i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 17:51:57 GMT
mint frost Avatar




His run is broken as swoops down to grab him, and he barely has time to go agree or protest, allowing himself to get swept up and cut the distance. He'd worry about covers and aliases later it seemed. Touchdown is a whirlwind and he can only look from Jayden to and back before turning his full focus on finding his pokemon. [break][break]

The giant beast seems disturbed, at least that's what Mint chose to beleive as the lasers fired off with unfocused direction. That made this scarier, honestly. There's small relief with Rocket's reinforcements, but the situation still feels dire. The energy here is fluctuating. He doesn't need a fancy gadget or spiritual connection to see all the crazy shit happening to the legendaries, the ultra beasts. It's almost enough to make him dizzy, but he stayed standing as he tried to find his partners. Cacio is fine, standing with hackles raised and electricity circling through him. But Gelatto? He can hear those high pitched yips anywhere, and he tries to push towards them. [break][break]

"Keep trying! I'm here!" he shouted just as a beam blasted straight for the silly SUBSTITUTE doll, destroying it with ease. It takes some of the blast but the rest is left for Gelatto who unlike Zucchera, is unable to get that quick painless death. Instead of being vamporized. he's left screaming and crying out in pain before succumbing to his wounds as a blackened corpse, his feet away from Mint who stopped dead in his tracks. The head is pointed towards him, he'd been looking at him. He felt his heart stop, and his own body grow cold as shock took over. [break][break]

There's no way. [break][break]

Luckily, his other pokemon can function without orders. The Luxray doesn't question the raw burst of energy emanating off the legendary deer. Instead, he felt the power coalesce, heavy and warm inside his chest before he opened his jaw and let off a roar to release it. LIGHT OF RUIN blasts out towards the Necrozma, trying to help push back the cataclysm that it represented for Hoenn.


tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- ty jayden for the ride that was sick [break]
- pour one out for gelatto the ninetails who never went out because of this exact reason [break]
- Cacio the Luxray is using LIGHT OF RUIN on necrozma [break]
- Gelatto the Ninetails uses SUBSTITUTE and then DISABLE on PRISMATIC LASER [break]
- mint is In Shock :tm:





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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 22:05:41 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

energy granted by these 'guardians' pulse out hungrily, mingling with the mega evolution in ways greyson had never seen. he, for but a singular moment, considers turning and gauging 's kyogre and his reaction, but tosses that mess entirely from his mind.
his only priority stands before him, a hulking behemoth of death and shadow.
beneath his feet the PRIMAL ENERGY pushes his steelix's MEGA EVOLUTION to the MAX. it shifts again, gaining a few more feet of length and height and looking far sturdier than it had even moments before. markings similar to 's kyogre and 's groudon spread like obsidian train-tracks over the steelix's surface, giving it a new look entirely. and with it, a level of power impossible for her to reach on her own. trickles of it rise and snap like arcs of electricity, small bits of it biting greyson's skin. instead of pain he felt... excitement. if only a trickle of this could fill him with this fleeting feeling, what would chlo be feeling like? now... he just needed an outlet for this new power.
he just so happened to have one.
"our turn, chlo." was all he says, his voice steady despite the pain from which it dwells; soft against the thundering, explosive attacks. beneath his feet she grunts, the noise rumbling the steel plates to which he steadies himself, and greyson smiles in understanding.
the duo rumble through the dirt, dust, and debris as they close the distance between themselves and death incarnate. a great energy colleses in the snake's maw, a sword made of pure, volatile plasma-like energy. it was riddled with MEGA and PRIMAL ENERGY, expanding to explosive heights and power. all at once she releases the BEHEMOTH BLADE in an arc at the impossibly tall ultra beast, a sparkling trail of blue and white energy left in her wake.

[break][break]as the attack reaches its apex, brilliant light expanding like the birth of a new star, greyson catches something in his peripheral, a shadow, an echo of something. it stood on four legs and brandished a weapon in its maw similar to the one his own steelix was forging. the strange echo turns towards him silently, expression a mask behind the ruined steel blade in its mouth. he closes his eyes, blinking back the blinding white light, but when he opens them again, it's gone.
shelving that hallucination for later, confident it was just the head injury he'd received from necrozma's attack, he steels himself for what comes next.


steelix undergoes PRIMAL MEGA EVOLUTION, gaining a few extra feet in length, hardening its exterior more, and gaining stripes similar to kyogre and groudon down the length of its body.[break]
with atop steelix, the duo charge across the battlefield, collecting an unknown attack in her maw.[break]
steelix uses BEHEMOTH BLADE, arcing a slash at the necrozma[break]
before the attack can force his eyes shut, he coulda sworn he saw an echo of something... but it's gone.[break]
readies themselves for another attack.[break]


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 15:45:37 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
This thing was going to die that was his only thought as Vilu attempted to hack at the black carapace that encompassed their enemy. It didn't even leave a scratch, but that didn't mean they weren't going to keep trying. The death of his Magmortar would not be in vain, and as he was so wholly focused on that single thought that when the light began to engulf everyone around him he was slow to react. Looking around he watched as pokemon began to Mega Evolve, or was it? The light from Kyogre began to radiate, and touch Vilu as well. His pokemon was already Mega Evolved surely nothing would happen to it right? That was where he was wrong as the primal light course through Vilu, and it's form began to shift once more.

As it began to Primal Revert to a far more draconic looking form, the blades on it's arms gaining jagged edges meant for tearing, and ripping prey apart. It's eyes glowed with an unearthly power, and it gained a wholly new form. Or perhaps an original form? Amor didn't know, but he saw the energy gathering around his pokemon, and he grit his teeth. Knowing that it was immensely more powerful than it was before, but what was the cost of such power, even if temporary? It didn't matter Vilu would be able to handle it he knew that much, so he gave the order.

"Vilu! Hit it with everything you've got!" He roared at his pokemon even as the light of magma came from behind due to the Precipice Blades from 's Steelix's attack. Vilu in his amped up state managed to remove Amor from harm, but he would remember that callousness. For now he had bigger fish to fry, or well freaky angular creatures.

Vilu began to let the draconic energy surge in it's body, the purple aura surrounding it as it had gained access to the most powerful of all dragon type moves. With a roar that almost bled into a screech it fired off a powerful concentrated laser of Dragon Energy right at the Necrozma aiming for the head in the hopes that this attack would be strong enough to blow it's head off, or at least take a chunk of it's body away. Whether that worked or not had yet to be seen.

The entire time he just stared up at the titan that had taken one of his friends from him, and he glared with all the hatred that he could possibly muster. All he wanted to do was turn back time to prevent any of this from happening, but that was a power he didn't possess. Hating his own apparent powerlessness, he just kept his gaze fixed on the black creature burning it's image into his mind. Because on the off chance they didn't kill it here, he was going to hunt it down on his own terms, and exterminate it.

Dodged the Precipice Blades
Primal Mega Sceptile used Dragon Energy!
Amor is madge!

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 15:56:22 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
Energy pulses, here and there.

She doesn't understand what she's looking at, but she's most certainly trying her best to keep up with it. A red string of fate begins to unravel, growing longer by the second as it attempts to reach its other fragments. And while she needn't know what it does, Eris holds onto a single hope that desperately wishes to bloom.
"Protect everyone! Keep the chain safe!"
Her bonds, their future - Unknown gods seek to write a definitive conclusion but she won't let their stories end here.
Blue light showers the field as a giant barrier is created, a Max Protect defending all those standing behind Crux. He holds tight, unwilling to budge even an inch as attacks relentlessly rain down upon them. And as Eris watches the fields burst into colours and sparks of energy, she finds herself clasping her hands together, intertwining her fingers as she whispers.
"Please, Mesprit... Please make it work!"
- Dynamax Audino uses MAX PROTECT to guard everyone near Eris and the growing red chain[break]
- Praying to Mesprit... hope it works...
[attr="class","adrie-note"]the end upon us


THE LOST[break]

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 17:57:33 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

His leg hurt, and that was all that mattered. His Zweilous squealed and growled as she dealt with the struggling human, almost stumbling as his reduced leg rocked her in the chin. She made it though, and experienced a miracle.

Twelve, the Zweilous, grew.

Rex suddenly felt himself leave the ground, screaming reaching a high pitch as his Zweilous suddenly realized what was happening and turned and dropped him in her mane. She wasn't sure how she'd keep him from falling later, but that was a different problem for a later her. Clinging onto her fur, almost choking on its density, Rex hauled himself up and gaped at the sight. He was absolutely hallucinating from blood loss.

"Twelve? When'd you get so big?"

She didn't answer, of course. Instead, the dragon swiveled her head around, focusing on the biggest mass of power. The other Pokemon were attacking this thing, and she knew why. She knew not of its name, but she hated this Necrozma already. Her mouth yawned open for a roar, fur bristling and hiding her Rex from the total destruction she was about to reap.

It wasn't a Hyper Voice that left her maw, it was a Max Strike that screamed out like a bullet, pure energy exploding across the sky to rip into this damned monster.

TLDR: Rex is snatched up by his Dynamaxing Zweilious, and doesn't even know what to do, alongside her. Zweilous senses other attacks going on and joins in with a Max Strike.

Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam. Dead
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt. Dead
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl.
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot. Dead

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 18:50:08 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

Losing his Salazzle and Golurk was the last straw.

He didn’t know what else was about to happen, but another bout of exploding—oh, fucking hell!

Since his Tyrantrum and Noivern had gone after the Dustox, Arashi had effectively lost track of them.

What he didn’t realize was that out of the two, he wasn’t going to be seeing his Tyrantrum ever again, especially not after—

“Not this shit again!” he shouted as he clung onto his Rapidash’s back with his remaining arm, the powerful attack going off again. Thank fuck his Noivern had flown some distance behind, which unfortunately meant that Ava had seen Ira get vaporized (along with ’s Dustox)…

This was not going to be good.

And then—

Everything just went off all at once, powerful attacks coming from multiple directions—and the Noivern decided to bank backwards—catching up to where the Rapidash was galloping forward, dodging as many attacks as he possibly could while trying to keep his rider on his back—it was hard, okay!

“Ava?!” he shouted as he saw a familiar shadow midst all the attacks exploding everywhere, aimed at the—and then it started to rain.

Couldn’t this day get any more worse?!

He could hear the Rapidash’s whinnying of protest, however Arashi, driven on by this bubbling, burning rage within whistled sharply exactly once, which the Noivern heard, suddenly diving as he jumped from his Rapidash’s back—

A small, lithe, one-armed body vaulted through the air, before the Noivern caught him on her back—and the Rapidash literally charged forward, entire body glowing with—

“Wha-what’s going on? Ava?!”

The Noivern could only screech in shock as the literal comet that was the Rapidash gained speed, energy—suddenly taking on the properties of fire as the energies from all around encapsulated the Rapidash, wrapping the flaming equine’s form with even more flames than what was normally possible.

(artist’s impression of Z-Move: Immolation)

While he was absolutely sure that Mustang didn’t know Burn Up, it looked like the charging equine—defying the pouring rain—continued to gallop forward, consumed in a powerful burst of energy as the Rapidash unleashed a burst of Immolation, aiming to slam into the black little prismatic crystalline shit—

(oh look, it’s Mustang the Rapidash! Only in HUMAN form!)

The same one that had taken away his Golurk, his Salazzle, and now, his Tyrantrum.

Just how high was the body count going to get?!

• Arashi has no idea that his Tyrantrum is also dead
• however, his Noivern knows
• Arashi, however, catches sight of the short-circuiting attack going off and killing whatever else got caught in its path (which includes his fucking Tyrantrum)
• the Noivern flies back to where Arashi is once all the attacks start heading towards Necrozma
• driven by angery rage, he whistles sharply once before somersaulting up and off from the Rapidash, who continues to charge forward despite the torrential rain pouring down all around them
• Rapidash used Z-Move: Immolation!
• Arashi is on his Noivern’s back as this goes down

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 21:23:20 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas watches as the Necrozma gets ready to finish them off, only to be interrupted by several attackers. But most strikingly of all, Yveltal, and all of the Pokemon gathered around them, begin to grow in size. The transformation in question brings two events to the former Elite 4's mind. The first was the battle that he, , , and had against a rampaging Ursaring. The second was the battle he partook in against Yveltal itself, alongside and .

Emboldened by the power of Dynamax, the Togetic begins to join in on the offensive against Necrozma. The Fairy wastes no time in channeling Ancient Power to bombard the Necrozma. Chunks of rock would begin to float with a glow of purple, before flying violently towards the invader. Though he'd find the power short lived, he'd certainly make the most of his opportunity.

tags: @tag
notes: D-Max Togetic used Ancient Power on Necrozma

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,334 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 0:36:01 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]everything happening is pure chaos.

there's too many moving pieces for her to focus clearly. her eyes dart around as pokemon begin to change, to morph. the energy around them is unnatural, chaotic, unnerving. it sends a chill down her spine, goosebumps rising to the surface of her skin.

and as her lopunny begins to change beside her, primal reversion claims the pokemon nearby.

it fills her with some hope, no matter how misplaced it may be.

"let's go," she shouts to her lopunny. together, the duo shift into a sprint. whatever happens... it'll be together.

the sheer force of necrozma's presence makes her stumble, wobble, flail. her lopunny is quicker now, too fast for her to keep up. and as she tries to maintain the speed, lopunny pushes beyond. with a lightning-quick movement, the mega evolved lopunny strikes at necrozma with thunderous kick. the move is foreign to her, unknown.

and there's no time to study it... hell, there's no time for anything.

attacks come from every direction and she's darting to avoid the crossfire to keep up with her lopunny. out of the corner of her eye, she sees something red. the red chain. a thing of legend, found once in an old book and never investigated. it's not her focus, not her concern.

focus, illie. focus.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- o shit hype
- lopunny undergoes primal reversion
- illie & lopunny charge toward necrolul
- lopunny uses thunderous kick

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,741 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 3:51:07 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







The fire and winds that plagued his body were nothing compared to the weakness he felt previously. [break][break]

But suddenly a surge of energy filled Xerneas's body and Bryan's wounds began to shut close, at an even faster rate than he was used to as despite the fact that his clothes were all ragged and torn, his mask even chipping to reveal his green eye. His body was in perfect shape as for Xerneas? He was doing pretty well too now thanks to those strange Pokémon. He stared at them "T-Thank you..lil weird guy.." he said unsure of what to even call the Pokémon as he had no idea who it was. But the Emotions behind his thanks were genuine. [break][break]

However their gifts didn't stop there. "Come young man, let us not squander their gifts. Let us unite as one once more and show this monstrosity we aren't to be trifled with." Bryan simply nodded in return as Xerneas lowered his head and bryan reached out as Xerneas raised him up. [break][break]

A word rung in their minds, but it wasn't the name of the z-move they had come to make good use of. It was a new one. [break][break]

They shouted in unison as a brilliant pink light "TREE OF YGGDRASIL: ALFHEIM" as a pink light pours out from the two of them, causing cherry blossom trees to erupt from the ground, their petals falling off before being sent in a flurry and once they made contact with Necrozma would immediately explode.


notes about this post



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.Bryan reacts to his abilities coming back to him and his body healing completely thanks to the lake trio.[break]
.Tells them thanks you little fetuses.[break]
. Unleashes new z-move on Necrozma, causing several cherry blossom trees to spawn and send a barrage of petal blossoms to latch onto necrozma and explode upon contact.
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 5:27:49 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




000 words

don’t let it take the skin

from your bones



Gardevoir bites the bullet, and Killian doesn't bat an eye. Tonight is a night of loss. His leg, two Beheeyem, and a Shiinotic - as long as he or aren't among those losses, he'll consider it a win. [break][break]

Bathed in the primal energy, Inteleon rises above the masses on a tail-turned pillar. Moving now will be impossible, but he doesn't need to move to hit his target. Laying flat, high-powered water rifle at the ready, Gex aimed for the weakest point on Necrozma he could spot. [break][break]


DARK PULSE blitzed over the battlefield at Necrozma, poised to SNIPE the beast in the head.[break][break]




  • Hoenn claims another Gardevoir.
  • Inteleon Mega Evolves.
  • Mega Inteleon uses SNIPER to shoot a DARK PULSE at Necrozma's stupid face.



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 6:30:49 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre

For the first time, something like hope dared to flicker into existence as the titans around Elisabeth began to strengthen the previously powerless trainers and their Pokémon.

The Gengar that she had received from an eternity ago in the Petalburg Woods became something monstrous and strange, grinning widely as she directed NIGHT SHADE towards her foe: Necrozma. The Ghost-type required no command, as if instinctively, she understood her role was now to service Kyogre and those beside the legendary Pokémon.

Elisabeth had been relegated to a bystander, watching her own cynicism be dispelled before her eyes. A miracle had been a bitter thought, not an actual solution she expected to come their way.

The battle was far from over, however, and she knew better than most that it was a risk to celebrate one's victory too soon.

Better to bide her time, and wait.


  • Gengar MEGA-EVOLVES.
  • Gengar uses NIGHT SHADE on NECROZMA in service of KYOGRE.
  • Elisabeth finds all this surprising af.

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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played by


October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 10:39:40 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Summoned from the ashes...

[attr=class,bulk][break]All around them the tide turned at the behest of these harbingers. Adrian mayhaps could've recognized them from the legends of Sinnoh, but it was of little importance now. What was more pertinent was navigating this battlefield, which was now saturated with volatile energies. While many pokemon rallied to one another, Adrian wished to seek refuge in the company of comrades, amber eyes skimming the horizon for the one named .[break][break]

After isolating their aura against the vantablack of darkness, he throws a leg over Howitzer's back, snaking his arms around her before gesturing in Rowan's direction with his index finger.[break][break]

"There, Howie." He grunts over the sound of pandemonium. Overhead, Yveltal musters another devastating attack, levying its natural affinity against the enemy: MAX AIRSTREAM[break][break]


Howitzer, unable to see as Adrian does through the pitch, unleashes its SUNNY DAY to help it navigate the darkness. Bounding over the field as a hurried flash, they were able to reach them in short order—just before everything went to shit.[break][break]

"Are you alright!? I lost sight of you—" He seemed frantic.[break][break]

Adrian shifted his attention back to the risen entity, raising his lambent arm, wishing there was more he could do. Turning back to Rowan, he struggles to reconcile with the feeling of helplessness. They are doing all they can, but he seems to have fallen short...


tl;dr YVELTAL achieves DYNAMAX for a SINGLE ROUND[break]DOOM-DRIVEN DIRGE induces CONFUSION[break]
ADRIAN mounts ARCANINE to navigate the battlefield[break]
ARCANINE uses SUNNY DAY to push back the darkness[break]
ADRIAN heads towards ROWAN and those nearby[break]


template by punki

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 13:20:21 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe


Witnessing firsthand the gigantification of Yveltal, stark panic settles into his bones. It's exactly like what happened at that temple during the ranger's investigation, and he can only assume the pokemon are about to turn inside out, or burst. But as the moments pass, they don't, and it seems he held his breath for nothing. At least until Derek's own pokemon starts taking in a mysterious energy.
"Crota, stop! That stuff's not safe!" While it's trainer frets, the Grimmsnarl curiously observes the PRIMAL ENERGY that began to smother it's form. Random streaks of hair began shimmering, flush with the color of whatever this power was. And Crota could feel it, meeting it's eyes with Necrozma and smiling as if this somehow changed things. Like he was the danger now, and the others like him.
"I take it back—" His encouragement wasn't necessary. The cloud formation floating over the Grimmsnarl's head grew, bridging together into something closer to a halo. Taking hold, the primal energy coursing through it's grip readily flowed through it, creating a portal that those who've witnessed Hoopa may recognize. More surprising yet was that Grimmsnarl fucking threw the damn thing.
Watching it scale upward, afterimages trailing behind the portal eventually became duplicates, slowly but surely surrounding the enormous foe. But covering the area around such a giant took time, and the Grimmsnarl hadn't wasted a single second of it. Upon letting go the pokemon reared back it's fist, accumulating the remainder of this potential before it could be wasted.
When the halo finally finished making it's lap around Necrozma, placing portals all around the creature, it headed right back towards the hand that threw it in the first place. The very same hand that'd since been compressing the primal energy so much that the hair of it's arms began to snap, shrilling like strained instruments until finally...


- Derek's map position remains the same[break]
- Primal-Evolved Grimmsnarl uses HYPERSPACE JANKEN FURY


template by punki

[newclass=.derekswarm .accentbg]background: #a1b6d7;[/newclass]
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 14:09:54 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Necrozma’s ray of light instantly takes the Gallade’s life as soon as it sets up its defences, leaving behind nothing but dust. Mars can do no more than click his tongue at the sight, and behind his mask, brows furrow in frustration. How many more of his pokémon will die? All of it for what? No one has even managed to do any real damage to the extradimensional bringer of darkness…
Just as this thought crosses his mind, a strange energy fills the air.
The first thing that pulls his attention are the pokémon that begin to change: ’s Yveltal, now gigantic, almost the size of Necrozma itself, and by its side, others grow as well. The drizzle that had begun when Kyogre had first appeared soon turns into a heavy downpour, and with a bellowing grumble that seems to shake the earth itself, even the leviathan transforms.
As the sigils on the ground move, all the pokemon around Kyogre change as well: mega evolving and going far beyond. In the distance, Mars sees his own Metagross, now mega evolved and with blue veins coursing through its otherwise silver-toned body. Is this the Guardians’ doing?
His answer comes in the form of a chain made out of bright red jewels. Jewels just like the one on Azelf’s forehead.
He knows what he has to do.
”I’ll be back soon... Keep the kid safe.” With those parting words and one last look, the masked man lets go of , and just like that, he disappears. It’s a relatively short distance, and being able to see it clearly, TELEPORTING onto his Metagross proves easy. The Iron Leg Pokémon lets out a robotic hum when feeling his weight suddenly on it, but Mars does no more than kneel, putting a hand on the steel surface upon which rain keeps on falling.
”Armis.” His voice is quiet, meant for only the Metagross to hear. He calls it by the name he had given it, his gaze fixed on the RED CHAIN. ”You feel it, don’t you? The power of the Guardians around us? Tap into it. Use it against our enemies.”
When speaking the command, Mars knows he may just be sentencing one of his most loyal pokémon to death, but he does not take it back, and ever obedient, the Metagross hums in compliance.
Armis begins to gather psychic energy, the blue veins that course through its body turning as red as ruby and garnets. Mars stays until almost the last second, but then, when all that energy is released in the form of a single beam of MYSTICAL POWER, he TELEPORTS away – back to where his companions await.
There, he finds his Persian awaiting as well, and with a sigh, he makes her return to the Luxury Ball’s safety.
How much more death will it take? Did they make the right choices?
Is this what the Guardians wanted?



[break]- Necrozma VAPORIZES Gallade (RIP)
[break]- Mars reacts to all the transformations
[break]- TELEPORTS (self) onto his Mega Metagross and tells it to channel the Lake Guardian's power against Necrozma
[break]- Mega Metagross gathers energy (red veins coursing through its metallic body)
[break]- Mega Metagross uses MYSTICAL POWER on Necrozma
[break]- Mars teleports back to where he was just as the beam is shot



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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 15:07:59 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar


It had been a long time since Lex had seen the legendary that soared above. In fact, it had been a long time since she had seen .

“Val?” she whispers to herself when her amber gaze falls on the extroverted ex-beast. When Lex first arrived in Hoenn while on the run, when she first joined Rocket, Valerio was her teacher, her mentor, her only friend. Sometimes it seemed like it remained that way. She had yet to connect with anyone in Rocket the way she connected with Valerio. He’s a sight for sore eyes, relief in the darkness. She finds herself smiling, hopeful. She never got to say goodbye before he left for Kanto.

Power surges from all three corners of their battlefield. The Lake Spirits bestow a surprising power onto the legendaries that stand beside them. The energy overflows, filtering into the pokemon that surround them as they all begin to display unnatural forms.

Lex’s own Gengar grows to massive proportions. The familiar Mega Evolution is grander in size and power. The ghost’s fists pound into the ground, which shakes beneath her. The characteristic mischievous smile pulls across her lips, tongue flicking out to taste the air and lick her lips.

With her newfound power, the Genger roars, her large maw opening wider and wider as a sphere of spectral energy accumulates upon her tongue. The MOONGEIST BEAM is massive, cracking and popping with excess energy that looks to escape. Gengar’s Mega Evolution tames the energy, keeping it packed together in a concentrated sphere before it erupts with a thunderous BOOM as it fires towards Necrozma as a sinister beam.

Hi Val, bestie!
Gengar undergoes primal mega evoluyion

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