[attr="class","FEARwrap naia"]
I know in my heart
This is where we belong
Was this a game?[break][break]
All it took was a quick scan to notice that the numbers were not on Rocket's side, but if that was enough to make them fold, Rocket would have died out long ago.
Terror had more than enough faith to know that Rocket
will prevail in the end, it was a matter of fact-- leaving only the question: at what price?[break][break]
Chaos broke out in mere seconds when the proverbial
race started with not a gun but the towering figure of
howard slayte's Regirock, he was heard loud and clear as his barked his commands.
Head to that portal. He wasn't alone in this sentiment, even those in power much like
mint frost, and
THEO BECKETT were seconding this motion, however only the later would stay behind to aid in Howard.[break][break]
It was however to grunt's surprise to see a familiar face directly disobey these commands,
Raziel Beckett as a rocket that seemed to be showing up more and more, higher ranked members name calling him, some with distain and other with admiration and praise, but to Terror-- she was filled with worry. What if he didn't make it back in time? [break][break]
No-- She needed to worry about herself.[break][break]
"Calix, we're running!" It was Deja-vu for the rocket as her
Hisuian Zoroark hopped out from it's poke ball before sweeping her up into their arms. She'd perch her upper body over the shoulder of her Pokémon, second before she was met with the world morphing into blurs of colours as it used
AGILITY to maneuver through the chaos. It was far too fast for her to notice every familiar face such as
Elise Calcifet and others, however what she could notice were some taking to the air to get over to the portal.[break][break]
One such as
illeana reyes,
"Jump." At her command, Calix would crouch down before leaping into the air, obviously not even close to reaching their heights, but all
Terror wanted was to close some distance as she'd aim her rifle towards the figure and let loose a barrage. While it would be a bonus to take down a leaguer, or even maim them, all the grunt truly wanted was to slow them down enough to leave openings to other Rockets who choose to fight instead of listen.[break][break]
A small detour she sure the higher ups shouldn't take offense too as when Calix would land, he'd continue to beeline it to the portal.
Naia's disguise [break]
🞭 heard Howard's and theo's commands loud and clear.[break]
🞭 took note of Razz stick behind to fight[break]
🞭 Summon Hisuian Zoroark, Calix, and used AGILITY to rush to the portal[break]
🞭 While on the run, took shots at Illeana to slow her down.[break]
🞭 Open to interactions
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