i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 22:56:06 GMT
Shred Avatar
Under the shadow of Palkia, you fall short.

For a second time.

Velmos has died. , meanwhile, is unharmed, while and her God once again stands in your way. Worse, others are forced to take her blows in your stead. Worse still, you're forced to accept her "help", no matter how much you don't want to.

And that makes you furious.

How many? How many times will fate contort itself to put you in this situation, beneath her? How many more times will the world allow the League to act with impunity, while you are damned at every turn?


Your orichalcum-stained hand clenches into a fist.

You need more power.


With that harsh snarl of warning, you spit at the Alchemist, before scrambling back. But it isn't a retreat, no more than what you're forced to make. Instead, you grab the still-warm body of Velmos, taking it with you as your warped away from Ultra Megalopolis and back "home", wherever that might be.

Better to take it with you, you think, than leave it. Better to take no chances, because the League will certainly take every chance they get. Better to know he's laid to rest, than to be left wondering...

You'll bury them. One day.

You'll bury them all.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 23:12:58 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The moment Uxie told Hideo to release the chain, he did so - just in time for Ogerpon to run in and score a homerun on the little thing he'd drawn in.

Hideo would've felt worse for it if it hadn't just attempted to attack him. Guess that Pokemon was the root of the problem.

Oh well.

His next instinct was to try and detain Cyllora, but it sounded like the Megalopolans were taking them, in spite of many attempts to kill Cyllora. Hideo wanted to voice his objections - but he could feel his body aching all over.

He was tired. He didn't have the energy to fight against the same mob that just tried to kill the Megalopolan.

And his mind was suddenly bombarded with Uxie urging him to return to Azelf. Groggily, he walked over, only to feel the sheer emotions radiating from Mesprit.

Feelings of joy.

"They're…they're alright," Hideo muttered. "Azelf's alright…"

He didn't even question the phenomena he couldn't see - he was just relieved. Uxie was as well, holding tight Azelf's other hand.

He'd finally found what he'd been looking for for so long.

Now what?

Uxie told him Azelf still needed time to rest. And now that the current problem was dealt with, it was only a matter of time until bad actors started something. They had to leave, to take Azelf somewhere safe to restore its energy. Once they had some time, he could think about what to do next.

His immediate thought was to bring Azelf to Evergrande - but that was dashed as he recalled that even there wasn't impregnable, if 's escape and return to Rocket was a sign of anything.

So his next thought was to the place where Uxie and Mesprit first joined them. The town he called his own now.

"We…we should take Azelf somewhere safe," Hideo said. "I know a safe place where they can rest." He was in an awkward spot of being unable to say exactly where, unsure if there were any unfriendly ears it might reach.

Even he was cautious of, even in spite of her Heal Pulse and kind words.

Thankfully, Uxie could help him with that. It spoke a single word in both and 's minds:


"I…I need a ten-hour shower first. Then we can get some cake…"

Or maybe not. An entire week's diet of sweet mochi had him craving some dry, salty crackers.

And he could take this mask off once he was safe. No need to protect his identity in private.

Doesn't feel bad for Pecharunt
Oh crap the adrenaline buff went out
Oh fuck yes Azelf is alive
Chooses to take Azelf to Littleroot (discussed with and 's players)
However, doesn't say so aloud: Uxie mentally tells Eris and Cass
Really wants something not-sweet to eat right now

Not yet aware that he can still use the Red Chain

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 2:22:27 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Shimmering blue morphed the landscape in the corner of Zev's eye. Turning his head, he watched as crumbled ruins assembled into prism-like skyscrapers of cool metal and bright neon. Amid the mirage of a reconstructed city, stood, orchestrating the illusion of his victory. [break][break]

Taking mental note of the Head Scientist's support, he directed his full attention to Cyllora next. They glared daggers at Zev and spat words laced with venom—but not about him. About 's shiny Tapu Koko. [break][break]

A child? The two Avatars exchanged a wordless, knowing glance. [break][break]

Fighting erupted, as inevitable as the deaths of suns. In the chaos, Velmos found freedom from the Never-Rot's Toxic Chains and subsequent sanctuary in 's arms. But Zev saw in the purpled veins upon the alien's throat that he was not for long. Using his last strength, he looked upon the Devourer with eyes wide with fear. [break][break]

"I was mistaken… No… No you… you're a… you're… a monster."

Unfortunate, Zev thought with distant apathy. More disappointed by the loss of a potential ally than disturbed by the accusation flung at him with dying breath, he watched the rest of the confrontation unfold. [break][break]

With Pecharunt sent flying and Cyllora defeated, the other Megalopolans retreated into Ultra Megalopolis. A few cast him terrified looks over their shoulders, before they disappeared into shadows cast by the bones of their precious city. [break][break]

There was nothing else to do. Palkia's rumbling roar summoned the once-imprisoned Hoennians home. Zev walked to 's side, starlight eyes lingering on the mask that obscured her face. His own crystalline form remained, his silhouette a void cut into space itself. [break][break]

"Let's go home," he said, in a low voice meant only for her ears. His shard of Necrozma ripped a wormhole into the air and slipped past its rippling edge. Seconds later, Palkia's rift engulfed him and Nenet, sending them and her Pokémon to a Mossdeep steeped in sunset reds and golds.

TAGS – prismatic penitentiary[break]
Zev's status as Necrozma Avatar is VISIBLE FOR ALL TO SEE.[break]
– Zev is FULLY ARMORED: nothing can break through his defense, and things that hit him may take damage on impact.[break]
– Silently acknowledges Nomi's support. Exchanges a knowing look with Fern upon hearing the origin of their shiny Tapu Koko and is unfazed by Velmos' accusation. Disappointed to lose an ally.[break]
– Returns home to Mossdeep with Nenet.



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 2:36:17 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


It's Over. It is done.

As is customary of Hoenn, it ends with what feels to him like abrupt anti-climax. For a moment, he's afraid they've murdered yet another person, yet another pokemon.

It is not Cyllora who dies, however— it is Velmos.

The Ever Rot is punted away, right across the horizon. Like a cartoon, never to be seen again.

As if.

Someone should go make sure the thing is...

Dead? No... Contained...?

He doesn't have the energy to do it himself, though. Isn't willing to tell others to try, either.

There are more important matters.

"Yuina..." He intones as he stumbles to his feet, feeling a familiar pressure assert itself above his head as Tapu Lele descends, settling her weight unto him.

He looks around, finding and Celebi once again.

And then he hears 's voice.

Her cries.

"Lucy...?" He mutters, spinning about, eyes swiveling before finding his fledging student. Out of everyone that didn't deserve this mess, she did not deserve it the most. "Lucy."

He goes to her— stumbling at first, before finding the strength to march, every tear spilled by the child hammering away at exhaustion and finding the will beneath.

"Lucy." He said once again as he stood before the girl, kneeling in front of her before gently wrapping his arms around her, cradling her in his arms before rising, picking her up. "You can cry now, Lucy. It's okay, no one will punish you for it..."

He turned back to look at Yuina, giving her his most tired, genuine smile as they were enveloped by Palkia's power.

"We're going home."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 2:52:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

As soon as and WO-CHIEN had left, Josh's bloodthirsty trance expired, sharp pangs of pain shooting down his left arm. He and his Raikou stumbled through ' portal, whisking him away from Ultra Space and back to... Mauville Gym's lobby.

Secretary on duty SHELLY SPIEL gasped when she came back from lunch to see the Gym Leader on the floor, his arm in a wholly unnatural position. She immediately called Hoenn's emergency number, an ambulance on the scene within minutes. As he was carried away on a stretcher, Swift disintegrated into the ash he was composed of. She was distraught. On one hand, Josh had at last hunted down Raikou and made the Beast his own. But at what cost? The cost was clearly dire, not just for himself, but for everyone working at Mauville Gym. For if the Gym Leader's recovery was complicated, he might have to close Mauville Racing Grounds.

Would he ever be able to ride again?


- Josh takes the portal back to Hoenn.
- Josh reappears at Mauville Gym, unconscious. His secretary witnesses the Sacred Ash Raikou and calls for an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Mastema       Togekiss       KO
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 3:08:28 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




in the end, the limp, lifeless body of velmos no longer concerns her.


there are, after all, bigger fish to fry.


and some seem to be of the mindset that their way home is one of those fish, mistaken as they are. she exists as the duality between creation and destruction, surely, but palkia? injured as it focuses on bringing them home safely, holding steadfast against the onslaught of sacrilege and for what? to save those responsible for the decay of their universe? to appear good in the eyes of the creator who has already sentenced us all to death?


fissures of an already fragile mind grow wider with each passing glance as mercy reigns supreme and threatens to throw her work into disarray. they bask in a pink glow - their pink glow - as each one takes the free ride home and somewhere in the brain, a sound like shattering glass echoes.


even as spits at her, singing songs of vengeance and violent promise, she casts disdain upon not just him but everyone around her. her expression rips into a snarl and she stalks forward as skitters back. a rough shove tries to knock away, pink energy tingling at her fingertips as if she means to blow him back should he not remove himself from her path. the shimmer fades after a few moments, but the air of violence remains.


"run like the rat you are."


's words, in the end, had long since fallen upon deaf ears. she no longer sees lines drawn in the sand of morals, only ripples in a vast universe speeding toward an untimely death. with the choice of mercy, she swears the dimensional wounds rip themselves back open. they feel like agony, etching themselves into the bones. it's a slow process, sure, but infuriating and maddening all the same.


and like a mantra, whispers creep in through existing cracks to assault already waning control until she can't discern what's real and what's not. everything looks worse in a pink glow, her most of all.


is left behind in favor of her joining her patron's side, of brushing shaking hands across its injured scales. there, she whispers her own violent promises, eyes hardened despite the disconnect between reality and paranoia.


"the universe remembers."


and so too does its alchemist.


she raises a hand as if she intends to cut off their means of transportation for their transgressions, but the pink claws of energy on her fingertips never scratch the surface. they bubble, hiss, and fade with the promise of another time... another war.


her body dissipates once through the portal and the healing process of her patron begins when she steps out onto the other side. as late hours tick into days, her resentment festers and grows like an infected wound.

tldr |[break]
- grr grr [break]
- will remember this choice, the attacks, & the divides... smile? [break]
- unraveling continues [break]
- back to lilycove we go



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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 3:24:56 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Andrew's joy of watching his Metagross attack the Pecharunt soon turned to disgust and horror, as his Metagross was put to sleep. Andrew looked over to the perpetrator, , and her Meloetta Shard. The streamer flashed her the king of dirty looks.

"What the fuck are you doing, you crazy fuckin' bitch!?", Andrew yelled.

Furthering his horror was the fact that several more people opted to spare the Megalopolan General, and the living peach. "Are you motherfuckers stupid, or some shit!? They're gonna come back, and fuck us again!!! What the fuck is wrong with you fuckin' people!?", Andrew screamed at those who opted for mercy.

Unfortunately, it was all for nothing, as the Megalopolans dragged Cyllora off. Pecharunt was launched somewhere into the city, potentially ready to cause trouble in the future.

All Andrew could do was to recall his slumbering Metagross.

Upon being sent home by Palkia, Andrew was back in his apartment. Exhaustion and pain began to set in, as adrenaline wore off. With what little energy he had left, Andrew removed the remains of his prison uniform, sliding back into the boxers he was stripped out of. The man then limped over to his fridge, pulling out a bottle of liquor.

Andrew guzzled down the alcohol, before stumbling back to his bed, and falling on it. Several days of rest followed, as he rested off his injuries.

Yells at Melody
Starts insulting those calling for mercy
Gets sent home
Switches prison clothes for his boxers
Starts getting wasted
Passes out in his bed

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
532 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 7:37:44 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
The teen breathes a sigh of relief as doesn't move after the disappearing figure of Cyllora, vanishing amongst the other Megalopolans. (And isn't that it, in the end, how evil is plain ...) "We'll get loads of it!"

And then.

Cass didn't think herself capable of quickly cycling through emotions in that near-death exhaustion state, but seeing Azelf alive fills her with a variety. Joy, then another 'bout of anger (what did she go through all stages of grief for!!), then embarrassment, which all becomes a big complicated soup of just relief. Whatever else comes, at least this trio will be together to face it again.

She nods at 's words, pensive. (She really hopes he doesn't think of Ever Grande ... her trust in the League as weak as ever.)


Cass does her best not to widen her eyes at the sudden voice - Uxie? - speaking in her mind, but does glance at - surely, she also got that, right? It's obvious Hideo doesn't want to speak about it here, so she just nods, both in agreement to Hideo's comment about needing a 10 hour shower and the location. "A shower sounds really good ... ..." She touches her hair and doesn't even want to think on the state of it. It's ... no, she refuses.

"Let's get home now."

She nods to her pokémon, who start moving. Effie and Saude do not need clear instructions, as they flurry and fly around, trying to aid in keeping Azelf concealed to even the smallest degree. No need to make a fuss now. She smiles at the two as she departs, readily walking through the pink rift without any further thought left in her brain.

And as soon as she sees the familiar scenery of Petalburg's streets, the last bits of energy leave her. She collapses - her fall only cushioned by her pokémon who quickly move to catch her before she hits the hard ground. However, they're not quite strong enough to move her, even with combined efforts ... Saude would speed away to their home, finally home, banging against 's window to get her attention. She'd hopefully recognise the little electric flying squirrel as one of Cass' pokémon and go pick up her girl. In the streets, she'd find Cass amongst her pokémon, with Martin spreading Aromatherapy and Floral Healing to ease away the injuries - bruises and scratches, unkept hair and clothes. A shoulder wound starting to look real bad. And purple stains on her arms and hands, even if the rest of her skin returned to a (slightly sickly) normal colour.

But above all - she's breathing.

tl;dr epilogue - cass' exit!
- ettie interaction
- cass finally realising azelf is actually alive (goes thru all stages of grief in reverse)
- agrees with littleroot, but doesn't say as well; makes some light chat
- fletchinder & emolga try to fly some distraction to conceal azelf
- go through the rift to return home to petalburg - alas doesn't end up in bed, collapses in the streets
- emolga flies to fetch calpurnia to pick cass up
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 8:00:08 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]The incoming foot traffic makes her look up, briefly lock gazes with as she gives a feeble nod. Uxie's message is heard loud and clear, but she holds her tongue in favour of the wolf child getting a little close for comfort.[break][break]

"Thank you, Ettie." A shaky breath. She suppresses that feeling to pull away as Azelf falls back into a peaceful slumber.[break][break]

"Guess there's a lot to be done..."[break][break]

A tail wraps under her arms, gently helping her back to her feet. And Reiner will waste no time in pulling Eris onto his back, offering the same kindness if he so much as needed help. After all, the faster they get moving, the faster they can get out of this hell and attempt to resume their normal lives.[break][break]

Looking to , Eris smiles weakly, with all the remaining strength she possibly has in her body.[break][break]

"I'll see you at home later, yeah?"[break][break]

And with that, the group begins to move, onwards to Littleroot with plans of sanctuary brewing in mind.
[attr="class","nikki103"]fucked up
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: free ed.[break]
✦ thank u ettie[break]
✦ knowing look to cass[break]
✦ reiner carrying her and azelf on his back, offers to carry too[break]
✦ onwards to littleroot, there's WORK TO BE DONE


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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 9:45:05 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Mercy had won and Johanna could finally know peace. She knew the peace would be short-lived. People were bound to hate her for the stance she had taken. Not all saw the righteousness of second chances.

She would not judge them for their shortsightedness, no she leaned against the fact she would simply have to show them the right path. Though she may stumble and waver and maybe even lose sight of the balance of forgiveness at times. She knew she would simply have to forgive herself such failures in the grander scheme of things.

(Parasyte - Next to you.)

She felt her injuries catching up, her vision blurring. She would not stay upright much longer. But there was still one thing she had to do. With weak steps helped forward by Claydol and Gengar she walked into the pink portal with one single thought in her head.

Take me home to

- Johanna is going home.

- INJURIES: Several STEALTH ROCK's embedded in her back like knives. (Using Gengar to keep herself upright standing)

Punished Pokemon:


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 13:48:26 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> FREEDOM![break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ Nomi feels a sense of overwhelming dejection as Velmos dies: maybe was right, and unification is impossible. The seeds of doubt have been sowed...[break][break]✦ Rejects Palkia's ride home and teleports into the Unown Dimension instead, to have sad girl times before returning to Hoenn[break][break]✦ THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME RAID SHIV <3

A vision of the future shone within the sparkling blue crystal scaffolding of the temporarily reborn Ultra Megalopolis: League and Rocket united, standing with the Megalopolians against a common foe. Nisa Holo, bleeding and broken, at the feet of Necrozma in all its terrible glory. Arceus, exposed, all of its machinations brought to light for Nomi and her people to finally contend with.[break][break]
And then Velmos died.[break][break]
, who should have been her ally, had set off the chain reaction of short-sighted fury, and to her horror, , who should have been her ally, had followed suit.[break][break]
Palkia's chosen ought to know better! Weren't Alchemists just another type of Visionary? Couldn't she see why this mattered?[break][break]
was right to doubt, a small voice hissed in the back of her mind. She looked around for Howard, but could not find him in the crowd. Maybe he'd never been there at all.[break][break]
Nomi hung her head. Her arms dropped to her sides, shoulders slumping. What was the point? A part of her mind, petulant in its stubborn refusal to give up, tried to argue that Cyllora's life could be traded for Velmos's. A new leader, one they could work with instead. Too far gone, that same insidious, uncertain voice murmured. Cyllora is out of reach now.[break][break]
"Wait - " she tried to call out to the Megalopolians, voice feeble. They were already retreating with the cloned Pokemon, deeper into the darkness of their ruined city. They will die in there, she thought, dejected. Fate was simply too cruel for any other outcome.[break][break]
People around her were rushing to Palkia, taking advantage of the spatial tear it had created: a sure way home. But Nomi turned her back on the divine dragon, and began walking away. After a moment, she blinked into the Unown Dimension, where the silence was deafening. All around her the Unown pulsed and danced, a familiar comfort.[break][break]
She sat amidst the endless cosmos, curled her knees into her chest, closed her eyes, and sobbed.[break][break]



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POSTED ON May 31, 2024 16:41:07 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



with velmos wrapped in binds and held in the underboss' arms, team rocket could almost taste victory to come at their continued alliance with the megalopolans. but it is not meant to be; the scales of war tip away from them as intervenes.[break][break]


where fear leaves velmos' body, hate enters his, empowered by similar tones he'd felt with many months ago.[break][break]

but it is not the elite four that has earned it; it is the monster that stands beside them, towering oppressively.[break][break]

theo had been right.[break][break]

is a monster.[break][break]


some time after their return to hoenn, when theo has returned into the quiet of his home, he reflects on all that has happened and all he has felt. despair, helplessness, hope, pride, anger, fear. anything and everything.[break][break]

he knows, by the end of it, that he must make sacrifices to achieve his deepest desires. to control their avatars, not only does he have to understand them better, but perhaps he has to sell his soul the same way they had. only time will tell.[break][break]

for now, war begins.

ugly ward[break]
. left arm broken[break]
. theo cradles velmos[break]
. theo angry at greyson[break]
. theo thinks zev a monster[break]
. theo passes velmos body to shred to take back to hoenn[break]
. theo thinkies about future


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 17:45:40 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The red chain gambit was working, with significant progress being made as Oscar crawled toward the would-be captors of the Never rot. Soon Oscar would be within a few feet of the squirming fruit, it was nearly within his grasp. His eyes went wild as victory neared, the possibility of his desires being fulfilled fueling his ailing body.

Then the fucking green thing grand slammed it into oblivion.

Oscar lay frozen, reaching for something that was no longer there. The Never rot had been launched with a blow so powerful, that it had likely gone a distance undocumented by megalopian scholars. He collapsed, pressing his face into the pavement and letting out a pained groan. With the last of his energy he would turn over on his back, looking up at the Ultra Space sky. Once again his selflessness had let him down.

Abner had taken a great deal of punishment as he protected his charges, but not quite as much punishment as 's Urshifu. Its endurance was admirable, and working alongside such a powerful being filled Abner with a bizarre sense of pride. Not for himself, but for his species. As the battle ended, a bleeding Abner would turn to his fellow wounded warrior, his expression hardened by instinctual disdain. Yet he would not act with malice, instead offering the warrior his hand--to help it up, to shake, to slap away, it did not matter. The gesture itself was a rare signal of respect from a normally stoic being. It should be relished while it lasts, for the next time they meet these Urshifu shall clash on the field of battle. And it will be glorious.

Once the moment had concluded, Abner would limp over to his master, kneeling down to check his vitals. Oscar did not react as Abner's claws checked his pulse, instead choosing to continue to stare up at the alien sky. He felt so foolish, so defeated. Yes his freedom had been earned, but Oscar's body and spirit had been crushed in the process. The thing that stuck with him most, beyond the coursing poison and persistent internal bleeding, was that stolen feeling of satisfaction.

He felt it when he saw his desires fulfilled through the mask, and then again when he realized that the Never rot could grant him what he wanted. Yet it was all an illusion, orchestrated by powers beyond his control. He was never in control...

Oscar went into auto pilot, struggling to raise himself on his own. Perhaps he had help, perhaps he did not, all he knew was that eventually he would find himself resting in a private hospital bed within his office. How did he get here? How long had he been in this bed? IVs were purging the poison from his system, and morphine was numbing the pain of his wounded body. Oscar just stared forward, the same vision playing again and again in his mind: Him standing upon a tower, looking over a shattered Hoenn. Details began to change over time; the Rocket airships lost their affiliation, instead bearing the logo of Infinity Industries. The toxic chain he used to supposedly achieve victory disappeared. He would require neither Rocket nor the Never rot to achieve his dream of domination. In time the answers became all too clear: He only needed himself.

--Oscar is a grumpy gus
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POSTED ON May 31, 2024 18:03:22 GMT



THE BATTLE DOES NOT DISSIPATE JUST BECAUSE A COMBATANT IS DISARMED. for there are still enemies amidst them. in another timeline, fernando would have rallied himself for a second offensive. to attack obvious rockets and run through anyone in his way.

if it was him.

a knowing glance looks back at her. at the person he knows she’s not. a frown surfaces from beyond the backdrop of their portal home.

are you okay?

he doesn’t voice it in front of others. instead, a single syllable will have to convey his turbulent heart.



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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 18:21:41 GMT
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Exhaustion was hitting her, but she refused to sit down. This was always the worst part, right after the big danger was dealt with for the time being, yet things remained tense all the same. Another small-scale war could break out at any moment, she felt. The Megalopans had so far cleared the board to an extent, but what had transpired had also shuffled things around to an uncomfortable degree. It was always bad enough for exhausted Rocket and League trying to disengage after a crisis had subsided, but today – whatever that currently meant – it was not that easy, either.[break][break]
There were Leaguers out for blood and Rockets willing to seek peace, allies turning on one another to stop the other’s preferred course of action. It just wasn’t as simple today as it was before. Hence, she did not allow herself to give in to her exhaustion at all as she recovered and recalled her Pokemon and observed the situation. Vio stuck close to Elaine because that was rather prudent. They both had the same-ish outlook and she did not want to engage anyone else right then. Not Rocket, since her cover was still intact, and not one of the others she knew here. Those guys were busy enough with their own matters. Even that cellmate of hers that she still barely knew only got herself a nod while things wound down.
Eventually though, it seemed like the fighting was finally over. Elaine seemed to think so at least, announcing her departure. “I…guess,” she replied, though she was not quite certain she felt the same way. Honestly, she did not want to go straight to headquarters after this, she needed rest.[break][break]
But…how could she find rest at home after being abducted like this? Sure, she got into the embrace, wincing a bit from her injured ribs, but it took a lot of effort for her to play nice, so to say. “I will, for sure. Just recover well first, yes?” Once more, she was doing that thing where she pretended to be more fine than she was for the sake of another. Or maybe it was just because she would feel too vulnerable if she actually said anything.
Honestly, Vio did not know. But she did know that she wanted to leave this place, so she made for the portal regardless. She figured it would get her to safety. Where exactly, that she did not know. But she did not care. There wasn’t really a specific place she wanted to be. She just kind of…did not want to be alone, really.
Hence, when she went through that, it would decidedly fulfill that wish, at least.



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