i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
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TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 15:42:19 GMT
knox prescott Avatar
[attr="class","knoxpost"]his attack means nothing to the beast. and there are people screaming around him. bodies, crushed by the initial bomb impact, splintered apart with broken beams and colorful painted bricks, have him stumbling sideways. 

it's too much. 

there is a bomb above them and it is not in the air any longer, arcing up into the lighthouse, but back down, back towards them. and in this moment, he can't think about what matters.

there are orders from his higher-ups to get the beast ball at all costs, but there is a frenzied scuffle, pokemon with bloodlust in their bellies and a will to kill to protect those around them, to carry out orders from a boss who might do worse to them should they fail. 

captain and blue look to him for guidance, but they can see the panicked quickening of his breath, his eyes unfocused. he scratches at his arm and the two pokemon look at each other. captain nuzzles his leg, sends a soft electric jolt to bring him back down to earth. 

he grits his teeth. 

find eden

he finds his momentum and runs towards the fray, calling out her name. 

says 'fuck this' and starts calling for @bean2

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 1:59:34 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

"it's gettin' away, get back and---" 's call would cause mateo to halt. his words igniting a fire as the dragon master would grin in response, "right! sceptile, mimic! arcanine, return!" recalling his arcanine, mateo would latch on to sceptile's back. he'd follow kyle and with the usage of magnet rise.

next round they'd go all-out!



- sceptile used mimic: magnet rise.
- arcanine was recalled.

[attr="class","merktagI"] @kylee

[newclass=.merkI] width: 340px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #fafafa; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 7px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:center; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; background: #252525; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 3:40:44 GMT
shiv Avatar




[attr="class","ihead"]SAVING THE POKEMON

as the acid rain collides with the ground, the pokemon who have weathered the toxic precipitation start to feel its effects. although less potent than the poisons of rocket's secret raid, it is, nonetheless, an agonizing contaminate. across the field, the wails and shrieking of pokemon begin to hush in a haunting decrescendo.[break][break][break]


's gardevoir's LIFE DEW proves to be instrumental alongside 's clawitzer. healing energies fill the battlefield. droplets of water float and seek the injured. like sapphires, they refract the SUNNY DAY's rays in a rare moment of beauty betwixt disaster.[break][break][break]

as they are withdrawn or healed, each pokemon faints; however, it is clear that they should seek further medical attention afterward. & 's swamperts, 's hatterene, 's hydreigon, 's sharpedo, 's charizard, 's machoke, 's noivern, and 's unfezant succumb to the dark pit of unconsciousness. 's sableye is able to soften their crash landing before fainting in a horrid spasm.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]BEAST BALL

as attempts to flee into his dragapult's expanding PHANTOM FORCE; the beast ball presently contained within its gut.[break][break]as they attempt to blink out of the physical plane, they are suddenly seized by a staryu's PSYCHIC. should the masked hammerlocke graduate peer at the source, they would be able to see the "pokenger", clad in his heroic outfit commanding his pokemon to attack them.[break][break][break]

before 's solrock can EXPLODE in a spectacular sacrifice, the effects of the acid rain become too much to bear. in a surprising twist of fate, the meteorite pokemon faints before it can act as cover. its speedy trajectory causes its motionless body to streak by as it becomes available for withdrawal.[break][break][break]


another solrock instead, takes its place. 's solrock ZEN HEADBUTTS 's dragapult in the gut. the shadowy portal begins to fidget, as if losing stability to remain open. before 's honedge can deliver a damning NIGHT SLASH, it is thrown backwards by a potent DARK PULSE. the honedge immediately faints, clanging to the ground. swiftly, the solrock retrieves its partner and soars toward as the darkrai fires a sphere of DARK VOID toward the staryu to break its hold, while it counteracts 's jellicent with a potent OMINOUS WIND of its own.[break][break][break]

the darkrai acts as 's cover, grasping the edges of the portal with its claws, as the the nightmare pokemon too, disappears into the closing PHANTOM FORCE. it is not seen again tonight. 's ILLUSION allows to reappear safely and away from the perceptive eyes of .[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE EARTH & SKY

the eruption of stone razes the night market further. in a shocking tidal wave of jutting rock, broken buildings and broken bodies are pierced and tossed like fortress warnings. many are able to flee to the sky. pokemon rescue their own trainers, while others swoop in under commands to bail out those with no access to the air. , with her fast thinking (but not fast enough to save 's garden), rescues the head scientist like an alien abduction atop her gyarados. is able to haul on to his hydreigon, while tears away from the ground in the nick of time. due to sheer luck, but impassioned desperation, is able to dodge the unraveling earth as he searches for @bean2. furthermore, 's solgaleo successfully saves the wormhole from whatever the nihilego was attempting to do. the stones stop abruptly, sprouting like a crown around the edges of the WIDE GUARD.[break][break][break]

as and fly toward the nihilego, follows on the back of his MAGNET RISING sceptile. a flash of red announces the return of his arcanine as the winds whip past them and their passengers.[break][break][break]

's vileplume is able to stave off the earth temporarily. the empowered SOLAR BEAM blasts through a lane of incoming stone, obliterating it into a crumbs and shards of sharp detritus. the vileplume is able to buy enough time for their trainer to flee on his gyarados, but the expansive STONE EDGE strikes the vileplume when it restarts. the vileplume is knocked unconcious and hurled into the air.[break][break][break]


however, a couple are not so lucky. is unable to flee the wave of erupting rock. from underneath her feet, a ramp of stone catapults her into the air. gravity takes hold at the peak of her tremendous ascent, pulling her body toward the spikes below. next, it is clear 's heroism comes at a cost. those who witness him would see that he does not have time to escape. as the stones drive upward from hoenn's guts, one pillar surges toward his body to lance it--- but something protects him.[break][break][break]


a brilliant verdant flash engulfs his body. as he's pushed up from the stone, a paneled barrier of green takes the blow for him and shimmers all around, for he is encased in a protective orb. he can hear something's cry. it emanates from the barrier itself. across hoenn, others like it, seem to awaken as settles on stable ground. the barrier disappears as the green light fades into his flesh. something wanted to protect , or did it want to protect itself?[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]STRIKING THE BOMB

@nicole recalls her daring togedemaru before leaping on to her metagross. following 's charizard, the two strike the bomb with tier pokemon's fists. a fierce METEOR MASH and DRAGON CLAW hurl the bomb even higher, but it's clear, that at this height, it won't be enough to save the city.[break][break][break]

10, 9, 8...

from his crash site, shoots up into the air with his pidgeot. a gale from a HURRICANE attack tosses it further up before it is bombarded with 's dragon's attacks. boulders are borrowed from below as EARTH POWER and DARK PULSE push it up further, still. spiraling toward the bomb, 's starmie and type:null fire their respective attacks from relative safety. their PSYCHIC and TRI-ATTACK lan before the pokemon are recalled.[break][break][break]

7, 6, 5...

after PROTECTING from the stones, tapu fini draws ocean waters to itself before launching them at the bomb. the salty scent of brine hits the nostrils as 's drifblim whips up ferocious winds like 's pidgeot. however, this time, the TAILWIND not only pushes the bomb further, but allows to ascend with frightening speeds into the sky.[break][break][break]

4, 3, 2...

's gyarados shifts into its impressive mega form. it dominates the airscape with its immense size as it rises upward with a surge of seawater. before the water can affect its attack, his arcanine is able to EXTREMESPEED the bomb, tagging it before a roar of a WATERFALL attack slams into the explosive sphere. the bomb shoots into the night sky, piercing through the clouds.[break][break][break]


as the SUNNY DAY fades, more light follows. overhead, the bomb detonates into a thousand orbs. blue, pink spheres scatter across the night's canvas of stars before exploding into balls of flame. the whole region quakes violently. if one is not deafened by the boom, their senses are pierced by the shattering of windows across the city. several orbs pop into actual fireworks: a calling card of the blacephalon's whimsicality. as the acrid smell of smoke and flame descends, the region celebrates the turn of the decade...[break][break][break]


before 's manectric can pluck 's joltik from 's body, the fangs sink into her flesh. her body convulses once before the assassin is torn away. the joltik expends some static electricity in defense- but to no effect on the manectric, before fleeing. cosmog teleports the commissioner to verdanturf...[break][break][break]

as 's claydol lands a powerful HYPER BEAM on the creature, 's krookodile emerges from the earth like a vengeful lazarus. it slams into the nihilego, cracking one of its tentacles. furthermore, 's newly evolved aegislash is able to SHADOW SNEAK them up into the air. her type:null launches RAZOR WINDS at the nihilego as they tear into its hard carapace. the alien cries with its bird-like vocals. like a bleeding kite, it sways in the air.[break][break][break]

enraged, the nihilego ensnares 's claydol, 's krookodile and 's type:null with its long, extensive reach. the tentacles wrap tight around their waists and tighten. their pokemon cry out in pain before they're slammed into each other like a child smashing toy blocks together. the nihilego does this continuously, the spines from its body jutting out as it attempts to suck them into its head...[break][break][break]


but one man is not phased by the earth. rushes through the field. his body hurdles through the erupting rocks. as an unstoppable force, the man smashes through columns of violent stone before he launches himself. as the remainder of the nihilego's tentacles attempt to grab him, lashes a rock-shattering kick on to the nihilego's crest.[break][break][break]

the nihilego wails and releases the pokemon in its tentacles. poisons bleed from its head as it flurries about in pain. in alien screams, the nihilego attempts to nurse itself. overhead, the bomb explodes... and the creature notices it. it dispels the notion of the wormhole being a possible threat to the bomb's detonation. instead, it treats it as an ally. the nihilego releases an ear-splitting cry that penetrates throughout the entire city.[break][break][break]

from within the wormhole set into the night market's floor, similar cries echo back. as if in response to the nihilego's cry, a force seems to be growing from within the radioactive tunnel. tentacles begin to latch upon the edges of the tunnel as reinforcements attempt to breach the boundary.[break][break][break]

the nihilego launches itself at its assaulters, spewing poisons and grabbing at anyone in range of its remaining seven tentacles.[break][break][break]


mod roll:


below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

you must ROLL for this round as you perform your actions; this round, rolls won't determine the absolute outcome of your actions.[break][break]

there are several things in play at the moment. to summarize:[break]
  • , , and to an extent, , are in elusive positions, awaiting escort by a rocket gardevoir.
  • the nihilego has attracted reinforcements from 's solgaleo's wormhole. beat them back and prevent them from breaching!
  • is falling toward the stones and is about to be impaled.
  • 's condition is unknown, but she is teleported away.
  • the nihilego is attacking for one last push.

please include a tl;dr of your character's actions; however, if any of your posts remain only as tl;drs by the end of the event (i.e. there is no actual written post), you will receive no rewards.[break][break]

furthermore, if you have a "tl;dr only post" in the previous round and make another "tl;dr only post" that is unedited by the next mod post, you will automatically fail your action with dire consequences.[break][break][break]

the possible last mod post will be on on 2/4, 12:00AM PST..

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 4:45:52 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion goes deaf for the second time that night, and this time his hearing is not so quick to recover.

His ears ring and the world spins down below. He lurches and coughs up bile, arms looped tight around his Hydreigon's middle neck. Sound is distant, far away, and it's only in one ear. The councilman groans, closing his eyes against jarring vertigo.

To , he says, "T-Think my ear's ruptured... shit..."

He tastes blood in his mouth from where he'd bit his tongue. But he's alive. Alive. He opens one eye, slow, and sees chaos beneath them. Chaos, but not the destruction the bomb should have wrought.

He laughs, hysterical and weak with relief, a sound that's cut off when he gags.

But it's not over.

Of course it isn't fucking over.

His swaying vision finds the Nihelego with its grasping tentacles, still alive. It drifts to the wormhole, more tentacles grasping desperately for purchase. With the bomb no longer a looming threat, his focus shifts: damage control.

"N-Nidhogg, portal." Perhaps the three-headed dragon doesn't know what Orion means with his words, but it understands an errant hand gesture enough to switch course toward it. "I want you to blast that thing with Surf, but you can't hit anyone else. Earth Power, first."

He makes a circle motion, and Nidhogg snarls.

Calling upon the powers of the earth once more, Nidhogg attempts to erect an earthen barrier much like the one that had been erected at the start of the chaos, the first explosion. He then calls upon the wrath of the sea, drawing up the surf and blasting it toward the funnel of earth. With any luck, the makeshift natural drain would wash the damn beasts back from whence they'd come!


- deafened by the explosion overhead, ruptured an eardrum. lets know
- focuses attention on the wormhole
- hydreigon attempts to create a ring of earth around the wormhole with earth power before pouring a surf attack into the portal. kind of like pouring liquid through a funnel?
- they're still levitating cause of hydreigon's ability

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 12:15:16 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

As the ball finally exploded, the deafening sound caused Thomas to instinctively cup his hands over his ears. Despite this, his hearing was, once again, taken out momentarily. For a moment, he would wonder if this was the moment that he had permanently lost his hearing. Thankfully, the moment his hearing returned, muffled at first, but gradually normalizing, he realized that he was spared of this. Though he would definitely have to get some medical treatment after this was over.

"I'll be a fucking miracle if none of us have gone deaf tonight.", Thomas remarked.

Thomas would witness as Baily and the Pokenger were catapulted into the air, before hurdling towards the rocks. Remarkably, the costumed man produced a strange, green shield that protected him from being skewered on the rocks. As for Bailey, she would need to be saved. If Kalameet hadn't been taken out of commission, Thomas would've gladly swooped in to save the Elite Four member. But as it was, he and Orion were too far away to save her.

All he could do was hope that someone could save her.

As the Nihilego let out an ear-piercing cry, Thomas once again covered his ears as hard as he could. On top of having lined all of his clothing with carbon fiber, he had to wonder if future preparation involved putting in protective earplugs. After all, he did end up dealing with a Kommo-o earlier in the month, which resulted in a bit of a scare on his end.

Thomas would see the tentacles begin to pull at the edges of the portal. "Oh fuck no!", Thomas called out, grabbing his two remaining Pokeballs. "Colt, fire into the portal, do not let them through!", Thomas told the Pokeball containing the Clawitzer, before tossing it towards a position that would give the Clawitzer a good shot towards the mouth of the portal. Colt would waste no time in firing off Water Pulses into the mouth of the portal as fast as his claw could allow him to do so.

"Ripper, fuck that thing up!", Thomas told the other Pokeball, before tossing it towards a place where Ripper could rush the Nihilego from the side. As Ripper was deployed, Thomas held up a rainbow-colored stone, which caused the red and black marble on the Scizor's body to resonate with it. A chrysalis of power would envelop the Scizor momentarily, before shattering in a blinding light. Ripper would become even taller, with stilt-like legs, reinforced armor, and elongated, more menacing pincers.

The Mega Scizor, with a bloodthirsty cry, would begin to rush the Nihlego as quickly as he could, hopping from rock to rock before attempting to close the distance with a Bullet Punch. If he were to get in close enough, the Scizor would begin to jab and swing furiously at the Nihlego with a violent onslaught of Bullet Punches.


notes: Thomas covers his ears, still going deaf for a moment
Curses about all the noise they've been subjected to
Sends out Clawitzer and Scizor, deploying them in safe, tactical places on the ground
Clawitzer fires Water Pulses into the Wormhole in an attempt to beat back the reinforcements
Thomas Mega Evolves Scizor
Mega Scizor charges Nihlego, attempting to barrage it with Bullet Punches

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 22:17:27 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
There is a face beneath this mask, but it isn't me.
TAG @event


thanks for the fun raid!
Things hadn't exactly gone as planned.

For all of his education, experience, and attempts at foresight, sometimes the unpredictable proved to be a little too overwhelming. There was no excuse for that, of course. He simply needed to be better. And, more than anything else, that fire to improve burned inside of him bright. Which was more that could be said for his Solrock. Though, to be fair to it, Remiel hadn't realized the extent of its injuries until he saw it descend from the sky.

Around the same time he realized Mephisto was being detained by a Staryu's Psychic and acknowledged the foolishly dressed individual commanding it, the black-haired royal swiftly unclipped his Solrock's luxury ball with a single hand before recalling it1. There was no point in leaving it for the league to pick up and deposit in a shelter. It was almost immediately after he clipped the ball back to his belt that the lad braced himself atop his Dragapult, having seen the opposing Solrock charging for them.

Their situation had become dire. Despite the odds, however, the masked man was ready to fight tooth and nail with everything he and Mephisto had left in them. Power and influence wasn't obtained easily. It required a strong will, and a readiness for sacrifice. But, thankfully, having the 'Pitch-Black Pokémon' on one's side proved to be invaluable. Attacks were deterred, Mephisto was released from the telekinetic hold, and they escaped through the shadowy portal with the king of nightmares.

In the realm of shadows, Remiel saw him fade away.

| | |

'Rendezvous, under the illusion.'

Dragapult had reappeared behind the cover of what was formerly a traditional Japanese fire tower, near the location pinged by Remiel's Team Rocket associate, . Albeit injured, Mephisto fights through the pain and swiftly carries him the short distance over to the roosting Noivern, the Gardevoir patching it up, their trainer, and the Zoroark that looms behind her. Although he's yet unaware of the exact details of the illusion, the lad presumes they're somehow invisible to the rest of the world. He looks up just in time to see an accurate doppelgänger of himself fly away from their true location.

"Well done," He tells her quietly, his voice slightly distorted by his rain-speckled mask. Climbing down from Mephisto, the darkly-dressed young man softly places a hand against its injured stomach. It flinches, but doesn't back away. The Dreepy in its cannons poke out from their holes, ever the curious critters. Through an unspoken connection, the Dragapult soon comes to an understanding with its masked trainer. Before long, Remiel's hand soundlessly sinks through its ghostly stomach like water.

When it reemerges, he's carrying the Beast Ball.

He makes the treasured item disappear within the confines of his long black jacket. Then, unclipping Mephisto's luxury ball from his belt, he recalls the fatigued creature2. "You've earned your rest." As he clips his second and last Pokémon securely to his belt, Remiel offers the lady a thankful nod. "Your assistance was invaluable. I'll ensure our superiors get word of it. I'm certain they will be pleased." He turns to regard the scene beyond them— the costumed fool, the legendary Solgaleo, the furious Ultra Beast, and the league trainers risking their lives in an attempt to subdue it. His role here is done.

"Shall we make our leave then?"

Whether via Team Rocket's Gardevoir or Zoroark's Illusion, the black-haired royal was ready to leave this disaster3. A nice cup of tea and proper introduction with the Ultra Beast was in order. It would prove most interesting.

1 Remiel had recalled Solrock after the unexpected descent.
2 Once they are safely in cover, Dragapult permits Remiel removal of the Beast Ball from its stomach before being recalled.
3 Ready to depart with and .

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2020 3:18:33 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Astral doesn't even have a chance to tell her anything before everyone else seems to have a good idea and toss the bomb into the air with the combination of their attacks. Thinking fast, Grace lets herself drop down onto the roof of a building that was still standing before it finally exploded. It was so loud Ruby immediately fell to her knees, clutching her head and covering her ears. She stayed that way for a few seconds, fearful for her life until Astral gently brushed a hand on her back.

Looking up, Ruby saw the firework-like explosion overhead and let out a nervous sob of joy. The bomb was gone... The ringing in her ears was infinitely better than actually being torn apart and burned. She slowly stood up to her feet, legs incredibly wobbly. She leaned heavily on Grace as she examined the scene before them. So many things were still going on and she didn't know what they were.

The tentacled beast from before was enraged, there seemed to be some strange other confrontation going on with some other Pokemon she didn't recognize, and that portal seemed to be swarming with more tentacles that threatened to try and escape. Ruby blinked, staring silently at all the carnage still going on before them. Soaked to the bone from the rain, slowly drying off from the hot sun, Ruby looked an absolute mess, just like the city around her.

Her eyes slowly scanned across the ruined city. So much death... So much carnage, hurt, so much chaos. It was hard to take it all in. To think not even 30 minutes ago the city was beautiful and alive and ready to welcome in the new year. Her arms slowly wrapped around her waist as she struggled to process it all. She didn't know what to do anymore. Everyone else was doing so much to help and here she was, standing still somewhere relatively safe, and about to cry. It didn't feel right.

Her fists began to clench as she stared. Everyone was fighting hard to protect the city from these abominations. Everyone was working together to be something better than they could be on their own. People were working together, as a team, to protect everyone else. She couldn't just run away now that the bomb was gone. If anyone got hurt because of something she didn't do, it was her fault. Or at least, that is what she began to tell herself.

Both Grace and Astral sensed the change in Ruby's mood and steeled their own resolves as they all stared at the carnage out in front of them. "Grace," Ruby quickly spoke, pointing a hand over at the wormhole. "Take us over there." With a sudden flash of energy, the Gardevoir used Teleport and quickly moved both her trainer and the Gothorita over towards the portal.

It was, in one word, terrifying. Like looking into the abyss and watching it stare back. Ruby gulped in fear and yet she still immediately yelled out. "Push them back! One is already too many!" Astral quickly used Hypnosis, attempting to at least weaken the grip of the terrifying beasts latching onto the portal. With that done, Grace followed up with Dazzling Gleam. A bright light flashed out from their hand, hopefully damaging every single tentacle holding it open.

Throughout it all, Ruby stared them down despite her fear. despite the tears dripping down her cheeks. These beasts had destroyed the city. they hurt the region she had grown to love, and they had hurt innocent people. But their worst offense of all was daring to hurt her best friend, and for that, Ruby was furious.


notes: Ruby's angry. Grace teleports them over to the portal. Astral uses hypnosis to attempt and weaken/slow down the Nihilego's within and Grace blasts with Dazzling Gleam to attack every tentacle in sight.


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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2020 13:14:40 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

The bomb exploded, but if Annie hadn’t known better she would have thought that the world did. Her eyes were already being assaulted by the sheer chaos around them, but the earthquake, the boom, the debris shattering and flying… It forced her to close her eyes, cover her ears with her one free arm and elbow.

One would think that they’d at least earned some rest, or even a moment of peace. By the time Buzz deposited her near the edge of the battlefield, she realised that the night just couldn’t be that easy. She’d barely allowed herself to take her eyes off the clown and its bomb, so the split-second she took to eye the Nihilego brought out a fresh wave of anxiety. So did the portal, threatening to bring more of its kind into their domain. She didn’t have a moment to breathe, but she took it anyway, forcing the fear and fret back down for another few seconds. She could panic when she was dead, but until then she had a job to do.

Somehow, Frankie knew how to battle the beasts better than she did, so she summoned it back onto the battlefield to aid. “We need to plug that hole- Hey, wait!” Too much chaos, too many commands, too many ultra-beasts. One of those factors, or perhaps all at once, made the Type: Null decide that it was done following orders. Even muffled by the helmet, the chimera’s roar could be heard by all close to it as it charged for the Nihilego in the market.

“Oh, shi- Buzz, cover Frankie with an Air Slash!” A little chirp from an oversized bug told it was happy to oblige, and then it disappeared from Annie’s side. Carrying her around hadn’t allowed him to show off his speed, but in that moment, six powerful wings enhanced by Speed Boost transformed him into a streak of green and red. He stopped at a distance from the tentacle beast, firing an Air Slash ahead of Frankie’s charge. If the beast attempted to grab his ally, it’d have to break through cutting winds first.

The threat of being grabbed meant nothing to the Beast Killer as it leapt into the fray. The Yanmega’s support went unacknowledged as it charged its attack. The helmet that bound its power shined silver, then glowed white. By the time it was airborne, its entire body was a mere outline in a white aura, a shining beacon set on slamming itself into the ultra beast.


TL;DR: Type: Null charges for the main Nihilego. Yanmega uses Air Slash to atttempt to pre-emptively counter Nihilego's tentacles, and Type: Null follows suite with Iron Head.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:23:59 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian felt his stomach sinking, lurching with the motions of the pokemon between his legs as they began their free fall. Having watched the bomb disperse into fireworks, he was able to become much more relaxed, finding himself at ease even as they plummeted towards the ground...

And yet, as he turned back to look at the carnage, there was still another Ultra Beast running amok. Worse yet, some trainers seemed to be working against them, almost as if they had some ulterior motive. Could they have been the ones that prompted the beast invasion? Adrian scowled.

But worse yet, Adrian caught a glimpse of his Vileplume passed out against the dirt, vulnerable to the beast's blind rampage. They needed to get back to Rover before anything happened to him. Tugging at his pokemon, he redirected them towards the ongoing struggle, hoping to engage in the closing moments of the New Year's conflict.

Hopefully this fuckin' thing doesn't try to blow us up too, Adrian internalized resentfully, snatching Rover's pokeball from his belt in anticipation of getting close, pressing the button and whisking the spent Vileplume in a brilliant crimson flash.

Howitzer would stand as a buffer between Adrian and the Ultra Beast, holding herself low to the ground and snarling. But even a cursory glance would reveal she was growing weary from battle.


tl;dr Arcanine uses Extreme Speed.
(Returning to the Nihilego conflict.)

Adrian rides Gyarados back to Nihilego.
(No move, just an action.)

Adrian withdraws Vileplume from battle.
(I believe he fainted last round.)

Arcanine uses Snarl.
(One more f#%* you to the UB.)
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:46:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



one eye peeked open as the sound of something echoed all around him and blotted out the sounds of explosions up above. he was expecting to see stones jutting out from his gut but instead all he could see was green surrounding him. as the barrier began to fade around him he was left speechless. what could he say anyway about a strange green shield that conjured itself around him and was now shrinking back into his skin? not really much if he was being honest. as the light faded away with a twinkle he was reminded of the strange creature he found in mossdeep months ago that burrowed into his skin, that memory gave him the perfect words to say at this moment as he placed a hand over his chest. "thanks little buddy."

he was soon reunited with his solrock, holding a fainted slitty as the blade was unresponsive, and his staryu who's gem were flashing out of tiredness. "hey, at least you guys are alright and still here." he sighed in relief as he returned slitty back into his ball and got up to his feet and watched what remaining fireworks were going off. "and at least we ain't dead yet. can't find that clown's ball or the guy who snagged it though...damn." even with the light of the fireworks going off he couldn't find a trace. what he could find was that everyone was trying to fight a battle with the tentacle monster from earlier. "still there's work to be done. so let's go guys!"

as they raced towards the giant jellyfish monster one more sight caught kazimir's eyes, a woman looking to be impaled on the same spikes that got him. no way that was happening. while the pain of being cut up was stinging the fresh shot of adrenaline that was pumping through him let him maneuver around the rocks as he jumped in between the spires that were aiming for her and stuck his feet between them and held his arms out for the lady. as landed in his arms he could feel the sudden shift in weight cause his legs to split.

"bad day for a spill huh?" he powered through the uncomfortable feeling he got between his legs and gave the woman a wink through the hole in his mask before setting her down. as he did taiyou relayed a message as he looked beyond the horizon of the fight between trainers and the alien monster; a portal close by and by the looks of things more of them trying to come out through. more of them was going to be a problem, and his solrock seemed to have a situation that he shared with flashes of images in kazimir's mind. "are you crazy?! taiyou we can'-" the solrock gave what kazimir himself knew was a smile if the pokemon had a mouth as it let out a confident cry that he could only interpret one way.

i believe in the you that believes in me. right?

"...fine. but you get out of there if your ok alright?" with that the trio raced their ways to the wormhole with staryu and kazimir making a detour to stand on top of a spire that was slanted enough for them to stand over and see the nihilego fighting the other trainers. taiyou made his way around that fight and waited for his chance as other attacks spilled into the wormhole. looking at the tentacles holding it open he floated his way to over the hole and focused with all his might as a aura surrounded him.

a loud explosive boom signaled the pokenger to strike.

"alien or dark creature, even a pyromaniac clown, none of those shall stop the heart of justice that lies before you monster!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as he crossed his arms while staring down at the tentacle beast. "you and your chaos will be stopped today, and i POKENGER WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT!"


bending his legs and pushing off the stone as best as he could the pokenger was flying. well not flying but he was sure going to be falling with style as his staryu locked onto the nihilego and unleashed more of its psychic energy to hold it in place like it did to the dragapault. it needed to make sure that the pokenger could hit his mark as he shifted his body into a kicking position, his foot aimed for the monster's giant gelatinous head.


    + honedge fainted!
    + kazimir saves !
    + kazimir declares war on nihilego!
    + staryu uses psychic on nihilego to hold it in place!
    + kazimir uses hi jump kick on nihilego!
    + solrock uses explosion on the wormhole after everyone else strikes it!



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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
181 posts
marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 5:26:29 GMT
marie jules Avatar

There was a lot going on and Marie wanted out.

Spam pinging her location she messaged for the escort gardevoirs to hurry their asses up so she could leave before this shit escalated any further.

- She's dirty, she's hurt and she just wants to go home to take a nice and relaxing bubble bath.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 15:24:10 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Air forces itself out of her chest violently when Aegislash's

shadow sneak

propels both she and Wadjet into the air. But it's the fall that takes her breath away, and later, the crash.[break][break]

The ground roils beneath them and they escape that horror, that certain doom but still they meet their end.[break][break]

Wadjet can't carry herself and she faints before she even hits the ground. Stormy's fall is broken by her own hand and she feels something crack, probably. Pain lances her ribs and shoulder as she rolls out of it and back onto her knees.[break][break]


Her voice trembles as she screams for her fallen friend. The Pokemon appears to still be breathing, but her body is weak and her breaths are shallow and quiet. Stormy pushes herself to get up and run to the Pokemon's side, her hand brushing acid-burned scales and dried blood. She's cold, colder than she's ever been before.[break][break]

The woman returns the Charizard to the safety of her pokeball and takes one single, shallow breath, before reaching for her sword and shield Pokemon.[break][break]

Aegislash fits into her hand perfectly, and she re-attaches the Pokemon to her back before turning to find her Type: Null in all this mess and chaos.[break][break]

And that's when she sees the portal opening wider and hundreds of tentacles trembling and forcing themselves out. Nihilego is nearly spent, but more are coming - reinforcements.[break][break]

But she's tired, so tired. Wadjet is unable to get her anywhere near that fight, and she can't find her Null.[break][break]

Until she does, and she watches the Nihilego smash it against two other Pokemon. She chokes on her anguish, falsely believing the Pokemon had been lost. So she runs, she picks herself up off the ground and sprints despite the gasping pain in her chest and the wrench in her shoulder. [break][break]


She stumbles on rubble and rocks and watches as Balder, or someone who looks like Balder - she can't tell, she's too distraught - ramming into and breaking one of the Nihilego's eight arms.[break][break]

Type: Null falls to the ground and doesn't stir and Stormy skids to a halt at it's side, gathering its head in her arms and sobbing, running her hand along the Pokemon's cracked ribs. [break][break]

"We have to go. We're done, my friend. There's nothing more we can do."[break][break]

It struggles in her arms when it regains its conciousness and will to fight. But Stormy holds fast, wrestling it in her arms as it struggles. Its


thrashes her but she's pumped full of adrenaline and desperation.[break][break]

"Stop it. Just stop. You can't keep fighting."[break][break]

Nihilego prepares its final attempt at defending itself and she braces herself as Aegislash's

kings shield

stands strong in front of her, a barricade between Stormy and the monster.[break][break]

And then she picks up the Null in her arms and begins to run as far and as fast as she can.[break][break]


- stormy and wadjet fall from the sky when wadjet faints[break]
- stormy returns wadjet and grabs aegislash, looking for her type: null[break]
- witnesses nihilego smash her type: null against other people's pokemon[break]
- runs for type: null when it falls and attempts to protect it and herself from nihilego's attack with aegislash's

kings shield

- attempts to get the fuck out of dodge now, pls and thanks[break][break]



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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 22:54:10 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

A short whistle, supported by a gesture of her hand that signals to her pokemon what to do as their ally surfaces within range of the illusion. The zoroark's ear twitches at the sound of their presence but her focus does not waver as the illusion is guided into something beyond reality.

The pull of her psychic type forces her to glance over at her pokemon, finding that the bat has lost hold of consciousness from the weight of her wounds. The tap is gentle and once the pokemon is recalled her eyes trail to the individual that has joined them. She traces the silhouette of but says nothing to his praise. It does not yet mean something and falls to deaf ears bellow the deafening explosions of the alien beasts explosion.

She watches him closely with a raised brow, only turning away once the ball is in his hands and what she considers her part in this is done, turning back to watch for any others that may seek to join them. Isra does not turn when he speaks to her again. "If you feel so inclined." she cares little for such things, her actions here were nothing more than a finalization of a messy job and it bothers her. It doesn't matter if it amounts to something in the eyes of others it only serves to bother her. The woman is too consumed with her own aggravation to pay attention to the other rocket beyond making a note of his success.

There is a small part of her that thinks, perhaps in the future he might be worth seeking out. His actions were noteworthy, he was successful and though she is hesitant to trust another on the field reliability is a crucial element in situations like this. She'll have to watch and see what she thinks.

The moment an escort arrives for him Isra snaps her fingers, the Gardevoir that has been waiting for her command comes to her side, a hand on either of the two before her. She'll wait for him to leave first, ensuring it happens beneath her illusion before she and her own follow suite.

>>Recalls the bat
>>Ensures Remmiel makes it out before her
>>Gtfos with her own gardevoir
>>Time to go drink some damn wine and play the piano


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 3:21:53 GMT
Deleted Avatar


As the bomb is flung into the air, her metagross was the first to react by grabbing their trainer to flip her over. It ended up hovering in the air, holding her rom the bottem and using their thick body to hopefully mule the explosion itself. Nicole quickly brought her arms and hands to cover her ears, shutting her eyes to shield herself from the light of the blast as well. When it all settled, she lets out a soft sigh. Alpha sets her back on top of their body, to which she smiles and pats the cross on its face. "Thank you." she smiles, only for her attention to turn to another fiasco happening not too far away. [break][break]

She watches as one of the flying trainers dash over and with the knock of her shoe against the head, alpha zipped on over to see what was actually happening. Then she sees something - someone? - who looked like a giant tentacruel. Something like that. Alpha lets her down with the group of other trainers, not too far from her. "What's going on..?" she asks, but she doesn't think she can get much an answer before tentacles began to reach out from its body.

Seeing everyone attack the odd.. Jellyfish thing(?), she decides to follow with the flow and attack it as well. It seems that, through the chaos happening below, there was another fiasco happening up here. [break][break]

Not that she'll remember any of this in a few days, anyways. That, or everything will be rather hazy. [break][break]

"Alpha!" She cries, then chucking out the ball of her togedemaru. "Meteor mash and protect us, then attack with Zen Headbutt. Theta, please paralyze it with nuzzle!"[break][break]

With the command, her metagross began to punch the tentacles back with its four arms, whereas the tiny rat clung on and started to gather up electricity. Upon reaching closer enough, the metagross smashes a glowing head against the monster, as does the togedemaru jump to cling and let out a discharge of paralyzing electricity.


- metagross grabbed her and hung her upside down to shield her from anything from above and the sound[break]
- nicole covers her ears and wheezes[break]
- sees nihiligo and has metagross approach closer[break]
- metagross drops her off, she sends out togedemaru again[break]
- togedemaru going 'bih not again'[break]
- metagross uses meteor mash to deflect the tentacles and approach nihiligo, then follows up with zen headbutt![break]
- togedemaru rides metagross until close enough; jumps forwards and uses nuzzle!


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 21:48:19 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"tana!" he calls, trying to get her attention amid the explosions. "do your thing!"

when he finds the ground low enough to jump off of, he does. he takes off from the manectric's back, dragging with him in his arms. his legs stumble when they find the ground, clumsily taking one quickened step after the other, but he soon finds the right rhythm and adjust himself with the inertia.

and then he drops noah haphazardly.

as soon as he finds stable footing, he raises his hand and reveals his mega bracelet. it activates, and the manectric rushing towards their target soon changes shape for their first attack of the year.

he sweeps his arm in front of him, a hand open with the palm facing the nihilego. the most childish-excited smile appears on his expression. "zantetsuken!" his voice was low and gruff, one that is obviously forced just to fit the scenario.

the manectric rushes at blinding speed with quick attack as her iron tail cuts everything in her path mercilessly, stopping the tentacles from protecting the ultra beast. static aids with disabling the creature, but it is the wild charge that ultimately was the icing on the cake.

kyle watches from afar. "we'll get another chance for fireworks," he tells noah.


  • jumps off of his magnet rise manectric with
  • manectric mega evolves and attacks the tentacles to make an opening for the rest of the attacks

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing