YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,923 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2021 15:06:13 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Whatever happened to this church, Eris can swear to Reshiram and above that she had no hand in its destruction. She's a mess, chaotic in nature and most certainly knows her way around explosives, but to desecrate a holy site? She'd rather carve out her heart than destroy what's sacred to her memories, that much is sure when she grips her notebook tight.
It must have been pretty before it got razed to the ground - That much she can tell from the pictures she's seen online. Pity that she didn't get to visit before all this. Perhaps, she could have confessed all her thoughts to a god who had never listened to her prayers before.
But enough about things that could have been, she needs to focus on the present and what she's able to do right now. Starting with the rubble, Eris shifts whatever bits that she can manage, sighing when the Prankster Loki begins prodding at things that he really shouldn't. Just seconds after she looks away from the Klefki, he returns in a soft jingle of keys, slipping something into her pocket before moving off to search the area once more.
It's somewhat dulled but it still glimmers slightly when she takes it out to view, a metallic chain with a small symbol of Arceus hooked right to it. Religion must have been pretty important in this person's life, to have carried so many scars within this little charm. Though she does feel guilty about keeping such a precious object, it probably wouldn't be good if it were to get thrown out during the cleaning as well.
The voices of strangers wash over her like a sea of white noise, but the words of mystery are quick to draw her in. Daring to step even a little closer to the gathering, Eris finds herself smiling before she even realises what she's doing.
"Surprise! You're here too, huh?" She slings her arm around 's shoulder, bouncing a little with her steps. "Well, a whole bunch of ya are here too! What's this like... weird telepathy we have in showing up at places together?" Looking to and , she'd offer a hug if they were willing to accept it. And if not, well, she respects their personal space!
When she listens to speaking of the odd rock, she can only pray fervently that his tendencies to lick weird objects won't crop up. He's already caught one weird parasite, and she doesn't think she can manage dealing with another.
In the end, it's his prerogative. Eris is unable to stop his desires to lick rocks if he so wishes to.
With her Klefki finally floating back to her side, she merely crouches down and begins to help with the clearance of the entrance. Though he does Play a little Foul, Loki does help in his own way, albeit rather dangerously with how he tosses random pieces of rubble to the side.
"So, are we sticking together when we go in?"
Talk to ! (+10)[break]
Reminisce about the Church (+10)[break]
Clean up the rubble (+10)[break]
Pocket something valuable (+10 Black)[break]
Use a move AND an ability of the same color - Foul Play || Prankster (+10)[break]
? (+10)[break]
k909rzo_ + 60
[attr="class","adrie-note"]in the house of the holy

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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,486 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2021 17:41:43 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he didn't come to the plate club since the invitation was dubious as fuck. he missed out on the fun though, as told by , which prompts him to go this time.

"please don't steal any more plates," he tells to , remembering how much chaos that caused during the first aqua meeting. he adds another note before he goes further into the building. "if you do, well, try not to make anyone upset."

he takes a look around. many of the those present were assumed underaged. kyle's just glad that this wasn't anything official from the league so he's not incentivized to making their safety a priority. others were overly too excited for something menial. he's glad he's not responsible for them too, but it makes him wonder if ever offered them something that he didn't hear of that caused this enthusiasm.

then he hears an explosion from . it results to a cut by his forearm that he used to protect his face with. kyle ignores it for the most part, aside from smearing what little blood trickled from it with the inside of his shirt.

his mightyena barks and growls to intimidate the trainer responsible, never forgetting to show off its swagger as it did. kyle grimaces, but prefers not to engage. he tugs his mightyena's tail to stop it from making a fuss and get it to follow it.

kyle came here to investigate instead of actually helping so his main focus was looking around, doing minimal work just to look busy, which he got proficient in doing over the time. casually, he takes planks of wood from one end to another to clear up space while he eyes people around the vicinity.

eventually, he sees people crowding over a spot. the hidden entrance becomes much easier to notice when people talk about it.

nbgNfa6G (+60)
talked with (+10)
reminisce about plate club/the church (+10)
clean up the rubble (+10)
get a minor injury (+10 Red)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
? (+10)

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2021 23:19:21 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida had never set foot here, as a child, nor as an adult. Losing out on one's childhood didn't exactly leave room for considering which church to go to (she thought a beat up shrine did just as good work, in her opinion). Still, it was sad to see the destroyed building. Worshipping a Pokemon was a strange thing to Kaida, humans seemed to think themselves above Pokemon, except in worship...it was strange, but she thought the respect was something that would build up one day...and now it was destroyed.

Her mood dropped dramatically, the woman flinching as she flung a Pokeball down and it screeched against a rock from the force of it, relasing an Onix that rose up, then rumbled in sadness, waving his head about. Seemed the rock snake caught her mood, "Oh, I'm sorry, my friend. I was a little upset, its a church of a Pokemon." The Onix had an age about him, despite the fact he had lived about as long as her other partners, and he sighed softly. "Do you...the family think of...religion, like this?" While her Pokemon helped her clear their home, and never let their shrine get dirty, she never actually saw if they participated. Did Pokemon worship a great Pokemon? It made sense, in the head of Kaida, woman with the heart of a Pokemon. The Onix looked upon her with old eyes, a smile on his face, before closing them and summoning Ancientpower to start clearing the rubble, glowing rocks rising upwards and stacking neatly outside the church boundaries. He was Sturdy, the exertion was nothing to the Onix. Carefully, he made certain not to break any jewlery, markings, symbols of the church...that answered Kaida's question sufficiently. Even if not exact, her Pokemon respected this worship (she'd have to ask her communicative Pokemon how to help when she got back...)

She noticed the rest of the cleaners starting to gather in an area, entrance hidden by their bodies and the collapsed church. With a wave of her hand, Kaida called Kjoll's attention to help clear the area. Without much fanfare, the Onix did as told. With her Pokemon doing the heavy lifting, Kaida tilted her head at the little ones ( , , ) present and lowered her head to speak to them as talked about sticking together as they delved deeper, "Stick close to me, my friend will protect us...I feel like gods wouldn't look kindly on me for not doing so." All these eyes, would Arceus see her if she failed to protect anyone with a half-baked life?

xVuyCvj9 (+80) (WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida releases Sturdy Onix who uses Ancientpower to help clear rubble (has a "chat" with Kjoll about religion), notices group gathered around a strange entrance and directs Kjoll to go help them. Comments to the children ( , , and ), to stay near.

Talk to and tag someone else in your post (+10)
Reminisce about plate club/the Church (+10)
Clean up the rubble (+10)
Creation (+20)
Talk about Arceus/Religion (+10)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
? (+10)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 6:37:39 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Good optics.
That’s what we’re here for, baby.
Of course a good, kind, noble, charitable, compassionate, wonderful, thoughtful, considerate, good-hearted (help, I’m running out of adjectives here), selfless, and overall amazing guy like Martin del Mar would volunteer without a second thought when the Church of Arceus asked for help after the destruction of their church in ever Ever Grande. He may not be one for spirituality himself (or, well, at least not the type to be into organized religion) but of course he’s respectful of all systems of belief. Wow! Such a great guy!
That’s how things are on the surface, at least.
In reality, it only makes sense to look into religious organizations when searching for answers like the ones he’s been searching for, and the call for help simply provided for a good opportunity to interact with the church without a need for any excuses. It sparked his curiosity, and that’s all the reason he needed, because as if Mars would ever do anything for selfless reasons – despite what his reputation may lead people to believe, that is.
It comes as no surprise that actual selfless people like his dear friend are here to help, though.
Standing upon what remains of what had once been the church’s nave, the sound of her voice rings in a familiar tone, an inevitable pause coming when hearing her speak that word that always seems to make him pause as of late. You. A smile tugs at his lips, and after a couple of seconds, he turns to look at her. ”Luka, dulzura, I should have expected to see you here! It would just feel wrong not to help with something like this, wouldn't it?” So wrong.
On cue with these words, he nods at the Cursola that stands nearby, the ghostly coral then making use of its ANCIENT POWER to effectively reduce what remains of a column to more manageable pieces. His Musharna is supposed to use its Psychic power to carry the pieces out after that, but instead of doing so immediately, it gently bumps against Mars’ back, its harmless rose-coloured mist swirling around him as if to guide his gaze towards a nearby spot where a few people gather. Is that a hidden entrance in the ground? A staircase leading downwards? A basement, perhaps? Seems like the sort of place where things of value would be kept – even interesting records, perhaps.
The Musharna’s FOREWARNING, unclear as it may be, is as useful as it is welcome, and he gently pets the pokémon before turning to look at Luka one more time. His voice drops to a whisper too. ”Oh, I’ve heard a thing or two, but it’s hard to tell what’s the truth. Seems weird that anyone would destroy a church, right? Wonder if it was more than just an accident…” He leaves it at that, because there’s not much point in revealing all that he has heard about the Church of Arceus during his time in the region.
His gaze finds a nearby image of the all-too-worshipped pokémon, stained glass shattered but still holding a discernible form. ”Do you know much about it? Arceus?” The question comes out of mere curiosity, for being here brings back one too many memories for him; Mars is familiar with the legends of Sinnoh’s creation and has walked among the ancient ruins at Mt. Coronet, yet never did he imagine that he’d end up standing at this sort of place.


[break](+ 60 total)

[break]-Talk to someone (+10)
[break]-Reminisce about the Church (+10)
[break]-Clean up the rubble (+10)
[break]-Talk about Arceus/religion (+10)
[break]-Use a move & ability of the same colour (+10)
[break]- ? (+10)



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 21:00:24 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

naturally, regardless of the ruined state of the church, memories still manage to rise to the surface. the plate club meeting left a sour taste in many people’s mouths, but not katherine’s. if anything, she chose to arrive only thanks to what had occurred the last time.
perhaps if she’s lucky, and someone proves stupid enough to trust her, she’ll get away with stealing yet another plate.
Confused, she stops to search for other people, having assumed that surely wasn’t addressing her, but he was. “Why would you ask me to make a promise I can’t keep, Kyle?” he should know well enough that Chaos does not intimidate her. She thrives in such a climate, having nearly blown the man to pieces once upon a time.
“Well, I suppose that’s fair. I’ll try.”
Besides, how hard would it be? She just has to steal without causing a major scene.
Speaking of major scenes and blowing things to pieces, Katherine’s attention shifts from the champion to as soon as her Voltorb sets off an explosion. Her eyes widen, her arms raise to shield her face, but it is her ungodly blessing that ensures that possible damage is negated. The debris merely phase through the woman.
Katherine’s pokemon are less fortunate, and both her Sableye and Pheromosa act to protect themselves too. The PRANKSTER ghoul responds with a reactive POWER GEM, whereas the Ultra Beast is quick to SNATCH a wooden plank to protect herself with.
“You know, if people are just going to blow stuff up,” she whispers before pocketing a half-burnt page of some book, ”we’ll both have a different scene to deal with sooner or later.”
And to think she thought that she’d have the luxury to search for a plate here. Something else is found, thankfully, thanks to the number of people who slowly begin to crowd what appeared to be a hidden entrance, or… A slightly less obvious one.
q8vfWDC7 +70
[break]talked with (+10)
[break]reminisce about plate club/the Church (+10)
[break]pocket something valuable (+10 Black)
[break]use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) [prankster/snatch]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


[newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".katherine blockquote img"]filter:grayscale(1%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine blockquote img:hover { transition:0.6s all; filter:none [/newclass]
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[newclass=".katherine .pkmnparty"]margin-top:-20px; text-align:center; } .katherine .pkmnparty img { filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine .pkmnparty img:hover { filter:none; transition:0.6s all; [/newclass]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,880 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 21:19:27 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar wasn’t a spiritual man, in fact he found religion as a whole to be rather silly. Did he acknowledge that pokemon had the power to act as gods? Sure, whatever. To worship them, however, seemed like a fruitless effort. God or not a pokemon was a pokemon, a wild animal. Oscar would rather get a dick tattooed on his face than pray to a fucking animal.

In fact, Oscar couldn’t be convinced that this whole church of Arceus business wasn’t a racket. Oscar has met a few of these poke-gods and they all seemed believable, but Arceus? A creation god to trump all others? A rather convenient way to get a lot of money out of desperate people if you ask Oscar. For that Oscar had quite a bit of respect for ol’ , even if he hasn’t actually met the guy.

So if Oscar hates all this religion shit, why has he arrived in yellow GMH coveralls to help clean up this church? Easy, publicity is everything. Oscar is always on the lookout for opportunities to clean up GMH’s public image, and there’s nothing more wholesome than cleaning up a fucked-up church. Y’know, for charity.

Oscar brought some unlikely helpers to this excursion, three members of his army that needed a lesson in discipline. First there was Alice the Weavile, a compulsive thief that can’t keep her claws to herself. Then there was Slayer the Accelgor, an overconfident little shit that has about half the skill of Oscar’s first Accelgor Tir-na-nog (may he rest in peace). Finally there was Siesmo the Claydol, who has taken to staring aimlessly into the sky instead of following orders ever since it evolved. These three had really worn-down Oscar’s patience, so now they got to help him clean this church up for the needy.

Oscar snapped his fingers in rapid succession, “No time to fuckin’ dilly dally. Get started on this rubble. Now.” Alice and Slayer rolled their eyes but got started right away. Siesmo meanwhile kept staring at the sky, as if the clouds were writing out the most interesting novel in the history of literature. Oscar growled, “Today, if we can!” Siesmo shook itself out of its trance, floating off to help move some rocks with its psychic powers.

Alice grumbled as she tried slicing through debris to make it more manageable to move. Slayor had the worst time of it, grabbing a rather sizable rock and finding that his Sticky Hold prevented him from letting it go. The Accelgor sighed, building up some extra strength to chuck it elsewhere (Curse). Oscar noticed his struggle and approached him to help, only for the oblivious bug to chuck the stone into Oscar’s gut.

Oscar gasped as he fell to the ground, and Slayer suddenly looked like he was going to piss himself. Alice raised a claw to her mouth, hiding her chuckle as Oscar pushed the rock aside. “Mother fucker, you could have broken my ribs! Watch where you’re tossing shit.” Slayer bowed profusely as he backed away, encountering the same issue over and over again a good distance away from anyone who could be hurt. Oscar got up, brushing himself off as his stomach churned with pain. If this didn’t set the mood for what was to follow, nothing else would.

Oscar decided to join the other humans further into the ruins. There were a lot of familiar faces, though Oscar wasn’t really in the mood to socialize. What he was in the mood for was exploring, an action that was quickly rewarded. Oscar found what looked like a medallion in a stack of otherwise useless junk. It looked a lot like that—thing that wrapped around Arceus’s waist in its depictions in art. Looked like it could be gold, so Oscar decided to pocket it for later. Waste not want not. As he looked around to make sure no one was watching, his eyes fell upon a young boy with brown hair ( ). The others were looking at what seemed to be a staircase, but the boy was looking at—something else. It piqued Oscar’s interest, so he decided to approach. He casually greeted the boy as he walked near, “Hey there slugger, what chya lookin’ at?” Oscar quickly noticed the hole, looking into it as curiosity burned in his chest.

Oh--well that’s interesting.


-Talk to and tag someone in your post (+10)
-Clean up the rubble (+10)
-Pocket something valuable (+10 Black)
-Use a move and ability with the same color (+10)
-? (+10)
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played by


September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 21:53:17 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
310 for @raid
Locke’s Audino was giving him a severe look as he Healed the fresh cut on his palm. “I swear I brought gloves with me! I just don’t know where they went…”

Where they went was in the ethereal grasp of ’s Gourgeist, which Shi-Shi followed as it slipped away with her trainer’s handgear, studying its Frisk ability. Then, while it was sufficiently distracted robbing someone else, she copied the thief’s movements with a solid bit of Role Play, bumping against Locke’s leg as she returned with the gloves dangling in her jaws.

“Hm? Oh, there they are!” Locke gave their Absol a grateful pat on the head as she dropped the thick, leather work gloves in their hand. Now properly protected, they returned to picking up the large pieces of stained glass scattered throughout the area, carefully depositing the shards into the basket Loony-Loony carried as he drifted behind them.

Religion was never really their thing, not for lack of belief but lack of faith. The gods, they figured, didn’t seem to care all that much about them, and would probably just go about doing their own thing regardless of the tiny struggles of men. Still, it was a bit sad to see the beautiful building in ruins like this.

At least the weather was good. Locke held up a slightly cleaner shard, admiring the way the colors danced in the sunlight and trying to remember what it had depicted when it was whole. Maybe Arceus would bless them with a nice, normal day for cleaning up its temple.

The growing crowd near one section of the rubble said probably not.

“Took the words out of my mouth,” Locke agreed with as they joined the group forming around the entrance. “I’m not sure going down there is such a good idea…But better together than alone I guess.”

+10 Talk to/tag someone else
+10 Reminisce about the church
+10 Clean up the rubble
+10 Talk about Arceus/religion
+10 Use a move & ability of the same color
+10 ???
+20 Codeword: Creation
(Total: 135)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".charactername"]margin-top:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername b"]font-weight:lighter;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername i"]font-style:italic;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,967 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 16:27:19 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Young man, there's no need to feel down

"Not me, I'm on the job. Unfortunately."

A hand carrying an old, battered, well loved straw hat fell atop ' head, granting her the coolest accessory (with the best stats) in the thread as Doug's dusty, fully uniformed form walked past her and the rest of the kids' Club.

"But the hat shall carry on m'adventurous spirit. Go forth and conquer, my (fellow) children."

He had been tasked with following around Councilman Anderson, in the wake of Melody's and former-Councilman Lykos' kidnapping. No fun allowed, unfortunately.

Pity, cause he really could have used some, given the place the Councilman had decided needed his immediate attention.

He hadn't been in the best place of mind when he had last stood inside the Church's formerly hallowed walls.

Only a few weeks prior, had splattered brain matter on his face; at the time, he could still taste it clearly on his tongue, and could barely stomach anything. Even now, he could sometimes faintly smell the gore when he and the youth made eye contact.

had been there as well, obviously; knowing the flyers were hers had been the reason he had gone. But she had been acting weird(er) and mysterious(er) and not playing along to their usual game. From what he could currently see from afar, she was her usual, normal(What counted as normal for her) self

He could faintly remember and being disgusting in their premarital flirting, too.

And ...

Zac got mugged. Inside a church.

still had the balls to turn up to 'help', too! As his good, if misguided Slateport friends Marshall and Kelly would've said... Gangsta.

Following in Doug's heels, a Primeape stomped past the Kids Club whilst screeching loudly, leaping over Doug and throwing itself at the last few walls still standing like they owed it money.

They collapsed as the monkey's body crashed through them, sending pebbles large and small alike flying everywhere and smacking the young Captain squarely across the forehead, his cap flying off as he stumbled back hissing.

"FUU...GG!" Hideo and Eris were nearby. "Dagnabbit! Cool it, Kong!"

He received a snort in response, the monkey merely placing a foot atop the mountain of rubble it had created as it swaggered arrogantly at Doug, the youth narrowing his eyes and grinding his thumb against the injury as he squatted down to pick up his cap.

Slapping the dust off his headwear with a huff, he turned it around and immediately found himself squinting at the dark cast shadows inside the cap... before tilting his head and blinking.


The heck?

Before he could really think too hard about his discovery, another loud crash jolted him out of his thoughts, drawing a hiss out of him.

"Goddamn it."

Kong was good for demolition and little else. Snapping his pokeball in the Monkey's general direction, he returned it, huffing.

"Yer runnin' laps till ya collapse."

He would find a way to discipline this monkey even if it killed him.

He began lugging the rocks back and forth out of the premises, trying to keep his eyes on the entire time as he did.

Creation (+20)
Talk to (+10)
Reminisce about plate club/the Church (+10)
Clean up the rubble (+10)
Get a minor injury (+10 Red)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) (Stomping Tantrum, Defiant)
? (+10)
TAG: @
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played by


The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2021 22:34:39 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]Arceus. There was something about the very name of the legendary pokemon that invoked a bit of awe. Perhaps in the past, Ruby would have thought nothing of it. Another being of legend, far off and away from this world that she knew and understood. However, legendary pokemon of all kinds were making their faces known in Hoenn. With it seeming like there was a new addition to the region every other month, it was getting a bit hard to continually consider Arceus nothing more than a myth. [break][break]

Despite that, people genuinely cared so much about Arceus that churches sprang up around them and their myth. There was something about the passionate belief that even Ruby found inspiring. And yet, it never felt like something she desired to do. Belief and worship were two drastically different ideas. She couldn't imagine a being so generous to create the world would desire to be worshipped unless it was vain. And then... did something vain deserve to be worshipped?[break][break]

Despite her conflicting feelings, she couldn't refuse the chance to help out cleaning up the place. Sure enough, however, it seemed she was quite late. People had already begun clearing out the rubble. "Come on Grace, let's not slack off." She wasn't the fittest, but luckily her Gardevoir's psychic abilities made moving all the rock much easier. [break][break]

Of course, she couldn't help but overhear the mention of stairs heading downwards. What was all the excitement about? Did the church have a basement? Then again... the idea of a church's basement certainly sounded quite spooky in and of itself. Before she could think about investigating it further, however, it seemed was also here. She simply stood there and watched as pebbles and dust flew straight into him by a rampaging Mankey. [break][break]

"Oh dear," Ruby spoke out loud as she approached over towards his side. "You alright, Doug? I gotta admit, everywhere I turn it's like you and everyone else is just around the corner." She can't help but smile, giving a soft chuckle. Despite her casual statements, Grace the Gardevoir is already moving to send a small Heal Pulse towards the captain. It was going to be a long day of shifting rock, everyone needed to be at their best. [break][break]

With a soft smile of her own, Ruby couldn't help but chuckle as she spoke up. "Honestly? Knowing Hoenn lately, I wouldn't be surprised if Arceus themself showed up when we finish cleaning up, just to give us all juice boxes and a bag of chips, just to leave right away. You know? After almost two years here, I've stopped doubting anything."[break][break]


notes Talk to and tag someone else in your post (+10)[break]
Reminisce about plate club/the Church (+10)[break]
Clean up the rubble (+10)[break]
Talk about Arceus/Religion (+10 White)[break]
? (+10)


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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2021 23:51:34 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

3: Yawning Mouth,
Closing on All


Bill placed a chunk of rubble in the growing pile and wiped his sweatless brow. "How about we take a quick break for-" He stopped, the basket of finger sandwiches forgotten as and shifted the rubble to uncover something.

No. Someplace.

One well-placed Explosion later and the entrance to the underworld was on full display. "Well isn't that curious..."

"A mysterious staircase? In a ruined church? Heck yeah I wanna check it out!" -

"I'm coming with you." -

"Of course something would turn up. Nothing can ever just happen normally around this cursed ass region." -

"A curse is meant to teach you a lesson," Bill said, as he took out his first-aid kit, "whereas a blessing is a gift. So is this a gift, or a lesson?"

"My family never visited church much...but this place was really beautiful before, after all. Let's make it so again, alright? Even if Arceus isn't looking, I'm sure there are other gods who are."

"Someone is always watching," Bill said. He approved of the boy's positive attitude. Actions done for others mattered as much as actions done for oneself. 

"Hey Bill! I really like that you set this all up, thanks for it. I need something to get my mind off of what's happen recently. Plus I actually really like how people come together when it comes to Arceus. Religion when used correctly is a good force in the world." - 

"That's very true, Melody. Like any weapon, religion can be a force for great good, if held in the right hands," Bill said, his eyes flicking from the diva over to her mighty Cobalion. "I'm sure you understand."

He handed a first-aid kit to Rowan and Adrian. "Pain Split may share the wound, but it doesn't do much to disinfect," he said. Inside they would find bandages, band-aids, iodine spray, and two Revives*.

*Revives can be used to partially heal a fainted Pokemon (For example 's Voltorb.)  and each have one Revive.


Sunlight at their backs, the group head down what might once have been the basement of the church. Light from two-dozen phones and assorted handhelds lights the walls and wooden stairs as they descend.

The stairs terminate in a wide, circular central space. Floorboards groan underfoot as the group spreads out to explore the area. The circular space has four doors, arranged like points on a compass, or like the spokes on a golden wheel.

Only the WEST door, the one leading to the Archives, is open. In fact, it is wide open. 

The adornments are rich; carvings, strings of prayer beads, wall scrolls glinting from the many tiny alcoves. 

The ceiling is painted with frescoes of ancient life in Hoenn. Delicate scenes of farming, fishing, and hunting are broken by beams of sharp light; golden spears that slashed down from the heavens to impale those that stood below.

But something is wrong.

Books and scrolls litter the floor, their spines snapped and their pages torn and trampled.

You see the monster.


The shifting mass of dark, glistening flesh is still.  The innumerable fist-sized eyes embedded in its hide swivel, fixing on:

@melody and Cobalion
and Gourgeist
and Accelgor
and White Gengar
and Sableye
and Meowstic

The creature twists, joints popping in their sockets. Wide, blinking eyes, —two dozen wet, pale orbs— never leave the targets. 

The air cracks with Psychic energy. The shifting lights reflect off the creature's skin, casting oil-slick rainbows.

The dry air in the catacombs tears as multiple pairs of gaping fangs manifest and chomp down on Cobalion, Gourgeist and Accelgor.

A glittery burst of emerald and lavender shoots at the White Gengar, Sizzling, viscous goo drips from a hole in reality above Sableye, and Meowstic will feel a rush of scorching air, followed by a roar of growing heat as flames kindle underfoot. 

You have only moments to save them, or save yourselves.

The round ends at 8pm Friday October 1st PST.

, , , , , and will lose a Pokemon unless at least 10 people post within the next 48 hours.


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor, but only one move will be taken into account. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Pain, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Attack the monster (+7)
  • Be frozen in fear (+9)
  • Fail to escape (+5,)
  • Protect someone (+3 White)
  • Take a hit for someone else (+0 Red)
  • Put someone else in harm's way (+2 - Black)
  • Use a Psychic Move (+0)
  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+7)
  • Lick Chu-e's Piss Rock (-3,)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Entrance can add a +012 to their roll. 


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 6 days. Friday 1st of October at 8pm PST.

There may be additional Mod Posts before the deadline.

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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,519 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 0:19:55 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
As Hideo reached the staircase, a number of people approached him.

The first two Hideo heard were and , two that he definitely knew were coming to this. “That just makes sure we always got something interesting to do!” he said, “Or else we’d get bored out of our minds!” Though that wasn’t to say he didn’t also notice that a lot more was going on the past few years, between Rocket acting up and all the legendary and mythical Pokemon showing up in Hoenn.

Next was . “No problem! Always good to have more hands when you gotta lift stuff!” Not that he planned on lifting much, but the more the merrier! “Can’t really say my family was too religious either, but I got to visit this place a couple times.” The next person, , he felt first, though Hideo didn’t know who it was until he heard her. “Maybe it’s fate that we all keep meeting together!

The next person...he didn’t immediately recognize. And she was saying...sorry to him? “Oh, it’s alright!” he immediately responded, “Miles is a little jittery, but he means well!” He was completely unaware his Pokemon outright attacked someone; at least it didn’t actually cause any harm. “Nice to meet you too! I’m Hideo!

He would’ve completely missed the handshake, had his Oranguru not pushed his elbow forward with her folded fan. Hideo knew immediately what to do when he felt the open hand, grasping and shaking.

Before he could recall that was a gym leader (very high on his priority of who to meet), he heard come by. “And Doug too! Well, with all of us together, we'll get this done in no time!

His Meowstic caught sight of ’s Gourgeist getting a bit Frisky with some people, getting in the way so his trainer would be safe.

And last, was the comment from , the one who organized all this. “It’s gotta be a lesson,” he said, “to not waste a chance when it’s right in front of you. Let’s head in!

And head in they did - thought not before his Krookodile sneaked a lick of the mysterious piss-colored rock. Hideo’s Oranguru was careful to make sure Hideo didn’t stumble over the steps, his Meowstic and Krookodile close behind. Though Hideo may be one of the ones leading the group, it would be obvious he was just being led along by his Pokemon. “Sure is musty down here,” Hideo said, noting the creaky floorboards and the stale air. His Oranguru told him this must've been a library with all the books lying around, but some of them seemed to be in pretty bad condition. Maybe if he got a chance, he could check for one in braille and-

He was interrupted when the whole group seemed to stop. Hideo could swear he heard something, something...weird? He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was kinda like the noises his Grapploct made.

It was fortunate for Hideo that he couldn’t behold the sight of the monster that found them. But his Pokemon sure did.

His Meowstic was the first to react, launching an Imprison at the monster, attempting to limit it. His Oranguru was next to act, pointing her fan at the Meowstic and Instructing him to do something...much more productive, the smaller Pokemon surrounding ’s Gengar with a Reflective light, to protect it from the incoming beams.

Meanwhile, the Krookodile opted to grab Hideo and pull him away from the monster, the boy scared stiff by the sudden noise and flurry of attacks flying at something he didn’t even know was there until it got so loud he couldn’t think.

fmHJzJVk +69
+20 Entrance
+10 Attack the monster (Imprison)
+10 Protect Someone (using Reflect on 's Gengar)
+10 Use Psychic Move
+10 Be Frozen in Fear
+10 ?
-1 Goddammit Krookodile

@ooh spooky monster

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,967 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 2:32:26 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


I said young man pick yourself off the ground

With Councilman Anderson practically leading the charge downstairs, Doug ended up going along with everyone else despite his earlier words.

His digits glide over the ancient scrolls covering the walls as he gazes at the ceiling paintings, gaze brimming with curiosity and not an inconsiderable amount of aprehension.

It was formerly a Church of Arceus- and it featured paintings of bloody, widespread divine... retribution, one would at least hope.

Though given what little he thought he knew of the Creator, he might well have just been bored during whatever cataclysm the pictures illustrated.

His blasphemous thoughts were interrupted when his foot came down upon a scroll, sliding forth and sending him toppling neck first onto the floor with an Oof, his cap flying off before coming back down atop his face.

Grunting, the youth snapped to a sitting position, narrowing his eyes at the texts all over the floor before reaching over to snatch up the nearest one, rising back to his feet while patting the dust off the barely holding together spine.

"Hn... Just an archival book."

He opened it up without much interest, paging through its contents shortly before realizing he was falling behind everyone else, throwing it over his shoulder and running to catch up with the rest of the group.

The atmosphere in the crypt was uncomfortable, and he did not much care for staying there alone.

Perhaps he should've run away from rather than after the group.

When he sees it, he forgets how to breath.

Something almost cracks in the back of his mind, and he reflexively takes a single step back and no more.

He couldn't run.

Not out of some heroic quality; he literally could not run. His knees had locked up.

The visage of the monster was something he was simply not prepared for.

Was that... a pokemon?

It had to be. If it wasn't human, it was a pokemon... right?

He couldn't tell. Maybe it was the darkness, maybe it was the abject fear. Maybe it was both.

Unable to comprehend what he was looking at, the youth did the only thing his mind could think of, scared shitless as it was.

His near-decade old pokedex was lifted in the air to scan the thing, his grip on it trembly.

Had this thing been underneath the church this entire time?

Questions would need to wait for later.

The thing begins to move, eyes zeroing into the group.

Somehow, Two lines of sight catch his own eye, the youth almost capable of seeing the targets' reflections on the glistening pupils with crystal clarity.

His body decided then and there that it was a good time to pump adrenaline.

All of it.

His arms swung, all three of his pokeballs flying in curving trajectories as his pokemon appeared, his tongue clicking as he patted himself for more and found nothing. Only three? Again?

When would he ever learn?

"Protect, Close Combat, JUST FRIGGIN' PUSH 'IM!"

Joy the Blissey finds herself flying into a fire as she fully materializes, her feet landing heavily upon the floor and drawing a pained hiss out of her maw. Her body glowed a second later before the flames were suddenly pushed back, a neon green barrier surrounding her and Meowstic.

Kong the Primeape practically bounced off the floor and launched itself immediately at the many jaws moving towards Cobalion, fists of fury flying out in all directions to pummel the maws into submission.

Namegon the Accelgor was a blur of motion before it even finished taking form, throwing itself at Epitath in an attempt to get it out of the beam's path.

Entrance (+20)
Attack the monster (+10)
Be frozen in fear (+10)
Fail to escape (+10)
Protect someone (+10 White) Chryssa's Meowstic. (Protect)
? (+10)

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played by


November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 2:53:47 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida didn't much appreciate not leading the group, knowing her Pokemon were one of the best in defensive qualities, but in the time it took for her to return Kjoll, some of the group had moved onwards, including , she noted with a disappointed hiss. Couldn't anyone else take the lead?

Unfortunately for the woman, they were all stuck together in the staircase, clutching a Pokeball near as she felt unnerved in the dim lights. Unless she found a larger space, Kjoll would be unable to defend the group.

As the group emerged, Kaida noticed first the books, question rising in her face as she wondered what would be the point of hiding books like that...libraries weren't hidden, were they? She noticed the damage, and in the seconds it took for her to gaze upon the monster, her arm already whirled back to launch her Pokeball. Her eyes barely lingered on the monster, feet whirling backwards as she tried to retreat...and found she was barred in by the humans behind her. "A monster!" She shrieked, unable to describe it as anything but, "Odindottir, help it!" The closest Pokemon she thought the Shinx could help, the Sableye ( 's!)! Thrown in chaos, the yellow furred Shinx obeyed instantly, moving to headbutt the fellow Pokemon away from the acidic looking projectile, bravely taking the hit if necessary.

Even unevolved, the Shinx was fierce and brave. Droplets of poison licked at her fur, but she wasn't one to shy away, she had Guts! The Shinx roared (as much as she could, anyway), and charged, jaws flying open to Crunch one of those pearly orbs. Knowing to get away, Kaida actually got closer, crouching low and nearly crawling on the floor as she made space, flinging a book at the monster in instinctive rage crossed with terror...if it attacked her, she knew how to deal with it better. The archive book flew true, bound in loving leathers and leaving the loss of it like a gap in the air.

Don't freeze don't freeze don't freeze

dvKQ4AZR (+70) (RED)

TLDR: Kaida returns Onix before proceeding downwards. She follows closely to , unable to push past in the tight area. Upon sight of the monster, Kaida tries to back up but fails to escape unleashes her Shinx, Odindottir. Shinx tried to headbutt 's Sableye out of the way of the attack, taking the hit before charging. She moves to use Crunch, a very Gutsy Pokemon. Terror.

Attack the monster (+10)
Take a hit for someone else (+10 (RED))
Entrance (+20)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
Fail to escape (+10)
? (+10)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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played by


July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 2:58:16 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Andy decided to join them. Aaron simply gave the lad a nod. They may not get along, but maybe they were at least civil with each other. Aaron also nodded at everyone else that was nearby. He wasn't much of a social butterfly. Most of the time, he seemed stoic, cold even. But also unwavering and calm. Hideo did respond to Bill about what was in front of them. "I think you missed the curse part. Best be on our guard." His Pokemon stayed with him, Shuppet and Magnemite in front of him, Trevenant behind him. And off they went.

There was a door on the west side that was wide open, once they were down there and started to look around. There were other doors, and paintings up above. But Aaron had a bad feeling about this place. As someone what trained ghost-types, that was usually a bad sign. Still, he soldiered on, staying relatively close to Hideo. Then things started to hit the fan. A monster of some sort appeared. "Shuppet, use Feint Attack!" The little ghost approached the monster, and delivered a sucker tackle to the thing. Likewise, he helped another, by throwing Magnemite under the bus, trying to take advantage of its Sturdy ability. The steel/electric type moved to block some goo and protect Sableye. Hopefully it wouldn't completely ruin his little magnet. Unfortunately, it didn't stop all the poison/goo, but it did buy some time for someone else to help, even if it was a bit reckless. Aaron wasn't in the habit of running. It would take a lot to get him to do that.

Entrance: +20

Attack the monster: +10

Protect 's Sableye: +10

Fail to escape?: +10

Shuppet used Feint Attack

Bfu23S2s   +  50
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,171 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 3:47:44 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
They begin a descent into darkness dimly lit by the dancing beams of cellphone torches. Gavin's footfalls are near silent as the church swallows them like some dormant beast. With a nod to , who'd stood closest to him, Rocket's underboss steps away from the group gathered at the foot of the stairs with his Sylveon on his heels.

"Archives," he mouths, upon sighting the open door.

He steps carefully around a book that's fallen from its place among the shelves, pausing in his advance before turning to lift it from the dusty floor that had become its prison. Careful fingers brush dust from the spine in search of a title, before his gaze flicks up to sight—


No, not Arceus, but a glistening mound of Arceus-only-knew-what.

Gavin turns, intent on putting distance between himself and the ungodly creature, but finds his retreat blocked by others who've entered behind him. Pokemon and people alike provide a barrier he's unwilling to shove past for risk of making himself an early target.

His Sylveon, on the other hand, bears no such qualms.

While Gavin's widened eyes return to the monster, the devious fairy-type decides a course of action all on its own. A shimmering telekinetic energy would seek to paralyze momentarily, locking him in harm's way.

+10 fail to escape
+10 use a psychic move (telekinesis)
+10 put someone else in harms way (sorry )
+20 for codeword 'entrance'
+10 for ?
Gg88a0Kb +60
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay