i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 7:20:25 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

A shitty day, too.

[player]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850907874325823529/980454001545986078/The_Darkest_Day_Descends.mp3[/player]There's nothing quite like the sound of a sword bouncing harmlessly off something it cannot hope to cut to overflow a knight's heart with dread.

Galatine was about as powerful as a pokemon could be without being a god in its own right. Definitely the hardest hitter in Gwyar's team; if it couldn't put a scratch on whatever monster this was, well...

Things bode poorly. But that had been obvious from the start.

As someone shouldered his burdensome weight and yanked him back to his feet, the somewhat out of it blonde could only stare blankly at the carnage around them.

Maybe they should've all run away along with the civilians, if things were going to go this way; so many dead pokemon, and for what? An unfazed demon, inching ever closer towards its goals, undeterred by their actions.

But nevermind that- when had he become such a bitch?

Deep. Breaths.

You've done this a million times.

Well, not this, but still.

"Dear me, I must've lost too much blood." The man huffed, shaking his head sharply before looking over to his side. Oh hey, .

"Ah... Mr. Rararie." He said, smiling despite the chaos around them. "I appreciate the help, thank you. Might I know where we're going? I fear I need a quick pick me up."

He was losing a lot of blood... even bullet wounds didn't tend to bleed this much.

"Galatine- hide and get ready. I'll need you soon." He ordered his pokemon, the Aegislash briefly acknowledging the order before disappearing into his shadow.

And then began shouting at him.

Well, at Temp. Something seemed to be going on here, but Gwyar wasn't boomer enough to care about whether the boys were gay or whatever, so he untangled himself as subtly as he could from Temp, muttering some thanks under his breath before stumbling away.

He looked around rapidly, fairly sure he had seen a few medics around in the chaos... his gaze finally finding a somewhat familiar silhouette from earlier.


"Excuse me!" He shouted, perhaps a little too politely given the chaos, falling in line behind her, wheezing as he ran, which naturally, led to him eventually coming close to as well. "Could've request a little help?"

-Momentarily loses his cool.
-Regains his cool. 'Ullo, .
-'Ullo, .
-Goodbye, Temp. Goodbye, Gavin.
-'Ullo, !
-'Ullo, !

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 8:59:47 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

By the time the next creepy whisper came to his mind...

His charm was putting on a full blown concert to whoever was willing to give it the attention.

The fizzle and pops were intense but the symbolic circle on the ground was doing far more to grab his focus. The circle, or the charm, or some combination of the two made for an other-wordly pressure on his person.

He might have felt it about his whole body but his mind locked to fixate on the mounting pressure inside his head. It felt like there was a pokéball in his brain and if he didn't resist with full physical effort over his own sinus' and skull, the ball would open and release the end of his life.

He wasn't so worn that he would roll over and let fate have its victory. With charmed hand he clutched his formerly-wounded temple powering through the crushing cerebral pain.

If he could hold on to what was important, he could survive this thing. Luckily for him, holding on to her came naturally. Even her guaranteed reprimands of his actions couldn't sully that feeling of needing her near.

Two of the new Gym Leaders; and made their way near, blue lights emanating from their wrist as they closed in.

As they entered the circle the pain subsided. and even came into his proximity, two men he knew but hadn't seen in over a year's time, not that he recognized Thomas behind his disguise.

Eventually, like one ring to rule them all, he hoisted his blaring wrist into the sky above his head, giving (Thomas) and Gwyar some physical signal to keep near and pay attention.


Through it all Coalossal remained steadfast even as the Head Ranger broke from its cover. The both of them seeing the appearance of that thing as well as yvelthal, for a second time each. If he'd known association with the latter, he might have been more on edge than he currently was. He managed to catch (Thomas) giving the bird? a nasty look but gave no further thought to the matter.

With everyone grouped up, even for but a moment, he was given room to ask. "Is anyone hurt?"

Rangers protected the balance between the People, the Pokémon, the Places and the Paperwork. This incident was going to be more about the most former of the four, and also the most latter.

● tags:
● notes: @darkestday

Charm is going full diva inside the circle.

Coalossal Steam Engine activated; (Speed +6)

Sénon using coalossal as natural cover,
Under the pained effects of the activating circle
Fighting through the mounting head pressure and welcoming GEORGETTE, Beau, Thomas & Gywar,
inside the circle, "is anyone hurt?"

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,631 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 9:15:57 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

"Shit," Razz curses as suddenly the spores on @btyan seem to bloom to thorns, and even worse start effecting the deer that seemed to be their best bet. With everything unavailing the was it was Razz was becoming.more and more hesitant in his choices unsure. [Break][break]

'Enough holding back'

A familiar voice echos in his head as the familiar beast in front of him takes shape from the destroyed tree and into the same beast as the Blackout. There is a terror there but also a realization of the truth the voice spoke. He was holding back because he was not only terrified of this thing, but also revealing what he could do as if the mask wasn't enough. From a white PokeBall Razz calls for his Patreon, the dragon giving him something akin to 'about time' sense as it takes a place slightly infront of Xerneus to try and protect him as they launch a BLUE FLARE[Break][break]

"Frost help heal, Tyrian help protect," the masked Ranger would order as Glaceon uses COOYCAT to copy Flora Healing and aide in healing Xerneus while the Marrowak used SHADOW BONE on any Pokemon that would come after them from the Geomancy use to help the other unknown {} defend them. [Break][break]

"And I'm going to need you to hold still, he orders # as a fireball is created in his hand as he gets close to the thorned flower to try and burn it off the other avatar.




    [Break]+ Razz calls on RESHIRAM for aid.
    [Break]+ Reshiram uses BLUE FLARE on Necrozma.
    [Break]+ Glaceon uses COPYCAT to copy FLORAL HEALING and heal Xerneus.
    [Break]+ Marrowak used SHADOW BONE on any opposing Pokemon.
    [Break]+ Razz creates a fireball to try and burn the flower on .



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 17:55:28 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]oh. fuck this.

it goes from worse to absolute shitshow within seconds. the tree breaks apart, dies, and in its place rises... something. it looks otherworldly, creepy, menacing. if she didn't know better, it could be the antichrist.

and when says fuck defending, she's quickly nodding.

there's no defense against whatever this thing is... only attacking with guns blazing and hoping for the best.

the formation around kyle grows when joins them fully. she steals a glance at and the loaned comfey on her wrist coos softly.

"go," she murmurs to her flygon. it rushes forward, dragon rush quickly igniting the menacing energy it holds. on her wrist, the comfey uses helping hand to boost the dragon rush.

in front of them, her gallade uses wide guard and holds it around the group. it'll help but... is it enough?

she considers using her healing mist once more but the corrupted state from before still lingers in her mind. it's not enough power to crave so... why corrupt the mist? confusing.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- full offensive time!
- flygon uses dragon rush
- the loaned comfey uses helping hand on flygon's dragon rush
- gallade uses wide guard around the group
- i'm too hungover to redo the map ty

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 1:25:53 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
greyson stops in place as awe, and fear, course through him. whatever this.. creature was, it defied common sense. every instinct in him told him to flee, to find shelter and wait out the catastrophe. it took more willpower than he'd be willing to admit, to beat back that voice. to push forward here, and now.
but he does. and it hurts like hell.
arcing black electricity zips up from the earth, pushing even through the shields and striking the comfey at his wrist. her soft cries of pain were small, and weak, but that was only because of her size. to hear it so clearly meant the pain had been excruciating.
quickly and with eyes wide in alarm, he returns the shiny spider and the comfey around his wrist. he could summon another to take her place, but the last thing he wanted was to put more of his pokemon into harms way.
no, this was something he agreed to do, and he wouldn't march his team into the jaws of death. but, not everyone agreed. a light streaks from his side and towards the ground next to him, taking shape into that of a small espeon. before greyson could argue a pulse of defiance from the physic-type puts his argument to rest.
"okay then, if you wan-"
another light, this time forming into something much larger. a tyranitar stands beside him, a ground shaking roar bubbling up, defiance screamed at a death god. greyson's lips purse into a small smile, admiring the tenacity of two his team members.
then he steels himself for what is to come.
abandoning defense entirely, he embraces the motto of some of the leagues strongest.
"salt the fucking earth." he says in a low voice, violet eyes flaring with conviction. "BRING THAT THING DOWN."
espeon's psychic energies build into a crescendo that are immediately siphoned by the tyranitar. her HELPING HAND is a powerful addition to the already forming sphere of destruction. in a blast that drowns out, at least to greyson, the rest of the battlefields destruction, the HYPER BEAM shoots forward directly at the tree!necro. waves of heat distort the area around the rock and dark behemoth, but its fight wasn't over yet.
all around him 's hellfire rained, 's own beam of energy lanced, and 'd dragon descended. this was hell.
an ache in his chest forces him to look down, a spike of fear that he might've been hit by something. then, the realization dawns on him. this was no ache - not a conventional one, at least - this was excitement.
perhaps, when this was all over, he'd feel guilty for feeling this way. that was tomorrow's problem. today? he would embrace it, welcome it, and maybe, just maybe, change the better for it.

returns comfey and unintentionally, but accepts, the presence of his ESPEON and TYRANITAR.[break]
salt the earth mother fuckers[break]
HELPING HAND powers up a HYPER BEAM aimed at TREE!NECRO.[break]
greyson has a realization that hey, he kinda likes this feeling of pure fuckin' offense. :pepe_think:


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,704 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 5:29:20 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

"Go home, Luka."

His heart is heavy, and that's all else he can manage to say before sharply turning away. But he'd caught a glimpse of her expression just then... and he knew he wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight because of it. Even so, she was better off away from it all... and better off without him.

| | |

It begins with the panicked THUNDER of a MAREEP ( ). Those sparks of desperation don't go unsupported for too long, however. Seemingly out of thin air (or a shower of crackling blue electricity, more like), the legendary ZEKROM appears. Hovering somewhat behind , , , and , it whirs its engine-like tail with a fierce roar.

Its avatar stands upon its back in his long coat, quick to spawn a lightning bolt in his hand before casting it downward at the abomination that is the TREE OF LIFE NECROZMA. A WAR STANDARD appears at the point of impact, proud and powerful as an electrical field spawns around it. It's only then that the effects of Zekrom's aid manifest themselves:

First and foremost, the effects gravity seem to lighten for , , , , and their Pokémon. This naturally results in a SPEED BOOST for them. For NECROZMA, however, the field acts as an affliction of CRACKLING ELECTRICITY that attempts to damage and paralyze the entity in place. Lastly, Zekrom's whirring presence on the field acts to AMPLIFY ELECTRIC-TYPE MOVES— particularly, for Jayden's INKAY and Mint's MAREEP.

And, of course, Zekrom doesn't hold back either.

Seeing as how the TREE OF LIFE is lost to them at this point, possessed by the malevolent force that had possessed his friend  , Remiel's intentions sync with the black dragon's before manifesting themselves as BOLT STRIKE's that descend from KYOGRE's ( ) storm clouds and batter the tree. Thunder roars throughout; deafening.

In the midst of this barrage, Remiel's cold blue eyes gleam with a BLUE FLARE. The legendary RESHIRAM has appeared before them in the midst of all this chaos. And the prince commits the image of its masked rider ( ) to memory.

The two seemed destined to meet.

departs from
and SHINY ZEKROM appear to back-up , , , and
deploys a WAR STANDARD in the field to try and BOOST ELECTRIC-TYPE MOVES and accrue RESIDUAL ELECTRIC DAMAGE on Necrozma
— this WAR STANDARD also provides a SPEED BOOST to the aforementioned party members due to its diminished effects of gravity
SHINY ZEKROM takes advantage of KYOGRE's storm to unleash a powerful barrage of BOLT STRIKE
takes keen notice of RESHIRAM and its rider ( )


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,725 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2022 1:21:28 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

eventually, as she ran after darkrai, she caught a glimpse through the dark of shadow lugia, yveltal… and whatever terrifying thing it was snatching it out of the air. she slowed, weighed down by shock and horror.[break][break]

and then, the vines of thorns. she hissed as the spores sprouted and reached to tangle around her. it was reminiscent of the day she’d been ensnared but ’s powers at the glass shop, where she had battled against nearby .[break][break]

“no… no, it’s not supposed to go like this…”[break][break]

when she was finally near enough to her brother, her expression turned even more.[break][break]


luckily, the desperate call of ’s name was drowned out by darkness and chaos as he ran in the other direction. she reached for his disappearing silhouette as a vine wrapped around her arm. he’d seen darkrai, surely? knew she was close?[break][break]

her teeth grit, and tears welled. where was he going, then?[break][break]

”i hate you!”[break][break]

with a scream of frustration, she struggled, tripping over her bound feet. the unown was released from her grasp, as she was no longer able to hold it close.[break][break]

“help me,” she pleaded. the noctowl tried to pull at the thorns, but they only grew in severity, piercing more skin as they sought to bind her more.[break][break]

“darkrai!” she choked out another scream, wincing eyes glued to the monstrosity that was necrozma.[break][break]

spheres of DARK VOID were dispersed onto it, until the legendary felt the thorns begin to wrap around it as well. it descended away, looking for its avatar, feeling her same struggle. it would not leave her behind after all. for reasons unbeknownst to her, she was worthy.


• lulu has emotional sibling moment as runs towards unseen [break]
• noctowl attempts to remove spores from lulu, presumably they just get worse?[break]
• darkrai uses DARK VOID on necrozma, retreats back to lulu, sensing her struggle, also struggling w/ spores itself[break]
• to reiterate, due to dark zone, no one would have heard lulu yell her brother's real name[break][break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-unown"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2022 21:51:15 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

[attr=class,bulk]The unforseen sprig sprouts outward with fervent disdain for the Slowpoke, skewering it's innards and snuffing it's light and life with certain ease. It's a quick assessment to make, as the Illumina pokemon's brilliant shimmer fades out before the image of it's mangled form can burn into one's memory. Not that it doesn't pain Derek to witness what brief glimpse he got. To know. To have to move on without much of a thought for it.
While he can vaguely make out a silhouette in the distance that proves more daunting than what they face, Derek can't pursue it. Another stands in their way. One who is also responsible for all this death around them. For that of his Bastiodon. Derek answers with both a Metagross to safely (Protect) carry him and a Gyarados that proves eager to dominate the much larger beast. It wasn't accustomed to anything standing over it.
The gym leader's hand reaches for and crushes a z-crystal, leaving behind an irradiated trail of energy that his Gyarados readily inhales. The power quickly wells up inside it's maw, bloating Azirim's gullet to an extreme before it was unable to keep the energy in check. The violent surge of water (Hydro Vortex) would quickly overtake the strange pokemon, though Derek wasn't sure if it'd be enough to amount to his idea of revenge just yet. But maybe with a little luck...

- Derek on the map(?)[break]
- Slowpoke has died![break]
- Summons Gyarados & Metagross![break]
- Gyarados launches Hydro Vortex (Z-Move) at Blacephalon![break]
- Gyarados may INTIMIDATE the Blacephalon with this firepower![break]
- Derek rides his Metagross while it shields them with it's Protect![break]
- Z Crystal consumed (1 of 1 used)!


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 3:49:14 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars

This was all Rowan felt as one effort after another was dissuaded from the strength of Necrozma, his Pokémon weakening each moment, the ones that were still alive at least. Amber eyes focused on the corpse of his Toxapex, charred and marred from the Blacephelon attack, lifeless.

Was this worth it?

Chu-e might be too far gone, entirely consumed by the malignant entity that was contained within his corpse. There was a chance that even if Necrozma was wrest free from control of body that there was nothing left inside to reclaim. “What do we do?” He asked over the communicator, defeat evident in his voice.

Unless they did something drastic, everyone was going to die and he would rather it be Chu-e than himself.

(tagged)⏤ @dotdd

(notes)⏤ short post, nothing really to do this round except ruminate
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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 4:41:26 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





THE COMBINED ASSAULT of every pokemon present starts to take their toll. ultra beast or not, when rendered CONFUSED by ’s MAGMORTAR, ’s HYDRO VORTEX encages the BEAST BOOSTED pokemon in a cyclone of fierce waters. the SLUDGE WAVE that seeps in from ’s nihilego puts the final touches to finally faint the empowered ultra beast.

strangely enough, the NIHILEGO does not seem keen on betraying its trainer in the same fashion.


A FULL-ON OFFENSE carpets the NECROZMA with multiple blows. these pokemon, so puny in comparison, find no trouble with landing their attacks on such a large target. like fireworks, the colorful burst of projectiles and beams explode in the night sky.

THUNDER cackles from the sudden downpour. SHEER COLD manages to freeze the entirety of one of necrozma’s toe-like prongs. HYPER BEAMS push back, their bright sheen illuminating just how giant this TREE OF LIFE sized pokemon is.

when the DRACO METEORS rain down, the SHADOW STORM strikes front and center. the grip the NECROZMA has on YVELTAL loosens, while others look to free the legendary from its grasp. it takes a LUSTER PURGE, MULTI-ATTACK, BOLT STRIKE and BLUE FLARE, to wrestle its hand open.

but it is the EARTHQUAKE that comes from the sea that stutters it enough to let the YVELTAL wiggle free. just in time for to touch the REGI RUNES against the pokemon’s surface.


EFFORTS TO STABLIZE the injured are met with various degrees of success. the copious amount of FLORAL HEALING and HEAL PULSE help revitalize the XERNEAS but that health is sapped away just as quickly as its delivered. they’re only drawing out the inevitable.

it takes SHADOW PERSIAN to start prying off the DARK THORNS lodged into XERNEAS. the feline seems to be able to remove some after some considerable effort. unfortunately, when tries the same with , his flames are sucked in. in a sudden surprise, black vines sprout and ensnare as well, eager to feed on another AVATAR.

’s SHADOW GROWLITHE exhibits the same success. its SHADOW FIRE is able to burn off the dark flowers that have sprouted across ’s body.

’s AQUA RINGS avoid being absorbed by NECROZMA when the pokemon is pushed back by several attacks. they cover YVELTAL but are outshined by the eerie pink markings that spread from ’s touch.

’s CALAMITY strikes where his smeargle nearly dies. his SACRED FIRE proves more fortune against the DARK THORNS but even they persist against these mystical flames. as he approaches, his SOLGALEO uses the boosted energy from GEOMANCY to SUPPRESS ALL AVATAR ABILITIES NEARBY.

his assumption that the tree acts as a conduit to NECROZMA is both correct and incorrect. the results, are far from his intentions. ’s husk finds itself losing the DARK CRYSTALS that covered him, revealing a very human body underneath. but that does nothing to NECROZMA. it has already separated.

was SOLGALEO too late?


THE LAST CIRCLE is complete when either or any combination of , , or join . once they enter, the dimensional rift starts to tear, applying the same pain between them as ’ role diminishes.

the PAIN SPLIT helps manage the suffering but the inclusion of a CALM MIND does the opposite. being able to clear her mind means that she can assess the situation. she can aptly feel the veins in her head throb as her brain handles the stress of bubble forming and popping like a boiling fury.

some powers were not meant for humans to handle.

R E Q U I R I N G [break]
G A T H E R I N G [break]


the last words are revealed as each one is answered by a different LAKE GUARDIAN. those involved with the CHARMS as well as those recently imprinted will hear their call right before the magic circle suddenly vanishes.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon: [break][break]

[break][break] [break][break]



THE ATTACKS MAY FREE YVELTAL but they do not drive NECROZMA into a corner. they’re no more than flesh wounds. annoying scabs from insignificant insects.

and what do we do with pests? we exterminate them.

the NECROZMA raises both hands. from it comes an artificial darkness that pollutes the sootopolis sky. the impossible to navigate DARK ZONE returns, bigger and badder than ever before. this time, the entire city is swallowed by the crushing waves of isolation.

and now the ILLUMINA pokemon have been culled. they’re fewer in number, leaving those present to rely on the one light source that still exists.

necrozma’s many eyes. each one a different color of the rainbow. a byproduct of a corrupted GEOMANCY used as an angler lure for unexpected prey.

they blink in unison before the sky is set ablaze by several orbs of light. they grow in size, manifesting, before wavering.

’s SOLGALEO is able to suppress the attack somewhat before it’s fully charged.

a PRISMATIC LASER is fired prematurely. bright beams of energy spread out all over the field instead of engulfing it entirely. smaller rays zigzag through the DARK ZONE, striking any and all unfortunate enough to be in its way. those who are overly exposed end up evaporating.


there’s no healing or reviving something that leaves no remnant.



ALL CHARACTERS will suffer injuries from the resulting explosion.


if your character ATTACKED NECROZMA this turn, have an additional pokemon die. this pokemon must have been on the field during your last post.

LEGENDARY POKEMON will not die but will suffer severe wounds.

SHADOW POKEMON (except SHADOW LUGIA) will not be targeted.

if you do not have any applicable POKEMON on the field, you can summon something this post and kill it to fill the prompt.

you may kill as many pokemon as you like from this attack.

the SOLGALEO may have dampened NECROZMA’s power but that won’t happen a second time. as sure as the black crystals that cover its body exists, so too will they twinkle with NECROZMA’s rainbow colors.

the SOLGALEO will no longer obey .[break][break]
it cannot be returned until it is knocked out.[break][break]
you may roleplay out it betraying or relinquish it for use as an NPC for the rest of this thread.


THE VALIANT ARE ABLE TO BUY ENOUGH TIME for the light to come back with one last hope. the DARK ZONE persists but the RUNIC CIRCLES beneath everyone replaces the ILLUMINA pokemon they had to rely on earlier.

every rune, every line, every piece of this enigmatic diagram shines as the shapes come alive. the circles the CHARM HOLDERS have activated start to rotate on their own accord. and, in their ELEVENTH HOUR, several bubbles rise.





the LAKE GUARDIANS finally appear! each one is coiled around their own tail, not quite awakened. the energy within their RED JEWEL activates, trembling as they impart their powers onto XERNEAS, KYOGRE, and YVELTAL.

now that they have manifested into this realm, EVERYONE can hear their last call to action.

take your pokemon…


…and make the correct choice.


three of the injured legendary pokemon: the titan of the sea, the bringer of life, the harbinger of death, start to heal, pulsing with an energy every pokemon can detect.

some resonated with one better than the others.


here are some possible prompts to follow for those who need a little guidance! [break][break]

  • have at least ONE POKEMON out and gather by KYOGRE, YVELTAL, or XERNEAS!
  • here's a hint for the best results!
  • stick to KYOGRE if your pokemon can MEGA EVOLVE!
  • stick to XERNEAS if neither of the above apply!
  • LATIAS, LATIOS, RESHIRAM, ZEKROM, SHADOW LUGIA do not have to abide by the above.
  • do not pick a SHADOW POKEMON.




after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a NECROZMA appeared in SLATEPORT. several trainers managed to keep the pokemon at bay until it was dragged back into ULTRA SPACE by a MYSTERIOUS HAND.

while no one was able to document this pokemon, it left behind a DARK ROCK which was licked by the ROCKET UNDERBOSS . over time, CHU-E exhibited some physical and behavioral changes, eventually manifesting into something close to AVATARSHIP.

eventually, this killed CHU-E. since then, his body has gone missing.


the recently hatched LAKE GUARDIANS have visited several trainers, leaving them with CHARMS and cryptic PROPHECIES. the unknown phenomenon known as THE DARKEST DAY is mentioned repeatedly.

three individuals are given a vision that alludes to the breaking news about THE DARKEST DAY affecting GALAR.


a strange IVORY TREE shows up in a littleroot threatre. it grows out of control during a contest and is destroyed by those present. an extract of its BLUE MULCH has exhibited the capacity to resurrect some living things.

team rocket searches for XERNEAS and calls the energy it exudes INFINITY ENERGY. on an EXCURSION they find another IVORY TREE.

when team rocket attempts to take over sootopolis, several spatial distortions occur. the league uses PRIMAL QUARTZ SHARDS to teleport an ANCIENT TEMPLE. in its place spawns a massive tree dubbed the TREE OF LIFE.

eventually, team rocket investigates inside the TREE OF LIFE. among their many discoveries, they realize the TREE OF LIFE is from another world. when XERNEAS uses GEOMANCY, the tree grows exponentially.

coincidentally, CRYSTABLOOMS and breeding ILLUMINA pokemon appeared directly afterwards.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER and can post ONCE PER ROUND.[break][break]

please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players.[break][break]

reducing the amount of digging for information other players, including myself, have to do, the smoother this thread can proceed.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for this round is WEDNESDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

@sirocco @miette


included is an OPTIONAL MAP for those that would like to visualize where characters are. those who would like to participate will have to modify existing images to assist with the workload. for those who need assistance feel free to ask other members in the discord channel BOXING WITH SHADOWS or GFX REQUEST.

for those that would like to participate, copy the map of the POSTER BEFORE YOU and add in a 50x50 image of your CHARACTER ACCOUNT'S AVATAR in respect to their position. if the poster before you did not participate, refer to the poster before that and so on until applicable!

an example has been applied with respect to 's position.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 10:54:43 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]There is comfort to be found in company, a firm hold that reassures her that everything will be okay. But she knows it's not, she can still smell the stench of blood in the air. It grows stronger as her thoughts begin to stabilise, the pain once reduced to a dull ache now reaching back up to claw her apart once more.
And yet, she's able to force herself up, able to look up to the danger that looms before them, able to watch as Necrozma seems to separate from Chu-e.
People to protect, her family to protect. Where her voice falters, her body doesn't. It takes all of her might for her to toss Rook out onto the field, aiming him towards and whistling sharp. And the Kabuto tenses, drawing up a barrier in a last ditch effort to Protect the man from further harm.
Remi, on the other hand, focuses on the group nearest to her. The Reuniclus raises her arms and attempts to Reflect whatever lazers she can away from them. But not even that can stop the impending explosions, her body disintegrating from the sheer challenge she dared to face head on.
It strikes quick, relentless as it sears at her skin and tosses Eris further away from the centre of the circle. For a moment, her spine prickles with hazy memories of being struck in the back by Lugia's tail... but not even that can distract her from the need to pull herself to her feet and check up on the others.
Think. Feel. Act.

A hatterene is called onto the field, her eyes squinting at the sheer malice running through these straits as she readies herself to claw at someone.
"Ako, help heal those who need it. Please."
But Eris' firm call is enough to rein her in temporarily, a claw forced back down to her side as she responds to the stone glowing in Eris' hand and Mega Evolves. Then, she promptly begins shower the injured legendaries and those close by with Life Dew.
Another call produces an Audino, fragile and afraid but somehow determined to help in any way.
"Strengthen Yveltal."
At Eris' wince and murmur, Crux directs his attention to Yveltal, attempting to lend a Helping Hand and prepare it for the battle ahead.
- Kabuto sent to PROTECT , Reuniclus PROTECTING those closest to Eris (, , , + whoever else might be close enough!) against lazers[break]
- rip Remi and Rooks potentially...[break]
- Eris feels the pain, gets blasted, Lugia tail PTSD[break]
- Calling Hatterene, MEGA EVOLVING and using LIFE DEW on Kyogre and those close-by[break]
- Calling Audino, using HELPING HAND and focusing on YVELTAL
[attr="class","adrie-note"]the end upon us


THE LOST[break]

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 14:46:19 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Cofagrigus moved with all the haste that it could muster towards where where. Just as he reached the circle, he spat out Elinor from inside. Though he stood outside the circle, he spat her out inside. And the moment he did he regrated it.

Elinor was pulled out from the kind darkness into the pain of the light, not only metaphorical but physical. As the pressure of whatever the circle was doing swallowed her. She groaned in pain, head throbbing, to think anyone could’ve taken this on alone? Impossible. Still, the pain gave way to clarity. It gave way to a will to live. Her body no longer gave in to despair.

Elinor looked at the girl, fought through the pain, and was about to address the little girl who stood before her in the circle, with reassurances that everything was going to be alright. For a modicum of a second, she might’ve sounded like a Ranger.

But then Darkness enveloped everything. She could see nothing, nothing save the glinting rays of rainbows in the distance. Though that quickly changed as several orbs of light set the sky ablaze. The first of her Pokémon to die was Drifblim. Hit by the PRISMATIC LASER, Cofagrigus barely had the time to feel the fading of their ghostly connection.

Still, Cofagrigus reacted as any good Pokémon would. It stood between where it expected the attack to come from, and its trainer. A green sphere of light enveloped it. And then, a quick blink of light passed it. For a short second, it turned to Elinor, looking confused. Had the attack strayed past them?

When the circles of light returned allowing them once more to see within the Dark Zone. Elinor turned to Cofagrigus. Just in time, for though the PROTECT hadn’t saved him, it had given him time. Tears in her eyes found a way of coming into being, even though they were all but dry after the loss of Salamence.

The sarcophagus of the Cofagrigus was slowly crumbling into nothingness from a circular wound in the middle. “No… Not you too.” What few tears appeared were wiped away by a gentle shadowy hand. As their eyes met. He gave her a reassuring smile. Then with the other shadowy tendril hand, he popped out the golden mask, which he had carried since his rebirth as a Yamask, from the socket built into his sarcophagus body.

He made sure the little golden slits were open before placing the mask upon Elinor’s face. Using what little strength he had to quickly reform it in such a way so that it would stay on with little difficulties as if it was but a second face. The moment the mask rested upon her face, she felt the mind touch with the spirit of Cofagrigus. She sensed no sadness from the Pokémon, even though she was filled with it. And for the brief moment that they both shared, Cofagrigus shared with her a message. Be not afraid of loss. This is not the end young-one… Live on, remember us. Remember that we once lived.

And with it, the last vestiges of the Cofagrigus’ body and spirit crumbled into nothingness. Leaving her with naught but the mask on her face. It clung to her protectively.

Now within an illuminated circle of power manifested by the sudden appearance of a Lake Guardian. Her heart thumped heavily with anger, a righteous fury boiling her blood. Now, they showed themselves. NOW THEY DARED OFFER THEIR ASSISTANCE. Elinor was furious. Hands curling into fists. Where had they been when Salamence had died. Where had they been when she had lost Cofagrigus? She wanted to scream at it. She wanted to blast all her anger upon it. She wanted to teach it the PAIN she felt. But deep down, she knew it would not help nor was it what Cofagrigus would’ve wanted.

The message that the Lake Guardian near her gave was clear. Sacrifice more Pokémon, and pray that it might be enough. She didn’t want to. Luckily it was not a choice she had to make. Two Pokémon from her belt felt the energies and responded to their call. The Steelix and Aggron manifested by her side. They both growled reassuringly at their trainer.

“Are you two sure… You… you might…” die… She couldn’t say the word. But she didn’t have to. They both nodded in almost synchronicity. “Very well then.” She steeled her resolve. No more despair, no more indecisiveness, only anger.

The three of them began to move towards the power which called to them the most, ironically for the two Steel types, that was the Titan of the Sea. Though as they ran Steelix took charge. Finding every opportunity to throw STONE EDGE in the direction of the Giant Necrozma. Meanwhile, Aggron ran by Elinor’s side. His metal plates shining from him increasing his defenses with IRON DEFENSE. And Elinor, well Elinor did the most human thing she could focus on the goal and tried to keep an overview of the chaos, a task which she had long since failed at.

- Reaches and Enters the circle
-- Circle Magic Happens
- Drifblim dies.
- Cofagrigus dies but shares an emotional moment with Elinor (Leaves behind its mask)
- Elinor Summons Steelix and Aggron
- The Group moves toward Kyogre.
-- Steelix throws STONE EDGE attacks in Necrozmas general direction
-- Aggron takes a Defensive position and Protects Elinor with its IRON DEFENSE increased body.


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,044 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 2:53:06 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
The crystal is Flung. His Pelliper dies.

Temp grits his teeth and watches as the tree turns into something else.

He's frozen, blood rushing in his ears as fear takes him over. Before him a towering body of dark crystal. In his mind is crashing storms and his mother's scream. It's the same feeling.

pulls him out of it.

"Cillie!" Dark vines eat at his partner. They're burned off, thank you , but they still spread on Lugia. He clings to Gavin, still only half present. Gavin is grounding for him. Slowly bringing Temp back from the terrible memory. Lugia hurls anger and storms at the black monster as darkness fall again.

Squeezing the other, refusing to let go, he grits his teeth.

"This thing is fucking wrong if it thinks it can kill us." You is what he means.

Even if he can't see it, Temp is very aware of the body of his pokemon at his feet. Shaking his head, Temp plucks out a pokeball and calls out his Chandelure. "Go help Lugia!" The phantom pokemon goes to try and help burn the dark spores off the Legend's body, even at risk to herself.

"Cill, I'm not leaving you. Just tell me what to do!" His grip is almost desperate.

- Pelliper dies
- Calls out Chandelure to try and burn the spores off of Lugia
- Calls out to Gavin
- Is ready to take bodily harm, if needed, for Gavin
- He will go to whichever Legend that Gavin goes to (I made sure this was okay!)
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 8:45:06 GMT


the sharp thunk! that sounds above him is followed by metagross' body falling limp to the ground. the same PRISMASTIC LASER bounces right down at matias but the little comfey around his wrist floats up, giving one final HELPING HAND before being ripped apart.[break][break]

"fuck. we gotta move!"[break][break]

take your pokemon...and make the corret choice.[break][break]

gravitating towards the only familiar legendary, matias reaches for both and before nudging them towards KYOGRE.[break][break]

"this way!"[break][break]

should they wish to follow is entirely up to them.[break][break]

a rapidash bursts out of its pokeball, quick to assist matias as he mounts the creature. AGILITY takes them towards KYOGRE.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- METAGROSS dies[break]
- greyson's COMFEY dies[break]
- matias urges others to KYOGRE[break]
- matias approaching KYOGRE[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-rapidash"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gengar"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Supernova Shredder
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an anxious object
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6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 16:01:46 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Callan folds his fingers between the ashes that was his Togetic, Nora had healed a majority of his wounds. He pooled the ashes into a divot, placing a brick atop the ruins of the road, and placed a pecha berry to mark its location.

Callan stood up, his clothes half burned off, but his skin and bone restored thanks to his Audino's administrations. Callan was numb, and he looked over the entire hellzone of pitch black, surveying what he could. Over by the centre, a Kyogre, by the sides, Xerneas, Yveltal. How fast awe-inspiring Pokemon became pointless acceptances in the face of death. He was a spirit watching his body as he automated everything, dissociated from the entire situation. He needed to be.

"Rondo." He spoke, taking out his Kadabra. Callan's eyes moved over to the Kyogre, rain began to pour down over the field, Necrozma lighted up in preparation for an attack. Right now, if it had struck Callan, he probably wouldn't have minded. Images of his daughter and wife, of loved ones, of surviving the next day, or even the next minute, were completely detached from his thoughts.

But he did want one thing, right now, one thing that he fully committed to in order to not feel anything else.

Necrozma's death.

The lasers fired, Prismatic energy shooting in hundreds of directions, aiming targets between every single person and thing. Callan watched as one beam moved towards him, his Audino, and his Kadabra, the beam closed the gap mere feet from the group, before a warp split between the three of them, transporting him and his Pokemon over to the Kyogre, as the beam collided behind the building. If there was to be any desecration, it would have been the makeshift grave of his Togetic.

What he did not see, and would later feel however, was the loss of his Vikavolt, Hahn, whose return to its master would be clipped the prismatic laser.

But for now, he was numb to it, as every fiber of his being moved to construct as much pain as he could muster for Necrozma.

"Bowie." He called out, returning Rondo and Nora to its ball, sending out his Toxtricity as he gathered around Kyogre with the others.

He raises his mega-ring into the air, and vivid, acid red light explodes in an X-shape.

If there was anything close to a plan, the sheer scope of Necrozma right now completely overshadowed it. To every Pokemon that flung its moves at it, they were as mosquitoes biting against its foe.

It didn't matter.


In tandem with its trainer, Bowie's entire body glows and ripples with iridescent electricity, as it raises its arms into the heavily raining sky, a massive guitar made of pure electrical energy forms in between its three fingers pooling electricity as it converted its rapid acting poison into nuclear fuel for its electrical performance, it takes the axe in both hands, as Callan stands away from it, and swings.

A lightning bolt the size of a pillar, propels itself down from the sky and towards the massive Necrozma like a railgun from satellite orbit. The thunderbolt is immense, and if it misses, would obliterate the concrete and soil from which it was standing on, and scorch the half block that would have existed behind it.

+ Callan TELEPORTS to KYOGRE after resting Togetic's grave.
+ Callan recalls Kadabra and Nora and sends out Toxtricity.


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