i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:14:04 GMT
shiv Avatar


swarm has appeared!




IN THE NIGHT, a swarm of Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir prance out into the open fields. They practice their PSYCHIC abilities. Teleporting, powerful beams, and more are rehearsed under the moonlight. For trainers desiring a powerful Pokemon such as a Gardevoir, it is a prime opportunity to secure one.[break][break]


what will you do?


  • only one character of yours may participate.
  • in order to qualify for the capture, you must ROLL using the ROLL COMMAND. after, INCLUDE A REFERENCE TO BALLET, BLACKHOLES, or the FUTURE somewhere in your post. you may use an image, gif, use an analogy, figurative language, etc.
  • the highest roll will earn a shiny gardevoir; the second highest roll will earn a normal gardevoir, the second lowest roll will earn a normal kirlia, and the lowest roll will net a shiny ralts. the gender of the pokemon can be decided by the recipient.
  • the attempted capture will not consume a pokéball.
  • the gardevoir/kirlia/ralts have movesets that will be revealed at the end of the event.
  • this is a time-limited event and will end may 16th, 12am pst.

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:28:47 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar
The way Pokemon swarmed in Hoenn wasn't anything like what Killian was used to Johto. Not that he was complaining, it was an excellent chance to add more Pokemon to his team. And this time, it was a spices he was more than a little interested in. Gardevoir were powerful Pokemon. Even when they weren't corrupted by the shadows like 's was.

According to some they could even see the future if they honed their abilities. Having one that wasn't devoid of emotion by his was a must. They were nearby, he just needed to bide his time until the chance to catch one arised.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:32:12 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"But Chu-e! You already have two Gardevoir and a Ralts! You don't need any more!" Is what one might say. However, if one knew Chu-e, they would know he had six Rapidash for no reason other than he could and a baker's dozen of Skitty. One did not simply put him in the corner.

So maybe, objectively, Chu-e didn't need another Gardevoir. But, also, why would he not toss his hat in the ring about trying to get another? What was stopping him? His own luck in these swams had been terrible, sure, but was it not enough to try?

Either way, he was flinging a pokeball into that ballet practice.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:34:17 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Between the sheer number of Gallade and Gardevoir he’d seen used both by friend and foe at the Cave of Origin, Rowan couldn’t help but wonder what all the fuss was about with this Pokemon. had essentially secured his freedom and his future by teleporting himself and Oscar out of the hands of the League, and he certainly wouldn’t mind having something like that in his back pocket.

    “Alright, come here.” Rowan motioned to Argos who happened to be shoving a handful of grass into his mouth, realizing suddenly that they’d been called upon. “Go ahead, use Water Pulse.” The Slowbrow sputtered the blades of grass out of his maw and inhaled deeply before expelling a series of strong pulses of water towards an unsuspecting Gardevoir, confusing the Pokemon and allowing Rowan enough time to toss a Pokeball.


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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:45:13 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Everything seemed to happen at night around here. Good thing Serena was a night owl and just so happened that Rocket loved sending her to check on things at night. Serena had a soft spot for psychic types and she always was looking for a good excuse to snatch up a Gardevoir of her own.

In fact, it was the shadow Gardevoir that rocket had presented at the meeting that originally grabbed her eye before the Mime Jr. did. With a snicker to herself she quickly summoned Gwen to her side. "Ready to see if we can snatch up something good for ourselves?" Serena asked her and she huffed almost as if she wasn't interested.

"Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while." Serena said as she pulled out a spare pokeball she had on her. That is, if she could managed to walk away with something good of course. Gwen knew this fair well, and with a sigh she straightened up, ready to do whatever Serena needed her to do. "Help me catch one of these guys and I'll owe you one." Serena said with a wink as she prepared the pokeball. In her future, all she could see was snagging one of these highly coveted Pokémon for herself.



pls....| xtra notes:

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 5:46:40 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

Bryan was here to try and catch a gardevoir. He had heard they were really good dancers and stuff so he hoped to see some of them dancing. They're movements were pretty graceful, he watched them dance around and sat back on the grass reminiscing a bit. He wondered if she'd like to see this? Beautiful pokemon dancing in the moon light? Sound's nice.

Bryan decided to try and take advantage of this opportunity and tried to snipe the pokemon with a pokeball. "Cmere!" he shouted while running towards them trying to capture one. One of the gardevoir's took notice but the panic on it's face stopped it from fighting back and misfired a shadow ball into the air to try and hit the pokeball.

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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
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TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 6:00:48 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"You know, I think we're rather cursed when it comes to catching pokemon. Don't you agree, Skadi?"
A question rings out in the quiet moonlight, a soft chilly breath answering its call as a duo gently slinks their way through open fields. It's hardly a surprise that he sucks at wild hunts, more often than not having pokemon break free due to their waking selves being aware of how they risk being caught. While most trainers would knock them out or weaken them to make the process significantly easier, there's something about hurting them that creates a mental block in Ryuuzaki's mind.
It's almost as if he fears what he may become, is too weak from the scars that Kanto has left on his body and mind. Violence isn't the answer - Or rather, it is one but not one that he wishes to choose. That thought comes as naturally as the empty void in his heart, swallowing every emotion and cosmic beauty he lays his eyes upon as he suppresses the memories once more.
Not here, not now. He didn't make this trip just to allow himself a chance to drown again.
Instead, his gaze lingers on the moonlit horizon, unable to tear itself away from the grace that dances across the starry skies. Witnessing such a thing is rare but long sought after by many artists, the picturesque scenery providing much inspiration for their works. Aligning the focal lenses of his camera, Ryuuzaki doesn't miss the chance to capture the scene, making a mental note to show it to when he returns later. Once done, he reaches into his pockets, tossing a pokeball into the mess as Skadi watches with mild interest.
"Who knows? It might be nice to make sure she has a healer on her team."


gardevoir swarm

made by gimmick

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 7:01:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[newclass=.snakeEyesPost] --snakeEyesAccent:#58c3e6; [/newclass]

[attr="class","se-DARKVER "]


you kept rolling

your eyes


Route 102 was just one of a few ways to get back home from paying a visit to Rustboro City to make a order for her shop. Why she couldn't make it over the phone was simply because she needed to get away from Lilycove for a bit, some fresh air and new sights to see other than home and her shop and the same old people she sees day in and day out. It's healthy for someone as anti-social as Lottie anyway. [break][break]

With her chosen path home and far from in any rush to do so, the wandering seamstress had her curiously piqued at the swarm of Pokémon this evening. The gathering of Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir were enjoying themselves, doing what Pokémon do... Miss Dalton would have kept going with the full intention of going home without doing squat and god only knows what compelled her to want to catch a new Pokémon to add to her roster of three but the urge was there. An urge normally ignored and stuffed into a box was something she couldn't seem to pass up right now. After all, watching these Pokémon dance about and practice their moves just made her want to join the fray. Which would never happen... But to have a one of her own to make outfits for in the future? It was a temptation she caved to.[break][break]

"Flaaffy, Come out and use tackle on that one!" Her command given as she threw her Pokéball to release the sheep-like Pokémon. A spare pokeball was plucked from its spot at her waist and thrown, silent prayers given that she catch the one she wants!



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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 9:38:40 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

Chryssa was not at all interested in a Gardevoir swarm, as the 6'o'clock news reported over the radio. They were such an inconvenience, always running around in the middle of the night. She understood they were nocturnal, but honestly, she was thinking about trading hers in for something with more suitable sleeping habits. Or something without feet.

Chryssa's Gardevoir was currently in a wrestling competition on the steps to the library with another Gardevoir. It was easy to distinguish the difference between the two, because Chryssa's Gardevoir was losing. Chryssa sat on the top step, her chin cupped in both hands as she idly watched the weaker Gardevoir roll onto its back to kick uselessly at the other with its back legs, aiming for its soft belly.

Some people thought that Gardevoir liked to practice their psychic powers  when they got together-- teleportation, telekinesis, etc. The reality couldn't be further from the truth. Everywhere, Gardevoir were climbing trees to perch in the branches and knocking over garbage bins in search of snacks. It reminded her of a popular young adult fiction series she'd read when she was in elementary school-- "Gardevoirs," by Erin Huntail. 

Chryssa sighed, loading her Biome Gun with water and shooting it at the two Pokemon to break them up. "Tsst, tsst. Break it up," she said idly. Both Gardevoir struggled to disengage, nearly flattening a group of Ralts snoozing in the sun. "I can never tell if you're playing or fighting." 


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November 17th
Head I.E Engineer
Head Scientist
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Miles Sharp DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @miles
Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 11:46:14 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar
It was like a class or perhaps a show? A performance that swore it was predicting the future judging by the movements of the leads. They dance, they fight they twirl into the night. Miles has little interest in the fairy type generally they're out of his field of expertise, And while he admired their grace from a distance at times never did he feel compelled to interact with one personally. Tonight's different he's become entranced in their grace and so he takes the plunge throwing a pokeball out into the den of powerful fairies. Even he could get lucky from time to time.

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December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
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TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 13:26:04 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




oldale town

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

They were poised, images of perfection. Their feet hardly touched the ground as they moved in unison, barely touching despite how close they came to one another. It was mesmerizing, like a secret shared b etween close friends.[break][break]

It reminded her of her own time spent learning the art of ballet. She remembered how tight the leotard had been, how slim it'd made her so that she would stand alongside the other young girls and boys as nothing short of pretty and perfect. She remembered how much effort she had put into being perfect, of how her ankles protested and her arms grew tired. [break][break]

But the Gardevoir showed no signs of fatigue or discomfort. They simply were perfection.[break][break]

And Suzu's jealousy pinches the bridge of her nose as she sends her Zorua in, disguised as one of them. It was time to break up the recital and tear down that sickening display of beauty. [break][break]

She throws a pokeball into the fray of confusion and fear, unfazed by the blood and the panic.[break][break]



notes: ...



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 13:47:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Walter had alerted him the moment that they had appeared. Amor rushed out to meet them on the back of Draco, his Dragonite, and without missing a beat they landed in the open field. There were already others here trying to secure their own powerful psychic type. Amor had been on the lookout for this particular evolutionary line for a while now, he was intent on catching one of them. With Draco already out, and Adontis on his shoulder Amor wasted no time in finding himself an opponent. Though thinking about all the other trainers around him, if he used Draco to fight here, it would cause more harm than good...A sigh left his lips as he had to think about the future repercussions of his actions amidst this beautiful ballet of pokemon. Deciding to just test his luck instead he unclipped one of the empty balls on his belt, and hurled it into the tangled mess of psychic types hoping that he would manage to catch one.

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[googlefont=La Belle Aurore]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 14:03:00 GMT
Deleted Avatar

- Gardevoir swarm!!!
Fairy heaven.

That is where Robbin had gone, not route 102. It couldn't be.

Gardevoir was such a sought after pokemon she was surprised and mortified to see it was on route 102, right outside of oldale town. When she heard wind she had rushed in and was taken away. It was crowded and loud, filled with excited trainers and gardevoirs everywhere. She was not missing this chance. Oh was fate a cruel mistress to linger something so good so close to her hometown, to beckon her in with her love for fairy type. Of course she was going to risk it to capture a perfect addition to her team.

Clutching the ball she threw it at the nearest pokemon and prayed

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 15:28:21 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
100 for me, myself, and i
Locke held his Pokénav as still as possible as he recorded the Gardevoir. Twirling and prancing among the flowers, the powerful empaths looked like ballerinas under the moonlight. One Kirlia soared into the air with a mighty leap, silhouetted against the night sky. He was lucky to have caught the show, having nearly finished setting up a spot to turn in.

Satisfied, Locke ended the video and put away their Pokénav. They’d send it to their family in the morning. Mom was sure to love it. As they did, however, they discovered one Pokémon had accidentally Teleported into their bag…

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
hello darkness
my old friend
--- height
--- height
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 16:48:02 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
It appeared that Gardevoir was known to be one of the most powerful psychic type pokemon and the most desirable. Although typically Maverick would never be interested in these types of creature, his recent curiosity about mega evolution has got him collecting pokemon that can achieve this. This made him seek this creature. Mega evolution was something he hoped to continue to research more in the future, maybe even use mega evolution when he became elite four or champion one day. But for now, the search for this powerful psychic creature continues as the search for mega stones were a lot more difficult than getting the creature it self.

A rumor of a swarm of them on route 102 quickly spread thought-out the region like wild fire. Everyone seemed to be flocking to either catch a glimpse or capture one. And with the scarred man still not being able to get one for himself, he too made a quick flight to see this. Warm gaze flickered over the dismay of their physic abilities as they appeared to be well hidden from the general public at the moment. He kept himself low, observing the older ones teaching the younger ones how to use their power. But after just a few hours of watching, the sensitive creature’s seemed to be spooked and could sense they were no longer alone.

Reaching into his pocket, the man stood from his hiding spot and launched a ball into the air directly into the crowd. Although his aim was normal always on point, the creature started to scatter and teleport. He held his breath, hoping he could catch at least one of them in his ball.