i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON May 12, 2023 17:43:22 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Ruby flipped right back off in return. Hopefully, this little "test" would kick her ass so Ruby could have a good laugh about it. Arachne chittered chidingly, and it took a moment for Ruby to realize that was directed at her. "What?" she whispered to her Pokémon. "She deserved it." A shorter chitter this time. Ruby knew exactly what it meant but refused to respond this time.

[break][break]'s voice had Ruby perking up more than she would have liked. Unlike many others in the room, including herself, he responded to 's little display with a cool calm and a robotic Pokémon of his own. Goddammit, why did Isaac have to be unexpectedly cool? It made everything way more complicated. He also suggested that, since this was likely a teamwork thing, people get to know each other instead of showing off or brooding in the corner. Ruby frowned. She wasn't exactly the most social of Rockets as it was, and her already-soured mood didn't help with that.

[break][break]Oh, look, here came the biggest source of her souring barrelling right toward Isaac's Iron hands. She scowled as she pushed Isaac aside to get to his Pokémon. Dammit, she wished she'd brought Atlas along for this. He sure as hell wasn't a "worthless primitive Pokémon."

[break][break]Isaac had quite a crowd forming around him. , (whose mention of the Ultra Beasts' destruction made Ruby's jaw clench), ... "Well, aren't you popular," Ruby said to him in almost a grumble. She crossed her arms in an almost protective manner, uncomfortable with being around so many people and being expected to be social. She didn't bother with introducing herself. If someone wanted to know something about her, everything important was on the screen. And she couldn't exactly say she was looking forward to working with some of these pricks.

[break][break]Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed leaning against a wall by himself. Case in point. At least he was being quiet for now, so Ruby only spared him a cursory glance.





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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,311 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 0:08:47 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Unlike @xenon, Isaac hadn't even tried to steal the spotlight. Despite that, people just had a way of gravitating towards him. The tension in 's shoulders melted away as he realized that he wasn't standing alone. As if noticing this, Isaac gave him a quick, subtle shoulder bump. No matter how often things between them took a turn for the strange, Ash was his bro, and Isaac would always have his back.[break][break]

Just as Isaac had Ash's back, so too did have his. Isaac smiled softly upon recognizing her; if there was anyone who he could trust to support him until the end of time, it was her. Together they stood strong and proud, shoulder to shoulder, looking for all the world like the model of a S.P.E.C.T.R.A. Trinity Unit. [break][break]

More came to join, though they seemed swayed less by his words and more by the power he possessed. One of these was Ms. Spotlight herself, all too happy to see a fellow "ultramodernist" among Rocket's ranks. As Ferrus Manus used his massive hands to establish a baseline of personal space from the girl that was examining him, came up to express similar sentiments more directly.[break][break]

"I'd been hoping I wouldn't be the only one," he admitted to the two of them. Briefly, his gaze met 's. Something told him these three weren't the only ones looking for a chance to test out their new Pokemon. "If you know the right trick to it, these guys get stronger in groups. Should make that spar even crazier, eh?"[break][break]

Z-Power thrummed through his Mega Brace. There was a reason he and Ferrus had workshopped a Z-Move for the occasion.[break][break]

The last to approach him today was none other than . She seemed half like she expected Isaac's popularity and half like she resented it. Isaac took a half-step away from the crowd around him to greet her at the fringes.[break][break]

"Best part, Rubes?" Isaac said, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "No chance in Hell I'm even getting paired with any of 'em. Not much of a test if I only show Rocket what they already know, right? Watch, they're gonna pluck me outta this group and put me with a bunch of perfect strangers."[break][break]

Such was why Isaac had suggested the less social among them get a bit of chatter going. The more one hedged their bets, the less likely they'd be to have the rug pulled out from under 'em. "C'mon, give it a shot. Never know who you'll find. Why, you might even find-"[break][break]

A familiar shock of silver hair stood out from the crowd, as it always tended to. ". . . ?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
571 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 5:37:28 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto may have the slightest of mixed feelings towards after the ride that had been his attempt to call out to Dialga; but ultimately, his presence is a welcome one. He has proven to be reliable, and the time the two shared in the Mechanical Kingdom showed that he had a caring heart towards other pokemon; which, the fact puts them at ease around him somewhat.

But, as he approaches them - which is regarded with a subtle smile from Makoto - he does something unexpected. Namely, he takes off his helmet - revealing his true face.

At this sight, the subtle smile quickly shifts to a much-less-subtle surprise - eyebrows rising. Long flowing hair, a prettyboy face, unblemished skin... There was no denying that the man before Makoto was attractive - that were this any other situation, his smile would likely have stolen someone's heart. Having the smile being directed at them certainly had them at a loss for words for the briefest of moments, at the very least.

But as Amor spoke, Makoto blinked, before being unable to help a chuckle and nod at the greeting. The casualness of it all helped smooth over any ruffled feathers, from the sudden unmasking. "I feel that I have the opposite problem, sometimes... Tsukiko may be strong, but she doesn't exactly take things seriously." They responded, musing out loud "Perhaps the two of them could learn something from one another?"

The question of whether they'd get paired up though, would be met with a soft hum. "I agree, and it's not impossible... Though, the question is whether that's the intention of those watching us..." Makoto spoke - their eyes drifting towards one of the nearby cameras that they couldn't help but find themself hyper-aware of. Just what were those running the show watching for, exactly?

Were they looking someone in the eye, in gazing at this camera in particular?

Though, the praise to their skills would be met with a soft sigh. "Thank you - but I can't say that scouting or hiding would do me much good in a head-on fight..." Which they believed to be the purpose of this whole event, ultimately. But that was why they signed up, didn't they? To learn.

The voice from another Rocket - - briefly drew their attention. Makoto looked to the blonde young man - noting where his attentions were directed - then back to Amor, a question soon occurring to them. "... Should I continue calling you Seraphim, by the way?" They asked, continuing "Or would you rather be Amor?" They paired this question with a nod in Isaac's direction, to indicate what the young man had spoken.
- Makoto may have slight mixed feelings at , but ultimately welcomes his approach.
- They are surprised at Amor taking off his helmet - thinks that he looks attractive.
- Mentions that Tsukiko has the opposite problem from Draco - suggests that the two could learn something from each other.
- They agree at liking to be paired with someone familiar + thinks it's not possible. But it comes down to what the higher-ups want.
- Makoto stares at one of the cameras for a moment, wonders if they're looking someone in the eye in the process.
- Thanks Amor for praise, but thinks that scouting + stealth won't help them in a head-on fight (which is why they signed up, to learn.)
- When speaks up, they notice him looking at Amor
- Which prompts them to ask Amor whether he wants to be called Seraphim or Amor.
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,344 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 2:08:41 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. TRINITY TRIALS


MAY 1 - JUNE 30

🎼 Tough Decision | Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma | Shinji Hosoe



THERE ARE DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS OF THIS EVENT. Some see the trials as means to prove themselves and their own strength, like . Others, like , darkly imagine it is a method for the higher-ups of Rocket to examine them like cattle, deciding which are worth raising for the slaughter. And others still come here not understanding their reason at all, but trusting that by the time the event is concluded, they will have gained something.[break][break]

At least, that is the expectation.[break][break]

The screens blink out rapidly, replacing the standard pictures and profiles that had given information about the candidates prior. In their place is a repeating image of Legendary Pokemon -- some more familiar than others, and some placed in groups. Many would recognize ones like MOLTRES, ARTICUNO, GROUDON, and HO-OH -- creatures that served pillars of the League such as Stormy Silph, , , Bailey Cooper, and .[break][break]

Others are familiar for other reasons: LUGIA, DEOXYS, ZAPDOS, XERNEAS, YVELTAL, ZEKROM, LUNALA, and DARKAI are clearly visible, recognized as Legendary creatures that aligned themselves with Rocket, either now or in the past. Among them, the UNOWN are strangely included.[break][break]

On and on the list continues, showing many of the Legendary beings that have found their way into Hoenn. Some, including the nameless Ruinous Beasts showcased in 's RVL route and the KYUREM that froze over the Silent Icelands, are newer than others.[break][break]

Beneath them sits a single question, choices flashing beneath its statement:[break][break]



There are several computers ready for you to input your voting.[break][break]

There seems, at a glance, to be no right or wrong answer.


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY to understand the expectations of this event.[break][break]

  • Teams of THREE will be set at the mod's (Scarlet) discretion. If you have concerns about pairings, please DM Scarlet ahead of time.
  • Interactions during this megathread will be monitored in the designing of these teams.
  • AFK behavior and low activity in this megathread may lead to a character's dismissal from the event overall.
  • Please provide a TL;DR with each post.
  • You may post multiple times in a single round, but be courteous of others.
  • You may have ONE Pokemon out at a time from your sign-up list.
  • Please be respectful of thread partners and trust one another in the storytelling process.
  • If you are stuck, please consider the optional prompts at the end of each round when moving forward.


More rules may come as this megathread continues.


YOU MAY USE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONAL GUIDELINES to help forward round one of the event.[break][break]
  • Discuss the options provided.
  • Debate how this might affect the trials ahead.
  • VOTE on your preferred choice in BOLD.


[break]SATURDAY May 20, 11:59AM EST.

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Black Dog
November 9th
Ecruteak City
147 height
147 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
437 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 2:29:55 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
Heh. I’ll try to remember it, yella.” He says, masking his inability to commit names to memory with masculine bravado and a half-assed nickname. At least his voice is animated. Turning to , he examines the guy. Looks him up and down. If Xenon is a yapping dog, then this creature who now paces and looks at the taller, elegant man has more the make of a wolf with a collar around his throat, bearing the name .[break]
Yo. Nice to meetcha. I’m Hitoshi. You’re smart, yeah? Maybe we can work together. Y’know how to shut up. Not like some’ve these bozos.” He laughs, saying thoughtless, juvenile, but utterly honest words.[break]
Behind him, the monitor flares. He watches the show with fascination. The shapes are meaningless to him. Groudon, Xerneas, the beasts of ruination. For a creature like him, a black dog, they may as well be the moon. They are so far removed from the world and ecosystem that this creature knows as to be divorced from him by measurements of lightyears.[break]
Amber eyes scan the choices. For him, the answer is obvious. He is one of the first, if not the first, to walk forward and answer. Hitoshi jabs the terminal, giving it his answer.[break]
What?” He turns back to the rest of the class. “If I know what I’m dealin’ with, I can kill it.” This creature doesn’t understand the task being asked of him in this hypothetical. Anyone observant on the other side of the glass can tell. Maybe they’ll find some humor in his answer.[break]
I can’t kill a ghost or fog or anything like that.”[break]
He slinks past Kouji. Past Kaname. Up to a guy who seems to be the center of attention. Looking at , he makes a statement followed by a simple question.[break]
Oi, Blondie. People like you. You’re strong. Wanna point me at stuff to kill when the test starts?”[break]
He is a sword with the blunt force trauma of a mace to the chin.

tl;dr Hitoshi yaps, talks to Kouji/Kaname, votes C, talks to Isaac for a second.
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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 4:41:19 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

So many people being social, it did almost seem oppressive. Almost. Thankfully, it did help to calm him down knowing he at least had his brother behind him, the shoulder bump giving him a calm air. He didn't feel serenity a lot lately, but right now, he could take a breath. What was essentially his sister too.[break][break]


Things started happening though. The screens abound goes on a list. Legend birds, like Moltres, Articuno, Groudon, Ho-Oh. Some, Ash thought, were merely just legends and just that, but a familiar site from the app is in front of him. ... Groudon, huh...? Who was the guy, anyways? He could have sworn he played a phone game of that guy before.[break][break]

More appear, with a particular focus on Yvetal. Ashley felt a cold sweat with that thing. What gave him such dread over that being? He tries to relax, to keep his composure, but the sweat trickles down his neck.[break][break]

Then comes the question.[break][break]

It's an honest question, but with it, Ash's hand rubs to his chin. One guy, one of the louder ones, decides on C.[break][break]

"I disagree. The threats we know make the most sense to prepare for. A." He even goes to select.[break][break]

Ash crosses his arms. He's steadfast in his choice. It's impossible to plan perfectly for what one cannot know without observation playing a part. "Schrodinger's Cat situation. Until it is a known, it can only play in conjecture at best."[break][break]

As for B, does that mean the ones they know in Rocket? If so, until they themselves turncoat, it's not something that needs immediate consideration, unless of betrayals. But someone playing traitor with such power is devastating. Even so, the number far outweighs the League's own. Crushing the opposition was the only option to incentivize the lack of traitors.[break][break]

He would know. Ashley used to be a traitor, after all.



- OUTFIT[break]
- A is chosen.[break]
- Ashley is keep in contemplation, but is steadfast in his decision.[break]
- He believes it to be the most correct.



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Black Dog
November 9th
Ecruteak City
147 height
147 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
437 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 4:48:49 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
The dog watches the next man make his decision, backs it up with words. To his credit, he listens until he finishes talking. Yumi has trained him well to listen before he speaks. It’s a luxury many of the thugs of the Hasegawa household were not afforded, in another place, in another lifetime.[break]
The hell’re you talkin’ about, idiot? Scrotum’s what? Look. All I’m sayin’ is this: the stuff they showed on the monitors, they’re just big dumb lizards, dragons, whatever. At the end of the day, if you know where their heart is, you can pierce ‘em. Here, look at this.”[break]
He conjures Jubei, his Ceruledge, from his pokeball. Sensing there is no intention to kill, the Pokemon merely flares his blade at Hitoshi’s side to help accentuate the trainer’s point. The flame on top of his helmet flares.[break]
See that blade? Jubei ain’t no god. He ain’t a legend. But BAM!” Hitoshi has drawn a tanto and stabbed it up through empy air, quick as a cobra striking prey. He holds the pose, tanto held above his head, as if reaching up to stab at the heart of Arceus. “He pierces a god's heart, the god'll die like anything else. Crush his brain, electrocute him, smoke out his lungs. Everything dies.”[break]
A dog yaps, with no grasp of the stakes.

tl;dr Hitoshi yaps, brings out Ceruledge, strikes a dramatic pose, says even gods can bleed
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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 5:39:45 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

With a rather intrigued grin now, the newer grunt has him raise a brow, as he watches the demonstration. The Ceruledge (an invariably awesome Pokemon that Ashley is immediately more intrigued by) demonstrates for him and illustrates the point.[break][break]

"Made your point. Counterargument. Assurance on what is known is better." He's smirking now, sure as hell that he already can win.[break][break]

"See that firebird there." He points to Moltres. "Probably breathes fire you'd think. If provided that information is correct, resources can be implemented to shoot it down in the most efficient, and least cost-effective way possible. There are means to play around its capabilities, as you just demonstrated. Probably has a heart, and you could fill the lungs, maybe electrocute it. All valid points, but-" But that's where something else reared its ugly head. Almost an antagonization? Or maybe it was pity? Hard to say.[break][break]

He felt somewhat combative, almost asking for the argument to continue.[break][break]

"-but. If you quickly eliminate it from the board, you have more assets to focus on what you don't know. Reconissance. You're not wrong in principle, because it is important. But it shouldn't be the main focus, just a lesser one." He'll at least give the guy that much. He was right. There isn't really a wrong answer.[break][break]

Thank Arceus he had been reading science mags since dating Kep. Science-fiction was fuckin' dope.[break][break]

"How do you plan for the unknown? Generalization. You can't waste resources on a potential what-if. Until the box opens, we can't know what's inside. Information is key."[break][break]

Because in this case, the cat is alive and dead at the same time. Therefore, it is in an unobservable condition that is both binary choices at once.[break][break]

"If we put our eggs in the wrong basket, it could be devastating on our forces. It's a gamble. If we know where to put our eggs, as you just demonstrated, we can end them quickly and move on. Like shooting down a Moltres through the heart." The asshole in him was really coming out, a snarky tone lacing his response. "Thank you for commending my choice with your presentation, though. Helpful to those who've yet to make their point."



- OUTFIT[break]
- A is chosen.[break]
- Ashley is keep in contemplation, but is steadfast in his decision.[break]
- He believes it to be the most correct.



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Black Dog
November 9th
Ecruteak City
147 height
147 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
437 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 5:59:55 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
You talk a lot.” Hitoshi says as the other guy finishes, sheathing his knife. “That ain’t the point. Point is, which one’s the highest priority. We can just kill the stuff we know about.” He says as if this is the simplest thing in the world.[break]
If that big bird decides to fly out in the open, just send everybody in this room out with some fire hydrants. Jump it. We’ll sort it out. We can’t do that to somethin’ we don’t know about! It’s like fightin’ the air! Or fightin’ gravity! If you don’t know about somethin’, it’s just a thing! You can’t kill a thing until you know where its heart is!” [break]
He kicks his feet, looking back to the monitor. Perhaps he has no concept of the fact every word he’s saying is being scrutinized. Maybe he just doesn’t care.[break]
What I don’t get is, if these guys have all these big things, like that deer or dragon, why don’t they just jump the guys they want dead and kill ‘em?

tl;dr Hitoshi yaps
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,311 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 14:26:37 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Because that deer and dragon are all we have."[break][break]

Isaac finally broke the silence he'd settled into as and debated among themselves. "We don't have the raw weight of Avatars that the League does. Even if we did, we don't have the territory they possess or the numbers to support them. If we just try to throw our weight around, we smack into that wall. And then we lose something . . . someone that we can't afford to."[break][break]

Gavi- er, . Lugia. Not just an Avatar, but also a leader, an inspiration, and Rocket's strongest remaining connection to Shadow Pokemon. His loss would be maybe the worst blow to Rocket imaginable, both from morale and practical standpoints. It would also likely spell disaster for the region as his menagerie ran wild in his absence.[break][break]

. Xerneas. The man cursed with life eternal, no matter how much he longed to die. He was a loose cannon to be sure, the man who saw to it that Kanto would be razed to the ground. Were it not for Dialga, he may well have succeeded. Yet even a man who couldn't die was not above defeat, and if the League was willing to leave its ethics at the door as Rocket's scientists did . . .[nreak][break]

He didn't even want to think about it.[break][break]

Walsh. Darkrai. The man in the shadows. Either through genuine power or Rocket's willingness to bend the knee to him, arguably the most powerful Avatar there was. Despite this, he was one man. He couldn't be everywhere at once. He couldn't win a war on his lonesome. Rocket was here because he needed them, not just because he wanted them.[break][break]


And then , who Isaac understood even less now than he had before. The man was now an enigma on the cellular level, to the point where he no longer understood the full extent of his own capabilities. It frightened Isaac as much as it left him strangely fascinated.[break][break]

Losing any of them to the League was unacceptable. Their roles stretched far beyond what magical animal decided to bet the farm on them.[break][break]

"You're right. If it bleeds, we can kill it. But only if we can get close enough to make it bleed. And it's gonna take more than just strength to do that." Isaac perused the many options before him, speaking simultaneously to nobody and everybody. "Fight smart. Fight hard. Fight dirty. And fight as one, because if the whole's not bigger than the sum of it's parts, this whole thing's a waste of time."[break][break]

" 'Til we've got that figured out, the only place we're being pointed is reserves."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
704 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 14:37:50 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
Luckily, your little comment avoids most notice, attracting only passing notice. Though, that was mainly because there's squeakier wheels in the room that are in need of far more grease. No, you're far from the biggest fuck-up present here. Somehow, you're probably not even in the top five. You might not even crack top ten!

That's a little surprising, honestly. You're not used to being the sensible one in a situation, to be the cooler head that's meant to prevail. Though, you're sure that'll make you a more tempting prospect to the higher-ups, wherever they may be. Are they even watching this right now? Sure, there's plenty of cameras looking down on you, but you've done enough breaking and entering to know that the presence of cameras doesn't necessarily mean there's anyone watching. Recording, sure, but actively watching?

It's a dim view of your bosses, that they wouldn't even deign to observe you live, but it's not one that would be out-of-character...

Hold that thought: Seems that things are finally kicking into gear. The screens change, and instead of people, there are Pokemon. More specifically, the "Legendary Pokemon" that this entire event is based around.

Legendary Pokemon... What a joke. It's all just classifications and labels and bullshit like that. See, look at Moltres, this so-called "legendary bird". Is it really much different than a typical Talonflame? What's so legendary about it that the former's so much better than the latter? The fact that there's only one of them? By that same token, if there were flocks of Moltres in the sky, and only one Talonflame in the whole wide world, then things would've just arbitrarily flip-flopped the other way. It's utter tripe.

But, you're choosing to keep those complaints to yourself, because there's already enough arguments going on right now, and you sure as hell don't need to add another one to the pile. You don't need to add your own (correct) opinions to this disagreement soup. Though, that won't stop you from stirring the pot.

"Wow, we've got a pair of regular geniuses here." You dryly remark, walking past and on your way to the computer. "They should get the two fo you on some kind of debate team. If you put your heads together, you might be able to mock up a coherent point before the day is out."

That's a bold statement, especially considering that you have no idea what your answer is. So, as you arrive at the computer and skim through the presented options, you make a snap decision: Dog-brains is going for C, and the brainiac is going for A, so you'll take the difference and vote for 'B. The Threats Within'.

Mainly, because that seems like the kind of esoteric answer that'd get you big marks in this sort of esoteric quiz.

Shred votes B and acts generally like a dickhead.
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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
376 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 16:53:18 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

The first trial began.

Gerald’s attention moved to the task at hand. He quickly moves over to an available screen.

The question sits upon the screen and he reads it thoughtfully as the choices flashes beneath the question.

Each answer called to him with equal force, and so he quickly decided that there was only one possible answer to give. And so he quickly pressed ALL THREE of the options.

- Gerald pressing ALL THREE OPTIONS

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November 17th
Opelucid City
idk height
idk height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
239 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 21:49:57 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


The Strongest of Shapes

One little question had caused up quite a stir, huh. and had sparked up quite the interesting debate; naturally, he had to barge in with his own correct judgment. It was the nice thing to do![break][break]

"Your logic isn't half-bad, but I agree with the other guy," Alba chimed in, looking at Ashley. "What happens if the box opening means it's already too late? Not giving enough attention to the unknown is just asking for us to be caught flat-footed when something new, and something dangerous appears." It wasn't that he didn't believe in what he was saying, but there were ulterior motives hidden under a different light. He was, after all, part of Team Rocket's scientific team. In other words…[break][break]

'I'd love to put that weird fish under the microscope.'[break][break]

"You mentioned being able to end things quickly, but that ability is exactly why unknown threats should be a greater priority. If we know how to shoot Moltres out of the sky with a single, decisive shot…" Ready, aim… He paused in his speech to level a finger at Moltres' image, facing a god down the barrel of a gun. "...Then we only need to line things up when it's time to fire."[break][break]

Bang. Though the sound of the bullet only existed in Alba's mind.[break][break]

"Better to focus on finding the magic bullet to other threats, no?" And with that, he walked over and made his choice: C: THE THREATS UNKNOWN.[break][break]

"Oh, and good speech, by the way! It really filled me with team spirit." The bit about them being outclassed by the League in every way was a little less inspiring, but sometimes the truth hurt.



Event: S.P.E.C.T.R.A. Trinity Trials[break]
Taking part in the debate and voting C![break]
Also complimenting on his rousing speech




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August 29th
Team Rocket
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,103 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 0:33:52 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
There was a lot going on, Kouji gave Hitoshi a lone nod as he let the man get himself into an argument which made Kouji chuckle; the Rustboro native found himself raising an eyebrow at the back and forth. He could agree with both, but prior experience, he knew what he thought was the biggest threat to him, and yet.
The biggest threat to Rocket was another concept altogether, and the objective of S.P.E.C.T.R.A was a different thing again. He could think of the images, and none of them clicked with the thoughts in his mind. He walked up to the screen his hands hovered over his choices.
Guys at the bottom of the wrong weren’t supposed to think of crushing those above.
He spoke loudly as he stood in front of the screen, enough to echo out. ”Guys like us shouldn’t be worrying about the within, leave that for the bosses above, anyone that isn’t part of rocket needs to be crushed.” While he said such, he could feel what was saying.
”Like that blondie was saying, the whole’s important. Rocket’s a singular unit, and SPECTRA is a group within that, the moment we start pointing guns at the big guns we got, then we might as well roll over.” Yet, at the same time, hunting deserters was a past time, a way to make himself feel better, and a way to reaffirm his loyalties.
”But, we can’t prep for shit we don’t know, can’t gain info on what ain’t known, and if you figure it out, it's known.”
So he picked his, that which is known, option one.



-Let's go.




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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 4:33:55 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

Xenon didn't even mind it when the Iron Hands picked her up and placed her a delicate five feet away, she was just happy to be making new discoveries as she babbles on about "ultra dense magnetic fields" and "high tension future steel composites" as she whips out a notebook from somewhere on her person, already scheduling an appointment with for the future once the two of them had made it out of this.
But that wasn't what she was here for unfortunately, the test begins as the group are directed towards rows upon rows of computers, each with the same question displayed upon their monitor. The threats we know, the threats within, or the threats unknown. Each answer surely had their merit of course, but for Xenon there could only be one logical conclusion as she walks up to a computer and hits the button without a moment's hesitation.
C - The Threats Unknown
And it just so happens that she's right next to as the two make their answer at the same time. Yet the two's logic couldn't be more different as Xenon sneers at the mindless blade arguing with the equally mindless fop, opening her mouth to grab the stage once more. "You're both stupid and wrong for entirely different reason." She proclaims loudly as she stares at and , crossing her arms and shaking her head. Everyone here was wrong and stupid in fact, all this talk of killing the threats unknown, focusing their energy on shooting the threats we know, it was all so primitive.
"We don't focus on the threats unknown so we can kill them, that's a waste of future resources. We focus on the threats unknown so we can take them for ourselves first, research them and learn how to make ourselves stronger. The League's biggest advantage over us is the dearth of Avatars they have, but we know how to kill a man already. We just need the firepower to be able to do it, you'd think that's pretty fucking obvious."  It seemed like only that white haired fop and her fellow Ultramodernist had any semblance of a brain in their heads at this point, so she wastes no time in walking right up to the pretty boys, reaching out with both hands, and rustling their hair with a pleased smile. "These guys gets it right here, we don't need to focus on the stupid stuff we already know, that's all a bunch of worthless primitive garbage. All we need is the proper ultramodern arsenal to be able to blow it all away so we can build the right kind of future!"

+Taking part in the debate alongside everyone, while also mocking everyone for their choices.
[break]Giving and a little bit of a noogie, what's a personal space? Never heard of it, sounds like some primitive garbage.



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