i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


September 3
Saffron City, Kanto
Business Heiress
All of the Dangers
Have Familiar Faces..
5' 8" (152.4cm) height
5' 8" (152.4cm) height
A Hero Would Sacrifice You to Save the World. A Villain Would Sacrifice the World to Save You.
187 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 8:54:32 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","FEARwrap naia"]


I know in my heart


This is where we belong


Was this a game?[break][break]

All it took was a quick scan to notice that the numbers were not on Rocket's side, but if that was enough to make them fold, Rocket would have died out long ago. Terror had more than enough faith to know that Rocket will prevail in the end, it was a matter of fact-- leaving only the question: at what price?[break][break]

Chaos broke out in mere seconds when the proverbial race started with not a gun but the towering figure of 's Regirock, he was heard loud and clear as his barked his commands. Head to that portal. He wasn't alone in this sentiment, even those in power much like , and were seconding this motion, however only the later would stay behind to aid in Howard.[break][break]

It was however to grunt's surprise to see a familiar face directly disobey these commands, as a rocket that seemed to be showing up more and more, higher ranked members name calling him, some with distain and other with admiration and praise, but to Terror-- she was filled with worry. What if he didn't make it back in time? [break][break]

No-- She needed to worry about herself.[break][break]

"Calix, we're running!" It was Deja-vu for the rocket as her Hisuian Zoroark hopped out from it's poke ball before sweeping her up into their arms. She'd perch her upper body over the shoulder of her Pokémon, second before she was met with the world morphing into blurs of colours as it used AGILITY to maneuver through the chaos. It was far too fast for her to notice every familiar face such as , and others, however what she could notice were some taking to the air to get over to the portal.[break][break]

One such as , "Jump." At her command, Calix would crouch down before leaping into the air, obviously not even close to reaching their heights, but all Terror wanted was to close some distance as she'd aim her rifle towards the figure and let loose a barrage. While it would be a bonus to take down a leaguer, or even maim them, all the grunt truly wanted was to slow them down enough to leave openings to other Rockets who choose to fight instead of listen.[break][break]

A small detour she sure the higher ups shouldn't take offense too as when Calix would land, he'd continue to beeline it to the portal.


🞭 Naia's disguise [break]
🞭 heard Howard's and theo's commands loud and clear.[break]
🞭 took note of Razz stick behind to fight[break]
🞭 Summon Hisuian Zoroark, Calix, and used AGILITY to rush to the portal[break]
🞭 While on the run, took shots at Illeana to slow her down.[break]
🞭 Open to interactions






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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 10:59:03 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar

[newclass="nullelem"]}.cass .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .cass .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
The desert grows to become more and more of a familiar place, as Cass exchanges the wasteland of a once familiar forest for sands and, on occasion, the darker sights of the wilds. The message left by Hoopa has been stared at intensely by the teen, before leaving promptly and the eventual return ... and of course, many forces are gathered here then.

By 's side, Cass freezes as she sees the Registeel in the distance, and then, of course, another one ... Regirock. A heated fight seems to be underway, though she can barely make out all and every participant - her eyes are fixed on the golden ring, too, as she seeks to pursue another personal vendetta ... even as she hesitates to leap onward, seeing Hoopa's stupid face and hearing its voice again lights a flame that directs.

"Let's take off," she murmurs to Vess as they linger on the sidelines, unsuspected by the powerful of the factions. "Do you need a ride?" she asks, briefly recalling Jon into his pokéball to allow Effie to fly faster as she already prepares for the flight with Tailwind.

- arrives, sees a big fight around the regis, considers joining, but then follows personal vendetta against hoopa
- offers vess a ride on effie, effie uses tailwind to gain speed for the race to the portal
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Eddie, The Stalwart
MAY 18th
Soldier, PV2
and i'll never
take it for granted
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
the closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see it.
838 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 12:23:10 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

[attr="class","elysia eddie"]

under the sky we've dreamed of



While Eddie had never been one for subtlety, it somehow hadn't occurred to him that he might have painted a target on his own back. He hadn't even noticed the unfamiliar 's approach until Terrakion suddenly lowed and thrashed, a DRAGON CLAW racking across his rocky hide. The Rocket's own hand seemed eager to claw at Eddie, too, [break][break]

“Hey asshole!” he snarled, keeping an iron-clad grip on his blade. [break][break]

Their respective mounts swerved, dodging and ducking the thunderous footfalls of the Regirock above them, two ants scurrying beneath the harrowing stride of a titan. Even in moments where some distance could be made between them, Eddie's blood boiled at the sight of the thin lines of red that had begun to well up at the Sword's side; he wasn't going to let this fucker get away without bloodying his nose first. [break][break]

The moment he could get within arm's reach of the bastard, Eddie suddenly swung an arm out, [break][break]

“Keep yer fuckin' hands off my friend! [break][break]

Between the ground that trembled beneath them and the precarious setting of their spat, Eddie was unsure if the blow connected. What he was sure of was of that telltale sound of a shattering Dynabarrier, and a familiar voice calling his name. Eddie looked up to see Zacian sail into a distant sand dune, and Terrakion suddenly swerved, skidding and drifting across the shifting sands. [break][break]

This quarrel could wait; their friends needed them, [break][break]

“I'm on it!” he called back to , his voice booming even over the clamor of battle. [break][break]

And it wasn't hard to see what exactly he was referencing, when the Stalwart spied that whirling comet cutting its way across the sky above him. Fortuitously, it was coming right towards him, and Eddie's grip on his blade grew tighter still. The other hand joined it's partner on the pommel, and it took every bit of the Stalwart's otherworldly stamina to keep his seat as Terrakion bolted towards the Pokeball, and with tremendous force, leapt to meet it. [break][break]

Now, for as little time as he had spent as an avatar, Eddie was admittedly still pretty terrible at using a sword as anything more than a sharp club. could probably testify to that fact, considering their recent work together, but there was at least one well of knowledge that the Stalwart could draw upon that might help him in this situation. It would be hard to pull off in the chaos of this moment, but what other choice did he have? [break][break]

A little bend at the waist, hands drawn back towards his right shoulder, and eyes on . So rode on the one-time batter for the Cascarrafan Clodsire's little league team, and though that balmy summer might as well have been a lifetime ago, there were some things you simply did not forget. [break][break]


Crack! [break][break]

The Pokeball shattered against his blade, exploding into a spray of metallic confetti. Eddie's face split into wide grin, and he whooped like a kid who just struck themselves the game-winning home run.

NOTES: Terrakion gets swiped by Temp's Walking Wake [break]
Eddie gets PISSED and tries to take a swing at him (up to Yam's discretion whether it lands or not :freeloader:)[break]
Hears Navy calling out to him and sees Zacian get REGIPUNCHED [break]
Aims to intercept Howard's thrown Pokeball [break]
Terrakion jumps up and Eddie gets to hear that really satisfying critical hit sound from the batting cage minigame in, like, every RGG game lmao [break]



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Sage, Morgan, Enigma
March 23rd
Aspiring ninja
5’7” height
5’7” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
130 posts
sage morgan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sage
sage morgan
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 17:29:04 GMT
sage morgan Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU’RE GONNA GO FAR, KID


Sage was nearing the portal when Zorro suddenly slammed into them, sending them flying. The teen hit the ground hard enough to get the wind knocked out of them and would probably have more than a few bruises. Grumbling under their breath, they pushed themself into a sitting position and were about to scold the H. Zoroark for tackling them when they noticed the fire attack starting to die down.
Narrowing their eyes, though it wasn’t obvious behind the mask they chose to wear, they clambered to their feet before shooting around to face the way the attack had come from. Seeing a man atop a Charizard, he scowled, his fist curling into a tight enough fist for his nails to cut into his palms.
“Zorro, let’s show that asshole what happens when he screws with us,” Sage commented, keeping their tone neutral even though they were seething on the inside. That could have seriously injured them or killed them; they weren’t going to just take that lying down.
The spectral fox heeding his trainer's order, would immediately fire off a SHADOW BALL towards the man and his Charizard. Rather or not it hit, they would be ready to show this guy that they didn’t take kindly to almost becoming barbecue.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Sage almost gets barbecued by [break] Sage takes offense to this and attacks in kind



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she / her
October 15
Vermilion City, Kanto
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,405 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 17:34:00 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]Straight for the portal they go. Or at least, that is the plan until she spies a certain familiar face... or falling figure? Chewing through a whole mouthful of sand as they land amidst madness.[break][break]

Without even needing to signal to Reiner, the Luxray is already turning to make the detour. Barely slowing his pace as the duo drive by with Eris grabbing ahold of Locke's collar and Reiner helps heave the rest of their weight onto his back. A hand reaches behind to dust them off, the moment filled with a laughter unbefitting of the chaos upon the field. Perhaps, all too daring as they continue racing towards the strange portal.[break][break]

"Didn't know you did express deliveries of yourself!"
[attr="class","eris103"]the desert
[attr="class","eris103"]paradox, planewalk


✧ Heading for portal, drive-by picking up before someone or some pokemon runs and steps on him

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
7,360 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 19:32:42 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh took full advantage of the distractions that , , and others created. While Registeel was surely a prize to be kept out of the archaeologist's hands, it was but a sideshow for the main attraction. Hoopa offered cosmic power to those who could overcome the genie's trials. Like any genie, those powers were far from free; they would surely come with shackles and other burdens that would twist the holder's words and desires far beyond their original intent. Josh did not trust Hoopa. They killed Nala and Rani.

And if it weren't for , Josh's pride would have been without a queen to this day.

Being a courier, Josh wheeled his Zeraora around for an ally in need of transport to the portal. With the need to evade capture likely at the forefront of the Registeel's mind, this would be his one chance to get himself, and someone in need, to the world beyond. "Hop on!" he offered a seat on the thundercat to a friend in need. "Now! We need to make a break for it. We can't let Registeel distract us! It's not the real prize!"

Regardless of whether he went solo or with a passenger, Josh squeezed Raikiri's flanks hard. With a feline screech, the Zeraora went from zero to a burst of AGILITY in a flash, both their eyes on Hoopa and their portal. If the Champion had his way, that Hoopa was going to eat electrical paws to the face...

{PC: 2}

- Josh resents Hoopa and urges Leaguers to remain focused on the portal instead of Registeel.
- Josh can pick up one willing passenger with his Zeraora and take them to the portal.
- Whether a passenger or not, Josh take advantage of the Registeel distraction to get to the portal in a mighty burst of AGILITY from his mount.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Illumina      Lanturn        Good
Etali         Kilowattrel    Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,937 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2024 21:17:55 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
 Alarms blared and screamed and echoed across the whole of her lab. The professor and a few assistants that happened to be around ran frantically back and forth between brightly lit computer screens.

“I don’t know! It just kinda… popped up!”

“Spikes of infinity Energy of this magnitude don’t just POP UP,” she growled and she punched through the stream of data pouring in at her command. But he was right. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. Something was happening in the desert. Something big.

Eva only had time to flash her colleague a small look of apology for doubting him. Her fingers punched into the code for ’s office and when the receiver clicked on and the commissioner’s voice purred through the speakers, there was a momentary pause. Eva bit her lip and furrowed her brows, “Dahlia, we found something.”

It wasn’t long after the spike that she was on her way to the arid desert. Her Salamence soared through clear skies and they touched down not far from the portal within a golden ring blinking into existence. It really wasn’t long after that that more League and Rocket flooded the scene. Tension broke into violent conflict, and the appearance of colossal titans didn’t temper the situation.

Eva had avoided the conflict as long as she could. She’s currently pressed against the fractured wall of a crumbling temple, carefully peeking out around the torn corner. Steel and rock wage a dangerous battle, accompanied by avatars of both factions. Officers and brave civilians find themselves caught in between.

Her face twists into a scowl, the adrenaline spike flaring the annoyance she felt for the whole situation to a maximum. They wouldn't get anywhere with all this petty fighting. Rivals waged war while gods pulled the puppet strings. But was there anyone pulling the gods' strings? Their focus on hatred would blind them to what they needed to succeed.

Eva curls around the edge a little further, the amethyst sparks of the portal not too far from their current position. Beside her, the Porygon2 beeps and boops, a thrill of digital wails calling her attention to the datapad embedded into their system. Her head snaps back to narrow her gaze on the warring energies. Spikes of Dynergy and Infinity energy mingle dangerously together in sharp peaks and shallow nadirs.

“None of this is good,” she mumbles to herself, ducking as a blast of PSYCHIC energy from barely misses its mark. The trace of the Dynergy following the Registeel creates a pattern before her eyes - one that turns her stomach, “We’re being corralled to the portal like Mareep!” Mareep to the slaughter? Or Mareep being shown the way to greener pastures?

With the Trickster and a titan involved, she doesn’t trust it. Not. One. Bit.

“We gotta get to the portal before anyone else does. C’mon!”

In one smooth leap, she hurdles over the short crumbling wall of the once beautiful ruin and runs across the desert’s burning sand. A familiar Flygon zooms overhead, accompanied by an unfamiliar Charizard. Regardless, the SHADOW BALL from hurtling towards them isn’t a good thing. With a quick command, the Porygon2 angles its digital body to the sky. The SHADOW BALL splashes against the PROTECT like an inky water balloon. The brief pause doesn’t impede their progress. The Sygna Suited professor gives a little salute as she runs, blonde hair flying wildly behind her.

Her boots dig into the rough sand as she slides to stop in front of the portal. She turns back to back with her Porygon2 to keep an eye out for enemies, “Trace it, F.E.M.A.”

A cacophony of digital sounds rings like a melody beneath the baritone hum of war. A light scans over the portal, TRACING it for any information that could be useful to them.

& & &

- Eva is reading energy spikes and upset with all the fighting - they’re never going to survive like this
- Sees the pattern of Registeel steering Rocket and the League towards the portal
- Gets sus that this is a trap!

- F.E.M.A’s PROTECT stops the SHADOW BALL from from hitting and
- Races to the portal from her position to try and get there first to use Porygon2’s TRACE ability to scan for danger/where it might be taking them so they’re not just all playing along with Hoopa and Registeel’s plan blindly

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2024 1:08:35 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
her lips part in a wolfish grin. adrenaline squelches through her. the rumbling in the back of her mind rises, though it does not crescendo. her patron hovers in the atmosphere, tasting the blooming energy as it crawls into the ozone. 

SOON, they promise with heat, and freya's teeth sink into her lower lip. 

sand scatters once more as pescis surges back into the air. carving a path for them is her kin. balmung's obsidian scales almost look ruby in the harsh and as he scorches through the enemy.

though dragons are not easily felled, they make for sizeable targets, and it does not take long for a rocket to lash out in return. curses slip from her when she realizes she's still too far behind and as the shadow ball nears, she bristles. 

a barrier shimmers at his back and freya spies a figure to her left. the battle-hungry flame within her hisses as though she'd been sprayed with water, and her jaw drops open. fear for eva's well-being vies for dominance over appreciation (and a little something more, a heat on her neck that has nothing to do with the desert sun). 

as one is want to do when they are strangled by emotion, she turns to violence. the rocket that had attacked her is privy to a heavy slam of pescis' powerful hind feet into the ground. earth power trembles towards them by way of explosive sand.

"they'll be here soon!" she calls to eva. "how long does it have?"
grr at sage
hey babes


[newclass="nullelem"]}.freya .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .freya .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2024 1:54:06 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
[attr="class","basitemp"]The ambush came swift and silent. and his Zoroark had marked Roy as their target. Oblivious to the danger behind him, Roy remained focused on their path ahead, his back turned as Balmung sliced through the desert sky. was nearby, but not close enough to intervene.

When the Zoroark unleashed its Shadow Ball, the attack tore through the air with a menacing accuracy. Balmung sensed it first, its keen instincts kicking in as the charizard twisted mid-flight in an effort to shield its rider. The sudden shift in momentum jolted Roy, who turned just in time to see the shadowy orb closing in. With no time to react, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact.

But the blow never landed.

A shimmering barrier flared to life between them, absorbing the attack in a burst of light. ’s Porygon2 hovered nearby, its glossy, rounded form projecting the Protect that had saved them both. wasted no time to retaliate, her Flygon swooping in like a streak of illumina lightning.

Balmung descended swiftly, landing with a thud on the shifting sands to regroup with the others. As Roy dismounted, ’s Porygon2 was already scanning the battlefield, its Trace ability locking onto threats that might still linger in the chaos. pressed her assault, while her voice requested a dedicated time.

Roy steadied himself, eyes flicking from the portal to the fray around them. “We don’t have much time,” he said, urgency sharpening his tone. Though he didn’t voice his gratitude outright, the glance he shot spoke the words for him. “If we don’t move now, we’ll lose our foothold on the other side.”

[attr="class","basitemp-notes"]⬢ roy/balmung joins the group and says we gotta go

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[newclass="nullelem"]}.roy .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .roy .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]

[newclass="nullelem"]}.roy .palise-post-top-left-2 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/jeBsqTR.png); }[/newclass]

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abby, lady taipan
32 years old
November 4th
bar owner, drug manufacturer
the hopeless dream
of being
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
408 posts
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TAG WITH @absinthe
Absinthe Blackwood
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2024 2:00:51 GMT
Absinthe Blackwood Avatar

the acid rain falls, threatening nerve disintegration to any who dare to weather its effects uncovered. behind absinthe, voices press up against her back. screams, shouts, emotional duress, flooding together to form a single stream of consciousness that labors like death on absinthe's conscience. asbestos is recalled and replaced with iodine the espathra, and absinthe finds her place atop the flightless bird's back as they rush towards the portal. she has done her duty to team rocket, however paltry the acid rain might be—now her loyalty lies in herself.[break][break]

so she rides, sand whipping at her face, in a desperate bid to reach the portal long before the other maligning influences of the desert.[break][break]

that is, of course, until she spots a familiar face.[break][break]

lightning does not strike twice in one place, so they say—but the world is vast, after all; and in the event that it should indeed strike twice within the vicinity of , it would perhaps be unsurprising that the bolt would come in the shape of an irate scientist dressed as though for a funeral.[break][break]

there is another presence with the bitch, someone small and unassuming, but absinthe's eyes glaze over with rage that scoffs in the face of common sense, rendering night invisible to the mad chemist.[break][break]

with a scowl clinging to her lips, absinthe leads her espathra forward from behind the pair, aiming to knock them from their steed with a well-placed QUICK ATTACK, preceded by no warning, by no words.



- toxic-chain espathra is active[break]
- absinthe decides she has done her duty to team rocket by laying down an acid rain and leaves the fight with registeel and regirock to their own devices[break]
- absinthe approaches the portal atop her espathra[break]
- absinthe sees and and sees red[break]
- absinthe decides to try to knock them off their arcanine by quick attacking them



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing