i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 13:33:06 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Darkmatter... Inter... Event...

[attr=class,bulk][break]"We're not leaving." What would be the point in quitting this place?[break][break]

It seemed their world was fated for ruin; if it did not fall to this calamity, then another would soon take up its mantle. No sooner did they dare hope, than did another reckoning take up the charge. But Adrian would never so willingly resign himself to this end.[break][break]

"We've only lost if we give up." Yet Adrian does not yet see a way out of this dire situation. And no sooner does he speak the words, than does he feel his wrist aching as pain shoots up his arm, his face twisting with a sudden anguished gasp. Klefki...[break][break]

By some reflex Adrian manages to stymie the attack, sapping a modicum of vital essence and enfeebling the turncloak Klefki. After seeing the culprit and understanding the tainted nature of these creatures, Adrian sheds its vise grip by rendering his arm momentarily impervious. Howitzer's intuition serves him well as she SNARLS, emboldened by his DARK AURA, forcibly denying the Klefki's aggression.
He takes a moment to recover, but the pain offers clarity in purpose. Shadow pokemon are their enemies...[break][break]

Yveltal's cautionary counsel had fallen on deaf ears.[break][break]

But that is not to say that more cannot be done to right these wrongs. From its aerial vantage, Yveltal is keen to the sudden turnabout, and is able to maneuver for a well deserved SUCKER PUNCH to help keep the rising Necrozma from breaking its bonds.[break][break]

From his position it may seem hopeless, but Adrian is not without his resources. A carefully cultivated collection with HIDDEN POWER ebbs and flows from the spatial anomalies all around them. Though they muster but a meager force on their own, together they exercise an exponentially cumulative power which he invokes.[break][break]

A thousand eyes and one,[break]
A thousand mouths but gone;[break]
A thousand lies yet none,[break]
A thousand sooths undone.

"We've got to help where we can," is all he manages to tell while trying to determine where they should be headed next. His eyes try to isolate 's AURA, hoping to utilize his talents as they had once before.





tl;dr SHADOW KLEFKI begins to constrict around ADRIAN'S WRIST[break]
ADRIAN instinctively uses his avatar powers to siphon its life force[break]
ADRIAN taps into his new ability, becoming IMPERVIOUS[break]
ARCANINE uses SNARL to overwhelm the vulnerable SHADOW KLEFKI[break]


template by punki

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 20:23:20 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

Just as suddenly as she had gained the power, it was gone, the Dynamax was over. Rex and Twelve shrieked as they plummeted down, crashing down to encroaching fury. The army of Pokemon bringing Hoenn's ruin were coming, and they were right in the middle of it all.

Rex was not a man that knew much about saving the world, he knew little of legendries. He wasn't even sure how he was going to stop his bleeding, or how to tell if his ribs were cracked. He still knew how to throw a Pokeball though.

An Anorith and Morpeko burst out, and he nearly sneered. Of course these losers were all he had left. He didn't even need to say anything, his head spinning so much all he could do was lay it down as the army of Pokemon swarmed forward. A paw landed on his back, the dragon Zweilous baring her double fangs at the army as blue Dragon Breath poured from her maws. Following suit, the tiny rodent Morpeko plucked up stones and removed the seeds from its cheeks, spitting vicious Bullet Seeds at the army. A squeal rang out, the Anorith firing off a Rock Blast after Rock Blast, all three hoping to divert the attackers to anywhere but them.

c6v3oUXa (Salac used!)

TLDR: Zweilous and Rex crash down, right as the Shadow Pokemon start to flood in. Still struggling to survive, Rex releases his Anorith and Morpeko. Zweilous uses Dragon Breath, Morpeko uses Bullet Seed, and Anorith uses Rock Blast to defend against the swarming Pokemon.

Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam. Dead
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt.
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl. Dead
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot. Dead

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Shizu, Theo
44 height
44 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
128 posts
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TAG WITH @lime5
Shizue Murasaki
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 20:26:38 GMT
Shizue Murasaki Avatar
Ah, what a time to be alive.
Just barely, of course. But that was more than enough. Shizue was running on emergency power at this point, but she didn’t mind. Not at all. In fact, while to many this might have been one of the darkest day ever, to her it was brilliant. There were so many moving parts in play, it strained the eye just trying to follow them. But until this day, she had only read about such events in the papers or in dispatches.

This day though, she was here. She felt the kind of dread and energy that made the small hairs on her appendages stand up momentarily, and she revelled in it. There was just so much to observe and take in, even though her consciousness was fraying on the edges. It certainly felt like she was blanking out now and then, even though she did her very best to take in all that information. Her Haunter had briefly gained a power-up, fought, only to be de-powered and return to her side. Briefly, it did seem as if that concerted action was bearing fruit.
Only, apparently, it did not. In fact, on second thought that was simply obvious.

It was a chain. It bound. But that was it. A chain could not defeat an existential threat to everyone present, potentially the whole region. It could only restrain it. Such a threat had to be destroyed, not bound. Failing to do that immediately led to predictable results. Though a second Necromaza appearing was less predictable. It was rather “Amazing,” she brought out in her weakened state, leaning on her Haunter still and watching. Among all these people sending out legendaries and whatnot, her Pokemon probably would not do much of a difference. Plus, she needed it to just barely get onto her feet and watch, still weakened by the spores. Hence, she would, as always, do the best she could do by doing what she did best. Observe, study learn. And that, she would.

- Still worn down by the spores
- leans on haunter, watching proceeding, analyzing what she can and enjoying the good life
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 5:00:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"oh my ar-" there was little time to really be in awe at the sight of his buzzwole turned and swung its fist down at the ground and kazimir was right in the middle of its shadow. as the blonde turned away to run he took out a pokeball and summoned a gogoat who didn't even take a second after looking at their situation to hoof it out of the way of the fist coming down at them with kazimir jumping onto its back and clinging to its backside as he did. there was very little moment of reprieve as the gogoat suddenly found its legs on fire as it looked back to see the shadow growlithe aim a shadow fire right at the goat. As the flames struck and signed the grassy skin of the goat it bucked around throwing kazimir off of its back knocking him and a few of his pokeballs onto the ground.

As the blonde struggled to get back onto his feet he saw his growlithe engulf his gogoat in shadow flames as it screamed in pain. "hey! knock it off! both of you!" he yelled out as he grabbed two pokeballs and threw out a slowking and drakloak who rushed to the aide of their teammate who soon slumped against the ground. first the drakloak fired off a dragon pulse up at the giant buzzwole to try and knock it away from everyone before it tried to smash anything else meanwhile the slowking fired off a water pulse at the growlithe to try and douse out the flames it was spreading as well. Their attempts were cut short when the drakloak found itself engulfed in more shadow flames as it fell to the ground and a vulpix jumped on it spreading more of its evil flames.

Kazimir stood in horror as he watched the vulpix he was sure he didn't call out suddenly attack his pokemon, no words were said as he reached down and threw another ball he dropped to unleash a Crabominable at them that came at them with an avalanche. Unfortunately the shadow flames were still too much for the pokemon as the vulpix jumped from the still crisp body of the drakloak and aimed its flames at the Crabominable who screamed as he felt his fur burn away. The Slowking wasn't spared either as the growlithe aimed its flames at it and while it had some resistance to it it was still no match for the evil flames as it too fell as its body was engulfed.

The scene before him was a bit much, the smell of burning flesh was overpowering to the point that kazimir's face turned green as he slowly slinked away that turned into a mad sprint when he heard the two devil pokemon suddenly turn their attention on him and barked like mad as they gave chase after him.




    * giant buzzwole...the traitor!!!
    * has gogoat out to save him...until growlithe kills him.
    * sends out slowking and drakloak to attack growlithe and buzzwole.
    * drakloak gets killed by vulpix.
    * sends out crabominoble...which gets cut down by vulpix
    * slowking is finally taken down by growlithe.
    * kazimir has whited out! or greened out!

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 18:14:38 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Necrozma buckled against the relentless assault of the defenders of Hoenn, Oscar could not help but feel uneasy. They had a great deal of help to accomplish this, and yet it felt too easy. Surely there would be some last minute bullshit that would reverse all they had accomplished, that was what usually happened during these situations. Well call Oscar psychic because that was exactly what occurred! The Necrozma called for help, and who should appear but another fucking Necrozma.

Oscar went slack jawed as the second Necrozma emerged from the ether. They could barely handle one, now there were two of them!? That was not their only problem though, all shadow pokemon began to turn on their owners! Most notably, 's Comfey began to strangle Xernias. Oscar cursed loudly, he could not fucking believe that they had to face a shadow pokemon rebellion and Genesect was not even awake to take part in the slaughter. It was going to be pissed when it wakes up.

Oscar looked to Mercy, who was still reeling from using Light of Ruin. Her body was not used to such a heavy recoil, it was clear that she could do very little in her condition. That was, until Bryan shared some of his GOD JUICE! The magic fetus near them was healed by Bryan, and that same aura of life touched everyone within the proximity. Mercy felt her energy return to her, and once again she was ready to join the battle. Oscar was taken aback, eventually chuckling with surprised relief. "There's just no stopping you, holy shit."

Mercy jumped to Xernias's aid, providing a Helping Hand to the pokemon Bryan had sent to free the god.


--Bryan's avatar powers healed Blissey.
--Blissey used Helping Hand on Bryan's eevee and (Illumina) comfey
--Use 1 salac
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 19:21:03 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
From the moment she allows the storm surge of primal energy into her body, she knows it's too late. Any leftover resistance is shoved aside by the tide of power, the echoes of warnings smothered down into inoffensive whispers to make way for the ocean's might. 

And what a rush it is, gleaming iridescent patterns on sun-kissed skin. Skyler wonders, between ragged breaths of misplaced euphoria, if this is what the Sea Queen feels when commanding her people. If this is what Bailey had felt before succumbing to its siren's call. 

Skyler could see why she'd be tempted. Why she'd reach for it with bare hands even if it ruined her. Even if it killed her. The sentiment was not an altogether unfamiliar one. The captain too, craved for things that were far beyond her grasp with single-minded purpose.

Cresting over the rise of power does not prepare her for the trough that follows.

Whatever power had unlocked the Primal Reversion sputters out, and Skyler is left cold and wanting in its absense. The abrupt change ripples through her system like aftershocks of spasming muscles, and she's glad for the hand that reaches out to her. 's.

"'m okay, Angel." Skyler doesn't know that she is, but that hardly matters. The aftertaste of euphoria lingers on her tongue, like sweet ambrosia, even as her body falters in protest. 

More than that, the tides of this battle are subtly changing, hope scrambling to hold on as shadows gather, sharp-teethed and hungry.

Lapras' Life Dew breathes some strength into her, and the captain feels more than sees Kyogre release a Water Spout that rushes through the battlefield to hit the ensnared Necrozma.

Closer, Skyler becomes aware of the procession of shadow pokemon amassing. Bereft of her earlier power, she reaches out to waterbend a water spout into existence, aiming to cut a path where others could safely pass through. 

Lapras joins her efforts, breathing out a powerful Ice Beam in the same direction.

- kyogre is no longer subject to primal reversion
- skyler suffers through the sudden loss of power
- kyogre uses water spout against tree necrozma
- skyler uses her avatar powers to summon a water spout towards the shadow pokemon, aiming to make a safe path for other people to escape
- lapras helps out, using ice beam against the shadow pokemon
- lapras is MEGA EVOLVED (3/3) - last post!
- AURORA VEIL is active (3/5)

@ dawn of the darkest day
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 19:41:16 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo's not sure if he believes , not when she had become lost so, eyes glassy in that way he'd oft caught her entranced by the Blue Orb when he wasn't meant to notice.

When he catches her slip away, while beside him still.

Now wasn't the time to focus on calling bluffs or to act on the cold pool in the pit of his stomach, however. Not when an army of shadows was beginning to raise...

Good,” he says simply, fingers squeezing his wife briefly, saying much with little. “We need you here.

Necrozma is but a cornered animal, on its last legs.

But it's when wild pokémon are pushed to their limits, when the desperate howl to survive rips from their throats, that they're at their most dangerous.

So close. They were so close.

Only the invaders from the alternate world would soon learn, that humanity is very much the same.

But they're not done yet.

This is it, don't give these fuckers an inch.

Glow of his soul retracting back within his body, thousands of wisps that house their ancestors fading like stars in the dawn, Latios swoops back into motion. His mission to protect Hoenn is not yet at an end.

Dragon fire furls from his maw towards the Necrozma that attempts to claw out of the tear in space, DRAGON PULSE roaring.

He's not alone. Angelo releases his Noivern again, both it and his Gyarados taking to the air to aid the legendary.

A HYDRO PUMP and WHIRLWIND whip together in a howling, vicious storm, attempting to eject the invader from their world with a lashing squall.


- latios is MEGA EVOLVED (3/3)
- gyarados uses HYDRO PUMP on US NECTROZMA
- noivern uses WHIRLWIND on US NECROZMA
- begon, thot

@ dawn of the darkest day
[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 22:45:23 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
246 for @darkest day
The Darkest day is active.

"No, no, no!"

Locke surged forward behind to reach the injured Lake Guardian. Nearby, their Indeedee shared a wordless nod and pressed their hands to the ground in tandem. Together, they released their Psychic energy into the surrounding Terrain to further aid their allies.

They pulled out a singular Pokéball and pressed it against Mesprit-praying the cheap capsule would be enough to protect what little hope they still had. "Please," they pleaded, begging it to understand. "It'll just be 'til it's safe again!"

There are two.

He summoned his Abra, holding the small psychic type close with one hand as he pointed at the Red Chain with the other. "Try to keep it together! For as long as you can!" Dini-Dini obliged-sleepily raising both of his arms and attempting to reconnect a small portion of the supernatural bindings with his Telekinesis.

They both knew it was futile effort.

Without the Lake Guardians-

One will steal the foundation of life.

The tree! The first one took over the tree!

Did that mean this new one…?

One will kill the apparition of death.

Whether she was sensing Locke's train of thought, or simply following her brother's lead-Latias rushed forward to meet the emerging Necrozma alongside Latios. Her eyes glowed as Psychic energy surrounded the newest foe, trying to push the alien creature back where it came-or at least hold it back long enough for the portal to close it off for good.

- Latias is Mega Evolved (2/3)
- Both Indeedee set up a Psychic Terrain (1/5) to empower the nearby psychic Pokémon
- Locke attempts to capture Mesprit to keep it safe until this shit-show is over
- Summons their Abra to try and keep the Red Chain together with Telekinesis
- Thinks that maybe new Necrozma might be the one to kill Yvetal?
- Latias tries to keep US Necromzama from coming through with Psychic
- 4 salacs used
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 23:18:57 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

For a moment, it seemed like the Red Chain managed to hold the Necrozma back. That they had managed to prevail in the end. But things quickly turned sour. Shadow Pokemon turned against their trainers. The Red Chain seemed to be breaking apart. And a second Necrozma was emerging from a portal.

Golgo forced his way out of his Pokeball. Despite his exhaustion, he was going to go in for one last stand. The Togetic, despite shrinking back down to normal size, attempted to hold off the Necrozma with Ancient Power. In turn, Golgo attempted to keep the first Necrozma at bay by blasting it with a Snipe Shot.


tags: @tag
notes: Togetic uses Ancient Power to try to prevent Necrozma #2 from emerging
Inteleon forces his way out of the Pokeball, and uses Snipe Shot to prevent Necrozma #1 from escaping

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 23:49:57 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Table it for later, Frost. Table it for later. The words kept repeating in his head as he felt himself about to just stop and lose it. His chest hurt, and he felt his throat tighten and his eyes prick and itch. Fuck. Why had- why had he grabbed that pokeball? Why hadn't he just- [break][break]

Too much is happening all at once. He would deal with the most immediate threats first. Somehow, his body moves, shaking but working off the instinct to survive this conflict before anything else. His eyes are on one of the Lake Trio as the weird crystal puppets move to end it. "Cacio, move to you-" he began to order as he reached for another pokeball only to cut himself off when 's Bongo's vines wrap around him. The Luxray automatically moved back to his trainer the defense ready to help Mint escape. At least he can still release other pokemon. [break][break]

Agretti appears in the air, confused and startled at their surroundings while Straciatella is ready to fight. "O-Over there. 3 o'clock. Get those fuckin puppet things!" he called out as he tried to tear himself free out of the Zarude's JUNGLE WRATH. His pokemon move with hesitation before taking off, one obviously after than the other. The Tropius sends out a barrage of AIR SLASH to push away 's Gardevoir before it can continue its assault. [break][break]


The Abomasnow rushes in moments later arm glowing green as it slammed a WOOD HAMMER into the crystal Shiinotic, under the cover of HAIL as her SNOW WARNING summoned another hail storm. [break][break]


Other's were focusing their efforts on the dual Necrozmas and the Buzzswole. This was the best he could do, stuck here. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon gotta move!!" he hissed as him and Cacio struggled in vines. They had to keep mobile before the next round of laser beams came out.



tagged ▸ ooc heheheheheh [break][break]

- mint is compartmentalizing :tm: [break]
- cacio the luxray moving in to help mint out of bongo's vine trap [break]
- agretti the tropius uses air slash on crystal gardevoir [break]
- straciatella the abomasnow's snow warning summoned HAIL (1/5) [break]
- straciatella the abomasnow uses wood hammer on the crystal shiinotic [break]
- paniqué [break]





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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 23:55:30 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
greyson thought he could stand with the best of them.
then gets serious, and all notions of that fly out the preverbal window.
he stands there for a moment dumb-struck by the display, before the rumble in his steelix's throat catches his attention. still MEGA-EVOLVED, but with time ticking. shaking himself from his stupor, the cold, numbing sensation fills his veins once more.
silently, he assesses the rest of the field.
whatever this 'red chain' was, it was breaking, its bound death god moments of freedom. on the other side of the field, reality cracked, and warped under the pressure of another of its kind. its onyx hands wrench forward, clawing for freedom.
a freedom it would never have.
next is the muted light of an UNNOWN appearing next to him, single eye focused inquisitively on the battlefield. he snaps the creature to attention. "shut that hole," he orders, his voice harsh. bobbing with understanding, it flies over to where does war with the creature, adding its HIDDEN POWER to the SACRED FLAME.
meanwhile, a fallen LUNALA is swarmed by shadow pokemon of all types. a guiding hand urges his steelix, a wave of its tail in an arc, a HEAVY SLAM of force to get the creature back on her feet.
as much as he wanted to end it there, he knew that his job wasn't done.
a DECIDUEYE appears above greyson, and he flicks his chin to push the owl further into the sky. from it's vantage point on-high it releases barrages of SPIRIT SHACKLES at anything that even remotely looked like a threat.
to his left, a TURTONATOR. any creature boggled down with SPIRIT SHACKLE is consumed by the harsh FLAMETHROWER from its torrent.
from his vantage, he continues to study the battlefield.


is like wtf?[break]
3/3 MEGA EVOLVE[break]
summons a UNOWN to HIDDEN POWER the NECROZMA at the GATE with the SACRED FIRE.[break]
summons a DECIDUEYE who flies high and begins SPIRIT SHACKLING any creature that looks like a read (read: shadows)[break]
summons TURTONATOR who uses FLAMETHROWER on any pokemon SPIRIT SHACKLED.[break]
greyson is STUDYING the battlefield to determine his next move.[break]


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".greyson1 img"] border-radius: 3px; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #232323; background: #2b2b2b; padding: 9px; [/newclass]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 1:30:40 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]the red chain holds...

and for a moment, there's a sensation that feels like relief.

it's very short lived.

the chains that bind necrolul begin to break as shadow pokemon across the field turn. they go for guardians, for blood, and she stares in horror. what the actual fuck is happening?

she sticks close to and , a little behind the curve as things go from terrible to hellish.

and as a wormhole opens overhead, a familiar head pokes through.

there's no way... she's seeing things. her eyes need to be checked.

why on earth is there two?


kyle brings in the big guns and she knows, then, that this is bad.

another pokemon is summoned to her side. the metallic whirring of her klinklang joins the mass of sound, nothing more than faint white noise among the chaos. her lopunny sticks close, eyes darting for movement.

"go," she murmurs to her pokemon. there's no option left besides fight. her mist is useless at the moment, reduced to an oddity of black pulses. and with nothing else in her arsenal, she's ordering for attacks.

her lopunny moves first, launching itself up with a high jump kick aimed right at necrolul's face. and as the large bunny begins to drop back to the ground, her klingland quickly follows up with hyper beam.

softly, in nothing more than a mouthed mumble, she prays for something close to victory.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- damn
- assisting kyle
- summons klinklang
- lopunny uses high jump kick
- klinklang uses hyper beam

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 2:36:35 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre

Chaos broke out; Shadow Pokemon shifted sides, and as rushed to the side of the fallen Azelf, Elisabeth found her attention split between this and the threat that Necrozma still posed. Elisabeth's face blanched, the constant sound of battling Pokémon and screaming trainers distracting her for a moment from taking action.

Don't lose yourself to the smoke and mirrors. Remember what the real threat here is, Elisabeth.

Turning to her Gengar with a curt nod, Elisabeth intoned, "Shadow Ball."

And it dutifully took aim towards Necrozma.



  • Mega-Evolved Gengar uses SHADOW BALL on NECROZMA in service of KYOGRE.
  • Sorry for unexciting post, I am le tired. :(

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 2:38:11 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Words could not accurately capture the chaos that erupted upon the villain's final fall. Vibrant colors consumed the skies, as fires roared out and water cannoned out from the bellowing attacks.

Felix kept close to Eris, allowing the onslaught to occur around them. Occasionally, his attention would wane from their safety to that of his Arcanine. While experience ran through his fiery coat, death lurked within the shadows, and if they allowed a second of negligence to slip by, they would come and claim them.

Arcanine, who was still in the thick of it, moved to assist the ongoing efforts to entrap Necrozma. Ribbons of red sparked out from his mouth, raging out towards the locked pokemon. From where Felix stood, another pokemon came out from its ball -- a slowpoke. Tired and worn, the pink pokemon gave out a yawn, a healing pulse echoing out to help ' efforts in aiding MESPRIT.

- felix follows
- aracanine uses FLAMETHROWER at necrozma
- slowpoke uses HEAL PULSE mesprit

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 2:50:50 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim


It feels as if everything is happening at at once.
Georgette stares, her lower lip caught in her teeth which she chews ragged in confusion and worry. Had they actually accomplished anything with that volley of attacks? Necrozma still remains, and indeed another hangs from the newly opened wormhole.
Her face paling abruptly, she watches in shock as the Dynamaxed Buzzswol turns against the gathered trainers. "Whimsicott!" She calls, to which the little cotton ball dodges a nearby shadow pokemon, managing to return to his trainer's side. Georgette winces all of a sudden, her fingertips lifting to press against her lower lip to stare at them, now bloodied from her inattentive actions.
Flicking her fingers, she shakes her head and retrieves a second pokeball, releasing a Gliscor. "Guillotine that pokemon," she isntructs, pointing the Buzzswol out. "Whimsicott, give a Helping Hand!"


+ Mild personal crises
+ Releases a Gliscor
+ Instructs Gliscor to use Guillotine on Buzzswol
+ Instructs Whimsicott to Helping Hand Gliscor with the attack


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing