i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 1:17:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Suddenly finding himself in another round of travelling across the unkknown Satorius feet pressed down the lush grass below his feet and would leave two barely visible foot prints. he tilted his head left and right, popped his neck and yawned. Why was all thi happening? He didn't know, but there must be some more complex reason to it he didn't understand as of yet, the excitement had hit him though. Less so on what was currently going on but more about what all of this meant. He wanted to be the first to know, but for now it seemed that he could only see these 'more real then imagined' visions or whatever it was. It felt strange though, it was as if he was in a realm that didn't concern him, things kept happening and changing even without him doing anything as so far he'd only been a survivor and tried to analize what was going on. At this time though he would change that. All of this was strange but surely there was more to it then meets the eye. Regardless of all of that though, what if he just enjoyed himself a little while keeping tabs of the situation? Everyone around him was strange but there seemed to be common behaviour. As it was this seemed to be some kind of contest of catching pokemon.

The downside to this contest was that it was all bugs and while he didn't have one in possession at this time, he was more looking for the straight up types of pokemon like water, fire and flying pokemon to add more diversity but that couldn't be helped now could it? "Such a shame though", he sighed and released Percy the Haxorus out in the forest. "So I haven't had much practice on handling bugs, just get rid of the small timers and get me to the most durable looking one of them, I don't care for all these worms." Percy seemed to understand his request and started charging forward, DRAGON CLAWing left and right, sending an assortment of bugs flying. The silver haired youth kept his distance but clearly watched Haxorus come to a stop, seemingly not just slapping out of the way whatever he had encountered. Satorius walked sideways and watched what Percy had hit. It was a rather sizeable ant that had a body made of metal and had a look in its eyes that made it look bloodthirsty. The lone trainer's eyes sparkled and he reached into his jacket right as Haxorius was smashing his body down on the Durant with a full powered GIGA IMPACT, first and foremost crushing the ground underneath the two pokemon. Not looking how much damage that had done - though it couldn't have been too much to the ant itself, Satorius quickly retrieved Percy and threw a Pokeball at the Poemon still inside the whirling dust cloud.

As the saying goes, when the dust had settled only one was left standing and that was Satorius with a new companion in hand if he actually got to keep this after all this was over. He stored the pokemon away and looked around. As he didn't have much interest in bugs and was here by 'accident' he didn't see any reason in trying to catch more pokemon and left to see if he could legitimatel participate in this event and get his Durant graded though he didn't particularly cared about that. The most interesting part was the question if he could actually keep his pokemon and what that would mean for possible future shifts in environment. Satorius had recognized this as some event that had actually happened in the past and he knew where he was supposed to be, but couldn't think of when this would've happaned as everything seemed to fuzzy. In this hectic environment Satorius seemed to be the only one to see all of this as entertainment instead of competition jusdging by how many people were hecticly running around. He let out another yawn and got on his way.

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 1:20:18 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 It’s par for the course now apparently. One minute he’s atop the Mantine, free and flying across the ocean waves, a familiar sea breeze smothering him and spray tickling his face. Then he blinks and he’s in a familiar woodland. Somehow he’s gone from performing an Over the Gyarados to sitting in a tree, Angelo’s feet dangling above a sea of grass instead, salt replaced with pine.

This couldn’t be anything but a dream because, if Angelo recalls, he’d been sat in the stuffy lecture hall at Mauville when this particular Bug Catching Contest had taken place. Shadows flicker below him and while the forms of people remained translucent, an occasional bug pokemon pops up in colour, solid and rustling through the grass. He plucks a pokeball from his pocket and tosses it down from his hiding place amongst the tree branches.

Might as well make the most of this while I can.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 2:06:21 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
He did not know where he was.

He did not know how he got here.

He did not know why he was here.

All he knew was that there were bugs.  Bugs here, bugs there, bugs by his legs, and a bug in his hair.  Bugs, bugs, everywhere.

And he wanted to catch one.

Hideo had the pokeball in hand, listening for whatever bug was closer - which was hard with how many there were; some were loud but possibly far away, some were quiet by close.  Buzzing wings, excited cries, and the rustling grass was not making it easy for him.

Eventually, he just decided to stop trying to focus; even if he knew where something was, he knew his aim was awful.  He opted for the only reasonable option: throw the ball in a random direction and hope he got something good.  Or at least something at all.

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 2:54:25 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar




Bryan had been stunned at all the events going on before, he thought he was just tripping balls from the amount of booze he had been drinking, but he then realized that this was very real...What the actual fuck was going on? He was never here for any of this, is this what had been going on in his home country? absolute chaos? Well he put that to the side for now, a bug pokemon had begun to notice his presence and on top of that he for some reason had corsola with him..was this a potential timeline or something? He was still confused but the swarm was about to notice him so he panicked "Use ancient power!" as he stood his ground against the swarm. Corsola's ancient power hit one pokemon from within the swarm as they all zoomed by bryan and he braced for impact before it just phased through him. What the hell? Regardless he saw one scyther on the floor there knocked out by corsola's hit. He took this chance to take a pokeball off of his belt and lobbed it at the creature as it made contact and worked..wait was this gonna cause a time paradox?



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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 18:41:27 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


glimpse from the past


valerio cannonballs into the portal once the mantine performs the lasts of its primarina twists. he closes his eyes as his body collides through space-time continuum, until he sees the world lay down its stage once more in a seemingly endless journey to the past.[break][break]

“oh shit!” his body plops into the verdant ground, spare balls he has not touched before rolling before him and into the unsuspecting nincada that watches the redhead regain his consciousness.[break][break]


+ catching a nincada





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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 0:52:40 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

zac ramsay

Hoenn Historia
Petalburg Woods | Contest

Zac didn’t like nightmares, and that’s definitely what this was.
Massive, monstrous legendaries tearing apart cities and crushing pokemon and trainer alike without mercy or reason?
That sure sounded like a nightmare.
So he had hidden, through worlds of sub-real formation.

Crouching behind boulders that lacked grit or chill. Watching from the insides of burning buildings, untouched by the phantom flames. It was...confusing.
For a dream as disconnected as this one, it sure seemed well formed. Shifting through a half dozen nightmare scenarios, each with a new threat, a new terrible "pokemon" to be fought off by the others, and there were others.

Tens of trainers, each moving independently and in concert with one another.
He had hid the whole time, unable to bring himself to battle these creatures. They don't need me, thankfully. This is a fight for real trainers.

Zac had tried not to watch as pokemon were slaughtered and whole city blocks were levelled by devastating blasts.
His mind had definitely gone over budget with this one.

And then the disaster had shifted and Zac had found himself on a beach. Broad waves, and beating sunlight, and for an instant Zac had felt a crunch of sand and a flicker of ocean breeze. It had terrified him.

This may not be just a dream. He realized, as his Mantine skidded over the waves, following the others to the portal.
So what is it? Time travel? Am I dead? Am I a ghost now? But if so, how can I touch things? How do ghosts work? The subject for another documentary, maybe. 
The water sprayed up on him. Not wet or refreshing. Just, existent. Barely.

Zac surged through the portal and found himself in a familiar forest, on a trail heavily scattered with autumnal leaves.
He caught a whiff of loam, rot and late fruit, before everything dulled. It was longer that time. He realized, looking around for the others. Am i getting...realer?

Something scraped between the nearby trees. A trainer? No, it's too massive. He scrabbled in his bag for a pokemon, but there were none. He went to check again, but the bag itself was no longer there. Definitely still a nightmare.

The thing between the trees crashed closer, breaking branches as it searched for something, and suddenly, Zac felt...realer.
That musty, deep forest scent pervaded his nostrils, the sound of yearning Kricketot swelled in the undergrowth, and Zac took a step back from the lumbering shape, leaves crunched beneath him. 

He pointed a semi-solid finger into the woods, acting out of instinct. "Zappa! Blast 'im!" He shouted, the words malformed, falling strangely on his own ears, the sounds coming a half-second after he made them.
A bolt of lightning cracked from just behind him, arcing under his outstretched arm to strike the shape, which roared, collapsing sideways in a fall that Zac felt through the leaf litter.

Zac turned around, looking for the source of the lightning. It had to have been Zappa, but there were no pokemon nearby. None aside from the one he had just felled. He turned back to see the shape struggling to rise. There was a familiar weight in Zac's hand. He was holding a pokeball.

What in the heck is goin on here?
 Zac thought, gripping the ball. As he hesitated, the light shifted, and the glossy red sphere dulled, turning bland and pale in his weakening hands. Aw fine. Worth a shot.

He hurled the ball into the undergrowth. There was a faint melodic sound as it ricocheted off the hard shell of the beast, before the shadowy form disappeared inside, caught.



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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 10:43:56 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

Catching NINCADA

Hoenn historia

ooc: permission to see chryssa starting from now if anyone wants!

She emerged from the rift, still wringing seawater out of her hair, into green light. At this point expecting to be greeted by the sight of some new eldritch monster firing its death ray down on unsuspecting civilians or some equivalent,  Chryssa looked up in time to have an enormous Beedrill phase through her, emerging out the other side seemingly without noticing her presence. 

Another one of these, she thought, eyes narrowing. Murdock had disappeared in the last vision when she’d been forced to ride the Mantine for dear life, but as she took her first unsteady steps in the Petalburg Woods her cane seemed to appear right where she needed it, fitting perfectly into her hand. As always, it was quiet. As in real life, it had no words for her it had not already spoken.

All around her, trainers emerged from bushes and trees, jumping upon plump bug Pokemon with shouts of excitement. It was calm. It was easy. And Chryssa’s shoulders hunched with tension as with every step, her suspicion grew. This feels... too much like hope.

Why am I here?

What was she supposed to do?

What was she supposed to see?

Chryssa blinked as a tiny Combee suddenly zipped away from her with a buzz of alarm, maneuvering around her cane and legs and shooting away into the trees. Something changed, she realized, the feeling of the air on her damp scalp suddenly more real, more tangible. It’s time. To do what? To catch a bug? Was that really why she was here? For what purpose would the god behind the visions want her to claim such a paltry prize?

There was a sleeping Pineco dangling in plain sight from a silk line, clearly passed over by contestants seeking a less combustive entry. Chryssa passed it by, unsteady steps growing more urgent as she sensed her time in false-reality was fading. This world can’t hurt me, but I can hurt myself. She’d learned that in the first vision. Is this another trap?

She instead approached a small, dark shape half-concealed behind a leaf, hand extended, the woods already beginning to fade around her. The hollow buzz of its wings spoke of a season lost, a summer that had died along with the invasion.

If she caught a Pokemon here, who— or what would it serve? Herself, or the visions?

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 14:49:28 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
What did he eat last night to cause such a crazy dream like this?

Did someone drug him? Was a weird drug making him have these crazy hallucinations?

Was a wild hyno or stantler messing with him?

And just like that, things started to change. In a blink of an eye, the burnt scarred man was once again teleported to another place in this wild ride of never ending nightmares. Was darkrai hunting his sleep? What in the hell was going on?

Warm colored orbs flickered to notice he had been moved to a dense forest, human like figures seemed to be searching for something while smaller creature seemed to scatter. But what? Out of the corner of his eye, he spots someone catching a massive bug before moving on to find another. He was in a bug catching contest. Well this was a first. After taking a moment to observed others who caught bug type creature, the man let out a sigh and a casual shrugged. At this rate, he should just play along. At least in this…. Whatever this is…. it didn’t appear his life was at risk for this once.

The man moved through the forest in hopes to find something big to catch. The goal was simply in this one. Catch the biggest bug. And before he knew it, a decent sized skorupi appeared before him. Perfect. Reaching into his pocket to pull out a the common two toned colored ball, the man ducked down and slowly crept closer to the creature. He kept low, trying not to get noticed by the bug and poison type. He wouldn’t mind another one of these creature. They were rather powerful creatures when trained well. He paused, just a few feet away from the purple bug. He took in a even breath, lifting his throwing arm back and launched the ball at the creature.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 19:53:26 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


a bug catching event. well at least this crazy trip was starting to ease up with all the craziness that he went through. as he twirled the net in his hand kazimir watched as people ran past him chasing after bugs of all sizes. some of them were really crazy big, and something about it was really starting to stir up that competitive fire inside of him. "alright...let's go catch some bugs!" he shouted as he went off with the crowd.
as he stalked through the grass his eyes were on a group of larvesta that decided to take a quick nap. what a bunch of fools. "guess ya thought you were safe huh... not on my watch." he licked his lips before springing into action. his movements woke them up but their reflexes were too slow for him. they were still pretty fast, his net just scraping most of them until he managed to corner one. "your mine now!"


[attr="class","tag"]@hoenn historia

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 22:07:39 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

As many times as he'd participated in the Safari Zone escapades he quickly found a bug catching contest to be easily as much fun despite the type limitations of "bugs only". It was jarring to be one minute riding a Mantine, quite stylishly at that, to swiftly being tossed aside and pitched like a red-stitched curve ball into woods the looked vaguely familiar.

Petalburg; he'd been swarmed by a flock of spearow during a raging storm not far from where 'time' (or whatever this was), had dropped him.

Recalling the incident with their petty fearow leader being taken, by him, to the Petalburg Pokémon Center for medical aide, he began to head back to where he landed in these woods, back-tracing his steps on instinct.

Along the way he noticed a Larvesta, a pokémon that had been passively on his capture list for years. He realized he'd actually come across one finally no sooner than he realized he was holding a net in his hands already. Unlike actual pokémon captures in the wild using a net to entrap a bug seemed to take the fight right out of it, almost like magic, or at least a learned physical response by bug types to a net ensnaring them.

The only problem was, the bug was far too large to be claimed by a handheld net.

As if the moment could be any more surreal the ranger searched his pockets for an alternative only to feel and find a throw-able net folded away.

Unfurling it he gave it toss over the gargantuan fire grub, trying to get away it would bury itself deeper into net leaving Sénon free to grab the net by its openings and close them in his grip capturing and dragging the bulging bug behind him.

Without precise measurement it was still easily more than twice the size of a normal larvesta; it was so painfully large the redhead couldn't even hoist upon his back to carry away; the bug being taller than he was after all.


Once out of the clear he would encapsulate it in a pokéball while he still held a physical form.

● tags: @hoennhistoria
● notes: Larvesta Capture

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 23:16:13 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Another rift in the space-time continuum.

Where the hell were they going this time?

For a few moments, it felt like they were flying into the sky—and then abruptly they were back on the ground again. Only this time, it was in an all-to-familiar set-up that he recognized a few moments later.

“Oh, shit—“ he remarked, remembering that this was Petalburg Woods and that—

“Fuck, anything BUT a spider!” he groaned, for the first time showing actual, tangible fear in the face of his companions. He knew there was a reason why he hated the creepy-crawlies, and this was even more… yikes. Groaning, because who knew what the hell was coming, he turned to face Evan and Skyler.

“Whoa… uhh, guys—you’re looking a little less… glitchy right there.”

For a few moments he could smell the tangy air of Petalburg Woods, and without thinking, spotted something that he wasn’t able to see the last time he was here.

That’s prime, right there, he thought idly as he chucked a Pokéball at the Larvesta that was hanging off a nearby branch.

A missed opportunity he wasn’t going to let get past him this time.


and for the most part

• Where the hell are they now
• Realizes that this is Petalburg Woods, and—
• Ah, shit, it’s the Bug-Catching contest!
• Secretly hopes NOT to encounter any big-ass bugs
• Notices that they’d all materialized into the real world for a few moments
• Sees a Larvesta, takes aim and hopes for the best to catch it because
• That was one he missed. Look it’s not a spider.
• As long as it’s not a fucking spider he’s okay with it.
• Any League-affiliated people are free to interact

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 0:04:26 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite the failures to pull off any tricks, given his lack of experience with Mantine Surfing, Thomas still managed to make it to the rift in time. He was ejected off the back of the Mantine, before being sent flying through the rift. On the other side of it, he'd end up in an all too familiar location.

Last year's Bug Catching Contest was an event the Kalosian Nobleman had the pleasure of participating in. Despite failing to win, it didn't bother him in the slightest. He managed to amass an impressive collection of Bug-types from the event. As someone who enjoyed Bug-type Pokemon in particular, just participating made him happy.

Thomas would go through, noticing he was incorporeal once again. As he got close to a Bug, he noticed himself becoming corporeal. Reacting quickly, Thomas tapped the Bug with a Pokeball he fished out.


tags: @tag
notes: Here we go

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 19:13:44 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Had he ended up in hell after shooting through the rift in time, Gavin thinks he'd still find it preferable to the ocean's depths. As it were, he finds himself in the sleepy forests of Petalburg... considerably less sleepy than he's used to.[break][break]

Trainers swarm the area, and Gavin tenses as the gaze of one intrepid bug-catcher sweeps over him. There is no hint of recognition nor surprise at the sudden appearance of the Rocket in their eyeline, so Gavin assumes that he is ethereal as ever.[break][break]

He's composing himself against a tree when a Scyther alights from its branches; instinctively, though he is uncertain whether or not the Pokemon poses him threat in that moment, Gavin attempts to capture it.[break][break]





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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 19:36:57 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Perhaps this nightmare (she still wasn't sure what to call this experience) was starting to wind down, for she suddenly found herself within a forest...without anything drastic going on. She couldn't know the goal of this particular event, other than the fact that a ton of Bug-types were zipping around, she couldn't much understand that people were trying to capture the biggest in this particular moment. [break][break]

Instead, she flopped to the ground, seating herself as she rubbed her head and finally pinched her arm. She didn't wake. The beginnings of a scream started rising in her throat, how did she get in here, and how was she supposed to get out!? [break][break]

A sing-songy noise pinged in her ears, and she looked up to a very confused Kricketot, antennas hitting each other in a cautious greeting as it could swear that somebody was screaming. More bug-types responded, and some laid aggressive eyes on the little bug for causing a noisy ruckus so, without thinking, Kaida captured it in a Pokeball. She didn't mean to get a Pokemon hurt with her problems. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here and visible to anyone else visible!


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,631 posts
part of
TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 22:30:18 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






Razz attempted to hang onto the kite pokemon as it splashed through the waters, attempting it's little spinning tricks. Each failing one after the other, mostly likely because Razz wasn't helping with things, but he didn't sign up for this. Seemingly upset that the human wouldn't comply it roughly knocked the Ranger through the portal and as soon as the smell of the sea left him new things crashed into his senses. Just as he quite literally crashed into something just to fall into something gooy. [break][break]

He was really sick of this 'dream' and would like it to be over now please. With a groan Razz got up looking at where he was now, and just what the sticky stuff on him was. "Honey?" he guesses as he looks at his hand before the cry of a very angry bug called out. To his left he could see a very angry Heracross, digging in it's heels as if it were ready to charge the intruder who dare ruin his food. Oh no.... [break][break]

The beetle charged and the Ranger could only jump out of the way as unlike the other times, his willing a pokemon out didn't seem to bring one. He would check his belt but before this 'dream' took over he didn't bring anyone with him. So all he could do was witness as the bug smashed through the tree bringing it down in it's anger toward the trainer. Once more it looked ready to charge, and by the looks of things the dream portal wasn't opening up soon so he'll just try another tack. [break][break]

This time he encouraged the damn bug to come at him, once more lining himself up with a tree so when he was able to avoid the Heracross it would just hit itself. This continued at least once more before the Ranger decided that should be enough before he threw a pokeball at it to capture the annoyance. Though it was only after catching it where he noticed his body beginning to flicker once more as if something new was going to come. Figures this dream would only end after the danger was gone. [break][break]




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Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
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