i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 2:46:16 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    It was fortunate that Rowan already happened to be in the area surrounding Verdanturf Town when he received the message from , already feeling the pangs of yearning to be at their side from the simple electronic gesture. “I’ll be there soon, save some for me!” Rowan pulled off his mask and stuffed the fabric deep into his belongings, having been out this far from Slateport on a reconnaissance mission in the first place. With enthusiasm in his step, he’d scoop up Mistral from his resting place nestled against a tree before taking off running towards the mountainside town.

    “Came as quick as I could.” Rowan huffed slightly with exhaustion when he finally caught up to where Adrian had been standing. “Thank you, handsome.” He leaned up and pressed his lips against theirs, holding the embrace for a long moment before retreating with his own rainbow colored popcorn that had been purchased for him by his boyfriend. “I didn’t even know they were doing something out here today.” Rowan commented, plucking one of the opal colored pieces from his popcorn and popping it into his mouth as he looked around at the festivities.
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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 13:53:00 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar


There were times when keeping a low profile was advantageous. Another big todo in the region of Hoenn surely meant that something stupid was going to happen, just like the Spirit Festival. It was only a matter of time until there was an explosion, a rogue pokemon god, or an alien invasion. So this time Andy Blackadder was looking to make his visit here exceptionally brief. Weaving through the crowd, Epitaph in tow within his shadow, he just wanted to snag a couple of those alcreamie cupcakes.
''Quickly now, Taph, before we get caught up in some drab smalltalk bullshit.'' Near enough to the stock of sweets, his gengar utilized poltergeist to snag a few. He wanted one of his own after all, and were his trainer not absorbed within his paranoia (again), he would be present, visible, and practically vacuuming the desserts on offer into his ghostly gullet. As the cupcakes neared Andy fished them out of the air where they hovered and turned to leave, one of his main objectives achieved.



[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 18:15:54 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Dew kissed her exposed skin as Captain Dross hoisted herself up onto a tree branch with a grunt of effort. Voices chattered somewhere below her, but her attention was elsewhere, caught by the temptingly rounded edge of a fuzzy peach - just out of reach now.

Skyler had long since lost her shoes somewhere in the grassy hills, though she didn't seem too bothered over the fact. Their existence had been forgotten among the pale, blooming flowers whose petals insisted on hitching a ride on her chaotic mane of hair. 

"Almost there..." 

A hand reached out to her prize, calloused fingertips barely brushing over the edge of it, just shy of being able to catch it in her grasp. Teeth gritting with stubborn determination, Skyler stretched her body as much as she could, either unaware or uncaring of the t-shirt hitching up to reveal a scarred abdomen. 

"C'mere, baby." 

The Morelull on her shoulder trilled worriedly, hopping slightly in place as her trainer teetered precariously, threatening to fall. Steadying herself on bare feet, Skyler ignored the fairy's warnings and triumphantly extended her arm to pluck the peach.

@ feel free to interact!
choosing rainbow oricorio popcorn
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 22:35:58 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
We both know that's a lie, but I don't want to embarrass him too much; he only just arrived...

"You're welcome, Ro." Pet names weren't becoming of Adrian, or so he felt, but he tried to return the gesture. Sparing them a second popcorn, they were both able to munch amicably on the dyed confections in the other's presence. Somehow it felt quaint, yet refreshing.

After standing on his tip-toes to lean in for a kiss, Rowan would lean away with the taste of savory popcorn staining his tongue with salty-sweet splendor. Adrian brought a balled hand to his mouth to clear his throat:

"Neither did I, until now." Adrian took Rowan's hand into his own, pulling him along as he walked further along into the heart of the festivities. There were so many things he wanted to check out while Rowan was around.

Adrian & Rowan have picked popcorn.
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june 5th
ex-gym leader
143 height
143 height
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 3:07:02 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
hoenn sure had a lot of weird festivals and shit. but he didn't mind. with a cute sunhat and shorts meant that even in the weird hoenn heat with the weather like this meant he wasn't going to hot. even in spring this region felt like it had the weirdest weather and he wanted nothing to do with that. someone should use one of those legendary pokemon to fix the weather or something in his opinion. and his opinion was always right to be completely fucking frank.

at least there was some free food though as he grabbed the popcorn. it wasn't as sweet as the cupcake but there seemed to be more of it when he was going to walk around and eat it. that meant it was probably the better deal. plus, no one would ever notice if an extra popcorn went missing or whatever. it seems like everyone had heard about the event, including that dude who had tamed that weird bull pokemon that had attacked the last event he went to.

he wanted to pet it or feed it something. after all it was a massive pokemon and it looked like it was probably kind of soft. even if it did have giant shields for hands. so he made his way on over, wanting to see if he could pet it or something. "heyyyyy, can i pet that giant pokemon?" he pointed to tapu bulu, not exactly knowing what it was but knowing that was the guy to talk to about it. if was hanging around here he was sure that the guy probably couldn't be that bad. or at least not selfish.

 taking the popcorn as a snacky snack

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 9:40:35 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Luckily Serena didn't have to wait long. Hearing her name come from familiar lips caused the girl to glance up from what she was doing. Unlucky for her, Serena's eyes almost popped out of their sockets once she saw what Rose was wearing. Damn, she looked good.

With her signature confident smile, Rose place a hand on her hip while she looked down at her. "You did all of this for me? How thoughtful." Serena matched her smile with a sly smirk of her own before offering a light shrug of her shoulders. "What can I say? I aim to please." She said as she gestured for Rose to sit. "Hope you don't mind."

Suddenly she began to feel nervous. Would she like the food or enjoy the atmosphere? Did it look like she tried to hard or that she was desperate? Suddenly, things she didn't think about before surfaced in her head. Things she wasn't concerned about before suddenly matter. Reaching to her side she offered a small throw blanket for Rose to place over her legs while Serena started unpacking the food and laying it out in a nice and neat display.

"By all means, don't wait for me. Please, dig in." She offered a Rose a smile, "Tell me what you think." she said as she turned to Titania and Cas, beckoning them forward as she gave them their little bibs and fixed their food for them. (A/N: Yes, she brought bibs for her pokémon, no she didn't treat them like kids. Let her have this, they look cute. Mind your business.)

Serena takes the cupcake! | xtra notes:

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 9:56:04 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


'Show up for a bit. Even less than an hour. What's the worst that can happen?'

God. Katherine shouldn't have listened to her publicist's advice. This... This wasn't particularly her gig, was it? Socializing and enjoying public gatherings of this particular nature was a thing Katherine preferred to avoid. She preferred to be by herself or surrounded by a few people, no more than five.

Luckily, she's had ample time to prepare herself for this occasion. After all, her previous jobs included an assortment of roles that required her to blend in these sorts of parties. She just had to practice a neglected habit. A brief shake of her head occurs when a person behind a stand offers her to indulge in some of his treats, but she thanks him with a silent, trained smile.

'Be nice to everybody there! You never know who's watching you.'

Somehow, following Amber's advice only made Katherine feel worse.

notes: cupcakes pls!

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ PICNIC

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #D5B259; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 19:14:36 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Perhaps providing Raya the sugar rush of three consecutive cupcakes hadn't been the best idea. Sigmund was having a good time, however, and it was terribly easy to get caught up in the excitement. The flowers were blooming and the weather was pleasant-- finally. Aside from thoughts of his break-up with Sarah, everything was good!

He nearly choked on his pastel blue confection, however, when he saw his Pikachu Libre vault from a tree branch and suplex a Jigglypuff. A small gang of other pokémon had gathered to watch the show themselves, forming a ring around the playful bout. Proud of her SLAM, she was immediately punished for her pride with a DOUBLE-SLAP from her opponent.

snacking on: rainbow alcremie cupcakes
notes: open for interaction!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 19:46:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Cherry trees blossoming above, Rose felt Serena's eyes on her. It took everything Rose had to keep ahold of that bravado. Moving a hand through her hair, she swallowed whatever air she could and walked forward, keeping that confident demeanor. With it unraveling every step closer, she reached right beside Serena. Rose sat down, and cue internal screaming.

The small throw blanket was offered, and Rose smiled. "Thank you." Placing the blanket over her bare legs, she felt warmer already, a sigh of relief exiting her glossy lips. All of the food looked so good, Rose didn't know where to start. Eyeing the finger sandwiches, she picked one up, and Snapdragon... well...

Snapdragon leaned over, snorting out hot air as she eyed the finger sandwich. The rainbow popcorn and bag hadn't been enough for the scally girl, and she was staring at Rose's sandwich with a great need. Rose returned it with displeasure. "Snapdragon. Down." The one-hundred and three pound dragon sat her butt down, but continued eyeing that particular finger sandwich. Drool cascaded down the corner of her mouth. Rose became slight agitated.

"Fine. There's plenty mo-" CHOMP. A vein popped on Rose's forward. At least Snapdragon was obedient enough to let her give the go ahead. Snapdragon responded in a delight, chewing thoroughly, as she sat down nearest to Titania and Cas.

Feeling the irritation get hotter, Rose took a breath in, smiling sheepishly at Serena as she scooped up another finger sandwich, and took a bite. Before Snapdragon could beg like a spoiled puppy, Rose gave a captivated sound herself. Snacky happiness. "I haven't eaten all day. This is really good!" She almost sounded too excited for a moment, so she reeled it back with a clearing of her throat. "You're quite the cook, Serena." Did she sound too obviously into Serena? Was her reaction too much? Self-conscious Rose was thinking way too hard on the matter.

The moment she picked up one of the blueberry button cookies, however, she gave it a once over. She wasn't a sweets kind of gal, but the moment she bit down on it, she found her sweet tooth. It was delicious! She could easily eat a whole box of these.

When Snapdragon looked over drooling, Rose gave her a warning look, and the Hakamo-o looked away innocently.

"Your cooking is good, and your baking is even better. I could get used to this." Rose complimented so nonchalantly. Her face a tint redder now. Why did she say that? That made it sound like she wanted to do this again! But she kind of did. "Is there anything you can't do?" Being such a capable woman like Serena, Rose doubted it. But one thing was going through Rose's mind.

Why did she sound so flirty when she asked?!


Current Outfit | Hairstyle: Row 3, Column 3
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 21:49:36 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
168 for anyone and everyone
“Having fun being a voyeur?”

Locke fumbled his Pokénav as someone suddenly addressed him, nearly dropping it on Chiro-Chiro. He guessed he wasn’t as subtle as he’d hoped. “Ah, no I was just-” he froze mid-explanation as he realized exactly who he was talking to. , Hero of Verdanturf and reigning Champion of the Hoenn League, was standing over him with an unimpressed look.

This time, the Pokénav landed squarely on the Fletchinder’s head.

“L-Locke Jamison, Mister-Er-Champion Lopez, sir! I’m-It’s for my dad-We’re from-Um-” They stumbled through their introduction, Cheri-red and mortified at the circumstances of their meeting one of the region’s most prominent figures.

“Want me to call her here?”

Were they having a nightmare? Because this felt like a nightmare. “Nononono that’s not-I wouldn’t want to disturb her! Sir!” Truthfully, Locke would’ve loved a chance to meet in person, in any other situation but this. They glanced furtively over their shoulder, trying to see if the professor had noticed the embarrassing scene yet.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 23:02:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"Welcome one and welcome all!" Are the words you hear announced over a megaphone as you are enjoying the picnic festivities. "Without further ado let's get these games going! First on the docket is round one of the egg hunt!" Of course there was going to be more than one round of it. What would the fun be if you only got to search for an egg once?

The rules of the game are as follows and extremely simple! Just create a post searching for an egg with a roll at the end of your post! You can work together or alone to find eggs or maybe even follow someone else whose having a little bit better luck than you are! Top 3 Rolls will be a grand prize! Everyone else will get a consolation prize!

You do not have to participate in all three rounds of the egg hunt and not all three rounds will take place back to back. There will be downtime in between so that other activities and interactions can happen and so that other people can get involved with them if they are latecomers! Now get creative and find those eggs!

The deadline for this round is 4/9 at 12 pm central!
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,641 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 23:31:20 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
After scrambling to sit up, the four picnic baskets were placed around him as if Chu-e were a queen and this his offering. He wasted no time in flipping one open, Muse the Machamp pulling out a covered warming tray. The foil top was removed with a dramatic flare- to reveal a heaping helping of Johtoan Fried Unfezant. A separator was in the middle, one side sticky and saucy and smelling spicy while the other was plain, just nice and crisp.

"Ta-dah! Patty! Zac-ie! I'm so glad you guys get to meet. I have two hands and I want my two favorite guys end up getting along." He stuck his tongue out at and as the large tray of food was placed down, more than enough for the small crowd that seemed to be gathering. Another basket was opened with stacks of disposable, but biodegradable, plates and forks. Various side dishes perfect for a picnic were being removed from the the two last baskets. Chu-e had been hard at work, it seemed, coming with a veritable feast.

While Chu-e didn't know well, having only spoken to him once with as a buffer, it was easy enough to tell he was lurking at the edges of the growing crowd. "Mr. Silph!" He raised a hand, motioning for him to come over. "Don't be a stranger, I brought more than enough!" He looked up to , whom he didn't know, and patted a spot on the blanket. "You, too! Any friend of Zac's is a friend of mine."

Spoon were being placed in the sides when Chu-e saw another familiar face, . "Glitch is here too! Come get food!" No one would escape Grandma Chu-e stuffing everyone so full of food they got fat.

Meanwhile, Muse gathered up one of the baskets from the announced egg hunt, thinking they were very cute. Soon enough, she was bullied gently into hunting eggs with a few of the kids. Her large form stuck out as she tried to be gentle with the eggs she found; luckily she only smashed a few.

- chu-e tries to feed everyone and muse the machamp joins the egg hunt!
- using my double roll thing

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 23:53:40 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
An unimaginable scent wafted through the air. The delectable smell of 's cooking floated through the picnic grounds, all the way through town and into the nose of a bystander. This bystander was so far indifferent to the picnic, gnawing on a complementary cupcake as he passed by. Yet when he caught of a whiff of this incredible cooking, his primal instincts took hold.

One could never deny the possibility for good barbeque. 

He ran--no sprinted through the picnic. Grass was tossed, blankets were trampled, at least one basket was knocked over. His speed only rose as he neared the smell's source, his body running entirely on this unexpected craving. As he slid to a stop in front of Chu-e, the hungry pedestrian would heave deep breaths as he tried to speak.

"Hey--uh--hi. Hello. Ugh."

Oscar coughed, his lungs reeling from the gauntlet he just forced them through. He tried to stand up straight, but his cramped stomach kept forcing his back to arch. Nevertheless, he would attempt to claim what he sought. "Could I uh---oof holy shit--uh is it cool if I had some barbeque?"

Meanwhile, Emma the ariados was having some fun of her own. Having heard about the egg hunt, she had begun her own search for these colorful trinkets. She had no interest in winning, she just wanted to hoard as many as possible to prevent others from finding them. She was just in that sort of a mood.

Notes: Took the cupcake o/


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 0:44:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The announcement serves to halt the wrestling match in progress— just after the Jigglypuff has inflated to smoosh Raya beneath her weight. Like many of the dapperly dressed individuals that surrounded them, their attention was snatched away by the melody of a voice on the megaphone. An egg hunt?! How fun! Raya's cheeks sparked with excitement almost as much as Sigmund's amber eyes.

Scarfing down the last of the cupcake in his hand, and hastily chewing it into bits, Sigmund quickly assesses their surroundings before gesturing his Pikachu to follow. "C'mon, Raya! That tree looks like a good bet!" He grins, wiping crumbs off his cheek as he runs off towards it. He's swiftly accompanied by his pokémon shortly thereafter. Pika pika!

After traversing the verdant green grass, and maneuvering through a small crowd of children searching bushes for eggs, the pair came upon the tree they'd spotted. Sitting there was a woman ( ), though she went mostly ignored by the ecstatic Pikachu Libre as it leaped onto the side of the tree and scaled it with ease. Sigmund, on the other hand, though filled with excitement himself, practiced some good old fashioned human manners.

"Hey, sorry to bother you!" He grins, abashedly rubbing the back of his neck. "What are you doing sitting down, though?! There's an egg hunt going on! Raya and I think this tree looks promising, mhm-mhm." Crossing the last few steps towards it, he stands on his tip-toes and peers into a naturally formed hole on the side of the tree.

snacking on: rainbow alcremie cupcakes



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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 3:56:04 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
, Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Serena smirked at Rose and Snapdragon's exchanged while she finished preparing food for Titania and Cas to have. She loved when people enjoyed her food, made her feel really good about all the effort and love she poured into it. She couldn't remember when she fell in love with cooking so much. It just sort of became another one of her strange side hobbies.

"Fine. There's plenty mo-" Rose didn't even get to finish her sentence before the Hakam-o swallowed the sandwich whole. However, it was the irritated look on Rose's face that caused Serena to lose her cool and genuinely laugh out loud. This was nice, she could certainly get used to something like this.

Rose offered her a sheepish smile as she moved to replace her sandwich before taking an immediate bite. It would seem she was a quick learner as Snapdragon already had it's eyes locked on the second sandwich. Rose let out an delighted squeal and Serena smiled. "I haven't eaten all day. This is really good!" Serena decided to try a bit herself, nodding in approval after taking a bite. It really wasn't so bad if she did say so herself.

Rose cleared her throat while Serena polished off her sandwich Sera grabbed the container that had the strawberry and watermelon lemonade she made and poured a glass for Rose. Handing it over to her after adding in a few cubes of ice she poured some for herself. "I'm glad you enjoy it. Think I got a little carried away with the food this time but seeing you all enjoy it makes it worthwhile." she admitted with a smile.

Rose then moved on to her signature blueberry button cookies but not before flashing Snapdragon a glare. Chuckling Serena shook her head and started preparing a plate for Snapdragon. "Don't worry Snapdragon, there's plenty here to go around." She said as she offered the pokémon some food too.

Serena didn't have to worry if Rose would like her cookies, she'd practically perfected the recipe at this point. The only issue would lie if someone didn't like blueberries or sweets. "Your cooking is good, and your baking is even better. I could get used to this." Rose said as she enjoyed her treat. A playful smirk appeared on Serena's lips as she offered a shrug. "Then say the word, I have no problem cooking for a pretty girl." She said smoothly before taking a sip of her own drink.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Rose asked her and Serena laughed. "Hiking. Or maybe that's something I won't do rather than something I can't do." Shrugging once more she continued, "Ah well, it's hard work being perfect." she teased before a voice over a megaphone caught her attention.

"Welcome one and welcome all!" said the voice in a cheerful tone. "Without further ado let's get these games going! First on the docket is round one of the egg hunt!" Serena's eyes widened at that. An egg hunt? She hadn't participated in one of these since was a kid. Glancing over at Rose she smiled. "Think I might check that out, feel free to come along if you wish. Or you can enjoy your meal. I know you said you were hungry." Serena offered.

She didn't want to be rude and just leave her so Serena offered Rose to tag along or feel free to continue enjoying her meal. She wouldn't want to interrupt, especially if she was really hungry. "I'll be back soon, maybe even with more goodies." She said as she brushed off her black high-waisted skirt.

She began to walk away from their spot but paused before turning around and pointing at Caspurr. "Cas you're in charge. Make sure the other's don't eat everything before I come back." she said with a smirk before she continued on her way. "Now if I were an egg where would I be..." she mused softly to herself. Picking up a basket she released her Salandit to search with her. "Alright Gwen, let's get to work and find some eggs, hmm?" She smiled as the pair began their search.



Please roll's, BLEASE ;A;.... | xtra notes:

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP