i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
90 posts
mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 18:44:04 GMT
mielle Avatar

well, good to know that the heal order didn't work. [break][break]

she can only pray that the WISH she previously used will help the actual xerneas recover, even if by a little bit. may her prayer bring some solace to the stag who suffers and attempts to recover. at the moment, however, there were more things to worry about, such as the grotesque counterparts emerging upon the treetops. instinctively, the green woman clings further against the finned dragon, and she feels a chilled shiver run up her spine. [break][break]

still clinging, with her vespiquen following behind, she calls out to it as she pulls out her pokeball. "raine! return!" she calls out as the vespiquen returns to her pokeball. she's quick to swap it out, though is careful to call out the bounsweet in her arms - she's already secure between the large, bipedal dragon and dante. it should be okay. [break][break]

"schnee, MAGICAL LEAF on the.. not so.. pretty clones." she's quiet, tucking her head closer to the pomme who lets out a gleeful chime - one that she can only assume is so because she's young and ignorant to the danger - as she releases a flurry of multi-coloured leaves, aimed and poised to join in the SAND TOMB and slash at the flesh. [break][break]

in the meantime, mielle is staying vigilant, keeping an eye on their surroundings, though they pass with speed. what she does see in passing, however, is a woman's ( 's) TELEPORT as she blinks from her space. and she's unsure, and praying, as she keeps a hold on her pokemon. she hopes that the PROTECT can buy her time as her body glows a soft green, attempting to COPYCAT the psychic energy used. [break][break]

and, if successful, she hopes it will bring all four of them back to the portal, where there were more people. back to safety, so they aren't in immediate danger.



WISH better work on XERNEAS this turn SHIV :angrypepe:[break]
she's THOROUGHLY disturbed by the blood clone things[break]
recalls VESPIQUEN and swaps for BOUNSWEET, who is being clung to in mielle's arms[break]
BOUNSWEET used MAGICAL LEAF in conjunction with dante's SAND TOMB[break]
mielle copycats 's TELEPORT, hoping to bring and their pokemon with her[break]
Teleporting the four (mielle, dante, dracovish & bounsweet) to the portal group[break]
nano's crossing her fingers

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 23:27:55 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



Serena's attacks connect with the body....and only the body. Where the fuck did the head go? Better yet, where did Xerneas go? Serenity looked just as confused as Serena did as she glanced back at her trainer. She wouldn't be able to heal if she had no target. "Uh..." Serena said as she scanned around. [break][break]

All of a sudden the Seviper reappears but behind them all. "Shit!" she hisses as she watched the giant snake take one last sip from Xerneas before tossing it's limp body to the treetop floor. Her comrades are quick to react however as the snake begins to attack the group. Suddenly there's a bubbling pool of blood that appears while the Seviper heals itself. [break][break]

The sensation was odd yet familiar before she realized the blood was forming into something. Well not just something, but a copy of her! And not just herself, she saw blood copies of her team around her too. "Well fu--" Serena was cut off as the vestige of herself lunged at her. The Rocket beast huffed as she soon realized it would take all of her concentration to fight this thing. [break][break]

It knew everything about her. There was a deafening clash of fisticuffs between the two as her copy matched her blow for powerful blow. "Aright then..." Serena said with a grunt as she caught herself. [break][break]

With a nod towards Serenity(Shiny Gardevoir) she inhaled sharply as wind began to pick up around her. The leaves of the tree where she was were ripped up as she focused on channeling the move, LEAF STORM before launching it at the copy. [break][break]

Just as she did so, Serenity(Shiny Gardevoir) was behind the copy and had channeled her own DAZZLING GLEAM to strike the blood clone in a pinched attack. This clone needed to be dealt with soon so that they could focus on getting out of here. The snake was slowly closing in on all of them and if they were quick they'd all be squished. [break][break]



+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Takes note that while the attacks on the body worked they head of the Seviper and Xerneas were missing. Before they reappeared. (But not before the snake took one last sip of juice) The snake surrounds them and begins healing itself. While blood pools from the ground and forms blood copies of those transformed. Serena dukes it out with her copy before deciding to tag team with Serenity(Shiny Gardevoir) to launch a pincer attack using Serena's LEAF STORM and Serenity's DAZZLING GLEAM ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 1:43:35 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

"oh my. our host seems to be full of surprises." his comment is mostly said to calm himself and keep from focusing too much on the grotesque display of the large snake eating its own tail and seeing that harming it was not going to be an easy thing to do. what was more concerning however was the rivers of blood that it spilled that turned into copies of nearly everyone here and started to attack. well he says copies but...was he really that boney looking?

his rotom swooped in with an electro ball to slow down the blood double as it approached them while cossack pointed a finger at the thing. "we really don't have time or the patience for this. so if you would so kindly," from his finger erupts a water pulse that splashes against the clone to even push it back further and perhaps drown it, "leave." was blood even capable of drowning? time to find out. he wasted no time with finding out if his clone was dispatched with or not as he and his rotom hovered up to the air above to get out of its reach should it counter attack them or was sturdy enough to take their assault. better safe than sorry.

    [*] rotom uses electro ball on blood cossak!!
    [*] cossack uses defog on blood cossack!
    [*] cossack and his rotom slightly retreat to the sky!
    [*] cossack gets a bit self conscious...



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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 9:08:49 GMT
shiv Avatar




"Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon - Tree of Life Remix" - Kamex


@rayne (palossand), (runerigus), (milotic), (cacturne), (swanna), (palossand), (claydol), (dhelmise), (tsareena), (lapras), (nidoqueen), (cherrim), (garchomp), (golurk), (prinplup), (feebas), (leafeon), (garchomp)[break][break][break][break]


, , @ari, ,


THE BLOOD CLONES are horrifying monstrosities.[break][break]

Although no one in this excursion has experienced the events of the NIGHTMARE that DARKRAI had pulled people into three years ago, if these creatures were recounted to the right people, they may recall the horror of these zombie-like creatures.[break][break]

 , , , , , , and have encountered similar looking beings... and perhaps, 's DARKRAI would find them familiar too. For nightmares and dreams are a universal quilt. Each woven square is pulled from the pages of experience from Pokemon and human alike.[break][break]

They claim their first victims. With a gory surge, one blood doppelganger overtakes . With bloody claws, they flay flesh from bone— but the consumption is a disturbing mechanism of macabre merging. The blood and flesh of is pulled into the zombie's own, the body bloating as if its victim was digested or sucked into a vein.[break][break]

 Similarly, @kris is devoured too. His smaller body is pinned against the treetop and as his Magnezone watches and panics— it too is taken by a powerful bloody claw. They disappear, high screams becoming a coagulated gurgle.[break][break]

Although 's SMEARGLE manages to temporarily stall several BLOOD COPIES such as and 's DRACOVISH-TAUNTED clones, they awake quickly. As attempts to TELEPORT , themselves and their Pokemon toward , 's BLOOD COPY strikes him before they leave.[break][break]

Thankfully, is able to LIFESTEAL from these clones. The power he receives is disturbingly overwhelming. While SAND TOMBS and MAGICAL LEAFS rock around him, aims toward his crimson patron. From the clones, the energy surges within him as ancient vitality before he empowers his YVELTAL...[break][break]

Nearby, @rayne decries his ugly counterpart. His beauty may charm some enemies, but to the mindless sanguine amalgmations, his looks are meals. His INTELEON attempts to defend him— but the copy breaks through. protects @rayne against one bloody claw with a shrieking beam of ice; however, the clone is persistent, reaching with the follow up.[break][break]

Similarly, is injured during the bloody massacre. And although , , and do not possess copies, they are hurt during the climax of this battle. Whether it is by stray blood doppelgangers or the SEVIPER itself, injuries become medals of war.[break][break]

@rayne [break]
Those who have rolled below 50 or have forgotten to ROLL or have skipped the round due to extenuating circumstances must choose between one of the following options. [break][break]

  • Become seriously injured (details are up to you).
  • Have one of their Pokemon be killed.
  • Die.


OTHERS MANAGE TO KEEP THEIR BLOODY REPLICAS AT BAY. Continuously. Exhaustingly. They do not stop— but is able to DRAGON CLAW her copy as she makes light of the situation. Blood stains her skin and clothes as she fights alongside her KROOKODILE.[break][break]

and his XURKITREE manages to evade his copy's HYPER BEAM as it sears nearby.[break][break]

A geyser of blood erupts when 's ROTOM ELECTRO BALLS their counterpart. While the DEFOG blows away its hemophilic structure apart, the Rocket would be able to see it begin to piece itself together... Still, from this height, realizes he has bought himself much more time with a potent strategy.[break][break]

and work in tandem with their Pokemon to fend off their bloodthirsty blood buddies. As the stench of sullied serum strikes their nostrils, ICE and LEAVES are spot lit by DAZZLING GLEAMS. Despite 's ABOMASNOW reverting to normal— thankfully, the HAIL it had set up allows the yeti to slow the clones' reformations and advances.


KANO NARROWLY AVOIDS DEATH. As she lands near , she calls upon her trusty VOLTORB. A CHARGE BEAM is loosed alongside ' MEGA BLASTOISE'S ICE BEAM, creating a cacophony of cold shrieks and hair-raising sparks.[break][break]

 and wait with bated breath as and the rest of the UNOWN attempt to figure out the intricacies of the rift. Suddenly, TELEPORTS by the Admin. As her DARKRAI leaves to help the others in combating the SEVIPER, she releases her MINIOR. However, the MINIOR is unable to do anything... and yet, something curious begins to happen. Interacting with the rift— and the foreign nature of this realm, its outer shell begins to adorn itself with its surrounding material. It becomes discoloured in places. Black. Mossy. And glitchy...[break][break]

Finally, sees the breakthrough happen. As he focuses, the brain burns with two words: POKERUS and VESTIGE. The rift begins to loosen up...[break][break]

Meanwhile, and rush toward the XERNEAS. His GABITE is unleashed and as if in gratitude for its resurrection, begins to dig with solemnity. Clawing through dense leaf, branch and twig, the dragon is able to create a concave pit underneath and around the bleeding XERNEAS. In it, he empties the BLUE MULCH he had inherited from EVA DUMONT under WALSH'S DIRECTIVE.[break][break]

 joins him. Seeing what he has sought after for so long in this current state... it is a heartbreaking scene. But he is determined to help. He summons his GRIMMSNARL and commands it to use Z-MOVE: MEMENTO MORI. Powerful tendrils of hair coil around the distracted snake's body before siphoning life force to redirect to the XERNEAS ITSELF. A glow descends: 's WISH and as hair wraps around the bloodied neck, the deer pulses with health... but there is no reaction.[break][break]

Until the blue mulch begins to glow. Whether it is from the Z-MOVE'S ENERGY OR THE XERNEAS' OWN INNATE BIOSIGNATURE is uncertain; however, the GRIMMSNARL is quick to act. Using its hair to take the blue mulch's energy, it heals the XERNEAS... and closes its neck wound.[break][break]

and remember WALSH'S COMMAND THAT DAY. To help each other find XERNEAS and to carry on the legacy of Rocket's past scientists.


CLOSER AND CLOSER, the SEVIPER'S BODY coils. The distance between everyone and its scales and their hemophilic hunters becomes smaller and smaller, creating increasingly claustrophobic fights.[break][break]

 lands near the tail of the SEVIPER. However, to bite into the snake is not as easy as it seems. Thankfully, an EARTH POWER and his SHADOW DELCATTY allows him to bite into the meatier sections. As obsidian shards scatter about, he tastes ancient blood. It grants with the ability to control his blood clone— allowing him to toss his counterpart off the tree.[break][break]

However, to do requires immense energy. The SEVIPER is mountain tall. To simply knock the clone over the side is a feat of its own, and thus, utilizes his adrenaline to throw his clone— which exhausts him entirely.[break][break]

hurls a LIGHTNING BOLT toward the injured @rayne and before the clone can maul him further, the thunderous spear lands. Electricity shoots outward, summoning a field of shackling bolts to prevent the blood clone to reach him. For now.[break][break]

On his ZEKROM, lunges for the SEVIPER'S TAIL. The Admin hollers a warning to as they near at frightening speeds. A STEEL WING shines within the bloodshed and with a mighty crash, the TAIL IS SEVERED. The TAIL slides off, forcing the SEVIPER TO HISS IN AGONY.[break][break]

and would be able to witness the hidden side effects of this fight. In the meaty gap revealed by the slicing of serpent tail, they see that the fields, the marshes and woodlands below the treetop are dry. Shriveled. Dead. As if the lifeforce had been sucked from their stems and trunks like straws.[break][break]

manages to escape with a segment of fang. In the future, in consultation with , would be able to determine that its biosignature reveals that it DOES NOT SEEM TO BELONG IN THIS REALM. Furthermore, it logically follows that this TREE OF LIFE does not belong in their Hoenn as well...[break][break]

She rushes on her YANMEGA, a flurry of PETALS dicing through bloody masses.


ON THEIR OWN, and his partner engage with the blood-Xerneas. The Yveltal communicates with psychically, reiterating its sympathy for its counterpart. This bastardization must be banished.[break][break]

This lifeless, deathless blood copy is a corruption of life— and subsequently, death.[break][break]

And thus they fight. The original, one and only OBLIVION WING strikes across their crimson foe.[break][break]

may roleplay how he destroys the blood copy of Xerneas with his Yveltal without intervention from the actions below.

orders for the HEAD OF THE SEVIPER to be cut— and , voice loud above the cries of battle and death, echoes the command.[break][break]

After METAL CLAWING his clone, redirects his attention. As flies by, he calls upon his SWAMPERT to HYDRO PUMP the gnashing maw of the SEVIPER. Doused in water, the head is a prime target. The SUICUNE responds to 's inquiry.[break][break]

Yes, it can freeze it. And it will. The SUICUNE rushes across the field and opens its maw to release a howling SHEER COLD. Within seconds, the lunging SEVIPER HEAD is frozen.[break][break]

's DARKRAI fires a DARK PULSE against the side of its head, blowing a chunk of reptilian skull off. Quickly, @ari complies too— her GYARADOS chomps the head, refreezing the exposed, broken wound with an ICE FANG. @ari's own SERPENT withdraws with a grisly mass of flesh and crushed eye.[break][break]

Ice shards begin to shake off the snake; however, will not allow it to thaw. As she leaps off her BRAVIARY, she growls. She careens toward the SEVIPER'S HEAD, powerful leg extended with eyes aflame. Her kick lands. 's HIGH HORSEPOWER smashes the SEVIPER'S HEAD into a million pieces of frozen flesh, tooth and blood.[break][break]


AS THE SEVIPER'S BODY SLUMPS, the whole tree rumbles. sees that the PORTAL FINALLY UNLOCKS. The UNOWN celebrate, wiggling about in the black and in the air.[break][break]

However, the SEVIPER retaliates one last time from the grave. Bloody hands emerge from the tree and grab at EVERYONE'S LIMBS, including , and XERNEAS. Furthermore, the blood copies continue to chase after their human doubles. The coiled snake body is even tighter now, causing the copies to reach you quicker in a horrifying rush.[break][break]

The SUICUNE returns to . It offers him one last partnership before it returns to the wilds of the tree— or perhaps, Hoenn itself?[break][break]

The SUICUNE will allow to ride it. Running through the blood hands or copies will allow them to PURIFY THE CLONES/HANDS.

Similarly, has siphoned the temporary powers of the SEVIPER. Despite his fatigue, he realizes he can BLOODBEND the copies and hands too, but will he have enough energy to leave by way of ' portal?[break][break]

The solutions are imperfect. Perhaps, not fast enough. Some are further away from the portal than others— and it is likely that many will perish in a foreign realm.[break][break]

 But, the XERNEAS curious eyes, X-shaped pupils set into a knowing black, peer at and his YVELTAL before flicking back toward and 's kind gestures. It remembers 's pleading words.[break][break]


would watch as begins to glow. This is no light from — but it is a celebratory illumination of seven colours. The XERNEAS hobbles onto its hooves as its antlers glow too. LIFE ENERGY begins to travel from their tips to 's body.[break][break]

Bloody limbs grab onto and XERNEAS and himself. They threaten to pull them all down into the depths of the tree...[break][break]

But as the final remnants of bioenergy are transferred, would be able to feel an immense power course through his veins. It's scary. Overwhelming. But instinct tells him to do one thing: GEOMANCY.[break][break]

will be able to use GEOMANCY in his next post to restore life to the Tree of Life and its land, while also doing away with the rest of the bloody copies/hands.[break][break]

This move can not be copied by SMEARGLE, for it is a unique instance and not necessarily a part of 's permanent newfound powers.

In the process, the XERNEAS' ANTLERS SLOUGH OFF...


THE LANDS SURROUNDING THE TREE BEGIN TO BRIM WITH LIFE ONCE AGAIN. The rest of the blood is siphoned away... save for a few droplets and puddles that remain stubbornly on the leaves like viral loads.[break][break]

The XERNEAS will follow everyone through the portal... as they return to the outside of the tree in the middle of SOOTOPOLIS CITY.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOW RULES. You DO NOT NEED TO ROLL THIS ROUND! The next mod post will be the finale post.[break][break]

Please include a TL;DR with your posts and highlight POKEMON USED & THEIR MOVES. Please ensure that you write the POKEMON SPECIES should you refer to them by their nickname.[break][break]

Your Pokémon can perform ONE MOVE and your character can perform ONE MOVE (if transformed). AVATAR-RELATED POKEMON can now be used freely as well.[break][break]





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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 10:12:23 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Amber eyes watched as the culmination of their efforts came to fruition, used the combined attacks of Atlas and Suicune to smash the frozen head into pieces and unceremoniously end the Seviper’s life. Still, the threat hadn’t subsided. Corrupted blood continued to ravage his companions as the serpent offered one final assault to ensure some would enter the grave with them. “We have to help.” As much as he wanted to focus on Suicune, he wasn’t about to let others fall to certain death while he could help.

A red light returned Atlas to their Pokéball, tossing out Sirocco instead. “Give everyone some speed.” The Pelipper nodded and led the charge towards the portal, creating a mighty TAIL WIND for others to follow them to the exit. “Thank you, Suicune.” Carefully, Rowan climbed onto the back of the legend, glancing about at those that were struggling still.

Just then, a thought crossed his mind. “If we cross through the blood, you’re able to purify it, right?” Again, no obvious response, but the sentiment seemed to be shared by Suicune. The route the two of them took would weave through a number of their comrades, each step turning the bloody constructs into purified pools of water.

Rowan wouldn’t leave the bulk of the work up to his benefactor, using BUBBLE BEAM to assault various hands and clones as they passed. The closer that the two of them drew towards the portal, he couldn’t help but speak to the Pokémon while he still had a chance. “I know that you’ve been watching me, for one reason or another...I'm not sure if I’ve measured up to what you’ve expected, but I want prove myself. I hope that once this is over, I’ll be able to find you again.” 

He paused, unsure of what to say next. "Perhaps even become friends." The sentiment was saccharine at best, but he never once believed that 'all Pokémon exist for the glory of Rocket'. Winning over the heart of a Pokémon was more important than dominating them, true strength came from the bond between human and Pokémon. 

"If you wanted. that is." He added on, awkwardly.


(tagged)⏤ @geomancy

(notes)⏤ Rowan returned Swampert and brought out Pelipper, had them use
Tail wind to give everyone a speed boost. suicune and rowan traversed the field to the portal, making sure to purify as many blood obstacles as possible for the fellow rockets while Rowan shot Bubble beam from the back at passing clones.

Taking the opportunity to speak to Suicune, Rowan expressed the sentiment of wanting to befriend the legend and see them once again after this was all over.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 10:20:04 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's hands shake from adrenaline as he grips Lugia's neck, powerful wingbeats keeping them airborne and away from the chaos below. There is no time to intervene in the deaths of and @kris, nor the injuries of so many others.

"Rain," he begs of his patron, throat raw from shouting commands.

Her haunting cry echoes over the battlefield as Lugia hears him, heeds his plea with a fierce flap of her wings that might buffet those below with its gale. The rain starts slow, as if resisting the call, then builds in intensity.

A sharp whistle, much stronger than his voice, reaches his Lucario on the ground. A hand signal, rather than the click of his tongue. She knows; he's trained her well. Into the drops of rain, LIFE DEW manifests. To soothe injuries in the aftermath of battle, to perhaps prevent the delayed deaths of those who'd taken on too much.

He's tired. So tired.

Can you bring us down by the portal?

A sound rumbles through her neck between his fingertips; a scoff, if he had to guess. As if to say, of course I can, fool.

He slides from her back and lands on the canopy, but he doesn't go through. He would stand here until every other Rocket was through and their prize, as well, the Xerneas and a changed . He'd give Bryan a nod should their eyes meet, his own golden gaze burning with approval. But he doesn't speak. He'll save the rest of his words for Walsh, when they go to report their success.

LUGIA uses RAIN DANCE in tandem with LUCARIO'S LIFE DEW to spread the healing effect over the battlefield a bit. (It's already an AOE so just flavour I think.)
Gavin lands next to the portal with Lugia and will wait to make sure everyone gets through safe.
He's very proud of in particular, U DID IT BRO.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 11:05:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar








To Rayne's horror—his eyes widened, encompassed with rage more than terror, yet hesitation and fear had marred his mind with the bloodcurdling screams of death within earshot as two became consumed by blood—his copy remained unfazed despite his efforts and his companion's efforts, a relentless, dogged constant. For a brief moment, Rayne's eccentric cool air had cracked the fear of death put in him as not even a sound escaped his throat.[break][break]

His Inteleon couldn't protect its trainer, far too busy dealing with more ghoulish figures, despite its best efforts.[break][break]

Toppled over as his own doppelganger had knocked him down with barely any weight, he'd kicked, flailed and punched, desperate to break free, yet he could feel it, searing hot pain, chill, heat, his body in a sheer panic—breath quick, eyes darting about, his throat seized by his own crimson apparition, his right arm held down by the ghoulish figure. Had he been able to utter a single word to state how he'd felt, the clearing would have echoed loudly, and sharply obscenities and curses... yet his voice did finally echo out, a pained howl rattling through as he could feel his right arm twist unnaturally, and could feel something like the very flesh being wrest from where it belonged, heat invading him through his arm.[break][break]

His voice was cut short when he'd felt something pierce through his throat, an awful cut-off of his torturous ordeal. Yet, despite the shocking pain—or rather, explicitly because of it—Rayne remained conscious throughout it all, adrenaline pumping through him, keeping him lucid, yet no amount of dulling could stave off the pain he was going through.[break][break]

Yet before any further damage could be done, a shadowed fist launches out, a single blow at first that tears his bloody shadow off of him, followed by several more, his Dusknoir breaking free of its poké ball in his Inteleon's stead, launching SHADOW PUNCH after Shadow Punch, beating the monstrous figure to a near irrecognisable puddle. All in the mean time, Rayne had laid there, his body limp yet... alive, his wounds slowly closing as his own body continued to SHORE UP to restore what it could, his bleeding slowly stopped, his arm remained twisted in unspeakable manner, his throat... barely kept together that he'd survive the ordeal—in many parts due to the healing presence of the legendary pokémon around him perhaps, especially with 's attempts to keep his men alive—his bloodstained face running clear as tears ran down it, streaks along it like poorly done make-up. Blood remained stained on his clothes yet, rain brought down from his superior's efforts had washed away most of the blood staining his skin, weakly, he'd tried to return his Inteleon to its ball. He'd have reassured that it had done its best if he could, but he could barely keep his open, let alone speak.[break][break]

Rayne himself was in no shape to move, his Dusknoir quick to pick him up and shoulder him, the pokémon loyally carrying him on its back despite its own injuries from earlier. Rayne's eyes closed, barely alive, yet assuredly breathing, the ghost pokémon had dashed for the portal, hurrying to get its trainer to safety and aid.


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- Rayne got the bad touch.[break]
- Inteleon was too busy holding off more to help him(?)[break]
- Rayne got his arm broken, and his throat punctured.[break]
- Saved by his Dusknoir, which used a flurry of SHADOW PUNCHes to force his ghoul off of him.[break]
- Barely recuperating thanks to SHORE UP, arm still broken, but his wounds have closed up mostly, his throat in particular's just barely fine but he'll probably need medical attention. This is not an excuse for me to use the shiny neck diamond thing his FC has, I swear[break]
- Rayne returned Inteleon to its ball (would have reassured that it did its best if he wasn't too weak to), blacked out.[break]
- Dusknoir is piggy-backing his trainer, hurrying to the portal ignoring anything that's not immediate danger to its trainer.[break]
- Probably gonna have trauma from that.
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 5:32:04 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Tired from the exertion of mega evolution, Mint’s Abomasnow groaned tiredly after expending all her energy. Mint’s eyes are still darting around unable to keep up with the chaos. His attention if pulled away from the Seviper and the blood clones to Rayne, caught up with his own clone. Before Mint can really figure a way to help, his friend is screaming. Blood swiftly pouring out of @rayne and into the clone before he can desperately throw it off.

Straciatella doesn’t let him stare in horror for long, gently shoving the ice specialist to follow. “R-Right. Good work, girl.” He said returning her to her pokeball. In exchange, he released Agretti, the Tropius whining before looking around quickly, horrified and morbidly curious at his surroundings. “Buddy, get us out of here!” he said, hoping onto his pokemon’s back without a second thought. He held on tightly with one arm, screaming as Agretti took off in an attempt to avoid the gross blood hands that were popping up out of the earth. “Careful! We can’t lose Sugar out here!” He’d never forgive himself. And he doubted would either.

While rushing, he can still see the spectacle that is riding a Suicune as they in tandem dealt with the death blows of an angry, fake god. It’s strangely beautiful, despite the horrible surroundings the legendary found itself in. But all the same, when the beast passed by, Mint shouted out, “Glad you found it, finally!” He didn’t know what efforts Rowan may have put into this other than just…passing mythological interest. But all the same he seemed happy. At least something good had come out of this hell hole. He wasn’t looking forward to reviewing the footage he’d manage to capture of this. But that was ’s problem, not his own.


+ Lapras | hydration | hydro pump, ice beam, confuse ray, sing, rain dance, body slam [break][break]


aw shit aw fuck aw shit aw fuck [break]
scared for rayne and, we;;, everyone tbh [break]
more than happy to gtfo [break]
swaps out Straciatella the Abomasnow to Agretti the Tropius [break]
congrats everyone but mainly rowan [break]
FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT!! ft miss sugar the meowth [break]




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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 5:47:27 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar




If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.



Bryan looks at the blue mulch, of course! He helps Priam dump the blue mulch frantically into the psuedo-grave they made. [break][break]

The z-move looks ineffective at first, Bryan's frustrations bubbling to the surface as he was about to start punching the floor near xerneas. But before he could slam the floor with his fists something grabs at his hands and body. It was Seviper's final gambit to secure victory and it's meal as it was starting to pull him under.

He fought against the blood hands, grabbing onto priam to try and set him free too as his grimmsnarl was already being dragged. Was this how he died, like he was told by the unowns? He was frantically fighting against it with all his strength before suddenly the only one unbothered by the blood spoke. "I will grant you my blessing. You will save your friends." He looked over to the deer, it was weak at the moment, a spark turning into a flame that barely stayed lit. [break][break]

His exhaustion from earlier began to take him, his black sclera reflecting against the rainbow colored light connected one by one to Bryan and as they connect he looks around and begins to see the chaos unfolding all around them. There was an eerie silence as bryan was dragged under by the blood until it began to glow, then it began to bubble before eventually..[break][break]

A burst of infinity energy pulses outwards from where Priam and Bryan were before. The plant life from not only the tree of life itself began to grow back but also from the surrounding area as the fauna thrived. As the energy pulsed outwards the blood began to ripple and sink into the ground as the blood copies began to dissipate thanks to Xerneas and Bryan's influence. He looked towards Xerneas and a soft smile spread across his lips as he nodded at the creature "Thank you..xerneas..I'm glad I finally found you. After so long.." he said as the wolf had finally secured his prey, the deer. "Please, don't vanish on me suddenly, I dont want to fight another snake.." as he pleaded with the deity of life itself [break][break]

He snapped back over to Priam as droplets of blood that was not his own dripped down the side of his face "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" he said ensuring that Priam was alright. Once bryan was assured he was ok he planted a big old wet one on his lips "You did it Priam! You saved us!" he said embracing him tightly "You helped me save @soleil ..."


notes about this post

Notes go here

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TLDR: [break][break]

Bryan is dragged down by the blood hands at first as he see's xerneas getting up[break][break]

Accepts the power xerneas tries to bequeath onto him.[break][break]

Manages to pull off the move geomancy and restores the life that seviper stole from the tree, also destroying the blood clones[break][break]

Kisses Priam and moves towards the portal quickly as he doesn't want to stick around and find out if those things can come back.[break][break]

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 7:13:40 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”I’m getting us a way out of here.”
It’s with certainty that ’s question is answered over comms, Mars’ endless self-assurance making it seem as if he were completely sure his plan will work. He’s not, of course, but just as he says it, something changes: ’s Minior joins the Unown, its outer shell glitching – darkened and covered in moss. A look is given to the scientist as if to ask if she knows what’s going on, but this is not the time for questions.
An injured lands nearby as he fends off a belligerent sanguine clone, and soon enough, and an equally injured teleport near the portal. ”Shit.” They need to get out of here, and as if to answer a plea that was never raised the rift opens.

The words ring in his mind, recognition coming hand-in-hand with a sense of achievement. Is the Unown Report the answer, then? Are these words some sort of key to travel through dimensions? Once again, this is not the time for questions, but perhaps he’ll discuss the matter with once out of here. For now, all those thoughts are pushed aside, focusing on the situation at hand.
The Seviper is dead, but their strength is exhausted. Many are injured, some have died. It’s dire, but perhaps if there’s a silver lining to it all, that may be with and , the presence of Xerneas and Suicune coming as a welcomed sight. Maybe this whole excursion into the tree had been worth something after all.
”Portal’s open! I’ll Life Dew for those injured. Let’s get out of here.”
Whatever strength is left within him, whatever blessing has been granted by the tree, is all gathered into one final LIFE DEW condensed in a orb of water that soon burst to help the injured around him (particularly , , @rayne and anyone else arriving in a similar situation). His gaze wanders over those who approach the portal, perhaps in search of particular people that he wants to make sure make it through. What the fuck is doing?! And where the hell is ?!
”Calliope, protect the area. We need to make sure that everyone makes it to the portal.”
Mars nods at , also choosing not to cross immediately in order to aid their forces in doing so. All while his Blastoise uses what’s left of her mega evolution’s strength to PROTECT the area as if their shield, before she returns to her original form.
Will the Unown be able to keep the portal open for long enough for everyone to cross? Mars stays next to it to ensure his own way out, hoping most people here will be smart enough to know when it's time to leave... and that they have enough strength left to make it.
Once most have crossed, Mars recalls his pokémon and does so too.
But, what awaits them at the other side of the portal?




[break]- Answer Adrian over comms
[break]- Wondering about Lulu's minior
[break]- Kano and Dante show up with injuries, no time for questions
[break]- Telling people it's time to GO GO GO
[break]- Mars uses LIFE DEW for those injured and staying for a bit in order to make sure people make it through
[break]- Blastoise uses PROTECT to guard the area surrounding the portal, devolves from her mega evolved form.
[break]- Recalls pokémon and crosses portal once most have crossed

[break][break]- Can't believe Oslo is so needy he made me edit this post SMH <3



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,622 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 12:22:34 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar


[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
my old friend


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
death was never the end for you...

Dust in the Wind Remix - Digital Daggers

Unbridled power courses through Yveltal as its attack washes over the faux Xerneas in a torrent, reducing it to a scatter of ashes and detritus as its very form begins to dissolve into the magicks that bound it. A font of infinity energy drained by their villain now scatters to the four winds like rosy will-o'-wisps, their movements like freshly fallen cherry blossoms. Eyes aglow with a violet emanation, Yveltal siphons the twisted idol's power with a pensive gaze, reflecting on the beginning of their cycle unending...[break][break]


Nearby Adrian visualizes both perspectives on a visceral level; his own eyes detect a glimmer of recognition in the mysterious aspect as it looks fleetingly at him, while the mind's eye retains the knowledge that the emulation's aura has been dissolved and absorbed by his own aspect. On a certain level, he understands this bodes ill.[break][break]

For the world built around this Seviper's sacrilege, for those yet within, and Xerneas itself. The great wellspring fuelling this bizarre forest had become defunct. Desolate.[break][break]


Surrounded by anima, Adrian wonders what it was all for; what had their intervention accomplished, if anything? Even now, he is unsure whether they have simply delivered Xerneas into the hands of Walsh and his machine, or inadvertantly destroyed the very thing they'd meant to protect. Yveltal does not seem to share his misgivings, or if it does, it does not share them outwardly. But when was it ever quite so forward?[break][break]

An answer finally finds its way to Adrian: "I’m getting us a way out of here." As yet unaware of the imminence of this land's collapse, he does not rush to leave. Not until the ground shudders, and the great tree they stand upon threatens to collapse.[break][break]

"Serena, where are you? Rowan?" It is not for himself that he immediately worries, but those connected to him; their actions separated them, although a cursory glance would reveal that Rowan took flight astride a cerulean cryptid. And while he had not seen Serena with his own eyes, there is a sense of calm reassurance from Yveltal.[break][break]


We must away from this place, before it is lost... With me now, Executioner![break][break]

Promptly withdrawing his Smeargle, Adrian begins to protest. But Serena—[break][break]

Aspect that he was, and holding Adrian in his thrall, Yveltal cared not for the fate of any but his Chosen, and yet all the same Yveltal detoured as was necessary to bring into its clutches. As they avail themselves towards the portal, Yveltal sweeps low across the canopy of the tree, the claw-like appendages of its tail combing through the tree's leaves before curling around her form as talons.[break][break]

Making quick their escape, they are blind to what lies ahead, beyond the rift...

tl;dr notes[break]
Destroyed by OBLIVION WING, Yveltal absorbs the copy's infinity energy[break]
Mars responds to Adrian over the comms, indicating his plan's success[break]
Adrian withdraws SMEARGLE and mounts Yveltal to escape[break]
Yveltal detours to take SERENA with them from this place [break]
Yveltal darts for the portal with the Malcolms in tow[break]





template by punki

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[newclass=.yveltalcredit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 6:22:26 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam stomps at the ground as hands attempt to grab hold of him. his gabite tries its best to ward off any attacks from itself and its trainer when intervention from the legend finally arrives.

the xerneas' voice shakes him to the core. he's not the recipient of the message, yet he feels the same amount of awe that feels from simply interacting with it.

bryan's voice wakes him up in his daze. subconsciously, he reciprocates the hug, albeit weakly. "y-yeah..." a moment later, he regains a grasp of the situation. "i mean, yeah! of course! i make miracles happen, baybee!"

with things ending soon, and the call for the portal indicating that their exit was covered already, priam turns bryan around and pushes him towards the portal.

"come on! we need to hurry! no need for celebrations here while you cover me with all the muck you have on your face!"

when bryan's head was finally away, priam motions with a finger for his gabite to take a piece or two off of the antlers. the pokemon slashes to take a smaller piece of the gigantic trophy. the dragon-type grasps onto it with its tiny arms before priam recalls it back to its ball, along with their souvenir.

this will be fashioned to a gift later. while not as morbid as the dead druddigon in a ball, nor something as important as samples from the trees, it will still be as memorable.

  • priam pushes bryan to the exit instead of celebrating
  • gabite takes a part of the antlers for souvenir reasons
  • priam recalls gabite and heads to the exit


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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 7:40:26 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
A cheer is raised for as he finishes off the tail slice. Sadly, Chu-e was on top of that bitch, so he and his Delcatty come crashing down. Sparklefur catches herself well, she's a cat after all, but Chu-e ends up rolling and groaning.

"My titties saved me..." Is muttered to himself. While not the luscious badonkers he often likes to wear in his women's outfits, the small amount of extra cushion kept him from getting hurt. His chest would be bruised all to fuck later, though.

Sparklefur hissed as hands grabbed her. Chu-e tried to push himself up but was soon grabbed and pulled down into the same muck. He yelped and reacted on instinct, flailing, and to his surprise they let go. It was exhausting, though. Already more exhausting than whatever had happened earlier.

Pushing himself up, Chu-e wobbled a bit on his feet. It looked like someone had opened up a portal people were running through... it was quite a way away from him, though. Plus those hands were trying to snatch everyone down.

Chu-e glanced at the sky. Hunger burned at the back of his mind. He was tired. His penis was gone.

"Well. Been a good run." He shrugged and took off his belt of pokeballs, wrapped them around Sparklefur. "Go find . And don't eat him, you little cunt!" Said fondly, even as the Shadow Delcatty hisses before running off to find the blue haired twink.

Being a leader, to Chu-e, meant being willing to die for those below you. It's what he believed separated the morons from Kanto from what Hoenn could be. It was a small thing, but Chu-e did his best - to exhaust himself, bend and warp the hands away from ankles. It wasn't much, but if it helped the other's get away.

That'd be okay with him.

- Chu-e falls down and his new boobs catch him
- Sparklefur (Shadow Delcatty) and himself get caught by the hands but he realizes he can bend them away
- Gives Sparklefur his pokeballs and has her run off to find Mint and escape
- Decides to do a 'fuck it' and exhaust himself to try and save other people
- Save him you bitch!!!! Hehe
- I'm very tired
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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 8:11:22 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


A portal manifests right in front of Mars, a portal that supposedly leads them to the safety of the outside realm. Would Kano blindly trust that notion? No, she would think that this portal could lead into a space rift and send them all back to the past where the concept of Pokemon trainer is not that common yet. A wild claim for someone like Kano, however, that only shows how tired and in pain she is right now and her strong desire for everything to be truly over. Her body shines bright after touching the orb of water from Mars's gift - Her wounds start to close and the pain starts to subside to a tolerable level. Kano returns her Voltorb back to her Pokeball and calls out GENGAR. "Give Mars' Blastoise a hand" Kano gives out a short order before Gengar waddles forward and ready to cast CONFUSE RAY to any threatening entity that might get close to them. [break][break]

"The dimensional distortion that comes out from the portal" Kano murmurs right next to , wondering over something. "It looks in a stabilized state right now but I am afraid something unpredictable such as the concept of space and time at the meta-level would become worse real fast. I wouldn't be surprised if it somehow sent us to an unfavorable place but I think I would prefer anywhere than here right now" Kano offers a simple analysis as she could. "In short, we need to hurry. I will let you, the rocket admin, urge everyone to enter the Portal as fast as possible if they want to be saved. I will give you hand on protecting this place until everyone comes into the portal" Kano declares. Her offer was not from a kind place but it is from her strong desire to not be the very first one who enters the portal and want to see others be her guinea pig. After all, there is still a chance that people got torn apart right after they step onto the portal like fruit in a blender. [break][break]

tl;dr [break]
- Return her voltorb and calls out Gengar [break]
- Got healed by LIFE DEW [break]
- Gengar on standby and will use Confuse ray to confuse any entity that wants to hurt them [break]
- Do a simple analysis on the portal [break]
- Urge any admin or beast nearby to call out an order to enter the portal as soon as possible [break]
- Refuse to be the first one to enter [break]
- Will enter once everyone enter and if there is no accident happen.



template by punki

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
part of
TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 17:19:56 GMT
there's nothing left of the seviper's head to salvage but bits of rapidly-melting flesh, tooth, and blood. what is left, however, is the LARGE SCALE that lodged itself in the ground earlier. theo quickly salvages it as he attempts to pull it out of the ground with his yaoi hands.


as if the obvious needed to be said.

with his naganadel tailing behind, theo does his best to help people through the portal before stepping through himself.
- theo bringing the SEVIPER SCALE with him from earlier
- theo heading thru portal bye
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing