket grunt aim at Elise. “You again.” He shoved the woman behind him instinctively, drawing his sword with a swift, practiced motion. His mind raced as he fought against the pain in his arm.[break][break]

With a quick parry, he deflected the grunt’s sneak attack, adrenaline coursing through his veins. But the unease settled heavily in his gut. If The Rocket was here, then his Pokémon weren’t far behind. Just then, he caught sight of Ivy, still hidden but vigilant, waiting for the right moment to strike. [break][break]

No, don't push her away, She handle this jerk better than he did. He need her now more than never they had to watch other backs. “Elise… fight with me.” He pointed his sword at the enemy, a knight's rallying cry echoing in his chest. He remembered the ideals he had sworn to uphold—honor, bravery, and protection. Yet, the anger boiling inside him twisted those ideals into something darker. It felt less like a noble battle and more like a struggle to murder and kill. “Back again for more? Fine, lets' dance.”;

         ,  [break][break][break]

         • Location: M-5[break][break]
  • Summary: Cade getting medical attention from Elise. Ivy the dragapult is hiding. Elise and Cade have a touching moment until masked Rocket ruins the moment and takes action stopping the ambush. [break][break]




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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 4:33:33 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Everything broke apart in an instant, hurling Elisabeth through a screen of smoke and sand. The corpse of and the unknowable figure of receded in the rear view behind her, replaced by a distressingly familiar figure.

Inexplicably, Regirock was here.

Even as the Dynamaxed Regice thudded towards it, Elisabeth lifted her arms to summon a series of thorny vines to tangle around the mammoth Rock-type, hoping it would be enough to at least slow its rampaging.

Behind her, a different Pokémon floated into view, unblinking cerulean eyes fixed on those of .

Any sibling familiarity that might have spared Tapu Lele's Avatar was soundly extinguished with NATURE’S FURY.


-power is out and this is a half assed mobile post I’ll fix it later kms
-probably K2?
-earthquake separates Elisabeth from
-uses avatarship powers to try and hold regirock down w vines
-tapu fini decides to have familial warfare w using NATURE’s FURY
-lmao that should have read nature's madness rip

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played by


August 22
Dewford City
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
200 posts
Yuan Wright DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wright
Yuan Wright
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 6:46:15 GMT
Yuan Wright Avatar

[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


There was plenty of time for cowardness when he wasn't equipped to deal with such issues and battles![break][break]

Wright thought to himself as he was tryin to run for his life when and first told them to start heading back after their encounter with the avatar. What was their name? Eh who cares he can review footage later and decide as right now his lungs were burning as he was trying to run to keep up. The god damn sandstorm definitely didn't help anything. [break][break]

Though from the sounds of the coms escaping this thing wasn't an option. Especially with the orders of trying to fight it. He watched in some awe as one of the admins decided to pit the ice giant against the rock titan. Though more importantly it seems like Praim was about to abandon him in the middle of the battlefield and that was a no go in his book. He did not have the experience for this kind of battle and he wasn't going to fall behind. Especially when he hears the yelling even over the raging storm:[break][break]

WHO THE F̵̮̠̀͠U̸̧͔̼̘̯̟̘͋̏̑̽̂C̸̠̰̯̞̭̻̹͑̊̔ͅK̶̢̧͈͉̝̼̥̙͉̆͌͛̍̎͛͋͆ TOUCHED M̷̞̩̙̳̻̬̥͔̙̕Y̶̙̪̻͋̽̀̊ ̴̻̲̬͐̑̇ HOSPITAL!!!

Yeah no he wasn't making that his problem. Using his Ultra Beast he is able to fly up to the top of the Regiice following not far behind Priam before landing atop the titan and the engineer is starting to regret his choices. "You're all fucking insane for this!" he calls out to the lot of them but he was here and so he was going to have to help. [break][break]

"Burn it!" he orders as the Ultra Beast tries to WILL-O-WISP the titan hoping that burning it would help weaken it somewhat. [break][break]





+ [break]
+ Wright is panicking about the orders as he is worn down from running as he follows Priam after their Prelude[break]
+ Uses his Blascephalon to follow said beast and land ontop of Regiice and calls fucking crazy [break]
+ Blascephalon attempts to use WILL-O-WISP on Regirock
+ Atop Regiice at K-3 cause Mag bullied me

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,098 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 7:56:33 GMT




the sudden EARTHQUAKE separates them as the ground splits down the middle and forceful tremors push them apart. fernando can barely maintain his balance despite his ZYGARDE trying to tether them together. the sudden SANDSTORM snuffs out the immediate danger of dorian’s fire but loose branches and broken bits of foliage introduce a new poltergeist of dangers.

it takes him a good while to find his way out of PETALBURG WOODS. the limited visibility forces fernando to run in a straight line, hoping that eventually, he’ll find a clearing. a vague assumption that the worse the SANDSTORM becomes, the closer he gets to PETALBURG brings him right into the city’s outskirts.

this is sil–

the dead of his comm device is overshadowed by the sound of his ZYGARDE’s DRAGON PULSE. what he fails to spot against the constant buffering are the boulders ’s NIHILEGO is already addressing. his pokemon joins in too, ear pointed backwards in worrisome fear.


- exit petalburg woods at H3
- coincidentally joins up near and ?
- ZYGARDE attempts to destroy incoming boulders via DRAGON PULSE
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played by


Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:02:11 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"Hey! Howwy, you know what we should do?!" Hunu cackled through the sand storm, arm raised as he glared through the blistering sands. With a bite, he felt the grains crush between his pearly whites. He felt the golden soil get into his gums, he needed himself some sight. Mounting the neck of his tree, Hunu followed after the Admin and his Dynamaxed Ice-God. Hunu whistled violently and grinned a twisted smile. "Let's break some skulls!" The man cackled, trying to bring attention toward him. There was no such thing as bad press, as the duo navigated throughout the storm. 

As rubble pelted from the skies, the mans face twisted to a frown. This was boring, he barked up toward their Dragon Type. "Aye bud! Block 'em for daddy, will ya?" Within that moment, the large tree danced their neck around. As Hunu held on, like a rodeo cowboy! "Yehawww!" Hunu cried, as Kane formed barriers of reflect. Layering them around their body and Hunu's physique, the bombardment was defended against. As both the Pokémon and Hunu were near the feet of the Regice, the Mercenary couldn't help but bellow a laugh.

"Ooooowe'regonnamakeanameforourselves'ere!" Hunu announced, almost chewing on his own tongue from not taking a breath. He was prepared for whatever was to come his way, still holding onto the neck and bark of his dragon type!



Hunu is at K3 with Regice, Howard, and co. However Moving at the Feet.
Hunu is being loud asf
Kane used Reflect to defend against the boulders and shield from the sand storm.
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played by


October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:52:09 GMT
shiv Avatar






FOR THIS FLASH RAID, heavy moderation will not occur unless required. There may be instances where the thread "freezes" for several characters to interact, etc. Below is a list of summarized actions from the participating characters, including some resolutions of actions.


[attr="class","prompt0"]'s medical expertise and GARDEVOIR allow her to revive 's GENGAR. After she tends to , her SWAMPERT PROTECTS with against the incoming SANDSTORM and boulders.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s TREVENANT creates a protective fort for cover with HORN LEECH & LEECH SEED, eventually protecting him and from the incoming SANDSTORM and boulders.

[attr="class","prompt0"] approaches and , encouraging them to stay. Her DIANCIE cuts through the debris with its sword/DIAMOND STORM.

[attr="class","prompt0"] defends against the incoming boulders with her FLYGON'S BUG BUZZ. She communicates to fellow League trainers and encourages them to engage the REGIROCK.

[attr="class","prompt0"] navigates the trauma incurred by REGICE and will eventually see in the sands.

[attr="class","prompt0"] leaves Petalburg Woods, but loses and in the process. Atop of his TYPE: NULL, narrowly avoids an incoming boulder that would have surely crushed him.

[attr="class","prompt0"] finds himself near and . His 10% ZYGARDE destroys incoming boulders with DRAGON PULSE. He hears cry futilely to the REGIROCK.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s AGGRON weathers the SANDSTORM and uses PROTECT. She recognizes the titan's vague appearance due to her experiences in the RKS SIMULATION and AREA ZERO: EXCURSIONS. She shouts at it to leave, but the Legendary Giant is impartial to her plea.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s NIHILEGO unleashes a POWER GEM to destroy the boulders falling toward her. The bright light is seen by and and others who witness the attack. She's navigating her trauma while attempting to do what's best for the region.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is reinvigorated by the KANTO ROCKET BOSS' VOICE. She moves towards the voice's direction in the sandstorm.

[attr="class","prompt0"]' CHIKORITA uses REFLECT. A boulder collides into it, deflecting it towards accidentally. He pulls her out of the way in the nick of time.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and her NIDOQUEEN helps her through the SANDSTORM. She hears ULYSSES MONROE'S VOICE too.
[attr="class","prompt0"] is separated from , and as the SANDSTORM tears into the city. With TERAKKION, he is led to 's location.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and tend to each other at a medical station. The Princess' GENGAR uses PROTECT to prevent a boulder from crushing them. 's DRAGAPULT hides, waiting for when it is needed.

[attr="class","prompt0"] has been stalking and finally finds a moment to strike. He emerges from the sands to attack the princess, but is parried by 's knight, .

[attr="class","prompt0"] emerges from earthquake debris. Although he can not clearly see the REGIROCK, his WOOPER attempts to use WATER GUN when it senses a boulder being thrown. The attack cuts through the sands, but it is unsure if it lands.

[attr="class","prompt0"] loses track of and , but she witnesses REGIROCK'S EYES emerging in the sands. Her AZELF remains disguised as a RALTS.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SYGNA SUIT is active with his TYPHLOSION, allowing him to weather the SANDSTORM better than normally. He carries 's unconscious body as he shouts for aid.

[attr="class","prompt0"] answers 's call for medical assistance. They alight with TOGEKISS and use LIFE DEW t o heal and .

[attr="class","prompt0"] recuperates at a medical tent before rushing toward with her GLASTRIER. She injects epinephrine into expeditiously to help him.

[attr="class","prompt0"] arrives, followed by SUICUNE. A TAILWIND grants them some relief from the swirling sands, but the conjured POOL OF HEALING WATERS assists , , , and himself.

[attr="class","prompt0"] eventually stirs awake after being injected with epinephrine by . The persona he created with during PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY takes over before he recalls his fainted SIRFETCH'D.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is grateful to witness , , , and gathered together. With her MESPRIT, she rushes toward them.

[attr="class","prompt0"] speeds toward the REGIROCK'S GLOWING EYES. He attempts to heal the Giant with his ability of HEALING SCALES...

[attr="class","prompt0"]Separated from after the murder of , summons vines to hold the REGIROCK down with vines. She is able to quickly find a limb to try and subdue due to her past encounter with the Giant, but will struggle immensely due to its DYNAMAXED SIZE. Her TAPU FINI attacks with NATURE'S MADNESS who has landed somewhere on the REGIROCK'S BODY.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Nearby, communicates with before taunting who has made his presence known. His DRACOVISH fires a DRAGON PULSE toward the Bug-type Specialist.

[attr="class","prompt0"]The wild card, , attacks with his LUCARIO and an EXTREME SPEED before consulting with .

[attr="class","prompt0"] rides atop his DYNAMAXED REGICE alongside fellow Rockets, , , and . The Legendary Ice Giant marches into the city as the Admin shouts back at ULYSSES MONROE who is somewhere in the sands. The REGICE uses MAX KNUCKLE at REGIROCK'S FORM EMERGING IN THE SANDS.
[attr="class","prompt0"]After lamenting the departure of GENESECT PRIME, he rides the REGICE with his GOUGING FIRE. A SUNNY DAY pierces through some of the SANDSTORM to illuminate where the REGIROCK is for his allies.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s LEGENDARY MARK begins to burn/glow, confirming that the REGIROCK is indeed, DYNAMAXED. His SHEER FORCE BRAVIARY uses a HURRICANE to protect his party from incoming boulders and debris.

[attr="class","prompt0"] lands on the DYNAMAXED REGICE with his BLACEPHALON. His BLACEPHALON uses WILL-O-WISP toward the titan, but there are no signs of its efficacy as the wisps disappear into the sands.

[attr="class","prompt0"] moves alongside the DYNAMAXED REGICE with his ALOLAN EXEGGUTOR. A REFLECT is erected to defend himself against a boulder, which promptly crumbles after impact.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SHADOW ARMAROUGE is able charge its AURA SPHERE, firing it at the opportune moment...


🎼 Battle Vs. Regi Trio - Pokémon Masters EX OST

REGIROCK HAULS ITS TORMENTED BODY FROM THE CREVASSE. As the Giant's full DYNAMAXED body rises, the following trainers and their Pokemon are battered by the harsh SANDSTORM:

's empathetic heart cries for REGIROCK. However, as his scales settle on the rising Giant's body, he notices that there is nothing to be healed—or the Titan perhaps, operates by different, ancient rules. Through the sands, attacks converge upon him, including 's WILL-O-WISP and a WATER GUN from 's WOOPER. He is able to defend against 's DRACOVISH'S DRAGON PULSE, but 's LUCARIO'S EXTREME SPEED forces him to make an evasive maneuver. Consequently, it opens to be struck by 's TAPU FINI and its NATURE'S FURY.[break][break]

The MAX KNUCKLE from 's REGICE is matched with the REGIROCK'S OWN. Fists of rock and ice collide against each other, forming a temporary bridge as rocks and icy shrapnel scatter from the point of impact. The Giants are forced into a brief contest of strength. However, THE FEAR PRESENT WITHIN REGIROCK BEGINS TO SEEP INTO REGICE: a sensation will be quick to realize.[break][break]

's SHADOW ARMAROUGE launches a powerful AURA SPHERE. It lands against the REGIROCK, briefly delaying an imminent MAX ROCKFALL before it throws another punch toward the REGICE and those on it.[break][break]


MEANWHILE, the voice of ULYSSES MONROE may bring , , and closer to J5. Should they wade through the sands, avoiding REGICE'S MARCH and REGIROCK'S THROWN RUBBLE, they will witness a tall, well-built man sporting a thick grey-beard. Behind him, an AERODACTYL wafts its heavy wings. Several Rocket grunts can be seen behind him, wielding various Kantonian Pokemon: Onix, Rhyhorn, Alakazam, Starmie. It seems that ever since Kanto's fall, the diversity of the crime syndicate's Pokemon has widely expanded.[break][break]

Before the Kanto boss, those who approach will see the dreadful scenery of scattered bodies: soundly defeated League personnel. But in the defeated crowd's center, those who are familiar with him will see Verdanturf's GYM LEADER, , sprawled out as an unmoving heap.[break][break]

Should see ULYSSES, he would say: "look lads! my niece is here! a family reunion during war! who would've thought, gahahaha!"[break][break]

Those who are hostile to him will immediately face attacks from his Kantonian Rocket grunts behind him.[break][break]


THOSE IN THE EAST, , , , , and find themselves interrupted by the lashing of a TOXIC CHAIN. A shriek pierces the sandstorm as an unnerving figure wades through the gritty veil. would be able to identify the Pokemon with fierce immediacy. A MUNKIDORI, newly resurrected from the broken statues and coalesced negative emotions of war, lunges in with a sadistic vengeance. With a swing of its chain, a SLUDGE WAVE is cast toward the entire group.[break][break]

IN THE WEST, , , and suddenly smell a sweet scent on the sands. From the storm, a FEZANDIPITI soars with its charming pheromones. A POISON GAS rolls toward them before the bird, desiring revenge, attempts a CROSS POISON for the most vulnerable trainer.[break][break]

CLOSER TO THE CITY'S CENTER, eventually comes face to face with his former warden. As encounters the OKIDOGI for the first time, the dog swings its chain toward them for a devastating BRUTAL SWING before lunging for the most vulnerable trainer with its muscle-hardened body.[break][break]


FOR THIS ROUND, you MUST ROLL using the roll command. SALAC BERRIES can be used for REROLLS.[break][break]

If you roll a 1-25, your character and/or their Pokemon MAY be subject to harm by Team Rocket, The Loyal Three, Regirock.



ATTACHED BELOW is an updated map of Petalburg City and Route 104.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab for full image)




THIS IS A RAID EVENT where characters post every round, attempting actions and/or responding to prompts or scenarios present within provided MODERATOR POSTS. Oftentimes, characters must make use of the ROLL command, which can determine the success of actions and/or create narrative tension.

This event is "DEATH-ENABLED". However, one should not worry too much about Pokemon or characters dying. Depending on player action, these high stakes can potentially be navigated without loss. Regardless, players can collaborate with me if they would like to craft dramatic moments like sacrifices, if it is able to be integrated into the event well.[break][break]

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this event to connect with new characters and to step out of your comfort zones. These events often act as a springboard for a variety of plots in its aftermath, with consequences that impact the wider site narrative and/or setting.[break][break]

Considering 's current health, this event will likely be SHORT, HAVE QUICKER TURNAROUNDS & HAVE LESS DETAILED MODERATOR POSTS. It is up to you to develop your stories, your dramatic moments, and more in response to the scenario presented.[break][break]

The plan is to conclude this event by the END OF AUGUST.[break][break]

Do note that this is A ROCKET VS LEAGUE faction-based event.



  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable). in certain and permitted cases, another pokemon may be out on the field as well- but they cannot make an action.
  • [break]
  • please only use ONE MOVE.
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]





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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,071 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 6:03:23 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The true potential of Dynamax is on full display. Buildings crumble under the weight of worldshakers designated to defend the earth below from the advent of the heavens. It is a glorious display of humanity's prowess and the most scathing criticism of their destructive tendencies.

Regice is massive. It offers large swaths of protection from the storm and from the madness below, offering a mobile artillery platform that , , and use well. The admin can't help but wonder if this is how the golem was used in ancient times, when the region burned.

Thud. Thud. Thud. The sound continued. The infuriating sensation continued to grind at the admin's ears, demanding he heed the events of Dewford.

The two titans meet and the sound of rocks grinding and ice cracking echoes for miles. A bridge is formed, but it dissipates shortly after as the Regice winds up another punch. Another Max Knuckle. They will stalemate again, but Regirock is fresh and Regice is not, the unfortunate byproduct of six trainers combining their efforts to knock the admin from his icebound throne.

"No, Priam. It's not in the plan. This is fucking meaningless." He rants to Priam, to Oscar, to Wright, to whoever listens to the man slipping from rationality to hysteria. "Petalburg is fucked. We're all fucked."

Thud. Thud. Thud. The fists meet again. The archaeologist's eye widened as black cracks, viscious and ominous, spread from the infected defender to its pristine sibling. Immediately, the pounding grew louder. He recognized the cracks from a dream of Galar.


The distant sound of a bellow and a vessel overflowing with malice eat at his mind.

A voice cuts through the failure and fear and regret and hate. A specter on the ground called to him, asking irrelevant questions about his strength, unaware of the fact that Howard Slayte was not strong. It is Oscar that is strong, with a mind that engineers brilliance. It is Priam who is strong, who has fought Regirock before.

But he could be.

A voice cuts down from the heavens, cruel and loving and hating all at once.

"Yes." His voice carries stories down to . "I'll be stronger. Gotta be, to shoulder this weight."

But it is the strength of the masses that culminates in the strength of the one. He taps at the communicator in his helmet, grimacing with the fact that Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf had fried his communicator. Fuck Howard, he supposed.

"Oscar." The admin threw a Pokeball towards the scientist. He grinned from beneath the helmet, his face dire. I'm gonna be stupid. Assuming something happens to me, find Regice a good trainer. Keep it if you want, I don't care. Just use it against Eternatus when the time comes."

Another pause. The fists prepared to meet again as two Max Knuckles collided.

"Have it play with Genesect. Maybe you can be better to it than I was." He tapped a container on his Sygna Suit, ensuring that Priam's statue from the Desert Ruins was there. Good. He had that, and as he tapped at his belt, he found a few empty Pokeballs. That would suffice. "Later, Priam. Wright. Get Dorian and whoever else you can scramble up to blast its fucking legs."

The fists met. Fear infected the icebound colossus further, though the Wishing Star within began to glow vibrantly as energy accumulated in the core.

"I'm off."

He sprinted across Regice's arm, his Sygna Suit offering moderate protection from the sand, though the Sandstorm caused him to trip and stumble as he crossed onto Regirock's arm. Rock. Stone. He understood those. He had built his life on them. Fear wiggled in his mind as he sprinted across the massive stone arm the size of a freeway.



Fear. What a toxic rot it was. No wonder the golem was so enraged. How had he resisted it? Zacian's influence? No Zacian here, no Zaria to protect him. Only himself and whatever fire support Oscar magicked into existence.


"Nope. I'm not. I beat you last time. Couldn't get me in Galar, can't get me now."

He began to climb the stone colossus.

Bitches at Wright/Oscar/Priam, gives Oscar Regice's Pokeball
Notices Regice is getting corrupted, recognizes Ting-Lu's influence from Garden of Avalon
Getting corrupted by fear, getting fucked by sand
Taking Regirock's ODD REGI STATUE from Ruins of Regirock
Taking some Pokeballs
Start praying
Regice uses MAX KNUCKLE again as it charges power in its core

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 7:36:34 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu couldn't help but laugh, as the reflect had broken from the effects of the boulder. The Polynesian threw their head back, and raised his free arm to shield himself from the pummeling debris that was left off from the Two Titans. The Mercenary for Hire, glared toward the Regirock and Regice as the seemed to continue to come to a stalemate. He shook his head, where was the fun in one against one. The more the merrier, right? His eyebrows furrowed as he glared through the sandstorm, with assistance from his Alolan Exeggcutor's ability. Pinpointing Howard as he made for a suicide jump. "Hey! No fair! I though you didn't like that kind of shit!" the Merc for Hire spat out, spiteful as Howard seemed to try and take the main character role. 

With a click of his fingers, Hunu retreated from the neck of his Dragon Type as it reeled itself back and barreled it's heavy long neck into the lower rock physique of the Rock Titan! Attempting to deal heavy damage with the usage of Wood Hammer, hoping to crush into the small fragments of stone imbedded into the titan's body. Although Dynamaxed, Hunu hoped to abuse the power indifference into his favor with both size and type advantage. Using the points of movement delayed by the Aura Sphere created and targeted. Still, Hunu made himself knowledgeable of the environment. Ensuring both he and Kane were out of the way of the icy and rock shrapnel that rained from above.

He understood the recoil from his Exeggcutor would be heavy, depending on how much damage he would have dealt to the Titan. "Hey! If you fall down, I ain't catchin' ya. Not les you pay me, ya prick!"



Hunu yelled at Howard
Hunu moved with Exeggcutor
Exeggcutor used Wood Hammer
Hunu yelled some more
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,043 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 9:53:25 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

While getting battered by the roaring sandstorm, and through the tumult of war, Andrea made out a familiar voice. There was only one person she knew who addressed her on a last-name basis. “B-Baki?! Is that you?!” A Nihilego’s presence all but confirmed that it was indeed .
The draconic cosplayer clenched her Hydreigon-shaped fists. “How? How can I save Hoenn… when I can’t even save those I love?” She lamented, her bloodstained Sygna Suit being a grim testament to her failure as a trainer.
But there was not enough time to dwell on that. Ogerpon caught a familiar scent in the air, just like it had during the battle against . That scent sent the Oni into a frenzy.
“Grrrrr! Pon!”
Its seething anger was enough to clue its caretaker in, her despondency replaced with sheer determination. “I’ll leave Regirock to you! I know you and Manju can handle it!” The dragon-costumed woman told Tsubaki. “We’ve got another battle to fight. They have returned…”
Meatloaf was sent back out, while Barron was sent back in. Andrea climbed onto her trusty Salamence’s back with Ogerpon clinging to her shoulder. “Meatloaf, Fly in the direction Pon tells you!”
“Pon pon!”
With a keen nose that rivaled the best of hounds, the ogress directed the dragon to the closest source, located near the city’s center. The winged serpent took flight, getting pelted by rocky debris and sandstorm particles on its way there.



- Continued from TFW PRELUDE: PETALBURG SCENARIO B-4[break]
- Ogerpon catches the scent of the Loyal Three[break]
- Andrea tells to handle Regirock while she goes to battle "them"[break]
- Barron (Aggron) is switched out[break]
- Andrea and Ogerpon ride on Meatloaf (Salamence), who uses Fly[break]
- Meatloaf (Salamence) receives damage from the Sandstorm[break]
- Flying to G-3 where Okidogi is



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,208 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 13:52:24 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]For what it's worth, the blessed pool provides more than just healing, the sudden chill of water flowing across her skin rousing her from her stupor. A quiet curse falls from her lips, the harsh sting of her burns now grasping her full attention as her eyes flutter wide open.[break][break]

"Got any painkillers? Could really use some right now..."[break][break]

It's hardly an appropriate time to joke but her head hurts, more so than usual. Were or okay? She'd been borderline lucid when Suicune rescued her from the flaming wreck she once called a home, barely able to notice where they'd all gone when the sandstorm had kicked up. Hell, where in the world had Suicune brought her to? Was that a giant Regi just over yonder?[break][break]

From beyond her barrier of frozen emotions, a sudden wave of dread rocks her entire being. In an instant, a slender hand rests upon her shoulder, their chirp brisk as the pixie narrows their gaze in the direction of the shriek. It's familiar. An uncomfortable kind of familiar that makes her tense.[break][break]

As soon as the shadow lunges, Mesprit reacts, throwing up their hands as a bright pink barrier attempts to stand in the way of the oncoming sludge. There is no time to make sense of when and how this creature revived itself, an unnatural surge of adrenaline pumped right through Eris' veins as they push her to act. A hand raised towards their enemy, a burst of unadulterated fear manifests in a brilliant red chain that seeks to restrain and contain the threat.[break][break]

But that sensation does not subside, the pinpricks of danger still digging into her skin. Even as the girl jolts from the pool, quite nearly drags herself out to place more distance between herself and Munkidori, Mesprit's influence does not wane. After all, fear ignites the senses, fear gives more life to her than kindness ever could. If it keeps her alive, then so be it. They cannot afford to lose her like they once did Azelf.[break][break]

[attr="class","eris103"]tile n-4
[attr="class","eris103"]battle of petalburg


Tl;dr -[break]
- taking a dip in the magic pool, getting those burns at least soothed proper[break]
- disorientated as all hell, attempting to take in what's going on around her[break]
- mesprit senses munkidori's bad vibes, goes on guard[break]
- mesprit attempting to PROTECT the group from the sludge wave[break]
- fear-drugged and adrenaline-fuelled by mesprit, eris attempts to RED CHAIN Munki D.Ori and maybe scramble away

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 15:21:06 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar



Her attention focused on Jack, Gigi offers him a bright smile as she breathes out, "You are safe." Their eyes lock for a moment, one she could swear she recognised him in, but then a mask of indifference shuttered over Jack's expression and any thought she had she knew of the man was gone - surely this was a stranger and not someone she had met before.
There is calm before the true storm breaks. A pool of crystalline waters offered by 's Suicune promises to soothe wearied bones and provides a false sense of shelter. She helps Jack to his feet and repacks her supplies into Glastrier's saddlebag.
It's then the storm strikes: the sandstorm kicks up violently and from its depths emerges a Pokemon she had never seen before but one that seemed intent on attacking. "Watch out!" cries Georgette to the group; her fingers tighten around the Glastrier's neck to keep the mare in place.
A shrieked neigh from the Glastrier challenges Munkidori's Sludge Wave followed by an Avalanche in response. The ground before them separates and a surge of ice and snow bubbles up to slam into the Sludge Wave to try and counteract its momentum.
Grabbing her Glastrier's icy mane, Gigi pulls towards the mare further east in an attempt to distract and rout the Munkidori from the side.



❄️ Gigi helps Jack stand.[break]
❄️ Avalanche used in response to Sludge Wave by Glastrier.[break]
❄️ Gigi moves further east to O4.

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,441 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 16:31:52 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

The swift arrival of medical aid brought relief to Gunner. He supported 's unconscious body as first a boy with a Togekiss (), then former Mossdeep Gym Leader tended to the Ranger. For a brief moment, Gunner's heart warmed at the thought of so many willing hands gathered together for the sake of the League. [break][break]

Then dared to show his face, and Gunner's heart hardened. It didn't matter to the agent that Suicune had chosen Isaac as its Avatar, fast-tracking him through the Amnesty Program and into AQUA. He was still a Rocket defector. [break][break]

And those same Rockets had just bombed a hospital. [break][break]

Gunner surged to his feet, leaving Jack in the capable hands of his caretakers. He stepped out of the healing pool summoned by Isaac in defiance of other's choices. But before the agent could open his mouth, a high-pitched shriek cut through the sandstorm's roar. [break][break]

The Pokémon that appeared from the darkness was one Gunner recognized from reports of strange statues and prison wardens. It slung a SLUDGE WAVE at the group from the end of its Toxic Chain, forcing them into action. [break][break]

Georgette acted first, her Glastrier summoning an AVALANCHE that split the ground in twain. So violent was the sudden shift in landscape that Gunner had to retreat from the surge of ice and snow, moving eastward with Jack in tow. [break][break]

"Guinevere!" the agent shouted, but his Typhlosion was already moving. Opening her jaws, she unleashed an INFERNO at the Munkidori. Gunner followed up with a THUNDER PUNCH aimed right for the Pokémon's head, his Sygna Suit crackling with electricity. [break][break]


TAGS [break]
– Open to interactions![break]
– Gunner moves to LOCATION O-4. His SYGNA SUIT is active.[break]
– Typhlosion uses INFERNO on Munkidori; Gunner uses THUNDER PUNCH on Munkidori.



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 17:27:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
When Priam appeared near Oscar, he could not help but grin. These massive battles were simply incomplete without Priam being at his side. Then Yuan joined them, and suddenly the head of this titan became very crowded. It was no matter though, with a party as reliable as this there was no way they could lose.

Though immediate action would be delayed by the clash between the two Regis. Every Max Knuckle caused Regice to shake, threatening to send its passengers flying off. If Calvary was not such a sturdy steed, Oscar probably would have fallen to his death by now. With that in mind, Oscar decided that they needed to proceed as quickly as possible. "Speaking of plans, what's ours?"

Howard seemed to have come up with one on his own, tossing a pokeball to Oscar. At first Oscar thought he was going to be instructed on how best to command some mystery pokemon, but as Howard spoke it would not be hard for him to connect the dots. Howard was planning to be rash as usual, entrusting Regice to Oscar should whatever ridiculous feat he planned to accomplish fail.

Oscar deflated as Howard brought up Genesect, looking forlornly at the empty pokeball in his hand. He quivered, his grip tightening as he once more flashed back to his incredible failure. Oscar looked up to tell Howard to get stuffed with his 'I'm gonna die' bullshit, but the admin was already gone.

Oscar watched Howard perform feat after feat, attempting to climb Regirock like the mountain it was. Oscar's chest tightened as he pictured Howard missing a jump or losing his footing or even being attacked by the League, plummeting to the ground below where only death awaited him. Oscar feared for his friend, and thus he could not stand idly by while he risked his life. Fear, it turned out, was as much a motivator as it was a deterrent.

Oscar discarded his thoughts of failure, and turned his body toward Priam. "Priam!" he shouted before tossing Regice's pokeball to the beast. "I'm gonna be stupid! Assuming something happens to me, find Regice a good trainer! Keep it if you want, I don't care! Just use it against Eternatus when the time comes!" Oscar paused as he tried to remember an applicable pokemon to further parrot Howard. "Have it play with Braviary!" Nailed it.

Oscar pulled on Calvary's hair, causing it to rear up slightly. "Yuan, Priam, I order you to stay alive! Let's ride!" Calvary let out a roar of deafening nobility, signaling to the towering Titan exactly what was coming for it (Noble Roar). It then charged forward, deftly hopping across Regice's icy angles to reach the bridge created by the titans' clashing arms. It speedily ran across, the brilliant shine of the sun filling the ancient beast with unwavering vigor (Protosynthesis). Oscar and his mount would catch up to Howard, but the scientist would not stifle Howard's independence by offering a ride. Instead he would simply show his support with a friendly taunt, "If you fall I'm gonna laugh!"


--Oscar rejects 's departing gift, unwilling to let him take on this challenge alone. He passes Regice's pokeball to with cheeky flavor before prompting Gouging Fire to let out a Noble Roar at Regirock. Invigorated by the harsh sunlight, Oscar and the Gouging Fire ride up beside Howard to lend him their aid as he tries to scale the titan.

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he / him
july 17
fortree city
5'8" height
5'8" height
standing on our street but nobody's home
49 posts
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TAG WITH @scout
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 22:47:25 GMT
When Scout comes to in the medic tent, there are a few questions that first run through his mind: Where am I? Why... was I out? What's going on? What happened to the others — the civilians, Monroe? and then all of those no longer seem to matter when the first boulder comes falling, bringing one of the tent's supports down and its vinyl roof caving in. Someone screams. Scout finds himself running purely on instinct, getting low to the ground, and protecting his face as he attempts to extricate himself and others. 

The nurse who had woken him is tending to fallen others. She tells him they're evacuating. He's dimly aware of nodding. Scout pulls another man — a volunteer — out of the collapsed tent and summons his SWABLU. It springs into action and SAFEGUARDS the group in and around the tent. Fallen debris kicked up from the sandstorm bounce off of the barrier of wind created by the SWABLU's flapping wings.

A battle nearby catches Scout's attention. He's a bit too distant to make out individual faces and figures but he watches as the wave of sludge is interrupted by an avalanche of ice and snow, slowing its momentum. 

Hurriedly, he fumbles for his Pokégear, then broadcasts a message to any nearby League members: "Help! We need help at the Medical Tent with the sandstorm, there's still people knocked out," and relays his coordinates. 



• Scout awakens from being knocked out in the Prelude in the medical tent, which is collapsing from the Sandstorm, in N4
• Swablu uses SAFEGUARD to block falling debris
• Sends out a call to nearby League members (those tagged) for help evacuating/protecting the injured & medical personnel

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 23:06:59 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The sand was coarse, rough, and getting everywhere. It was like that time he'd gone to the Ultra Desert with .

Where was she? Hideo could recall her being with him just a little while ago - or some time ago. He couldn't tell time all that well right now. He'd lost contact with too.

He was supposed to be getting them out of here…

His Type:Null suddenly moved, Hideo's thoughts drifting away as he clung to its collar. It sounded like something heavy just flew by where he'd been - a rock, maybe? He couldn't tell. All he knew was it sounded heavy.

The Type:Null spotted someone ahead - . But it also spotted a most intriguing target - one that Hideo could recognize by the sound of its heavy chain swinging around: Okidogi. It struck his Type:Null's helmet, doing little damage, but knocking the Type:Null back.

Unpleasant memories reached the forefront of Hideo's mind, of being trapped in that cell, the Okidogi serving as warden and torturer of his cell block.

And he felt something moving in his pocket - one of his Pokeballs was moving on its own. He couldn't recall which one it was - not until it emerged.

Uxie was not happy to see Okidogi - one of the three responsible for Azelf's momentary death - out and alive, and causing as much mayhem as it'd done before.

Hideo felt his Type:Null be recalled into its Pokeball, floating by Uxie's side. The boy landed on his feet, unsteady but able to stay standing. He didn't have the energy to argue with Uxie about popping out in the open like this, nor the awareness to move out of the way as Okidogi charged him.

He merely caught the ball Uxie tossed him as the Pixie floated in front of him, Mystical Power building around it - and condensing around Uxie's fist.

For Uxie was going to meet Okidogi's charge with a Mystical Power-enhanced fist to its dumb face.

Hideo's still out of it
Type:Null hit by Brutal Swing
Type:Null wants to choose between eating another person ( ) or fighting a dog
Uxie chooses the latter, comes out and recalls Type:Null
Uxie gonna deck Okidogi in the face with a Mystical Power-enhanced punch to the face
Uxie may be a bit salty about the Loyal Three's involvement with Azelf's (momentary) death

Salac x2


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP