i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 0:36:20 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] 'are you okay?'

[break][break] no. the answer he was not.

[break][break] with the snowstorm rippling wildly about, it was clear as day. the person that people like and could have made him was gone, and the monster that his father had spent a lifetime of cultivating had been formed in it's place. vicious and cruel, ice crystallizing around his neck, jayden looked nothing like the devoted loyalist that he was so well known for.

[break][break] he did not belong to rocket any longer.

[break][break] he belonged to something far more cruel.

[break][break] somewhere, CHIEN PAO gives a snarling roar of defiance as 's GRASS KNOT attempts to hold it in place. glimmering crystals reflect in frost water eyes as 's TYPE: NULL charges for it.

[break][break] two creatures, both malformed for destruction and disaster.

[break][break] head to head.

[break][break] flames crackle in the jaguar's maw, as it too steals the power of the cave's TERA CRYSTALS. smattering amber fire flashes, empowered by the HATRED pilfered from and his enemy , as a FIRE TERA BLAST scorches the ice-cold cave and blasts towards both the incoming IRON HEAD and ABOMASNOW.

[break][break] grass ripples with the power of embers, as the knotted vines inherit the crackling heat.

[break][break] dual-wielded swords swing into jayden's palms, ghastly glowing blue, as his body inherits the power of warriors once slain. when comes for him, razor-sharp tendrils shooting out like missiles sought to impale, his body tenses and aims to leap away. but then it's then that 's SHADOW HOLD leaks out of the ground. they wrap out of the ground, slinking around his wrists like chains, not unlike that of 's shadow abilities.

[break][break] immediately, jayden's head snaps to his brother.

[break][break] betrayal flashes bright and fierce in his eyes, as 's impassive gaze is reflected behind pearls of amethyst.

[break][break] jayden's life has been fraught with pain and suffering. in his father's harsh control, in rocket's cruel love, there had only ever been one thing he could count on. it was who had saved him from all of that suffering, who had ever given him a thing to hope for. to wish for. monsters could lay a hand on him, and it had never mattered, because gavin never would.

[break][break] cold breath lashes out, a fierce blow of HATRED expanding in his chest.

[break][break] 's crystals rips a gash in his clothing, puncturing the skin around his shoulder. ice crackles to fill in the gap, just as 's HEAL PULSE seeks to heal it.

[break][break] empowered by newfound resentment, the tortured admin tears from the SHADOW HOLD and burning GRASS KNOT both, blasting out in a pillar of ice that shoots him skyward. it's then that he catches the glimpse of and then the beast who swings for them.

[break][break] "no," he snarls. "get away from them!"

[break][break] shards of ice blast out from his palm, aiming directly for 's back.

[break][break] but he can only afford so much time, because will not waste any. jayden's eyes dart back for the beast, calling for his swords again. when comes swinging for him again, it is a clash of icy steel and black crystal that rings off the walls of the cavern.




chien pao is trapped temporarily by abomasnow's () GRASS KNOT, making it a target for type:null's () IRON HEAD as it uses FIRE TERA BLAST at both at once. (setting the grass knot on fire) [break][break]
jayden is trapped by SHADOW HOLD & GRASS KNOT, HEALS him with heal pulse, and jayden is empowered by the hateful emotions around him!! (TY everyone munchmunch) jayden then breaks free and is shot skyward. he throws ICE SHARDS at to defend , and attacks with his swords. [break][break]
's ELECTRICITY TERRAIN still in effect [break][break]
jayden is BLEEDING! he is FRENZIED! [break][break]
still ongoing: [break]
jayden can conjure a cold or snowstorm that exudes an aura of hatred. targets caught within its radius are CONFUSED AND/OR BERSERK. the BERSERK status condition causes targets to attack randomly, which can include their own allies.
— note: more for aesthetic, but being in jayden's snowstorm may cause frostbite/crystals to appear on your character's body if within the snowstorm for a significant length of time!


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
445 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 4:07:35 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Hatred was a cruel thing to hold. Just as it leads to unforeseen, terrible actions against the one held in contempt, it hurts the one who held it in their fist. An emotion with no right or wrong. And those with it must suffer the consequences of their actions. Grigori knew it all too well, as he clashed with his own emotions mentally.

However, Fate deemed it necessary to also make it a physical confrontation. And it hurt. Even though the figure was bruised and bloody, it fought as if in its prime. Past that, even. No punch flew a hair out of place, no opportunities to punish jabs. His blocks only threatened to break his arms, and open attacks his ribs. Surely a punishment for his past, and no better person to dish it out than this face.

And if it weren’t for Scizor, who cut through the apparition with a single blow, then odds are he might’ve died there. As soon as the red claw disintegrated the thing, he fell to a knee. Everything ached in every sense of the word. After this was all done and over, he’d need to reflect for a long time on what the hell this meant.

For now, there was yet another order. A command from @declanwalsh : take down Mr. . “Scizor… go after Mr. Cross. Please.

The red insect raised an ‘eyebrow’. “I’ll be fine, I promise you. I’ll make sure nothing happens to Mr. Walsh, so long as he doesn’t run away from me.

Another second passed. Doubt still clouded its mind, but Scizor nodded. Then, it charged. Past the other Team Rocket Leaders, past the other Pokémon. Unfortunately for its murderous charge, the snowstorm blinded its gaze. The target seemed impossible to make out in the chaos. CONFUSION swam in its head, a headache further prodded along by the electrical terrain that zapped its strength from it.

But it pressed on. Damn it all to hell if it tore the wrong person to ribbons. By the command of Declan Walsh, it was it or Jayden. And it certainly wouldn’t be itself. A Bullet Punch swung at some figure in the middle of it all, from a bug covered in static and fast-formed white crystals.

 - Greg gets fucking dumpstered by the ghost of christmas past the apparition conjured by Chien Pao, but is saved by Scizor
 - While Grigori hangs back to try and 'defend' Declan Walsh, Scizor is commanded to +2 252+ Atk Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Jayden: 3376-3973 (14066.6 - 16554.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
 - The multitudes of on-field conditions stop it from perfectly completing this task, and in its confusion instead swings at someone in the middle of it all

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 4:30:23 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Bryan managed to asborb the energy from the hateful visage entirely, watching his own copy grow old and fade away sent a chill down his spine. Then it went and spread to the rest of his body as it seemed that thing decided to possess Jayden and mess with him, did he just become an avatar for it?? [break][break]

He grimmaced, he knew how xerneas immediately felt about wo-chien and he figured that it might feel the same way about him...but it was jayden..[break][break]

None of that mattered right now, he had a target he had to go subdue on walsh's orders "Spirit break, take the swords." he orders as grimmsnarl rushes towards Jayden and bryan rushes towards him, placing a hand on the back of grimmsnarl to help fend off some of the ice crystals that formed on the both of them. The bitter cold slows them down but they press on together as he watches dive in after him "Hatencourt!" he calls out as the suddenly the BESERKER STATUS infects him and he grins wildly. [break][break]

Grimmsnarl is also infected, 's paralysis from the electric terrain stops them momentarily but Bryan's cleansing status affects via touch assisted them in continuing to push on towards their target. The spirit break grabs onto Jayden's hands but the ice instantly forms over grimmsnarl's hair, trapping the pokemon in place as 's Scizor decides to jump on the opportunity and lands a nasty bullet punch to the back of the pokemon's head as the mega evolved grimmsnarl looks back at the pokemon and snarls, trying to reach for the scizor to fight back in it's rage but is trapped holding onto jayden via the ice. [break][break]

Bryan's laughs maniacally as he leaps in on the avatar, allowing the beserker rage to fuel his strength and uses a full force jab to strike at jayden's rib in an attempt to shove him into the wall.


notes about this post

Bryan rushes in with his mega evolved grimmsnarl. [break]
Bryan tries to remove the status effect from 's electric terrain to keep pushing[break]
However the ice continues to form on their bodies and when grimmsnarl makes contact with jayden's sword with hair, the hair freezes and traps the pokemon in place.[break]
The scizor's bullet punch hits grimmsnarl instead[break]
Bryan loses himself to the ice and beserker status and jabs Jayden as hard as he can in the ribs to try and push the man

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 8:59:48 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

A particular whistle cuts through the swirling snowstorm, and Cillian's attention snaps to . Hate presses around him in a suffocating cloud, dragging up old emotions and conflicts, but he swallows it down and offers only a questioning look.[break][break]

The sign is seen and understood.[break][break]

His eyes narrow, and he shakes his head.[break][break]

Signs back, I wouldn't.[break][break]

Though the umbral chains of the SHADOW HOLD are tight and unpleasant, they themselves would cause no harm to . Unfortunately, they left him vulnerable to the attacks of others, whose loyalties are not so ingrained.[break][break]

He hears 's cry and echoes it with command.[break][break]

"Kill the cat! Not the Admin. We need-"[break][break]

Frost has crept steadily toward Cillian's position, and the edge of the storm at last consumes. The cold is biting, more fearsome than the ice of his hometown, and it steals the breath from his lungs on a sharp inhale. What hate he'd been suppressing rises back in a bitter tide, and Cillian lashes out with a punch - at whoever happens to be closest.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Cil tries to take the lethal heat away from Jayden, but gets interrupted by the hatestorm and throws a punch at someone. Left it up for someone to choose if they wanna be the target.


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 20:18:01 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar


The sheer chaos left him with his own guard down, not to mention his damaged state, and so 's punch finds purchase right across his jaw, and sends him stumbling back. Everything was fuzzy for a moment, as he looked to find his attacker, and saw the Underboss, and rubbing his jaw, Amor shot him a 'really man' look. That didn't help the complete, and utter anger that he was feeling, but Amor couldn't let it bubble up. Not again because if he did then that thing that he just tore the throat out of might come back, and Amor wasn't going to deal with him again. Hearing Cillian's statement, Amor swung back at the Underboss though there wasn't any heart to it.

"We need to subdue him....Because I don't know if you've noticed, that isn't !" Amor did his best to get that through to him, but whether or not that would work.

Though he wondered....It would be a gamble, but he remembered how those Tera Crystals glowed when Chien-Pao summoned those apparitions? Was it feeding off their energy? His Tera Orb didn't consume power from it's own core either? What if by destroying the crystals, they could weaken the cat, and break it's hold over Jayden? It seemed to feed off their energy as well? Or if he was wrong he would just collapse the entire cave, and bury them all in it....

"Draco, Earthquake! Destroy those crystals!" He gave the order to his Pokemon who flew up into the air, and then slammed down hard on the floor causing a powerful Earthquake to trigger, which would engulf everyone that was present, in an attempt to destroy the crystals that Amor pointed out.

Amor just needed to catch a break today, being stabbed, and punched had made this the worst first meeting he'd ever been too.

Amor gets punched by
Amor baby punches Cillian back
Amor orders Draco to use Earthquake to destroy the crystals that he thinks Chien-Pao is feeding off of to hopefully break it's hold over Jayden!
Earthquake also targets all allies.....Sorry

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 21:06:03 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Several things happened at once.[break][break]

A second surge of vegetation—grass this time instead of vines—from a sudden GRASS KNOT wrapped around Zev, attempting to pull him to the ground. His tendrils whipped around, slicing them away.[break][break]

Electricity crackled around him, and he felt his body grow rigid as PARALYSIS set in. 's summoned sword caught the clawed hand that Zev suddenly couldn't move. Steel shattered against crystal with the force of the impact, sending shards flying everywhere.[break][break]

charged from out of nowhere, his maniacal laughter filling the air. In his confused state, it didn't occur to Zev that Bryan should be paralyzed, too.[break][break]

Then the entire cavern shook with an EARTHQUAKE.[break][break]

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" the hitman roared, though he couldn't see who had triggered it, not with his back turned.[break][break]

And then, because the berserker rage coursed through him, he did the most irrational thing he was capable of in that moment.[break][break]

He sucked in all the light from the Tera crystals' glow and surrounding electricity, plunging the cave into darkness.[break][break]

zev can absorb all artificial light within a limited radius, causing mini blackouts, as well as the light from fire, lightning, and bioluminescence.

[attr="class","tag"]disseminate ii


Zev is FULLY ARMORED: nothing can break through his defense, and things that hit him may take damage on impact[break]
Zev is PARALYZED + CONFUSED/BERSERK, but manages to shatter one of 's swords that blocks his attack[break]
Sucks all of the light out of the TERA CRYSTALS and ELECTRIC TERRAIN using his Avatar power



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[newclass=".zev2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 22:45:58 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

"You short-sighted fools," Elisabeth spit, hatred flashing in her eyes towards her fellow underbosses as had the audacity to heal the man in front of them, and expressed only a fraction of the might she knew Lugia's Avatar possessed. It incensed her, that they were so willing to let their fondness for one of their own override their own instincts to survive.[break][break]

Was this what Kanto's greatest and most feared men had to offer Rocket?[break][break]

She would not be swayed to mercy so easily. The BERSERK nature of the snowstorm around her only accentuated that aspect of her personality to new heights.[break][break]

's ELECTRIC TERRAIN cast its searing lights onto the premises, until 's darkness snuffed that lightning out. Even the flames flickering around the TERASTALLIZED Wo-chien were eaten away in the shadows, before they could be weakly manifested again. In the plunging darkness, the chill surrounding them plummeted to even more miserable lows, making it a struggle to manifest any plant life no matter how deep the well of her own GRUDGES went.[break][break]

But that did not mean her stymied powers were at a full impasse.[break][break]

The Cavern of Origin rumbled with a faint tremor as Wo-chien's eyes glittered with cruel intent, the static cling of the ELECTRIC TERRAIN blinking out at its behest. What little vegetation that might have grown here now shriveled in upon itself as the rock cracked and broke in semblance of barren soil, an effect worsened by the layer of frost that coated their surroundings.[break][break]

Like a shadow blackening the ground, the terrain shifted and darkened, leaving Jayden and Chien-Pao weakened as Elisabeth and Wo-Chien appeared more hale and whole.[break][break]

when wo-chien is on the field, elisabeth can summon a BARREN TERRAIN that clears any existing terrain, while preventing any other from taking form for a period of time. anyone within the terrain will be continually STRENGTH SAPPED, weakening them while also healing elisabeth and wo-chien.

"He's weakened," she announced to the nearby Rockets, taking on the command that she felt her fellow underbosses had lacked here. She spoke firmly, confident in 's desire to support this motion -- confident that murder, here, would be kinder than the alternative. "Strike now, before he regains his strength. There is little time left."[break][break]

The muscle in her jaw clenched.[break][break]

"And if you are too weak to do what must be done, then simply get out of our way."[break][break]

A blazing TERA BLAST cemented that resolve, cutting through the darkness as it sought to burn CHIEN-PAO to cinders and ash.[break][break]


  • Elisabeth mad that and seem to be holding back/protecting .
  • The cold affects her ability to manipulate plant life, too chilly to muster vines.
  • Strips 's ELECTRIC TERRAIN with BARREN TERRAIN (tldr, uses STRENGTH SAP on Jayden/enemies/allies to strength Wo-chien and weaken everything else, cannot be replaced by other terrains for some time).
  • Tells everyone this is the time to strike while he's weak, low key threatens those who are too weak to attack him to stay OUT OF THEIR WAY.
  • FIRE TERA BLAST looking to smack CHIEN-PAO, WOO.



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 0:49:42 GMT

Ice melted and the sludge manifestation disintegrated before Barnaby's eyes, only for the wellspring of hatred permeating the room to crescendo into...[break][break]

The birth of a new Avatar. A furious storm of snow and ice heralded his coming, forming stinging crystals around Barnaby's eyes and mouth, where flesh was thinnest. Many attempt to brave the maelstrom and heed 's commands, while others like decide to defy.[break][break]

Some even plead for the admin's compromised humanity.[break][break]

But was wrong. was a threat now, freshly beckoned by a ruinous creature and under the influence of its power. There was no guarantee he could control that which he'd just gained. was proof of that.[break][break]

needed to be subdued. [break][break]

He and CHIEN-PAO.[break][break]

's directive confirmed as much.[break][break]

A sharp whistle passed through 's lips, calling his STEELIX's attention. Between the snowstorm and the clangorous sounds of battle, it was the only thing that could cut through the noise. Barnaby gestured to the newly-freed, mysterious book on the cavern floor and to the ruinous cat still stirring up dissent. [break][break]

With a swing of its crystalline tail, large, jagged rocks erupted from the earth. STONE EDGE would entomb both the book and CHIEN-PAO, protecting the former and imprisoning the latter.

outfit check[break]
• stones jut up to protect the curious book[break]
• stones also attempt to entomb CHIEN-PAO


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 2:02:39 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] shards of ice feel like glass against his skin as the snowstorm whips wildly about, as the ice pillar shoots them upwards towards the cavern's sky. the admin huffs out frosted breath as he engaged in combat with rocket's atop that silvered tower, shards of black and ice splintering in the false winter air.

[break][break] 's influence tugs him southward, joined by the SPIRIT BREAK of 's grimmsnarl. spraying blood, the swords fly out of his hand and plunge into the world below, clattering against stone as jayden is left defenseless.

[break][break] electricity cracks around his feet, slowing him, just as the maniacal beast charges out of nowhere.

[break][break] "kill the cat! not the admin! we need - !"

[break][break] just as steals the light from the room, his mentor's voice breaks through his consciousness, but it's too late. was never the kind of beast that listened to direction anyway.

[break][break] a fist plunges into his face just as 's EARTHQUAKE cracks the ground and the rocket admin is tossed from the pillar, body slamming against column after column in his ungainly descent.

[break][break] his hands splay outwards, daggers of ICE shooting out from his palm to attack the two beasts, even as he plunges into darkness.

[break][break] the snowstorm ceases as his body hits the ground with a sickening thump.

[break][break] CHIEN PAO leaps out in front of his cursed victim, as jayden lay on the floor, crumbled in blood and ice. his skin tears with crystals of ice that have formed upon his skin, just as the admin attempts - and fails - to get back to his feet.

[break][break] the ruinous cat cries out in pain as it's strength - too - is sapped from the power of 's devious snail. ice-blue eyes snap towards the place where it knows WO-CHIEN lay — hate and grudge spin in a vortex intertwined, invisible forces shoved against one another.

[break][break] in the dark, a violent flare blasts against the ember of CHIEN PAO's own fire tera typing. a wild RUINATION blasts from the leopard's frayed fur just as the STONE EDGE from the shadow steelix comes racing for it.

[break][break] if is quick enough, perhaps he will read the frantic expression on his fellow admin's face.

[break][break] the conflicting emotions that swirl like a fading vortex behind eyes of amethyst.

[break][break] 'save me.'

[break][break] or is it kill me instead?



jayden is hit by SPIRIT BREAK and SHADOW HOLD, which tosses his remaining sword to the ground. this makes him perfect for when hits him in the jaw, throwing him at the ice pillar (due to the fight with , his rib-punch is misplaced). [break]
ICE SHARDS release from his palms to hit both and as he falls off the pillar [break]
hits the floor and snowstorm stops [break]
CHIEN PAO attempts to protect jayden, taking the FIRE TERA BLAST for him. i let ADMIN #1 SHIV decide what happens with the STONE EDGE \o/ [break]
before jayden is captured (however way it is), he and share a LEWK :EYES: [break]


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 2:46:21 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Amidst the snow, the adrenaline, he locks eyes with . Their voice cuts through his buzzing thoughts as he tries to negotiate the best way forward. A path where they subdue CHIEN-PAO, and Jayden escapes with minimal injury. Though, even know, he doesn't seem to register pain. Fern stares him down with an emotion he's never seen before and he's shocked. But any love he held for either or is suppressed as the snowstorm of hatred goes on. The momentary pulse of worry can't hope to last forever. [break][break]

Mint's emotions spike, the need to defend himself against his best friend the catalyst for the HATRED the newest Ruinous duo were spreading to take hold. "Stop it-" he snapped to Fern, eyes darting to his partner as she screamed, electricity coursing through her already weakened state, even with the MEGA EVO. "You can't just let them rampage either!" he shouted as Straciatella does her best to hold it together. The TERRAIN blasts forth as well and he watches his partner unable to move before the effects reach him and his body convulses against TAPU KOKO's power. [break][break]

Fellow Beast runs into the fray, punching at Fern, and his attention is suddenly elsewhere. He's thankful, at least, that had healed Jayden. Now to just end the cat's foothold. That's easier said than done as Jayden blasts himself skyway on a pillar of ice, and CHIEN-PAO burned through everything around it. [break][break]

More figures jump into the fray. From 's Scizor, to 's annoying ass, already feeling better form his kidney stabbing. How unfortunate. Especially as the confusion sets in and Mint finds it hard to focus, agitated and rooted in place. Straciatella is on her last legs and as she begins to back up, holding defensively, an EARTHQAUKE racks the entire site. Mint scrambles, trying to avoid the falling chunks of TERA crystals before recalling Straciatella who roars in pain. Down one pokemon. Shit. [break][break]

Then everything goes dark. But there's still the noises of fighting. This time blind. Mint curses for a few seconds before remembering what he's wearing, and tapping on his glasses to change modes. Amidst the cold darkness, the spyglasses feed swaps from normal to heat vision. He can vaguely tell figures are still fighting, struggling against each other. "Where the fuck is the cat-" he muttered as he hears bark her orders. His static fades, and although his limbs still feel tingly, he reaches for another pokeball. Mint goes ahead and lets out his Weezing. They both watch Underboss Elisabeth's TERA BLAST illuminate the cave for a split second. [break][break]

The earth shakes again against 's STONE EDGE. The Ruin Beast moves forward to protect Jayden. "The least you could do, after causing all of this." he muttered as Tortellini groaned in the darkness. "Melt CHIEN-PAO!" he ordered, shifting his floating pokemon to the right angle before the Weezing launched a SLUDGE BOMB up and over, arching towards the pair of menaces.

tagged ▸ ooc @ varios
- I FORGOT BUT AURORA VEIL (4/5) [break]
- mint tries to talk sense into fern [break]
- swaps RECORDING glasses to heat vision and its WORSE!!! [break]
- mint stays out of the fray [break]
- Tortellini the Weezing swaps out [break]
- Tortellini the Weezing used SLUDGE BOMB, trying to hit CHIEN-PAO and Jayden after Mint tries to direct him [break]

| drip [break]




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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
150 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 3:11:22 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE II



Battle! Team Rainbow Rocket - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon


AS ADMIN IS OVERCOME BY CHIEN-PAO'S POWER, many of the syndicate's higher-ups launch into action under Boss 's command. However, the order may not have been needed, for it becomes abundantly clear that hesitation could spell the end of their lives.[break][break]

In this enclosed space, made more claustrophobic by encroaching crystals, maleficent emotions clot the air. The Rocket Boss watches alongside , who defends him against the snowstorm and collateral debris. His DARKRAI holds a swirling dark sphere: a DARK VOID readied for the most opportune moment, one where no one else would be slept.[break][break]

Initially, some like , , and attempt to protect , or at least, they attempt to minimize the damage of his aggression. A SHADOW HOLD, a GRASS KNOT, a HEAL PULSE, and an ELECTRIC TERRAIN wrap around ; however, the SNOWSTORM's cold is sharpened by hatred.[break][break]

Some like and , engage in hand-to-hand. slams with a GET-YOUR-SHIT-TOGETHER PUNCH to clear the path for an enduring , while 's SCIZOR strikes his MEGA-EVOLVED GRIMMSNARL. attempts to strike directly. Unfortunately, the SNOWSTORM and swords complicate close quarters combat. falls under the effects of and CHIEN-PAO'S BOND. In midst the chaos, the two clash with their fists.[break][break]

Fully armored, rushes in. He weaves through swords as he absorbs light. Several TERA CRYSTALS are damaged by 's EARTHQUAKE in the process, but these crystalline structures are difficult to chip. What light is released from them is also absorbed alongside any residual light from the ELECTRIC TERRAIN overridden by 's BARREN TERRAIN.[break][break]

As a SWORD is shattered by 's tendrils, 's FIRE TERASTALLIZED WO-CHIEN uses RUINATION on the CHIEN-PAO. 's STEELIX'S STONE EDGE entombs it for the attack to land successfully... However, the CHIEN-PAO feigns helplessness. It allows the attack to harm it some to add to the believability of its performance. It must join its ruinous kin under the facade of eventual surrender.[break][break]

The CHIEN-PAO takes the FIRE-TYPE TERA BLAST, and then the SLUDGE BOMB from 's WEEZING. As smoldering sludge slips from the feline's lithe body. and his DARKRAI launch their tranquilizing attacks. Both and CHIEN-PAO fall asleep, the former's body ravaged with injuries.[break][break]

"hm. wake him up." The Rocket Boss says, his DARKRAI readying another DARK VOID in case remains aggressive. "but remain cautious. even if the cat is asleep, it's possible that cross is under its influence."


IN THE FOLLOWING ROUND, may wake up on his own accord or be awakened by his allies. When he wakes up, he will no longer be in a frenzy; however, he still feel that he is connected with CHIEN-PAO. As the injured CHIEN-PAO sleeps, the Pokemon will allow itself to be captured by . will approve of the capture.[break][break]

When the CHIEN-PAO is captured, 's WO-CHIEN will be pleased.


IN MIDST THE CHAOS, Head Scientist and Head Scientist are able to procure the BOOK. The UNOWN-A manages to strike any stray ice or snow with its HIDDEN POWER before they can damage the tome. Through the tumult, manages to grab the book before passing it off to ... and before engaging in a frenzied bout with the Galarian-born Underboss.[break][break]

After and CHIEN-PAO have fallen asleep and should open the thick VIOLET COVER, she would find a full collection of the KINGDOM TALES sung from GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD & RUSTED SHIELD. She would see drawings of DYNAMAX POWER SPOTS, other scenes pulled from that alternate Galar, and curiously, the depictions of THREE FAMILIAR BIRDS.[break][break]

Suddenly, the crystals broken by glow. The whole cavern shines and within that blinding luminescence, three massive avians emerge from thin air. A GALARIAN MOLTRES, GALARIAN ARTICUNO, AND GALARIAN ZAPDOS shriek as they attune to their new existence. Before anyone can act, they soar toward the entrance of the CAVE OF ORIGIN. matches the intense gaze of the GALARIAN MOLTRES as it flies over the crumbling remnants of the STONE EDGE. Its sinister aura graces the man before they all flee.[break][break]

The birds smash through the TERA CRYSTALS obstructing the entrance, soaring past , , and before dispersing into the great expanse of the HOENN REGION.[break][break]

Suddenly, the cover glows once more. Within its center, surrounded by FOUR MYSTERIOUS SYMBOLS in the corner, an odd LIZARD-LIKE DESIGN inscribes itself. Unbeknownst to everyone, this occurs at the same time the cover in AQUA ASSEMBLY PT. 4 receives the mysterious lizard-like design too...



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • you may POST MULTIPLE TIMES this round.

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 19:33:29 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi skidded to a halt, nearly slamming right into a massive stone pillar erected by Admin Bee's shadow Steelix. She glanced at him, and instantly realized he had not meant to impede her, but rather, protect the book from the ice crystals and tera shards flying across the chamber in all directions as the other Rockets engaged in battle. She nodded, then turned her attention to Alpha, who's blasts of HIDDEN POWER were serving a similar function in keeping the book safe from harm.[break][break]
She let out a breath, anxiety for Jayden warring with a burning curiosity; she was intent on figuring out what was contained in the mysterious book, who's violet cover was so stark against the muted backdrop of the rocky terrain it laid upon that it almost didn't seem real.[break][break]
A swift hand reached through the other side of the stone barrier, grabbing the book. Before Nomi could even register what was happening, had flung the book at her before turning around to face the fight taking place right next to them.[break][break]
Momentarily stunned, Nomi fumbled, managing to catch the book - just barely. A surge of guilt for having chastised Amor earlier in the meeting (when it had actually been a meeting, and not an all-out brawl with a ruinous beast) caused her to wave at him, and call out a sincere "Thank you!" before eagerly flipping to the first page.[break][break]
The first thing Nomi noticed as she rapidly scanned the contents of the book, her scientific mind racing to analyze everything as quickly as she could (lest the book suddenly disappear as mysteriously as it had appeared), was a pair of extremely familiar drawings: DYNAMAX power spots, a phenomenon she did not fully understand but had seen, curiously drawn in her own hand, in the field journal she had recovered from the Ancient Tomb. Her chest ached in a strange, forlorn sort of way as she continued to read: poetry from a memory of Galar, so familiar and yet so distant, barely discernible, the depth of its meaning just out of reach - like trying to grasp light in the palm of her hand.[break][break]
She knew she should be paying attention to Jayden - he was in danger - but she could not rip her gaze away from the book, her fascination overwhelming. Several pages in, she found something that caused her to audibly gasp. Beautiful, intricate drawings of three birds...so similar to the ones she knew, two of whom she had recently aided others in hunting, and yet...[break][break]
"Are these...Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres?" She asked aloud, as if the birds themselves might answer her.[break][break]
And to her utter shock, they did.[break][break]
Bright, blinding, brilliant light filled the entire cave, and Nomi stumbled backwards, somehow managing to hang onto the book. Energy burst forth, and the three birds manifested in the flesh, their power tangible. She tried, in vain, to catch their attention - but they began to fly away almost immediately, shattering through the barricade of tera crystals blocking the cave's entrance. She found her eyes drawn, like a magnet, to the dark inverted Moltres - like the rising of a midnight sun - and how it seemed to linger on ...all of a sudden, she was reminded of a vision seen within the RKS Machine, of a winged man, wreathed in flame (or was it shadow?), and in that moment, her intuition screamed that it had been Barnaby. He'd been with her at the time. So had she seen a vision of the future? And if so, what was the nature of that future?[break][break]
This is important, I'll talk to him later, she resolved.[break][break]
Clutching the book, Nomi collapsed, as if the effort of holding onto it - a portal for the legendary birds? - had drained her completely. It felt warm to the touch, and she looked down tiredly to see that the cover was glowing. Symbols? A...lizard? There was so much to learn about it, but she couldn't do it alone.[break][break]
They all needed to survive this. Including . Then...then she would find answers.[break][break]
"Go and fetch Parker," she murmured to Alpha, wanting desperately to believe the other woman was okay. "The way is clear."[break][break]
The Unown-A seemed momentarily torn about leaving Nomi's side, but then it blinked out of existence, supposedly following her command.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


Nomi makes it to the book, but gets blocked by 's protective STONE EDGE[break]
Nomi can't reach the book, but can! He tosses it to her and she is super grateful![break]
Nomi immediately opens the book, even though she's still worried about (who she doesn't realize is captured and falling asleep!)[break]
Reads about the KINGDOM TALES, sees the drawings of the DYNAMAX POWER SPOTS and the other scenes pulled from that alternate Galar, and curiously, the depictions of the THREE FAMILIAR BIRDS[break]
Is shocked when the birds emerge, in the flesh, and zoom through the cavern![break]
Absolutely notices G!Moltres perceiving : it reminds her of a vision she had in the RKS Machine in which she saw a man wreathed in flame (or shadow), with wings like a phoenix...she had been with Barnaby at the time, so now she thinks she saw a vision of the future...![break]
Exhausted, Nomi falls to the ground and orders her Unown-A to go find now that the entrance to the cave is clear.



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 2:47:32 GMT

The expression on 's face was not missed by . In fact, it left the admin momentarily stunned; the forlorn anger found there was just so familiar.[break][break]

He remembered it well.[break][break]

had the same look, not so long ago, before her emerald eyes had burned away to something more foreboding.[break][break]

As Jayden's eyelids fluttered closed, Barnaby inwardly wondered — would he be able to shoulder this new burden? How would he fare when compared to , who was shackled by two Legendary Pokémon? [break][break]

She struggled with the power she'd been graced with. Felt other, felt used, felt inhuman.[break][break]

Would he be as weak-willed as her?[break][break]

Only time would tell. [break][break]

Suddenly, a blinding flash illuminated the entire cavern, creating kaleidoscope colors that refracted off the walls of Tera Crystals encasing the Cave of Origin. Barnaby shielded his eyes against the illumination, but quickly lowered his arm once the light dimmed.[break][break]

A Galarian trinity awaited him. ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS.[break][break]


All familiar, but not. Hollow echoes of a bygone memory miraculously come to life.[break][break]

The birds did not linger here, where hate festered in the stale air. Instead, they made for the cave entrance, ignoring the ROCKETs beneath them.[break][break]

All but one. As it flew past, MOLTRES' eye caught 's — a fleeting connection, but one that left the admin feeling distinctly unsettled. [break][break]

Without even time to react, he was then hit by a sudden wave of immense fatigue, bringing him down to one knee. Groaning, Barnaby reached out for what was left of the nearby table to steady himself.

outfit check[break]
• inwardly wonders if jayden can handle his new avatarship[break]
• compares jayden to elisa and how she's struggling atm[break]
• oh shit moltres pog?? wtf why do i feel so tired[break]
• falls to his knee due to the fatigue


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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 10:13:32 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

A snarl of animalistic rage scrapes past a smoke-damaged throat as strikes back at him. It's the EARTHQUAKE that saves the Head Scientist from further retribution, the confusion of the sandstorm hindering reflexes that might otherwise have kept Cillian on his feet. He stumbles, impacting the ground with a hiss of pain.

Darkrai's void brings the feral admin to slumber, and with it subsides the storm.

Cillian gingerly touches his temple, grimacing as he gets to his feet. He remembers punching Amor, but he can't think to why.

Amber eyes settle on his fallen friend () with worry and relief. Alive, breathing, but would he enter such a state again upon awakening?

Walsh gives the order to wake him, and for once Cillian hesitates. Not because he intends to refuse, nor even thinks they should, but so that he might catch the eye of across the battle-worn Cave of Origin. I won't interfere says that look.

He is subdued by struggling emotions until the birds manifest in their limited space, offering scarce time to react before they burst through the entrance and out into the world. He can think only of another daughter lost to memory, the Galarian Articuno that had raised from an egg. But he does not pursue, nor go in search of his husband. Bound by duty, the underboss looks to his superior for sign of direction.

Then, with a grimace in the direction of Amor, a whispered, "Sorry."

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Snaps out of rage when Jayden falls asleep.[break]
Looks to Walsh for direction: what now, boss?[break]
Apologises to Amor for the punch LOL


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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
239 posts
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 13:07:39 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar


's spears of ice crashed against the floor of the cave as she dove to the side, dragging along with her. Maybe she had hit him a little too hard after all. The guy was so dainty and breakable, she almost felt a little guilty about it. She was still bleeding from the previous ice spears that had torn the skin from her arm.
Releasing Fern's collar, she not-so-kindly nudged him with her foot. "Hey, get up." It only made sense that he would want to see to , when they weren't frothing at the mouth with despair and rage. Adrenaline and fury still pounded through her own veins, but it was diluted.
The shine of the crystals caught her off guard. Shielding her eyes, she caught sight of the birds. A mix of frost and heat burning up the atmosphere only momentarily before the birds disappeared, crashing out of the cave in a chaotic fit.
"This was way better than our last meeting."
- pulls away from ice shards, kicks him awake :3[break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@ my rocket peoples [break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing