i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
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wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 5:23:50 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



[attr="class","inner"] in the light of all that is happening, it's a surprise that he even feels it. the slight change in the air — how much lighter he seems to feel — as thunderbolts cascade in the distance towards the destructive TREE OF LIFE — or what it used to be.

[break][break] bruised purple glances upon , understanding dawning.

[break][break] it's only a brief moment, his gaze brought back to the sky as yveltal is torn from it's imprison. finally free, if only for a moment. darkness splashes across the horizon in a heartbeat, cascading all of them in that neverending darkness, everything except for those vibrant orbs staring deeply at them. unnerving.

[break][break] bright, getting brighter still.

[break][break] "watch out!"

[break][break] it's too late. an explosion sounds in front of them even as he watches his eevee dart back towards them. the pokemon glows with the power of a MIMIC, trying to copy a nearby PROTECT but it's too late. the pokemon is spliced in two by the straying laser.

[break][break] jayden is thrown back against the payment, a sickening crack sounding as his elbow crashes against the ground. he ducks just in time to avoid his own head being spliced against the razor, just as the eevee's head rolls into view and promptly disintegrates in a mess of pixels. his fletchling falls from the sky, thumping against the ground, but jayden's gaze is still focused on where his eevee used to be. a lump growing in his throat, reminded of a memory long buried away.

[break][break] it's that pulls him away from drowning, clawing to the surface. "thank you," he says gratefully, blinking back against in the darkness as the life dew prickles along his skin, tying back skin and bone in patchwork. with his one free hand, jayden returns his unknown and inkay who have appeared, releasing a new pokemon into the space.

[break][break] as the cryptic circles below them illuminate, saving them from the suffocating dark, a voice reverberates loudly somewhere — it feels louder in his own head, but there's no way to tell. 'the correct choice.' father had said enough times, thinly veiled threat.

[break][break] the lake guardians appear, but there's no time to be starstruck.

[break][break] he nods towards his released hakamo-o. "go to chu-e." or the body that's left of him — at the end of this, they'll give a proper funeral. the dragon lets out a prolonged NOBLE ROAR in the sky as it launches itself forward behind eris' pokemon, using a PROTECT alongside the kabuto.

[break][break] he steels himself, releasing a flygon. "follow mint," he instructs, as he climbs atop the beast. surely a pokemon is better equipped to traverse the battlefield than him — and if not, then they both meet certain death.

[break][break] in a hurry, jayden and his flygon speed towards XERNEAS.

[break][break] "MINT!" he calls, voice sharp. if the other will let him, he'll try to pull him up as they speed past.

[break][break] when he arrives, he jumps off and releases his shadow vulpix near the legendary beast. "try and get those flowers off," he instructs, watching as the fire pokemon gathers embers in it's mouth before trying to burn off the remaining flowers that the shadow storm is unable to get. he watches as appears, coat fluttering behind him, and jayden nods in agreement with a steely-eyed gaze of determination.

[break][break] "we won't let sootopolis fall."

[break] + fletchling and light of ruin eevee die [break]
+ releases hakamo-o and flygon [break]
+ hakamo-o uses PROTECT on chu-e, with eris' kabuto [break]
+ jayden climbs atop his flygon towards XERNEAS. [break]
+ when they arrive, he releases his shadow vulpix to use shadow fire.



[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 6:57:32 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
The jester is finally recalled into its capsule once the combined efforts of Katherine, and the unknown third party () vanquish the enthralled beast. As soon as it disappears from the field, the final words of the pixies are shared with her telepathically.
If only they were here to answer the question everyone's dying to know: what the hell does any of it mean?
"you didn't have to get involved," she mentions to amor off-handedly, paying a glance at her surroundings. it didn't seem like another shadow ball was approaching. "thanks, i guess."
something much worse was coming.
in a hauntingly familiar fashion, the world grows dark. katherine hates that she can recognize this. she hates that necrozma commands everyone to accept it as their only source of light. she, too, stares at it in anticipation.
then, the prismatic laser shoots.
having tasked reuniclus to prepare a protect beforehand, it acts without a command-- but it's not enough. the barrier shatters. the attack pierces through. every single one of katherine's pokemon falls back, and so does she-- but reuniclus fulfils its task.
it protects them. until its dying breath. not even a corpse remains. they will all have nothing to mourn.
"i-," a hiss escapes her through clenched teeth. "fuck! fuck, fuck, fuck!" she struggles to rise back up, but determination to see this fight through forces her to fight the pain and ignore the scorching burns. it's not over yet.
a snorunt is released next just as katherine sends gengar to aid KYOGRE. it's no surprise that she felt most comfortable helping the whale, all things considered. "help kyogre, gengar."
"and you. whatever happens..." a cough. "use protect as soon as that thing attacks again."
despite its slow approach, gengar would eventually rise like a shadow somewhere near kyogre. its spectral energy allows it to cast a hex, manifesting in the form of a dark sphere.

💎 blacephalon is recalled[break]
💎 kat hears the last words from the pixies/prophecy[break]
💎 prismatic laser hits, reuniclus uses protect as asked but it obviously pierces through. reuniclus dies and nothing remains of it.[break]
💎 she sends out snorunt and tasks it with using protect if necrozma attacks again[break]
💎 gengar moves to aid kyogre, using hex on necrozma

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 7:17:45 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

It seems like his decision to try and help the Rocket had backfired. Figures, but at least it wasn't through the fault of the other as the odd black vines has ensnared his hand that had created the fired making Razz grunt in pain as he goes down to one knee near his Glaceon. The ice Pokemon nods in understanding as they use ICE BEAM before they would attempt to bite it off.[break][break]

Though timing wise it doesn't seem to be the best thing to do as the monster decides to strike. Knowing their avatar couldn't get away on their own Reshiram does intervene and defend, the explosions causing them damage and while Razz and his Glaceon don't come out unscathed, they fair better than several round. Marowak and Drampa included as the attack had wiped them out completely, sending flashbacks to the Blackout where all this happened before.[break][break]

'Are you alright?'

Razz hears as he looks up at the white dragon who had covered him. There is part of him who couldn't understand why such a Pokemon would protect him, so for now he just nods as he's come to learn that he doesn't need words to always communicate with the legendary dragon. Glaceon looks worse for wear as in his head he can tell that the white dragon wanted him to keep going. So he calls on a fire Pokemon he could trust with Cynder the Infernape the very first fire Pokemon who came to him despite his swearing them off. [Break][break]

But now with Reshiram here, with his issues with fire in a better place Razz class on one he could trust to keep going as the light round them caused by some 'circles?' he's honestly not sure what's going on with the deep dark around so for now Infernape takes action near XERNEAS while a injured Reshiram recovers what they can with ROOST




    [Break]+ Razz's hand is grabbed by the black vines
    [Break]+ Glaceon tried to free him with a small ice Beam to freeze them break it.
    [Break]+ Nacrozma uses PRISMATIC LASER killing A!Marowak and Drampa
    [Break]+ Reshiram is injured trying to Protect Razz fr too much damage.
    [Break]+ With his Glaceon injured Razz calls on his Infernape near XERNEAS as they were the avatar they were closest to.
    [Break]+ Reshiram recovers itself with ROOST



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 15:07:38 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
To say that this entire area was a warzone was an understatement, but he grit his teeth. The giant clown had finally perished, and was returned to it's owner which was all he could ask for. Well aside from a rewind button so that he could get a redo for this entire scenario, but he shook his head. One problem was over, and another was appearing. Hearing the voice of speak to him he just tried his best to force a small smile despite the horrid situation that they were in.

"Perhaps I didn't, but having random explosions going off, and making it stronger is a problem for everyone. I figured the faster it went down the better off we'd be." came the easy response to the woman, but then his world darkened. Literally darkened, and the hair on the back of his neck bristled as he felt a pit in stomach. Before he could converse further he heard the familiar voice. Another portion of the prophecy was placed together, and that sinking feeling of something about to go horribly wrong continued.

Requiring Gathering You

Echoed in his head as the circle vanished, and he looked up at the colossal size of the enemy that they were fighting, and how everyone was struggling desperately against the rampaging tide that was coming for them. And a tidal wave swept through the air as many beams of light lit up the darkened world, and began to snake their way through the crowd annihilating pokemon left, and right with no remorse. His eyes went wide as he did his best to grab for a Pokeball to protect his pokemon, but he was to slow. The pillar of light was heading right for him, and he knew that this was simply the end.

In a single instant his entire life flashed through his eyes, he knew that there was going to be no coming back from this, he remembered the first time he met . The absurd amount of money he had given to him to help him out, the time they had gotten drunk, and then dragged into a city wide skirmish the next morning. He remembered Honoka and the time he had spent with her before they went their separate ways. Walter who had raised him after his parents died, and the many myriad of others he had chanced an encounter with. It had been a good life if nothing else, and so if this was to be oblivion he had no regrets. Only that he wouldn't be able to see Adontis, and Draco afterward, but they would be okay.

So he closed his eyes, and waited for the release of the light to claim him, but even though he had thought it was his end, his Magmortar in the briefest of breaths pushed him out of the way, and as he lay on the ground staring up. The smile on his pokemon's face was enveloped in the attack as it ceased to exist. Mercuria had saved Orira with a Psychic, and Kagutsi had saved him. Shock claimed his senses as he just stared at the vacant space, where nothing was left. Tears streamed down his face as the suddenness of the death caught him off guard. This wasn't within his calculations, and he grit his teeth even as the tears came down.

Pulling out the pokeballs for his remaining two pokemon he recalled them just as the circles returned in a vibrant light as the three Lake Guardians appeared, and spoke to them all in unison.

Take your pokemon.....and make the correct choice.

Anger surged through him as he returned his Metagross, and Goodra, and in a flash of light his Sceptile appeared. The mega stone on it's neck glowed brightly. There was only one choice he would make. Wiping his face he held the ring on his finger up.

"Vilu, Evolve..." He muttered the command so quietly perhaps no one would hear it, but the light that engulfed the Keystone, and Megastone radiated around his Sceptile, and it ascended to the next stage of it's power. "We're not going to let that pass are we?" There was bitterness in his voice as he rushed headlong towards the titanic form of Necrozma to stand by Kyogre. "Vilu use Leaf Blade! Hack it into pieces! He roared at his Dragon!

The blades on it's arms glowed with power as it rushed at Necrozma with it's Unburdened speed and aimed to rip into the tough hide of the creature to avenge it's now fallen comrade.

Magmortar dies
Metagross, and Goodra are recalled.
Sceptile appears!
Sceptile Mega Evolves!
Angry Sceptile, and Amor go next to Kyogre, and attack Necrozma with Leaf Blade!
Sceptile is using it's Unburdened ability to go fast!

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 15:55:51 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

Unfamiliar faces both joined and vanished from the scene, creating a mixture of unspoken thoughts and emotions Felix could do nothing more than swallow. As the light pressure of HEAL PULSE and LIFE DEW kissed his body, the Rocket could feel strength pool back into his system. It wasn't a lot, but it was something.


Eyes opening, he watched the young girl rise from his arms and whimper out her commands, like a shepherd offering salvation to her lambs. It offered it's own surge of strength for him, as well. Struggling back to his feet, he gave a sharp look back at his Hatterene, another command resting on his tongue already. Defend. Protect. These were his objectives, and no matter what, he'd have to follow through.

"Hatterene, use PROTECT," He shouted over the chaos. The psychic type would, of course, nod to this and offer a transparent bubble around himself, , and anyone else who remained within the circle. Hopefully, with the Runiculus' Reflect, they'd be safe from the beams. From there, he was allowed to cast his attention elsewhere.

Namely, the familiar trio of legendries he remembered from his childhood.


Their names came with a handful of confusing words-- what did it mean?

Their names were burned into the back of his head after the countless stories he had heard over the years. But, just as had thought, this wasn't the time to be starstruck. Throwing out another ball, an arc of red erupted, materializing into an arcanine. "Follow them!" He gestured to and , who were already off towards Xerneas. If it had not been for , he would have followed, but alas, the sidelines was more his speed anyways.

Flames of determination sparked out from his legs as the pokemon used EXTREME SPEED to not only help the pair but offer his strength to the legendary.

From afar, Felix simply watched, eyes narrowing down at the unraveling situation. A whisper trickled out from his lips, "we won't let sootopolis fall."

- Felix stays with Eris
- hatterene uses PROTECT to shield himself, eris, and anyone else who stayed
- he sends out Arcanine to help Jayden and mint
- Arcanine uses EXTREME SPEED to dash over and help xernas


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777 height
777 height
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 9:31:26 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





OBLIVION WAITS FOR NO ONE. whatever hope these LAKE GUARDIANS usher in, they require those gathered to act upon them. and that requires time that they do not have. for NECROZMA spares no quarter within its domain.

a gluttony for death and carnage engorges on their despair. the last light they'll ever see gathers between its hands. it looks to finish what it started, sending those that survived to meet with the fallen they'll miss so dearly.


but the living refuse. they are tenacious to a fault. the same faults that open up when an EARTHQUAKE juts out from underneath NECROZMA. the earth itself lashes out in defiance, while a spiteful ICE BEAM looks to freeze it from causing further harm. the orb of light within its hand flickers with the tiniest fluctuation as a DISABLE tries to shut it down.

these disturbances causes the attack to falter. it pulses with an unstable static that expulses smaller bursts. rays of light travel wild and aimless, vaporizing the first thing they hit.

the following pokemon are killed:

’s STEELIX [break]
’s GALLADE [break]
’s HAKAMO-O [break]
’s SNORUNT [break]

a vicious SHADOW STORM shows signs of throwing NECROZMA off balance. a pair of DRAGON PULSE and DARK PULSE berate it from both sides. a PARTING SHOT with incredible precision strikes the attack dead center.

NECROZMA continues to channel its attack but the light starts to wane, threatening to short circuit. several more lasers discharge prematurely as the attacks spread out in all directions.

the following players must pick one pokemon to be killed:


high above, a G-MAX STUN SHOCK illuminates the darkness. TERRAVOLT rifts illuminate the YVELTAL that duets with its DOOM-DRIVEN DIRGE. these two attacks combine into a strike that lands on NECROZMA’s elongated head. from below, their attacks are encored by a G-MAX RESONANCE and ORIGIN PULSE that uppercuts from an angle that allows the four attacks to hammer down in a great pincer.


but it is the parting of the DARK ZONE, the welcome return of a LUNAR ECLIPSE that puts the final nail on the coffin. the signature attack of a long forgotten pokemon joins the four, managing to damage NECROZMA enough to interrupt its attack.


the culmination of focus fire of many is what manages to prevent another onslaught. even against unsurmountable odds, they continue, and that’s what buys enough time for those present to fulfil the LAKE GUARDIAN’s request.


DESPITE YVELTAL’S DOOM-DRIVEN DIVERGE, the power bestowed by the LAKE GUARDIANS continue to well up inside it. the REGI RUNES glare in full view, hot pink as the pokemon starts to be consumed by these anomalous markings.

will feel his arm ignite with the same symbols as he stares down their gigantic opponent.

it took all that just to stop it from attacking. no matter what they throw at it, a pokemon of that size, a creature that grand, cannot go down. they are mere ants. miniscule. lacking.

but no more.

and will be the first to recognize the miracle. yveltal starts to expand. portions of its body swell like an inflated balloon, waiting for the rest of it to catch up. and it does. there will be no mishap like the failures back at he ANCIENT TOMB of fortree.


DYNERGY emits from the pokemon’s gigantified body. it surges to those near it and their pokemon DYNAMAX in response. soon, the sky is filled with the bodies of pokemon ready to beat back their oppressor.

among them, one pokemon seems well adjusted to being DYNAMAXED. ’s BUZZSWOLE seems to move naturally, as if the ULTRA BEAST should be used to such proportions. like with all things ULTRA SPACE, there’s no confirmation on why, just an acute observation by those present.

the following pokemon dynamax:

’s YVELTAL [break]
’s AUDINO [break]
’s ZWEILOUS [break]
’S BUZZSWOLE* [break]
’S HAUNTER [break]
’S TOGETIC [break]
’S STUFFUL [break][break]

dynamax will end after your next post.

your pokemon have increased in size, durability, and power.

's BUZZSWOLE will remain DYNAMAXED for the rest of this thread.


PRIMAL ENERGY STIRS from the LAKE GUARDIAN’S blessing. KYOGRE bellows with a coarse grumble as a primordial power surfaces once more. the BLUE ORB, the catalyst, comes to life but there’s something unstable with how the energy swirls. upon closer observation, the power seems to stutter, an incomplete circuit that cannot cycle through.

KYOGRE may undergo PRIMAL REVERSION in your next post.

explicitly state in your next post whether or not activates the BLUE ORB.

those who have no catalyst find themselves vulnerable to KYOGRE’S influence. PRIMAL ENERGY brands them through proximity, polluting those who have already MEGA EVOLVED with their true forms. even without a MEGA STONE, those capable of adapting, are pushed beyond.


strangely enough, will find the PRIMAL ENERGY strikes him instead of his rapidash. the excess power burns with a pain that highlights just how potent MEGA EVOLUTION is. his well deserved agony is short lived as it tapers off due to their incompatibility.

the following pokemon undergo primal reversion:

’s AGGRON [break]
's TOXTRICITY [break]
’s LOPUNNY [break]
’s GRIMMSNARL [break]
’s GALLADE [break]
’s INTELEON [break]
’s STEELIX [break]
’S ALAKAZAM [break]
’s GENGAR [break]
’s GENGAR [break]
’s GENGAR [break]
's SCEPTILE [break][break]

primal reversion will end after your next post.

your pokemon have evolved beyond MEGA EVOLUTION.

you may change your pokemon’s moveset for the remainder of the thread. this only applies to applicable moves.

your pokemon may use any LEGENDARY SIGNATURE MOVE that shares the same type as them.

these attacks cannot be SKETCHED or COPIED by pokemon that are not primal reversioned.

the following moves do not apply:

ROAR OF TIME [break]
RELIC SONG [break]


THE SHADOW ATTACKS FROM VULPIX AND COMFEY free from his imprisonment. XERNEAS needs no such assistance. the INFINITY ENERGY that comes from the LAKE GUARDIANS endow the legendary with new life.

its FAIRY AURA starts to flourish as plant life blooms under the LUNAR ECLIPSE. a potent GEOMANCY is set off without the XERNEAS’ conscious choice, empowering those around it with vitality.

their wounds are healed and their spirits rekindled.

their very defiance is what gives them life. and with that life they strike back, harnessing their very life force into a burst of raw INFINITY ENERGY.

the following pokemon may use any Z-MOVE that exists or LIGHT OF RUIN.

this does not count as your ONE Z-MOVE per thread.

this only applies for your next post.

’s CHANDELURE [break]
’s BLISSEY [break]
’s WHIMSICOTT [break]
’s NOCTOWL [break]
’S POLIWRATH [break]
’S FLORGES [break]
’S FLYGON [break]
’S ARCANINE [break]
'S SILVALLY[break]

XERNEAS may create a TEMPORARY Z-MOVE for this thread. it does not need to be approved and you may flavor it however you like. avoid stating any effects due to the nature of this being a moderated event.


SOME POKEMON RESONATE BETTER WITH OTHERS. those able to withstand the LAKE GUARDIAN’S blessing will find themselves entwined by fate. whether it be ties of blood, or representing two halves of the same coin, their powers will manifest through another.

their bonding and history is rendered moot by the urgency of their plight. the powers that be tap into their innate sense of perseverance.

the LAKE GUARDIANS care not for the nuances of man.

RESHIRAM and ZEKROM may create a TEMPORARY Z-MOVE for this thread. it does not need to be approved and you may flavor it however you like. however, it must coordinate or conflict with your partner in some way. avoid stating any effects due to the nature of this being a moderated event.


LATIAS and LATIOS may create a TEMPORARY Z-MOVE for this thread. it does not need to be approved and you may flavor it however you like. however, it must coordinate or conflict with your partner in some way. avoid stating any effects due to the nature of this being a moderated event.

also, LATIAS and LATIOS may forego creating a Z-MOVE and instead use DRAGON’S ASCENT.

these attacks will only be available in your next post.


THE LAKE GUARDIANS SHOW NO FAVOR between league or rocket. these factions and their politicking is strictly a human construct. trivialities like these pale in comparison to the matters at hand. by their will, SHADOW LUGIA too will feel their blessing.

the corruption it suffered by the ULTRA BEAST is cleansed in the blink of an eye. white streaks shine where poison had long since dyed purple. but this transformation does not purge the shadow from it’s heart. no, there is power in hatred.

SHADOW LUGIA weaponizes this power. makes it it’s own. its appearance may change but the aura around it still resonated with the SHADOW AVATAR’s frequency.

SHADOW LUGIA may channel its shadow power into a single SHADOW AEROBLAST+. afterwards it reverts back to its original form.

behind , the sound of someone landing from high above shines underneath the light of LUNALA’S ULTRA BURST. it’s a familiar face that sets him back a couple years. it’s been ages since the former ROCKET BEAST was reassigned to kanto.


daddy walsh would have me look after the big bad underboss,VALERIO greets with a smug smirk. the last CHARM dangles from his wrist as he stares at NECROZMA in the distance.

voldemort! show’em what we’re made of! again!

like deja vu, LUNALA comes to their rescue once more. team rocket’s ecliptic ace, a SLATEPORT BLACKOUT survivor, joins the rest with another MOONGEIST BEAM. valerio releases his other pokemon as well, unaware of the slaughter he had just missed. among his pokemon are the SHADOW POKEMON from the last time NECROZMA attacked.

elsewhere, abandoned to their fate, will have to rely on her DARKRAI to free her from the DARK FLOWERS. also blessed by the LAKE GUARDIANS, the silent revenant finds the power to sever their binds. however, as a manipulator of the darkness, it senses something else.

it’s not sure what but that concern is drowned out by the sight of the very same attack walsh had to call off during 's first assessment.

[break][break] [break][break]



THOSE GATHERED will find themselves empowered by the LAKE GUARDIANS. their hope is that this will buy them enough time to put a stop to NECROZMA before it can do more harm. the sigils on the ground continue to contort, moving symmetrically as these pokemon conjure their greatest weapon.

a MYSTICAL POWER manifest in the red jewels encrusted onto their forehead. from each circle, red shards start to materialize. one by one, the fragments start to extend, linked together like some sort of RED CHAIN.


every second that passes allows the RED CHAIN to grow longer. the distance between each circle shows the amount of time required to complete it. lasting that long is paramount to surviving.

it’s time to strike back.

GIRATINA’S influence warns to avoid making contact with the RED CHAIN. her god’s familiarity with this weapon spans creation itself. to resort to these measures show just how desperate these messengers are.


here are some possible prompts to follow for those who need a little guidance! [break][break]

  • HAVE FUN! this is your moment to go wild!




not much is known about DYNAMAXING but it has recently been found in hoenn!

several trainers found a huge REGIROCK in the desert tomb. after defeating it, the REGIROCK exploded, burying the tomb.

after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a new set of trainers found the tomb once more. inside, a weird chamber allowed one of the pokemon to DYNAMAX.

recently, several trainers have found an ANCIENT TOMB near foretree. the tomb was covered in a barrier that caused anything that touched it to DYNAMAX. however, some pokemon would die during the DYNAMAX process.


the first public appearance of ULTRA BEAST was when a huge CELESTEELA and GUZZLORD showed up in mossdeep. there, a VICTINI manifested itself prematurely. in desperation, it used V-CREATE and sacrificed itself to allow those present to MEGA EVOLVE.

due to the saturation of raw PRIMAL ENERGY, those present ended up undergoing PRIMAL REVERSION instead of just MEGA EVOLUTION.


a former ROCKET BEAST that was reassigned to kanto after not being able to show restraint during A TRANSFER OF POWER.

valerio was one of the few individuals who encountered NECROZMA in slateport. during this event, he befriended a LUNALA that assisted those present with taking down NECROZMA.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER and can post ONCE PER ROUND.[break][break]

please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players.[break][break]

reducing the amount of digging for information other players, including myself, have to do, the smoother this thread can proceed.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for this round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

@sirocco @miette


included is an OPTIONAL MAP for those that would like to visualize where characters are. those who would like to participate will have to modify existing images to assist with the workload. for those who need assistance feel free to ask other members in the discord channel BOXING WITH SHADOWS or GFX REQUEST.

for those that would like to participate, copy the map of the POSTER BEFORE YOU and add in a 50x50 image of your CHARACTER ACCOUNT'S AVATAR in respect to their position. if the poster before you did not participate, refer to the poster before that and so on until applicable!

an example has been applied with respect to 's position.


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 12:25:52 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

The group moved towards the Titan of the Sea. Steelix snaking his way through the battlefield, using every opportunity to provide damage to the Necrozma. Maybe some might’ve thought it unwise to do so. To provoke the giant which threatened to consume them all. Steelix knew the risk, but he was not about to let something as menial as size dictate who he could or could not attack.

And he paid the price for his arrogance. With a slam of his tail, a small wall of stone popped up between him and the entourage behind him. His eyes met with the light expelled energy flying towards him. Had he not forcefully halted the Aggron and Elinor, then they too would’ve shared the same fate as he did. Alas, his heroics saved them, halting their progress just in time before the beam of energy hit him, vaporizing his steel body in a flash of light.

When Elinor and Aggron moved around the wall, there was naught but a smallest stump of a tail left, still red hot and sizzling from the sheer heat needed to vaporize a steel Pokémon. For a shot second both Elinor and Aggron closed their eyes and hoped Steelix would find peace in the sweet embrace of Arceus. And then they returned to reality continuing their path toward their chosen deity.

Giant attacks flew around them, hitting the kaiju as everyone banded together to defeat the Necrozma. It offered Elinor and her Aggron much-needed time to reach Kyogre. Alright, we are what do we do now? Elinor barely had the time to think.

Once they were within proximity of Kyogre a primal roar of anger escaped his steel jaw as energy surged to him. “Gron, are you alright?” Elinor asked worriedly.

But Gron didn’t reply, caught up in the energies surging into him, all that escaped him was another roar directed towards the Necrozma. A Roar so powerful she had to cover her ears.

“Gron…” For a moment fear in her voice

And then his Form began to change. Steel plates and spikes grew longer. His form began to bulk up as the energies needed an outlet. Once some semblance of peace finally subsided. Elinor barely recognized the form that stood before her. Still, she recognized that look in its eyes, the look of primal anger directed at a foe. She hurried behind the Aggron, not wanting to be in the line of fire of whatever was about to come.

A primal pattern began to spread over his body as he channeled the very powers of the ground beneath him, ironic considering that the primal energies within him came from the Titan of the sea. Still, he was not a child of the sea, no, he was a child of the Earth. And he would show Necrozma the fury boiling just beneath it. The Bright hues of red and yellow began to shine brighter as he raised his arm, commanding the very fury of the ground to swell up. Though he knew not its name. The very power of PRECIPICE BLADES was his to command for a short second.

Gigantic spikes of Rock and Lava began to burst through the surface of the ground, all heading in the direction of Necrozma, none of them caring if anybody was in the way. For such was the unrelenting fury summoned by Aggron. He had lost friends, he had lost family, what were a few measly victims of collateral damage in face of his righteous anger? They would mean nothing to him, all that was important was the Death of Necrozma.

- Steelix Dies. Big Sads.
- Elinor and Aggron reaches Kyogre's Proximity.
- Aggron succumbs to Kyogre's Energies
- Aggron uses PRECIPICE BLADES targeting Necrozma without caring for those in the way.


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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 15:09:01 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

Gawain the Gallade's POV

His brother had turned all of his sorrow to rage in order to keep himself in the fight; he had blinded and deafened himself to all but the enemy before him. That is why Gawain had to protect him. Had to become his eyes and ears.

So it was not Gwyar but Gawain who saw everything that was ocurring around them. Power came suddenly. Foreign and tantalizing. Greater than even the power of Mega Evolution.

His chest burned. Power overflowed from within his chest, his crimson horn beginning spread across, overgrowth as his body attempted to return; regress back to an ideal moment in history which had never ocurred.

The power was so great, it threatened to swallow him whole.

Reeling back his head, the Mega Gallade screamed as his entire body disappeared underneath a wave of black and crimson.

Gwyar's POV

The scream brought even the furious Gwyar to a screeching halt, his heart freezing in place as he swiveled back towards the Gallade.

"Gawain!" He screamed as he saw his oldest friend- his brother being swallowed up by that unknown power-

And then, it suddenly burst.

Gwyar froze as he stared at the new, foreign sight. It was not like the first time he had seen Gawain mega evolve, either. Something about this... was off.

But there was no time to process it. Without warning, Gawain raised his hand in the air.

And all of a sudden, Gwyar no longer held Galatine in his hands. She was suddenly in Gawain's grip.

Gawain the Gallade's POV

The familiar weight of his sister settled in his palm as he stole her from Gwyar's grip. In his heightened state, he could feel the power gathering and flowing within her as well.


He channeled his new found power through her and casually swiped across the air. As if a god above had granted him permission, forbidden power unfolded before him, a tear in the fabric of spacetime forming before him, shredding a pool of light as it slowly tore apart to reveal a direct path to his brother's hated enemy.

The two long time partners, siblings, came into perfect sync as the Primal Gallade seized the Aegislash's blade in both hands and channeled all of his newfound power into her.

She fed upon it ravenously.

Gwyar was nearly knocked on his ass by the shockwaves as the Z-move came to life, darker and more powerful than ever before. Any other time, the duo would've laughed, pleased to break the man's composure.

Now, they merely hoped they still would be around to explain what happened if- when this was all over.

With an spirited roar, Gawain finally swung down.

'Excalibur Galatine!'

-Mega Gallade became Primal Mega Gallade.
-Primal Gallade's thread moveset: Night Slash, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Double Team, Teleport, Hyper-Space Hole
-Mega Gallade used Hyper-Space Hole to create a rend in space.
-That would allow him to swing the full combined power of the new Primal Energy and Z-move Excalibur Galatine at essentially point blank range to Necrozma's face.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 0:15:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as death rained down on everyone it seemed like kazimir and his team managed to evade another round of burials on their side. others were still not as lucky and kazimir couldn't help but feel guilt well up in his throat as he heard various cries of pokemon all around him falling for the final time. if only there was something he could do about that disgusting filthy giant black creature that loomed over them all. if only he had something as big as his buzzwole but...bigger!

if only he had something like that to take it down...

sometimes it seemed like there was an ancient being ready to grant wishes at the opportune of times around hoenn, because his wish soon came true as the strange bird they found themselves in its shadow began to grow, but it wasn't just that one. one by one different pokemon belonging to different people that gathered up by the yvetal suddenly began to grow in size nearly matching the size of the strange necrozma that was facing them. it was only kazimir's buzzwole that probably came close to matching it in height if not more due to already natural size as the large beast found itself growing to giant proportions.

"hey! don't leave us down here alone!" kaz said as he suddenly grabbed onto the growing finger of the buzzwole with his growlithe hopping onto his back and digging his claws into his clothes to hang on as the two of them were suddenly lifted into the air. luckily his buzzwole managed to snatch them up into its large hand and set them back on the ground and told them to wait by placing its large hand in front of them. as it stopped growing the ultra beast took a moment to flex its muscles to let everyone around it gaze in its awesome new giant body, it mainly got a roll of the eyes from kazimir as he lifted up the growlithe and aimed it at the necrozma wondering why it didn't grow as well. "no time to really think about that, let's show them how we wreck shit up boys!"

kaz squeezed his growlithe who let out a yelp and a ball of shadow fire at the necrozma as it seemed to have some kind of negative effect on the creature when it first emerged. his buzzwole went off on its own rushing right at the necrozma with its fist reared back before jumping forward at it with a large fist aimed right at its face as it came in for a lunge against the demonic beast.


    * giant buzzwole, the world is not ready.
    * has shadow growlithe use shadow fire on necromza!
    * dynamax buzzwole uses lunge on necrozma!

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 0:49:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The amount of stuff going on at once was difficult to comprehend, even filtered through his Medicham's Telepathy. He could hear a number of attacks fire off from what he assumed was the giant monster, but none of them got anywhere close to him this time. "Is…everyone alright?" Hideo asked as he righted himself, his back still aching from earlier.

His Medicham had a full view of what was happening to Hideo's two other Pokemon:

A discharge came flying towards his Banette and Dustox. The Banette went to grab the Dustox, but the bug-type knew there wouldn't be enough time to get out of there. He erected another Protective barrier, intercepting some of the blast, but the monster was too powerful.

All the Banette could do was take cover as the attack enveloped the Dustox, leaving nothing behind.

Hideo's Medicham didn't have the heart to tell him the truth - not after seeing him after the loss of his Ariados. So she lied, telling him his team was alright - and diverting towards the sheer spectacle of what happened next, with each Legendary Pokemon empowering the Pokemon aiding them. His included.

Admittedly, being told Pokemon were getting huge - beyond a regular mega evolution - caught his attention the most, even if it wasn't what his Pokemon received.

His Banette wouldn't waste his new power; emboldened by Xerneas, the Banette channeled his newfound energy towards the giant monster, several tendrils of ghostly kelp emerging from his shadow and flying straight for the massive beast. He was going to make Necrozma pay for what it did with a Curse of the Drowned, the ghostly strike going straight for its soul.

Hideo could only listen to the display, but with most of the action away from him, he could finally get a handle on the situation. There weren’t many Pokemon around him. had run off ahead, leaving him with the people who had led him here in the first place.

And one of the Lake Trio.

There was a small chill that ran through his spine, but he didn't think much of it; his Medicham didn't notice the shadow that traveled through the ground, hiding in Hideo's own.

A visitor attracted by the death the boy knew little about.

He was more preoccupied with another realizing: his Gardevoir still hadn't come to him. No Telepathic information from her, not even her coming to help keep him safe. "Hey, Snooper? Where's Dancer?"

The Medicham glanced around the field, trying to see if she could find the Gardevoir. Last she'd seen, Dancer was being enveloped on those crystals, but there hadn't been anything from her since.

Dustox gets dust(ox)ed
Banette uses Curse of the Drowned on Necrozma
Hideo tries to get a handle on what's going on - Medicham doesn't tell him of his loss.
A shadow travels to Hideo's shadow, hides there
Hideo still wondering where his Gardevoir is/went

Curse of the Drowned: Tendrils of ghostly kelp strike nearby opponents' souls, temporarily turning them weak to water-type moves and disabling healing.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 10:04:24 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

It's what Gavin feels — all he feels, for a brief and blissful moment — upon witnessing the transformation of SHADOW LUGIA into an echo of her past. Streaks of brilliant silver-white slash through the deep purple of corruption, aglow in the light of Lunala's MOONGEIST BEAM. Her eyes remain their deep, malevolent red, burning with unmistakable hatred.

Each steady thrum of the legend's wings stirs up forceful wind, a PRESSURE building in its epicenter. A low cry radiates with Lugia's unrelenting fury toward NECROZMA — this alien being who had once sought to take her life. The tables will turn, now, and she will help see to it. A lash of her spiked tail determines the trajectory of the attack, and a blade of pressurized wind-and-shadow lances toward her faltering foe (SHADOW AEROBLAST+).


Inspired by Lugia's lead, BRAVIARY and GLACEON unleash their own SHADOW powers. The avian's STORM adopts the CHILL of a Galarian winter, both attacks aiming for their titanic foe.

Feeling slow, sluggish, and unbearably mortal as a result of his suppressed powers, Gavin nevertheless refuses to back down from Necrozma. He had faced many trials before the acquisition of Lugia's blessing.

We're going to get through this.

At the sound of something landing behind, Gavin turns to greet Valerio with an expression of surprise and relief. "It was you on the comms. Brilliant fuckin' timing." Though Lugia had clashed with LUNALA on Mt. Chimney's peak, she too recalls its critical intervention in the BLACKOUT and welcomes its opportune arrival.

"Afraid I'm engaged, now," he jests, in reference to Valerio's previous flirtatious remarks toward him. "This is my fiancé. When we kick this thing's ass, I'll introduce you."

He doesn't pull his hand away from 's as they witness the battle for the world's fate.

⁠— This post stars LUGIA. Gavin is just supporting cast.
⁠— Gavin's holding hands with and is relieved to see Valerio (also Voldemort) again.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 14:42:23 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Some skills were learned in a lifetime of mastery, others were learned in moments, when every event, incident and moment led someone to a single point in time. For Callan, it was in this very instant, still numb from loss and riding on the high of aftershock, completely and utterly dissociated from himself, that a part of himself snapped, forever warping inside of him, and yet at the same time, as if it snapped perfectly into place, a vertebrae long dislodged, clicking back into position.

That moment was when Bowie struck Necrozma with its lightning bolt, folowed, soon after by an amalgmation of energy around him a dirge from the concerted efforts of every individual concerting their efforts into halting the strike from Necrozma's next attack. The tree loomed, black, eldritch, unfazed. But it was enough, to see that it was not infallible.

An indescribable flow of energy coursed through him, as he eyed Kyogre's form, his dissonance snapping at what seemed like light flowing into Bowie, transmuting him, increasing his size, as runic markings warp around his body in neon green and pink. Callan had no clue what it was, only that he knew, this was something that was once in a lifetime. But more than that, through his mega-ring, he felt something else.

Something ancient.

As the blue orb flared with Primal Energyt, a deep pulsing rhythm coursed through his veins alongside his partner, like a heartbeat connecting himself with something greater. They were not reverting into the ancient, regressing into some primitive past. They were connecting to it, and in his mind's ear, he could hear something, like a double pedal. It was the hearbeat of the world, transcribed into notes in his head.

"Bowie, get out your guitar!"

Callan yelled. No words were needed, whatever bond carried between trainer and Pokemon, right now all that was needed was to transcribe the notes in their mind into the world. Bowie's electricity formed the axe in its hand, as it placed its fingers to strum the instrument.

Nearby, he felt something else pulse to life, as , ,   and 's Pokemon moved to strike, Callan's Toxtricity moved in tandem, Bowie let rip the first strums of the chord, infusing its thunder Stratocaster with Primal Energy and begins to rip into a guitar solo into a primal OVERDRIVE against .


From the heavy overcast clouds of Kyogre's DRIZZLE, came forth 4 lightning bolts, deep iridescent orange in color, striking against the ground. The lightning bolts hit hard pavement, and rebound, each lightning bolt forming into a spear, as they skewer against the massive Necrozma's form in the shape of a THUNDER CAGE.

Lightning bolts rain down against the area as a storm kicks up, releasing energy streams against the four pillars of lightning to hold Necrozma in place, as 's EXCALIBUR GALATINE, 's PRECIPICE BLADES, 's CURSE OF THE DROWNED, 's SHADOW AEROBLAST + and other Pokemon commit nuclear homicide on the blackened beast.

+ Callan and TOXTRICITY synethesizes primal energy into a guitar solo.
+ Callan senses the flow of battle from nearby trainers.
+ PRIMAL TOXTRICITY's OVERDRIVE summons a THUNDER CAGE to lock NECROZMA in place for the other attacks to strike the intended targets.


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 13:03:04 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
“Heal yourself first, 'm fine...”

Adrenaline scrapes raw against her nerves, fraying at her edges. There is a scream scratched into the walls of Skyler's throat, muffled for the time being as other things take precedence. Namely, survival. Not her own, but 's.

"You fuckin' idiot." The words are heartbreakingly soft against the surrounding carnage. AQUA RINGS are brought to life around the pilot, glowing a soft blue as flesh knits itself together and skin regenerates into a healthier version of itself. It's not a perfect solution, but they hardly have time for one.

Her next words are cut off by a familiar thrumming over her chest, the Blue Orb's primal energy swelling in defiance of its shackles. She feels it spilling out, lashing at the scarred surface of her skin - before burrowing deep within her flesh. Conquering. Consuming.

(There's a tempest at Skyler's doorstep, and a part of her has always been far too willing to drown in it. To give into its endless hunger.)

When she reaches for the Blue Orb, the choice is already set. And when fingers clasp the object, regardless of all the warnings that flash past her mind's eye, all Skyler can hear is the roar of the ocean. Calling, as it always has - and always would.

The Blue Orb is activated.

Beyond the limits of their tiny island, the Hoennian sea rages. Storm-tossed waves gather to crash violently against the rocks, heralded by dark clouds whose shapes are indistinguishable in the darkness. Between flashes of lightning, PRIMORDIAL SEA crashes down onto the battlefield in a furious deluge.

Above the captain, KYOGRE bellows out the ocean's fury, primordial power surfacing to etch designs into the leviathan's body. Crimson hues blinking out to be replaced by a dizzying iridescence.

Released of its constraints, the Ocean Titan gathers crackling energy in an ORIGIN PULSE, colossal beams of energy screeching sharply through the darkness in Necrozma's direction. Uncaring for any who might fall in its path. 

There is little one single Lapras can do amid titans and gods. As the battle for the fate of the world unfolds, the pokemon doesn't look to harm Necrozma or to help their allies. Her focus remains on which is closest and familiar.

Skyler. The absent stare, the hand that grips the orb, the iridescent designs that carve through her flesh.

Life Dew springs into existence, mixing with the pouring rain as it seeks, perhaps far too late, to soothe and heal. 
- skyler heals with her AQUA RINGS 
- skyler activates the BLUE ORB (u fool)
- kyogre undergoes PRIMAL REVERSION to become PRIMAL KYOGRE
- kyogre uses ORIGIN PULSE on necrozma
- lapras uses LIFE DEW on skyler and those nearby
- lapras is MEGA EVOLVED (2/3)
- kyogre's ability PRIMORDIAL SEA is active
- AURORA VEIL is active (2/5)

@ dawn of the darkest day
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2022 3:13:55 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

as they flew, lulu watched helplessly as necrozma readied what looked to be its most powerful attack yet. with every flap of noctowl’s wings, the dark flowers grew more malevolent, thorns like barb wire, digging between feathers as they further constricted the avatar on its back.[break][break]

it wasn’t necrozma’s attack which did it, but rather something eaded from across the field. caught in a crossfire, a flash of energy could be seen and felt before they were quickly careening towards the ground. she no longer had enough air in her chest to scream.[break][break]

when they hit, a plume of feathers exploded with dirt. the wings which had wrapped protectively around her had broken severely, falling away limp. while her bird was badly injured, luckily, she had managed to sustain only a fracture in her arm. still, she was bound and beaten, and the flowers only bit down harder.[break][break]

luckily, with the power of the lake guardians, darkrai had overcome its bonds. it descended to tear away her curse with shadowy appendages. air filled her lungs, and she coughed violently.[break][break]

the concern in her deity’s icy stare didn’t translate, for she was staring past it at the crescent shapes high in the sky. rocket’s ecliptic ace, enchanting and powerful. her head turned painfully from the brightness of its moongeist beam.[break][break]


she’d figured it was long gone, along with her old friend.

• noctowl and lulu are shot down in the crossfire, noctowl's wings break and lulu's arm is fractured[break]
• darkrai removes dark flowers from lulu[break]
• lulu notices lunala in the sky, is unaware of darkrai's concern[break][break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass=".lulu blockquote b, .lulu blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) } .lulu blockquote b { font-size:14px!important } .lulu blockquote u { font-style:italic; color:var(--accent); text-decoration:underline dotted; border-bottom:none; letter-spacing:1px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".lulu .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".lulu .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".lulu .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[newclass=".lulu .milkcredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:95px; bottom:5px; border-radius:100px; color:var(--accent); opacity:0.6; } .lulu .milkcredit a { transition:0.5s all } .lulu .milkcredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 10:09:57 GMT

tendrils of PRIMAL ENERGY float through the proximity, empowering those it hits with a familiar power — one that matias has been craving.[break][break]

and when one comes his way? he grins.[break][break]

except it burns in a searing heat unlike anything he's ever felt before. his entire body tenses against it, bracing through the pain before it eventually tapers off.[break][break]

those around him undergo PRIMAL REVERSION. and him?[break][break]



so he slides off his rapidash and watches the fire-type gallop ahead, providing what little support it can compared to the rest.[break][break]

and in the depths of his mind, a presence looms.[break][break]

"we'll find it."

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- matias has fomo[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-rapidash"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gengar"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing