i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 13:17:43 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

The imagination is as limitless as it is terrifying, a wellspring of hope that could overturn the darkest of days. But in the end, there is a limit as to how much one can possibly daydream.[break][break]

And in the end, the hope that Azelf may open their eyes once more will have to be put to rest, that brief flicker of hope melting into a simple bitterness upon her tongue.[break][break]

In the end, you're never there in time.

Screeches of conflict, the howling sirens, a blinding light. The ship accelerates and she curls around Azelf as best she can, but she will not hit the ground as painfully as she'd imagined, a warmth brushing against her side and pulling her in.[break][break]

Hope blossoms anew. In the aftermath, she is spared but a few seconds to drink in his presence, her free arm thrown around his shoulders as she sinks into the Luxray's fur.[break][break]

"You're here."[break][break]

Bristly is his mane as he leans over to nudge her, bringing forth a calm that she'd never thought she'd find in this hell. He growls, eyes darting to the pixie overhead, then flicks to Eris as she finally pulls away to look him in the eyes.[break][break]

A nod is met with a nod. A solemn promise to focus up. If this is a parting gift that Azelf has left them, then there are things to be done.[break][break]

Murder is on many minds. An eye for an eye, a life for a life. Every bit of hurt must be paid back some cry, whilst others act upon their hidden agendas. She will pay no heed to any of it, the pounding beat of her heart drowning it all out.[break][break]

takes the lead, a beautiful red chain snapped towards Pecharunt as he immediately starts pulling. ’s Metagross takes to the field and they fight despite all the odds. Shuwen runs for the center of a deadly storm, 's words roaring into her head.[break][break]

Her arm stretches out, shaky as the adrenaline crashes and thrums through her veins.[break][break]

You’re scared.[break][break]

Of course. Who the fuck in their right mind wouldn’t be?[break][break]

Why then? They are destined to fight, are they not?[break][break]

She doesn't know why, but it instinctively just feels right.[break][break]

Cut up upon crystals, beaten and kicked to near death by a suffering ogre, rocked to her very core by forces beyond her own reckoning. Healing wounds have been long torn open by the weight of her movement, the purpose in her strides, blood beading upon her skin as she opens her palms wide as if reaching for Pecharunt. An imaginary tether that binds the two of them.[break][break]

Then she grabs, fists clenching down upon pure energy as it begins to manifest. Dyed in her own colours; The chain that will be stronger than what she could imagine, a red chain that is guided by her will and her will alone.[break][break]

Snaked around Pecharunt and wrapped tight, she grabs her end of the chain and begins pulling. Pulling with her heels dug into the ground, pulling with all her weight put into it.[break][break]

"Take them!" A scream, an earnest plea. Psychic forces move beyond her sight, aimed at pushing Cyllora if even that inch closer to .[break][break]

Evil must be stopped, but being killed should not be what ends their streak.[break][break]

Turbulent as their own heart may be, there is nothing softer nor gentler than the hands that rest upon her palm. And in silence, Mesprit follows suit, psychic forces intertwining with her will as they too, begin to pull.[break][break]

[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
[attr="class","nikki103"]fucked up
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
✦ azelf's death hits harder than she thought it would, but she protects their body even through the crash landing[break]
✦ reiner too, is here for her - heads up, strike a promise. scared? looking at how bloodthirsty they are, yeah. but azelf didn't leave this gift for her to just stand by[break]
MAIN ACTION: jumps into action with , uses MYSTICAL POWER on Pecharunt and tries to help him yank them away from being killed[break]
✦ mesprit helps shove cyllora in 's direction, then helps eris to psychically pull the chain[break]
CHOICE: Sparing Cyllora and Pecharunt


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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 13:25:27 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Cass didn't expect 's expressed thanks, and finds herself surprised, but pleased about it. "Ah, you're welcome-" she says, wait isn't that the Melody Miro- But no time to dwell on things as she departs to find her friends. The combo attack feels good, but ... ... Her cheeks redden as she clears her throat and gets out of pose, hopefully no one saw that. "We did it!" she beams at and , also finding herself looking around to look for , hoping that she's alright in this whole chaos as well-

Her face falls as she feels the small telepathic pulse with almost nothing behind it - but a presence, falling into dormancy. The stir of feelings she is aware of, but doesn't pay much attention to, not at the moment. Not when she can at least pretend still to be as good a person as her friends want to believe. Now, the growing absence of it seems real as Azelf peers into her. But this, too, fades to the confusion and anger she feels as she not only feels Azelf fade, but also leaving something with her. "No- what the fuck, no-" she curses, grabbing thin air as she turns around slightly frantic, searching for Hideo and Eris among the masses. She's almost sure she's screaming into the void now.

Did you just give us something again?! Don't use your energy like that ARCEUS DAMN IT!

If there's one thing she hates, it's self-sacrifice, and this feels much like it. "We need to find Eris and Hideo," Cass shouts to her friends, fully willing to just drag them along if needed be (but they'd hopefully just follow her, with nothing better to do). She has no mind for the entire ship crashing, the whole spiel playing at the frontlines. She swears and hisses the whole time until she spots the younger kids and , her rage finally subsiding enough for her face to fall a second time. There's definitely angry tears collecting in her eyes, but she just purses her lips. She clutches her Trubbish in her arms tight, approaching.

"Did you-" she starts, but Hideo proves that, indeed, they have. And her sight's drawn to the frontlines again - a pleading Cyllora, a ridiculous small little Pecharunt that still seeks to chain others, command them. She's startled by ’s words, but her mind finally clicks into the plan as well as Eris leaps into action, aiding Hideo with chaining the Pecharunt. Her eyes dart to the Pokémon's companion, Cyllora. (A flash of empathy sympathy. She feels as if she understands. A torn homeworld. A chance at something … even if everything screams no. Why not?)

"Please help-" she pleads with her nearby friends, hoping they would not also succumb to the call of violence. (She can't imagine it.) And it's making her angry, again, a bit. She suppresses another swear, "--!! What do we build prisons for?!" Everyone just follows in step, step, step of what's always been done, over and over again ... no one ever learns. (She's no exception. But her friends are here - maybe she can be good.)

She kneels down next to Sona, her Tinkatuff who seems oddly calm in the face of rising violence - however, the grip around her hammer tightens as Cass leans down, and her hammer trembles. ”Can you do this for me?” There’s no reply, but there doesn’t need to be. Cass stands up, readying herself as others charge forward in protection, seeking to end this cycle, too - a hexagon’s the better shape anyway.

Skitter Smack!” Cass calls out, causing her Tinkatuff to charge forward, eyes focused on Cyllora - nimbly, she gets behind them, lifting her hammer. Delilah, her Charcadet, has also hurried in, seeking to protect Sona as she weaved herself towards the frontlines. Cass has no idea how she knows how to wield this Mystical Power, calling forth a Red Chain towards Cyllora. The chains pull taught, and she tries to force them into a ball-shaped position.

It's a gamble in Cyllora's situation. Cass only hopes that with the chains and Eris convincing Mesprit to help psychically push once as Sona’s Skitter Smack connects, the whole pull-out-of-danger-zone effort would become easier. Filled with grim determination, she puts her whole weight into pulling on the chain. Jon is still in her arms and almost crushed by it, but his body's squishable in the worst ways - and his trash arms reach forward, too, touching the glowing light and wishing to aid his trainer, sensing the stakes here, too. A life.

Cass doesn't quite notice, for once, what her Trubbish is doing, fully focused on the task at hand. At the destruction unfolding in front of her.

She doesn't want to see another die today.

tl;dr megapolis??
- brief melody interaction
- (combo's with thea&knight) as the masks fall and azelf's doing a telepathic pulse + parting gift, she's mad
- hurries to find hideo & eris, joins up as they try a non-lethal solution
- MAIN ACTION while shielding's going on, cass uses mystical power to red-chain cyllora (attempts to make her ball-shaped) when her tinkatuff sona tries to skitter smack cyllora the hell out of there
- flavour: her charcadet del is also there to protect sona pls don't kill them
- flavour: jon does his best to pull as well [psychic garbodor ... one day]
- VOTE spare cyllora, pecharunt & the megalopolans
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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
139 posts
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 13:38:27 GMT

As Petra observes the gruesome demise of their three wardens, this victorious moment soon becomes bittersweet. Cyllora, the Megolopolan in charge of it all, shows little to no regard for her loyal three puppets. For failing her against an army of Hoenn's trainers, including some of their finest, they are somehow worthless and contemptible...

Cyllora's eventual plea for peace is an insult to everything they've endured, and what both sides have sacrificed. Only she had gotten what she wanted. And with the progenitor of these chains seemingly still alive and at her side, there is reason to believe the threat to Hoenn remains.

Feeling pity for the wardens, Petra moves to the Okidogi that was in charge of her section. It's final pained GROWOOR! echoing in the recess of her mind. The canine appears the least hurt of them all, and so she attempts to remedy it's wounds with the help of her Blissey's HEALING WISH. Yet it fails, leaving her to abandon the corpse in search of other curiosities among the wreckage. In reality, she avoids the group to hide the seldom tear dropping from eyes that were all too tired from seeing pokemon exploited to the brink of death and beyond. Even though Petra desperately wanted to believe their desire to go home, it turned out they were no better than Team Rocket.

The mere cloning of pokemon was unethical enough, unless the research was thorough and the science perfect. Unsure of the method and wishing to know whether it were a true success, Petra attempts to seize the means of production. Whether it be a collection of samples, things like manifestos to give her a clue to their operations - or even something unrelated, she scours the debris for clues and in-tact tech to judge whether any of their work wasn't harmful in nature. While damaged from the crash(?), she believes there must be something that, like the prisoners, survived this rough descent unto Ultra Megaolpolis.

All the while she can hear some of the others relaying their ire and. As preoccupied as she was sifting through debris, Petra wished to put an end to Cyllora and her little friend as well. Even if they no longer posed a threat to Hoenn, she refused to believe Cyllora would never harm or mistreat pokemon again. If a battle did break out, she would involve herself soon enough.


- Attempts Healing Wish on OKIDOGI, but it fails.
- As Cyllora presents terms, Petra scours through the cloning chambers and other such scientific tools and research.
- Yet to act, Petra also wishes to ATTACK CYLLORA/PECHARUNT.


[attr="class","bottom"]PP: WEAKLING WARD[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 15:37:58 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The wardens fall, and Oscar allows himself a brief moment of satisfaction. The beast behind his torment had been slain, and it felt so good. Yet the fight was far from done. The true hosts of this prison excursion remained, and neither were happy to see their plans undone.

Toxic mochi had been fired in every direction, and unfortunately Oscar could not hope to avoid the ones that had come straight for him.Entangle by yet more chains, Oscar heaved as even more toxin was injected into his body. He was far too weak to break out from the grasp of the chains, but luckily he had a loyal Mega Urshifu nearby.

Abner grabbed his master’s chains and ripped them apart with ease. It was a truly humorous sight, Abner might as well have been ripping a daisy chain. He dragged Oscar from out of the broken chains before helping his master to his feet. Oscar stumbled, struggling to maintain his balance. “Thanks Abby.” He mumbled in delirium. “You’re a–strapping young man.” A distinct feeling of malaise was starting to consume him, his every thought suddenly scattered into an indiscernible jumble. The room began to spin, and his vision blurred into a mess of light and color. Was–was he dying?

No, not yet anyway. The malevolent duo had transported everyone to the ruins of Lesser Megalopolis, and once Oscar realized this he would let out a groan. He meekly stepped forward, the muscles in his legs giving out as the poison he had taken on thus far ravaged his insides. Abner caught his arm, and Oscar looked up to find that his Urshifu had returned to normal. Oscar let out a choked chuckle, “We’re really fucked now.”

Maybe not, their hosts offered them the choice to leave. made a compelling argument, though Oscar moreso aligned with that of . He got the vengeance he wanted, now he just wanted to go home. Chaos erupted as those who chose violence clashed with those that wanted to spare their captors. Oscar watched for a bit from a safe distance, hearing ’s call for Rocket to fight back. Oscar would not heed it, he did not want to reveal himself as a member of Rocket. Also he just didn’t feel like it, sorry Cil.

He stared at the toxic duo, indifferent to their struggle. He felt bad for the Megalopolans that they strung along, but not enough to jump to their defense. The only creature he would regret abandoning was the pecha shaped patron of their general, the one he supposed was ‘The Neverrot’. It looked so scared, flinging its chains in every which way, trying to influence the minds of the meek megalopolans…

Hey wait a minute.

Oscar’s mind clicked as he recalled the powers bestowed upon him earlier, the ones manifested by his desire. This creature had those very same abilities. The power to influence others, to enforce one's will upon the feeble minded. Oscar had thought of it as a passing fancy, a fun one off gaffe and nothing more. But–was the key to actually harnessing such power right in front of him?

Oscar’s trance was broken as red chains began to envelope the fruity life form, pulling it away from the general. Oscar followed the chain, and spotted trying to pull the Neverrot to safety. There were two other people wielding the red chain too, but Oscar only recognized and cared about Eris. had lent his aid to their cause, using his Urshifu protecting them as the Neverrot was wrangled. One Urshifu surely would not be enough though.

Oscar looked to Abner, “Abner, how long can you stand next to another Urshifu without trying to kill them?” Abner looked up as he gave the question some thought before lifting his free claw, indicating five minutes. Oscar nodded, “Good enough. Go help Urshifu protect the red chain.” Abner hesitated, and Oscar would misinterpret the bear’s expression as worry. “I know you will worry about me, but this is more important. I’ll be f–

Abner abruptly dropped Oscar, having decided that he did not mind standing next to one of his kind–temporarily. Oscar fell onto the cold concrete, raising his hand into a thumbs up. “You got this!” He then began to drag himself toward the group, at the very least wanting to be physically present should they succeed.

Abner stood beside his fellow ursine, stoically providing a nod of encouragement before closing his eyes. He lifted his arms into a loose stance, flowing like the wind blew through the high grass on the plains. With complete concentration, Abner would be able to deflect and redirect projectiles that came toward the group (Detect).


--Oscar is way past poisoned.
--Oscar ignores 's call to attack to maintain his civilian cover.
--Seeing an opportunity in Pecharunt's survival, Oscar sends Urshifu to protect , , and with Detetc alongside 's Urshifu. Thus, he is choosing to Spare.
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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 16:24:01 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Following the defeat of the loyal three, everything begins to unravel. The prison, revealed to be a ship, starts to deteriorate, forced into an endless time loop by celebi until it crashes into an unworldly city. Roy braces himself to avoid unnecessary jostling during the chaos but is eventually tossed into Ultra Megalopolis like everyone else.

His naganadel remains by his side, fueling Roy's desire for revenge. The Megalopolans plead their case, but it isn't enough for Roy. Not after what they did to him. Not after what they did to his pokemon. Hatred consumes him until he catches sight of a peculiar orange dragon behind one of the megalopolans. From a distance, it looks like Balmung, and this realization shocks Roy. His mind races, grappling with newfound sympathy that quickly turns to fear as he remembers his brother and the rest of his pokemon are still missing.

As others make their decisions and attack, Roy remains frozen, stunned by his indecision. His pause allows him to search for his partner and his other pokemon. That's when he hears a familiar roar nearby. Climbing over debris, he finds the rest of his team, kept safe by Balmung through the entire ordeal.

"Balmung," he whispers at the sudden reunion. The fire-type responds with a subtle growl before turning its attention to the events at hand. Balmung makes his decision clear; he does not forgive the megalopolans. This conviction reignites Roy's desire for vengeance.

"Let's finish this," he orders his charizard, signaling his naganadel to return to the pack. With a powerful leap, the dragon fires forward like a missile. Initially covered in flames, Balmung avoids Cyllora and her Pecharunt's attempt to chain him down before unleashing an explosive wave of intense heat and draconic energy that engulfs the battlefield.

Balmung uses Infernal Reign.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]- votes for vengeance
- finds balmung
- balmung uses z-move infernal reign on cyllora
- dragon-type and fire-type moves are powered up for three turns


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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 18:48:56 GMT
Ettie Avatar
offering a high-five is met with a blink at first; it's clear to see that Ettie's brain is buffering, and she isn't sure how to respond as a result. She recognizes it's a human gesture - a friendly one - at least. But a second later, it appears to click as she lightly high-fives Knight, smiling and giggling.

. . .

In the aftermath of the fighting though - as the ship crashes, and they are left in a darkened and otherworldly city... Cyllora - or perhaps more accurately Pecharunt? - would offer a deal, to be left alone to this ruined city, and in turn let them go home safe.

But there was something else that was more on Ettie's mind in the moment. Stepping forward, she'd pose a question to the two.

"Will not hurt friends again, ever?" She asked. "Will not hurt home? Will promise?" Ettie's words were spoken seriously - and even if her way of speaking happened to not convey it, her sharp stare and the dried blood that still caked her hands and prison clothes likely helped. If these two promised that there wouldn't be any further trouble from here on out, then Ettie would be willing to leave them be. To simply head home.

Though there were things that still left her agitated beneath the skin, with the urge to bare her teeth and ready her claws... To pick a fight when things seemed pretty resolved felt pointless to her. If they made a promise, then to continue fighting would simply mean walking away with further injuries, and for what?

However, what happened next would come down to Cyllora's and Pecharunt's response. Anat would stand at Ettie's side - the Lucario using her sensitivity to aura and emotions to determine whether the other was being honest.

If they truthfully agreed to the promise...
... Then as violence broke out, Ettie would be quick to act. She drew Scarlet, the twin blades of the Doublade a welcome comfort in her hands that she had missed. Intervening, a Spiky Shield of ghastly energy would rise forth, with every intention of protecting 's pokemon, as well as Cyllora and Pecharunt by extension!

But otherwise, if the promise was not made, or if Anat detected any falsehoods...
... Then Ettie's expression shifted into that of a snarl, lips curling back to bare her teeth. She was plenty ready to make a repeat of her prior mauling, but Ebon would act in her stead - charging forth and letting loose a Stone Edge!
- It takes a second for Ettie to understand 's high five, but she reciprocates it happily once it clicks!
- In the ruined Megalopolis, Ettie asks Cyllora and Pecharunt whether they promise to never hurt her friends + Hoenn as a whole again, her Lucario standing by to determine whether or not the two are being truthful about the promise w/ her sensitivity to aura/emotions.
- If they truthfully agree to the promise, Ettie wields Doublade and protects them + other defending pokemon like 's pokemon with Spiky Shield. Otherwise, if they don't, Ettie becomes agitated - and Midnight Lycanroc attacks Cyllora + Pecharunt with Stone Edge.
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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 19:02:45 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.





She falls to the floor when the ship lands in ultra megalopolis. It seems the battle was over, they managed to not only survive the onslaught from the three wardens. It seemed even their leader, the thing called "Pecharunt" was being betrayed as the masks that were meant to light up their home were destroyed in a selfish attempt to wint his battle. [break][break]

Melody's primarina was immediately able to destroy the chains that attempted to bind them once more. [break][break]

She was overwhelmed, so many things were happening at once. The mob began to grow angrier, people crushing z-crystals, sending attack after attack towards the duo responsible for this entire fiasco. Melody sees what's going to happen and tries to decide what to do, she was beyond angry at Cyllora and Pecharunt for what they had done. Killing pokemon, abusing and beating the prisoners into manual labor, inflincting gruesome amount of despair on them. [break][break]

But what made them want to do this in the first place? The very first thing that stuck with her at the beginning of this whole thing. "You are all here because you wronged us." an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. One of them had to be the bigger person and put an end to the whole thing. [break][break]

Did and understand this? Did ? Is that why they were trying to save the Pokémon at least? Primarina wouldn't be enough to stop all of this, even if she could z-move there were too many of them. She recalls primarina into her pokeball and calls upon the Meloetta shard "No! Stop! You all can't just kill him! That isn't you decision to make!" she says trying to establish some semblance of order. [break][break]

"Meloetta please! try to stop as many of them as you can!" she says as she urges Meloetta to put as many of the people attacking to sleep as much as she could. "Stop! None of you have the authority to decide if someone deserves death!" she tries to reason with the mad crowd [break][break]

"Arrest them instead!"[break][break]



notes about this post

Notes go here

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Primarina out, meloetta in [break][break]
Melody tells Meloetta to use SING on people trying to kill the pokemon and person.[break][break]
Melody votes to SPARE THEM. Specifically trying to save the Pecharunt in particular

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 19:59:02 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]The ship lurched into motion, and the world around them changed. What had once been a prison ship was now a crashed ruin, nestled in the heart of the Megalopians' true home. Pitch black, not a peal of light to be found. Abandoned, home only to the groans of zombies. It was a perfect echo of the Lesser Megalopolis, right down to the hell it had succumbed to.[break][break]

Yet Isaac ignored it all. Through the strands of toxic chain draped around his body, all he could see was red.[break][break]

He had the power to end all of this. A wintry grasp could shatter these chains that thought they could bind him. He could move with such speeds that the Megalopian would never see him coming. Then, with a dagger of ice, he could pierce her heart before she even realized what was happening. All of the lives lost, all of the suffering endured, all of the pain she'd put them through with those . . . things she called Pokemon, and he could avenge it all in the blink of an eye.[break][break]

The toxic chains pulsed against his body like a web of veins. The corrupted water he'd siphoned burned against his fingertips. Had this been all he wanted? Surely it must have been. Why else would he have tried to make a beeline for the captain's quarters? He'd simply played along enough to survive to this point. It was just like with the monkey; wait for the perfect moment, and now it had come. Now, he could end this.[break][break]

He took a deep breath. He shifted back against the chains as much as he could. And then he took one step, two step, three.[break][break]

And then he stopped.[break][break]

New chains had emerged this time; not ones of purple, but ones of ruby red. They bound the Megalopian warleader, just as Hoenn's people had been. Yet they did not hold her down to leave her at the mercy of the revenge-crazed mob. Instead they pulled back, their holders using all of their might to spirit her away to salvation. Why? Didn't they see who they were rescuing? Didn't they know what she'd done? Didn't they suffer how the prisoners, how Hoenn, how Isaac himself had suffered?[break][break]

Isaac's gaze followed the length of the chains, tracing towards the small hands wrapped around each. And then it all made sense.[break][break]

Hoenn's future pulled back against the demands of its bloodthirsty present. Where they demanded pain be repaid unto pain, the future stood firm. Isaac's horror was such that he was snapped out of his own wrath. What uncaring gods would put this decision in the hands of children, to force them to decide who lives and who dies?[break][break]

Bitterly, Isaac realized that it hadn't been gods who did this to these children. It had been them.[break][break]

The winds took Isaac once more, but not the winds of toxic hatred that had propelled him through the bowels of the Penitentiary. No, these were the ones that rattled the chains of violence that had ensnared Hoenn, refusing to stop until even the steeliest links snapped. These were the ones that wanted to unshackle the lost and the damned from their past, and propel the future towards the heights he knew they could soar.[break][break]

These were the winds of the Liberator, and they came to a halt by ' side.[break][break]

Isaac's hands settled next to hers, one to guide her path from the front and one to support her from behind. He set his stance wide, putting as much strength as he could onto his good leg in a single, hefty step. As his foot landed, spouts of water spurted out from the space beside the chain, hardening into two walls of ice. If anyone wanted to stop Eris, they'd have to get through him first.[break][break]

"I got you," he said, a warm smile on his face. To the Megalopian. To Eris. To the whole damn Hoenn region, League and Rocket and AQUA and SPECTRA and gods and monsters and pasts and futures and hates and loves be damned. If he was going to bear Suicune's mark, he'd live up to the hope they put in him. And if this was the place where he was gonna start, then so be it.[break][break]

With all of his might, Isaac pulled.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac is fully ready to go violence mode, but seeing Eris, Hideo, and Cassandra's choice moves his heart.[break]
Instead, Isaac makes his way to Eris' side, helping her pull against the enormous weight in her hands.[break]

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 21:22:45 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


The situation is dire, even after the crash landing. They're offered a choice but only when their captors are at their weakest. “Don't grovel Cyllora. I thought you had more pride than that!” he shouted back. The energy is thick with hatred, resentment, and pain. He watches his Elite 4 act divisively. [break][break]

As his Magnezone moves to act, supporting and , he shouts back at . “You're wrong. We can't take this risk again. The megalopolans have attempted to end life on Hoenn as we know it more than once, even after their defeat. Especially after the prison we endured. How many more times will you let people wind up in danger before you stop underestimating the threat they are?” [break][break]

Had something similar not happened when members of AQUA appeared in SEA HOENN? “We have , we can make it home without their help. But ending them may assure the megalopolan threat in Hoenn never comes back.” They would avoid the suffering that mercy would bring them. Much like Rocket, they were a threat to be eradicated. [break][break]

As a beautiful song echoes softly through the battlefield, Paxton looks to Joules. “Cover them. Cyllora and Pecharunt cannot be trusted by Hoenn. No megalopolan should.” Joules whorra to life, sparking bright as they set up an ELECTRIC TERRAIN to keep all their allies awake. The area begins to glow as the Magnezone beeps in tandem to keep those attacking Cyllora awake, intent on counteracting 's meloetta





+ @everyone | kill [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- reasseses the situation [break]
- shit talks cyllora for torturing them then groveling at her own escaped prisoners' feet [break]
- calls to qction to KILL CYLLORA AND PECHARUNT to protect hoenn from alien threat again. [Break]
- has joules the magnezone use ELECTRIC TERRAIN iot counteract melody, and help kill cyllora and pecharunt

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
827 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 21:53:12 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Poison courses through her veins, but the deed is done; Ajax is able to slap that CORNERSTONE from the beastial dog Okidogi, and it led to the counterattack pushing through, even through the chains that continued to pull Ajax down. Between the numerous attacking Okidogi, the duo who stand out are , her former cellmate, utilizing Z-CRYSTAL with Uxie to blast forward, and then the one woman from before: . The last, devastating blast from her TERA BLAST has the dog fall. But Genny still feels an odd, bitter resentment.[break][break]

The other side seems to have things taken care of too; Munkidori and Fezandipiti both fall under the weight of their opponents, and the Hoenn group does the impossible. They worked together, and brought down the DYNAMAXED trio. Temporary alliances are just that though. Fleetingly temporary.[break][break]

Despite the chains wrapping around Ajax, and Genny dealing with the poison of mochi, it immobilizes and locks Genny down, only to bear witness to everything coming back-to-back, seeing the Megalopolan people rise up against those in charge, and the Never-Rot. And then before long...[break][break]

She feels herself thrown out and onto the floor of the prison, tossed like a ragdoll to spin around. Coughing and wheezing on the ground to get up... she finds herself in Ultra Megalopolis, surrounded by the city she saw in her dreams. Only... darker. Between 's new bond to Celebi, something that would bring a smile to Genny's face under normal circumstance, the same cannot be said over the wardens that locked them in that hell for days. It screams that its mission is done, that there is a promise that they can go home.[break][break]

Much like , , and ... Genny felt the revenge burn. Returning Ajax, she releases Ky, and lets the yellow cat stand beside her. Between , , , ... too. They refrained. Even yelled that they didn't get to decide who lives or dies.[break][break]

So then came the question; do they deserve to die through all the pain they've inflicted for their goal?[break][break]

'They deserve NOTHING. No half-measures. NONE.'[break]
'If they die, they cannot fix their own mistakes.'[break]
'That makes it okay? You have bled and suffered? They nearly killed Izzy!'[break]
'He's alive. It may not be okay, but you don't get to decide that.'[break]
'They are still a threat. If you let them live, you're damning Hoenn.'[break]
'A shield is meant to protect the people from those who would harm us.'[break][break]

Inhale. Genny looks at her hands, stained by the blood of the Megalopolan she took the life from. Melody's words continue to run through her mind. They don't get to make that choice. Yet, she made it. She took the opportunity away from one to mend their ways. The one woman's words, this place is for the cruel. Genny was cruel. She had become monstrous.[break][break]

It's both and 's words that have Genny's eyes light up again as she looks upwards. Decision made. The answer is made.[break][break]

'A danger to all of Hoenn if left alive.'[break]
'You don't get to decide who lives or dies.'[break][break]

She runs, her Zeraora follows.[break][break]

"Grab it, Ky." The Zeraora moves to pull the same chain that Mesprit was.[break][break]

Genny would be behind , and both, eyes focused. She'd made her choice. A sword takes life. A shield preserves it. Even if that danger rises again.[break][break]


, , , , , , , , , , , [break][break]


- Wildfire[break]
- The trio is downed, and the day is- WHY ARE WE IN ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS? Aw shit, here we go again. At least Yui has a Celebi now(?)[break]
- Everything in Genny is telling her to pick revenge. To spitefully fight and murder the Cyllora. For all the pain they caused.[break]
- Melody's words are true though. Do they get to decide? Freya, Desi, and Annalise seem to think so. Even Paxton. Someone she looks up to.[break]
- Eris, Cassandra, Hideo, and Isaac are trying to stop it... she weighs it in her head in moments, as she lets Ajax sleep for Ky.[break]
- Resolution. She is a shield.[break]
- MAIN ACTION: Spare Cyllora, assist Isaac and Eris pull. They don't get to decide who lives or dies. If they come back, Genny will fight again. It's that simple.



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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
322 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 22:22:03 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



There’s a catharsis in watching his jailer kill itself. It splits and falls apart, shrieking all the while; Alba’s heard that shriek too many times, but there’s something more desperate and final about this one.[break][break]

With that spectacle concluded, he takes the time to gaze out of the window into the heart of Ultra Space, as pristine and colorful as ever. He only gets a brief moment of peace to do so, though, as magenta streaks through the air, dancing together with yet more desperate, crazed shrieking. And then, at the precipice of everything falling apart—[break][break]

—The world shakes.[break][break]

What a horrible, fascinating place this was. Inhuman howls, and night beyond night…[break][break]

Dragged back to terra firma, Alba finds his voice again. He approaches to prod and pry, out of intrigue formed from various colours. The woman who had yelled at him so thoroughly about callousness, now wielding an executioner’s petals so readily…[break][break]

He had no right to judge. But she didn’t need to know that.[break][break]

“‘Anyone who does not vote trust should not be trusted in the heart’... Didn’t you say something like that to me, back at the start of all this? Guess someone who kills people who are surrendering is super trustworthy, though.” It’s not outright malice in his voice, but the tone the white-haired man speaks in isn’t neutral. And he has more he wishes to say, namely to the orchestrator of their capture.[break][break]

“You wanted to come here? All that work, just to make your way back to this hellhole? You—” Something makes him hold his tongue. An errant thought that he refuses to speak on, a glimpse of himself in a broken mirror that holds his gaze.[break][break]

“God damnit…” Alba mutters, softly. “You want to go? Sure, get going. I care more about not ending up like those guys over there,” he nods towards the sounds of the maddened Megalopolans, “Than I care about killing you.”[break][break]

Was the Toxic Chain really the cure to this dead world? His experience in the Penitentiary was telling him letting them go would just be unleashing a fresh new plague on the Megalopolans. But gazing out into the gloom, it seemed just as likely that they’d end up being torn apart and devoured themselves. So what did it really matter?[break][break]

Besides, if Cyllora really did hold such strong convictions, maybe they deserved a chance to save their world. …How sickeningly sweet. Must be an after-effect of the mochi.[break][break]

“Froslass. Snowscape.” Alba motions, and his Pokémon moves, trying to cover this patch of pitch black in a blanket of white.[break][break]

“Your people can decide whether you live or die, but not before you get us out of here!” He couldn’t say he never wanted to see this place again. But at the end of it all, Alba would rather see another dawn, then fade away under that lightless sky.



Formerly in the Dummy Ward![break]
Stargazer: The power granted to someone who wishes to selfishly look down on the world. Lets Alba launch himself through the air, and helps him semi-automatically avoid attacks. Those stars were nothing but fool’s gold, shining dimly with stolen light.[break]
Being a rat to sorry lmao[break]
Wants to spare Cyllora/Pecharunt, out of self-preservation and some kind of empathy[break]
Froslass uses Snowscape to try and throw off the assault





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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 0:40:40 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




they fall like dominoes, each loyal more bloody than the last. she feels her lips pull upward into a pleased smile as they crumble into heaps, as blood splatters across the floor and creeps toward their feet.


the expression falters, then, as the chorus rises around her with hymns of mercy.


no, she wants to scream, for she remembers the three day war. she remembers how much it cost her, how much she has had to rebuild in the ashes these mongrels left behind. how do they not remember the tragedy, the rivets of blood throughout the newly hallowed grounds of the warfronts?


or do they simply choose to ignore the past in favor of pity for an already endangered species?


her hands curl into balled fists at her sides and her expression morphs into one of twisted disgust. she stalks forward and for a moment, she looks lethal in bloody pink.


"kill. them."


the tone is snarled, feral, losing grip on the reality around them. she's blind by the past, present, and future... along with a decaying universe barely strung back together with her bare hands. how dare they threaten the equilibrium she fought so hard to restore? have they no shame in ruining her greatest work? the universe was thrown into shambles because of them - can't they see that?


and as her head turns, she catches sight of lunging at . something in her snaps at the sight, whether it's the protectiveness of a friend or her thin control buckling beneath the weight of it all... she can't quite tell in the heat of the moment.


she rips reality open without a second thought, lurching through the spatial plane until she's barreling out of the other side of reality with a snarl and a pink fist aimed solely at . she tries to intercept him before he can hit , before his remaining fist can connect, but she's uncertain if she's too late.


"careful, or i'll think you want to lose this one too."


and despite the warning, she still fires again and again in a flurry of primordial rage and cracking control. stray spatial energy blasts begin to volley out from the alchemist's fists, aimed at , velmos, cyllora, pecharunt, and anyone caught in the crossfire. while its avatar is distracted with fighting the mortal fight, palkia begins to prepare to open a spatial rift as it means to transport them back to their rightful place in spacetime before the ship continues any further.

tldr |[break]
- loyal three dead smile smile[break]
- disgusted by votes for mercy[break]
- votes kill them all[break]
- intercepts in front of and tries to spatial energy/palkia punch him/velmos/anyone in the vicinity[break]
- real palkia preps a spatial portal (if shiv allows) to take everyone home

[attr="class","oocnotes"]Iy04nd0w [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 1:38:27 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

There was so much debris in the way, attacks to dodge, so many faces that were too trying to fight for their freedom from this place... Yuina lost sight of Doug more than once as she tried desperately to make it to him, sprawled out on the ground at being struck by something. But even as she rushed with Daikenki trying to keep close beside her while volleying attacks at the dynamaxed monsters that were their wardens, she kept getting knocked back or pushed around by one thing or another.[break][break]
There was a series of shrieks and screams as the masks broke and the loyal three fell, and Yuina couldn't help but stop to see the results of their work... Where she knew that their defeat was imminent, it had to be if they were to escape, to see their mutilated bodies fall... It was a result of their own doing though, the masks ultimately that they coveted for power were their final undoing... That may have been the end of things, but the small berry shaped Pokemon took on a dynamax form all its own, and Yuina feared the worst that they would have to fight all over again, but she dodged and ducked into Daikenki's frame as another furious flurry of attacks volleyed through the air. The megalopolans... And the Pokemon that they made for themselves fought too, for their own freedom.[break][break]
There was a brief moment that Yuina continued her sprint towards Doug, she could see him, nearly there with Daikenki trying to guide her way, but she stumbled with the onslaught of another time loop. Her vision blurred, she blinked and found herself staring at the ground on her hands and knees, breath heaving through her chest.[break]
'I can't keep doing this... please stop...,' she pleaded, to nothing... She still doesn't know what is causing the time loop, why she can feel it...[break][break]
There was a crash of glass, debris surging through the area at a whipping wind, an impossibly blinding light and then a calamitous, horrendous crash... In that split second Yuina was thrown to the ground but was enshrouded by Daikenki's figure atop her. The Samurott held fast when she couldn't as the entire ship was wracked by the crash landing it took, everyone tossed violently from were they stood and coming to a complete stop.[break][break]

Yuina heaved in coughs and shutters, slowly emerging from beneath Daikenki's worn figure, only just managing to sit up and slumped against his body laid out on the ground. She coughed again, gritting her teeth, she knew she needed to find , through all of this, she needed to know that he was alright, where was he... But she blinked, finding a small fluttering green Pokemon just in front of her. It took a moment for her to focus, as jostled and bone tired as she was, but... It... Looked familiar?[break][break]
"I know you... You were in the woods, trying to fight off a toxic chain... What are you doing here," Yuina murmured, she wondered where it came from, if it had been captured too. The small sprite held out its hands for her, and Yuina did reach out, at least glad to see the Pokemon was alright from its circumstance in the woods...[break]
Immediately she was flooded with the same feeling of losing control of what her consciousness was presenting, when her thoughts were not her own and the forefront of her mind was filled with visions thrust upon her. And what she was being shown, what this Pokemon was presenting to her...[break][break]
Yuina came out of the vision just as stricken as the face of the commissioner reflected, the abject fear in her eyes staring right at Yuina forever burned into her thoughts. Yuina trembled, hands quaking as she lifted them up to look, nearly expecting to be covered in blood... She looked over herself in shuttering breaths, tears pooling in her eyes, it was so real...[break]
"Wh-why? Is... is that why she's looking for me," Yuina choked, was this a warning? A threat? Was this a future that she was destined to fulfil? A fate forced upon her and lines drawn before she could even realize? She... didn't want to kill anyone... but would she have that choice? Would she ever be given a choice, or would this happen out of her control just like everything else in her life thus far?[break][break]
Yuina was terrified, seething in fury, wracked with the pain of this burdensome weight being forced upon her... She almost wished the Pokemon gone, did she send it? Another omen upon her to harbor? Another anchor to drag her deeper into the depths of herself and knowing that her choices were being taken from her at every turn? Until... in only one moment of clarity Yuina understood that this Pokemon was the cause of the time loops, an attempt to stave off how long they were departed from Hoenn... So it was there to help, and it was there of its own volition, not sent...[break][break]
had come to her amidst the rising chaos, but Daikenki barked with vitriol as chains shot out from the never-rot, threatening to ensnare them all all over again. Yuina reached out in an instinct to help the small green Pokemon just like she had before in the forest, clutching it close to her as she tried to shrink away into Doug's frame, feeling the chain constricting her again, fueling the emptiness inside... How hollow she truly was... But... giving in to it all over again... would it take away the thoughts of that horrible vision? Would it give her peace...?[break][break]
All at once, the ship erupted into an immense violence that overtook nearly the entire group of them, where the megalopolan was trying to plead mercy, only wanting to return to the city that they had descended upon.[break]
Yuina looked out, the small green Pokemon held close in her arms, watching as seething anger, vengeance, volatile hatred coursed through so many of them, the most violent, caustic attacks ordered and thrown with orders full of ire. She saw rockets, she saw league reps... she saw... her friends, fueled by such rage... Even within each 'side', they were attacking each other for daring to take a stance that opposed those who thought they held the power over the situation...[break][break]
Where Yuina did believe that in the end there was no difference between league and rocket, that they could work together when it did truly matter, this only proved it to be true... In this moment, now more than ever, there was no difference between league and rocket. There was only fury and violence and hate...[break]
And if she too stepped into that same fury, would she set herself on the path to that vision? Her hands stained in blood, setting fear into those around her...?[break][break]
This was a pretty grim example of humanity...[break][break]
Yuina didn't call for an attack, she didn't move from Daikenki or Doug and held the tired, green Pokemon close. If not mercy for the megalopolans, she was trying to choose mercy for herself while she might still have a chance... Maybe she could spare herself from the blood on her hands... for just a little while longer...





- Daikenki the H!Samurott is active[break]
- Sygna Suit active[break]
- Tries to run and get to Doug on the ground, but there's a lot of debris and attacks and people in the way[break]
- The loyal three get brutalized... Was it their own undoing, coveting the masks that inevitably finished them all?[break]
- Time Loop! Yuina doesn't make it to Doug, and then she blinks and the ship has crashed, big yikes[break]
- The small green Pokemon from Petalburg Forest is here? And it grants her a vision that is really super not fun... Yuina is not taking this information well[break]
- Understands at least that the Pokemon was here to help and not sent as another omen, Yuina does take Celebi into her party[break]
- Momentary intrusive thoughts... maybe give in to the toxic chain again so she doesn't have to think about that vision...[break]
- Vengeance and hate is a truly powerful motivator that erases the line between league and rocket entirely... Yuina doesn't see two factions, she sees one violent union that makes them all the same, including her friends...[break]
- Choice: Allow them to go free[break]



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 9:42:13 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
revenge was sweeter than a week’s worth of pecha mochi. it was in the smirk she cast ’s way, despite all the peril, after he’d snuffed out the call of his sync stone. it was in the blood-flecked smiles of prisoners, as oppressive titans fell to pieces.[break][break]

as megalopolans ran in for a taste too, she looked for her dog’s clone in the mix, but then it all ceased suddenly. there was a glimpse of green. a burst of indigo. a blinding light. crash.[break][break]

when they emerged, her rage had momentarily dispersed like the gross prison air, replaced with a headache, and, after coming to more, fascination.[break][break]


she squatted to hold a piece of the ruins, felt it in her fingers before tossing it to the black ground of megalopolis. it seemed far more real than the ship that had disappeared into thin air under route 119.[break][break]

wiping blood from her nose, she looked up, hazy eyes set on pecharunt, cyllora, and velmos, between the bodies of those that wasted no time in closing in. the league were among the attackers – even , with a raikou, and that familiar rainbow feather.[break][break]

as much as the alliance repulsed her, she’d stand with ’s judgment. she’d heed ’s call to spare velmos. her fire caught again, ready to do the burning this time.[break][break]

but as she stood, two faces stuck out from the crowd. the alliance cracked.[break][break]

fate flashed another sweet morsel of payback on the receiving end of her cellmate’s fist, and despite all that had happened, she grinned – before, of course, the league attempted to rob them both.[break][break]

her face soured. a finger shot out in front of her.[break][break]


her houndoom bolted to break the distance, to defend ’s righteous punisher, , from ’s second round of fury.[break][break]

as ’s vision of hope transformed around them, she saw only burning red. their time would come.[break][break]


∙ examines the rubble, intrigued, since there were no remains from the ship under route 119 (i think?)[break]
vote: attack cyllora and pecharunt, however lulu is instead distracted by trying to punch until intervenes[break]
∙ lulu directs houndoom to PROTECT [break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
813 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 15:49:24 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Her head is spinning from the sight of so many gods about the ship. A sick pleasure twists in her belly as the wardens fall from the onslaught, but the sheer power behind everyone's sygna suits, mega evolutions, z-moves, and avatarships only convinces Ameena how important it is to craft an impeccable 'get the hell out of dodge' card to play when needed. That, or maybe an indestructible bomb shelter of sorts, but the force of everyone's attacks made that seem unlikely. [break][break]

She needed wine. [break][break]

Their targets were backed into a corner -- the wardens had fallen, the never-rot/pecharunt was no daunting force, and the Megalopolan mastermind was at their collective mercy. Ameena could appreciate mob rule in some scenarios, but the rapid calls for death and revenge had admittedly surprised her. [break][break]

Ameena drew closer and found herself beside a masked woman, , who advocated quietly for their value as subjects of study. Ameena was thinking the same, particularly with the bracelet she had pocketed from Novina. "They know much that we do not," Ameena agreed, "it would be foolish to extinguish their spark." After all, Ameena had seen the notes from their society left in the ultra spaces, and it was hard to piece together. Living subjects would be easier. [break][break]

She returned Espathra and sent out Kirlia who produced a curing life dew also. More quietly, she murmured, "We can always kill them later."

TAGS – [break]
NOTES – votes spare [break]
action: sends out kirlia to produce life dew [break]VSqGDFYU



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing