i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
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samuel carter
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 13:48:49 GMT
samuel carter Avatar


at first, the night sky greets him. it is a short lived time spent gazing at the stars, thinking of his own () and a sinking feeling causes his heart to ache. he’d just gotten back to knox… so then, what if he doesn’t return from this time? what if he’s lost from his stars forever?[break][break]

a screech takes his attention. yells of horror surround him. this is not a scene that disturbs him. in fact, he feels more calm in such a stressful situation.[break][break]

because this is war. war is what he was raised in. these shouts of horror and the disturbing way these people are being taken, while new, remind him of kanto and the nightmare.[break][break]

ptsd kicks in, causing him to act on instinct. almost immediately he’s sending out aether, his gardevoir. while she may be weak against the poison, her psychic abilities and her support role will play a greater part than the sheer power he could use with other of his pokémon.[break][break]

he enters the fray, choosing to help by attacking the poison hands as they surface. he shows no fear, keeps his cool. aether serves as more of a support role in this battle, keeping her distance from the poison. she begins with double team, placing copies of herself around in areas lacking poison, but close enough for to support if need be.[break][break]

+ ballonlea[break][break]

+ frozen shed feather of purple[break][break]

+ focuses on ATTACK THE POISON HANDS[break]
+ summons gardevoir as support[break]
+ gardevoir uses double team




[newclass=.sunandstars]margin:0 auto;width:420px;box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstars blockquote]margin-left: 0;margin-right: 0;border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px!important;font-family:poppins, sans-serif!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstars2]border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px;background-color:#272727;height:80px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;margin-bottom: -30px;border:solid 1px #232323;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarsw]font-size:11.5px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarsw u]text-decoration: none; border-bottom:none!important; font: bold 12px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #cecece; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarsw i]color: #cecece;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarst]text-align:center;padding:20px 40px 20px 40px;border-top:1px solid #232323;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:-45px;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarst a]text-transform:uppercase!important;font: bold 12px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: 1.5px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.sunandstarsc]float:right;margin-top:25px;margin-right:-40px;height:12px;width:12px;border-radius:5px;font-size:8px;line-height:12px;text-align:center;padding:1px;[/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 14:33:35 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Rusted Shield

There was no time to lament the fact that his suggestion had seemingly gone ignored. From too cold to too hot, what awaited them beyond the portal was, well...

The whiplash was outstanding.

The cold, somber air of the tundra had been exchanged for the burning desperation of people fighting for their lives, in the world's most macabre renaissance-faire.

Before their very eyes, a man was seized and consumed by sentient sludge. A life snuffed out in an instant.


Worrying about Rocket would have to wait.

"Let's go!" He boomed to and , before his eyes found the unmasked people in their group— and .

He briefly considered recruiting their help on the spot— but he had no idea of what their pokemon were. Best to just let them help as they saw fit for now.

Primary Action


His Orbeetle launched the young man into the air, throwing him in a controlled arch towards the rooftops of the tudor-style housing, the youth landing on a crouch.

"Omega! Psychic Terrain!" He lied as he breathed, his Orbeetle rising above him in tandem with the act, eyes aglow as psychic terrain suddenly emerged and spread out, enhancing everyone's psychic powers. "Mega evolve!"

His dog-tags came alive with infinity energy, their glow breaking through the darkness that surrounded the town as his Orbeetle was enveloped in a dark egg, growing bigger and bigger until it shattered.

The Ufo soared over the struggling peasants, shimmering lights glittering underneath its hull as psychic power overflowed from within it.

Holding forth its arms, the overflowing power gathered visibly before it, the force briefly expanding to massive size before slowly shrinking down to fit between its two palms—

Expanding Force!

The psychic power was released spilling forth like water out of a broken dam and ramming not into the sludge but the soil underneath, carving large fissures upon the soil as rock both gave in and upheaved, lifting natural barriers as well as creating river avenues to divert the flow of the poison away from the town.

Secondary Action

Maintain Morale(?)

From his elevated position, Doug had a slightly better eye on everything going on— which let him find the spots in the peasantry's defenses that were beginning to wane in strength.

"Don't falter!" He called out at the top of his lungs, summoning healing scales and letting them fly. The attached themselves to worn out peasantry, healing away the damage they might've accumulated in their daily struggles and the battle against the sludge.

Leaping down from his perch, he rushed towards one of the walls and slammed his shoulder against it, pushing alongside the rest of the peasants while shouting at the top of his lungs.

"It's almost over! Just give a lil' more! RAAAAAH!"


-Arrives to Balloonlea.
-holy shitstorms batman.
-Let's fucking go.
-gets launched into a rooftop by his Orbeetle.
-Summons Psychic terrain under the disguise of it being his orbeetle's move. Standard procedure.
-Mega evolves Orbeetle.
-uses actual move, Expanding Force to DIVERT WAVES OF POISON SLUDGE AWAY FROM CITY
-Uses healing and good ol' young buck muscle to HELP THE PEASANTRY/Maintain morale?
-Pls roll okay
-i f-kin knew it :suffering: Salac.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 23:43:35 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
He felt the Glastrier eat the carrot right out of his hand, its chilly breath brushing against his fingers. He didn't know for sure if it would be happy with it - not until it brushed its face against his own.

He shivered slightly, but the message came across fine: he had the Glastrier's trust.

But he couldn't help but notice Uxie shifting on his head, facing off somewhere - even if he could see, the "Joltik"'s "intimidating" face wouldn't be noticed. Before he could ask why, an unfamiliar voice addressed him; 's voice also sounded a bit strange, like it was behind a mask or something.

Whoever it was, they weren't outright attacking him - a step up from Rocket's usual tactics. Didn't mean they weren't Rocket, but it did give a decent first-impression.

"You can try," Hideo answered, testing out the theory himself - and getting a pet in without any negative reaction. It wouldn't object to a pet from "Neon" either, though the boy's "Joltik" still watched him warily. "I'm Hideo."

The Glastrier knelt down, so that Hideo could more easily mount it. Its body was cold - colder than his Spectrier's - yet comfortable all the same. Admittedly, Neon's question did catch him off guard, the boy taking a moment to come up with an excuse answer. "Oh, that? Uhhh…kinda hard to tell. I got a really bad headache, then I think something came out of the circle and tried to stop Necrozma?"

The ambiguity of Neon's alignment made it hard to gauge how much information he should give. "My vision isn't the best, so you'd probably have a better idea of what happened than I did. I just did what I could…"

And that hadn't been enough. But a light tap from Uxie was enough to get his mind off that, his Glastrier trotting off into their chosen portal.

A warm breeze blowing against him was the first sign they were somewhere else. The briefing he got from Uxie just left him with more questions than answers: it was definitely a town, but it was also covered in mushrooms? He barely has a chance to think things through as chaos ensues, and that ever-reliable voice of 's directing him to help.

"R-right!" Hideo obeyed, "I'll help protect the people here!" He pat the Glastrier on its side, trying to get it to move. And to his fortune, Uxie would actually help direct them on where to go, launching Future Sights from atop his head to prepare for any other hands that would try to take more villagers - or for them.

Attacking the Hands felt like the best way to even have people remaining to inspire, the arrival of Calyrex's personal steed standing as a bright spot in the encroaching darkness. Even if the one riding it wasn't quite Calyrex.

It made him feel almost like he was a knight, saving the people of a land he knew nothing about.

Horse RP let's goooooo
Lets pet the horse, evades giving too much info about his part in DotDD.
Ballonlea's seen better days
Inspired by , Hideo tries to help
Primary Action: Attack the Poison Hands via Uxie's Future Sights striking them before they can grab more people (or Hideo)
Secondarily trying to inspire the townsfolk by riding around on Calyrex's mount and saving people
Like a knight

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 1:17:20 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver arrived in a pollution filled city. The smell alone made him gag. No city should be like this...not even Rustboro or anywhere else was near this bad! Looking around, others were also appearing. But there were bigger threats around. He barely took a few steps forward and turned to see someone get eaten by the sludge. Fuck him sideways. Hopping on Dragonite, they took to the air and did some scouting. The source of the sludge was the train station. Looking around, he saw the broken bridge and the mine carts just on the other side. That could be useful for plugging up holes. Oliver didn't really notice the civilians odd garb. Moving back down, he'd give a heads up to everyone that followed him.

"So, that sludge is menacing, and is coming from the train station and the overhead tracks. The civilian population managed to put up some palistide walls, but I don't think that's going to last. Especially not since those poisonous hands come from the sludge to attack people. Rockets, I don't speak for all the Rangers and League aligned peeps here, but I'll at least hold to a truce until this matter is resolved. Maybe even until we get back home.

There's some minecarts that may be useful just across a broken bridge. Wave us down to deliver some to you to plug up some holes or slow it down."
He hoped the Rockets that followed them would agree, and his fellow comrades. You know something is dangerous when it seemed like to get through this, both of them had to team up. 

With blistering speed, Oliver and Dragonite moved towards the broken bridge and mine carts. The dragon picked up a full cart, though not easily, and started to fly over with noticably less speed. The red haired ranger did look inside it, but only to see if anything useful might be in it. Then again, he also kept look on the ground, seeing where to hand off his first delivery.

Oliver sees the man be devoured. 
He and Dragonite flies above to scout, relays information to everyone else below.
Offers a truce to Rockets.
Goes to mine carts, Dragonite stronk, and lifts mine cart to move, doesn't move as fast.
Oliver lookes inside mine cart, and also where to deliver his first of many metal carts.

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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 2:34:40 GMT
absalom steel Avatar

”Very well I’ll hold you to that,” he agreed before the portal swallowed the gym leader. He debated going after but Matias choosing to go to Hammerlocke as well made him change his mind. The fact the older male would intentionally try to kill someone else made him wary of the man. He would be perfectly content never to cross paths with him again.
Realizing the portals were starting to fade he quickly darted into the one that made him think of a fairy town. Upon reaching his destination he looked around. The place definitely wasn’t what he was expecting. There was purple stuff everywhere that he quickly realized to be poison.
His sharp gaze takes in what they’re wearing making him frown. The place seemed to modern for the currently population that made the place their home. The people weren’t dressed for the right era. It was like the people were stuck in the past while life had moved on around them.
He quickly turned away as one of the peasants was dragged into the sludge no help being fast enough to prevent it. He took in the fortifications making note of some weak spots he could see. Those would have to be dealt with if they wanted the place completely fortified.
He decided to go look for stuff that could help fortify the weak points of the barricade. The woods was a no go so he would have to look for stuff around town. Less of a likely hood for him to get lost around the town. He first works his way into the Pokémon center to see if there’s anything that could be used for fortification.
The teen found some old crates that might work and took them with him finding them pretty light. On his way back to the wall he notices another kid on the back of the Pokémon that belonged to the Pokémon that had called himself a king. How the other kid had come in possession of the horse like Pokémon confused him but he decided to worry about that later and continued on his way.
Using the crates he began to put the crates where he’d noticed the barricade being a bit weak. He stepped back to inspect what he had done before looking to see if there was anything dire he needed to do before going to see if he could scrounge up anything else that could help with the reinforcements.
His gaze landed on people trying to keep part of the wall up and he briefly hesitated. It seemed like it would take a lot of effort to keep it up but the more help they had the easier it would be to keep it up. Blowing air out of his nose he made his way over. ”If only we had something as an anchor to keep it in position. Something like a large tree branch. If we put one end into the ground and pushed the other against the wall it could help anchor it into place,” he said as he reached the group. 

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Interacts with [break]
Debates going to Hammerlocke because of Josh[break]
Sees go as well and basically is like yeah no not dealing with might happen there and decides to go to Ballonlea instead[break]
Primary action: Looks for stuff to help fortify the walls[break]
Notices [break]
Primary action: Helps fortify the wall[break]
Goes over to and the group he’s with[break]
Secondary action: Gives idea to help anchor the barricade in place
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 17:49:33 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Just before Aurelie was transported via the teleportation beam toward Motostoke, she caught sight of an exceedingly odd interaction out of the corner of her eye. Someone from the League suddenly burst out with a furious, rambling harangue at the Avatar of Groudon, who lightly flicked his hand in response. Sadly, Aurelie was whisked away before seeing what happened next. Still, it did remind her of 's description of a Ranger meeting—though how Isaac knew so much about that was still a mystery to her—that devolved into pie-throwing mayhem.

In this case, maybe this person's outburst was triggered by WO-CHIEN's aura of vindictiveness and spite and wasn't necessarily a symptom of ongoing dysfunction within the League. But it was still food for thought. And definitely good for a chuckle or two too.

Then all such thoughts fled Aurelie's brain as she landed in a strange city that must have once been magnificent and industrialized but now looked dilapidated and ruined. Putrid smoke darkened the air, and thick, noxious sludge instead of water filled the canals and channels. This must be Motostoke, she thought, accurately and somewhat sadly.

The red-haired smith found herself near what was still recognizably Motostoke Station, judging from the elevated train tracks winding away into the distance. Instead of the whistling and rumbling noises she'd expect from a train station, the sounds of screaming and splashing filled the air. Aurelie gasped in horrified astonishment to see waves of viscous, slimy purple-black sludge pouring out of the station onto the streets below.

"Miss, you can't just stand there! You have to get back!" a voice shouted just behind her. A hand tugged urgently on her arm.

Aurelie spun around to see a stocky middle-aged man dressed strangely like a medieval peasant trying to pull her behind a makeshift set of barricades, where other peasant-like people were also clustered. Too startled to resist, she stumbled after him just in time to dodge a spill of noxious, poisonous sludge. It sizzled as it hit the ground where Aurelie had been standing, and a huge, disgusting hand stretched out from the spill, flailing blindly toward her.

Thinking quickly, Aurelie wondered if its purplish color indicated it was a Poison-type attack or if it just looked poisonous and nasty. "Argile," she exclaimed, turning to her GOLETT, "use EARTHQ...uh..."

She glanced at the row of barricades and the peasants hiding behind it and stopped herself, amending her words in order to avoid toppling their defenses and knocking innocent people to the ground. "Uh, use STOMPING TANTRUM, please!"

The metallic Pokemon obligingly stamped on the slimy, dribbling hand, crushing it efficiently. The watching peasants broke into scattered applause and appreciative, relieved murmurs. Emboldened by their positive response, Aurelie flashed a brilliant smile at them, before nodding at the barricades.

"Are these meant to keep the sludge from getting closer to you?" she asked, jabbing her thumb at a jumble of tables and chairs heaped together. The man who'd saved her nodded yes.

The red-haired smith ran a critical eye over the barricade before her, absently waving her hand to beckon her GOLETT back to her side. "It's not bad," she said judiciously, "but you could do more to build it properly.

"You've definitely got to extend it further out so the sludge doesn't just...ooze around the edges! Or get in through the cracks, like here,"
she added, pointing at the open spaces between chair and table legs with a deepening frown. "You can't just pile stuff up at random, for Arceus' sake! Who's the person in charge of all this?"

The peasants stared at her, most of them probably wondering how a strange woman with an eyepatch was daring to lecture them so. One person eventually ventured, "You?"

"Ha! I hope not!" Aurelie snorted, before clapping her hands briskly. "Still, that sludge looks like it's not going away, so we better get to work. A barricade is something you construct, after all! It's all about the craftsmanship!"

She looked about herself speculatively at the streets nearby. "Are there carts and barrels you can get hold of? Metal sheets or crates? Even some big rocks or loose paving stones? I'm clearly new here, but you all know the area and where to look for things like that.

"So, grab as many as you can and line them up across the street until they wedge together. Fill up every tiny bit of space on the ground and make a wall!"
Aurelie called out, raising her voice to make sure all the peasants could hear her and gesturing decisively toward them. "And you and you, let's turn these tables and benches over on their side so they're flat on the ground! Let's move!"


- Wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, sunglasses, and a dark hoodie with the hood pulled up all the way
- Lands in Motostoke and is saved from being devoured by the sludge by a random peasant dragging her out of the way
- Uses GOLETT'S STOMPING TANTRUM to fight off a sludge hand
- Starts organizing the peasants to improve the construction of the barricades so they're tighter and stronger to hold back the sludge waves

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 18:49:19 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

He had never been to Chirchester before. So when his eyes gazed upon ash instead of snow, he wasn’t surprised. Yet he felt that something was wrong. Something about the situation wasn’t right.

Perhaps it was the pool of sludge that did it. It was as good a guess as any.

From his location he saw a huge figure take to the sky. It was imposing, one might even call it divine. Had he not known the shape to be Lugia, he might have been so inclined.

He heard the words that spoke and deduced that they were supposed to do what they could for the people of this town.

Lo and behold the peasantry seemed to make for easy pickings for the poisonous arms. With the Underboss’s words in mind he quickly summoned a Kecleon and spoke a simple command.

“Stop those arms!”

Kecleon nodded and sprang into action gathering and firing Psybeam upon Psybeam as it tried to deal with one poisonous arm after the other, hopefully saving peasants along the way.


- Arrives at Circhester
- Hears 's speech
- Tries to stop the Poisonous Arms with his Kecleon's PSYBEAM's

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 21:21:15 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

Ugh, she hated this. The pipes and mechanical nonsense of industry.[break][break]

She'd picked Motostoke impulsively, not considering the implications of that choice. The sludge that poured forth from all the trains and machinery gratified her, in some sick strange way. It satisfied some inner spite that she'd kept alive and fed long past its expiration date.[break][break]

"You should have some rest, hm?" she murmured to the Ruinous Beast at her side, dismissing it before it could attract too much attention from the citizenry. She wasn't interested in being ogled by filthy peasants.[break][break]

Or approached, for that matter. By humans or... whatever on earth those poisonous hands were.[break][break]

The looming presence of a gloomy hand overhead, dripping poison from its fingertips, caused her to flinch as she glanced up with indignant fury. What audacity, she thought darkly to herself. It dared to wield poison against her?[break][break]

"I've always hated Galar," she complained to no one in particular as she summoned her VENUSAUR to the field, instructing it to wield EARTH POWER against this presumptuous creature. "Dreadful wine, cold-blooded people, and meals that entirely lack flavor. Insufferable."[break][break]

With any luck, she wouldn't have to speak with any of them. Her last conversation with a Galarian () hadn't gone especially well. She conveniently forgot that was one too, when it suited her.[break][break]

Consumed as she was in her task, the familiar presence of , , and went initially unnoticed.[break][break]

And as far as she was concerned, the League should be grateful she currently found them beneath her attention.[break][break]


  • Ugh, Motostoke. Why did we pick Motostoke? Gross steampunk.
  • Quietly bitching about Galar being the worst, not super aware of who is here yet.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 23:43:45 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The first time Isaac was warped through Galar, he was a mess. The freezing cold bit against his heavy armor, wearing down the patience that the pressure of the Ruination had already damaged. The nonstop warring between Team Rocket and the League drove him into a fit of misaimed rage. He was confused. He was frightened. He was certain that, if he didn't get his act together, he would be another frozen corpse in the shadow of Hoenn's war.[break][break]

As Calyrex sent him hurtling through the Galar region for a second time, he vowed not to let history repeat.[break][break]

Motostoke wasn't much more welcoming than the tundra. The industry that gave the town life had been twisted and turned against it, belching rivers of poison. Rather than standing as shining symbols of modernity, they were rusted and decayed, every bit as broken as the statue of the once-great King. The people had seemingly regressed back to peasantry of the darkest ages, cowering behind walls and barricades they cobbled together.[break][break]

Their defenses held firm against what horrors lurked outside. However, as monsters that made Paradoxes and Ultra Beasts look like perfectly normal Pokemon rose from the river, it was clear they had no protection from the enemy within.[break][break]

"Tag out, Knux," Isaac said, returning his Lucario to her Pokeball. She was his strongest Pokemon, but today it wasn't his Pokemon he'd need to depend on. It was himself. As he released Neo the Aron from her own ball, he could feel that power surging through his body. Her fortitude, his willpower, and the strength of their bond fueled his Sygna Suit, the armor now shining even in the thick haze of Motostoke's smoke.[break][break]

That was all the prep he needed. Throwing caution to the wind, Isaac charged forward. "Everyone, behind me!" he called, a dual purpose call to action. As his armored body took to the front lines against the monstrosities, he aimed to serve as a bulwark the peasantry could flee behind. As the glow around his armor intensified to a fever pitch, he hoped to rally friends and foes alike to fight by his side. "Long as we're standing, we won't give these things any ground!"[break][break]

Or, perhaps in a sense, they would. Ground-type Pokemon would notice a rush of power, and Ground type moves would be bigger, stronger, and more forceful than ever. With Isaac's Trainer Move, the Ground type moves of anyone beating back the horde would be strengthened.[break][break]

As if to demonstrate that, Neo leaped off of Isaac's shoulder. As she slammed the ground with her stubby little legs, a powerful Earthquake shot out from beneath her feet. If they could just break a hole in the ranks of the hand monsters, maybe everyone else could take advantage of that opening to do some serious damage.[break][break]

Maybe, just maybe, everyone could be safe.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac subs Knuckles the Lucario for Neo the Aron, activating the full potential of his Sygna Suit.[break]
Content in the protection his armor and Pokemon provide, he dives into the fray.[break]
His Aron uses an Earthquake, as Isaac uses Trainer Move - Ground Field to pump up everyone's Ground moves.[break]
He aims to serve as a forward vanguard, a bulwark to inspire peasants as they fall back behind him.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 4:40:50 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

"Get back he--"

She had inflicted some damage. But not nearly enough. No, it was nowhere near enough. But some cruel god (or the dead king who had unleashed the portals) had determined that there was no more damage to be dealt.

Yes, one second she was unleashing conflagrations upon the icy world around her. In the next, she was in the toxic wasteland of what was once an industrual town. It could not have been a more stark contrast, yet it was enough to snap her mind and vision into clarity. Though it was an iota of time, it was enough.


The young woman clicked her tongue before sighing and taking a sigh.

Rather than rejoining the others, she hovered in the air, keeping the rest of the group in her eyes. To the others, she was a mere nobody anyway. At times, such a status was great for inconspicuity.

So that was all our rage could produce.

Elaine looked up next to her to see the same reflection of her old self standing atop the roof of a nearby building not even a few feet away from her.

But that's fine. There are plenty of enemies to annihilate here. Why don't you slake your rage a bit more? Maybe stab someone in the back. Continue that trail of death you walk but bloody your own hands for once. There is an important looking enemy down there with the Venusaur. Go for her.

Give it a rest.


I'm angry. Not stupid. You know that as well as I do. Going after them now when we're at least two degrees of separation is farcical, especially when we can use each other.

Though she spoke in words that were far from becoming of anyone who could be called a hero, it didn't matter. She was not a hero. She was something else entirely.

So what are you going to do?

Bide my time.

Elaine finally looked away from her past self as she once again saw the others, multiple Rockets, attempting to stave off the incoming threat. But in a situation like this, she needed to grab information.

I'll let my rage build again. It's inevitable. Whatever you said was missing will still be found. But I'll let that happen in due time. For now, I'll do what I do best. While the others are fighting, I'll support everyone with the intel they can't simply gain from interacting with the populace they save.

Glad to hear you'll keep that flame burning then.

With those words, Elaine and Tiamat flew away from the manifestation of her past self, leaving it to once again disappear as the pair moved past the train towards the mine cart and the broken bridge.

What did this? Was it the invasive creatures, did the citizenry try to cut off any choke points into the city, or is it something else entirely?

As she jumped atop the bridge, she let Flygon investigate around the area of the broken bridge while she focused her attention on anything atop the bridge including the carts. Rather than moving things around like the red-headed ranger, she took her time to make note of placements and anything that could show what had happened here.

  • Elaine's outfit, no longer that cold
  • Elaine has another discussion with her past self
  • She observes the others taking up the front line and opts to gather further intel
  • She and her Flygon investigate the minecarts and broken bridge, also encountering in the process


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 5:59:43 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Initially, going to Hammerlocke is a relief for El - even if the sudden change in temperatures comes as a bit of a shock, the most important thing was that they were out of the snow, and now someplace warmer.

But they then notice that they're not out of the woods yet - and likely won't be anytime soon. Though Hammerlocke is far more intact than the building everyone had gathered at before, it is still run down and rife with problems - particularly that of a poisonous nature. And El being El, they're quick to help on the defense; especially when the chilling final scream of a grabbed peasant snatches their attention, their heart twisting at the sight.

"Bibidi, Akero - over here!"

At El's direction, the two pokemon get straight to work. Akero remains overhead - avoiding the reach of the skeletal hands - to rain down Safeguard and Life Dew alike, to help protect those on the front lines. Meanwhile, Bibidi helps with the barricades and fending off the poisonous hands with Telekinesis and Psychic respectively.

But that isn't to say that the young ranger is idle - helping with the odd task near the barricades, and occasionally providing some first aid to the peasantry. "It's okay," They speak encouragingly, as they wrap up the leg of someone who had narrowly escaped the grasp of one of those hands. "We're here to help."
- Mainly helping erect barricades + protecting fellow workers via Alakazam w/ Psychic + Telekinesis
- Togekiss provides protection from the poison/healing for those near the barricades, with Safeguard + Lifedew
- El gives first aid + does any odd tasks/errands needed for the peasants at the barricades.
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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 13:50:03 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Caleb had never been to Galar, let alone Motostoke. He had no frame of reference except for photographs he'd seen in books or scenery he'd witnessed on TV.[break][break]
The first thing he noticed was that it was cold. Not just the temperature - but the entire mood of the city. Dense with buildings, the spires that lined the horizon - bell towers, train stations, skyscrapers - were more like sleepy, forlorn giants than bustling centers of industrial activity. The sky was gloomy, and there seemed to be some kind of...sludge everywhere. Canals that should have held water were tainted with the toxic substance. Caleb wrinkled his nose, instinctively backing away from a particularly large puddle of the awful stuff.[break][break]
"Sorry, but this is no place for you, girl," he murmured to Lyra. The Lapras trilled with disgust as she attempted to find clean water. He returned her to her Pokeball, easing her distress. Before he could figure out what to do next, 's unmistakable voice rang out loud and clear from further down the street.[break][break]
"Everyone, behind me!"[break][break]
Caleb sprung into action, running towards the sound. He was met with a bizarre scene: Isaac, in his fancy new suit of armor, standing by the river's edge, an Aggron at his side. Behind him, peasants - peasants?? - cowered, as vaguely hand-shaped monstrosities rose from the sludge. It was like a scene out of a time-period-confused horror movie.[break][break]
"Did we time travel?" Caleb wondered aloud, feeling more confused than ever.[break][break]
He pushed his questions aside as he considered the situation. Obviously, he would help Isaac defend these poor people. Unsure of which Pokémon to release, he watched as the EARTHQUAKE conjured by Isaac's Aggron made a significant dent in the cluster of swarming monsters, shaking them free of one another. Okay, so maybe Ground moves would be best?[break][break]
With a flick of his wrist, Avi appeared. He shook himself as if waking up from a long nap.[break][break]
"Assist them," Caleb commanded the Abomasnow, pointing at Isaac and his Aggron. Avi bellowed excitedly, then sent another wave of EARTHQUAKE through the pavement towards the river. Hopefully, when it joined forces with the other EARTHQUAKE, the monsters would be crushed and thrown back into the river.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Caleb gets whisked away to Motostoke![break]
Realizing all of the water in the city has been corrupted, Caleb returns his Lapras[break]
Caleb sees and hears defending a group of the city's local peasants (peasants??) from a hoard of gross sludge monsters[break]
Caleb rushes over to assist Isaac. He releases his Abomasnow, who uses EARTHQUAKE on the monsters[break]
Isaac's GROUND FIELD powers up Abomasnow's Ground move[break]



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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 16:18:38 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton's eyes narrowed further, his grip on Optimus' Pokeball tightening as the woman returned his gaze. There was a mocking smile on her lips and it was clear that, if they ever encountered each other again, she was eager to be a thorn of his side once again. There was nothing more he could say or do as he watched her disappear into one of the other portals, but he was certain that day would come one day...

The relief from the cold was short lived after he entered Hammerlocke, as it seemed that everyone who had arrived had jumped right out of the frying pan into the fire. Waves of poisonous sludge pushed up against barricades that the peasants desperately tried to keep up. Amorphous hands rose up out of the toxins, reaching forward and snatching wayward people away and pulling them into the depths. At the very least, the Rockets and Leaguers wouldn't be at each other throats while all of this was going on. For once, common sense won out.

"For however long that holds..." he muttered to himself, exchanging Optimus' Pokeball for Lodestone's at his waist. The Magneton appeared in a flash of red light, its magnets rotating as if it were stretching its non-existent limbs. He pointed towards the barricades the peasants were building. "Help those people out with a LIGHT SCREEN. We need to keep the poison back and not let it grab anyone else!"

The Magneton buzzed in confirmation before floating over to the barricades. Its magnets began to rotate rapidly, energy charging up between them before projecting a psychic barrier that merged into walls the peasants had already built. Hopefully, it would provide enough defense to hold back the tide long enough for them to to figure out how to stop it. Though, Colton couldn't help but wonder if this poison was the same that had infected Calyrex, driving the noble Pokemon to insanity. Just what kind of creature could produce such a toxin...?

- Magneton puts up a Light Screen to help with strengthening the barricades.

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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 21:15:10 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]The rocket grunt didn’t waste her time with the burial. In fact, the woman huffed while her arms folded over her chest and head shook back and forth. It was a foolish thing to do and a waste of time. It was clearly dead and was probably going to die regardless, move on. If anything, it was shown mercy by being killed. And with that mind set, she did she on. Green orbs widened with excitement at the beam of teleportation, a tentative hand reached out to touch the light ever so slight. But as soon as her finger tips grazed the beam, it pulled her in and off she went.[break][break]

Upon being teleported, green orbs shifted over the sudden change of darkness the filled the place. Death and despair had claimed this town as its own, destroyed and dismembered by whatever reeked havocked over the town. It appeared to be a place once filled with the colorful bright lights of bioluminescent shrooms. This scene would have been depressing if Genesis knew what this town looked like before this happened. For her, this was what normal was being new to the region of galar.[break][break]

A look of disgust washed over her face, nose crinkled at the smell of the toxic substance spewing out from the stadium. And while the raven haired woman was still taking in their surrounds, many of those who came to the same location instantly got to work. Her gaze observed as the group of people divided, some taking those strange hands. Others, cleaning up the sludge and some helped fortify the walls. Bored and like hell she was going to clean, Genesis joined the attacking hands party.[break][break]

Reaching into her pocket, the woman plucked out a sphere and released her pokemon. The ghost and fighting type materialized within seconds, his own haunted gaze shifted over the scene before him. “Yo,” Genesis called out to the ANNIHILAPE, “Get rid of these hands.” The creature gave a single nod, tough guy waddling to the nearest hand. It reached out to grab him, only to meet its fate. The creature screeched at the hand, leaping into the air and pounded his fist into it. The fighting and ghost type beaten on his chest, fist and feet slammed into the earth in a STOMPING TANTRUM.[break][break]



for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. annihilape is out and using stomping tantrum on those hands.

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 23:48:28 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield,

Motostoke is bad.

Looks bad, smells bad, feels bad.

“Man, this sucks… these poor people,” Cyg laments, stepping away from and shielding her mouth and nose with the crook of her elbow.

The place is an absolute wreck and to make matters worse there’s a fucking train spewing goo and sloshing poison on everything. Cyg shifts back to stand behind Isaac, shooting a questioning glance at .

“Yeah, why does everyone look like they’ve stepped straight out of a Ren Faire?”


But there’s work to be done and Cyg is nothing if not practical. Isaac and Caleb seem to have the offensive defense handled, so it’s time for her to roll up her sleeves and get to work. Surprisingly, she enjoys building more than fighting. Six hundred hours of SimCity, don't fail me now.

“Kan, we need to help reroute some of this sludge. See if you can’t finagle some pieces into place?” Given a missive, the Gardevoir sets to work maneuvering chunks of wreckage to make an aqueduct of sorts to guide the ooze spewing from above down some less-full and not-so-populated channels.

She’s in the zone, doing fluid transfer physics math in her head-- is what she calls it when she puts a chunked out curb next to a curved hunk of metal and her gut says, yeah, that’ll hold-- when some of the improperly dressed citizenry step out to peek at her. Feeling awkwardly like a lineworker being observed by a supervisor, she flashes them a thumbs up.

“Doing great. No worries.”

They look confused, trading perplexed glances back and forth with one another. The smallest one sticks up their thumb and stares at it in wonderment.






primary action: divert waves of poison sludge away from the city [break]
secondary action: inspire the peasantry [break]
lets isaac and caleb do the hero stuff and gets to building [break]
my tired brain is tired




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP