i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 21:27:12 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Through eyes illuminate, Latios SIGHT SHARES what he sees.

Cracks splintering the meteor surface.

A woman, gnawingly familiar, with a head of stark white hair and an Unown appearing before

With a blur, the Eon pokémon snaps his attention towards a trembling triangle formation of rocks. Crumbling. Exploding.

In the distance, an alien form glitters like diamonds. 

He only briefly sees it before a sudden force knocks Angelo off his feet, jolting him from his connection with Latios. With a flutter of his eyelids, psychic energy dispelled, he finds himself on the floor after the EXPLOSION.

Shit.” He groans, body aching and ears ringing, but thanks to  the impact could've been worse. 

Vision turning towards the other side of the meteor, Angelo clambers back to his feet. 

We've got another alien to the north! It looks bulkier and flashier than the one Rocket has.” He opens up the SHARED COMMS, informing the LEAGUE MEMBERS who might not have seen everything in the commotion. “And the Triad decided to show up, too. I only caught sight of one of 'em but keep on your toes!

probably didn't need to be told twice.

Up ahead, refracting like a million stars, the alien slips into a stance. Energy as grand as the cosmos gathering together. 

You were saying you wanted 'shinies', Dross?” Beneath his helmet, he throws a raised eyebrow towards skyler dross. She needn't see it, its in the sarcastic drawl as it all goes to shit.

Get back! He feels his partner distancing himself, bond stretching taut, as they both move to avoid the METEOR BEAM.

As Latios retreats, Angelo calls on another trusted companion. Sticking within his shadow, the Decidueye uses its LONG REACH to keep his distance from the assassin.

An arrow is loosed, a PLUCK speeding towards DR HOLO, sheathed in grasping winds.

If she's here to sabotage them, Angelo thinks, then why not take the chance to sabotage her.



- saw WILD DEOXYS and DR HOLO with SIGHT SHARE used in the last post
- explosion cuts off connection with LATIOS
- informs ALL LEAGUE in case some missed something due to distance/chaos
- meteor beam! run run run!
- latios pulls back, angelo brings out DECIDUEYE
- uses PLUCK on DR HOLO (attack/stealing ohoho)
- LONG REACH ability

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 3:47:04 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Explosions. Screams. An earthquake. A blast of bright light.[break][break]
The dust cleared. Nomi coughed.[break][break]
Nomi was alive. Bruised, battered, covered in debris, but alive.[break][break]
Valerian, however, was unmoving before her. With a gasp, Nomi rushed to his side, and gathered his damaged body up in her arms. He cracked open a baby blue eye, and gazed up at her with a dazed expression. She realized - heart pounding, tears welling - that it was because of his LIGHT SCREEN that she had survived...that they all had. and and their Pokémon were all alive, as well, she could see. Even the FRENZY PLANT that had constrained them momentarily seemed to be gone. But Valerian had paid a price.[break][break]
"You were brilliant, Val," she murmured to him, flashing him a watery smile from behind the glass of her spacesuit helmet. "You were the best." She brought out his Pokeball and held it up, intending to return him to it. He thrashed in defiance - expression turning stubborn despite the pain - he didn't want to leave her, but he soon collapsed in a pitiful display of exhaustion. "I know you want to keep protecting me, but I promise I'll stay safe, okay?" She could see the skepticism through his weariness, but it was for the best. He would understand, in the end.[break][break]
After she returned Val to his Pokeball to get some much-needed rest, she turned her attention back to the mineral vein. Despite the tremendous power of the ORIGIN PULSE, the otherworldly crystal shimmered before her, unbroken, its glittering surface almost mocking all those that wished to steal from it with its unblemished appearance. If the legendary Kyogre couldn't break it, then what can? Nomi wondered, awed and humbled by the resilience of the crystal. It made her want it even more. It was clearly powerful beyond imagining.[break][break]
And yet...she squinted. Was there a crack running through it now? She followed it with her eyes...[break][break]
's Deoxys was floating ominously above 99943 Meteno's surface, surveying the landscape critically like an alien general. wasn't that Deoxys, was it. She whipped her head around, searching...there! The Deoxys she'd remembered seeing earlier - slightly different, now eerily merged with Killian - was much closer to where she and Lulu had been attempting to mine the mineral. There's another Deoxys!? Nomi thought, shocked. Had it been summoned by the presence of its "sibling"? Or had they awakened it when they'd attempted to break the crystal?[break][break]
One thing was certain: it didn't look friendly. In fact, it seemed to be...charging?[break][break]
Thrust into another quick decision, Nomi released Trillium and, after shoving a few of the rocks that had exploded around the mineral - pieces of the surrounding landscape - into her pocket, frantically climbed onto his back. The Togekiss trilled urgently, as if sensing the impending doom headed their way. "We need to move," she agreed. With a sudden burst of speed, he leapt into the air and carried her out of the direct path of the wild Deoxys and its nearly-readied METEOR BEAM. They hovered near the mineral vein, but hopefully far enough away to not get hit.[break][break]
Nomi felt her brain buzzing, a million different thoughts and observations vying for dominance. What could she possibly do to protect herself from so many legendary Pokémon, including a new one from deep space, who was especially dangerous because it was not yet tied to a human avatar? What could she possibly do to mine a magical, indestructible crystal? She was nobody special, nobody important, just a young scientist hoping to discover something that would change Hoenn forever.[break][break]
Beneath her, Trill seemed to respond to her unspoken emotional plea, the bond between them translating her desperation and ambition into the one move that would leave everything truly up to chance: METRONOME.[break][break]

Togekiss uses METRONOME


+ When the dust clears from the ORIGIN PULSE, Nomi realizes she and her companions are miraculously still alive. Val saved them, but now he is critically injured.[break]
+ Nomi forces Val to go back into his Pokeball even though he stubbornly wishes to stay by her side.[break]
+ Nomi releases Trillium, her Togekiss.[break]
+ Nomi pockets a stray moon rock (meteor debris) and gets onto Trill's back, hoping he can maneuver her out of harm's way, but still hover close by to the mineral vein.[break]
+ Nomi feels overwhelmed by the sheer power of all of the incredible legendary Pokémon around her, and also feels frustrated by everyone's inability to crack through the mineral vein...not knowing what else to do, she leaves it up to chance.[break]
+ Trillium uses METRONOME in hopes of its effect being something powerful that can actually help Nomi and Rocket succeed.

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 17:30:14 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

What the hell?!

[break][break]For a moment, Ruby thought she'd caught a bit of space madness. There was no way was making ice appear with just his hands. But then she remembered the Articuno present amongst the League and gritted her teeth. Yet that turned into a cocky grin when she realized he was only coating the surface of the meteor with ice.

[break][break]"Idiot," Ruby said to herself. She didn't even have to tell Delphi to keep flying just high enough to avoid slipping. She zipped right past , a bit annoyed that he'd dodged out of the way but too focused on the mission to do anything about it.

[break][break]Too bad Laurence was smart enough to have his Metagross use Rock Slide.


[break][break]She pulled Delphi in one direction, but the Garchomp tried to go in another, putting them at an awkward angle that caused one of the rocks to hit the Dragon-type square on the head. The typing may not have been very effective, but that didn't stop Delphi from losing altitude and sliding across the ice, her training clinging to her for dear life. Once they'd stopped, Ruby whipped her head up. Like this, she and Delphi were vulnerable. They had to act fast, or they'd be easy pickings for the League, and like hell would Ruby let that happen.

[break][break]From behind, 's Blizzard blew and struck Laurence and his Pokémon. 's Earthquake caused the meteoroid to rumble, breaking the ice apart. With solid ground beneath her again, Delphi struggled to her feet, breathing heavily. The rough landing, the Rock Slide, and the ice had her in pretty bad shape, but Ruby couldn't recall her now. She was their best chance at getting past these goons to the mineral. Besides, Ruby knew Delphi well enough to know that she was even more reckless in her bloodlust than her trainer. This damage would only make her want to fight harder.

[break][break]She didn't know it was commanding his Nidoqueen to erupt the earth beneath the Leaguers in her way. Either way, it gave her the perfect opening to command Delphi to take flight again. And holy hell, was there a lot going on at the site ahead. Pokémon, including more Legendaries, clashed as people scrambled for the meteoroid's shining payload. Was that a crack coming from the exposed vein toward her? Then, something flew past her, and she turned her head back to see...

[break][break]"No way."

[break][break]The strange triangular rock formation broke apart in a bright surge of energy, revealing another Deoxys. Unlike Killian's, this one's body was crystalline in a way that reminded Ruby of the mineral, more of which had grown visible beneath her.

kepler brueshaber Avatar
“Oh, my god, you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Kepler whines into his helmet. “I was just there!”

[break]"I knew that rock was fucking weird!" she shouted louder than needed into her mic.

[break][break]Delphi had been focused on what was ahead of them, but she finally turned to see what her trainer was freaking out about. At the sight of the Legendary opponent, she unfolded her body and dug her feet into the ground, making Ruby lurch at the halted momentum. Dammit, of course Delphi wanted to fight the weird alien.

[break][break]The Garchomp turned to look at her trainer, offended, as her Poké Ball tapped her rough hide. White light enveloped her, and she was sucked into the capsule, leaving Ruby to fall the few feet to the ground. Delphi could be mad at her later. Right now, Ruby had to deal with that incoming attack. She tapped the first Poké Ball on her belt, and a shiny Araquanid emerged.

[break][break]"Arachne, Mirror Coat!" Ruby shouted. "Stop that Meteor Beam!"

[break][break]Arachne faced the wild Deoxys. Even from here, the Pressure of a Legendary Pokémon made her heart race, but she planted her legs firmly on the meteoroid's surface and prepared to counter the oncoming Meteor Beam.





  • garchomp gets hit by 's rock slide and slips across the ice, but , , and 's attacks give her the chance to get up and keep flying despite garchomp's injuries
  • oh dear arceus, there's another deoxys
  • ruby recalls garchomp and sends out araquanid to use mirror coat against the incoming meteor beam


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 21:55:03 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
With all subtlety out the window, Skyler figures it's time to make herself a big ol' target for any discerning Rockets in the vicinity. Unfortunately, something else has the gall to steal her thunder.

"Not the sort of shinies I was gettin' at, Vestri." The irritation in her voice is clear even through the crackly comms. It doesn't help that 's Explosion had thrown her off her feet and sent her back like a kid's mistreated ragdoll. Her ears were still ringing; a high-pitched, nausea-inducing screech.

In the distance, what looks like an alien's version of an 80's disco ball emerges. Greediness flutters to the surface, but it is a momentary thing that withers at the summoned rain of death and destruction.

'Ah, shit.'

Thinking and planning are not high on her list of priorities in this end-of-the-world scenario. With a brusque gesture, Kyogre is impossibly swallowed back into its pokeball - in its stead, a tough bear-like creature materializes.

In hindsight, the speed with which Johnny reacts to DETECTed danger is nothing short of impressive.

A brief look of alarm - but not surprise - preludes the Urshifu's sudden motion, furry arm snapping to grab her trainer. With Skyler firmly under her armpit, a short lunge brings her to , which she then unceremoniously plops onto her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Meteor Beams nip at their heels, tearing rock and pokemon asunder as Johnny carries both humans to safety in a slow-motion-worthy pounce that lands them squarely behind 's spaceship. 

"I hate aliens." At least, Skyler thinks, the Megalopolans were definitely gone for good.


- Skyler can't believe glittery Deoxys stole her thunder.
- She's thrown back by 's  Explosion, but gets up cuz there's work to be done. Still, ouch.
- Recalls Kyogre, releases Urshifu.
- Urshifu DETECTs the Meteor Beam, grabs both and and dives to safety behind 's ship.
- Skyler hates aliens. She sure is glad that all the Megalopolans are gone. (:

and too because i'm p sure they're nearby

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 23:41:35 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
kim could only take a few steps before actions obliged reaction, a surge of repeated force radiating off the crystal then coursing underfoot only to converge on one location, the formation behind himself; a familiar set of colors meeting his eyes.

as the deoxys charges an attack, kim looks to the skies, pointing near to where another cloaked in that familiar hue floated.

and without missing a beat, a hoop formed nearby , kim hopping through it- sitting inside the vacant hole with his back turned to the man, looking down below.

woah, that’s wild. that one looks just like yours.

leaning back, kim hangs by his legs, arms crossing over his chest as he eyes not too far off from himself.

speaking of yours, what type does it feel like? poison? grass? steel?

a hand hovers over his helmet, musing as if his chin was uncovered. the hoopa, alongside kim, floats upside down, a notepad in hand to document the impromptu interview.

for curiosity’s sake.” he says in an easy tone.

ღ was headed towards the mineral vein until that deoxys popped up
ღ hooped up into the sky near to where is located and started prodding at him with a question on his deoxys' type
ღ hanging in the sky via hoopa hoop


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,804 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 0:09:20 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



The Gallade’s PROTECT deters the METEOR MASH enough to keep it from doing any real damage. At first, she assumes the mineral didn’t crack because of the impeded attack, but shortly after the full force of a HOOPED ORIGIN PULSE still doesn’t shatter it. Instead, the meteor itself cracks open, shard of dark rock splitting to give them a peek of more of the mineral beneath it.


The Professor’s curiosity consumes her. There’s something strange about this shimmering crystal. It’s like nothing she’s ever seen before. Eva reaches a hand out to touch the amethyst. It sparkles wildly beneath her fingertips. Eva breaths deeply, the suit hissing with a long exhale, “It’s teeming with energy.”


“The Triad decided to show up too!” she hears ’s voice warn through the comms. The previous mention of an Unown had her suspicious. They’re surrounded by enemies – they weren’t going to make it out of this easily.


And as if on cue, the ground beneath them quakes, sending the doctor back down to her knees in sudden disruption. From behind the visor of her helmet, her emerald gaze traces the crack that races along the surface, ending at a rocky formation where another alien appears. A quick look up confirms it’s not the alien they had just witnessed. Was it another Rocket avatar? One they hadn’t discovered yet?


Eva assumes it is malicious, and is right in that fact as the alien prepares a sweeping METEOR BEAM, “Uh, SANCTUARY!” The Gallade attempts the z-move but the INFINITY ENERGY encasing them pops and hisses violently in retaliation, “Shit, PROTECT then!” she doesn’t have time to switch out to her Machamp. Facing the threat, Blade prepares another PROTECT to cover Eva and (and whatever pokemon he has out). It’s not nearly as strong as the first, but it’s all they have.




+ Eva touches the mineral and assumes its teeming with energy[break]
+ She gets distract by mention of the triad and the appearance of Deoxys[break]
+ Shit time to wear a Sygna Suit, she wishes Blade could use SANCTUARY[break]
+ Time to spam PROTECT I guess



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 3:16:10 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
"DAMMIT!" Perhaps Elaine really should not have been too overeager to make up lost ground. She had only heard 's warning to abort her pursuit too late as she was brought to a halt by the white-haired woman. Come to think, hadn't she seen this woman before? Something about a soiree?

But none of those details mattered. Even if she had been able to put together her memories, she would have nothing significant about this assassin and her untimely appearance.

There was no way to realistically turn back at this point. She was far from help at this point. Everyone else was fighting their own battles so she could not rely on the appearance of a guardian angel. All she could do was charge forward.

She could only say one thing to all the people who had responded to the comms.

"Sorry. The triad closed off any chance of my retreat."

To crush the enemy before her. Before the Hidden Power could finish charging.

"Tiamat! D-"

Her command came to a halt. No, it seemed like the world came to a pause as the rock they were all on quaked and light seemed to tear everything apart. Between the attacks on the mineral veins and the incoming Meteor Beam coming from the new entry, it felt almost like the celestial object would be rent apart by the raging conflict.

And she could not stand idle.

She could not merely let herself focus on one target.

"TIAMAT RETURN!" She jumped off as she recalled the dragon. There was no way she could let her be incapacitated as well just yet. Before she could even let herself land on the rock, she tossed out a new Pokeball.

"Nephthys, Surf! Spread it around in a wave!"

Her Milotic emerged and with minimal delay began to produce a wall of water to protect them from the beam and crash down upon the enemy threatening the two of them. She would crush the Unown. The light of the beam would refract and divert through the water. The two of them needed to survive and triumph.

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Elaine, seeing it too late to abort, continues to charge towards the assailant and the Unown
  • Elaine apologizes to , , over the comm link, though anyone can hear it
  • Elaine, seeing the incoming Meteor Beam recalls Flygon and sends out Milotic
  • Milotic uses Surf in an attempt to guard against and divert part of the incoming meteor beam as well as to attack the Unown

Elaine and Team Status

Elaine: Left Arm and Chest injured, extent unknown
Ginga (Metagross)-Critically Injured
Titania (Mawile)-Good Condition
Tiamat (Flygon)-Good Condition
Nephthys (Milotic)-Good Condition
Astrape (Luxray)-Good Condition
Asteria (Absol)-Good Condition


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 4:41:27 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Are you fucking kidding me?!”

He hissed as the ice held for all of what he guessed what five seconds before it was shattered apart by what he guessed was a Golurk that had loosed an Earthquake that wrecked the entire thing…

“Che cazzo,” he hissed to himself, before quickly recalling the Metagross even though the Rock Slide Ro had tossed had flown true.

“Kid, get ready!” he barked at little Josh over the private comms.

And then the ‘blizzard’ come striking in—while it would affect most uninitiated to the sheer cold, to Lars this was practically nothing.

Heavy Ball popped to full size and Metagross recalled, he then clicked open the Cherish Ball once more, and the Iceborne Mirage emerged once more the moment Lars saw that there was another… things just got much more complicated, didn’t it?

‘What’s going on?!’

‘You know, the usual shit! I’m going to need your help!’

‘What, now?!’



“Kid, if you have anything that can support from the backline, summon whatever that is now, and follow me!”

Without much thought, the Mirage then swept down and picked up Lars (and should the other acquiesce, little Josh) before climbing to a great height.

Seeing that the ‘other’ Deoxys was just as dangerous, Articuno took aim—

Before releasing a powerful Sheer Cold attack aimed mostly at the other Deoxys that was rampaging with a Meteor Beam; hoping to spread it over a wide area. While it wasn’t the Z-move that they knew yet—that would come screaming out of the air on the next opportunity.


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
‘oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me?!’
• Lars recalled Metagross, before summoning Articuno once again
time to fly, again!
• Articuno swoops down and picks up Lars (and little Josh) before pulling up into the thinner air
• Articuno then used Sheer Cold, attempting to aim at the Deoxys attacking with Meteor Beam!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 5:28:23 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Not just one of the aliens, but two now?! Perhaps Lars was right and Josh was getting in over his head. It was obvious the Head Ranger not only had dominion over the Iceborne Mirage, but could cast ice spells just as efficiently as he could when logged into the VRMMO NINE: True Goddess Reincarnation. That was one thing he had forgotten to do before being thrown into space against his will. Thanks, Commissioner . In the chaos of the meteoroid impact, you may well end up sending your new Gym Leader to his death.

Josh immediately tensed up as soon as Lars' voice came over comms, almost standing at attention. Almost. When the Mirage came out of its Cherish Ball again, the Mauville Leader knew what was up. At least he knew what the PRESSURE was going to be like for his second flight on Articuno's back, and that helped a lot. His suit thankfully protected him from the latent cold radiating from the Legendary bird's back.

Josh did not have a lot of good support Pokémon; most of his Pokémon, being apex predators, were good at one thing: hitting hard and fast. He did, however, have one Pokémon that fit the role of support, and that was Aslan. He tossed the Fire-type's Poké Ball a good distance from Lars' Pokémon. "Use your NOBLE ROAR, Aslan!" Josh commanded, the King Pyroar facing the Deoxys and loosing a royal bellow that echoed throughout the surface of METENO 99943. It threatened to reduce the morale of the Deoxys (and anyone else nearby) while simultaneously weakening its METEOR BEAM.

Josh had a front row seat to the destruction Articuno's SHEER COLD was about to wreak. The Most Sacred Creation's aura of PRESSURE grew as it prepared to discharge the most powerful Ice-type attack known to man or Pokémon: a wave of cold approaching absolute zero. He buried his hands in what blue feathers he could find and held on tight, expecting a heavy recoil from the attack's discharge.



- Josh mounts back up on Articuno
- Josh releases his Pyroar and commands him to use NOBLE ROAR at the Deoxys firing METEOR BEAM in an effort to weaken it.
- Josh braces himself for the recoil from Articuno's SHEER COLD.
- Used 2 Salac Berries (Salac Berries remaining: 4 -> 2)

{WC: 329}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Janus         Espeon         Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 6:58:03 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Space is wild. He felt like his attention was constantly ping ponging form one area to the next. Mine the meteor? The likelihood that this entire thing was nothing more than a rock that housed that thing felt pretty freaking high. He's just barely gotten to the mineral vein, chasing after his colleagues when he's already wondering if he should turn back. [break][break]

Not only that but the League send quite the pounding to their dig team, maybe the cave had been a bad call. And then the living parasite itself appeared, and Mint shook his head. [break][break]

No, actually, leaving had been the right call. Cause fuck that. Especially once that thing started charging up? He noted multiple people running behind downed ships, and Mint briefly considered trying to find a human shield, but when he sees , one of their scientists try to take cover behind the mineral, Mint directed his pokemon to do the same. They scramble forth trying to find cover. [break][break]

screaming is- well it's alarming but he supposed the mining operation's biggest support would be upset at the missed opportunity. If only Straciatella could Z-move, he'd try blasting the rock again. for now, let the League take the brunt of that beam. "I hope this works!" he said, hoping the mineral was enough and directing his pokemon. "RAZOR LEAF! Hit anything that isn't us!" he ordered as the Abomasnow turned to launch a barrage of knife like leaves towards the Deoxys and everything in-between. If they were gonna get bonked by a fucking alien on steroids, let the goody two shoes die first PLEASEEE.


tagged ▸ mostly sorry im super sneepy [break][break]
- HAIL (3/5) [break]
- AURORA VEIL (3/5) [break]
- Aw shit aw fuck run run run to take cover like Kepler. [break]
- Straciatella the Abomasnow used RAZOR LEAF aiming for Deoxys, aiming for any Leaguers on their way to Deoxys [break]
- Mint manifesting that League take these hits first please please please [break]




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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 10:25:19 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




as the impact behind him starts to clear, he finds his attention split across multiple sources across the meteoroid, and concern derives from it as he quickly understands the position they find themselves in.[break][break]

ultimately, it is concern for above anyone else that keeps him focused on .[break][break]

salamence is able to recover from the VOLT SWITCH easily enough. it flies after the fleeing bronzong, though it is not the psychic-type that it aims for.[break][break]

crashing over the pod, salamence continues to breathe a FLAMETHROWER at , circling around in the air to also avoid the possibility of being hit by METEOR BEAM.[break][break]




theo is on his SALAMENCE in the air.[break]
worries about everyone but ultimately his concern for influences his decision.[break]
SALAMENCE crashes over the pod and uses FLAMETHROWER on .[break]
SALAMENCE constantly moving in the air to avoid METEOR BEAM.[break][break][break]



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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
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203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 10:41:24 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar




Clearly the so called astronomer hasn't heard the rest of her saying. Curiosity may kill the cat, but satisfaction will bring it back. And seeing how yet another copy of the Deoxys part of him couldn't help but smile as he feels like taking what they want from it would well be worth it. Though first distance needs to be crossed. [break][break]

Pryde recalls his Typhosion and in it's place out comes his Magnezone again and as the METEOR BEAM comes at both league and Rocket alike he has his Magnezone try to TELEPORT them closer toward the wanted mineral, as well as using the teleport to get out of the way of the initial blast. For now thinking of possible ways for them to take out the problem pokemon to finally get their target.

anA9eoPa [break]

[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Recalls Typhlosion for Magnezone
[break]+ Uses TELEPORT to avoid the attack, and get closer toward the mineral.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 18:47:30 GMT



THE BEATING OF HIS HEART almost makes the heat bearable. blood pools in his face, flushed behind the cold divide of glass and plastic. adrenaline pulses at a steady pace, dinging with each pulse like a clock tower’s announcement. it’s a small discomfort but one that steadies him against the peril of slithering flames and melting steel plates. stuck behind his escape pod, fernando lobs a hail mary to reveal his next pokemon.


the bristling beat lets out an introductory roar before inhaling the nearby flames with its FLASH FIRE. it represents the great vacuum of space as it feeds on the remnants of the salamence’s FLAMETHROWER. lambent speckles teem with life as the molten core is ignited for battle. when the dragon circles around, the heatran lumbers forward in contest.


unlike its opponent, this grounded monster has no means to avoid the sweeping METEOR BEAM should it turn to their incline. it lacks the mobility of wings but so too will their opponent.

a viscous energy seeps into the ground causing nearby debris and loose boulders levitate. dislodged portions of meteno scatter into the air, peppering the airspace with obstacles that serve as living mines. this STEALTH ROCKS seems simple on paper but the area grab will prove insidious as the battle demands movement and repositioning.

it’s a small opening but one fernando takes with greed, using the screen as cover as he tries to escape his compromised location.

- while still using the escape pod as cover, tosses a pokeball out.
- heatran appears!
- heatran’s FLASH FIRE absorbs lingering flames.
- heatran tanks FLAMETHROWER.
- heatran does not attempt to dodge (if METEOR BEAM sweeps their area).
- heatran uses STEALTH ROCKS to limit SALAMENCE’s airspace.
- while STEALTH ROCKS go up, fernando sprints away.


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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 2:26:44 GMT

now this is a bit dangerous. [break][break]

too dangerous for a vulpix to be up and about. with the pokemon still in her arms, the two of them are blown away fromt he blunt force - though she doesn't sustain any major injuries thanks to the earlier safeguard. at least it was good for something, and protects them from any burns. her eyes turn to the nearby pinkette, and she's relieved to see that she's alright. right, things should be alright. the vulpix is still alright, so she'll take it as a good thing. [break][break]

though she expects things to go downhill from here. [break][break]

and it does, because she catches a voice calling out over her earpiece as things start getting worse. her tongue clicks, and she pre-emptively pulls the pokeball of her vulpix to put it back into its ball to rest. instead, she swaps it for a sceptile, who lets out a grunt as he's awoken from his slumber. "no time, use detect." she commants the pokemon, whose eyes take on a red glint when it catches the presences of.. a crystalline pokemon. the METEOR BEAM comes swiftly, but the sceptile is quick to grab his trainer in his arms and bolt away from the damage zone. [break][break]

and instead, he drags her behind the ship that two other people ( and ) have found cover behind.[break][break]

so they had rocket, and now aliens. [break][break]




- she's okay, SAFEGUARD kept her from too many major injuries[break]
- swaps out VULPIX for SCEPTILE (bless the warning over comms)[break]



99943 meteno

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 3:21:52 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he gets a gist of what has happened after the report of an unown with 's message alongside an update from .

"just a single one? not an entire army?" he asks on comms.

the previous encounter with one when they entered the cloud replays in his head. a single agent acting on their own, especially against an entire group of avatars, was highly unlikely.

he hears mutter something about energy. dealing with whatever phenomenon that might have affected the appearance of the new pokemon was something they need to address as well.

and before all that, there was the arrival of a new pokemon, as well as rocket from beforehand.

unfortunately, tensions don't give him enough time to mull about it.

comes to their location on her urshifu, bringing along her husband for the ride. he would have given them any sort of acknowledgement, but a nod was all he can muster with everything going on in his head.

the head scientist's gallade makes him feel safe enough to go for another action, although his worries still lie on , who was, at least, on his way to them already.

"oi, prioritize your own safety." he tells everyone through their comms system. it's specifically directed to though, knowing how he works. "remember that we're just here to disrupt, not, uh, kill whatever that is."

as soon as he finishes, he hurriedly turns to the head scientist. "let's test it then," he tells . "right here, right now."

the smeargle is taken back to its ball, and in its place comes his mightyena. "emerge." it howls, black crystals protruding from its fur marking the evidence of its survival against necrozma.


it looks around for anything to snatch. the most prominent ones it detected are the source of energy in the mineral vein, alongside the deoxys on the farside of the meteor. the mightyena emanates a dark aura as it siphons out boosts.

  • kyle reminds noah not to be suicidal
  • hiding with eva's protect
  • smeargle in, mightyena out
  • mightyena uses snatch on deoxys/mineral


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