i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 19:18:02 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

They were selfish the lot of them, and that unfortunately could not be fixed. Amor could not sway the masses, he had tried numerous times, and failed, but he could convince a smaller group of people to help him achieve his goals. He was an opportunist, and a perfect opportunity had just appeared before him. Recalling Draco, in a flash the entire room would feel the effects of Pressure as like 's Lugia, Erebus exerted it's force across them all. Not revealing himself didn't matter at this point, Cyllora was needed whether they knew it or not, the knowledge he possessed would be beneficial for Rocket in the long term. After all he had the know how locked away in that computer of a brain of his on how to build a ship to traverse dimensions. Amor would not let that knowledge die.

Erebus, the Deoxys needed no command as he imposed himself between the man, the Never-Rot, and the attacks that were all coming, and for the first time attempted to bring his full power to bear using Psychic in an attempt to grab every single ranged attack that had been hurled, and condense, and combine them. The unblinking creature knew of his masters desires, there was only one creature here big enough to take that hit that wasn't an ally. There was a person here whom they had a chance to cripple before they caused any further issues.

So Erebus would attempt with all his strength to take all of those attacks aimed at these two, and send them all blazing towards the spatial deity. There was a particular intensity, and hatred in it's unyielding gaze as it looked at the pair. For it had seen inside of Amor's mind, it knew that the Dragon had rent his flesh on the top of a mountain, and he only just survived. It knew that this was a chance to leave a scar on the god, and even the odds, and as those thoughts, welled up, the Pressure intensified as well.

There was more to say, more to do, but they were short on time, and thus improvising was the best option for the pair of them right now. They needed that knowledge not only for the future of Rocket, but for the future of Hoenn. He only wished that the lot of them didn't share a single braincell, so they could see it as well.


Erebus is using Psychic to attempt to grab every single ranged attack condense it all into a mass of energy, and then launch that at Palkia!
Erebus, and Amor both hold a grudge against that time on Mt. Pyre where he got rent into pieces....IT HURT!
Vote: Spare Pecharunt, and Cyllora for the fact that they have the knowledge to build an interdimensional ship!

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 20:43:33 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He really was much safer up on Kaguya, all things considered.

“Why should we grant her mercy, though?” he would scoff to himself; observing everything going down from his perch, letting out a sigh.

Of course, he doesn’t miss the way a certain someone () goes all berserk against the one begging for mercy, and he quietly files away that information for later. Yes, later.

However, it is Miss ’s actions that catch him by surprise—then again, seeing ’s Zekrom make an appearance and clear the way for pretty much a lot of other people to strike down their imprisoner made sense.

There was one thing he wanted, though. He wanted to go the fuck home, to where was waiting (and possibly throwing a shit fit of panic looking for him) and to unwind.

…nobody was coming out of this a hundred percent whole, himself included. Way past endurance, way past everything, way past…

“This is stupid,” he would grumble to nobody; while he felt the vibrations of his ‘moon princess’ Kaguya the Celesteela adjust themselves above most of the crowd.

“You know what? Tempted am I to stay out of this… we have to at least do something so we can all go home.”

With that, the Ultra Beast would pivot in mid-air, changing position before raising one of their ‘cannon arms’ and preparing a Flash Cannon shot.

“Go,” he would whisper a few moments later; and the Celesteela would cackle before firing off the Flash Cannon attack and aiming at Cyllora.

He was just so tired of… everything.


initially tempted to stay out of this, but well, there’s no trusting a space cannibal when you see one
“Let us go the fuck home, man.”
• Celesteela adjusts position from mid-air, firing off a Flash Cannon attack aimed at Cyllora
• vote: off with Cyllora’s head! (can’t spare the Pecharunt now can we?)


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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 20:49:59 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
The chains seem flimsy compared to the previous, and even when their toxins seep into her body, the assassin moves onward, closer to the ones begging for mercy. She scoffs at their request, a disbelieving eyebrow slightly raised.

”Now you cry mercy, after everything you put us through? Your pawns thought differently, mere tools and toys in their hands— your hands.”

She's quite sure her words won't reach him, as many speak their mind, but the voices all seem tilted towards one option; death. An awful lot of League members, ones she'd call allies, opt to give no quarter to the one that harmed them. And suddenly it makes even more sense what the masked swordman ( ) had said back on Mt. Pyre. Why he had said it. Good as they may claim to be, vengeance reigns within their hearts like a raging fire.

”I will not be the one to deal the finishing blow, but I will return the harm done to me and mine… consider your life forfeit.”

Carracosta stirs at the final words, Ancient Power condensing a multitude of debris in edged spikes, some tearing away at the chains in an attempt to break them, before hurling the rest at the forsaken twosome.


- Kyrenai votes to kill Cyllora, but will not deal the final blow
- Carracosta uses a sharpened from of Ancient Power to free Kyrenai and herself + attack Cyllora Pecharunt

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 21:28:31 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Despite everything, he’s still alive.

Grigori, still with his cracked, broken mask, emerged from the blackness of unconsciousness. The world rings, and he answers with a vibrating grunt as his limbs reactivate. Everything hurt but in a much more physical way. The mental trauma has disappated, if only for now.

They crashed. That was the first thought that trickled back, and he pushed himself upright. Everything was a wreck. The hull split open and revealed the ancient ruins of the Megalopolan city. Decrepit and lifeless, much like their wardens. He does not spare them more than a single glance, a confirmation before he rose with the grace of a newborn Ducklett.

Everyone else was up and active as well. Chains gripped them tightly, and he did not struggle against them. Pumpkin stood stalwartly beside him, content to sit and watch rather than act. Sounds reverberated off his skin, but not his ears. He bent down and felt the inside of the ear canal. Wet. He pulled back. Blood.

Momentarily deaf. Long enough to see the main perpetrator, Cyllora, and their retched creature. They said something, his lips ablaze with words he couldn’t understand. The memory of their experience bubbled in his skill. The pain. Torment. Humiliation. Feelings he understood all too well. Anger broiled.

Then, his stomach turned poisonous. He gagged. Gagged. Revenge. What a… disgusting flavor. It mixed wretchedly with the anger and distracted his senses. Revenge. A dish best served cold, but one that’d made his mouth numb and his hands frozen against his sides.

Revenge. It sent him to Rocket, where he felt powerful. It sent him to Hoenn and made his heart pour blood. It sent him to the garage and devour its frigid contents of twenty-four years. Even now, its aftertaste ruined the kinship of the only person connected to his true best friend. It clung to his muscles and bones, a parasite that never left him alone.

Revenge. An infection. Like the magenta chains that held him down.

If the situation weren’t as dire as it was, he’d consider it a lot more thematic and metaphorical. Instead, he pulled against them. Shred was going on the attack, against people he didn’t know. Another looked to him with a violent tint in her eyes. A massive, monstrous beast stood by side.

Where the hell was ? Where was he when Shred needed him most?!

He pulled, and pulled, and pulled. Purple snapped, twisted, and then, he broke free. No longer bound. “STOP, STOP!

He did not know if they heard, and he did not know if he yelled loud enough. But fighting would only make things worse. He ran to Shred and jumped in the way. Space, in all of its infantasemial mass, barreled on. There would not be another loss due to revenge. It could no longer control him. Loss did not have to be a guarantee.

Pumpkin broke her chains without a sweat. She had never been bound by such things to begin with. For her will was Grigori’s, and her aim was to protect the weak. Such was the way of a leader. “KINGAMBIT!

"FALL BENEATH THE WILL OF THE WEAK, WEAKLING." The Kowtow Cleave raced down from the heavens, its decree directly against the Palkia's. Through heaven and earth would her will be enforced. Through sickness and poison and death.

 - Grigori comes to and gets up (man everyone sure looks pissed)
 - Momentarily deaf and his ears are a ring-a-lingin'
 - Revenge makes him sick, and he finds that it's no longer a thing he finds even remotely stomachable
 - However, doesn't know what's going on EXACTLY, but doesn't want to hurt the Cyllora (Votes for them TO BE FREE)
 - He runs to Shred's side and tries to eat the attacks aimed for him
 - Kingambit attacks Palkia with Kowtow Cleave because that's what a good Pokemon does (Attacks the big strong legendary attached to the trainer now inadvertently attacking her trainer)


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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 22:41:16 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Knight watched in awe as their combined efforts sent the poison blob sailing right into Munkidori's face. He couldn't help but give a little cheer and was glad their efforts were not in vain -- they had defeated the Pokémon (though... seeing it cut in half like that...)[break][break]

As chaos continued around them, Kay fought to hear what Cass was saying. Something about finding someone? Maybe? Either way, he wasn't going to let either of his friends out of his sight right now.[break][break]

So he gave Thea an encouraging smile and, with Fitzwilliam following, he headed off with Cass.[break][break]

(AND, he was glad to get his high five returned by Ettie, which had brought a wide grin to his face -- he'd ride that wave for a while!)[break][break]

The whole ship crashing thing was pretty crazy too and Knight looked around to meet Thea's gaze, if she noticed, "What actually is happening here right now? Is this for real?" Because it could still be a dream, couldn't it?[break][break]

Ugh, what he wouldn't give to be waking up in his own bed, at home, safe and sound, right now. Nope, instead he stepped over rubble and doing his best to keep Cass in his line of sight.[break][break]

They happened upon some young looking kiddos (even younger than him?! yikes!) and Knight joined Cass -- at least he understood these were the two she had sought. Fitzwilliam puffed out his chest as he stood to attention next to Kay and waited to be told what to do next...[break][break]

Knight tried not to laugh at how cute his 'mon was being and when he finally paid attention again, he saw that someone was stoof with a small Pokemon on the opposite side of... Well, pretty much everyone else gathered here. [break][break]

Great, the next big bad they had to fight?[break][break]

"Do we have to fight again..." Knight started to complain, but Cass had moved into action with her Tinkatuff, along with those two pint-sized heroes. Huh... Wait, they were fighting or...?[break][break]

"Can't we just stop this somehow? We've been lucky but... What if..." He couldn't bring himself to finish what he was going to say but he hoped Thea, who he was addressing now, would understand what he was going to say.[break][break]

What if they didn't get lucky and one of them got hurt?

Still, he wouldn't just stand there and do nothing. He nodded at Fitzwilliam, and the two of them stood forward to act as a wall between the Azleaf Trio and anyone who'd try to stop them. Kay could sense that Cass and the other two weren't going to hurt anyone if they could help it and he just had to believe this was the right choice to make.[break][break]





small victory over defeating munkidori but follows cass to find hideo and eris[break]
doesn't want to fight; acting as a kind of stalwart defender with fitzwilliam to protect what he has dubbed as the azleaf trio (or well, i have to make things easier for me lol)[break]
choice: allow cyllora, the pecharunt, the megalopolans and their cloned pokémon to be free[break]



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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
311 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 1:46:53 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea smirked faintly to at her compliment. "You are a pretty good pack leader yourself, Ettie~" She chirped, averting her eyes to spot the fight unfolding. The powerful Sludge Bomb Combo filled Thea with pride for her and her friends teamwork... However, the sight of Munkidori being brutally killed made her wince. A pang of guilt ran across Thea's heart, but as she reminded herself of the show of brutalility and the murders the evil Pokémon had commited, she tried to push those regretful thoughts away. Still, she wished things hadn't come to that.[break][break]

As she lamented, however, the mochis and the poison were aimed at her and Zeus, the Primeape. "Stand back!" She urged to Hammy and Belle, making the Pawmo and the Minccino embrace each other protectively, staying behind Thea as she shielded them from the poison, gritting her teeth as she had to endure it. Zeus the Primeape had his eyes wide open, but suddenly he was yanked back, and Gominha the Wigglytuff inflated to cover him with her body, taking the poison hits instead. Zeus oinked in concern and frustration, but Gominha kept a firm standing, squeaking like a balloon and smiling weakly to him. "Uck—" Thea felt her knees weakening for a moment, knowing her Toxic Chain could only push her so far before it became too much for her and her newfound powers to handle.[break][break]

Her eyes shifted from another dire situation before them and 's plea and worries, along with 's exasperated words. Thea's lips pursed, and she nodded to her friend and her cousin. "We need to fight just a little longer, Kay..." She replied to Knight, then looked at Cass' eyes for a moment. "We don't need any more deaths... Enough is enough..."[break][break]

"Do your thing, Cass. Kay..! I will help you to cover us..!" Thea used the last of her strengths to thrust her hand forward, calling for another order to her Pokémon: "Gominha! DISABLE any lethal moves and attacks you can! Keep Cass, Kay and the others safe!" The Wigglytuff huffed, and despite weakened, she inflated herself to grow big, trying to bounce off lethal moves or threats that endangered Thea's friends or the Megalopolans.[break][break]




  • Thea is Poisoned. Gominha the Wigglytuff, pulls Zeus the Primeape out of harm's way, getting Poisoned in his place.

  • MAIN ACTION: Gominha is out, the Wigglytuff will try to DISABLE lethal attacks going for her friends and those they are protecting

  • VOTE: allow cyllora, the pecharunt, the megalopolans and their cloned pokémon to be free





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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:04:30 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Made the landing

He had lost sight of . He had lost sight of . He had lost sight of the kids.


At some point, the bird died, but it brought him no satisfaction. The misery had washed away and taken all of his vitriol with it; he could not take any pleasure in the death of anyone or anything with a clear mind.

Then the ship crashed, and he lost consciousness for who knows how long.

When he awakened, he found himself in the city lost to the dark.

Hovering over him was Tapu Lele, her hums casual as she gazed down at him, her head balanced on her palms as she cocked it at him.

He grunted, rising to a sit and looking around. Many were around— he didn't see any dead or grievously injured, however... so he focused on finding his group instead.

He didn't immediately see the kids— but that familiar shock of brown hair was hard to miss. He scampered to his feet at the mere hint of it, eyes zeroing into her familiar frame.

He had found her. And Daikenki.

And Celebi?


A croon, right over his shoulder jolted him, an irritable glare snapping towards his matron as she stared at the prince of the forest, before darting forth to welcome her old dancing partner, leaving Doug to chase after her in a rush.

"Yuina!" He shouted, stumbling over dirt and debris.

Unfortunately, they had all, once again, found themselves in tense circumstances.

Cyllora rambled and screamed, threatening everything around her whilst the menace hiding behind her wielded its chains.

Doug felt no compulsion to do as he was told, however— as far as he was concerned, it was just a really sticky chain. And the same seemed to apply to every other hoennian.

The same could not be said for the megalopolans, unfortunately.

For now, he decided to focus on what mattered most, and harrumphed at Tapu Lele.

The deity's psychic grip briefly seized at the chain link around him, before popping it open, allowing him to stumble away, and towards Yuina.

He threw himself at her, his arms wrapping around her and celebi, careful not to crush the little onion as he hugged her.

His frame glimmered and shone too, bathing them both in the healing light of the scales.

He wanted to say, and do, more, but they didn't have the luxury of time yet.

An decision had presented itself— and in true Hoenn fashion, it threatened to split their already tentative alliances further asunder.

It came down to a simple choice, ultimately: Let the megaopolans all stay there and return home, or...


Well. No.

Nothing was truly so simple. To leave now would be to abandon the rest of the megalopolans to the Pecha-shaped thing's will.

It had an iron grip upon the megalopolans... and likely, upon Cyllora as well. Furthermore, they had no clue as to what its desires and intentions were yet.

Didn't know why it was called The Never Rot either, mochi tended to rot just fine.

The situation was a complex one, and would've required a measured hand and a thoughtful approach if it was to be solved in a non murderous manner.

Should that, indeed, be one's intention.

Otherwise, one could just, say, try to kill every last one of them.

And frustratingly, it wasn't even just the Rockets trying that approach in this instance.

"Oi! LELE!" Doug shouted as he sprang to his feet as seemingly went off the deep end— he and Yuina happened to be unfortunately close to that mess.

The Tapu Lele moved sharply, eyes aglow as spatial energy blasted towards them, Nature's madness rising like a barrier.

"What are you even trying to do!? Calm down!" He shouted, spreading out his arms widely, sending his healing scales everywhere once again.

He wasn't going to endure much more of this shit— he had enough of people unilaterally choosing how others lived or died for a week. Yet, here they were, choosing once again how an entire other civilization's future would go.

Why did these choices keep falling upon the single most unqualified group of people to ever exist in the multiverse?


-lost sight of the kids. crap
-fezandipiti died, and Doug just felt sad about it.
-wake up, look around, find bae
-get chained by mochi, it doesn't even matter
-chad stride to bae despite the mochi
-heal and the onion
-get almost sucker space punched by
-Tapu Lele intervenes, using Nature's Madness to contest Illeana's space punching— mostly cuz Doug and Yuina are within vicinity.
-Doug throws out every single healing scale he's got left in the tank out there, because ain't nothing dying in his immediate presence if he can help it, screw the haters
-Initially trying to consider a more complex stance on the whole thing, but with his hand forced: Mercy.

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:20:29 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Where one problem falls, another rises. By the skin of their teeth is everyone able to defeat the wardens that plagued them all for over who knows how long. But their journey didn't end here, whatever vehicle they were all in had now crash landed into a landscape all too familiar to Noel. Much like his last expedition with , the Ultra city remained decayed and broken, filled with no life save for the zombified Megalopolans that roamed this cursed place.[break][break]

After regaining his balance and stepping outside after everyone else, a scene had begun to unfold before him. One of madness, the likes of which he thought he had escaped from already. While he didn't know the full history of Cyllora's people or what they had done to deserve all this hate being thrust upon them, it was as if an execution was occurring before him, and it left a sour taste in his mouth. Was this the way things were supposed to be handled?[break][break]

"What's gotten into everyone... Stop!"[break][break]

His eyes lock with that of a Megalopolan child's just a few feet away from the commotion, their body quaking with tears streaming down their cheeks. If Cyllora were to fall, would they be next? What wort of example would everyone be making if they were all to continue on like this?[break][break]

Most heart wrenching of all however, is seeing taking part in this persecution. As the shard of Calyrex fires off its Psychic attac, Noel's Shaymin jumps in between Cyllora, Pecharunt and the move, attempting to deflect it away with a Petal Blizzard as a makeshift shield.

He turns to the Galarian princess, disappointment drawn plain and easy to read on his face.[break][break]

"I thought you were better than this."

DECISION: MERCY[break][break]
Is dumbfounded in the way everyone is quick to resort to violence.[break][break]
Protecting Cyllora, Pecharunt and the Megalopolans from everyone else.[break][break]
Upset to see Elise taking part and has Shaymin fight off the Calyrex's attack.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:31:12 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
The familiar queasiness of poison began to take its hold on Michael's body. His muscles ached, his stomach turned, and fatigue set in. Eimyrja, too, felt its effects. After landing her successful SOLAR BEAM, the poison weakened her mentally and physically. Labored breaths huffed from her mouth in small puffs of smoke. The Charmeleon's legs give way, bringing her to collapse.

Michael is quick to catch her, cradling the evolved Pokemon in his arms to keep her from hitting the floor. The Ranger winced in pain as the Toxic Chains almost strangled him and Eimyrja. Though, this time, their hold had less power than before.

He looked around, taking in the aftermath while others spoke of sparing or killing their captors and the innocent.

"They beat us," Michael finally spoke. "They tortured us, humiliated us. Made us believe we lost those we hold dear. Took their revenge upon us for our world's actions. We'd have every right to punish them for what they did."

The Ranger closed his eyes for a moment before his gaze intensifying on the Pecharunt and their puppets.

"We're better than that. Spare them. Show them we are capable of so much more."


-Blunt Force Head Trauma, bruises and scrapes mostly healed.

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
241 posts
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:42:20 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Diana felt her chains removed by none other than . It always seemed to come back to him. Her mind was still foggy, clouded by pain and poison. She could barely register the words he was speaking to her as wave after wave of pain and sickness threatened to over take her body. There were only bits and pieces she could truly pick out.


”Stubborn… rest…”

”I loved… lose you too.”

”What are you-” But the former prince was gone in an instant.

There was a thud, her body thrown to the ground with the weight of the landing in ultra space. Cyllora’s cries met her ears, but she wasn’t unable to make out with he said. What she noticed was and his cousin , standing ready to attack and kill him.

”What are you doing!” Diana exclaimed, her voice high and strained. ”You kill him, and you’re no better than what our people are suffering! There are children here! This is not the way to go about things.”

Perhaps it was in her delusion she spoke out against the Calcifets. However, in her dazed state, this was unforgivable. They were just like .

[attr="class","dianatag"] &
- delusioned/poisoned/injured
- speaks out against and voting to kill cyllora
- vote: spare cyllora
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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:59:08 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




As Tapu Koko launches its attack, Fern’s attention darts away— only for a moment, but it’s the only moment needed to shift something in their mind.[break][break]

Cyllora watches them, and Fern watches them watching. Or rather, they watch the deity as it batters at Fezandipiti with an expression that goes beyond simple marveling at the power it contains in a small body. There is a spark of recognition behind the eyes.[break][break]

And then it is gone, giving way to the demand that comes with focusing on the fall of each warden before the ship rocks and the flash of blinding light drops them all with the crashing of the confinement chamber.[break][break]

They know something.[break][break]

And for all of the fruitless endeavors that Fern has sought in the last months as to where exactly their patron came from, it is a line they desperately wish to pull on.[break][break]

The megalopolan city unfolds around them in urban sprawl, but voices around them lift in a clash of how to handle the pair that are at the root of their collective suffering. The pecharunt babbles and cries, chains lashing out again, though Fern feels little effect in them this time. In truth, they do not care what becomes of the the toxic creature, and frankly, they have little regard for the Megalopolans as well.[break][break]

“Wait—“ Their hand lifts stretching toward Tapu Koko in a gesture to stop. The electricity that dances along its shield pieces simmers and snaps, but doesn’t surge outward. It cocks a head at Fern. “They are more useful with the information they can provide.” Through the clamor of voices and attacks, they raise their own to agree with that of some of their group’s scientists. With that of .[break][break]

Though it’s nothing so merciful or benevolent. They don’t feel compassion. They simply wish to have their curiosity sated and then wash their hands of the whole thing.[break][break]

Their gaze shifts to Tapu Koko then, and they watch it with a scrutinizing stare. It does not speak to them, never with words, but still Fern asks— “Do you know them?” Looking for any trace that Tapu Koko might recognize Cyllora just the same as they had with it.


+ sees cyllora lookin at tapu koko[break]
+ fern would like to question them about that recognition, and what they know about the megalopolis[break]
+ stays tapu koko from attacking, and asks it if it recognizes cyllora too[break]
+ fern calls to spare cyllora + pecharunt (if only for selfish reasons lmaooo)[break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 3:00:57 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]The wellspring mask shatters, and with it, all of fezandipiti's beauty. Like the rest of the ugly ward's prisoners, the bird is ugly on the inside- scrambling, crawling around, trying to piece together what once had given it the power to charm others. [break][break]

Tsubaki watches, the spell on her heart broken, as the avian grasps desperately at the mask's shards for remnants of love. She can't help but look at it with pity.[break][break]

"You don't get it, do you?"[break][break]

Tsubaki speaks to it, whether her words can reach it or not. [break][break]

"Wasn't love the mask gave you. Was just the illusion of it. It was all fake, like the rest of the tera crystal's creations. Your desperation for love - your desires - were a prison you put yourself in. Now you'll die, alone and unloved."[break][break]

Tears roll down her face, like the mask the bird once wore. She turns away, as the bird's neck is snapped.[break][break]

Two days happen in the span of a minute. [break][break]

The chaos whirls around her as she's thrown, angel-clad against the ship's floor. The parasite releases her as a beam of light from ultra space hits it, and it begins to resonate in the glow. [break][break]

Baki crawls from the black ichor, skin sizzling, but still awake. [break][break]

She looks up. Watches everything, taking it in with horror on her face. [break][break]

A city covered in the veil of night, the same dark she remembers from the end of the dream devoured by the black knight. A lone megalopolan pleads for mercy. For themselves, and for the core of the toxic chain. [break][break]

She's seen what it's capable of. It's dangerous, just like any weapon in the right hands. [break][break]

But does being powerful mean you must die?[break][break]

The holder of the drake of ideals thinks so-- that must 's ideal world, a world where everyone is weak. Those who have the strength to do what they please are put to death. No trial, no chance at redemption. Judgement at the hands of a god, for daring to step out of line. That's his 'justice'.[break][break]

The black knight steals life, as he has stolen everything else. He takes, and he takes, and he takes. Now, wants even the freedom of the megalopolan general. To chain him, as he once was chained. Will his hunger ever end?[break][break]

An exemplar steps forward next, one of its storied heroes. A shining beacon for every officer in the land, bastion of hope, stands at the ready. And like every officer Tsubaki had ever met, save one, he answers a plea for mercy the same way they would always answer hers-- with abject violence, and intent to kill. [break][break]

Next is the bearer of one half of creation, . She is incensed. She is ruled by fury. The powers of creation are wielded for nothing but the act of destruction, tearing at a Rocket that dares rise against the elite four member's hatred. [break][break]

Finally, Tsubaki glimpses the councilwoman, . The woman she's placed her trust in. The woman she sees in herself. She watches, as her mentor casts her lot in with -- violence for different reasons, but violence all the same. [break][break]

Where does the distinction lie between them in the end?[break][break]

"No... stop!"[break][break]

She mutters helplessly under her breath, knowing she's powerless to do anything about it. She turns her head down, unable to watch. But before she can succumb to that helpless feeling, he catches a glimmer of red in the corner of her eye, and turns. [break][break]

, , and gather around one another and begin to forge something red. Something she recognizes from Eris's story back in the simulation. A gift bestowed by angels, to reign in the rampaging gods.[break][break]

A red chain. [break][break]

She watches as and lend their support, and the physical barriers of 's and 's Urshifu are erected to hold back the tide. Tsubaki scrambles to her feet, offering a brief glance to her Nihilego, floating amid the light cast from Ultra Space, lost in a dream.[break][break]

No. You don't deserve to die just cause people have used you.[break][break]

There's no time. [break][break]

No. You don't deserve to die just cause you've hurt others.[break][break]

No time to wake Manju, nor to grab another ball at her belt.[break][break]

No. You don't deserve to die just cause you've made mistakes.[break][break]

She runs, and hurls herself in front of the Urshifu, Cyllora, Pecharunt, and everything else, trying to shield them with her body.[break][break]

It's all she can do. [break][break]


+ @everyone[break]
+ tl;dr - tsubaki watches, disillusioned by her peers; the effort by eris, hideo, and cass (plus more) to spare cyllora and pecharunt break her out of her disillusionment, and she tries to shield the urshifu, cyllora, pecharunt, and anyone else with her body - with no concern for her own well-being


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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 3:01:40 GMT

Screaming sirens blared all around as the LOYAL THREE and their crystalline masks fell, one by one. Sensing the coming disaster, MOLTRES rushed over to sweep its mighty wings over , lessening the inevitable impact of the ship. [break][break]

Still, there was no escaping injury during a crash landing. Not unless you were , of course. [break][break]


Blood trickled from his already marred scalp as Barnaby gasped awake post-crash. Poison still coated his lungs, making every haggard breath wet and miserable. Despite this, he tried to ground himself back into the present, to take in the wreckage and the carnage, but found that his vision was blurry and unfocused. It was difficult to keep his eyelids open as he faded in and out of consciousness.[break][break]

Blink. Was that abandoning them at the very climax of this confrontation?[break][break]

Blink. CELEBI? Here? And touching hands with a young woman? But had murdered the sprite...[break][break]

Blink. Elisabeth, still alive, swathed in thorn and vine — and next to her? .[break][break]

Blink. Cyllora with a quivering Pokémon and Velmos dangling from a TOXIC CHAIN — standing before a dark ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS. The same cityscape he'd envisioned previously.[break][break]

That sight — and her pitiable plea — roused enough for him to stand. [break][break]

Cyllora may have been sincere in her appeal, but she was nothing but a puppet for the NEVER-ROT's whims. Sparing them now was a gamble he wasn't willing to make. It was reassuring to hear similar sentiments from the likes of and .[break][break]

Enough attacks were aimed Cyllora's way. Instead, Barnaby focused his efforts on sparing the TOXIC CHAINED Megalopolans and their Pokémon clones alongside .[break][break]

Barnaby can create, shape, and manipulate darkness. He can create areas of total darkness, create short-lived constructs out of darkness, and has increased mobility within this created dark.

With the last of his energy, The Infernal conjured SHADOWED WALLS to protect the Megalopolans from any cascading attacks on Cyllora and PECHARUNT and to hold them in from lashing out on their behest. MOLTRES joined in his exploits, moving to hover over the alien group and using its sinister aura to siphon energy away from them.[break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• mask is still on[break]
• poisoned 💀[break]
• bonks his head on impact [break]
• drifts in & out of consciousness for a bit[break]
MAIN ACTION: [break]

barnaby conjures shadow walls around the megalopolans to protect them & keep them contained / moltres hovers over them to siphon energy away from them



[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]

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December 25
Cascarrafa, Paldea
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
214 posts
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TAG WITH @lucia
Lucia Aldrete
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 3:45:08 GMT
Lucia Aldrete Avatar
It was all over in the blink of an eye. Lucia was by Doug and everything looked to be going well all before there was an intense shaking across the ground. She lost her footing and ended up on the ground just as a loud bang could be heard! Viscera and metallic parts flying everywhere and then...


Everlasting darkness.

She didn't know precisely where or when she was. Lucia just felt the world falling around her endlessly. There wasn't a speck of light to be seen while she fell into the abyss with the parts of the ship falling alongside her. It felt like it lasted for centuries until eventually, a light! It surrounded her entirely, engulfing her form until Lucia managed to pick herself back up on two feet with a soft groan.

"Ugh, my head..."

"H-Hello?" Lucia gazed around as they were...somewhere no Hoenn. The air here was fresh against her face, and the cool freeze slowly pushed the remnants of the mask from her face. For the first time, sweet, precious air would be inhaled. She held her head and glanced around for anybody she knew among the bodies.

"Doug?" she asked, to no reply. "Eris? Hideo!" Panic swelled up inside her before seeing the familiar shapes of her friends. Both Hideo and Eris were still caring for the AZELF found in the lake, while Doug and the Tapu Lele were facing off against the leader and the Pecharunt by her. Lucia slowly waddled closer to Doug.

But then fell onto the ground and lay still. Her spirit was spent, the past few days had been built up all to this. Her resilience had reached a breaking point and the child was thoroughly broken. The sulking started quietly, but quickly would become heavy, heaving crying. Just like in Doug's dream, the kid just looked up at the deity from Alola and her trainer, who was desperately trying to calm her down and everyone around them. People everywhere just crying, screaming, cursing.

It was all too much.

Lucia covered her ears and whimpered, trying to close out everything while wondering what was happening to her. Everything was overpowering, and she just wanted to go anywhere. Somewhere far away. She had grown tired of the fighting and prison sentence, wanting to crawl back into her hidey hole by the park in Mauville and just never getting up again.

"Augh-I wanna go home..." she sulked through reddened eyes, choosing to grant the woman Mercy.


- Oh no explosion, ahhhh!
- Lucia knocked unconscious, wakes up in Megaopolis
- Searches for friends and panics but finds them
- Tired, exhausted, and emotional, Lucia breaks down and tears up
- Wants to go home to Hoenn, doesn't care about the torture anymore

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 3:54:58 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] Hatred bleeds.

[break][break] It bleeds and bleeds and bleeds, unforgiving in its ambush, pulsing with devastating influence. Chien Pao savors the taste of the resentment it siphons from its victims, while also rippling that hatred outward, cursing others like and with its touch.

[break][break] POISON entangles around the Cursed as the sweet-infused mochi strikes him, further poisoning him and making him weak to to his patron's deadly influence.

[break][break] The Loyal Three are dead. Their captors, mangled bodies of flesh, strewn into the floor.

[break][break] But it is not enough. They are not free.

[break][break] Behind his eyes, from where they stand, there is nothing but piles of rubble and ash. Reflections of the RUINATION that has yet to come.

[break][break] Ice crystallizes around his arms and body, snapping the weak chains that are around his body. But it's only a matter of time before PECHARUNT'S influence reigns true again, wrapping him and several others in a pink-infused netting that makes it difficult to get away from.

[break][break] But even within the chains, Chien Pao's influence only burns brighter. Pain coasleces around his heart, burning blue eyes pinned onto CYLLORA. She begs and begs, but it is not enough.

[break][break] IT IS NOT ENOUGH.

[break][break] It's too late.

[break][break] Face twisted into a snarl, he steps forward. and are right — there is no point in sparing life when their own lives had been forfeit to begin with.

[break][break] "KILL HER," he agrees, a sudden burst of HATEFUL energy coalescing around him in an attempt to break his chains. His Ruinous patron leaps forward in turn, crystalline blue eyes full of greed and GRUDGE, before it's body glows with blinding light and it charges forward.

[break][break] Because how dare it think to chain them here with a LIE? How dare it think that begging would be enough to spare it's life?

[break][break] It releases a mighty roar, invoking the echoes of a thousand fallen warriors, as it weaves an icy vortex. With blinding speed, ice crystals dance through the air, slashing at the chains around them, one destined for Cyllora's heart.

[break][break] "KILL HER. AND FREE THEM."

[break][break] FREE THEM, FREE US, FREE ME.




[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden and chien pao are impowered by the HATRED in the area, siphoning from it's influence [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] using Z-MOVE (shiv approved pog) chien pao attempts to cut the chains of the megalopolans and KILL CYLLORA [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] also jayden is UNMASKED [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing