i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2023 2:41:47 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







"Do you have the body to prove it's dead ? Xerneas had died several times over to seviper yet, here he is." he points out. "In addition there is a multiverse of other worlds, nothing is stopping those pokemon from coming in to replace the ones we kill." he says as he looks towards and his black colored tapu koko.

"I agree about the drk triad, but we dont currently have a way to find or deal with them." he says finally speaking up "Kill and the league still stands, same thing with , , whoever the fuck is the flavor of the month for our hate." he continues[break][break]

"I mean just look how often the roles within the league are switched for one reason or another, it's meaningless to continually kill them. You know who can't be replaced though?" he says as the words hang in the air as the anticipation builds up. [break][break]

"." The head of the league. [break][break]

"As things stand, the league rallies under her, none of the council members have the pull she does and in addition to that, the league will always be our biggest threat, they are the only ones really stopping us from controlling everything. Kill the head and everything else will come tumbling down."


notes about this post

Reminds group legendary pokemon and avatars can return from the dead. [break]
Tells them killing league canons is also dumb[break]
Kill dahlia

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 2:23:11 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] Some agree with him, others do not. Neither matters to Jayden — all that he's said his piece. He knows better than to push a point when there are superiors in the room, so he does not, but his gaze does shift and then narrow to when takes the stage. What starts as pride shadows into disappointment as questions the very earth they stand on — as they question Kanto.

[break][break] Jayden's mouth is quick to open, but Underboss Beckett answers first. He nods in agreement. "Underboss Beckett is correct. Kanto is our heart. We are merely it's appendages, set to act in the way they see fit." It has always been that way, in any of the many reports probably sent to the motherland; Jayden didn't see why this particular fact would be any different.

[break][break] "To that effect," he says, speaking of 's words. "Kanto brought me back from Cinnebar with for that use, and I've also been working on assisting recruits from Kanto to fill in our ranks ever since METENO."

[break][break] The conversation shifts back to the power of legendaries and the DRK Triad.

[break][break] "I agree with Head Scientist that Maldacena isn't entirely trustworthy. We should be cautious."

[break][break] After all, not only the RKS simulations, but the time in Cyberspace had taught them that.

[break][break] "He may just want to keep us alive for his own curiosity, not because he wants Hoenn itself to survive. It would be dangerous to assume otherwise." His eyes flicker to , and then over to the scientists as they confirm that there is no way - not currently, at least - for them to contact Malcadena. Privately, Jayden thought that was for the best. The DRK Triad seemed more dangerous than they were helpful, and he doubted that they would think kindly of him either, especially since he'd tried to attack one of them during Littleroot. "But that does not mean we cannot proceed. As Admin Bee mentions, we can just tread with caution."

[break][break] "It all matters," he said to . "If Malcadena is to be believed, the ORIGIN POINT will likely include that cataclysm as well as many others." Rocket, the DRK Triad, Kyurem, the Rifts, Ruinous Beasts. All of it would coalesce into a moment in time that would end them all. "Allowing the League to get their hands on the Ruinous Beasts or befriending the DRK Triad is undoubtedly an imminent threat."

[break][break] When speaks up, Jayden blinks. As much as Jayden hated , he had to conceded that the other brought up a point.

[break][break] "The League does not have loyalty the way we do — they are a mess of moving parts. Killing would surely send them in shambles. At least for a time."

[break][break] His lips tip into a frown.

[break][break] "But is she not just a replacement for Commissioner Ulysses?"

[break][break] "The danger is not individuals but the League's ideologies. The League's loudest voices, including , that allow people's opinions to be skewed into falsities. The League is like a hydra that will just regrow it's head once chopped off."

[break][break] The League had about the same amount of intelligence as one too. It would be only so easy to kill and then have it be replaced by a blithering fool of equal potential.

[break][break] "Chopping off it's heart is another matter entirely." A considerate look passed by his mind's eye. "Or replacing the head with one of our own."




jayden is like GRRR of course mommy kanto cares us :CATTO: and then says they should kill the league's ideologies because dahlia would just be replaced [break]


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
150 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 6:00:38 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE II



Battle! Team Rainbow Rocket - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon


THE ROCKET BOSS LISTENS QUIETLY, HANDS LAYERED OVER THE HANDLE OF HIS CANE. He scrutinizes the behavior and physicality of each character. With his silence, he allows their opinions and personalities to expand in the stillness of that space.[break][break]

"i will remind you amor, that you were on a probationary period before your appointment. we're a civil organization with respect for our seniors. however, to all of us i say: do not forget that all of our endeavors are in service of team rocket."[break][break]

The cave grows chillier. Like jeweled arpeggios, the chiming of droplets falling from antediluvian stalagmites is a persistent countdown.[break][break]

"allying ourselves with maldacena is a risk, but we have witnessed their willingness to play both sides in the cloud." The Boss sets the cane against the table. "the next time we encounter them, we can broker a deal. our resources for their knowledge."[break][break]

"continuing to foster allegiances with sources of power will undoubtedly pay dividends. if beast harcourt and head scientist sato can court necrozma and the unown to our side, would it not follow that maldacena too, will find a partnership with us more fascinating?"[break][break]

The Rocket Boss' hands steeple. His solemn gaze settles across the table as he continues:[break][break]

"our allyship with megalopolan generals grants us further forays of expansion. should beast harcourt procure necrozma, general velmos and cotillard has suggested claiming ultra megalopolis as an extension of our syndicate." The Rocket Boss says. "but what of hoenn? kanto believes we are ready to expand our territory. last time we met, beast briarwood suggested mossdeep city."[break][break]

He looks at .[break][break]

"like it or not, we are beholden to kanto. team rocket was founded there. birthed there. inevitably, our organization will overcome hoenn and in time, pincer in on johto."[break][break]

The Rocket Boss hardens his face, shadows cast over his serious visage.[break][break]

"we will take care of the good commissioner in time. we must do it carefully lest she become a martyr. as it stands, i do not see her lasting long. the league fights internally. the public continues to lose faith. this was planned for years, my fellow rockets. ulysses monroe, the previous commissioner, did well in handing over the position so hastily, after all, he is kanto's rocket boss."[break][break]

And colder, the cave grows.



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • until stated otherwise, you may post multiple times within a single "round".

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 6:26:42 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

The silence that fell in the wake of that revelation, however long it lasted, was suddenly interrupted by cackling, delighted laughter that cut across the table. A single gloved hand barely stifled it, seconds too late for propriety.[break][break]

"How marvelous," Underboss Fiorelli breathed out, shamelessly entertained. "Kanto continues to impress in new and unexpected ways. Please inform the former Commissioner of our sincerest appreciation."[break][break]

To act so convincingly in the role of League figurehead cemented what she already knew: the government of Hoenn was nothing but a hierarchy any skilled puppeteer could orchestrate to their liking.[break][break]

Fortunate, then, that Rocket had once been pulling those strings.[break][break]

"As one of the more recent transfers to Hoenn, I admittedly do wonder," she began, directing her question to but also the others gathered, "why didn't we replace the head of the snake with one of our own? Is 's incompetence valued so highly over planned subterfuge?"[break][break]

For all her bite, the underboss meant it as a genuine inquiry.[break][break]

At her side, Wo-chien's ochre eyes swiveled to the walls of the room, a shiver rippling through the chambers as it approached plummeting depths.[break][break]


  • Openly laughs at the discovery Rocket used to run the League, is shamelessly delighted.
  • Curious why Rocket chose to let incompetence replace the previous commissioner, rather than sliding another Rocket in. Floor is open to answer that.
  • Wo-chien sus of the temp change.



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 6:54:01 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] In due time, their Boss speaks. And in due time, secrets are revealed.

[break][break] But as much as Jayden has known about Rocket, as much as he has lived and breathed, it's very existence. Nothing quite prepares him for the bomb drops on them in the freezing dungeon.

[break][break] A chill slices it's way up his spine, and even the Rocket Admin has to pull on his overcoat that he has slid over the tip of his chair to accommodate for it. Not even the burn of his Ceruledge's flames behind him help to ease his bones back into warmth.

[break][break] In the absence of sound, it's 's voice that cuts through the air thereafter. Nothing but her laughter echoing through the Cave of Origin's frozen chambers.

[break][break] "I too would like to express my appreciation for the former Commissioner," he says in the aftermath, agreeing with The Scorned. His expression, though muted, still flickers with surprise. "And Kanto's Boss."

[break][break] His thoughts churn slowly like coals over a firepit. How had he not known? How long had this happened? More than that, had father known too? His eyes flicker to that of and across the table.

[break][break] "If we are to take over Ultra Megalopolis ," he says instead, re-routing the conversation back to one of the earlier points. "Admin Delaney. Do you think Tapu Koko would be of service?"

[break][break] It was a fickle beast, but if it was someone who trusted, Jayden had no reason to doubt them.

[break][break] His expression turned contemplative.

[break][break] "And for Hoenn, my vote remains the same as before. Either Mossdeep, Pacifidlog or Dewford seem like solid choices."




jayden is like SHOCKED PIKACHU FACE and then is like brr its cold and then also asks if tapu koko would agree to take over ultra megalapolis [break]
he also votes for mossdeep or dewford for their next hoenn expansion [break]


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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[newclass=".heartsong:hover .title b"]color:var(--accent); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 11:43:44 GMT
[attr="class","beckmain"]whether he realizes it or not, he has yet to look over at once even as she makes remarks toward him. their conversation shared in the privacy of his home has come to hang over his head.

he cannot trust her.

the reveal comes and as his gaze briefly finds 's from across the table, his usually stoic and unreadable expression falters for the slightest of moments to reveal:

theo had not known.

he wonders how long has and why it had taken this long to reveal it. the GRUDGE that's rooted in him spreads further.

"the rift in granite cave makes dewford an important target. their gym leader has also proven to be a thorn in our side, so it would be good to send a message."

he speaks of whose rise seems so sudden and almost out of place.

the thought shifts to another as he looks to , , and .

"how much should we value mossdeep's space center?"

- no fighting we are FAMILY!!!
- theo did not know either ^.^ thanks dec
- asks the scientists how much they value the space center
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 14:23:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor listened to Declan's words, and frowned, but he remained silent. He had almost asked what advancements had made back to . From his point of view it hadn't been many, but he shut up.

"Fine...." Came the flat word, he wouldn't argue the point further, that was when said something that caused him to blink a few times. The Ex-Commissioner was the Leader of Rocket? It would seem that Amor had won his bet against , and that the League truly was beyond saving in it's current state. It had been corrupted from the start, part of him felt vindicated by that knowledge. Part of him despised the League even more because without the Ex-commissioner there, they should have been able to turn it around, if they just held their own people accountable. However the League was to weak to do that, and that is why they wound up with people like , , and .

Fire was the only way to cleanse them at this point....

That is when the Rocket Boss said something interesting, and Amor did have a plan to help the public lose faith entirely if he was allowed to go through with it, and had the necessary backing.

"If we are going to take over another city, or territory in this case. Getting the civilians against the League would make it much easier, and I do have some ideas on how that can happen. The citizenry doesn't necessarily have to be on our side, they just dont' have to be on the Leagues." The conditions for victory were clear to him. "If you all find it acceptable I believe myself, and someone with some decent connections to a TV, or Radio station could cause the civilian's to further collapse against the League, and the best part I won't even have to lie." He could use his own connections, but that would be boring.

"It would just be a simple interview where I lay out all the evidence of the Leagues negligence towards their own people, and civilians. The incident with . attempting to kill me after I surrendered. inciting a riot in Kanto, and leaving the common people to their fates. The casualties that caused during the battle in Littleroot. And the negligence the League has shown in doing nothing about all of this." Amor states simply. "Since my identity as a Rocket is not public knowledge, it would be easy for me to just say it's to set the record straight about the HNN article they published about me." And would it allowed him revenge? Absolutely, two birds one stone.

"There is no need to use a hammer when a scalpel will do...." That would be if the others agreed.

Then the question was posed about which area to take over. Amor personally saw zero benefit to Mossdeep except for proximity to Sootopolis, the Space Center didn't seem all that interesting to him.

"The Rift I would argue is more valuable since it grants us easy access to collect more of the Beasts that are contained within it. It would also give us an ample supply of the Nihelego Toxin as well, and the ability to search for more Seal Stones....Or am I wrong?" He was curious, but he did agree with in the end.

Amor votes to wage a war of Truth against the League!
Amor thinks the Dewford Rift is more valuable!

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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 15:48:09 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar


Marza, unsurprisingly, was no master strategist. Adding her two cents to the conversation of what she assumed were mostly smart people (save for the questionable few), felt like an insult to their intelligence. Point her at the nearest target and she’d take care of it. There were strategies in violence, that she would happily take advantage of, but this went above that. Violence was, for the most part, the responsibily of a beast. The part she was more than happy to follow through on. So, in short, she’d much rather this have been an email that she could pretend to read.
In her opinion, to an extent, many of these discussions were what if statements, debating on forces that their scientists could only hypothesize. One moment she had died and then was brought back. Holes had been ripped into reality and so-called "gods" consumed their souls. Whatever it was. Once again, she was inclined to follow , in the belief that they were just pokemon. She didn't believe in god or gods, but regardless of that they were dangerous.
It was Amor's plan that drew her attention though. “The league’s narrative is entirely too strong to upstage them. Especially with Rocket being a quintessential scapegoat for all the blame. Evil actions can be justified if it’s to stop what’s perceived as a greater threat. The way the world has changed…people are scared and they’ll believe it.” She said with a shrug toward ’s statement. To an extent, it made sense, but not within the time period necessary. Not to mention, it was very boring.
“I’m inclined to agree about Dewford. Are there any benefits to pacifidlog or do we scrap it?” Though, really, she didn't care.
- she’s too dumb for this so am I[break]
- mostly agrees about Dewford.

[attr="class","bottom"]@ my rocket peoples [break]

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 15:50:17 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Socialize a bit more? Ignorance?[break][break]
Nomi's brow furrowed and her frown deepened as seemed to misunderstand her completely, as well as belittle her contributions. She worked long hours for Rocket out of dedication to the cause, and in the wake of 's absence, she'd tried to continue with her mentor's research. In addition to creating Rocket's original Tera Orbs, studying the Meteno Deoxys core, conducting synthetic Avatar Tera-energy infusion trials for S.P.E.C.T.R.A., and helping with the construction of the RKS Machine, she'd begun drawing important connections between Tera crystals and the Dream Mist. Both seemed to produce an effect that allowed one to interact with infinite possibility.[break][break]
But she held her tongue. had begun to speak.[break][break]
A surge of pride as Walsh encouraged her to continue befriending the Unown and validated 's interest in Necrozma. Perhaps it ought to have shocked her more, the reveal about Kanto's Ulysses Monroe, but while it was certainly illuminating, it also felt entirely befitting of a regime as brutally thorough as Kanto Rocket. Of course the League commissioner had been corrupt. In a way, she agreed with only in that it did seem rather strange that Hoenn Rocket had not pursued a similar course of action, given Walsh's reminder of the Hoenn branch's inevitable, ongoing ties to their Kanto origin.[break][break]
On the subject of Mossdeep Space Center, she perked up visibly, frown melting away to make room for an expression of eager curiosity. She turned to look at in response to his direct question, ignoring 's dismissal of Mossdeep.[break][break]
"I would dearly love to gain access to the League's encrypted government research hidden away in the Mossdeep Space Center," she said. "As much as we might find the League distasteful, there are several brilliant minds amongst their ranks." She paused, taking a breath before her next admission.[break][break]
"I am currently in the process of trying to free the Meteno Deoxys recovered by former Underboss Killian Decker. and I have been looking for solutions to deal with the nevermelt ice, as well as other mysteries regarding its extraterrestrial nature."[break][break]
"There is a Deoxys inside of it," she emphasized, her gaze finding and , who had been there when she'd discovered the fact. "The Unown were able to reveal this to me. Gaining access to the space center could greatly speed up our efforts in acquiring yet another powerful asset, especially now that Killian and his Deoxys are no longer allied with us."

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


and Nomi continue to butt heads RIP[break]
Also curious how Walsh/others might answer 's question regarding the Hoenn League commissioner in response to the reveal about the Kanto one[break]
Gets excited about the Mossdeep space center! Could be the key to unlocking the Meteno Deoxys, which would be hugely beneficial to Rocket[break]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 16:00:54 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

When speaks against 's restraint regarding his newfound powers, Cillian chimes in.[break][break]

"I was well familiar with Choi's condition. He tried to kill me, after all." He speaks plainly and without bitterness. "I can say that Beast Harcourt has proven a far different host to the creature."[break][break]

He did not implicitly trust , understanding him as a man of selfish means, but he'd come to accept the difference between him and .[break][break]

He nods in agreement with when support of Kanto is aired, though his lips press thin as his fellow underboss continues with his thoughts on their patron Pokémon. Lugia's PRESSURE intensifies with the anger that floods through her, corrupting him in turn. Cillian's knuckles turn white as his fingernails dig against the meat of his palm. He draws a deep, steadying breath. His Sylveon was not here to calm his mind, and thus he is alone with her turbulent influence.[break][break]

Don't disappoint me.[break][break]

He endures, and he does not speak up.[break][break]

The cave grows chilly as cuts into their chorus. Cillian has always preferred the cold; it reminds him of Circhester, of the mountains and the snow. Yet the chill that seeps through him now is one of dread and awe.[break][break]

Ulysses Monroe. Though the underboss keeps his characteristic composure, a silent shake of his head answers the question won't pose with words. I had no idea.[break][break]

"Underboss Beckett makes an excellent point about the Rift." Having previously discounted Dewford as being too far from the heart of their organization, Cillian considers it in a new life. "Dewford is also smaller than Mossdeep, and perhaps an easier acquisition... but they may well be expecting it. Perhaps we might feign an attack on Mossdeep. Leak false intelligence, and strike elsewhere when their forces are gathered in the wrong city's defense? Of course, we would need to leave Sootopolis well-defended in our absence."

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Asserts that 's condition is different to 's.
Shocked about Ulysses, but accepts it silently b/c it's Cillian.[break]
Agrees with about the Rift in Dewford; suggests misleading the League with false intel about an attack on Mossdeep, leaving Dewford open for the taking.


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
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Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 16:24:23 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

A mix of self-righteous validation and satisfaction swelled in Zev's chest at 's support for the search for Necrozma. Not that he needed the Rocket boss' permission, of course. But support meant he'd have necessary resources at his disposal, as well as the silence of those who might object.[break][break]

Information that the Megalopolans' home world would join Team Rocket should the hunt for Necrozma be successful prompted Zev to raise an eyebrow. But as surprising as the revelation was, it did not provoke as much suspicion.[break][break]

After all, from his trips to Lesser Megalopolis and recent events involving Necrozma, Zev could assume its destruction was caused by the Pokémon in the first place. Information he'd collected was starting to form a larger picture of the city's history—and its doom.[break][break]

The disclosure about Ulysses Monroe did not spark as much interest in Zev as it did in the others. He glanced at when she voiced her question, silently wondering the same.[break][break]

But instead of echoing her words, he listened to the others around the table as they debated the value of Mossdeep versus Dewford. When an opening finally presented itself, he took his turn to speak.[break][break]

"I agree with the choice of Dewford as well, and that the League is more likely to expect an attack there," Zev said.[break][break]

Then he paused, but only for a second. Whatever the consequences of what he was about to share, he would handle them.[break][break]

"On the other hand, if we choose to take Mossdeep, I know someone who works at the Space Center, someone in a senior position. If we spare her and the Space Center itself, as well as guarantee that she can continue her work there after the takeover, I have a feeling she'd have no qualms helping us."[break][break]

still did not know of Zev's work for Team Rocket, but he had a hunch she wouldn't care as long as her career was not impacted.

[attr="class","tag"]disseminate ii


Thank you for supporting Zev's lust for power![break]
Surprised at the mention of Ultra Megalopolis but not really suspicious[break]
Wants to know the same as about Ulysses Monroe's choice of successor[break]
Agrees that Dewford is more valuable but also that the League will expect them to try taking it over[break]
Offers the resource he has in Mossdeep as potential help in taking over that city



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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 19:18:46 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint smiles despite the stifling air. Working with Maldacena would be interesting and he was curious as to what they'd know about Father Winter. It's going well as Walsh gives them multiple okays to begin their favorite schemes. Then the air sort of grows quiet as he drops a huge bomb on the table. He takes it in stride, being a newer Rocket. But even he can't help but swallow nervously at the revelation. 's laughter is jarring but it gives them an opportunity to jump in. [break] [break]

"The former Commissioner was running Kanto forces AND Hoenn's government?” He echoed quietly trying to process. "Sir, does that mean Ulysses Mon- Boss Monroe, is as capable at changing his face as you are?" The Beast asked, eyes bright as he referred to Walsh's RVL route. [break] [break]

He then focuses on , taking cues from him and dipping his head to Walsh echoing his sentiment of gratitude. He looks to when Jayden asks adding, "yeah, has tapu koko spoken to you about why it was around lesser megalopolis in the first place? And how long? They might have good intel on the perimeter of the place." He said, adding to his Admin. [break] [break]

He then looks to "I agree with growing anti-league sentiment. That goal has pushed much of my work recruiting new faces that can help control the mainstream in Hoenn." He looks to , and then and . "However, manipulating the media without looking like a plant is difficult and needs to be handled with care. We have to pick and choose what we blow up. The incident is a non starter. Underboss and others discussed this incident and decided it was best not to pursue. Probably due to the lack of witnesses or footage as well as how long ago. The League also seemed to have disciplined at some point, removing him temporarily from his gym." [break] [break]

Again, he pulls up notes before looking back at Amor. "The incident is also a non-starter. With the footage we have it's clear you escalated the situation when you hit first when Miro was about to take you into custody over your slip of the tongue, which she had authority to do. Any defense you have should've been deployed when this happened. As it stands, you used deadly force to avoid arrest, nearly killed civilians, and blew up a building over a verbal misunderstanding in the best unintentional attempt to copy . At least when he rampaged Littleroot, casualties were mainly Rocket as the League evacuated all civilians prior to the meteor arriving. Not accounting for the one or two that stayed due to stubborness, but rip them." He shrugged. Can't fix stupid and all that. [break] [break]

"The story we could work with if we had more information. Maybe a collaboration from Kanto Rocket. However, I doubt in the face of all our cataclysms Hoenn will care much about Kanto." It's workable, but just barely. "But any of the other stories to spin would just put you, a suspected terrorist, in firing range. Especially when half of Lilycove watched Hoenn's beloved idol dog walk you after she took a Dragon Claw to the face. Clear your name by all means, but you are as much an aggressor as she was once that fight ended outside the opera house. Like said, their credibility is strong, even if they’ve stumbled in the past. ‘Course, those are just my concerns. I’m sure Underbosses and , and Admin have their own conclusions on use of the intel we have.” [break] [break]

To ’s explanation he replied, “The Unown told you? That’s big progress then.” offering small congratulations despite giggling at her and the other scientists’ bickering only moments earlier. He moves back to the decision at hand. [break] [break]

“I vote we crap Pacifidlog. That town offers no benefits unlike Dewford or Mossdeep. I vote Dewford as well, but perhaps we can siphon the work from Beast ’s contact to attempt our own contact with Deoxys.” he looked at Nomi once more. “I recommend faking out the League. Moving like w’ere going to take Mossdeep and go for Dewford. Or vice versa. If only to help bolster how strained we’ll be on defenses for Sootopolis.”

tagged ▸ ooc @ various
- asks if ulysses can mqkenup as good as walsh [break]
- asks what tapu koko knows to fern [break]
- suggest loudly we dont pursue some avenues of propaganda but defers to bee elisa and theo [break]
- agrees with marza and comgrats to nomi pew pew pe wpew [break]
- ignores pacifidlog for dewford or mossdeep, suggests we FAKE RIGHT AND BREAKNLEFT

| drip [break]




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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 20:27:30 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

'Divide and conquer' seemed to be the direction of the current course of conversation. and to Ultra Megalopolis. and to investigate the matter of the Unown, Deoxys, and perhaps even Maldacena. Others to take arms -- either in Dewford, Pacifidlog, or Mossdeep. It didn't matter to which they chose.[break][break]

She'd be wherever they needed her to be, regardless.[break][break]

It was the matter of propaganda that caught her attention, for the first time shifting to truly hear Head Scientist speak. When Beast spoke afterwards, the underboss's mouth curled again in silent approval.[break][break]

"I agree with Beast Volchitsa," she announced, folding her hands. "The credibility of the League is something we cannot ever fully topple. Furthermore, disinformation is not a matter of us appearing 'right' to the populace of Hoenn, nor is it about 'catching' the League in their lies or hypocrisy."[break][break]

To this she directed a meaningful look at , to whom she'd given this advice many months ago; it had gone unheeded, she suspected, but she'd given it nonetheless. Arguments about , about , about -- none of them mattered, truthfully, as Beast already pointed out.[break][break]

No one cared who insulted who.[break][break]

"To discredit someone," the underboss continued evenly, "you must simply tell a compelling story. Don't overcomplicate it. Don't get tangled up in the details of they said this, we said that. No one's heart was ever swayed by bickering and squabbling."[break][break]

Here she turned to , the current admin of intelligence -- one far more suited for the role, Elisabeth knew, than she had ever been. Her next words, however, were born of different experience.[break][break]

"Plant a single seed of doubt. ' is unhinged and self-absorbed.' ' profits from the conflict in the region and creates a monopoly within Silph Co.' ' is a hypocrite who wielded her pen to say one thing, and her office to do another.'"[break][break]

Once the right seed had been planted, all you had to do was watch it flourish, building crack by crack in the foundations that fought to keep it down. Her own reputation had capsized spectacularly under such a campaign in Kalos, not so long ago.[break][break]

"That is all that is needed. Let's not lose ourselves in muddling detail."[break][break]


  • Doesn't care where they attack, fine with the splitting of labor as discussed.
  • Says 's plan relies too much on he-said she-said and is overcomplicating the situation.
  • Agrees with that Rocket will never get rid of the need for League to make them look bad.
  • Says keep disinformation simple, just plant seeds of doubt, and step back and watch them flourish.



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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 23:02:17 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
As spoke, Kaname listened intently. The mention of expanding their territory was a sound idea, and the mention of Mossdeep was intriguing. Even more intriguing was the revelation that the former Commissioner of the Hoenn League was, in fact, the Boss of Kanto’s Rocket. Kaname suppressed a chuckle, amused by the duplicity and sagacity of Ulysses Monroe. Meanwhile, the scientist’s Galarian Slowking began to mumble to himself, perturbed by the sudden drop in temperature in the already damp and cool cavern.[break][break]

Kaname gently tapped his fingers against the table top, listening to his colleagues speak. The cogs churned in his head as they discussed the possible territory acquisitions, a smile creeping onto his face. “Mossdeep is perhaps the most valuable target of the three mentioned by Admin Cross, at least in my opinion, Underboss Beckett. The research contained within would surely advance the science division by leaps and bounds. Not only that, we could begin production of spy satellites and then launch them using the Mossdeep Space Center, which would be very advantageous for any future operations and the intelligence department as a whole.” [break][break]

He paused and looked around the cavern at the assembled members of Team Rocket. [break][break]

“Dewford and the Rift there would be extremely valuable, yes, but it is much further away from Sootopolis than Mossdeep or Pacifidlog and we have to consider what we’re capable of actually reasonably able to defend. The logical choices are Pacifidlog or Mossdeep due to proximity, but if we go on value alone? Mossdeep, then Dewford, then Littleroot. Littleroot and its unusual energy source located beneath might prove useful, but it’s not a defensible location, in my opinion.” Kaname shifted in his seat, leaning back into the chair and crossing his arms. “I’ve managed to acquire a Nihilego by way of theft from the League labs, so if you’ve an interest in acquiring the venom of the creature. We can arrange that, Head Scientist Rose.” He said, glancing over at . [break][break]

“But that said, knowing that Beast Harcourt has a woman on the inside of Mossdeep only sweetens the pot for me. The acquisition of the Space Center’s data and facility is simply too good a chance to pass up for Team Rocket as a whole. Imagine what we could do if we awoke the frozen Deoxys? Perhaps we could coax the other out and have a pair, wouldn’t that be grand?”[break][break]

(TL;DR Mentions ’s locations. Answers ’s question and really wants to go to the Space Center because it’s too good a deal to pass up. Says Dewford is too far to reasonably allocate resources and defenses too, same for Pacifidlog. Littleroot is interesting because of the energy source but isn’t worth it because of the location. Mentions using one Deoxys to get to the other, and that having a matching set would be nice. Teehee.)
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 17:08:29 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







When Declan mentions monroe, bryan stops and his eyes widen and he laughs. "This whole time he was the rocket boss of Kanto? Holy shit hahahaha."

"I like 's idea. Mossdeep at this point would greatly aid in 's research. However I fear that 's connection with rayquaza would inhibit us in the skies if we tried to use rockets or something. That bitch's green snake managed to put up a good fight against me and Xerneas." he says as he rolls his neck and crosses his arms as he goes deeper into thought. "I'd love to take littleroot and use it to grow more food and resources for sootpolis but it isn't feasible, not anymore." he says sadly. [break][break]

"I'd like to not to be involved in the procuration of Necrozma. You all already saw what he did to the tree of life. I'd rather prevent him from getting anymore energy from me or Xerneas." In reality, he just wanted to prevent his own death, that thing symbolized the end of his unnatural life span and he wanted to stay far the hell away from it. He had just gotten used to being around .

"As for procuring Necrozma. We would need to either lure it to us, possibly with infinity energy which I can provide or find a way to seek it out. Those are not the main problems though, the problem is containing it. Those red things we saw during the darkest day managed to hold it down. Does anyone even know what those things were?" he asks if anyone else in the group was keen on sharing information.

he looks over at "Pacifidlog is a boonie town. But it's closest to sky pillar where the lesser megalopolis rift is. Not that your wrong or anything, I find the place otherwise useless like you said.


notes about this post

laughs that monroe orchestrated dahlia taking power.[break]
Asks to abstain from involvement with necrozma due to fear[break]
If we try to take necrozma, how do we control it [break]
Votes to take mossdeep but points out pracifidlog's proximity to lesser megalopolis.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing