YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:37:16 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]Ruby didn't enjoy heading down into the dark underground archives. The experience was almost certainly too claustrophobic for her. The architecture was incredible, and the books and scrolls that adorned the walls certainly intrigued her. And yet, she couldn't spare the time to focus on the majesty of the church's underground. [break][break]

Something was wrong, very very wrong. All of a sudden, a writhing mass of dark flesh with a thousand eyes She recognized the psychic energy, but the being it belonged to was of no known origin. It was terrifying, disgusting even. Almost as soon as it came into sight, it began to strike. [break][break]

Ruby immediately shut off, her brain and body moving on auto-pilot. There was no time for fear, she couldn't afford it. The last time she allowed herself to be paralyzed in terror, people got hurt.[break][break]

She couldn't afford to let anyone get hurt, not on her watch. Cold determination buried her fear. [break][break]

"Grace, strike now." There was no need for 's taunt as the Gardevoir blasted a wave of Psychic energy in response. She quickly moved to grab another Pokeball from her hip, but it was already too late. was not only here, but psychic jaws tossed her around like she was a chew toy. Ruby's own fury began building and building as she finally tossed out her Stonjourner as far ahead of the crowd as she could. [break][break]

"Brick, Wide Guard, now!" Ruby shouted out as loud as she could, her eyes locked onto the beams of light. The massive stone Pokemon let out a loud cry, spreading its body wide as it attempted to protect everyone from the light beams. The stone giant's sheer presence acting as a Power Spot for all involved, mysteriously boosting their strength. [break][break]

"Everyone, get out, now! Before this whole place comes crumbling down!" Of course, she wouldn't be the first to leave. Innocent lives were more important than her own. Her eyes quickly shifted onto 's Audino, ensuring that at least someone was taking care of before returning her attention back to the threat at hand.[break][break]


notes Attack the monster (+10)[break]
Fail to escape (+10)[break]
Protect someone (+10 White)[break]
Use a Psychic Move (+10)[break]
Entrance (+20)[break]
? (+10)

[newclass=.ruby .rolling-contain]width:375px;height:auto;border:none;padding-bottom:5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ruby .rolling-thread b]font-weight:bold;color:#B8D9EC;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ruby .rolling-divide]margin-top:5px;width:auto;height:1px;border-bottom:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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played by


Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 2:40:37 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

You Might want to
Change your Approach

                            SYMPATHY IN ACTION

throws herself in front of @hades , shielding him from the incoming spear. As she does, Gobanme's Charge Beam crackles through the air, blasting the monster's inky hide.

's Absol leaps to Eris's defense, Detecting the path of the spear and pulling the wounded girl out of harm's way. Heal Pulse, along with a Healing Wish from 's Blissey patch the damage to Eris's physical wounds. 

But the pain remains. 

Any pressure on 's front or back (for example being hugged) will remind her of the monster's jaws.

Mightyena taunts E-very-thing. The annoying barks echo through the bookshelves, reverberating through unmarked corridors and ancient tunnels. His allies may know enough to ignore him in the heat of battle, but his cry has not gone unnoticed. 

Books that hit the monster burst in sprays of black liquid. Not ichor from the creature, but ink, as it is sucked from the books and into the body of the beast.

's Claydol attempts to crush the monster's mind, but only succeeds in establishing a link with it. Unfiltered otherness pours through into the Pokemon's consciousness.

Oscar's Claydol has been changed. See Prompts.

's Sableye, now safe, pulls a distant feint, drawing an eye or two of the monster. The second half, the attack, is foregone in lieu of safety. Sableye rightfully fears the touch of the creature.

's Hatterene warps the archives around it as its stored psychic energy is expelled. Her Cobalion pulls Doug back, away from the monster, just as 's White Gengar begins to Mega Evolve.

himself is pulled away from danger, and can watch in satisfaction as his gigantic Mega Gengar stuffs the monster into its mouth.

                                  REACTIONARY BANISHMENT

The White Gengar bulges, distending as the creature moves around inside it, finding space, finding an opening.

Suddenly, the ghost's body collapses, empty, as its meal disappears before it can spit it back out. 

It reappears in the the torn psychic space beside  's Hatterene, and the creature looms over them, dripping with thick ectoplasm. Its eyes  swivel to Melody, but a blast of Psychic draws its attention elsewhere. 

As the creature focuses on , her Stonjourner throws up a protective block, shielding her and those nearby from its attack. But not everyone is close enough to shelter behind its guard.

The spears come down. 

is slashed along one side. Her Pokemon are safe, but she is wounded

Kano has been injured. See Prompts.

A spear of light impales 's heroic Pyukumuku, spraying Innards Out over the creature. The pale globs of caustic guts sizzle and steam on its dark skin. 

The world shivers as the psychic disturbance from Heal Pulse, Reflect, Healing Wish, Stored Power, Extrasensory, and pure, unfiltered Psychic shreds the borders of reality.

visible rift of otherworldly energy manifests, reaching from floor to ceiling and filling the cramped archives with a whirling storm of blood and torn pages. 

is yanked towards it, but is stopped just short as the monster escapes through the rift, disappearing in an implosion of books, blood, and filthy ink. 

In the wake of the battle, the library falls silent.

The roil of mutated psychic energy stills, and people turn to one another, lost. They check on the wounded, return fainted Pokemon, and make amends for mistakes made in the haze of fear and battle.

Just as   thinks the danger has passed, his White Gengar shudders.

Contact with the ungodly has left its mark. 

Something bends and warps it from the inside, and the huge ghost bulges, twists, and shrinks, reverting back to its non-Mega form. Its legs pull back into its body, and the perpetual grin flips upside down as its hands fall off, detaching from its reverted form.

The White Gengar is gone. A Haunter floats in its place.

's Gengar has devolved into a Haunter.


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Attack the monster (+10)
  • Be frozen in fear (+10)
  • Fail to escape (+10)
  • Protect someone (+10 White)
  • Take a hit for someone else (+10 Red)
  • Put someone else in harm's way (+10 Black)
  • Use a Psychic Move (+10)
  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
  • Lick Chu-e's Piss Rock (-1)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Entrance can add a +20 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Something is wrong with your Pokemon (+10 Black)

The following Pokemon are fainted.

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)





First is a Prompt. Distant sounds. Crunching of spines, tearing of lines, and somewhere, far off, distant music. 

Second is a Pass Code.
You pulled the last secret into the light
But now the words fight back
Not always here, sometimes there
Look, look, and look again
The way down hides more than stairs
But only for those with fresh eyes

Third is not a trio, but a Swarm.
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 32
32 = The One + The Three + 6 (3 + 3)

Find the 6. 

First: Complete the Prompt in your post and list the bonus as '? +10' or something similar. This secret should be easily identifiable. It will contain a task and a defined bonus amount

Please keep the prompt contained within your post. This is a bonus you earned through keen eyes.

Second: DM me the word on Discord.
Near this word will be a clear and identifying mark.


People spoiling these secrets for others will not be eligible for any relevant bonuses or rewards.

Third: Seek them. Share them. But do not lose them.
Keep them safe, for they will open the way.

You are welcome to discuss the Third secret. This one is meant to be a team effort.

Anything not clearly marked as a prompt, nor containing the mark can be assumed to be part of or related to the Third secret. 

When discussing the Third secret on Discord, please use the spoiler tag, and keep code breaking discussion contained to the #codebreaker thread.


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end on Friday 1st of October at 8pm PST. 

If all players post before then the next round will start early.

This is the final Mod Post before the deadline.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,443 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2021 1:14:06 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
into your hands


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i commend my spirit...

Adrian and Rowan take the first aid from Bill, and he gives his thanks. During the exchange, Adrian takes the charred bills from out of his pocket, shoving them into Bill's possession. It belonged with the church, though he doubted this paltry sum could be put to anymore use than it had as kindling.[break][break]

After their exchange with Bill, Rowan disinfects and dresses the wound before leading them further into the grounds. Adrian floats behind them mostly, content to let his eyes linger on any subtleties until they encounter the monster.

Revulsion at the sight of this... thing, is what Adrian experienced.[break][break]

After rearing its ugly mug it attacked, but many have retaliated before he can move, feeling the lead in his stomach seeping into his arms and legs. Many take responsive action that makes further retaliation seem almost unnecessary, but he's so quick to lose focus on anything other than trying to identify the creature. A pooling stygian saturates the sclera while his irises plunge a deep crimson, a hand raised over his brow to try and recognize this thing for a pokemon.[break][break]

The strangest thing is he's not sure he can. "Row," he finally calls out to his pokemon, coming to question the nature of this creature. If he cannot identify it, and thus its weakness... perhaps he can make a weakness of his own? "You seeing this?"[break][break]

When it tried to attack him, he would be sure to shove them aside and dive out of the way if necessary. In this struggle, Adrian eventually finds himself on the floor hacking up the detritus and ruin, before spotting Gourgeist closer to the dark mass. Right, he mentioned casually before noticing the mass gnashing its... teeth? "Gourgeist, come over here," he called out. The gourd waddles over to him, blissfully unaware.[break][break]

"Can you... Change its type?"

If they could change its type, then it was a pokemon, and had a weakness.[break][break]



tags @ tags[break]
Attack the monster (+10)[break]
Be frozen in fear (+10)[break]
Fail to escape (+10)


template by punki

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2021 4:42:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"Follow I shall," He chuckled. Without many words left to be exchanged, the two closely followed the group down the jaws of the beast, quick to find themselves in the most archaic-styled room.

Kano's commands were met with a simple eye roll. "Yes, yes-- don't fret too much." A light hum vibrated off his lips as his eyes swept the floor and shelves. The smell of ancient history was enough to enraptured him completely. It was as if each puff of decade old dust held years of untold history. His two Pokémon, Pain and Panic, loomed closed by, engaging with whatever Pokémon they could. 

That is...until the beasts appear. Ferocious creatures slashed through the walls of reality, hunger apparent in their gapping jaws. The sight itself concocted a mysterious mixture of fear and excitement in Atticus' stomach, heart, and mind, infesting his body like a parasite. Locked in place, 's intervention was the only thing pushing him away from the vicious monsters before them.

A glimmer sparked in his eyes as the blood of splashed out from her tiny body. The same when other two Pokémon felt the pains of defeat. It a symphony of sheer emotions and tribulations. The sight of human struggle for survival. And Atticus simply bared witness to it all.

Again, firm shove rammed him away-- this time, however, a blade of pure light swiftly slashed at her side a millisecond after. "Arceus..." He murmured. Sheer awe was smeared across his face as the bloodstained sight of the entire room settled. Unsteady legs lifted the doctor from the ground and carried him to the now injured rocket scientist.

It was time to put his skills to work.

"Does anyone have a first aid kit?" He called out while ushering his Hatterine towards the now patient. "I'll be able to help anyone else who's injured." The Pokémon swiftly assumed her role as the Healer and used Heal Pulse on the wound. He wasn't one for acting as a stand-in medic, but well, he had certainly found himself entertained enough by the whirl of action. At least for now.

Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) white
Be frozen in fear (+10)
Entrance +20

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played by


Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 15:48:37 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

5: Your fight with
the Monster
made Chaos in the Archives


's Gengar has devolved into a Haunter.
And it isn't just Andy's Gengar that is twisted by its contact with the monster.

's Primeape has devolved into a Mankey

's Shuppet has devolved into an Egg

's Meowstic has devolved into an Espurr

's Shinx has devolved into an Egg

's Froslass has devolved into a Snorunt

After its sudden, brutal savagery, the monster is gone as quickly as it struck. In its wake is carnage, confusion, and air that sings with remnants of psychic discord.

"Is everyone safe?" Bill asked, checking on the wounded. "I only brought a single first-aid kit," he added, looking over at and .

"I didn't expect...disaster." 

"Doug, did your Pokedex say anything?" Bill asked, checking 's device.

The screen was dark, and in the moments afterwards everyone would find that their personal electronics had been completely fried by the encounter with the monster.

's investigation had been equally fruitless, as his Gourgeist had acted too late. Trick-or-Treat would have to wait until next time. 

Bill's Musharna floated back to his side, and the councilman shook his head. "The way back up is closed. The monster must be holding us here, waiting to strike again. We need to get rid of it."

But when Arceus seals an entrance, he opens a door. Two, in fact. 

CLUNK                       361,864 - 478,353                                   CRACK

Players can now select which Route to follow. Choose carefully.

Following a specific route does not lock you in to rolls of only that color, but it will provide additional colored prompts.


Red Total over 262, - North Entrance unlocked

The North entrance is red, bright as a wounded sunrise. It promises danger, b/oodshed, and sacrifice. Grains of pale gray sand spread from the entrance.

Stone walls press in on either side of the path forward, deep holes like air pockets in pumice. Those foolish enough to reach into the pockets will find offerings at the bottom: crusted coins, rolled slips of paper with 8lotted secrets, and stained bones.

They will also find that the stones slice one way, rasping the skin of anyone tryin9 to steal or to take 8ack their offering.

Gray sand crackles underfoo7 with each step, heaped in p1l3s and pack3d into l0w holes in the walls. There are a dozen thin and razor sharp passageways leading deeper into the rock, but those that stick to the widest route will reach a stone door. It's made of the same material as the walls, only the deep holes are stained a lu2h red. 

must be shed six times to 0pen this door. 

Beyond this door lie5 the Crypts, the Red Route, and the power to Break the monster. Completing this route will unlock the Re6 Ending for all involved.

Red route prompts
  • Make a sacrifice to the door (+10 Red)
  • Find something in the shif7ing sand (+10 Red)
  • Notice something moving in the walls (+10 Red)


The third of the f0ur paths is also open wide. Wet, warm air rushes out like an end1ess breath.

Black Total over 617 - South Entrance unlocked

Be9ond the entrance lies the Waterways. A 5lick, stone path bends through the darkness, snaking its way through an expan2e of deep, fast f/owing water that rushes alon9 on both side. 

Within the darkness there is a door. A black, monolithic slab, covered in ancient l0cks, painted seals, and chains of ruby, titanium, and black ir0n.

Behind this door is 5omething that was locked away long ago. Some7hing that would be better left undisturbed. Something, however, that might b3 able to Steal the monster's power.

The deep recesses of the Waterways lie beyond this door, 4long with the Black Route. Completing this route will unlock the 8lack Ending for all involved. 

Six people must tamper with this door to open it.

Black path prompts
  • S1ip, swim, or otherwise get wet (+10 Black)
  • Break a lock, pierce a seal, or weaken a chain (+10 Black)
  • Lose something in the f1owing water (+10 Black)


The outer shelves of the the sprawling Archives have been 5mashed by the fighting. Bookca2es have been reduced to splinters, and blood, ink, and ichor mingle on a floor of shredded knowled9e.

Wisps of half-formed words escape from the puddles, slithering along the groun6 deeper into the archive2.  

And the archives are deep. Shelve5 run far under the city, with books on every subject imaginable. Religion, alternative religion, paganism, summoning and 8anishing, magic, cooking, and a whole secti0n on ancient hymna/

White Total over 262, - Church Cat leashed

From somewhere deep in the stacks you hear a small, but unmistakably animal noise. It sounds terrified, and probably fluffy.

Hidden within the pages is the knowledge to Purify the monster. Those who elect to stay in the Archives will follow the White Route. Completing this route will unlock the White Ending for all involved.

White Total over 235 - Church Cat unleashed

White route prompts
  • Chase, search for, or lure out the fluffy creature (+10 White)
  • Locate a specific book (+10 White)  
  • Follow the escaping letters (+10 White)


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor, but only one move will be taken into account. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Use the word Grime for bonus Fifteen, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Pain, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Use the word Spicy for bonus Fifteen, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Use the word Creamy for bonus Fifteen, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)
  • Mention the damage/injuries (+10)
  • Try to hatch one of the eggs (+10)
  • Blame yourself for the situation (+10 White)
  • Take the blame (+10 Red)
  • Blame someone else (+10 Black)
  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Interior can add +25 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Something is wrong with your Pokemon (+10 Black)

The following Pokemon are fainted.

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 6 days. Thursday 7th of October at 8pm PST.

There may be additional Mod Posts before the deadline.

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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,519 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 17:02:40 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
His Meowstic's Light Screen was effective...somewhat. It didn't stop the entire attack, but it did soften the blow enough for 's creamy-white Gengar to retaliate - and retaliate he did.

Hideo made sure to stand in the back, away from the monster. Which proved to be a very wise choice, with how many people and Pokemon were hurt in the crossfire. He didn't know who was getting hurt - his Oranguru couldn't give him that much detail, but he counted himself lucky. And if what he was told by his Oranguru was true, some people were actively trying to push others in harm's way?! "Keep me away from them," Hideo said, his Oranguru nodding as she patted his head.

She was doing more than keeping him away from the other people, though; she was keeping him away from those distortions in the environment. It was easier to let him think he was safe from people than from a phenomena she didn't even know how to describe to him properly.

But among all the chaos, Hideo was able to discern one of the injured: , courtesy of mentioning her by (nick)name. "Is...is she ok?" Hideo asked, more to his Oranguru, but no doubt audible to some of the others here.

He received a Telepathic message: no.

Hideo cursed the lack of healing Pokemon he'd brought along. He did have a first-aid kit in his pack which he retrieved, but he had no idea the extent of her injury. And his Oranguru stopped him from rushing ahead - he'd have to leave this to people who had more experience with first aid than he did.

Which was probably everyone.

At @hades 's request, Hideo offered it up. "I...I got a first aid kit if anyone wants to use it," Hideo said, holding it up with a light grip. Anyone was free to take it and use it if they wanted. It was a basic kit, but no doubt useful.

Dammit. He really couldn’t do anything in this kind of situation. If he’d been more proactive, more capable, could he have stopped people from getting hurt? Stopped Eris from getting so badly injured, or at least help her?

It was frustrating.  He felt like a useless idiot.

A large, Oranguru-shaped hand pat him on the shoulder. “*sigh* alright, let’s just...” His Oranguru sent him a Telepathic message about...eggs? “What about eggs?

He listened on to everyone else, and sure enough, people were (very likely) discussing what happened to their Pokemon; some devolved into lesser forms, others outright turned into eggs. Hideo was left speechless; “H...how? Nothing can make a Pokemon devolve!

What the hell were they dealing with here?!

And he could’ve sworn he just heard something make a noise. Not the same disgusting sounds as the monster; this one sounded small. And fluffy. “We...we should find out what that is,” Hideo said, trying to push his attention onto something he was actually capable of helping with. “Miles? Can you go look for it?

His Meowstic nodded, his ears rising as he listened for the meowing noise. Knowing cats well, he applied a little bit of Role Play: he copied the ability of ’s Blissey, a good Healer. He made sure to heal himself up of what small wounds he'd received in that battle; didn't want to get an infection from the grime. Perhaps following the torn pages, the escaping letters, could help...

Hideo tried to aid in the search, accompanied by his Krookodile, his hand passing along books as he tried to guide himself to the cat. His attention was stolen by one book, when he felt the unmistakable shape of braille lettering. Curious, he took the book out of the shelf, more carefully reading over the title.

Going Clear: The Truth of Arceus

Neat title. Might as well take a peek and read while he could.  Something to get his mind off this awful situation.

His Oranguru looked over the devolved Pokemon, the eggs in particular. She...didn’t really know what to do with the eggs, but she knew it was probably in everyone’s best interests that they hatched as soon as possible. On the off-chance the Pokemon inside were awake, she pointed her fan at them, Instructing them to hatch.

H8|fLhsE +110
+25 Interior
+10 Mention damage/injuries
+10 Try to hatch eggs
+10 Blame Self
+10 Matching ability/move (Healer+Role play) (Meowstic's ability changed to Healer)
+10 Search for creature
+10 Find Specific Book
+10 Follow Letters
+15 ?

@ooh fluffy thing

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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
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TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 17:05:51 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

Cardamom was still running towards even as 's Audino managed to take the lead on healing her first. He let out a slight sigh of relief at seeing that, even as chaos erupted around them and 's Gengar consumed the beast. It seemed to work in some manner, driving it to escape-and then the side effects happened. Cardamom's jaw dropped as he watched the giant ghost shrink down to a head and two floating hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw several other Pokemon shrinking down into earlier forms, or even returning all the way to an egg![break][break]
"What-what the-?" he muttered, as 's Pokedex proved to have no data and be on the fritz besides. Hands shaking, he grabbed at his own phone, only to hear static as he desperately tried to dial his parents. Not only that, they were sealed in as well. And multiple of them were injured. Hands shaking, he looked around more before his gaze fell to the scattered books and the letters somehow fleeing. His eyes fell down on a particular one, with its pages open to what looked like a ritual circle of some sort.[break][break]
The stories his mothers and grandmother had told him returned to his mind, whispers of old rituals and spells and circles almost just like the one shown.[break][break]
"The books!" he exclaimed, suddenly straightening up. "They-they might tell us some way to break free of its power. Follow those letters!" He was already chasing after one group of fleeing letters, reaching out to try and herd them back to their book. Hum drifted beside him, looking discontent at the beast vanishing and leaving nothing to strike out at. Nash was prowling around the edges of the room, glaring around at everything as his Future Sight focused, the street 'mon staying alert for any potential ambushes.[break][break]
Edward drifted forward from where he'd ended up swapped to, staring disconsolately at the badly injured . He'd been so eager to punish that dishonorable man that he'd ignored someone in actual need of help, when he could have intervened on her behalf instead. Maybe if he had, she wouldn't be so badly injured. Carefully, he reached out, offering a hand to hers. The instant they touched, he attempted to use Pain Split, absorbing some of her injury onto himself. It was the least he could do, after all.[break][break]
Cardamom blinked as he noticed Edward floating up from behind. "Huh, what were you doing back there, Edward?" he asked, tilting his head before blinking as he heard the sound of distress. It pierced his heart almost instantly, and the boy started digging through his pack until he found a slightly squashed cake with creamy filling. Breaking off a piece, he knelt down to hold it out. "Hey...who's there?" he called softly. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you."
tl;dr: Cardamom is shocked by the devolved Pokemon (+10) and distressed by all the injuries/damage. (+10) He locates a book that reminds him of his family's occult stories (+10) and chases after the letters (+10), Nash using Future Sight (white) to look out for ambushes. Edward blames himself for Eris' injuries (+10) and Cardamom hears the creature and tries to lure it out (+10). Also bonuses for the code word (+25) and the secret (+15).[break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; he/him


[attr="class","woo5"]notes some notes go here


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

[Googlefont=ubuntu|roboto condensed]
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[newclass=.copyright a]color:#F5DA81!important;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,171 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 21:09:34 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"Errie, no!"

The voice of lances through the chaos.

But it's too late for anyone to save her. All that can be done is to heal the injuries in the aftermath, and Gavin is gripped with sudden and overwhelming guilt.

"If we hadn't uncovered that damn staircase..."

Wide eyes reflect the void that opens in the library and swallows the monster whole, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. More alarming is the Gengar who'd swallowed the creature shudders and shifts. Not a Gengar, now, but a Haunter.

Others change, too, some reverting into eggs rather than alternate forms. He's never seen anything like it before.

But he's more concerned with the damage, with the wounded, with and in particular. It's in looking for them that he realises his phone has stopped working, no longer providing a pale light from its torch.

"What the hell was that thing?"

Gavin looks to as he wonders aloud; had he known it was down here?

A door the colour of blood, of Lugia's burning gaze, beckons him beyond. Grey sand shifts beneath his feet, the toe of his boot unearthing some trinket long-forgotten in this unholy place. Gavin bends to retrieve it: a locket, empty, its contents perhaps relinquished to one of the many holes in the pumice stone. A scrap of paper sits innocuously in one such hole, and Gavin reaches for it without thinking.

Something moves within the hole, brushing against his fingers. Disgusted and more than a little freaked out, he jerks his hand back and curses as sharp stones shed his blood as their payment. It coats his hand and his wrist alongside a strange residue no doubt left by— whatever that had been. It smells of iron and something spicy that tingles in his nostrils and sends a shiver down his spine.

Worked up by the chaos and by her master's own anxieties, his Lucario lets out a low growl as if to admonish him for his recklessness. They continue forth together, with his other Pokemon trailing a bit behind.

What is this place? It terminates in a door.

Gavin reaches out to touch it, push on it, blood from the cuts along his hand smearing against the stone.

+15 for ?
+25 Found last round's codeword, Interior
+10 React to the devolved Pokemon
+10 Mention the damage and injuries
Lucario uses Work Up
+10 Make a sacrifice to the door
+10 Find something in the shifting sand
+10 Notice something moving in the walls
+10 Take the blame
mx0yhyx1 +100

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played by

Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
part of
Andy Blackadder
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 21:22:34 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''Tch.'' Taking a step back, teeth gritted as the entity disappeared through some convenient trickery. Part of Epitaph's attack was supposed to still the victim. If any creature could simply teleport out in an instant rather than face oblivion, it wouldn't have been a very effective attack in any other instance, now would it?
Reappearing beside , the monster attacked in vain. Spears fly wild, but the beast beats a hasty retreat, slipping away into the darkness from which it came. White knuckles crown the top of his cane. Hell was an existence in which your actions meant nothing, living as a ghost only phasing through anything, a torrent of rage that was anything but noticed, much less effective. But the annoyance subsided momentarily.
It was gone after all...
''Coward.'' A curse mumbled, sharp as a knife in the sheath. Turning, the cane taps on the floorboards but once. A brief exhale escaped his nostrils. ''Ab-Fab, the lot of you. Superior work as always, Taph. I suppose it was a waste of your powers in the end tho-'' Then the pokemon began to change. At first seemed a bit like the typical end to a mega evolution.
Though it was a little early for that, wasn't it? Lips parted in disgust as the devolution didn't end merely with the mega form. Both Bael and Lillith hovered back slightly, as if whatever effected their companion might suddenly take root in them as well. Instead of a white gengar, he was left with a white haunter, the coloration a separate curse beyond the purview of present circumstances.
''Haunter!?'' Odd to hear the cry again after a few years. ''Haunter...'' Clearly the pokemon was the most distressed out of the party. Forcing his lips together, the cane rapped harshly as he closed the distance between the two. His chest heaved. His eyes narrowed.
''What foul fucking bullshit magic is this!?'' Lillith wandered closer. ''Gengar. Gengar?'' Bael, opposite of her kept his distance but offered a theory of his own. Gengar...'' The boy audibly ground his teeth. ''Haunt. Haunter?''
None had any real answers for him.
''If I see that eye-filled shit pile again, I am pulling out each of his eyeballs with my own fucking hands.'' Safety was easily switched to off on the 'bad decisions' portion of his brain. Practical Andy might have suggested evacuating and nuking the site from orbit. It was the only way to be sure. Alas, now he cared nothing about riddles and only for revenge, even if it were the death of him.
Fate's fool was never a station he had asked to hold, but who chose their destiny? Less and less did he feel his footsteps were where he wished them to fall. To be tugged around at the end of a string like a marionette grated upon him more than anything. High time he tugged at the strings, and if demise was the only way to cut them, to meet his own terms, so be it.
''Do you hear me you multi-dick socket!?'' Limping around through his trio, he made for the door and the circular room beyond without so much as a thought to any of the others injured. ''Come on,'' he hissed. The ghost types trailed behind as he hobbled through the North door as fast as his irregular gait would carry him.
His vision was as red as the glow of the corridor. The sand on the floor slowed him, grains fell into his checkered shoes, only compounding his irritation. All three of his lot looked quite uncertain about their trainer's choices, but none protested. Epitaph knew better, the other two just didn't know how what to say to dissuade the begrudged Galarian.
''In the shadows. I'm not chancing losing anything else to a surprise attack by that cunt.'' The three pokemon exchanges looks before flowing and fading into the darkness cast by the boy's body. The ghost types chilled him, but it was paid just as little mind as anything else. The only thing he cared for was revenge. And so he pressed on.
As the corridor continued, his rage creased eyes glanced into the various side passages. Each trailed off into the darkness. Where did they go? With an uncaring huff, his body was pressed into a narrow passage well before he found the door, and still out of the sight of the rest of the expedition. It was a tight squeeze, and he was uncertain any adult that potentially trailed behind could follow.
He advanced alone.
''Shhh'' A stabbing pain in his leg, had him glance down to see something along the walls had sliced a nice gash into his right thigh. Seeing that it was previously injured, scarred, and broken, he considered it no big loss. The cooling of his ghost's aura eased the burn. He pressed deeper in, determined to crawl right to hell so long as he drew blood in return. Andy's guts were tied into a knot.
It was just like the desert near Mauville; the incident with the megalopolan would seem a tea party compared to what he had planned for this foe.

React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)[break]
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red)[break]
Make a sacrifice to the door (+10 Red)[break]
Mention the damage/injuries (+10)








[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 23:19:24 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron watched as attacks failed and were successful. Or not as it turned out. Eris got hurt big time, but was soon healed by a multitude of people. And he made note of what ones pushed others into harms way. He heard both and 's comments. He first responded to Hideo's. "Could be an undiscovered Pokemon with bullshit powers like most legendaries. The kind like Dialga has. How annoying." It was through gritted teeth, and his tone was much colder than normal. Well, normally he was pretty neutral. Now, he was kind of murderous. He agreed with Andy that the monster was a coward, particularly since it had those kinds of powers. The blonde walked up to his Shuppet's egg, and picked it up. If he remembered right, he hatched it by keeping it in the company of Phantump back in the day. He handed off the egg to his tree, who nestled it on top of his head, fitting it snuggly between two of his wood horns.

Then he responded to Andy's declaration of turning the monster blind. "I'll take care of whatever's left." He looked back at the other boy, blood and ink splattered on Aaron's face and clothes, making him look somewhat psychotic. Three doors seemed to open. Still, it seemed very apparent that a battle of attrition was needed. Trevanent's Leech Seed was going to be a long wait, but that was in the cards. The tree was already preparing it. Still, he didn't follow Andy to one of hte doors. He took the darkest one, thinking that maybe it was a psychic or ghost type. And that was where it would be at.

Almost as soon as he walked in, he slipped and fell into water. His tree ended up helping him back up. That water was deep too. And patting his pockets...the necklace he found earlier was missing. Well, whatever. He moved forward with purpose, Magnemite and Trevenant close by. Ace came across a door with seals, chains, and trinkets. Moving close to inspect it, he slipped again across the wet surface, almost face planting into the door. And accidentally taking off two of the many seals on it, tearing them in half. Shit. Getting up, he looked at the door some more and contemplated the thing. Most things don't get sealed for no reason. It would be better to leave it alone. Even if it did give them an edge against this monster, was it worth dealing with another, perhaps worse one?

Mentioned injuries/damage +10

React to Devolved pokemon +10

Try to hatch Shuppet Egg +10

Slip in water/get wet +10

Lose something in the water +10

Weaken the seal +10

c4zJ7Ywd +60

side note: Black Route

Leech Seed used

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 3:11:21 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

"Odindottir!" A shriek came from the usually composed woman as she lunged forward, catching the egg before it could fall onto the hard floor. Hurriedly, she wiped at the poor egg, as if the grime was the worst of their problems. She barely noticed the rest of their party picking up the pieces, staring at the Shinx egg in total disbelief.

Of course Odindottir moved to attack in such a way, that's what Kaida had been hoping for. It was her fault her packmate was reduced into an egg, would she even be herself when she hatched again, or was Odindottir gone? The very idea pulled her lips down into a miserable frown, barely keeping her face composed enough to not tear up as she hugged the egg close.

They needed to destroy the monster, before it hurt more of them.

She watched as other people made for different routes, wincing as she noticed one of the little ones ( ) was tended to be more well meaning people. Knowing no healing, Kaida pushed the concern away. As the girl was not a Pokemon, she would not be fighting anything...all things considered, she was in less danger than their Pokemon. The best they could do for the girl was get out of here quickly.

Desperate rage drew her to the blood red route, but with egg in hand, there was no justification. She couldn't put Odindottir in more danger.

This concern in mind, she hurried after and , noting with relief that the two had escaped much injury. Kaida took out her Pokeballs and, noting the size of the area, freely released her Sturdy Onix and Houndoom. She shoved Odindottir's egg at Ulf, the Houndoom yapping in confusion as she warmed the egg on her fur, hopefully assisting in the egg's hatching, "Ok...find that meowing, both of you." Her voice was clipped, quick orders coming out before briskly walking after the group. "I...I'll help, thank you for helping Odindottir." She mumbled to , incredibly dour looking as she thanked the boy, perhaps a little more grateful of his presence than the other adults around. Her eyes grazed over a fallen book as she moved it out of her way When the Universe Was Young, how appropriate.

Her Houndoom subtly used Odor Sleuth to locate the mystery creature, tracking it as her Onix used Ancientpower, aiming to get any obstacles out of their way as they trailed after the floating letters.

DTgC2GzU (+95 WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida catches Odindottir, reacting and horror and shame as she puts the blame on herself for the situation. She notes there are injured, but concludes there is nothing she can do, and so moves onto the White path. Releases Houndoom and Onix. She takes 's help and declares she's helping. Tries to warm the egg using her Houndoom's fur. Onix uses Anicientpower on any debris and is Sturdy, protective and strong. Houndoom tries to use Odor Sleuth to track the Church Cat.

Chase, search for, or lure out the fluffy creature (+10)
Locate a specific book (+10)
Follow the escaping letters (+10)
React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)
Mention the damage/injuries (+10)
Try to hatch one of the eggs (+10)
Blame yourself for the situation (+10)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
? (+15)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 8:10:30 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
His Blissey is called back it seems like the area is safe enough. Sharp eyes hadn't missed the sponging of ink, didn't miss the Musharma previously unseen. He narrows his eyes at it, at , but right now his thoughts are on as he marches over to his daughter. He kneels down next to her, even if it means pushing aside any of the other vultures wanting her attention, snarling at them in a thinly veiled threat. For lack of better metaphors, a lion over an ailing cub.

If only he could have gotten there faster, reacted sooner. The anger he feels both at himself and at the monster sits spicy and hot in his gut.

His Lilligant Bides her time, hovering nearby in case she's needed. She, too, shoots nasty looks at anyone who comes too close for her liking, protective over both her Trainer and his charge.

"Errie...." Gently, if she allows, he will brush aside her hair, checking her over, before he slips off his sweater and drapes it over her. It's cold down here, his skin prickling, but it's a worthy sacrifice if it brings her even a fraction of comfort. He doesn't have much he can do on his own, which frustrates him further, and the news that the door out is sealed makes a dull kind of panic, for Eris, rise in his chest.

He takes her hand and squeezes.

"Errie, I'm going to find us a way out, okay?" Is whispered to her, a promise, tone more event and confident than he felt. He takes out one of his pokeballs, the Love Ball pushed into her delicate hand. "I'm leaving Olive with you, okay?" Then a glance at the Shiny Lilligant. "Protect her." And order. One last pat before he pets down her hair again, chances leaning in to press a small kiss to the top of her head.

As he stand, Chu-e glances around at anyone else present, anyone who was White.

"Keep her safe for me." And that doesn't sound like a suggestion, either, if the set of his jaw or the furrow of his brow says anything to those around them.

Then he turns and chooses Red.

had went this way, he thought, and if he trusted no one else to get them the fuck out of here, it was him.

"Gav!" He calls when he catches up. He's panting softly. "You have any luck this way? I think Eris is hurt pretty bad. I want to get her- ow!" Chu-e had placed his hand against the wall, scraped his hand on unexpectedly sharp stone. He curses sharply and shakes his hand to draw away the sting, fresh droplets of crimson arcing in the air, landing on whatever was unlucky enough to be in it's way.

He glances down at the injury, just a scrape, but something further down catches his eye. Half buried in the sand, a red stone, shimmering, similar to the first yellow one he found; his 'piss rock'. Something tells him to keep it, so he leans over and takes it, gives it a rough cleaning before shoving it in his pocket.

"I... God, I hate this place. How do pokemon de-evolve? And the fucking...." He squints at the door way, at something shifting inside. "What's... fuck, man, you're bleeding too. You okay?"

Something shiny reflects from inside of one of the holes. Unlike the trap that Gavin fell into, Chu-e is more reluctant to stick his finger inside of the hole when something is obviously in there. So he glances around, before placing his hand close, thin tendrils of dark crystal springing off his fingers. They curl around and snatch anything in the holes he might find interesting, of use, or even what Gavin may point out. There was no harm is stealing from the dead. They didn't need it any longer.

+ 100

- TLDR; chu-e freaks out over eris, gives her his hoodie and his Lilligant, and then follows gavin and tries to steal some stuff
- Interior + 25
- React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)
- Mention the damage/injuries (+10)
- Take the blame (+10 Red)
- Make a sacrifice to the door (+10 Red)
- Find something in the shifting sand (+10 Red)
- Notice something moving in the walls (+10 Red)
- ? + 15
- Lilligant used Bide
- Chu-e is on the Red Route
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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,443 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2021 2:39:12 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
into your hands


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i commend my spirit...

[attr=class,bulk]Adrian grimaced at the Gengar-turned-Haunter, and the myriad other pokemon that experienced regression. He wondered then whether a person would revert to a younger version of themselves, eyeing the children among them concernedly. It wasn't like him to feel protective, but they were innocent kids... something in him stirred.[break][break]

And it pointedly blamed Bill for getting them all into this. Already there was a child wounded, even if they responded quickly with treatment... none of this should have been necessary. Just what king of religion was this, anyways? Felt like a cult thing.

"You trying to suggest you didn't know about this—thing—before getting us trapped in here...?"
He didn't buy it for a second, not from . But if they wanted to escape, they would have to find a way out, or through the creature.[break][break]

"Row, are you alright?" He takes them in his arms for a moment, sizing them up. At worst they seem shaken, but they might be okay enough to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Or at least he hopes. "I'm gonna try the WATERWAY here. You should maybe see about patching up Pyukumuku first," he suggests, diverting their attention from the monster menace yet plaguing their hopes of escape.[break][break]

While Adrian is loathe to go where there is water, the path presents an obstacle he feels best suited to circumventing. While he resolves to pursue the WATERWAYS, his Gourgeist FRISKS him for the REVIVE he has been carrying since, before carrying it over to someone with a greater need (). Adrian is none the wiser.[break][break]

As he approaches the slab of wrought iron and stone at the end of the corridor leading to the WATERWAYS, Adrian takes out the ring he has found from earlier, considering the door to be older and perhaps more worn with age. The water damage certainly wasn't helping either. "Gourgeist, go see if you can't get it to budge," he insisted as the Gourgeist waddled up to the door, trying to force it open like a B&E situation. Needless to say, there was evidence of FOUL PLAY. Otherwise, nothing gave.[break][break]

"Alright, try an explosion—" This had the unintended side-effect of throwing him back on his ass and into the dank of the floor, feeling his hand turn raw as he braced against the stone beneath. The ring he'd been holding had slipped away, and his jeans were covered in a slick, oily grime that turned his stomach just to feel it contacting his skin. Adrian really, really wished he had a change of clothes in moments like these.[break][break]

Either way, Adrian was assured the door had definitely started to give after that.[break][break]


tags [break]
React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)[break]
Mention the damage/injuries (+10)[break]
Blame someone else (+10 Black)[break]
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10 Black)[break]
Slip, swim, or otherwise get wet (+10 Black)[break]
Break a lock, pierce a seal, or weaken a chain (+10 Black)[break]
Lose something in the flowing water (+10 Black)[break]
??? (+15 Black)


template by punki

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2021 3:40:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar
One of the children from the group piped up to his request and offered their basic kit to his disposal, well aware the use it would receive from Atticus' trained hands. He graciously plucked the small red box from his hands and immediately peered inside through a small slit he created with his fingers. There wasn't much inside, just a few bandages and what not, but it would be enough to cater to any minor wound or possibly offer temporary aid for more serious inflictions. With an affirmative nod, he looked back towards , then said "Thank you. I'll make sure to return it."

Hands in pockets, he sauntered back towards the wounded Kano and his Pokémon, a flame lit well in his eyes. For the first time in a while, a sense of excitement had found itself thundering in his chest. What a gift of a time he had discovered! To be left without a single hint as to what was going to happen next... Well, he couldn't have asked for a better outcome to this supposedly mundane day. Even the Pokémon, whom he knew much about, had left him puzzled. Devolution of all things! It took all of his mind and more to rip his attention back to Kano, who still need proper treatment. "Ah, yes" He mumbled, a giddy smile further infecting his lips, " Follow me from now on. I'll keep that laceration clean." It was shame shad had gotten injured-- on his account, as well. It left a rather annoying debt to his name. Still, it was his fault for losing himself to the madness and not reacting on his own. Unfortunate, but deserved.

Before setting off himself, the doctor glanced back towards the injured girl from before. Others had began to congregate around her tiny body like moths to a flame, kindling a sense of disdain inside him, as the sight of children often do. Still, he called out to her. "I suggest you keep close so I can keep that wound in check." Not a hint of warmth lingered in his voice or eyes. Truly, he cared not of her decision to heed his warning, but again, it felt somewhat enjoyable to play a part in this mess.

As people began to split into the three paths ahead, Atticus noticed two particular notable characters: Chu-e Choi and Gavin Merlino . If there were anyone worth following it would've been those two. "Come on, let's go." There was no more waiting for others to follow, as the time to regroup had come to pass and the tickle of excitement had masked any sense of danger.

Black buckled shoes sunk in the sand with each step taken deeper into the red stained path. Shadows shifted through cracks in the walls and the blades of jagged rock sliced at Atticus' frail skin as he traced each cavity they passed. The wrenched stench of red was quick to permeate throughout the throat of the tunnel, mixing in with was already there and what was to come. He heeded no mind to this or the streaks of crimson dripping from his palms or the occasional glint in the sand. Pain and Panic were close behind, alert to any movement they could catch, and quick to use Crunch in response.

A door greeted them at the end of the tunnel, alongside the two underbosses, both who were bleeding. "Any idea on how to open that up," He asked, his chin jutting upward towards the massive stone door.

- accepts kit from
- blames himself for kano's injur (+10 red)
- suggests and to keep close (Mention the damage/injuries (+10))
- follows the other two rockets to the RED path
- cuts hand on rock walls  (Make a sacrifice to the door (+10 Red)
- React to the devolved Pokemon (+10)
-Find something in the shifting sand (+10 Red)
- Notice something in the wall (+10 red)

WL6N6DCy +60
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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 0:19:09 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

Strangeness and silence seeped beneath her paws as Senga sprung off the monster's ribcage, shearing The Hollow Men from its covers with an expertly-executed Covet. The slender spine fell to the ground, its bindings shredded, as its contents settled back in Chryssa's hands.

In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

In the aftermath, the bodies of books lay massacred, stained by ink and remnants of psychic energy that had peeled the wisdom from their pages. Even now the letters streamed, blurred, trailing like ants from old carcasses.

The tug at her body and mind had closed along with the rift, leaving a resounding emptiness among the people left stranded in its wake. Turmoil. Dissatisfaction. Instead of growing stronger, their Pokemon had grown weaker from the conflict. Instead of proving what they'd learned, they'd proved their ignorance instead. 

"Meew." Her Meowstic gave a strange hiccup. Instead of the light of evolution, a darkness seemed to consume the creamy-furred Pokemon.

"Not you too," Chryssa said as Senga's form shrunk, simplified, and became an Espurr. Remarkably calm despite everything, the girl reached out and caught the gray kitten as it began to levitate unsteadily into the air. "Control yourself, please. We have a situation."

I knew there was more to this church than met the eye, Chryssa thought, eyes passing over the destruction. Her Espurr wiggled in her hands, expression impassive. I knew, but I pretended not to. I wanted to explore anyway. Perhaps even Father Bill hadn't been aware of the catacombs beneath the ruined chapel. If he had, surely he would never have permitted them to uncover its secrets.

Now, they were trapped down here with them.

This was no virtual reality. This was nothing to be battled, to be vanquished in fair combat according to League regulations. Chryssa hesitated to even call it a Pokemon. This was something new

Something that doesn't play by the rules.

It made her fingers tingle.

Without a word, not to Doug, not to Chu-e, Chryssa tucked her poem and Espurr under one arm and turned to follow the trailing lines of text deeper into the Archives.

Click. Click. Click. Her cane tapped on the wood, measured as heartbeats. Like her fear, it was part of her. She did not resent it. She just lived with it. On either side of her, dark bookshelves scaled towards the ceiling like textured highways.

Where do I start?

A sound rang through the Archives. It sounded like a cat.

"Prrp?" The Meowstic—no, the Espurr—squirmed in her arms, sensing a rival, or perhaps another threat. "Rroww!" Her high-pitched, kittenish yowl of challenge echoed down the bookshelves, hoping to bait the other feline into showing itself.

"Hush," Chryssa shushed her. "Here, hold this. I want to try something." She put her poem in Senga's paws to keep her occupied.

Then she drew Muir.

The sheath of the cane fell away as Chryssa revealed the blade, bright as day on water. Its tassel slithered around her fingertips. "Help me," she said out loud—softly—and then, "Please."

The bond is set.

The words came to her, from Muir or from deep in her subconscious, and Chryssa held the Honedge aloft as three, no, four threads unraveled themselves from the ghost blade, forming a junction of invisible Destiny Bonds. Scattered throughout the Archives, three other people would also feel the strings of fate tugging at their fingers.

Chryssa closed her eyes, trusting in Muir, and followed the closest one.

The tug led her onwards, deeper. She did not know which part of the Archives it drew her towards—her feet turned on their own, finding a path through streams of floating letters. 

No, not floating. Bleeding.

They bled from a single, unmarked book, its title drifting from its spine.

"I solemnly swear," the girl said, resting the tip of the sword on the empty front cover, "I am up to no good."

A black, umbral glow coursed down the Honedge and the trickling words reversed, drawn towards the darkness like iron filaments to a magnet. They swarmed the empty tome, disappearing into its pages and re-forging the name it had lost.


"This is it," Chryssa said.


+25 Interior
+10 Devolution
+10 Damage
+10 Blame Self
+10 Church Cat
+10 Specific Book
+10 Letters
+15 ?

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay