i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 17:51:17 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar landed behind the newly yassified Howard, rubbing his neck as he rose to a full stand. Robbie Rotten the Naganadel came down to join the standoff, but Oscar would quickly withdraw it back into its Beast Ball. He pulled another ball out with his free hand, opening it to reveal a TYPE:Null.

After Howard had successfully penetrated the Regirock, Oscar had flown back a ways to avoid the cluster of chaos that would inevitably come their way. In his small cone of safety, a Genesect drone would arrive at his side. At first he thought it was Prime, but after closer inspection he would notice that no only was it the wrong color but it also lacked a cannon. Instead it had a little slot that would open up to reveal Oscar's package: a pokeball. Only then did he remember the call he had made when the battle started.

With his freshly minted TYPE:Null out and ready, Oscar made his way next to Howard. The admin and Priam had already provided ample warning, but Oscar could not help but throw in his own threat. "I've gone too easy on you lot." His skull mask vibrated with every syllable. "Weaklings--all of you--yet my sentimentality forces me to provide one last chance."

Oscar walked up to the TYPE:Null, pulling a black disc drive from out of his armor. He stared into the reflection of his mask, trembling as he thought of the mistake he had made with Prime. Now he shall unleash this hell onto an innocent babe--all to ensure Rocket's victory. He slotted the drive into a space under the TYPE:Null's helmet, and the poor creature absorbed its power. The TYPE:Null began to writhe, twisting and contorting as shadow miasma began to emanate off of its body.

Oscar stood and backed away, "By all means stay, give me the chance to finally settle the score."


--Oscar is with Regicrew.
--Oscar sends out his freshly delivered TYPE:Null and slots in his Shadow Drive, threatening , , and anyone else nearby with a good time if they don't run.
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 18:40:27 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The Thick, cartoonish clouds of the faux-Misty terrain had blanketed the area. So far, those at the epicenter had not been affected much.

Save for

What he saw was special.

It would've been familiar to those present at the HsT coronation— but not to him.

Though there was mist, it was not Tapu Lele's crude interpretation— the mist within had a... dreamy quality to it. Almost as if he had been briefly pulled into a space outside of regular space.

A dream world, where one's hopes became real—

The curtain parted violently as a pixie surged through, backhanding Howard Slayte right across the face, just over the hole on its right side, several feet away with enough force to rag doll.

A hot, neon pink glowed, crackled and sparked over the man's cheek, slithering like an open current of lightning beneath his eye patch.

Due to failing to deliver on the feast, HOWARD SLAYTE and his KEYSTONE have been CURSED by TAPU LELE.

The mist briefly cleared, revealing the scene. Tapu Lele stared down at the Admin, eyes glowing with a future promise before dream mist began to pool around her once more.

It surrounded her, and her avatar in distance, seemingly dragging the youth into the soil as they both disappeared into the mist.

-This whole thing was discussed with Magnetic.
-Tapu Lele has cursed .
-If allowed by Shiv, Tapu Lele has taken her toys (read: Doug) and left the playground pissed.

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 19:54:38 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

This was new.

He had felt anger before.

That red hot emotion that lit his soul on fire. This however....

This was different. Rather than a hot burning fire, it was more like a simmering ember, and it was growing.

Frustration was this feeling, and he felt it intensely to the point that his Hound could feel the Malice radiating out from him.

Finally he had discovered an Apex Opponent, someone who could potentially sate his thirst, and then they did the unthinkable.

They summoned fodder....



His glorious battle was interrupted before it could truly begin because of this mans actions.

Malice leaked out of every pore of his body, and to his Hound he was encased in red.

There was only one course of action that the Lucario could take, and it surrounded itself in it's own blue aura. Feeding off the emotion of his trainer, it began to charge up an Aura Sphere, and without warning it would begin to unleash the torrent of attacks on Monroe ( ), , , , and .

They were all the closest to him, and as far as this pair were concerned they were no better than the sheep that had been summoned. Ball of energy after ball of energy was let loose, and perhaps some would crash into the horde of rockets behind, but it was obvious that the Spectre, and his Hound were in a berserk state.

"You....Ruined everything! He roared at them all like a caged beast trying to escape it's fate.


Gaius is pissed that Monroe acted like a noob, and summoned his sheep rather than having glorious combat!
Lucario is feeding off of the berserk, and malefic aura that Gaius is emanating, and unleashing volley after volley of Aura Spheres at Monroe, , , , and !
Gaius is not in a state to be reasoned with, however this might create an opportune moment for people to escape mayhaps!
Salaac x2 used
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 20:46:36 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
and are continuing to fight - and yet, there is also the encroaching swarm of Kanto Rockets spilling out into the battlefield. Things are becoming so much more volatile - and though El would want to be able to grab their family and leave, they are cursed with having the most stubborn siblings in existence when you got down to it.

(Granted, perhaps they got their own stubborn moments from Isaac, in turn.)

As Knuckles appears at their side though, they give the Lucario a sympathetic smile. "Things have really become a mess." They speak, reaching over to briefly squeeze her paw in a comforting gesture. They had to do something, but...

... "Do you still know Copycat, buddy?" With given confirmation, El's eyes lit up a little. Okay - okay, they had an idea!

Though Kiryuko is reluctant to return amidst such danger, she glances to Knuckles and gives the fellow Steel-type a gentle nod - knowing that El won't be alone with two pokemon to help. In her place, Bibidi is sent out.

And here, El gestures with their Mega Cane. "What do you think, Bibidi?" They ask softly. "We need to get as many people out as possible; do you think that Mega Evolving would help you Teleport others out? Do you think you can handle it again?"

Bibidi considers. She'd probably be hurting the morning after for it - but if it meant that she could save a few more lives in the process...

... She nods. She could do this - especially if they could remain out of direct combat. Teleportation moves were practically second nature to her at this point, for how much she used them in day-to-day life.

Thus, she'd once more wreathe herself in the bloom of Infinity Energy as she took up that strange and relatively-new form once more. She could already feel a bit of the strain - but at the same time, her power bloomed. Her psychic awareness sharpened, and in turn she was able to reach out further and more powerfully with those abilities.

El glances to Knuckles. "Copycat Bibidi - We need to Teleport as many people out as we can." With their expression softening a bit, they'd add "Don't worry about me - I think Bibidi will notice pretty quick if I need help, and I've got more pokemon on my belt."

And the Alakazam in question would waste no time, before she Teleported away - prepared to ferry as many people as she could to safety.
- Sticking to L4 for now
- El switches out to and consults Alakazam about Mega Evolving to ferry people out more efficiently. Follows through when Alakazam agrees that it'll help.
- Alakazam might be hurting in the morning after, but her feelings on the matter summed up are 'Worth It', especially since teleporting normally is basically everyday for her. Uses the heightened psychic sensitivity + reach to begin Teleporting about to evacuate Leaguers.
- El asks 's Lucario to Copycat Alakazam's Teleports to help evacuation.
- El sticking under the radar where they can, prepared to fall back on their other pokemon to protect themself if need be.
- (If I don't post again, you can assume that Alakazam teleported them out and/or they left on Togekiss)

KO'd -
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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
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TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 22:52:52 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"]

respect is not kindness, but it is priceless




If he heard his scolding, his fellow Rocket showed no sign of it. Kazuya did not press the issue further. The historical events before them seemed far worthier of his attention. Then again, the poisoned sand cutting into him made it hard to think. When the Loyal Three fall, he gets a moment of breath.

Through no move on his part, the Regirock is conquered. It vanishes into a Pokeball—a reminder of the power of human technology. The mute man listens as Ulysses dispatches his orders. The city now lies in shambles. Another voice——issues an ultimatum. Kazuya remains where he is as that countdown continues.

He switches from his Avalugg to a more familiar Pokemon. After a night spent mostly inactive, his Bewear is eager to join the fray. It watches the Leaguers retreating with eager eyes. “Ho—zzzt—-ld.” His broken voice orders, resembling a crushed android. Though twitching, the Bewear does as it is bidden. As the number zero reverberates through the crowd, he gestures his Bewear forward.

A piece of rubble drops down to block a soldier’s path. He is wearing a Petalburg patch. The man turns and gestures his Pokemon forward. A sigh of relief ripples through Kazuya's frame. Finally. “Do your—-zzzt—-job.” These fools were abandoning their own town. They proved themselves cowardly. The bear lifts his muzzle and snarls. “Stand and fight.” And the frightened ranger did.

Until running is no longer an option.


Watches the events unfold in silence[break]
Attacks and kills a ranger as soon as the count hits zero


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 23:07:52 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
In most other cases, the Hatterene would've rejected 's Clefairy's aid, content to do the work all on her own. But a more extensive look at Hideo's condition told her he needed better care than she could give on a battlefield.

The Clefairy's Life Dew would at least help, and was quickly supplemented by the Hatterene's Heal Pulse. The weariness in the boy's body gradually lifted away, and his mind grew clearer.

But not fully. He could better perceive what was going on around him, and he was steady on his feet, but he was mentally catching up to everything going on.

And there was a lot going on, in the absence of a Telepathic Pokemon to explain it for him. Uxie told him nothing, focused on recalling the time Hideo found one of those strange statues - and deducing those may be responsible for the Loyal Three's resurrection, information it would once more impart to Roze, , and the Ogerpon. Breaking the chain may not be enough.

Hideo could hear the countless boot steps filling the air - a lot of people rushing in at once.

And his Hatterene was pulling him away from them.

Hideo could think clearly enough to realize just what the sudden horde was: Rockets.

He considered what Pokemon he still had on him: his Beheeyem and Zoroark were knocked out, there were too many eyes to use Uxie again, his Shadow Alakazam was unaccounted for, his Hatterene probably didn't have it in her to Mega Evolve again.

He still had his Type:Null…


He wasn't going to let that out here. It wouldn't hold back against a horde.

He didn't want any more blood on his hands.

And with this many Rockets, he didn't see any chance of turning things around.

"We-" he said, with only Roze close enough to hear him, "we gotta get out of here."

But how? The only direction he wasn't hearing a ton of boots from was where a whole lot of fighting was happening. And none of the Pokemon he had on hand that he could trust were particularly fast.

He turned to Roze. "Do you-"

The sudden hand on his shoulder - his Shadow Alakazam's hand - silenced him. It'd Teleported next to him.

It looked towards Roze, giving her a chance to get close if she wanted to come along.

For a moment later, it'd Teleport Hideo and his Hatterene out, over to Littleroot.

It was where Hideo needed to be, where he wanted to be. He'd bore witness to what strength Rocket had brought in its invasion, and Littleroot was only two routes away.

He had to prepare.

Combined healing efforts lets Hideo think clearly for a bit (but he still needs proper medical care)
Uxie tells , , and Ogerpon about the effigies
Shadow!Alakazam Teleports in
Will Teleport Hideo, his Hatterene, and (& her Pokemon) out to Littleroot (discussed with Snowy)

Bro it's a canon event you can't salac


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 0:52:44 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Their efforts worked, for the moment. But Trevenant could feel others coming. Arms still glowing green and inside the sands, the Trevenant extended his Horn Leech Barrier in a spiky and very lethal way to the east. Not all the way through the city...not knowing what was going on stopped him from doing that. He was even unfazed if they saw any injured or killed Rockets. His concern was getting Aaron out of there. Taking his arms out of the sand, the tree motioned for to follow him with Aaron. Along with , , and the newcomer . With literal wooden mallets, glowing green, grown and the ready, Trevenant would use Wood Hammer on any that dared impede their progress. Only slowing down to see how his trainer was doing.

Aaron was sweating profusely, and showing signs of a poisoning. The tree would urge to go faster. Up the ramp and moving on to the end of his tunnel, Trevenant and the group exited the place. Then the tree opened a portal, Phantom Force, to finish their journey past the aggressive Rockets. They won this day, but only due to that Fenzendippiti thing. Reappearing in the forest, the Tree would escort the group to Oldale Town. Rocket would not see the last of them...

Trevenant extends the Horn Leech barrier through to E-3, almost like a spiked palisides wall with a roof. Doesn't even care if it hits and kills some Rockets/Pokemon in the way.
The Tree leads the way to all who wishes to follow, Wood Hammers at the ready. Maybe squashing some Rockets/Pokemon in the way?
Aaron is showing signs of poisoning, makes Trevenant wish to go faster.
Upon Exiting the Horn Leech Tunnel, uses Phantom Force to open a portal for all allies that follow, reappears at O-0 in the forest. Escorts those with them to Oldale.


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 1:48:16 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]She is filled with elation the moment a barb finds its way into 's hand. His maimed, crippled, worthless flesh. He would never again use it to sign the death warrants of innocents. [break][break]

She laughs-- a soft, helpless giggle that feels so out of place in this hell.[break][break]

But that elation is replaced by FEAR easily enough. [break][break]

Her heart sinks, as Howard lets go of 's hand, as he plunges straight for the golem and--[break][break]

An ancient dragon comes out of nowhere, ripping into glass flesh that runs like molten metal in its mouth, body trying to reconstitute itself as the Dracovish tears a tendril free. Manju plunges another straight down its gullet, firing a meteor beam into its ill-constructed guts. [break][break]

Tsubaki wheels around, scarcely recognizing the man at first-- but she knows his voice. . The way he, of all people, calls her... [break][break]


When Howard is right here!? When HE's here!?[break][break]

How can she be a monster, when all she wanted was to protect others, to stop this precise thing from happening again!? Don't they realize what they've done? Monroe, Slayte, Matsubara... they're the monsters... they've destroyed whole cities... Saffron, Dewford, now Petalburg-- what's next!?[break][break]

All she's ever wanted is to protect her home.[break][break]

How... how could she be a monster!?[break][break]

Frozen, trying to process what's to come, she does not register the oncoming attacks. [break][break]

intercedes on her behalf. A proud, valiant hero. He's here now, finally. A hero. So she doesn't have to pretend anymore... not that she was any good at it. Dewford had been destroyed under her watch, and she had let Petalburg crumble, too. Now, the whole city was doomed. All of Hoenn. If she was anything like Merlo, maybe things would be different... [break][break]

But they aren't.[break][break]

She's no hero. She's a monster. And what does that make the rest of them!?[break][break]

She turns to face them all, Manju's ambient hum more akin to a scream now, underscoring each word. [break][break]


The body of the parasite begins to flow and boil, melting, rippling like blown glass, defying all geometry and logic as the Nihilego goes haywire trying to process the girl's hatred, something so completely foreign to it. They fall out of sync. Manju and Kouji's Dracovish fall to the wayside. [break][break]

Tsubaki emerges from its confines, covered in blackened ichor, exhausted, wincing in pain. [break][break]

It hurt.[break][break]

Her head hurt, like her head was about to split open. She half expected it to there and then, half expected to watch her own desiccated brains spill out everywhere... [break][break]

She'd died. So he said. Maybe she had. Maybe this was hell.[break][break]

All her muscles screaming, her bones feeling like they'd been splintered, her lips blistering in the cold, the taste of black bile threatening to rise up in the back of her throat, her lungs burnt and corroded sending shivers of convulsive agony down her spine with every breath, she felt closer to dead than alive. [break][break]


"FUCK. YOUR. DREAM."[break][break]

She falls. [break][break]

Free of the Nihilego's influence, she forgets that she is just a human. She forgets that she has arms, and legs, and cannot fly. She falls, freely, blinking and fumbling through the pain to try and remember what it is like to have hands, human hands of flesh, bone, and sinew, and curl them up into a fist. [break][break]

She falls, freely, toward the man she hates now more than anything.[break][break]

"I'LL DIE... ALL OVER AGAIN... TO STOP IT!!"[break][break]

Every last bit of wavering strength she has, absolutely everything, she aims at Howard Slayte, with a balled up fist.[break][break]


+ [break]
+ Tsubaki is at L-3. Kouji's Dracovish tears at Manju, Baki escapes by falling out of ultra burst. Isaac helps to counter Howard's dual attack. All Baki has is the weakest attempt at a defiant punch in the world, while her Nihilego struggles with Dracovish and the other attacks.


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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 2:23:29 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

A battlefield was a place filled with blood and tears, any old idiot knew that fact; anyone could tell you as much. Did they think him an idiot, Kouji at one point hadn’t been sure, the battle at Dewford Gym had increased his respect for the man and his ire. Were they the monsters?, if it had ever been so simple, perhaps Kouji wouldn’t have struggled on the road to get here.
What had it all been for? He didn’t care about this backwater town, and it’s stupid woods, they had nothing of worth to him. But neither did Dewford the many times he had been there, nor did any part of this region.
When had it become so difficult?
Was it when a kid dug him out of his own crap? In those caves? All the way back in Kanto when two kids failed to set a bomb? Or was it even further back, in that kitchen with fists hanging over him?
He was barely human afterall. ”We’re inhuman?” That voice could have only been one person, he knew it too well. ”Have you looked at yourself.” To a young woman escaping the hold of her beast, and towards the maw of the Fox. He had no pity, nor for the traitor who left…Traitors who left?
”Dracovish, return. Urshifu, it’s all you.” The bear took to the field, staring off against the Nihilego.
”What are you complaining about, Camellia? This is just like your home, ain’t it?” He used that name. ”You’re the one that helped us get this far, Blackjack.” Kouji stuck his hand in his pocket. There was a well of hollowness, as if he was simply done with the day, no he had been finished for a while.
”Thank you both for your help, we’d never have been able to do it without you. Your retirement bullets will be in the mail.”
Curse Fox from dragging him away from his hiatus, he would have been more content on that shopfloor than here. He couldn’t live for battle, not while struggling with his choices; unable to kill those he called his friends, his bonds since joining rocket had only made him soft.
A weakness he couldn’t tolerate in himself.
Just what would he do about it?
”What’s the hold up, Urshifu. Go for the kill.” The Bear faulted for a moment, not its name; and it had been ordered to kill for the first time. It had been Absol as the killer, and Urshifu who'd act to represent his fighting spirit; it felt none of that now. Apathy, and so it drew its fists close, ready for a Wicked Blow.



Kouji taunts Isaac and Tsubaki; thanking them for their service after he deliberates on his own. [break]
Thinks about his road to here, and where everything went so left, where the hesitations started, also fuck you howard. [break]
We roll, Qing is no longer Qing, relinquishing his pokemon's individuality as the first step.




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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,074 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:03:00 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
""There is no such thing as destiny. There is no such thing as fate."

He meets Isaac's eyes as Hunu barrels down on the Liberator like a freight train. The mercenary is a fool. Despite Isaac's peaceful heart, he will stop at nothing in face of Eris and Petalburg being threatened. Even if his body shattered into a thousand pieces, Suicune's chosen would keep going through broken fingers.

He reminded Howard of Navy.

"I love you." He meets Isaac's gaze through breathy gasps, his body refusing to function properly in the face of the Nihilego toxin coursing through his veins. It will kill him soon. Painfully. Slowly. Yet there are words that must be uttered. "As a brother. If we were in Rocket at the same time, if I had met you sooner, I would have followed you to the end."

There is a pause. Hunu closed the gap. The man was broken too. He had disobeyed the admin's orders and counted down. Tangaroa would face the consequences of that.

"But." Through the helmet, a wearier, aged face stared back at Isaac. Rocket had taken everything from them. Their bodies. Their minds. Their souls. They were not the same people anymore. "We didn't. So I will offer you the same ultimatum that Navy offered me: fight or die. If you want to become the League's beacon of hope, then give them a leason to look your WAY!"

Regice let out a bellow of Dynergy, knocking the Liberator in 's general direction. The mercenary deserved to be humbled.

Howard rose, unsteadily. His eye locked with Priam, and the two shared a mutual understanding. Cogs in the machine, marching forward. They would fulfill their obligations on this battlefield. This victory did not feel like one. They were merely putting down a pack of stray dogs.

"Two." His voice rang out over the radio. Hoenn's Rocket would not act like Kanto's. They would count to three. Their hand would be stayed. 's loyalty would be rewarded.

"And now-" Howard turned to face Tapu Lele, a malignant grin on the on its mouthless face. It mocked him slyly, before backhanding him towards Regirock's leg. He struggled to rise, rage bubbling up once again. Guardians. Guardians. GUARDIANS.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY." Howard groaned, his vision wavering with visions of the Tapu. Regirock responded quickly, releasing a Hammer Arm onto the guardian as it disappeared into mist. As the stone golem raised its hand, there was no blood.

Doug had escaped.

Yet Lele persisted in his mind. It mocked him from behind Oscar, then Priam, and then the distant Tsubaki. Nobody reacted. When it appeared before him, Regirock did not react.

A phantom. It had cursed him.

"I'll kill that fucking spirit, I swear to Arceus." Howard spat as he looked around. Meanwhile, Regirock turned its massive body towards another on the battlefield, recognizing the admin's latent grudge and attributing it to another.

Seven red eyes found .

They found Wo-chien.

They saw.

And they hated.

Yaps at Isaac, tosses him to Hunu
Yaps at Priam
Gets cursed by Lele, starts having a fit because of the poison and Dynergy
Regirock uses Hammer Arm on the vanishing Lele, but fails to hit it
Turns to find the snail, smelling it

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:11:47 GMT


battle of petalburg: main event

A deep sigh of relief escapes from Airi's soft lips as she watches the efforts of her Swampert and the mystical creature powerful combination of attacks destroy the Moonblast, causing it to explode into a gorgeous display of shimmering water and sparkling particles. She thanks her Pokémon before returning them inside of their orbs for a rest. She also gives Aaron's Pokémon a quick nod. She carefully uses her inner strength to lift Aaron up onto her back. A loud grunt breaking lose from her mouth as she endures the aching pain in her ribcage. Her legs are a bit shaky at first, but she pushes through it all as she starts to follow behind the Trevenant.


She can feel sweat dripping from Aaron's forehead and splattering across her forehead. She was hoping Aaron would have been safe from being poisoned thanks to her Dragonite's Safeguard used earlier, but that does not seem to be the case. If it is not bad enough that Aaron seems to be suffering from poison, Airi soon feels her body becoming slightly warm to touch. Even breathing is becoming harder for her. She curses underneath her breath as she realizes that she has been poisoned, too. However, she cannot afford to stop. She has to keep pushing Forword for Aaron's sake and her own sake. She growls through the pain as she challenges her body to move even faster. At some point, she will reach her limit, but not until she is able to get Aaron and herself through the portal. On the other side, she should be able to tend Aaron, herself, and others who are severely wounded.





  • Location:

  • Airi lifts Aaron on her back, trailing behind Trevenant.

  • Airi pushing through her damaged ribcage and poison.

  • Airi oushes herself to make it to the portal for Aaron's sake and her own.






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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:23:24 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]


Mist plumed all around her in mockery of Tapu Fini's sweet-scented terrain, 's Tapu Lele having urged the nearby Kantonian Rockets to turn on one another for sport. The piscine deity's eyes flashed with the faintest irritation at this poor handiwork, unamused as it flipped a tail and turned away from her Avatar; pinned to the ground by GRUDGE-EMPOWERED SCALES, she plucked the sharp object from her leg and winced as blood wept from the wound.[break][break]

Victory, Ulysses had crowed to the Rockets gathered. Rocket's victory. Her victory. Relief should have coursed through her, shameful and blatant in its cowardice, but her gaze remained fixed on the Regirock standing beside a proud and a different emotion took hold of her. One that recognized the wrong victory had been achieved.[break][break]

The petty squabbles around them ceased to matter. , , the departing figure of -- even the presence of and , close enough to be a casualty of her next actions -- all of them were inconsequential in the face of destiny.[break][break]

Destiny had chosen her, , and to destroy this world so they might save it.[break][break]

And it had now chosen to stand against her, with this damned interloper.[break][break]

"I ordered you to kill it, Fox," she seethed, moving to stand. Despite the undeniable snapping of her bones, the injured leg supported her weight, allowing her to stand at her full height. "You do not understand what it intends. What it must stop at all costs."[break][break]

Grudges HEAL Elisabeth as much as they empower her, allowing her to regenerate even after suffering the most grievous of wounds.

Tapu Fini had long disappeared into the pink expanse, which began to green and shrivel away at the approach of something else -- the sinister figure of WO-CHIEN as it stripped away the terrain that 's Tapu Lele had summoned to replace it with another.[break][break]

when wo-chien is on the field, elisabeth can summon a BARREN TERRAIN that clears any existing terrain, while preventing any other from taking form for a period of time. anyone within the terrain will be continually STRENGTH SAPPED, weakening them while also healing elisabeth and wo-chien.

"You see how it looks upon us?" she shouted, challenging the red eyes with the ochre sheen of her own. "Tell your creature to stand down, for it looks upon us as enemies. And if enmity is what it desires..."[break][break]

Wo-chien did not wait for orders. It was not hers to command; it obeyed only its own withered heart. A GIGA DRAIN greedily lurched towards the titan, slobbering with GRUDGES for its crimes committed in AREA ZERO.[break][break]


- Elisabeth isn't super pogged about victory, cuz Regirock is still kicking.[break]
- Elisabeth heals from wound due to new power, isn't fully aware of what she's done.[break]
- Tapu Fini fucks off when Lele does, Wo-chien comes in and uses BARREN TERRAIN to strip 's terrain.[break]
- Elisabeth doubles down on the Regirock hate, yells at he was supposed to kill it and it's clear it views them as enemies. Says if that's the game they're gonna play, she'll hit back.[break]
- Wo-chien, being a little shit, hits Regirock first with GIGA DRAIN.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".scorned"] --accent:#DB7093!important; --headercolor:#db709326!important; [/newclass]

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,074 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:51:40 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Through the toxic sand, the admin emerged, limping. He had not fared as well as the Scorned, for his body refused to knit itself back together beyond a desperate cobbling of possibilities into a vaguely human form.

"Your order has been superseded. Monroe announced its seizure. Walsh demanded its capture. I do not balk to an underboss when Hoenn and Kanto stand at my back." His eye flashed red, as malignant and derisive to Wo-chien as Regirock was. Above them, Regice stood as a frozen obelisk, scraping the dome of the world. "You deny Monroe. You deny me."

He closed the gap. Regirock lumbered behind Howard, its body massive even without the boon of Dynamax or the Wishing Star that Ting-Lu had denied it.

The terrain died as the two stepped forward. Elisabeth stripped the land of its vigor, salting it and ensuring that nothing grew again. How fitting a power for such a woman, now that she had turned her back on him at the pivotal moment.

"You always hated me." Regirock groaned an approval, stone scraping against stone as sounds impossible for life to produce erupted from the sapient mountain. Flashes of being locked in a bathroom and dying in a hospital bed erupted through his mind. Tapu Lele danced in the background, a mystic specter that was not there.

"And if I must preserve the world by stopping whatever it is that it sees in you, I will." Howard stopped as Wo-chien struck Regirock, sending it reeling back. Its pattern flashed sporadically, its movement hindered, though it did not fall.

Howard slowly turned to Elisabeth. She had always been different from and . Something had always been off. It finally clicked. She was like him.

A traitor.

"Treason." His voice was soft, his meager strength getting sapped by the terrain at his feet. "Attacking a Rocket asset? That's your plan?"

Regirock marched forward, flint in its form sparking into a Fire Punch as it swung a mighty fist.

"Then I strip you of your rank and sentence you to die."

Howard marches towards Elisabeth, gets fucked by terrain
Regirock EATA da Giga Drain and malds, responds with a Fire Punch
Come outside.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:59:06 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Watch for the Regirock. Watch for to do something shifty. Watch to make sure was doing the right thing; of course they were. They were a good guy. Better than you ever could've been. Watch to make sure was, too. She wasn't, but of course he wasn't. She was more broken than you could ever be, so why the fuck are you complaining so much? Watch for the giant burly Alolan shooting toward you, fists out.[break][break]

Wait, wha-[break][break]


Isaac only had eyes for Howard. That feeling wasn't mutual. saw to it. The mountain of a man clocked Isaac in the jaw, sending him staggering towards Howard, only for Howard's Regirock to bounce him right back towards Tangaroa in turn. The message was clear; get back in there and fight. With how Tangaroa sauntered Isaac's way, speaking about Rocket's new world order, it was clear this duel was already accepted.[break][break]

Not that this, either, would be a fair fight. Along with Howard's champion, rewarded and punished in equal measure, others descended. , telling Isaac exactly what he wanted and feared to hear. @kouji, chiming in to the contrary as he wrestled with . , the progenitor behind the mad Genesect projects himself, withholding his pride and joy in favor of an all new horrid chimera.[break][break]

They were surrounded. One of them, even injured and exhausted like this, Isaac could take. Even now, the prospect of washing the taste of that new world order bullshit out of Tangaroa's mouth was tantalizing. But all of them? The Oblivion Wing that sailed past his head, past his sister, past the ruins of his home, spoke volumes. He was a dead man walking.[break][break]

Once more, Blackjack was cast in the presence of a miasma of shadows and unforgiving cold, the weight of the world pressing down upon him until either it broke or he did.[break][break]


The more they focused on him - and oh, how many did, from mercenaries to grunts to elites to scientists to admins alike - the less they focused on what truly mattered. Every bone Rocket broke was another life El saved. Bibidi and Knuckles, each streaming brilliant trails of infinite energy, saw to it. Isaac was no hero. He was barely even the symbol Howard said he was. But someone had to try, so why not go the distance?[break][break]

"Some symbol of hope I look like right now." Skin stained blue from frost. Wounds unsure whether it was time to knit themselves together or unravel entirely. Eyes maddened by rage, grief, and a strange, manic joy that wafted over from 's end of the melee. Yet, as the situation crystalized around him, he couldn't help but laugh. Was it at his own unworthiness? How, once more, he was succeeding through the art of failure? Or was it because this was his natural environment; a dead man walking in spite of the odds?[break][break]

"But a brainiac like you really thinks I give a crap about being the League's symbol? Man, power must've made you a real dumbass." Was Howard listening anymore? It didn't matter. This wasn't for him. This was for all of the people: for the League that damned him as a traitor, the Rockets who sold their own region to the devil, the fools who thought he was some hero, or some genius, or the emissary of a god. "Nah. If I gotta be some symbol, then I'm gonna be one for the people of this region. And that means I'm right where I gotta be."[break][break]

"But how 'bout we cut the yapping so ol' Blackjack can put his money where his mouth is, eh? Let's dance, big guy."[break][break]

Evasion. That would be the key right now. If had taught him anything about fighting a big man, it was that you never engaged on their terms. Keep sticking and moving. Keep them on their toes. Don't let them get an inch. They'll tire themselves out, and that'll be the time to strike. There was no sense in attacking until the opportunity provided itself.[break][break]

Perhaps all of the Rockets aiming to play firing squad would provide such an opportunity. If Isaac could trip Tangaroa into the path of Priam or Oscar's attacks, all the better.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Big Guy and Big Rock ping-pong Isaac all according to keikaku. He's dazed, he's punch drunk, and he's finally starting to feel like himself again.[break]
Symbol of hope? Sure. The League's symbol? Fuck that.[break]
Right now, he's content to play rope a dope while El and his Pokemon help evacuate the city. See? Sometimes he thinks a little ahead![break]
For now, he squares up to match Tangaroa mano e mano, ready to wear him down with some rope-a-dope dodging.[break]
And if anyone interferes? First priority will be using the big man's momentum against him to launch him into the source of that interference.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 4:14:20 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]


"Hate you? Oh, Fox." A cruel smile split her lips, manic in its gleam. "None of this is about you. It's about something so much greater."[break][break]

Greater than her, even, as Wo-chien's influence flooded into her psyche. No trace of emerald color remained in her eyes.[break][break]

Seven horns drowned out her individual thoughts, loud and insistent in their ruinous song. That thing would silence their music with its lumbering fists, just as Wo-chien silenced its blow with the flare of a SPIKY SHIELD.[break][break]

Monroe and Walsh knew nothing. Only would understand in Rocket, but he was not here. She alone was cursed with the burden of knowledge. For all she had told , even he still knew little to nothing of her divine purpose.[break][break]

"But if we must seize the asset for Rocket... then we shall do so."[break][break]

The cracked earth split open wide, revealing dozens upon dozens of vines that crawled up Regirock like ivy, throttling the titan in their grasp. Her hands curled into fists as she ordered them to tighten their hold, pulling on its rocky limbs like a puppet's tangled strings.[break][break]

The arms shuddered, threatening to break away as its strength weakened.[break][break]

"Piece. By. Piece."

Her healing properties can also be reversed, allowing her to SAP STRENGTH and WILLPOWER from those in her clutches.


- Wo-chien defends against the FIRE PUNCH with SPIKY SHIELD.[break]
- Elisabeth decides to deliver Regirock piece by piece and limb by limb to Rocket, tries to yank it apart with vines that weaken it.[break]
- Tells this is a grown-up matter and he should stand aside like the good little mortal he is.[break]
- We are 100% in snail hours rn.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP