i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 17:44:59 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

She nearly spat out her drink in shock. Now was the time to feign innocence. Casey glanced away and tugged at his collar comically. "Yeah. It depends on the context. I didn't mean to put words in your mouth like that..."

Casey downed a fifth of his drink, as the two crossed the threshold and went outside. Whether or not he actually had plans with her, it was fun for the two to make eachother squirm. It's as if they were just tickling eachother. Playing with kid-gloves on, compared to the sea of emotions running high tonight. "...Not that I'd be opposed to that, or anything."

Outside again. Where he first steeled his nerves to go inside. What was so intimidating about all of that? He talked to two people, drank a little, and walked out.

He'd read a map before. "There's that small channel to the east, connecting Mauville to the road to Fortree." Artificial. There's that word. Though he had a similarly artificial experience, it was perhaps flavored differently. "I've mostly been a prop for my dad's press conferences. He's the Treasury Secretary there. When I did get out, it was with my mom and her brothers. We'd go fishing. Did you ever get to break out of that bubble, aside from the Sea Mauville?"
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she / her
December 16
oldale town
We've got the time to take the world and make it better than it ever was
84 posts
lumia peura DOLLARS
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lumia peura
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 18:00:33 GMT
lumia peura Avatar
star soiree
excitable crowd!!
[attr="class","bang"]she's trying okay,,,

I think it was because of the loud fireworks or something... Tapu Bulu really scared me though! Imagine standing right next to it when it goes wild..." Placing a finger to her lips, Lumia tries really hard to recall the reasons that had been given in the aftermath of the festival.

But she doesn't have to think hard, for she's easily distracted by everything else going on around her. As the moonlit waterfalls of Minior draw her away from Lars' side, quite a bit of his warnings simply fly over her head. What kind of danger lurks in a public place like this? Well, if you ignore the child with a knife and all... There are times where she reckons Lars will worry himself to death before anything actually happens to her!

"Are you gonna name it? Ooo! Can I name it? Gotta give it a really cute name..." With the familiar red flash of light caught in the corner of her eye, Lumia tiptoes and gingerly reaches for the pokeball as if asking him to release the brilliant star. It's only when Ren rests his hand against her palm that she stops to listen, pouting softly as she gives thought to her answer.

"Do they have anything sweet? Kinda craving something sweet right now..."






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it's whatever
2 height
2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
victor evans DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victor
victor evans
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 18:43:53 GMT
victor evans Avatar

he couldn't say he was sad to see the other man go because otherwise it might have ended in yet another fight. but he wasn't worried about that. he was absolutely sure that he could win against someone like that. what he didn't like was that ruslan was offering to meet up with him later. they needed to have their talk before that. before the blonde could get any funny ideas. "yes, we should be able to talk outside as well." taking 's hand he led him outside himself. not wanting to wait and see if there was anyone else that wanted to come up to him. cooling his head would be a good idea. he had a demeanor to maintain after all. he needed to get himself under control.

bothering cooling off,

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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 20:12:57 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Did she hear him right? She did... right? Could Summer Prescott turn anymore red? She was really living up to her nickname gave her now. Oh, gods, she was sweating too. No one had ever made her turn into a stuttering mess before, and here he was.

Freaking Casey.

"You wouldn't?" Why was she prompting him further? She needed to leave the subject at bay.

She chugged her drink, though it was certainly difficult with the accompanying fizz. Sighing loudly, she wiped away her mouth and set her drink down on the railing, leaning over it. She grabbed the jacket tighter around her.

Somehow, she felt like she resonated with Casey as he told her more about himself. Summer watched him speak, idly petting Frigg's head.

"Similar to you, I work for my father's business. He uses me for public relationships and connections. I'm apparently pretty good at sweet talking people into giving us their money." Oops. That slipped out. She glanced to the side awkwardly. "When I got old enough to work was when I was really able to leave for the first time. Besides a few vacations. But I hadn't been alone until then. With work."

And now, she felt like she was followed all over again.

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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 21:21:45 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

There she is. Red all over, sweating. Casey raised a brow, looking down at her. He started to unbutton his shirt a little, just enough to expose his collarbone. That, and to get the stiff breeze on him to keep the drunken sweat off him. He then sheepishly turned away a little. "...Are you okay? You look like you’re melting over there."

Casey downed a fifth of his drink, and leaned over the railing, a little. His Toxtricity put a hand on his back, trying to keep him alert enough to not go over the railing. "I said that to push your buttons again, but... I think I meant it."

Outside again. She spoke about her background. About how she was also just an extension of a powerful parent, for the longest time. This made his eyes light up. He bit his lip. He was just playing with her for the longest time, but now, he felt like he needed to help her get out more.

"And you know what?" Alone. A very loaded word. People could even be “alone” in public. "You made it out here by yourself. You made that happen. The desire is there. The... resources are there. I believe in you."
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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 21:44:17 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
"I'm fine!" Summer answered quickly, holding his jacket tighter around her. "It's okay," she said again, this time with a less rushed and panicked tone in her voice. "I'm just not used to stuff like this, is all." Except she left it vague on what this was.

Because she was definitely used to these fancy little parties. She would not tell him that he was the reason she was a mess right now.

But Casey made the situation worse with every word that came out of his mouth. Summer distracted herself with her drink, finishing the rest and setting the empty bottle to the side with a small clink. A server came by in time with more drinks, and she snagged one from the tray to keep herself busy.

I believe in you.

It wasn't something anyone had really said to her before. Sure, her father had said things like that before her missions, to give her the confidence she needed to steal, lie, and cheat. But, it had never been said so genuinely to her before.

Summer felt a small prickle of tears in her eyes, looking at the drink in her hand as she whispered, "Thank you. I mean it."

prompt: have a character cry

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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
180 posts
ruslan skye DOLLARS
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ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 4:17:18 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit nervous. Talk- yes. He had half hoped it was just an excuse to get the two of them away from Elliott. He knew the guy was abrasive but….well, he knew why he was abrasive too. He couldn’t fault Elliott especially after the way his pokemon had treated him. Its at least 5 degrees cooler outside with less bodies crammed into one tight space. Mike floated by him going off to explore, while Lana more or less kept pace with Victor. As they cross the threshold Dr. Holo’s announcement rang out and he looked up to the sky to see the pokemon dropping down on the ground. [break][break]

He would’ve felt bad considering how they got there, but their soft cries and bright colors sort of erased that worry from him. He’d never seen a minior, much less this many of them gathered around. Wide, red eyes dart about taking it all in before remembering he was trying to help his patron. “A-..Are you ok, Victor?” he asked after a minute or two of awkwardly looking up at him then back at the pokemon rolling around and the different guests that had been lured outside to see the little meteor pokemon. “W-..What did y-you want t-to talk about?”


+ hehehe post #9

tl'dr [break][break]

- heehee hoohoo pretty miniors! [break]
- attempting to Comfort Victor [break]



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 7:46:53 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar


the feeling of danny's chin beneath his fist was painfully euphoric. weeks of stress evaporated beneath the contact, and he knew that as high as he was on the feeling, regret and remorse would flow back where the dam had broken.
but that was for later.
serena's call to security doesn't go on deaf ears, but he doesn't stop, rather, only slowing. a pair approach her, while at her behest, two more follow after him. they're upon him nearly, as gwen calls his name. he gives her a timid, thin lipped smile, before turning onto the duo.
"gentleman. lieutenant connors here -- what appears to be the issue?"
in no time at all, he'd placate these two, and go back to his party. that doesn't stop him from staring over their shoulders, eyeing the duo as they cradled one another on the ground.
and then...
a plan started to form.
he'd catch up to danny again. that was a promise.

| | [break]
he deals with security, and forms a plan against his two least favorite rockets! sorry to hold you all up, we should be able to separate now.


[ .pokesprite]color:#32a852; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px; filter:grayscale(90%); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]
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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 8:05:53 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

People he clung to were stretched into their individual atoms by their own lives. He'd originally disappeared to try and put distance between him and this gnawing feeling, but he could never outrun it. The stiff breeze pushed hair out of his face like an outstretched hand. "..."

Casey downed the rest of his drink, and looked down at her. "I'm so sorry."

Turning to face her, he saw tears trail down her face. The stress of it all ate at him. He couldn't be there for anyone, but even if he was... Wouldn't he push them too far? Atleast a head taller than Summer, he stepped a little closer, and parted his arms. He offered a shoulder to cry on, with an outstretched arm to shield her from onlookers.

His eyes widened at first when it dawned on him that she was just like him. Though, now his eyes went glassy and moist, and a tear fell down the corner of one. "...Summer. You deserve so much more."
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 12:18:30 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

A whisper in his ear and he’s left to decide, although of course, it’s not like Mars really minds.
He simply offers a smile.
”How about a shot before we go dancing? I’m getting bored of just standing around.”
Dancing is probably not the best idea considering how a mishap during a mission a couple of weeks ago had resulted in him fracturing a rib, and he’s still recovering from that, but it sure beats just standing around and watching things happen, alright? Mars has always liked dancing, so it would be a shame if they didn’t get to do as much...
Their drinks are ordered, and as his dear friend could tell anyone after their nights drinking together, Chartreuse is Mars’ preference when it comes to shots, but this time he leaves it up to the bartender, which means it’s probably something like rum.
He takes the glasses, offering one to Cian.
”To a good night spent together?”
That’s what matters in the end, isn’t it?
Fuck all the drama, they don't need all that.

+ TLDR; at the bar with (6)


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she / her
February 17
freezington, galar
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @yrsa
yrsa ástasdóttir
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 17:36:32 GMT
yrsa ástasdóttir Avatar
from a land wrapped in sin
I heard thousands of voices turned towards a land of fantasy
lways one to encroach upon her personal space before she can even voice an objection, Yrsa's glad that Kazimir hasn't seemed to change in that aspect.

"Getting to see the Litleonids is pretty rare, so I figured may as well not miss out, ya know?" There's a brief moment of surprise that springs from the sudden hug but she's at least happy enough to return the favour with a pat on the back. "Didn't know you were gonna be here too. I thought you'd be busy or something!" Her Honedge hums in agreement, blinking at the man as his ribbon sways in greeting.

"It's been one helluva riot so far... Did you see that Steelix breaking the ceiling? Or the kid stabbing another dude? Hoenn's pretty wild..."
[attr="class","yrsatags"]✎ theme
[attr="class","yrsatags"]🗺 mossdeep
[attr="class","yrsatags"]meeting amidst a flurry of stars || outfit
by Mizo.❉ of ww
[googlefont=Homemade+Apple][googlefont=Open+Sans][newclass=.goodness]width: 70px; height: 70px;margin-top: -223px; margin-left: -42px; transform: rotate(45deg);transition: 1s; filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);-moz-filter: grayscale(100%);border:8px solid #222;[/newclass][ .goodness]border:8px solid #efefef; filter: grayscale(0%);-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);-moz-filter: grayscale(0%);transform: rotate(0deg); margin: 0px 0px 0px 30px; transition: 1s;[/newclass][newclass=.les::-webkit-scrollbar]width:3px;background-color: #ffffff; border:1px solid #ffffff;[/newclass][newclass=.les::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width: 1px; background-color: #8d8d8d; border:1px solid #ffffff;[/newclass][]width: 560px;[/newclass][newclass=.yrsatags a]font:bold 6pt calibri;[/newclass]
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 23:44:24 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex takes one drink in her hand and shifts to face the woman that decided to strike up conversation with her. It’s not everyday someone felt bold enough to approach her. The jagged scar gave her a rather . . . intimidating appearance it seems.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” her tone is flat and direct. She mostly didn’t want to talk about it because she doesn’t know what to say. In addition to embarrassment, it felt vulnerable, a crack in the foundation of a powerful relationship. It would give just the right person enough room to apply the right pressure to break it. She’d give no one that kind of power.

With the twitch of a small smile, Lex accepts the gesture to toast and gentle clinks her glass against the stranger’s. After a sip, she set it back down on the wooden bar top, “I’m Lex. And you are . . . ?” she inquires, her amber gaze drifts up and down in a signature critical assessment of the woman in front of her.

Chattin’ with since ditched her =(

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 23:58:48 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




She steps into his arms willingly, relaxing just slightly as his hand presses against her lower back. She fits her hand into his, squeezing both to reassure herself as well as him. The smirk that tugs on his lips amuses her and she stands up a little straighter, pulls herself a little closer.[break][break]

"Just relax and move with the music."[break][break]

He didn't have to be perfect- she wasn't looking for perfect.[break][break]

Perfect was somewhere deeper in the room, somewhere speaking to someone he shouldn't. Perfect was , even if she told herself he was far from it.[break][break]

Stormy's own distracted gaze returns at the mention of the two she'd tried to dance with earlier. Her brows furrow for a moment, offering Jack a flash of irritation at first. He might not catch it given how his eyes wander around the room, looking for trouble.[break][break]

"Is this for me, or is this for you?"

[attr="class","ooc"] tagged | outfit[break][break]
notes dancing with jack!




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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 0:23:48 GMT
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Another person entered the bathroom - and another familiar voice he recognized as belonging to . “Hey Cardamom,” Hideo said, raising a hand, a motion his Ambipom copied. “It was wild out there when I came here. Sounds like it’s getting even wilder out there.” From what little he heard from Cardamom opening the door, there was still quite a bit going on.

He’d just have to trust Cardamom on that one. The bathroom seemed like the safest place in here, and he was pretty certain there wasn’t much he could do to help things get under control. And with some Pokemon outside to keep watch, the chaos wouldn't come in here.

Well, the outside chaos.  All the Pokemon he had with him now took his attention; his Meltan still clung to him, no longer crying but still holding on. His Ambipom was doing better, and he could feel her move on the couch to right herself. And his Ribombee...Hideo could start to hear retching.

Elga, is Pinky about to-

What interrupted his question was the inelegant vomiting of a Ribombee. “Ah crap,” Hideo said, watching his language in front of his Meltan. “Elga, can you-

He got the mental confirmation, his Beheeyem’s attention back to the Ribombee. A small pile of Pollen Puffs soaked up the water Pinky had been soaking in. Elga Psychically lifted Pinky out of the pile, at least avoiding any drowning.

With the confirmation of his Ribombee’s safety, Hideo slumped in his seat. “Thanks for that, Elga,” he said with a sigh. Maybe that would help his Ribombee sober up a little.

It then occurred to him that it sounded like had gone to the sinks. Crap. “Sorry you had to see that, Arashi,” Hideo added, “If I had my Pokeballs, I’d have put him away. I don’t even know how they found this place...I know I left them back at my camp.

Summary: Hideo greets .  Still holding Meltan, Ambipom sits up.  Ribombee vomits out Pollen Puffs, but gets lifted out of sink by Beheeyem.  Hideo says sorry to for probably watching that last sentence as it happened.

Bounties complete: N/A

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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
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Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 0:58:00 GMT
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When he opened his arms, bringing her close and hiding her away from the world, she felt like she was actually safe. It was a feeling she wasn't used to, but it wasn't unwelcomed. It made her cry a bit harder.

The stress she had built in her body snapped and came out in a flood as she allowed herself to rest her head against his chest, her arms wrapping around his torso.

Summer blamed some of the alcohol for making her so emotional.

"Why are you so nice to me?" she asked out of no where. "I don't deserve something like that." If only you knew who I really was.

That I really deserve worse.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing