i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 5:39:14 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
< Aren’t you going to eat it? >

The Gallade’s deep voice echoed through her mind. His blade ushered lazily towards the cupcake in her hand. Eva gave him quite the side eye glare, suspecting the question was meant as a means to ask for the cupcake himself, “Of course!” And there was no way she was feeding her pokemon a sugary sweet like this. Blade knew better, and he grinned in response.

and would witness the doctor opening wide to take a big bite from the decorated sweet. The bright blue frosting squished from the bite, painting her upper lip in its liking. While she attempted to clean herself up, she caught sight of looking in her direction. A familiar face sparked a bright, blue tinged smile. The doctor gave the champion an enthusiastic wave of greeting.

It was just after the exchange that @sigmund ’s pokemon surprised Blade who jumped to the side with curious look. Eva watched the pokemon expertly scale the tree with the same blue-tinged smile she flashed Kyle, “Egg hunt?” she repeated before looking towards Sigmund and pshing herself off the ground with her free hand. Eva followed the pokemon’s silhouette up the tree and into the leaves, “Yeah, does look like a great place to me!” she agreed, giving Blade a playful tap on the shoulder, “Why don’t you get up there and help?” It was followed by a taunting wink, getting back at the Gallade for his earlier comment as she took another bite of her cupcake.

Notes: Eva waves hello to and when she notices the Champion looking at her then join @sigmund to hunt for eggs ^_^


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 5:54:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @event

"hahaha well someone's pretty popular aren't they." it was less of a question and more of a statement as was suddenly gathering a crowd around him. kaz took up on his offer to sit next to them and enjoy a bit of his popcorn. it didnt' take long for to show up and Chui to suddenly flag down more people to come and join them for a picnic. "oh hold up, if we're having a party then i think i brought some extra food for everyone, yo guys! get over here!" kaz called out to his pokemon.

his urshifu opened its eyes and looked over to kaz waving him over and nodded in agreement before getting to his feet and walking over to join him, grabbing their picnic basket along with him which was full of homemade sandwhiches kazimir ahd prepared just for today. his zeraora on the other hand had other plans, as it was making its way over it noticed some kids picking up eggs off the ground and he was curious about them and joined in on the hunt for them as well.

pw83mbWL +10 (alcremie popcorn)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 6:34:17 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Serena's love for cooking was much to Rose's benefit. It was an attractive trait for a mature woman to have! Rose would have to cook for Serena sometime. That rabbit hole of a thought began surging. So there will be a next time, huh? Rose felt a puff of red light her cheeks at the thought. Strawberry and watermelon lemonade too was all the sweeter, coaxing those thoughts with another date. Sometime.

All while Serena managed Snapdragon's own hunger. Even with the laugh at Rose's expense, she knew it wasn't malicious. When Serena decided to make Snapdragon a plate though, the Hakamo-o began to tear up a little. This was the best trainer ever! Why was Rose even worried?! Like a puppy, Snapdragon was like puddy in Serena's words alone. She could manipulate the scally dragon to steal candy from a baby if she so desired! Rob a train! Punch a wall, she was incredibly good at punching walls!

The playful smirk on Serena's lips, and even more playful flirting had Rose on her every word. For the first time, Serena could see underneath. She was staring at another cookie, red in the face, scratching the side of her face. She called her pretty. "Heh... perfect? I love confidence." she trailed off. She was flustered.

Rose knew she was pretty already. But hearing it stroked that ego a little more.

However, at the announcement of the egg hunt, Serena intended to head out. Rose glanced over, and got up, placing the blanket neatly onto the blanket. "Let's." she followed suit, wanting nothing more but to enjoy this a bit longer. Brushing off her own dress, she found a basket for herself. Only to hear Serena's words, and Rose point to Snapdragon. "Snapdragon." Snapdragon froze at attention, worried for her life. "Be good. Understood? Whatever Cas says, goes."

Now releasing her Kirlia, Amarylis, Rose began searching alongside Serena, making sure to look elsewhere. Amarylis, in turn, made a curtsy to Gwen and Serena both, as she got to work.

"Shouldn't be too hard to find, right?"




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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 12:41:26 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
possesses an infectious warmth that even stoic Gavin couldn't fault; he reaches out to grasp the extended hand in his own, shaking it before settling next to on the blanket.

He lets out a surprised huff of laughter when Choi addresses him as Patty. The friendship between 'Ki' and Bulu's avatar seemed more genuine than he'd expected upon spotting them together, but Gavin doesn't give it much thought beyond his initial surprise. Perhaps they had history together, or perhaps Chu-e was really that good of an actor. Gavin wouldn't put it past him.

"Sure, I'll take one," he says of the Charja-cola. It emits a pleasant hiss as he opens it. "Never tried one of these before."

Naturally, the mother hen that was Chu-e managed to summon half the picnic to their blanket before long. Though he recognizes , it's he's most familiar with of the others called over. He lifts a lazy hand in greeting.

His Alcremie, meanwhile, looks longingly after the Machamp when it departs to hunt for eggs with others. Lip twitching, he gestures silently for her to go, and the rainbow-hued Pokémon squeaks in delight before bouncing off. Then squeaks in terror when she's almost trampled by an incredibly excited, out-of-breath Rocket Beast skidding onto the scene. As she recovers from the shock and slinks off, Gavin chuckles and greets his friend with a broad grin. "You know Ki, he'll feed the entire Hoenn population himself if we don't stop him."

Gavin gestures to the spot on the blanket his Alcremie had vacated, inviting.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 14:02:30 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Razz was not a fan of large groups of people, if his last few events were anything to go by nothing good would come out of interacting with others. Not that it was terrible it was more on the line that he was just mentally drained otherwise. So when he ears of a large picnic going on as usual Razz had no real interest in going, honestly it took Salem bugging him about how it would be fun for the pokemon at least. Damn brat going right for a weak point of his. Being better toward his pokemon was always intended so if his pokemon would like it he supposes he would try it. [break][break]

Having ordered a box of potato balls, Razz also takes one of the Alcreme Cakes offered before looking for somewhere more secluded from most to relax under a tree at. Though both Whis and Salem have both seemed to abandon him for the little ‘egg hunt.’ He personally didn’t get the appeal but seeing Salem take lead over his Zeraora who such a game was such a new experience, it made him smile really. So let them play, at least Prism stuck with him currently disguising itself as a ’shiny meowstic‘ on his shoulder as his search for a tree away from most continued. [break][break]

Eventually he would pause when he noticed seeming to try and pick something from a tree with great difficulty. “You know if you’re too short you could’ve had one of your pokemon get that for you” [break][break]



+ @easter [break]



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 15:13:01 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Zac had been wrong before. This was a picnic. Relaxing in the grass on a warm day is great, but it takes others to make it a true picnic. He grabbed a Charja-Cola for himself, sat down next to and cracked it open, savoring the taste of their seasonal sakura flavor (Now with 300% more caffeine and eXtra Niacin!). "Oh yeah, that's delicious!" Zac exclaimed, before turning to his new mate Pat. "You know these are banned in Kalos now? Can't get 'em for love nor money. Something about the coloring they use. I heard they harvest J- "
    "heyyyyy, can i pet that giant pokemon?" asked , and Zac beamed at the friendly face that he recognized from the Biome Contest. "Of course! He could use a bit of good publicity." Zac shook his head good natredly at the snoozing legendary. "Actually, if you wanna grab a snap and up-bit it to Pinsirgram or Toge-Tic or Chatter or whatever, I'd really appreciate it. My 'handle' is @ramz."
    unveiled a fried feast, and the impromptu picnic really kicked off, with hungry hordes descending for a spicy bite. Zac filled a plate, and was chomping away when the announcement sounded. "Am ehk haum?!" Zac said through a mouthful of chicken. He carefully put down his plate and hurried over to Tapu Bulu. "This is it buddy! It's time to reconcile with the locals! Get out there and help the kids find some eggs!"

Honestly Zac's tag should have been @ramz


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 17:47:14 GMT
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Too busy appreciating the deliciously round fruit in her hands, Skyler didn't immediately took notice of the familiar faces walking around and gathering in small groups over the grassy plains below. So when a voice piped out from somewhere near the base of the tree she was in, it startled her enough to nearly drop her prized peach.

Letting out a muffled curse, she peered past the branch she was standing on to find the familiar face of one . As soon as recognition hit, a brilliant smile spread across her lips. "Razz!" Enthusiasm poured out of her, probably to her detriment as the branch beneath her started to groan and sway dangerously. Threatening to break under her weight.

"Now, what would be the fun in that?" The Morelull on her shoulder seemed to firmly disagree with her trainer, speaking in a series of high, sharp whistles that the captain rolled her eyes at. "Sure you don't wanna join me? It's a great view from up here." 

And, she thought while finally taking a bite of the peach, it was also a pretty tasty sight.  

It was only as she was cleaning the peach juice spilling down her chin with the back of her hand that the meaning behind Razz's words actually hit home. Silver eyes narrowed at the black-haired young man, brow furrowed. "I'm not short. I got the peach, didn't I?" Plus, her Carbink hadn't returned yet. Probably still out looking for eggs.

Disguising the mischief that flared bright in silver eyes, Skyler reached for another peach. "Want one?"

Captain Dross didn't wait for his response. She just lobbed the fruit right at his head. 

JiXm9f6j + 10

choosing rainbow oricorio popcorn
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 18:55:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
When given permission, Oscar began to quickly fill a plate up with as much food as he could. It was all so delicious and he had so many options, he could barely decide what to take first. He created a balanced platter of meat, fruit, and sweets before taking a seat on the other side of

Oscar began to dig in, only to realize that a familiar face was also sitting by Gavin. "Mister Ramsay!" Oscar declared, surprised as his own joy to once again see the jolly gym leader. Oscar didn't know him well, but left a lasting impression on him during the Biome Contest.

Oscar smiled, "It's a pleasure to see you again Zac. I hope you're enjoying the picnic." Oscar scooped up a spoonful of fruit, gobbling it up with starved eagerness. He let out a closed-mouth squeal at the rainbow of taste that had captured his tongue. "This is so fuckin' good." He whispered to himself, unable to contain his joy.
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june 5th
ex-gym leader
143 height
143 height
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 21:07:12 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
oh my arceus being given permission to pet the tapu bulu was probably going to be the highlight of his day. well, it would be when he actually did it anyways. "i would love to take pictures with him! i was hoping i'd see him again after the vital spirit festival after all!" he'd been there when had been made the big bull's avatar and he was more than a little bit jealous. he wanted that kind of power. the same kind he had watched lulu receive at hq when darkrai chose her. but one day he would absolutely be just as strong. with or without a pokemon like that. "i'll be over to eat in a minute! i'm just gonna hang out with bulu for a second!" pulling out his phone he let it soar a bit, having let joy-con take a ride in it for awhile. it was the best way to get selfies to have a pokemon do them for you. though he supposed they weren't technically selfies then. but shut up.

carefully he patted the large pokemon, offering up the rest of his popcorn as a snack as he heard the announcement for finding an egg. luckily he didn't have to go far considering there seemed to be one tucked up behind the bulu himself! what absolute luck. as he continued to pat and pet the legendary pokemon joy-con the phone porygon continuously snapped pictures, making sure to get the best angles he could so that glitch could upload them later on. it was great having pokemon. it continued to snap pictures as glitch flopped down next to chu-e. "introduce me to your friends." picking up a piece of the friend bird delicately he nibbled on it, trying to memorize faces and see if he knew any names. "though i already know zac and i know patrick." he winked at gavin a bit.

Bc_gQw9L +10 bc popped corn

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 0:40:28 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

snapped a few pics, and pulled an egg out from behind the snoozing legendary. Bulu frowned. Had he laid that egg? No. That didn't make sense. 
    "Get out there and help the kids find some eggs!" Zac called, and Tapu Bulu turned slowly to regard the rest of the field. Adults and children alike were searching behind bushes and under benches, looking for more of the brightly colored eggs. Bulu snorted, and almost went back to sleep when a cupcake hit him on the cheek. "Oi! No snoozing! It's time to play with everyone!"
    The great beast pulled itself up, leaving behind a fresh bed of wildflowers where it had been resting. It moved off towards the festivities, and had soon attracted a swarm of happy children and apprehensive parents. Bulu looked at one of the spreading cherry trees that shaded the area. Well, if they were looking for eggs...
    Tapu Bulu charged the tree, gently, sending a shower of cherry blossoms and dislodged eggs tumbling down on the kids and nearby picnickers. The children squealed with delight, grabbing up the precious treasures before swarming the legendary again. Bulu moved away from the bent tree, in search of more eggs.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 2:19:27 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug moved sluggishly as the egg hunt was officially declared to have started, yawning lazily as he reached over his chest and pet his Scyther's head, who had fallen asleep besides him.

He had intended to reflect during the picnic, but he had yet to find the physical and/or mental energy required.

From where he laid, the youth threw a look around the area, noting all the familiar people around. was there, Tapu Bulu serving as some sort of siren call that brought everybody else to him.

He thought he had seen Ki too, as well as and even bloody was standing off to the side, staring.

Capt'n was at the picnic area too, and so was ; even the bitch was there too... So many people he knew, so many more that he didn't.

Well, best leave them to whatever they were doing.

"Oi, get up." Doug said, tapping Kama on the head. The Scyther grunted, her eyes fluttering open. "We've got eggs to find."

The Scyther blinked at him slowly and blearily, before snorting. A second later, she sprang back to her feet, rolling her shoulders while the youth finally sat up, stretching his arms above his head with a groan.

"Hngh... That's enough of that." He said, standing up and patting the grass off his ass, adjusting his hat before glancing at Kama. "Awrite. Let's go make some Omelets."


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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 2:25:58 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Michi returned from the restroom to find a full-scale egg hunt underway. Having always bought her own eggs at the supermarket like normal people, she had no idea where to even begin looking. Still, she made up for her lack of knowledge with enthusiasm!

“Oh! I would enjoy to find an egg!” she cried, looking around. Many people had Pokemon out today— she hadn’t thought about it when she’d been sitting with her friends, but perhaps her Pokemon could help also! She reached into her handbag for the Pokeballs marked with little sakura blossom stickers. “Hanami, Momiji, I choose you!”

A Cherrim emerged, immediately energized by the warm sunlight and unfurling its petals into a perfect, star-shaped cherry blossom. Beside it, a little pink Deerling with a yellow canola flower on its head shook itself off and looked around with wide eyes. “Please look for eggs!” Michi said, blithely gesturing around at the chaos of running children and frazzled-looking parents.

Michi was most of the way up the hill back towards her friends when she realized she and the children were headed the same direction— towards the little grove of cherry trees. She made it there just in time to see Zac’s Tapu Bulu headbutt the largest tree, which immediately showered the picnic below in a storm of beautiful cherry blossoms.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!” the people underneath sighed in wonder. They had been cowering away from the legendary island guardian with some startled exclamations, but now they straightened up again, enchanted by the blizzard of pink. They turned their eyes up in wonder, lifting their sake cups up to catch the rain of fragrant petals. 

Even more surprising, eggs were falling from the tree as well! But the children were snatching them all up! Noooo!” Michi cried, running forward with her handbag, intent to get one of the eggs. She could see the perfect one— but a pudgy-faced child with a bowl cut was stumbling towards it as well. “Momiji, stop hiiiim!”

The Deerling reared up skittishly in the boy’s path, then bowed its head. The child stopped, eyes wide with wonder, and bowed back after a moment. <Deeeeee!> Momiji bleated, eyeing the boy for snacks. Seeing none, she lowered her flower and charged with a HEADBUTT. Knocked backwards, the shocked tyke landed on his butt in the grass.

”Lucky Chance!” Michi exclaimed, hurrying to claim her precious egg.


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 5:14:40 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Rowan couldn’t help but smile as Adrian took his hand and began leading them both around, unable to contain the giddy feeling that built up inside him at being able to publicly parade around with his boyfriend. There was a time where Rowan never thought he’d be able to enjoy the affection of another, only able to dream of enjoying ordinary afternoons alongside them in a place like this. “Good thing we both happened to be in the area, huh?” Rowan offered a small wink towards them, giving their hand a gentle squeeze before turning his attention to the announcement that cut through the cacophony of voices in the crowd.

    “Oh cool, an egg hunt!” He exclaimed with genuine excitement, never having participated in one before back in Galar. “Come on, Adrian. I’m gonna kick your perfect ass.” Rowan broke their conjoined grasp with a devious look on his face, before taking off running towards an entirely random direction in hopes of locating one of the eggs. Gathering up as many as he could before the event ended, Rowan actually seemed sort of winded from running around looking for the eggs. “I bet I got more than you.” He nudged Adrian with an elbow playfully, holding the basket close so that he didn’t lose any of the precious objects. “Hey wait…” A moment of recognition overtook Rowan as he spotted the familiar face of strolling by with her own basket, raising a hand to wave at her. “...Serena!” Looping his arm through Adrian’s he quickly moved to chase down his closest friend, and fellow Rocket.

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 5:23:50 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"I'm glad you recognize a perfect ass when you see one," Adrian teased as he was dragged along forcefully. An egg hunt seemed childish, but Rowan's excitability was infectious. In no time at all he'd received his own basket, fetching eggs from odd nooks and crannies while following after Rowan's favorable silhouette. "Hey, wait up."

But Rowan was merciless in their competition.

By the time they'd found enough eggs to start feeling confident in their successes, Rowan recognized his sister Serena somewhere in the gathered crowd.

"Wait, really? Where is she?" He'd search frantically.


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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 7:51:05 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
, Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Rose quickly followed after Serena which caused the latter to smile. At least the two could enjoy their 'eggventure' together. Serena mentally slapped herself for that pun before deciding to concentrate on securing eggs.

While it was all fun and games now, Serena was still a competitive person so regardless if it was a real competition or not she wanted to win. Rose released her Kirlia that curtseyed toward Gwen in greeting. Gwen huffed in her direction, seemingly giving the Kirlia a cold shoulder but the fact that Gwen noticed it and gave it the time of day meant they were getting along already.

"Shouldn't be too hard to find, right?" Rose said as they began their search for colored eggs. Serena smirked as she glanced back twirling an egg on finger first before tossing it in her basket. "You'd be surprised." She said as she turned to face her, placing a hand on her hip. "The even greater challenge is can you secure more eggs than me." she teased Rose with a wink before confidently continuing her search.

Serena was honestly on a roll. She seemed to be finding eggs everywhere. It was like she had the magic touch or something. Not to mention, Gwen was fired up as well. Between the pair little to no egg was spared from their grasp. All the while Serena was having a really good time. She couldn't remember the last time she had such a good time but she definitely didn't want it to end.

“...Serena!” She heard a familiar voice call out to her in the distance. Standing up, she looked around for the source before her eyes fell on the familiar figure of one of her closest friends. A smile spread on her lips as she waved him over. "Hey!" she called out to Rowan. Her brother was being tugged along by Rowan as her friend made their way to her. "I didn't expect to see you two here." Serena said as she paused on her egg hunt to meet the pair halfway.

She took note of the baskets in their hands and nodded before pointing at them. "See you guys couldn't resist either." She teased. Normally Adrian wouldn't do something as 'lame' as going on an egg hunt but here he was. It was nice to see just how much Rowan influenced her brother in a positive way. Speaking of partners, Serena glanced beside her to Rose. It would be rude if she didn't introduce her right?

Still, Serena felt nervous all of a sudden. Serena hadn't even been able to sort out her own feelings yet and now she was introducing her to her brother and her brother's boyfriend? Suddenly she felt exposed but she could no longer run and hide. Clearing her throat she gestured to Rose. "Erm, this is Rose. Rose this is my brother Adrian, and his partner, Rowan."

Serena wasn't sure if Rose had run into Rowan yet around rocket but she wanted to paint this as a first time meeting anyway. It would be better for all of their sakes. "So, other than egg hunting, what have you two been up to?" Serena said as she pointed back in the direction she and Rose had just come from. "If you two are hungry, after the egg hunt feel free to grab some stuff. I made a lot." she offered.

Well, they were here already right? Might as well embrace it. Better than being secretive and possibly having them snooping around later. Besides, she really had made a lot of food today. Having some extra mouths to feed wasn't as unwelcome as one would've thought.


+ | xtra notes:

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP