i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2021 2:17:19 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
All Navitas could do was follow the crowd, clinging to the lifeless grass husk that was one its master. It had no familiarity with any of these other trainers, so it did not know who to trust. It was lost without Oscar to guide it with clear-cut orders and biting sarcasm. It could not believe it missed his sarcasm.

The fork only made the situation worse, Navitas had no idea which path to follow. Which path would its master want? That too was unknown to it. If only it could read its master's thoughts. Navitas was very close to just freezing up, floating aimlessly at the split of the path until this whole ordeal was over.

But that wasn't what its master would want. Its master would want it to overcome its anxiety and make a choice. Right or left? Navitas weighed its options carefully, and made its choice based off a single factor. One side had far too many people, and well that made Navitas very nervous. 

So Navitas opted to follow the path less traveled.


--Navitas is super anxious without Oscar
--Oscar is still a pinata
--Navitas decided to follow the BLUE PATH
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2022 19:14:43 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

The strangest feeling is that there is no feeling. It’s as if the world around her feels like an illusion. The wind is there, she can see the breeze blowing but she can’t feel it against her now teal skin.

“What the fuck,” is all she can think to say as she stares at the semi-translucent skin that coats her palms. The Spectrier behind her snorts, a knowing glistens in his dark eyes, recognizing Lex’s now partially ethereal state.

“R-Right,” she mumbles in response to . Blindly she follows him towards the swamp, barely noting the fork in the road. Their group chooses the RED PATH.

It proves treacherous and difficult to navigate. The ground is unsteady and she can see companions becoming easily fatigued. For as nimble and quick as she is, she agrees it’s difficult. War seems to be making easy work of it. He phases between the phantom plane and that of reality, phasing through obstacles unharmed.

Lex’s ghostly hand reaches out of touch his side. He feels different now that they are of the same typing. It’s of cold emptiness, she can feel his rough coat beneath her fingers as if she can actually grab ahold of it.

As War phases, so does she. PHANTOM FORCE phases her between realities, making the difficult journey that much more pleasant. With such little effort, hopefully she can scout ahead.

Follows down the RED PATH
Lex and War are using PHANTOM FORCE to bleed between the phantom plane and reality to make walking easier



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,787 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 6:11:53 GMT
shiv Avatar






@rayne (palossand), (runerigus), (milotic), (vaporeon), (cacturne), (swanna), (palossand), (claydol), (dhelmise), (tsareena), (lapras), (nidoqueen), (cherrim), (garchomp), (golurk), (prinplup), (feebas), (leafeon), (garchomp)[break][break][break][break]


, , @ari, ,


THE FORAY INTO THE SWAMP, Rocket employs various strategies to maneuver through the thick quagmire. 's ZARUDE provides vines for support in the BLUE PATH, while 's Pokemon freezes the water.[break][break]

Others in the RED PATH use WILL-O-WISPS, LIGHT SCREENS and solar or lunar light to illuminate the way. Creatively, uses her SPECTRIER to PHANTOM FORCE across the muck to reach her beloved, .[break][break]

Bright light, stolen from and his late Solgaleo, is shot into the swamp from 's palms as well: testament of the MAGMA INITIATIVE's efforts.[break][break]

As the darkness is shed in parts, Team Rocket wades in. Some are separated eventually, due to the difficult terrain. Briefly, some trainers may become stuck or find themselves needing to catch their breath.[break][break]

However, the light eventually disturbs the denizens of this rocky marsh. Beams of light eventually reveal two gargantuan RILLABOOM that surface from the waters. One on each path. Their forms are grisly, fur matted and thick from being drenched wet for eons. Their faces are gnarled and twisted slashed by what seems to be a wound inflicted by a blade.[break][break]

They beat their chests, hollering like a thousand fiends before rushing for their respective groups of prey.


THE BLUE PATH'S RILLABOOM rushes forth with a heavy swing. In a rampage, it swings its muscular trunks for arms toward , , @rayne, , , , and .[break][break]

Similarly, , , , , and face their RILLABOOM too. Its arms lunge for the stragglers, threatening to beat them into squashed discs of flesh and bone.[break][break]


Those closest to the RILLABOOM are in IMMEDIATE DANGER and must attempt to dodge the creature's attacks while fleeing. Others on the paths may attempt to help the trainers closest to the Rillaboom. Those further away from the Rillaboom are safe— for now.[break][break]

ARROWS ON THE MAP indicate possible directions or paths for trainers to move to; however, depending on their choices, some directions may be easier than others to successfully commit to. Parts of the map named "breakable obstacles" are NATURAL VEGETATION OR ROCK that can be broken down by Pokémon or a trainer to find alternate routes.[break][break]




PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOW RULES. During this round, you MUST ROLL.[break][break]

Please include a TL;DR with your posts and highlight POKEMON USED & THEIR MOVES. Please ensure that you write the POKEMON SPECIES should you refer to them by their nickname.[break][break]

Your Pokémon can perform ONE MOVE and your character can perform ONE MOVE (if transformed).[break][break]





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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 7:11:21 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The path ahead is foul, murky, and full of brackish water. The perfect environment for Rhipsalis, really. Though Remiel struggled crossing the terrain slightly more than he would have without wearing stone armor. It's the main reason he's separated from Mars, finding himself with a motley crew right in the evergreen thick of it instead.

Hearing something large awaken and rise behind them, the human Runerigus turns to see the great ape charge for the friends they'd left behind. Seeing amongst them, he begins to channel the same ancient power he'd felt in his core earlier, this time gathering it at his hands as if he were actually weaving a spell.


"Someone ensure Eris comes to no harm!"

( , , , )

His ghostly voice, booming and echoed, calls across the terrain before he unleashes a glowing red HEX. Filled with the power of his will, it intends to find its way to the giant Rillaboom's face and crawl into its facial scar. Once there, the curse would attempt to summon the pain the ape felt when that scar had been inflicted, and even multiply it in an effort to buy the others time.

Meanwhile, Rhipsalis the Carnivine latches onto his master with his vines, ferrying him up out of the bog before they LEVITATE further down the path. The Unown chime like worried pups as they follow along.


🍒 Using x1 SALAC BERRY
♔ Remiel casts a HEX upon the RED Rillaboom's knife scar, hoping to make it relive the pain in agony while the others slip-by or attack
◓ Carnivine tethers itself to Remiel like a balloon and begins to LEVITATE them over the swamp towards Gavin and company

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 3:39:17 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She'd known what she was signing up for when she chose to join this expedition team. In fact, everyone here must have known to some degree that there would be all kinds of danger when they were heading into the unknown. So when a familiar voice calls from the area over, telling others to ensure her safety, something in her begins to writhe and snarl. It claws and burns at her throat, vicious in tearing free as a low growl.
Not a nobody, not someone who should have just been left in Kanto to die - If her capabilities is what determined whether she'd be able to stay, then what she needed most was to prove that she held something of value: Anything that would make her worth more than a corpse left out to rot. Throwing her Greninja into the field tosses a wrench into the Rillaboom's plan, a Smokescreen steadily growing to swallow their figures.
With just a tiny snippet of time snatched back into their hands, Eris takes her chances in trying to advance. Even if she runs towards the other group - and she finds part of herself snarling at the very thought - there'd be a chance that the Rillaboom would follow suit. So that pretty much leaves one option for her to take.
The trek through the marsh is by no means quick or easy for a short-stuff such as her, but she still does her best to sneak past the swamp gorilla and slip towards the obstacles ahead. When she gets a little closer, she's holding her breath and biting her lips, clapping her hands together as if praying to any higher being.
But she should know better than believe in those who've already abandoned her once.
Scorching air kisses her skin, a heat unrelenting as energy continues to gather before her. And right as it seems like it's about to lose control, she shoves it away, aiming a Weather Ball at the rocks straight ahead. Elysia and Yeet are quick to lend their aid, one shooting a Hidden Power at the Rillaboom while the other aims at the blocked path.

With any luck, there might just be a crack big enough for her to slip through.

Tl;dr -[break]
- Swapping Delphox for Greninja![break]
- Greninja throwing down a Smokescreen for cover[break]
- Running towards breakable obstacle: FEAR.PNG[break]
- Eris using Weather Ball to try and destroy the rocks ahead[break]
- 2 Unown are SHOOTIN EM UP BICHES!! with Hidden Power: One at Rillaboom, one at breakable obstacle
[attr="class","adrie-note"]geomancy: into the woods



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 6:57:58 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

First things first: fuck caves and fuck swamps, because apparently flying in these conditions isn’t easy at all for his Noivern, and it’s soon enough that they end up separated from the group. Naturally, this annoys Mars.
Second things second: if is so worried about being unable to look after herself, then he should have stayed by her side or maybe done something to make sure children didn’t come on the dangerous expedition into the Tree of Life, because as the gigantic Rillaboom that soon cross their path make obvious (as if it wasn’t already), this really is dangerous. Seriously, what had they all been thinking?! He even blames himself for not insisting she should turn back when seeing she had come.
But, they can’t have an obstacle like the Rillaboom hold the whole group back. They have a mission to fulfill here.
”Just keep moving, Calcifet!” Mars barks back just as he commands his Noivern to land, for it’s clear she won’t fly fast enough to avoid their gargantuan assailant. Instead, an idea comes to mind, switching the dragon for his Blastoise before taking a deep breath.
He focuses on the water, on making it rise, and as if by his will alone, it does: SURF summoning a huge wave that he rides upon his Blastoise’s back.

They head towards the Grass Type at high speed, and as they do, his Unown swarm towards it on their own accord, as if attempting to distract it while Mars surfs towards a possible shortcut by attacking it with a myriad of HIDDEN POWERS in different forms.
It’s only then when he sees her among all the smoke that she probably created as cover: .
”Eris! Out of the way!”
Somehow he manages to manoeuvre so he can pick her up just as she passes the Rillaboom casts an attack towards the obstacles in their way, throwing her over his shoulder as if she were no more than a potato sack.
”Calliope! Freeze that thing! Hit it with all you got!
And that the Blastoise does indeed, turning towards the Rillaboom once they jump off her back and releasing a powerful beam of ice from the cannons on her back.




[break]- Noivern's a disappointment
[break]- Telling Remiel to keep moving
[break]- Switches Noivern for Blastoise
[break]- Mars uses SURF, gets on Blastoise's back and uses the wave to move forward at high speed
[break]- Unown distract Rillaboom with HIDDEN POWER (9)
[break]- Picks up Eris like the potato sack she is
[break]- Blastoise uses Z-Move (SUBZERO SLAMMER) on Rillaboom // Regular Z-Move bc those deserve some love too and Azul is too lazy to write up a custom rn eventhough it's been months




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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 17:19:20 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
with the light being given off by other sources, priam decides to get the shiinotic back to its ball.

though he initially led the charge, priam decides to lag a bit to be in a position to assist wherever needed. success of the operation eclipses the spotlight in terms of priority.

he'd go for both whenever it's available, however.

"oh. i got this! i got this!"

it's a shame that was farther ahead, but the opportunity to showcase the ultra beast rarely comes up. he takes the chance and runs up to the giant rillaboom and chucking the beast ball containing the pokeball.

the guzzlord appears from the pokeball. it was smaller than the ones that appeared directly from ultra space, but it was still decently larger than an average pokemon nonetheless. it takes the hit for priam as he yells out a command.


using its large mouth on its stomach, it scoops up dirt, soil, and marshy water from the ground before regurgitating it, alongside its stomach acids, straight at the rillaboom and those behind it.

"beat it up! beat it up!"

priam rallies the other rockets in a hopeful attempt to get them to dogpile the threat. he already provided the front line. all they need is the firepower, which should be enough given their numbers.

in the meantime, priam waits for the opportunity to sprint past the rillaboom.


  • shiinotic in, guzzlord out
  • guzzlord frontlines vs the rillaboom
  • guzzlord uses belch at rillaboom and everything behind it
  • priam tries to get others to dogpile the rillaboom


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 22:52:44 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Of course, he calm can’t last too long, and that much is evident when the swamp water began to gurgle and part way for something monstrous. A Giant, mutated Rilaboom that’s almost as horrifying to look at as the transformed Rockets before it. Like ants, it towers above them before letting out a paralyzing scream. Mint’s only snapped out of it by his partner who reacts before he does. Another AURORA VEIL is put up by the Abomasnow, covering the entire group whether or not they decided to engage the monster. As she did, Mint’s attention is on and the OTHER monstrous pokemon that’s released. [break][break]

“You heard him! Beat it up, Tella!” he said turning to pokemon. She relented, moving in closer with the Guzzlord for back up while her SNOW WARNING began to kick up a hailstorm around the Rilaboom. For Mint’s part he was more interested it was looking like a diverging path behind the giant monkey. “Maybe it’s protecting something of value?” he called out, pointing behind it before beginning to make his way there. It just felt too coincidental that it blocked one path and not another. Then again, this whole place was fucking weird. “Buddy, help me out.” He added calling forth a nervous looking Unown that trembled under the rocket’s gaze before facing the thicket of trees and using HIDDEN POWER. Mint in the meantime scrambled to follow it, looking back at the dirty water before trying to use another Lapras-centric move. “Ok, ok, Lapras can use….they can use…” he muttered as his eyes began to glow and water began float up into a sphere behind him. “Aaand go!” he said pointing at the obstacle and praying for a HYDRO PUMP. [break] [break]



+ Lapras | hydration | hydro pump, ice beam, confuse ray, sing, rain dance, body slam [break][break]

holy SHIT KAIJU FIGHT [break]
Straciatella the Abomasnow uses AURORA VEIL to help whoever may take damage this turn [break]
Straciatella the Abomasnow also activates her ability SNOW WARNING to make a hailstorm on the Rilaboom [break]
She also hangs out with Priam's Guzzlord but at like a 6 ft distance so it doesn't eat her. [break]
Tells Buddy the Unown V to use Hiddne Power on the obstacles behind Rilaboom [break]
Mint uses Hydro Pump on the obstacles behind the Rilaboom [break]




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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 7:28:06 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Somewhere along the path, Gavin finds himself separated from and . remains among the small group that's pulled ahead, along with and .

"Clear a path up ahead. I'm not leaving without them."

By them, it's clear that Gavin means the Rockets that are being assailed by the Rillaboom. Special concern is paid toward and . A sharp whistle cuts through the din before he signals to his Delphox and clicks his tongue.

A brilliant gout of black SHADOW FIRE burns toward the Rillaboom.

Lifting his anchored arm, Gavin fires an ANCHOR SHOT toward it as well. His arm jerks violently as the chain that had been wrapped around it uncurls and pulls taut as the anchor is deployed, but Gavin only grits his teeth and digs in his heels.

Gavin stands his ground rather than trying to move forward, concerned for the Rockets at the back.
SHADOW DELPHOX targets the giant RILLABOOM with SHADOW FIRE. Burn that bitch! Gavin's SHADOW MIASMA powers up Delphox! (Shadow Fire is a Shadow version of Flamethrower. It deals damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target.)
Gavin fires an ANCHOR SHOT at the Rillaboom.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 7:58:14 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
If there's one thing that Chu-e will always agree with about, it's that they were both against leaving men behind.

There are sounds of something big just out of sight. When Chu-e turns to look, it's blocked out by sheer rock in the swamp. A quick glance around and he only sees , , and nearby- others are straggling behind in the swamp. He also doesn't see , which instantly starts his heart beating fast, since he was pretty sure she was behind him just a minute ago.

Calling back Titania, the poor Mawile sinking in the mud, he calls back out Sugar. The Meowth shakes sticky mud off her paws in disgust but Chu-e snatches her up before she can protest. "Sugar, go stop whatever the hell that is!" Knowing Hoenn, it was probably something really strong. He makes to gently toss his Meowth ahead to give her a boost, but sudden energy fills his usually waifish frame.

Sugar ends up yowling as Chu-e straight up football threw her ahead in the swamp.

She's heading straight for a wall, and in her panic, Sugar Mega Evolves to avoid becoming a cat pancake. It stings as she crashes into the obstacle but her body in this form is more powerful, larger, stronger.

There is the noise of crackling ice ahead of her in the dust () and she surges towards it. New energy fills her, a massive coin forming between her paws. She tries to use this coin and her slinky shape to bash whatever was being attacked, the Rillaboom, on it's thick and meaty ass. Or head. Whichever was funnier.

- Chu-e swaps out his Mawile for his Meowth
- Chu-e uses Superpower to YEET his Meowth (sorry, Sugar)
- Sugar Mega Evolves mid-air
- Sugar tries to smash through one of the Breakable Obstacles (this one)
- Sugar tries to use her Z-Move: Monetary Mutilation on the Rillaboom

- Using Salacs: 2 (6 remaining)

meowth summons a massive coin, which it uses to bash one pokemon with a powerful attack. causes confusion and money scatters.


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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 13:55:24 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



The sound of the water stirring is all the warning they seem to get before the booming sound of the behemoth of a gorilla shows itself in front of those that straggled behind. Good distractions if nothing else, though it seems like several Rockets wanted to try and protect those who were lagging behind. Something which the older scientist figured he could let the heavy hitters handle such as avatars and . [break][break]

So rather than attempting to fight the giant gorilla Pryde does attempt to go ahead, eventually noting the breakable obstacle up north. Pryde tries to focus on the ancient power that was fueled him earlier to see if he couldn't do something. A shadow like power forming in his hand. Oh if only this will actually stick, one could only hope. "Attack with me," he orders his Lucario who gives a nod though seems worried about the large Rillaboom on the other side of the south Obstacle. [break][break]

For now both Trainer and Pokemon combined a SHADOW BALL with an AURA SPHERE to try and break down the wall for futher venturing. And for now just hope the heavy hitters were able to do something about the gorilla.


[break]+ Leaves attacking the Rillaboom to the younglings.
[break]+ Attempts to attack the north Barrier with a combo attack of Shadow Ball from (palo)Pryde and Aura Sphere from Lucario.



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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 15:42:10 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



As expected, nothing could progress in this godsforsaken place without them running into trouble. A deep rumbling and distant shouts alerted her to shit hitting the fan. Turning around she noticed that it was only , , and around her. Both and had been separated from them which caused her to worry. [break][break]

"Clear a path up ahead. I'm not leaving without them." Gavin ordered. Serena wanted to help too but perhaps it would be better to do as she was told for now. Serena quickly switched out Titania, her Mawile, for Gwenom, her Salazzle because she figured she'd have an easier time traversing through this marsh. "Gwen provide support, then meet back up with me." she ordered before heading further up the path to clear a way for the rest once they were all together again. [break][break]

Gwen used VENOM DRENCH on the Rillaboom as she hung by Gavin and Chu-e prepared to follow their instruction should they give them before meeting up with Serena again. Meanwhile Serena made her way towards the rock formation to the north. If she could break this then they would have a way to escape and she could double back to break the southern most rock formation to allow the other's to pass through. But since they were dealing with the Rillaboom for now she'd leave that one alone. [break][break]

Putting the power in her legs Serena decided to put this new transformation to use as she leapt into the air to do a HIGH JUMP KICK on the rock formation. Hopefully she would be able to clear this thing with ease but only time would tell. [break][break]



+ more tags: + + + [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Listens to Gavin's order to clear the path forward, Serena leaves to break the NORTHERN MOST breakable formation using a HIGH JUMP KICK. Before leaving she switched out Mawile(Titania) for Salazzle(Gwenom), Gwen used VENOM DRENCH on the Rillaboom and stuck beside Gavin and Chu-e. USING SALAC x2 ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 15:52:45 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

with so many eyes, it did not take long to gather that several of their group had disappeared ahead, including . she felt surprised at the feelings that hit upon the realization. even darkrai had faded somewhere into the shadows.

from the dark marsh, light suddenly burst, and a giant rillaboom was headed towards them in an instant.

to the edge of their party, she barked a warning, ”look out!”

her first instinct was to throw a pokéball—djall’s. the houndoom appeared, rabid and ravenous for combat, heading immediately for the obvious target.

pulling rinc’s coin from her chest, with a click, her dog MEGA EVOLVED, horns elongating, bone armor growing stronger, bigger. fire spat from his mouth and trailed along the wet and mud in his wake, jaws cracking open to unleash an INFERNO at the titan.

out of survival instinct alone, lulu’s levitating body began to glow, and a strange central light passed from her core towards the rampaging ape. a POWER SPLIT.


* on blue path
* darkrai disappears
* houndoom is released, MEGA EVOLVES
* mega houndoom uses INFERNO on rillaboom
* claydol!lulu uses POWER SPLIT on rillaboom
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 20:40:47 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Okay. Huge ape. Much bigger than her own. Thanks to the viney connection she had to it, Violet could feel Zarude’s apprehension at the attacker. This was a Pokemon she’d once seen on TV, only a whole lot bigger. And given that it was attacking, she decidedly and enthusiastically classified it as bad news.
Fortunately, some other Rockets were already stepping up to fight it, hopefully meaning that they would not all get smashed immediately. Though others seemed slower to react. “If you can pull anyone away from being hit, do so. Otherwise stand ready with Jungle Healing,” she ordered, putting on her game face for once. Huge Pokemon suddenly appearing and attacking did that for her. Happened with the Jellicent too. Though she doubted that she would be allowed to catch this thing, even if they beat it.
A lot more important people around for that. And a lot more people that she would try to help now, while leaving the battle itself to those with legendaries and what not. Plus, she wanted to get out of the way of these attacks, too. As long as her Zarude could help with cohesion of the unit and keep others from being lost, that was good enough in her book.

+ - tries to get away from Rillboom
- orders Zarude to be ready to heal others and pull them away with vines if they don't get away
- double salacs to get away from death



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z1mlw9tG ··
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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
90 posts
mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 21:21:47 GMT
mielle Avatar

such devastation. [break][break]

this was definitely their intention. [break][break]

the path ahead is still hard to traverse and, though she doesn't end up far from , she still finds herself somehow a little further ahead of him and . when she glances back, she sees them behind her, then she hears the rumbling of a gargantuan pokemon rising from the murk. [break][break]

though she's safe from the carnage (for now), she's worried for the people who've fallen behind. so, in an attempt to help (without bringing harm to the rillaboom, because they were the ones who interrupted its peaceful slumber), she brings her hands to her lips, and a soft glow of green grass forms between her fingertips. with that, she begins to use what she thinks is GRASS WHISTLE, hoping to lure the rillaboom back into a peaceful slumber. [break][break]

just in case, she glances to the vespiquen at her side, then points to dante (her heart's at ease from the child, seeing that someone picked her up already and is trying to help her - though she's still concerned about her physical condition, considering she was having so much trouble staying up. she'll have to keep an eye on her). "defend order, please!" she's asking the queen bee, who sends out a swarm of bees to circle around the man to act as his living shield, though they're careful not to obstruct his vision. they're fluid, and will adjust to his movements accordingly.



MIELLE uses GRASS WHISTLE to try and put the rillaboom to sleep[break]
she's v much grateful to for helping ty


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