i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 19:16:18 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Wisps of shadowed fire burn away the threatening spores, and Gavin looks to with an expression of genuine gratitude and relief.

"Cheers, mate. I owe you one."

And then he's gone, sprinting toward as if their lives depend on it. For all he knew, they did. 's voice is lost in the din of battle, and 's plea for answers goes unheard through the broken communicator.

Alarm spears deep in his chest as the miasma that swirls around him vanishes like smoke before a breeze. A desperate glance is cast toward SHADOW LUGIA, but his dark patron remains standing in her legendary fury. Was it the doing of the spores, then? Had they taken his powers? With no way of knowing that this was the doing of , Gavin assumes the worst — there is no time to mourn them. Just as Temp cannot properly react to the death of his beloved Pokémon when their lives were on the line.

Gavin's own words are swallowed by the screams of the dying as the PRISMATIC LASER sears across the battlefield. He's thrown to the ground by the force of it, though due to CORVIKNIGHT'S swift intervention, the blast had only wounded and not killed him outright. The loyal silver bird is not so lucky. There is nothing left of it, nor of the HATTERENE he'd sent out with the intent of aid.

LUGIA, too, sustains injury, forced to RECOVER instead of pressing forward. "Thanks," Gavin breathes, when 's Chandelure moves to help with her spores.

"Cill, I'm not leaving you. Just tell me what to do!"

He's never loved anyone more than in that moment. He lays one hand, bloodied from his harsh impact with the ground, overtop of Temp's own in a silent gesture of solidarity. I love you so much, you goddamn idiot. But he doesn't say that. Instead...

"We need to stop Necrozma."

He's told Temp it's name before, and has imparted upon his lover the danger of the creature they now faced. How many Pokémon he'd thrown at it who hadn't survived. The odds were not in their favour. But they had to try.

With a sharp exhale of desperation, Gavin summons the SHADOWS he'd obtained from the hatchery. Mere imitations of his own, but all he had while his main team recovered. A GLACEON and BRAVIARY take to the field. Braviary is quicker to act, it's SHADOW STORM a lesser copy of Lugia's own. It sends it toward NECROZMA all the same, shrieking fury.

"We should help Xerneas. There!"

Gesturing to 's antlered patron, Gavin once again finds himself on the move.

⁠— Gavin thanks for burning off his DARK SPORES before joining up with . He doesn't hear (as no one did) or (as the communicators were broken in an earlier post I'M SORRY I WANTED TO RESPOND)
LUGIA uses RECOVER to... recover, from her wounds.
— Gavin tells they have to fight NECROZMA; sends out GLACEON and H!BRAVIARY, who are both HATCHERY SHADOWS.
— Glaceon does nothing this round cause I didn't want to do too much in one post; BRAVIARY uses SHADOW STORM on NECROZMA.
— Gavin (and by Yams' request) go to XERNEAS.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 19:32:46 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The pain was still there, Hideo holding a hand to his head in some futile attempt to lessen it. ’s Slowking’s Heal Pulses did help, but the thought of suffering the bloody bubble burst several others did at the meetup was lodged in the boy’s mind - even as the pain subsided and the only liquid dripping from his eyes were tears.

He could hear a flurry of attacks fly out towards the massive monster. His Pokemon hadn’t attacked on their own volition, and he could only wonder what kind of power it would take to destroy something that had taken over the Tree of Life.

Could they even destroy something that size?

Unfortunately, Hideo hadn’t brought any hard-hitters with him. He took out another pair of Pokeballs - the last ones he had - and let out a pair of Pokemon, a Dustox and a Banette. Both defensive in nature; if he wasn’t going to attack, the least he could do was defend.

And as he regained his footing, he could hear words in his head once more.


His Medicham brought his attention to the three legendary Pokemon bound by the Necrozma: Groudon, Yveltal, and Xerneas. Groudon, he’d helped pacify, while he could recall people mentioning Xerneas was present when Littleroot had been lit on fire, even taking away the guy that was responsible. Yet Hideo could also recall telling him of a vision she’d had, where Yveltal was slain by a giant monster.

And there was the prophecy from the Lake Trio that he could recall:

One will steal the Foundation of Life
One will kill the Apparition of Death

Though at the time, he didn’t know which was which, he’d learned since then which Pokemon represented those concepts: Xerneas as Life, Yveltal as Death. Groudon wasn’t in the prophecy at all.

But before he could consider the implications of that inconsistency, the Necrozma went on the attack. Blasts of energy went everywhere, and Hideo’s Pokemon could see the beams get closer. His Dustox flew in front of him, erecting a Protective barrier in front of him, while his remaining Pokemon braced as best they could.

The cracking of the Protect proved it wouldn’t be enough. One beam landed dangerously close, knocking Hideo to the ground once more. He’d managed to get away with a (painful) bruise to the side, and most of his Pokemon received similar minor injuries.

Hideo groaned, his Medicham helping him back up as his Pokemon also got up. Sore as he was, this pain wasn’t nearly as bad as the head pain he’d felt before. In fact, the head pain was practically gone now.

And his Medicham informed him of the arrival of a new Pokemon: small, floating, babylike, yellow. Not unlike the description his Beheeyem gave him of one of the Lake Trio.

take your pokemon…

…and make the correct choice.

He could hear it speak to him, and was told a light flew from it towards one of the three trapped Pokemon. The message was clear: get to one of them and help them in any way possible. Eris was already heading towards Yveltal, as he was informed, and a number of other people were headed towards the Kyogre. Which left the Foundation of Life to fend for itself.

Not for long.

We gotta help Xerneas!” Hideo announced, both to his team and to everyone around him. His battered Pokemon nodded, but rather than take the entire team, his Banette opted to prepare a Phantom Force for itself and the Dustox; though it would extend its Phantom Force for any of the other trainers that wanted to send their Pokemon over to Xerneas - or the trainers themselves if they were bold enough to join in.

Upon their arrival, the Dustox would lend its strength to Xerneas. The Banette was just there to keep an eye out, in case Necrozma went on the attack again and the Dustox needed to get pulled out.

Hideo was left a bit confused, but he knew it was best to stay close to the Lake Trio member that appeared. Rushing into danger had gone poorly for him before. He wasn’t keen on his Pokemon going in alone, but he had a feeling his Pokemon wouldn’t let him do that. None of them would be willing to bring him closer to whatever that thing was.

Not to mention that Banette would’ve been his only quick way to Xerneas; his Zebstrika had unfortunately been caught by a direct blast. His Medicham hadn’t told him of the loss yet.

Hideo lets out a Dustox and Banette
More voices (and flashbacks, like any proper anime uses as filler)
Hideo made aware of the three Legendaries's predicament
Incoming lasers. Zebstrika killed, Hideo and his team injured.
Nobody tells him about the Zebstrika
Medicham tells him about Uxie's arrival and its actions.
Hideo's Banette and Dustox go to Xerneas via Phantom Force to support it (only the Dustox supports, due to fully evolved and not mega-capable)
Also bringing along anyone that wants it
Hideo's staying where he was (near Uxie)

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 6:19:35 GMT
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two psychic-types were brought out for support, going along with assumptions based on his silvally's typing. things go awry fast as expectations were beset by reality.

the pokemon he brought out were wiped in moments. 's comfey attempts to help, but kyle shields it away from involving itself, muttering a simple command. "flower shield." it wasn't enough to block the entire thing, but together with the bodies of his pokemon, he manages to survive.

ruination clears the field in their immediate area, leaving behind marks where his pokemon used to be alongside a nonresponsive solgaleo. it only takes a moment for kyle to figure things out, with it's previous interaction proving more to be a one-off rather than permanent.

kyle clicks his tongue from frustration.

it wasn't enough. nothing was. preparation against the inevitable capable meant little to the grand scheme of things. the only option from the start was to struggle like the dogs that they were.

kyle shuts off, deciding to rely more on impulse than logic, and proceeds to follow the first thought that comes to him.

take your pokemon…

…and make the correct choice

in a way, is correct not to nudge kyle along with him. terrakion gets released to deal with the solgaleo. no discussion was exchanged between the two, both of them trusting to do what needs to be done.

the sword of justice prepares its sacred sword, parrying the solgaleo's springtide storm when it attempts to fire it off at its trainer. the terrakion attempts to make another strike to knock it out when the solgaleo's target doesn't change.

he splits off without looking back at the battle of the titans, reconvening with his silvally, who he finds by xerneas, surprisingly unharmed by the previous barrage of attacks. questions were present, but not asked, as priorities were in order.


with his voice, the pokemon comes running towards its trainer. the pain was muted by his adrenaline as he rushes towards his pokemon, leaping towards it for the chimera to catch him. the two roll on the dirt as kyle takes his hand over the silvally's drives, releasing the necrozma memory from it.

no more gimmicks. no more unknown elements in the equation.

the change in its coding brings a shock to the silvally, but the presence of its trainer grounds it back to comfort. with kyle on its back, the pokemon rushes to where xerneas was.

it screeches at the necrozma as they get into position, letting out its parting shot.

  • kyle releases 2 pokemon that die immediately
  • kyle survives the attack with meat shields + comfey's flower shield
  • terrakion takes on solgaleo as kyle moves to more pressing matters
  • kyle takes silvally's necrozma memory out
  • kyle + silvally approach xerneas
  • silvally uses parting shot


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 9:49:45 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Lost shadows left behind...

[attr=class,bulk][break]Danger closes in on them, but a massive stretch of Yveltal's wing safeguards Adrian beneath the cover of feather down, though its body is wracked with inescapable anguish. Adrian cannot help but feel a little helpless, having exhausted what few options he might've had. Despite the glow of his arm seeming responsive to something, he cannot seem to puzzle it out. Were it not for the intervention of Skyler, they might not have made it this far.[break][break]

Staring up at the big beastie, he cannot help but wonder what could have happened differently. Perhaps he regrets leaving Howitzer behind, knowing she'd just lost him again. He reflects on that haunting memento mori, feeling the thought of his death creeping into his conscious. Only moments away from such viscera...[break][break]

What would it be like—he always wondered, but never truly wished to know. The inevitable resolution of the human condition drew closer...[break][break]

Back in the city proper, a doorway blasts off its hinges as a massive streak of orange-on-black comes bounding towards the tumult, keenly sensitive to this feeling of dread, despair lingering over the city. She races forward toward the scent of Adrian, much as he chased her through space and time, wanting nothing more than to be at his side as they had always been. ARCANINE would enter the fray determined to make the difference.

Just before Adrian can wholly surrender himself to these feelings, the ground beneath them shows significant promise. Runes begin to saturate with an eerie glow, and by their light they are perhaps guided to their salvation. Yveltal brims with this borrowed power, finding the strength to rise again. Before it takes wing, a lone cyan orb passes over Adrian, speaking with austere candor:[break][break]

...We will not go gently into that good night.

It parts ways with him before taking to the skies just overhead, ARCANINE racing up to his side in that moment of bewilderment, brushing up against his arm to jostle him from his stupor. Though his heart beats with a sense of alarm, in her stare he finds obstination enough to match his own. That's just how it was.[break][break]

"Fine. We'll do this together." Win or lose, though he prayed the former. He was himself limited, knowing the creature impervious to his own interventions. All he could do was stand with them.[break][break]

ARCANINE would conjure the extent of her abilities in one emolating attack (BURN UP), while the destruction aspect presiding overhead tapped into its own disciplines (DOOM-DRIVEN DIRGE), much the same as all those around them were doing; this was their last breath before the plunge. Were they up to the task given them?[break][break]


Put in layman's terms; it was time to fuck around and find out.

tags @ tag[break]
tl;dr Yveltal sustains heavy damage (Shadow untargeted, no other pokemon out)[break]
Adrian hides under its wings; Howitzer races to the scene[break]
The runes beneath them take hold; Yveltal swells with might[break]


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 13:31:32 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

The circle is complete, energy fills the air as if crackling electricity, and when the voice of one of the Lake Guardians speaks into his mind and shares the rest of the words he had discovered on his own, everything suddenly makes sense. If only for a short moment, Mars allows himself to think that everything will be okay.
D A R K N E S S [break]
R E Q U I R I N G [break][break]

He had been right to a degree, but he had missed a couple of keywords in this puzzle. Darkness does yield enemies, but what the Guardians believe is needed to defeat those enemies, is them. Their will, their emotions, and their knowledge. Suddenly, the prophecy that had been given to and then now heard by and makes perfect sense.
Uxie appears, deep in slumber, and even in the night, he can see them in the distance: Mesprit and Azelf. Within him, there’s an overwhelming need to go to the Being of Willpower, to make sure it’s unharmed and to say all the things he has wanted to say for almost a year now, but just as a choice is about to be made, darkness consumes all
For what feels like the tenth time ever since he first teleported to the Tree of Life (in what has probably been minutes but has surely felt like a painful eternity), eyes marked by golden tones widen despite being unable to see anything. No, there’s something he can see: the bright beams of light created by Necrozma, powerful and inescapable.
Unbeknownst to Mars, close to the extradimensional beast as she had been in order to attack, his Malamar dies instantly. This is a death he’ll account for later, perhaps when this is all over, but for now his mind is preoccupied with much more pressing concerns: teleporting when he can’t get a good look at his surroundings and with so many people scattered all around them is too damn dangerous.
There’s only one thing left to do to guarantee their survival.
”Claudius.” Admittedly, this time there’s an unexpected pang when giving the command. The Galarian Slowking had been among the first pokémon Mars acquired when moving to Hoenn and it had served him well all this time. It could be called fondness, yet still not enough for him not to order Claudius to be of service one final time.
Still holding onto , he stands behind the Slowking, the pokémon shielding them from the PRISMATIC LASER just as he becomes aware that the Riolu is also doing as much. Searing pain comes with Necrozma’s light – cuts and scrapes that he’s sure could have been deadly injuries if pokémon had not protected them. Somehow, the Riolu manages to survive, although clearly injured to the point it cannot stand. The Slowking does not. Even though Mars cannot see it, the corpse of a Shellder and a pool of blood are all that is left behind.
The scent of death hangs heavy in the air.
What now?
The Guardians give him the answer:

Of course.
”Fuck. Are you all alright?” There is no time. No time to assess damages. No time for healing. No time for carefully thought out strategies. A choice must be made, and it must be made now. As he has done more than a few times, Mars decides to put his faith in the Guardians. Think, feel, act. Act. Always act. ”They want us to choose, so let’s choose.”
He doesn’t have a lot of pokéballs left with him, but he still doesn’t think twice before reaching for that of one of his most loyal companions. The Metagross lets out a metallic hum when released, the mega stone that adorns one of its arms glistening even in the complete darkness. ”Go to Kyogre... I may join you soon.”
Why Kyogre? Why not one of the legendary pokémon that he knows are aligned with Team Rocket? The ones he’s familiar with, that he’s fond of, that he knew they should help and protect? It just feels right. He follows his gut. He acts, believing his Persian is still by Xerneas’ side and knowing is also sending help to the Life Pokémon.
With a heavy sigh, Mars watches the pokémon disappear into the darkness, and soon enough, would perhaps see the silver Metagross approach Kyogre through the air thanks to its MAGNET RISE. At the very same time, with the thorns now gone, the Shadow Persian being to make her way back to her trainer's side.
”Theseus.” The Riolu realises the admin is talking to him now, finally having been given a name. Mars kneels by its side, gently pressing a Luxury Ball against its forehead to send it back to its confines. ”You did well.”
It’s clear that protection is necessary, so he reaches for another Luxury Ball, knowing full well that doing so may just be a death sentence for the Gallade he summons then. A WIDE GUARD is cast all the same.
And, when standing, a memory that now feels distant fills the admin’s mind, and his gaze wanders towards the place where he had seen Azelf last:

Are they really watching?
This dark night bears no stars.



[break]- Reacting to seeing Guardians appear
[break]- Is about to go to Azelf when Necrozma attacks
[break]- Malamar DIES instantly
[break]- Slowking DIES protecting the group
[break]- METAGROSS (can mega evol.) goes to KYOGRE
[break]- SHADOW PERSIAN leaves Xerneas
[break]- Riolu is called back
[break]- GALLADE casts WIDE GUARD
[break]- Mars remembers the prophecy Azelf gave him
[break]- Probably moving next post but didn't want to do it rn because too many actions + didn't know if DARK ZONE was still active



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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 18:46:41 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

With the world literally being blasted to smithereens around them, the best he could do was look over at the—strange assortment of people that had decided to converge and help out with the—

What the fuck? Was all this? Legendary… oh, that made his head hurt!

Too many words made his head spin—for one thing, he was more of an individual who preferred action. That much was clear.

And then everything went to shit in one singular moment.

Attacks going off everywhere, him wondering if was still alive (the crazy ol’ man) and then the flash-bang of powerful attacks exploding helter-skelter, the thing at their feet suddenly glowing with a strange power and coming alive—

Honestly, what the hell was going on?!

(Maybe it was a good thing he’d recalled Mustang, after all… but then it left him open to the incoming—)

Not one, but two bursts of light came pouring forth from within his jacket—one silhouette transforming into a slim reptile he knew by her stance alone, while the other—

The other—

The other beam of red light had transformed into the hulking, familiar form of…

“Luxu! Al—no, no, no, get fucking back here!” he all but screamed, fumbling for his Salazzle and Golurk’s Pokéballs within his overcoat and failing to pull them out in time as the light all but literally atomized the two Pokémon that had gone out to protect him from the worst of the blast.

The worst…

Arashi hadn’t noticed that his own right arm (yes, the prosthetic one) had also been blown off in the process, since he had to raise his left arm to his face to shield his own eyes from getting toasted alive due to the force of the Prismatic Laser attack (not that he knew what it was, no) incinerating most anything it could reach.

Once the light faded…

Only then did he realize that his right arm was missing. Literally blown into smithereens. But he didn’t care. He. Didn’t care.

All he wanted to do now…

…was to kill the motherfucker that had taken his Golurk and Salazzle away from him!

Two more beams of red light emerged from his person—Ira, his Tyrantrum; and Ava, his Noivern.

“Follow… follow Hideo’s Pokémon,” he hissed.

It was on.

It was fucking on.

Whatever that big-ass black thing was that had thrown that attack that had taken down two of his longest, oldest companions—

That fuckin’ bitch is going down!

At the same time, the Noivern used Tailwind, while the Tyrantrum prepared to rampage with a Dragon Dance as they made a beeline for the Phantom Force that Hideo’s Banette had summoned for them to get to their intended destination much quicker.

As an afterthought, since his Noivern and Tyrantrum were now shadowing Hideo’s Dustox (and whatever else Pokémon were going to follow them), he summoned his Rapidash once more—the Rapidash alarmed at the stench of death all around them, but Arashi paid it no heed.

“Be strong, Mustang,” he continued in that same hiss as he swung himself up on the equine’s back (with some difficulty, considering he only had one arm to balance himself as opposed to two) before looking over where Hideo (and the others were gathered, not that he recognized any single one of them)—

“Whatever the fuck we’re doing. We’re going to beat the shit out of that thing,” he went on as he pointed with his remaining arm at the Necrozma.

• Necrozma goes apeshit, used Prismatic Laser on everything
• Arashi’s Salazzle and Golurk emerge from their Pokéballs to take the hit for him!
• Salazzle and Golurk are dead, jim. They fuckin’ DEAD
• Arashi just watches as the last vestiges of his home, from all the way in Enju, are evaporated in the aftermath of the attack
And now he’s mcfucking PISSED
• Summoned Noivern and Tyrantrum!
• Noivern begins preparations with Tailwind, Tyrantrum gets ready with a Dragon Dance
• Both Tyrantrum and Noivern are following Hideo’s Dustox via Banette Phantom Force portal towards Xerneas
• Arashi only belatedly realizes his right arm has been blasted off as well
Fuck that Necrozma!
• Summoned his Rapidash (again), climbs aboard Mustang’s back with difficulty
‘Where you go, I’m fucking following. To the depths of hell.’

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 21:06:54 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Necrozma took on its true form, Oscar had foolishly believed that Deliverance protect him and his fellow nearby trainers from its inevitable assault. How easily he forgets what he is dealing with. Slateport was not so long ago, and there Necrozma did not even display a fraction of its power. As it unleashed its Prismatic Laser, Oscar held onto a sliver of hope that everything would be fine.

How naïve.

The attack was much stronger than it seemed, though it may have been worse had Deliverance not been using Mirror Coat. It took a laser directly to the face, and as it wobbled its body would flash as if it were about to reflect the attack. Alas, this energy it took on was far too strong. The wobbuffet exploded into a burst of cosmic energy, sending Oscar flying backwards.

Everything went hazy as Oscar rolled across the ground, his ears ringing from the explosion. He could barely comprehend what had happened before his senses recovered, his vision reeling from the impact of Deliverance's--deliverance. As Oscar regained his awareness, he witnessed the true horror of Necrozma's attack. No one in attendance was spared, everyone had just suffered a major blow. Oscar punched the ground as he shakily pushed himself to his feet. He probably should have been mincemeat, if it were not for Deliverance...

Oscar suddenly tensed, what of Mercy? Was she alright? He swung his head around, searching frantically for his combat medic. Luckily, she had rolled rather close by behind him. Her face was dug into the dirt, and she was motionless. Oscar ran to the Blissey's side, rolling her over to see if she was alive. Against all odds she seemed alright, she was even awake. She spat out some dirt before wriggling free from her master's grasp and jumping to her feet. She was covered in bruises, and while Oscar could not get a look at himself he could tell from the pain that he had his fair share of scrapes. However, he and his blissey would not be detoured. They were both ready to fight until their hearts stopped beating!

Before they could take further action however, shit got really weird. The runes beneath them began to glow intensely, and some magic fetuses appeared out of nowhere! In that moment Oscar really wished for this sort of nonsense to stop being the norm but whatever the world was ending. Voices in his mind told him to make a choice, and as he saw Xerneas begin to glow he knew exactly what to decide. He and Mercy dragged their asses over to the Pride Deer's side and awaited whatever divine bullshit was about to come next.


--Oscar's Wobbuffet blew up.
--Oscar and Blissey are alright, for now.
--Oscar has chosen to stand by Xerneas with Blissey.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 23:25:24 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]what in the seven hells is this shit?

her mouth forms a surprised o as multicolored lasers begin to rain absolute destruction across the battlefield. her gallade tries to stand tall, a shield against the onslaught. wide guard does little to prevent the inevitable.

and illeana stares as lasers rip through the shimmering guard of her gallade to pierce its body. galahad falls in a similar manner to its namesake and for a moment, she's frozen into place. a shaky hand rises to wipe the blood from her cheek and faintly, she feels the beginning of tears.

her flygon falls next. lasers pierce the dragon's wings, clipping it and sending it hurtling toward the ground. a final, devastating blow fires through the poor dragon's body just before it hits the ground.

with no pokemon left besides 's loaned comfey, she feels more exposed than ever. a walking, talking target...

the pokemon selection is mindless, done on autopilot with fumbling fingers. and when a lopunny joins her side, she's wondering if there should be more fire power... it's too late, however. her decision is made for the moment.

grabs for her and as stays behind to fend off his now angry and defiant lion. she glances back at the champion as they leave, hoping he'll be safe against this massive monster. with the rest of the boys, she heads for kyogre. her hand reaches to pull away with a sharp tug and a pleading look.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- gallade dies
- flygon dies
- calls out lopunny
- follows matias to pick kyogre
- will drag greyson tf out of there too if necessary

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,741 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 23:51:58 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







The realization hit him. [break][break]

He was powerless before this poke-this monster. [break][break]

He was shut down essentially as every threat the group of trainers here threw at him barely managed to make even a scratch. They were all going to die here, himself included. He panicked, for once fear was painted plain as day on his face, known to no one but himself thanks to his mask. [break][break]

His one true fear was death, he feared what would happen in the afterlife, knowing a hell for his sins was constantly awaited him. Yet it only motivated him to secure his and Xerneas's survival. The shadow Persian managed to take out part of the object that was crucifying Xerneas with it's shadow move. Is that how he was to deal with it? [break][break]

He didn't really have time to think about it as suddenly Necrozma went on the offensive. His Smeargle reacted before he could issue a command, jumping in the way of the first laser as it slowly vanished from existence, leaving no trace behind. He threw out another pokeball for a different pokeball to tank it, sacrificing someone else for his own survival. [break][break]

He panicked, sending out the wrong one and sacrificing his azurill who had no idea what happened from the speed at which she died. He slammed the floor, his fist began to bleed as the flowers continually sapped away at his strength. Yet it seemed like the tides were changing, as some strange Pokémon appeared and offered their help as Xerneas's strength began to come back to not only him but Bryan. [break][break]

He sent out his zoroark, "Hide us as best you can zoroark. We need to stall as best as we can." he asked as Zoroark nodded, he attempted to create an illusion that would make Xerneas and Bryan appear a few feet away from their actual location as they stalled for time for these weird fetus pokemon to help them out. [break][break]

"Comfey, shadow storm me, see if you can rip off these stupid fucking flowers." he answers as he moved away from Xerneas and braced for the attack coming his way, glad that his ability to heal came back somewhat. As his shadow Comfey began to channel wicked winds and attempted to have the flowers ripped out of his body. [break][break]

Unbeknownst to him, Bryan's ZOROARK was lending XERNEAS his support.


notes about this post



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. Bryan's smeargle tanks the first laser blast and bryan accidentally sends out his azurill who is also sacrificed. [break][break]
. Bryan start to feel some of his strength coming back slowly yet surely and sends out his zoroark to create an illusion of Xerneas and Bryan a few feet away from their actual location. [break][break]
. Bryan orders his shadow comfey to use shadow storm on him to try and rip the flowers off of him.[break][break]
. Zoroark lends it's support to Xerneas.

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 3:54:46 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

If only he knew the retaliation would be so horrible.

His Pokemon were gone in an instant. Houndour howled a sound he'd never hear again, more of a siren than any sound from a hound. The other two? Well, they disappeared with nary a sound. He saw them start to turn towards the laser, and vanish, vaporized as if they were never there.

Rex quailed in fright, whipping around to flee to Gavin like he was a living shield. Quite suddenly, the ground rushed up to meet him, legs failing him. Wrenching up with his arms, Rex cursed and looked to see what had snared him and felt the blood leave his face. One of his pants legs hung short, and was quickly pouring red, coating the fabric of his shirt and his skin scarlet. There was no leg under his knee, like his Pokemon, it was as if it was never there.

He shrieked like the Houndour, curling in over himself, mindless with pain. Yet a message came through. Take your Pokemon and make the right choice?

"Don't screw with me!"

Had it been only up to him, he would have laid there and let the world consume him. Or die of blood loss, whichever came first. One of his Pokemon, however, disagreed. Resonating, and feeling the urgency of the choice, his Zweilous burst free from her Pokeball. The nearly blind Pokemon simply followed her instincts. Rex was no longer the strong one, but she needed him. Without even a cursory apology, the dragon bit down on Rex's other, surviving leg, ignoring his curses and shouting as she dragged him.

Right towards the deathbringer. It was only fortunate today it was to save their lives.

TLDR: Rex loses Exploud, Houndour, and Haxorus, all three die. He loses his leg too, but manages to hear the message. His Zweilous comes out of its Pokeball, and drags Rex towards Yvetal.

Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam. Dead
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt. Dead
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl.
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot. Dead

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 4:07:41 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim


Relief floods Georgette the closer she steps towards , and she releases 's wrist when he seems to be following her lead. It's a matter of moments before 's polite voice garners her attention, blue-green eyes wide with curiosity; that curiosity almost immediately jolts into concern.
"Do not move," she exhales, her hands subtly shaking before she manages to still them. Setting down the Slowpoke in her arms, Georgette bolts back to the nearby supplies, doing her best to ignore the pressure in her head, and grabs a medical kit and a bottle of water. Not wasting time, she's soon at Gwyar's side to grasp him by the elbow, the man gently guided down onto the ground as she assures him, "I need to check the wound." Gloves are donned, scissors used to peel back ragged cloth, and a splash of water reveals the extent of Gwyar's piercing. Wincing subtly at the sight, she murmurs lowly, "Just a quick wrap, you will be fine." She hopes. A few moments later and she has antiseptic slathered against the wound and a bandage wound tightly around it.
That would have to do for now.
It all happens too quickly, with Georgette's attention diverted. The next thing she knows her Slowpoke is thrown to the ground, the light of life gone from its eyes. There is no time to mourn. Ripping off her gloves, Georgette pauses for a moment, her hands reaching to check the Slowpoke's pulse before a soft sigh spills from her lips. "I'm sorry," she whispers in Kalosian.
Reaching into her satchel, she releases a Whimsicott and directs it fiercely with, "Lend Xerneas a Helping Hand!"

+ Bandages up Gwyar [break]
+ Her slowpoke dies [break]
+ Release Whimsicott to help Xerneas [break]


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 5:19:29 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

[attr=class,bulk]Escorted by his Metagross, Derek witnesses the Blacephalon's fall with the faintest glimmer of hope finding it's way to his features. Though as he glides along smiling towards what he views as the center, they face yet another threat in the form of Necrozma's PRISMATIC LASER. Though less powerful, it goes off much quicker than anticipated thanks to and his Solgaleo.
Derek didn't have much, if any time to think. To react.
Running through the chances, the scenarios, and assimilating all this ongoing information around them, Clovis (Metagross) saw only one way to ensure the safety of either one of them. A cold, calculated pokemon, it shifts itself around to the point Derek falls over from where he was perched atop it's head. "S-STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Screaming, stained with the desperation to hold onto something that he knows will soon be gone. He can see the growing glow of the PRISMATIC LASER beaming down over them as he falls...
Clovis (Metagross) is now free to drive itself and it's protective screen directly towards the Necrozma and the laser poised in their direction. Before Derek can witness this, however, Azirim (Gyarados) catches the trainer in it's mouth, closing shut as the explosive impact caused them to come crashing down to the ground. It's quite the sound, even when muffled by the living flesh that engulfed the gym leader in an attempt to shield him.
Grounded by the blast and spit out, Derek quickly uses a pokeball to retrieve the Gyarados before it can decide to risk itself any further. Opting for the pokeball containing his Grimmsnarl instead, Derek observes fighting with Bowie to their right before deciding to do the same.
Reaching with a hand to point out the Grimmsnarl's target, the keystone bracelet concealed beneath the cuff of his jacket was now exposed enough to begin resonating with the Grimmsnarl's tongue piercing—a mega stone.


Mimicking it's trainer, the Grimmsnarl that grew to new heights reached outward with it's open hand and loosed a devastating DARK PULSE at the giant Necrozma...

- Derek on the map![break]
- Metagross died PROTECTING Derek![break]
- Gyarados is hurt & then returned to it's pokeball![break]
- Derek moved towards Kyogre (Skyler?) at the center![break]
- Derek summons MEGAGrimmsnarl and attacks w/ DARK PULSE![break]


template by punki

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 5:36:32 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

He can only hope took her Pokémon and heeded his words before leaving. Because what follows next is unlike anything he'd ever faced before.

After seeing the entity endure that onslaught with little more than a few scratches, his mind inadvertently freefalls into a former self. Into the foolish teenager he used to be, and the worst memory that came along with it: 

Hands clutching tightly to a heaving Dragapult's tail. Flames filling a hellish cavern with a ferocious roar. The snap of a Drednaw's maw shaking stalactites loose from above. Charred armor peeking out of the crevices between rocks. Charred flesh peeking out from armor: bubbled, blackened, smoky hues of mottled orange and black. A sacrifice.


FEAR embraces him first, and Zekrom feels it. The seed of it had been planted with the idea of losing Luka, but now it sprouts to life stronger than before. After such a long time mastering control over his fear, the loss of that control only serves to amplify the feeling.


When the sky above them turns black, shifting their reality into a dark and empty void, the royal hurriedly pulls two luxury balls from his belt, nearly spilling them across Zekrom's back. He manages to summon two Pokémon for what comes next instead: a KADABRA and a MEDICHAM. They almost immediately shudder to feel such an uncharacteristic emotion from their master.

His eyes, once frozen in a stare, now can't seem to hold still any longer. They dart to and fro in search of friends or allies who may need help. Perhaps being in service of others would help stem the panic, he thinks.

But, in the end, the one he should have been worried about was himself.

"You two! SHIELD US, N—"


The Medicham and the Kadabra are barely given enough time to erect barriers, the latter through use of its TELEKINESIS as it pulls broken branches and debris in front of them as a shield. Unfortunately, this proves to be useless in the face of the PRISMATIC LASERs heading their way. Both of their barriers are almost immediately shattered, and their now LIFELESS bodies blown backwards in the resulting explosion.

ZEKROM and Remiel are blasted backward themselves. They manage to survive, though the prince is lucky not to be crushed by the former when they land in a heap. Even so, the nightmare of his past comes true again as he slowly opens his eyes. The dragon groans as it moves, and the sound of it echoes hauntingly through Remiel's mind, embedding itself as a core memory.

His responsibilities as ambassador, admin, and 'exalted' one were his weight to bear— and, unlike his status as heir apparent to the Galarian throne, these were weights he'd chosen. But if he failed Zekrom, then what would that mean for the rest? Would his life simply devolve into a domino effect of disaster?

"Sometimes I think I'm not putting in enough effort..." He admits, his gaze settling back into a veil of nonchalance as he gazes upwards at the clouded sky. There's a pause, then he blinks, looking back at . "For Zekrom, I mean... sometimes I wonder if he doesn't just see the rest of my life as distractions."

Was this a premonition come true? Was this the end? He struggles to crawl up on all fours. His ears ring and his vision blurs, but they both settle before long. It is only then that he realizes he is upon Zekrom's hand. In the split-second of time it had, the legendary had cupped him in its winged hands and shielded him from the worst of it.

Though, even still, Remiel had emerged bloodied and burnt, his long coat now tattered and frayed.

The dragon, on the other hand, had sustained worse WOUNDS. It was no stranger to torture thanks to the efforts of GENERAL PHILOMERA, prior to the MEGALOPOLAN WAR. Even so, the Necrozma's lasers, were far more painful than it might have expected.

Patches of black-green scales here and there had been burnt to a crisp. Exposed flesh emitted wisps of smoke. Specks of blood stained the areas around those wounds, though there was a notable lack of blood besides that. Perhaps, the lasers had cauterized them. Or, perhaps, Zekrom's very own plasma helped to do so.

Regardless of the reason, the legendary spurs its turbine to life once more as a draconic power surges through its veins (DRAGON DANCE). Using this stored energy, it staggers back up onto both feet with Remiel in hand. It peers down at its master once it has steadied itself. And, in that instant, the prince understands.

Whether he was worthy or not, only his actions moving forward truly mattered. The two had chosen each other for a reason... and it was only right for Remiel to have as much faith in himself as Zekrom had in him. Even when the scales tipped towards insecurities and worry.

Only the light surrounding the CHARM HOLDERS is enough to tear the moment away from this newfound connection and understanding between the legendary and his avatar. Remiel watches with fascination as AZELF, UXIE, and MESPRIT emerge. He'd heard of them, of course. But he'd only ever seen them etched into ancient hieroglyphics and rendered in old artworks.


The voice that has called out to him, he thinks, may be a result of the LAKE GUARDIANS presence here. It might even be ARCEUS itself. Regardless, Remiel has Zekrom place him on its shoulder once more before flying off towards and XERNEAS.

His correct choice was here... by Zekrom's side... helping protect an ally. Helping protect Sootopolis. Helping protect the world. Just as his father would do.

They pass by and KYOGRE on the way, showered by a LIFE DEW from 's HATTERENE that provides some relief both avatar and legendary. Once they reach Bryan, summons his ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM onto the field once more. She stomps the ground with a single foot, roaring at the possessed tree as her scales harden and grow (IRON DEFENSE).

"The tree is lost..." Remiel calls out from above, shedding his long coat and allowing the wind to take it. "But I stand with you. Sootopolis may yet be saved."

♔ Remiel summons a KADABRA and a MEDICHAM in a defensive effort
ZEKROM is injured
is injured
ZEKROM boosts itself (DRAGON DANCE)
♔ Remiel observes the CHARM HOLDERS, awes at the sight of AZELF, UXIE, and MESPRIT, and regards the voice that calls out to them
ZEKROM and join and XERNEAS, passing through 's LIFE DEW on the way
♔ Remiel summons an ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM that readies itself with IRON DEFENSE


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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 6:14:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

a shower of raining lights suddenly came down on them as the giant beast that came out of the tree looked to get its revenge on the masses underneath them. without even thinking about it kazimir's aggron threw himself in between kazimir and his growlithe as the beams pierced through his body leaving him nothing but an empty shell as the large pokemon fell over. there was hardly time to relish in the praise that gave him or his pokemon's sacrifice as the beams still found their way to his surroundings and sent the man flying onto his stomach as they exploded all around him. whatever this creature was it wasn't messing around and if kazimir did any of the same he was probably going to find himself like his two late pokemon.

"c'mon! we gotta get to safety!" he called out to his growlithe as he stumbled back onto his feet only to trip over himself as he felt a pain shoot up through his ankles. as he let out a faint curse his growlithe came over to lick his face as it tried to get under him to hide from the lasers still coming down. it seemed that his growlithe was a sort of good luck charm as it managed to keep the beams away from them for a bit just be being close to kazimir, who didn't really question it as he was too busy looking for a ball on his belt that he could click open. from inside of it came out the hulking form of his buzzwole who took one look at kazimir before picking both him and the growlithe up into its arms and using its powerful legs to make a mad dash towards some kind of safety.

"head to over there! with that large red and black bird!" kaz called out aiming a finger at the yvetal flying about as the buzzwole made a mad dash over to the bird jumping out of any harms way that came towards it. even if it was a big target it sure as hell never skipped leg day and was going to make sure those glutes of its would save a life this day.


    * rip aggron
    * growlithe is fine cause its part shadow???
    * kazimir gets fucked up
    * kazimir brings out buzzwole and has him carry him to yvetal

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 11:00:26 GMT
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Victory over Yveltal's release is fleeting, flickering out along with the smattering of stars above. Thick, tar-like darkness smooths over the battlefield, engulfing every single last one of them in its embrace.

When light flickers back into existence, it is cold and sinister, looming above them in a faint parody of Geomancy.

Skyler expects the shock of fear that assaults her system, would have greeted it like an old friend were it not for the dread that follows in its footsteps. She'd flirted enough with death to know the steps to this dance, had dared enough to face this moment now with a piercing clarity. It still does not prepare her for what is to come.

Ruin washes over the battlefield in beams of prismatic light, and instinct alone has her releasing Dhelmise onto the battlefield. The light clinking of metal on metal draws her attention to the CRAFTY SHIELD that Klefki puts up.

And then she has a decision to make. Even as the flimsy barriers go up, Skyler knows that they won't suffice. Not even close. Not by a mile. But it might just be enough.

There's people in this battlefield that Skyler has come to consider friends, that Angelo has come to consider friends, ( and and , for example)  who've burrowed their way into their small circle. Family, almost. Hers. But when she grabs onto 's arm and seaweed slithers around their limbs, all of them have gone from her mind. Skyler is loyal to a fault, but she's also unapologetically selfish. 

Do not go where I cannot follow.

And she'd sooner sacrifice her pokemon and friendships alike than .

"Angel! Hold on!"

The last thing she sees before Dhelmise's PHANTOM FORCE takes them away is the glint of light on metal, and a soft clinking a second before Klefki is engulfed in the light of a Prismatic Beam. They're nearly too late, and a scorching heat follows them to their new destination. 

They resurface by the - recently healed - Kyogre's gargantuan shape.

Skyler hisses in pain, stumbling as she takes a glance at the scorched, mangled flesh of her arm. Her next breath is a pained one, hitching when she notices the melted steel behind her, an eye rolling over to her before dulling over. Seaweed withered and growing lifeless on the ground.

The hand that's still attached to Angelo's arm tightens imperceptly. Grief has no place here, not now. Not yet.

While AQUA RINGS knit her flesh back into a healthy state, the captain releases another pokemon onto the field. Lapras blinks its dark eyes at her, and Skyler ignores the pang in her chest to touch one of the stones at her throat. Glowing softly, Lapras is engulfed in the light of MEGA EVOLUTION. At the captain's prompting, it lets out a musical trill and a G-MAX RESONANCE screeches through the air, rushing towards Necrozma.

In its wake, ice crystals coalesce into a thin barrier that falls over the vicinity, not unlike that of Aurora Veil.

Behind her the ocean heaves and swells, storm-tossed waves climbing over and spilling onto the rocks. Above, she can sense the beams of ORIGIN PULSE before they manifest, sailing through the darkness to crash into Necrozma.

- primastic beams are comin'
- klefki uses CRAFTY SHIELD to buy and some time, sacrificing itself (*)
- skyler drags angelo with her into dhelmise's PHANTOM FORCE, teleporting them to kyogre. dhelmise dies in the attempt (*)
- do not go where i cannot follow, b*tch
- skyler sustains injuries, which she attempts to heal with AQUA RINGS
- lapras in on the battlefield and it MEGA EVOLVES (1/3), using G-MAX RESONANCE (attacks necrozma and sets aurora veil in kyogre's vicinity, possibly to shield the pokemon that have come to join them)
- kyogre, mostly healed (?), uses ORIGIN PULSE on necrozma
- kyogre's ability DRIZZLE is active

(*) mostly flavor for pokemon deaths 

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