i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2022 2:12:19 GMT
shiv Avatar






@rayne (palossand), (runerigus), (milotic), (vaporeon), (cacturne), (swanna), (palossand), (claydol), (dhelmise), (tsareena), (lapras), (nidoqueen), (cherrim), (garchomp), (golurk), (prinplup), (feebas), (leafeon), (garchomp)[break][break][break][break]


, , @ari, ,


THOSE IN THE BLUE PATH do not falter. This gargantuan RILLABOOM towers above the surging Rockets, its matted fur and heavy breath hot with swamp.[break][break]

As @rayne's INTELEON fires a SNIPE SHOT to buy him time, unleashes his GUZZLORD. Although not as big as the one that had razed MOSSDEEP a long time ago, it is sturdy and large enough to contest the RILLABOOM. 's MORGREM buys it time to BELCH— and empowered by 's AUDINO, it staggers it back.[break][break]

fires a HYDRO PUMP that lands squarely on the tough RILLABOOM, while an AURA SPHERE fires toward the mass of tree and foliage behind the beast. would see his LUCARIO's EFFORTS obliterate stem and trunk— but would see his UNOWN tamper with the physicality of this place further. It shatters the physical fabric, creating a bigger hole for the Rockets to traverse through with 's help.[break][break]

Under the snow of 's ABOMASNOW, 's CUTIEFLY distracts the RILLABOOM enough for to summon her HOUNDOOM. In the murky dark, the flash of its MEGA EVOLUTION causes the RILLABOOM to face the hound. An INFERNO burns its fur, causing a bitter stench to fill the swamp. A POWER SPLIT from herself weakens the RILLABOOM's PHYSICAL STRENGTH[break][break]

She is promptly swept away by , his SABLEYE ALLY SWITCHING WITH HER. fires PIN MISSILES at the RILLABOOM as the Rockets attempt to escape. While finds no RILLABOOM further ahead, he finds the other group in the darkness. Meanwhile, finds and his Pokemon moving toward the newly created passage way.[break][break]

The RILLABOOM's TOP HAIRS are lit aflame by 's previous attack and as it rampages in agony as a muddy candlewick, it lunges for the escaping Rockets as it is chipped at by the HAILSTORM. Thankfully, it is kept in place by @rayne's SAND TOMB and his Inteleon's WHIRLPOOL— however, its mass allows it to reach and grab and . is lucky that it does not have a third hand...[break][break]

And although the RILLABOOM'S PHYSICAL STRENGTH would have been enough to crush both and , 's MEGA HOUNDOOM'S INFLICTION OF BURN and POWER SPLIT manage to keep the ape from surpassing the fatal threshold. With and in both hands, it attempts to PUNCH THE GUZZLORD back.[break][break]

Furthermore, 's ABOMASNOW's AURORA VEIL prevents and in its fists from being crushed further before the ABOMASNOW begins to run. Healing from 's ZARUDE keep and resilient as they are thrashed around.


A MIST IS CONJURED by as his GOLISOPOD's spindly arms wrap around his body. With a burst of water, it launches itself and its owner to the next segment of path.[break][break]

The mist and SMOKESCREEN from is taken advantage of by , who mounts his DRACOVISH. As COMBEE swarm in from 's VESPIQUEN, the dragon reinforces the defenses— PROTECTING against a thrown swamp log by the enraged RILLABOOM. It snaps in half, splashing thick water and dirt across them and .[break][break]

's attempt to send the RILLABOOM to sleep works briefly— but the chaos of battle forces it awake immediately. Nearby, @ari remains unscathed and safe. However, she hears the unnerving whispers of UNOWN as they swirl somewhere in the distance.[break][break]

The RILLABOOM on the RED PATH is contested heavily by the Rockets. HIDDEN POWERS and a filthy VENOM DRENCH from 's SALAZZLE batter the beast back.[break][break]

BEHIND THE RILLABOOM, expels a WEATHER BODY from her Cherrim-body to help destroy the terrain blocking their way. Simultaneously, 's MEOWTH MEGA EVOLVES. As it extends, the feline helps smash through the block with ' UNOWN, clearing the way.[break][break]

's SHADOW DELPHOX conjures a SHADOW FLAME as the SHADOW MIASMA expelled by its owner mixes in with its magic. As the matted top hairs BURN, the Underboss releases a howling of metal chains to ANCHOR SHOT the RILLABOOM in place.[break][break]

The RILLABOOM screeches as spins a HURRICANE on its body. The gales suddenly chill as surfs forth on his BLASTOISE. A powerful Z-MOVE: SUBZERO SLAMMER is fired from the turtle's cannons, FREEZING the RILLABOOM in a pose of sheer agony.[break][break]

After a potent HEX by 's RUNERIGUS form, 's MEGA MEOWTH beats the RILLABOOM'S SKULL toward the earth in a shattering of coins. CONFUSED and still hampered in movement by the ice, dashes across the swamp on his GLASTRIER. An icy THROAT CHOP gashes its jugular— and lops its head off with a mighty strike. The head falls into the water with a horrific splash.[break][break]

Briefly, the RILLABOOM stills. Seemingly slain, its blood oozes and drips like slop into the marsh. However, it is quick to be rejuvenated.[break][break]

Given second wind by the powers of this tree, the RILLABOOM stirs back to life and breaks its chains of steel and ice. Still burning, the ape launches vines that wrap around and tightly by their waists. Another vine narrowly misses — and instead, picks up its head on the rebound as it begins to run.


ON THE BLUE SIDE, and encounter a major roadblock. A gargantuan wall, bigger than the Rillaboom and the trees, stands before them. It is comprised of what seems to be black, diamond-like tiles. Behind this wall, they would be able to hear and feel an energy similar to that of a dimensional rift.[break][break]

SIMILARLY, ON THE RED SIDE, , , and break down the terrain to the north. A DRAGON PULSE, AURA SPHERE, Pryde-Palossand SHADOW BALL and a "Tserena" HIGH JUMP KICK is all it takes to crumble rock and thick foliage into dust and splinters.[break][break]

Ahead, they would be able to see a PORTAL of sorts at the top of a steep slope. Several UNOWN can be seen blinking from its dark rotations. A COLD WIND can be felt by too. It heads into the portal itself; however, the Beast would find that his particular connection to this sense is slowly waning.[break][break]

Behind everyone, the RILLABOOM of their respective paths begin to charge toward those in the vanguard. The RED SIDE RILLABOOM, with 's MAGNETON hovering nearby in worried circles, wields and by vines as it beats its chest. Vines shoot out toward , and as it rushes for them.[break][break]

The BLUE SIDE RILLABOOM with and in hand, attempts to flee its attackers. Still, it rampages forth as a terrifying mass of muscle and violence as it charges for , , , and , threatening to sandwich them into the black-tiled wall itself.[break][break]


Thankfully, thanks to the brave and potent attacks made by the Rockets in the previous round, these RILLABOOM may potentially be taken down.[break][break]

What will you do?

  • Rescue Priam and Kano.
  • Rescue Eris and Cossack.
  • Attack the black-tiled wall.
  • Scale the steep slope.
  • Flee the Rillaboom.
  • Attempt to reach the portals.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOW RULES. During this round, you MUST ROLL.[break][break]

Please include a TL;DR with your posts and highlight POKEMON USED & THEIR MOVES. Please ensure that you write the POKEMON SPECIES should you refer to them by their nickname.[break][break]

Your Pokémon can perform ONE MOVE and your character can perform ONE MOVE (if transformed).[break][break]

's player is currently sick and has been given a round's grace.[break][break]





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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2022 5:49:52 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
no one would ever

change this animal

I have become

A safe escape from the Rillaboom was secured thanks to the quick reaction of Goliath, who now set Rowan down onto the ground carefully. "Thank you." He reached a hand up and gently placed it on their shell with gratitude, before returning them to their Pokéball for a well-deserved rest. Amber eyes glanced around for signs of Adrian or Gavin, unable to locate them immediately throughout the chaos that had become of their excursion into the seemingly misnamed Tree of Life. This place was dangerous and the further they went only presented more perils for them to surmount, what was to come?

Atlas appeared in a burst of light, the strongest Pokémon in his arsenal, their mettle proved in the blood they'd spilled in Sootopolis.
"You ready?" Rowan turned to issue a command for attack against the Rillaboom when he felt an all-too-familiar sensation billow against his form, the cold wind to which he'd become accustomed the last few months. "" Surprise stopped Rowan in his tracks, the apparent presence of Suicune in the tree making him question where his loyalties lie.

"We're forging ahead, Atlas." The Beast climbed onto the Swampert's back, holding onto them while directing the Pokémon deeper into the path. Atlas was able to navigate the twists and turns of the path and murky waters with ease, bounding through the numbers of other members of Rocket in an effort to follow the path of the Northern Wind. Forgiveness would be sought later, when the time was right.

Difficult terrain came between him and the portal to which his connection began to wane, the feeling of Suicune's presence passing through to the other side.
"You can do this."
Verbal reassurance was given to encourage the Swampert, nudging them towards the climb ahead. Rowan's intention was to follow this feeling as far as it went, even if that meant going through the portal into the unknown. 

Nothing was going to stop him.


(tagged)⏤ @geomancy

(notes)⏤ Returned Golisopod, brought out Swampert. Took notice of the apparent presence of Suicune and chose to pursue the wind. Bounded through the terrain on the Swampert's back to the apex of the path, with the intention of following the wind through the portal if necessary.

Salac x3
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2022 17:42:52 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
from 's aurora veil and 's assistance with jungle healing, priam manages to somehow survive the thrashing brought by the rillaboom. despite all of these, alongside being debilitated by 's efforts, priam still finds himself catching his breath.

'i'm alive, i'm alive', he kept repeating in his head. 'you can't die, priam. you're a main character!'

it takes him a moment to respond to after he gets snatched up by the rillaboom. "a-alright!" he shouts from above to . "m-meet you up there!" the voice was forcibly cheery despite the obvious nervous tone. he attempts to squeeze out on his own, but no dice.

he turns to the other victim besides him. "miss iyano, you have anything to loosen its grip? i got our escape ride!" he suggests to as he manages to take a pokeball out.

before he gets the idea he made up on the fly rolling, he addresses the first responder to his initial call for yet another assistance. "mister frost! another one please!" he shouts to .

a quick switch was made afterwards.

the guzzlord's form disappears from a laser from priam's ball, attempting to fake out the rillaboom's attack for it to lose its balance. with the rest laying bare without a pokemon to eat up the giant's attacks, he'd hope the rest of the party has defenses to prepare for it, or at least the time to get away from it.

in the ultra beast's place, priam releases the shadow pokemon whose cry was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the vicinity. the large avian circles around the rillaboom as priam whistles for its attention before pointing at the rillaboom's face. it's followed with weird hand gestures that only priam and his pokemon might be able to decipher.

the pokemon fires off a grand oblivion wing at the rillaboom. its eerie hue was unnatural even among other pokemon moves, but working with it has priam desensitized from it.

priam raises his hand right after the attack, with which he whistle's for to notice it too. the braviary swoops in towards their direction after the attack, its talons lowered to the level at which they can grab hold on.

he reaches for it, but it's up to the other to grab onto it.


  • priam recalls guzzlord to fake out the rillaboom
  • times the recall so the rillaboom hits the air
  • priam releases braviary
  • braviary uses oblivion wing at the rillaboom's face
  • braviary swoops in to get priam and kano
  • priam grabs his braviary


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 1:19:56 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.



Bryan bolted forward with all of his strength that he could muster. He had to go, he needed to go, the call had been made as the deal he presented Walsh entered his mind. [break][break]

He must deliver. [break][break]

He eventually reunited with his fellow rockets and happened upon the black wall that seemed extremely out of place here. What the hell did this all mean?[break][break]

He didn't know and he knew he didn't have the time to really figure it out. His unown buddies flew to his side, revealing themself and cheering gleefully. It seemed different than the other unowns, it wanted to help? Did it accidentally cause that explosion before? "If you have an unown! Use it! Audino, it's your time to shine. Mega and use your Helping hand!" he shouted to his other rockets nearby, his ego telling him that he had authority over them when he really didn't. The small mega stone in his other earpiercing was revealed when he tucked his hair back as he send energy to his audino to trigger a mega evolution and hopefully boost it's helping hand effect. "L , D Unown, can you try to open that wall if you have buddies to help you? We'll protect you guys from this rilaboom." he explains as he looks over towards the monster barreling towards them all. [break][break]

"HEY FUCKER" He shouts at the monkey to try and get his attention. "OVER HERE, COME AT ME." he continues as behind his back he charges up solar flare and then fires a beam of light directly at the pokemon's eyes at full power and trying to dodge out of the way of it's rampage.


notes about this post

wah [break] [break]


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pog E5y3g98p [break][break]

TLDR: Arrived at the black tiled wall. [break][break]

Saw the unown who tried to help him earlier and formulates a plan that he tells his rockets about [break][break]

L and D Unown (bryan's) begins to call out to any nearby unowns to help them out and tries to open the wall or make an opening for the rockets. [break][break]

Bryan moves in the way of the monkey and taunts it before firing a solar flare beam at the rilaboom's eyes to try and blind it and hoping it slams into the wall to also break it. [break][break]

1 salac used to reroll

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 18:03:41 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

This was definitely not going too well. Kano and another one that she had not yet gotten to know very much were being picked up by the massive Pokemon – and only managed to survive through the sheer absurdity of what was going on there. And from Zarude’s healing, it appeared. Violet did not dare to interrupt that, for fear that either might die if that happened, keeping with the main body of Rockets for the time being while keeping an eye on the situation, while Zarude continued using that move, ready to follow the Rillaboom, should it get out of range.
Though Vio also noticed that there were rescue attempts already on their way and watched those in particular. If they were to succeed, she would change gears and order Zarude to instead use bind in order to at least slow down the giant Pokemon’s flight. Granted, she did not exactly know why she’d want to keep it there in particular, but figured that this would be preferable to letting it do what it wanted.

+ sticks with main rocket host on her path, continues jungle healing if the rescue fails, orders bind otherwise



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 1:05:59 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Rhipsalis releases his master upon a patch of somewhat solid land that sprouts out from the murky swamp like an island. Hearing the chaos and destruction of events afar, Remiel decides they'll need to move faster if they hope to keep up and escape this labyrinthian bog. So he returns his Carnivine to its ball, instead summoning the SHADOW DRAGAPULT that he once knew as 'Mephistopheles', one of his oldest companions from Galar. 

Now, the corrupted Dragapult had taken upon a new name: FAUST.

Faust shudders and twitches with a choked snarl, dropping down on all fours when his master aggressively commands it to do so. Mounting the twisted beast, the nearly just as twisted mutant prince spurs it onward in flight, moving in haste to regroup with Rocket allies at the broken obstacle.

Should they reach the scene in time, they would find and in the grasp of the terrorizing, headless Rillaboom. Though awed by its ability to keep standing after such a brutal assault and beheading, Remiel has no doubt it has something to do with the strange properties of this land.

Surely, the massive tree he'd sketched earlier was at the crux of it all, he thought.

Regardless, as his Dragapult mount draws nearer to the situation, the royal outstretches a single hand towards his target and begins to summon his ghostly powers with focused intent once more. Hoping to somehow DISABLE the Rillaboom's powers of rejuvenation— even if only briefly— he issues a command to the monster he rides afterwards. "Fire upon the base of its vines with your Dreepy! Ensure you don't hurt the child!"

Sure enough, a pair of hollow-eyed Dreepy poke their heads out of each cannon in the Dragapult's horns. They're fired shortly thereafter with great speed, twirling like guided missiles as they attempt to strike at their targets and free the seemingly helpless Rockets.


— After advancing, Remiel returns CARNIVINE and summons SHADOW DRAGAPULT before mounting it
— They endeavor to regroup with the team at the BROKEN OBSTACLE while attacking the Rillaboom
♔ Riding Shadow Dragapult, Remiel attempts to DISABLE the Rillaboom's regenerative powers long enough for his teammates to put it down permanently
◓ Shadow Dragapult attempts to free and by striking at the base of both vines that hold them with DRAGON DARTS

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 5:52:04 GMT
the fading sounds of an ALLY SWITCH relieves him. he looks over, sees , and gestures over at the gargantuan wall that lies ahead of them, blocking their path.

"we'll have to brute-force our way through this!"

his sableye eventually appears, running towards them with great haste.

"focus our attacks on the same spot."

he looks to , then back to the wall as his sabelye comes crashing into it with a BRICK BREAK.
- with &
- tells them to focus on the same spot on the wall
- sableye using BRICK BREAK on the wall
- using ONE SALAC

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 9:11:48 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

A brief wash of relief is quickly swept away as the fallen Rillaboom is resurrected in spite of its missing head, vines lashing toward the Beast but narrowly missing him as they instead secure and . The steel chain that had wound itself around the rampaging ape shatters, sending a violent shockwave down Gavin's arm that stuns him long enough to lose sight of .

When he recovers his faculties, he sees that the other has forged ahead.

Where are you going?!

But fury is tempered by worry for those left behind, and Gavin's loyalty to Rocket sees him remain in spite of the tug he feels toward his brother.

He can handle himself. He'll be fine.

An appreciative nod is offered to when the admin uses his Dragapult to try and free the Rillaboom's captives; his own shadow Delphox lashes out with a psychic assault, a PSYBEAM of energy streaking toward the Rillaboom's chest.

The underboss turns his attention to the portals ahead. Is that where Rowan was so determined to go? Why?

Regardless, it would clearly be Rocket's destination, as well. Trusting that the likes of won't let further harm come to Eris (and, by extension, Cossack) the organization's other underboss chooses to forge ahead.

Rubbing his aching arm as the chain reforms itself, Gavin then angles it toward the top of the rough terrain and fires. This time, the ANCHOR SHOT is used for the former quality of its name, an anchor to hold him steady as he attempts to scale the precarious terrain.

Gavin calls out to when Rillaboom nearly snags him, clearly worried. He notices his brother forging ahead but doesn't understand why. In spite of his worries, Gavin chooses to remain with the main force of Rocket due to his loyalties as underboss.
Shadow Delphox uses PSYBEAM in the hopes of damaging Rillaboom without risk to its captives.
Gavin uses ANCHOR SHOT like an... anchor... and tries to scale the climbable obstacles toward the portal.

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 13:48:13 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar


[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the red path


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
rocket's vanguard clears the way!



Things almost seem to be going their way. You'd almost forgive someone for falling into a sense of ease, letting down their guard and taking a breather.[break][break]

Adrian allows the tension built up in his chest to release, watching the goliath's head sink beneath the tepid waters in what would've been anyone's final moments... but not so for the brazen beasts acting guardian over these benighted lands. Just as quickly as it had fallen, the lumbering beast seemed to drag its cadaver along, ignoring its mortal plight. Something deep within him aches and throbs with malcontent; Yveltal loathed to see their deadened, limp limbs dragged along by vines and overgrowth like marionettes, serving a will not their own...[break][break]

The Rillaboom advances—and Adrian is hot on its heels in pursuit of Death's due![break][break]




When Glastrier returns to his side it is immediately withdrawn, returned to its pokeball and replaced with a companion tested and true. Its crimson physique bulges and ripples across the marshlands, its unrestricted fervor burning brilliantly as it's engulfed in the catalyst of mega evolution: Furor transcends the mundane, donning DARK AURA like a second skin, feeling within it the coveted destructive power of an aspect. Its body teems with Yveltal's borrowed might...[break][break]

"Drag it back; it won't escape us a second time!" Rip... Tear... Over and over...![break][break]



Chomping, chewing and clamping; gnarled fangs dripping with the beast's blood bring about Furor's sanguinity, its gnashing teeth sundering flesh and sinew as its toothy maw closes around the great ape's exposed haunches; it reels in anguish helplessly...[break][break]


Believing he can now safely conduct his duties without worry of the Rillaboom's reprisal, Adrian sets forth to the monster's side, holding out a hand that harbors a ravenous hunger for life; when those dreaded fingertips probe along the dead thing, they would invariably find the source of life inside bringing about its reanimation. Doubtlessly he would recognize the biosignature pulling the beast's strings...[break][break]

Seizing this lifeblood, he absolves it into his own, jealously guarding their power...[break][break]

"How much further yet!?" Adrian cries out in exasperation over the comms network to anyone who would hear him (, , , , , ) while he's putting their latest problem to bed. After this, maybe he can dare begin to—[break][break]

tl;dr notes[break]
Adrian withdraws GLASTRIER; switches in GYARADOS[break]
Gyarados MEGA EVOLVES (1 of 3) immediately (+DARK AURA)[break]
Gyarados uses BALEFUL BRUX to reel in the Rillaboom[break]
Using his gift, Adrian hopes to take its life one last time[break]
Yveltal encroaches upon Sootopolis and the Tree of Life[break]





template by punki

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 14:21:25 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]What is with danger and wanting to throw hands at her? First, she had to throw gang signs at a mad Silvally. Then, she had to grapple with an unexplained sand monster in some basement. Now, she's being manhandled by a Rillaboom that can't stay dead? Well, if there's anything those experiences have taught her, it's that she shouldn't let her feet get swept from right under her.
With a Sunny Day still gracing the skies, she's more than able to start burning away at her and 's bonds with a fiery Weather Ball, gritting her teeth at whatever searing sensation prickles her skin. And as more come to their aid with varying efforts, she hears the distinctive crack of thunder, a lightning bolt tearing from the heavens as a vicious snarl tears through the battlefield.
The Sky Splits and trembles at his rage.

How strange it is to witness lightning strike more than twice, each bolt crashing right into the Rillaboom's reanimated corpse and racing across its body with the help of dripping swamp water. Just below, Reiner roars at the one that dares to take what is rightfully his, his claws digging into the marsh surface as he keeps pace with the fleeing primate. Lightning crackles through his mane and coats his body in a brilliant sheen, readily electrifying anything he touches.
Time and time again, he's found himself sidelined, kept away from danger if only to prevent him from ever crossing paths with death. And yet, when he stands this close to losing whatever family he has left, there's just no way he can sit still in that pokeball. The moment he senses weakness, he'll speed up, readying himself to catch Eris by any means necessary.
Never again will he let himself get left behind.

Tl;dr -[break]
- Eris uses WEATHER BALL paired with Mielle's (?) SUNNY DAY to burn the vines holding her and [break]
- Luxray swaps with Greninja[break]
- Luxray uses Z-MOVE: SKY SPLITTER[break]
luxray summons protective electric armour. it remains until protecting against an attack, zapping and possibly paralyzing its attackers before receiving a brief magnet rise effect

- Luxray gets ready to catch Eris if she falls cos god knows shiv will try to kill her again like in the groudon raid POPEGA[break]
- Salac x1
[attr="class","adrie-note"]geomancy: into the woods



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 19:46:42 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Obviously, this is all ’s fault.
At least that’s the thought that passingly crosses Mars’ mind when the monkey’s vines snatch right out of his arms, the whole experience suddenly seeming familiar and bringing reminders of his recent battle against the gym leader. But, of course, Melody’s Rillaboom isn’t gargantuan… or decapitated, for that matter.
That sure makes for a gruesome sight.
Calling back the Blastoise, Mars releases his Noivern once more, and it’s without a word he climbs on the dragon’s back. They fly up, swiftly avoiding nearby attacks, and it’s only when right over the headless creature that he addresses those around him over comms. ”Might want to cover your ears!”
The Rillaboom’s drumming may have been both loud and dangerous, but his Noivern’s BOOMBURST is as if an explosion. Fight sound with sound? Makes sense, doesn’t it?
”Reiner! Catch Eris!”
Who better to be trusted with saving the girl than her own pokémon?
With its presence there and with so many already trying to save her and , Mars trusts he can continue forward, ready in case something worse may await them at those portals. Still, a LIFE DEW is cast over his allies nearby (, , , anyone else who is near the Rillaboom?), as if to make up for whatever damage may have been caused.
”Portal up ahead!” A response over comms to ’s question, just as he signals his Noivern to continue flying forward – over broken obstacles, the slopes, and towards said portal. As for his Unown…
”Prepare to attack if anything comes out of it.”
With their instructions given, the Symbol Pokémon float around them, keeping up with the Noivern’s pace.




[break]- Blastoise in, Noivern out.
[break]- Flying over monkeh
[break]- Noivern uses BOOMBURST on the Rillaboom
[break]- Mars trusts Reiner will catch Eris so he uses LIFE DEW on those near the Rillaboom and then continues onwards
[break]- Flying to the slopes
[break]- Tells his Unown to be ready to attack in case anything comes out of the portal :c





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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 21:09:07 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
A series of decisions are made instantaneously. For one, Remi's Unown that has been kept loose and unsupervised takes off, drawn in by the mysterious powers of its fellow brethren. As a result, it hopefully joins at 's battle cry summoning them to take on the portal or the black wall or whatever heeby jeeby shit those guys are up to all the time.

The second is that she is behind the giant Rillaboom double-fisting two kids. She hurriedly returns her Teddiursa, pressing a kiss to her sleeping forehead before pulling out someone else.

"We need some big guns for this."

And out pops a Krookodile who immediately attempts to catch the Rillaboom's eye and INTIMIDATE it. Perhaps it might help distract so that 's Braviary can help intercept and pull the two out of his mighty fists. Whatever the case, she was doing her best and charging full-tilt into the fight. Her main goal really was to get to the other side without getting stomped on.

Further up ahead, she's pretty sure she can spy a great big black wall. It seemed problematic considering the Rillaboom that might want to make us all splattered eggs against that perfect charcoal surface. But hey, we never give up, right? Rocket was a cooky family, or something.

"Earthquake, but small-scale!"

Krookodile begins to stomp as if handling a tantrum, running forward with every step to catch up and break apart the earth to hopefully catch Rillaboom slippin'. He does his best to prevent too much damage, in that the goal is really just to crack up the earth around the Rillaboom's feet only.

"Move it, losers! We have a giant wall to smash to pieces! Wooo!"

And then, because she would probably not be hindered by the side-effects of her Pokemon's earthquake, she chooses to BULLDOZE her way to the other side, not stopping until she dozes right into the wall full-tilt. Go big or go home. Krookodile follows her, too, to keep the crew together.


- attempts to help slow down and distract the rillaboom
- krookodile uses EARTHQUAKE to trap/slow down/hinder the rillaboom
- remi uses BULLDOZE on the upturned earth to drive straight into the wall
- remi's unown-k goes to join and do whatever it is he needs done
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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 21:46:51 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



While the path infront of them clears thanks to a combine efforts of his and a couple other Rockets. There is a stillness in the air that draw's the scientist attention back to where the giant ape was. Surprise hitting him as the others seemed to have beheaded it. Though it seems the rejuvenating powers of the tree would not let the Rillaboom stay down as it's head seemed to grow back and now after them. Hopefully his lucario would've been able to record the aura and key in on how the tree did it, or was it from the grass pokemon's own abilities?[break][break]

Either way, Shit it was after them. Recalling his Lucario Pryde decides to bring out bigger guns in the form of Heatran. "Slow it down," Pryde orders and the Hetran gives a roar as it uses MAGMA STORM. Pryde using what he understands of his new found abilities to used SAND TOMB along with it to trap the grass pokemon in a mixture of fire and sand to slow it down from chasing after them. The man clearly showing little consideration to the possible hostages the gorilla had in it's vines. [break][break]


With an attempt to slow it done he would climb onto the Heatran to continue on forward, and would use the Heatran's natural climbing abilities to try to climb the cliff toward the interesting portal that seemed to be ahead of them. [break][break]



[break]+ Wonders about the scientific marvel that is the healing fact of this tree and hopes the camera on his lucario has recorded it
[break]+ Recalls Lucario for Heatran
[break]+ Heatran uses MAGMA STORM, while PoloPryde uses SAND TOMB to try and slow the beats.
[break]+ Neither seem to care for the safety of the possible hostages.
[break]+ Would climb onto Heatran to move forward. And would aim toward the climb.
[break]+ Because Heatran such a good climbing boi who can climb walls



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2022 0:43:04 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

seriously? she’d been teleported away from danger, only to face it from a different direction. poor timing. bad luck.

but was here, and he was alive. for now. so, that was something. had it been his doing? she didn’t have much time to wonder.

realization that djall had not come with her hit, and she felt her heart sink—until he appeared, near the ankle of the oncoming rillaboom. he, and the rest, were chasing it towards them.


she turned to the strange wall. the feeling it gave off was all too familiar, and her body thrummed with even more adrenaline.

meanwhile, djall was with the rest of the party tailing the fleeing ape which had taken and . maybe it was recognition. or, maybe the houndoom was just out for blood.

tendrils of darkness spread from the dog’s cracked open maw as it went to close around the rillaboom’s leg in a CRUNCH.

meanwhile, lulu decided to release her unown, putting her hand to the wall to try and encourage it to open the portal. ”please,” she looked it in its strange eye. ”open it.”


* hi guys, up here now
* mega houndoom uses is still in back chasing rillaboom, uses CRUNCH on leg
* lulu releases unown, tries to get it to open up the wall
* used TWO SALACS, keeping 76
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2022 1:56:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
there are whispers and they are pressing around her. the muck drags at her heels and she fights to stay her course. she's not a front-liner, not the one who's in the middle of the fray when shit hits the fan. no, she's up in a nest somewhere, watching the chaos from several hundred feet away, watching the lessers buzz like insects poked by flame. 

others have made it to relative safety around her. with hemlock's help and the glowing lights of her comrades in front of her, she's able to garner what's going on. 

and is that a kid? stuck in the rillaboom's grasp. and she's too far away to close the gap and follow through what looks like a portal. no, she'll have to help deal with this. 

allrianne gives the command and hemlock leaps forward. long, vine-like fingers dig into the muck as she belches a spray of purple toxin over the side of the behemoth monkey.
// moving up the RED PATH
/ / helps confront rillaboom
/ / hemlock (salazzle) unleashes venoshock at the base of the rillaboom
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing